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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 208x242, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9699408 No.9699408 [Reply] [Original]

legit how many of you are 250+ lbs

>> No.9699418

240 6' 4" so almost

>> No.9699420

105lbs here

>> No.9699422

150lb 5' 11' here. Been trying to break 160 while weight lifting, wish I knew how the fatties do it.

>> No.9699424

312 checking in can run a mile in just over 7 mins

>> No.9699425

6’3 260 need to drop about 50 lol...

>> No.9699435

I weigh over 9000 pounds AMA

>> No.9699440

252 6'1" and can squat LMAO 4 plates.
I carry my weight well.

>> No.9699446

I'm 106kg 185cm

>> No.9699451

>using 3rd world metrics

>> No.9699455
File: 92 KB, 620x542, 1471246017188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am almost exactly in the same boat. Haven't broken 160 even with weightlifting in a year. Same height, just can't bring myself to stomach that much food I guess.

>> No.9699463

Soy boys who can't eat.

>> No.9699465

5' 8''
160 lbs

I legitimately don't understand how one can get fat. I have never been close to overweight in my 25 years. I'd rather be short and fit then 6'0'' and 250 lbs.

>> No.9699473
File: 15 KB, 225x188, kicksand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short and fit
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.9699489


I got fat when I worked in an office, did no exercise, drank beer all night every night, and didn't give a fuck what I ate unless it tasted it good. At my worst I was 6'1" 265 lbs. I started hating what I saw in pics of myself so I turned it around and now I'm 210 lbs and /fit/ but still have probably 20 more pounds of fat to lose.

>> No.9699492
File: 53 KB, 564x428, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking tired of you lanklets posting about not being able to gain weight. Watch this video and don't ever post about this again.

>> No.9699520

Yep same story here. The office life gets most people when they first start. You sit all day but you’re mentally tired so you don’t make yourself exercise. Add to that all the lunches with coworkers and it adds up quickly

>> No.9699531

5'8 295

You all need to step it up tbqh

>> No.9699555

I'm at like 102 lbs right now. I'm about 5 ft.

>> No.9699573
File: 936 KB, 1200x800, 59c5d224-6221-4cc5-8f8a-bf2571a58aab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about 250, give or take 10 pounds. So what of it, fagget?

>> No.9699578

I'm 269 but I've been exercising and not drinking soda so I've lost like 15 lbs so far

>> No.9699584

5'11" 185 lbs
Lost 10 lbs over the last few months, trying to put some muscle back on.

>> No.9699596

5'11" 220 but I'm pretty jacked

>> No.9699598

310 here

>> No.9699601
File: 19 KB, 184x184, 1509345947400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinnyfat alcoholic 2bh

>> No.9699613

6'6" and 380 pounds here.

>> No.9699622


>> No.9699632

5'10" and about 200, up from 185lbs one year ago due to massive drinking, snacking and literally sitting down shitposting for the entire year.

>> No.9699636

231lbs and 6'1. I look like shit at the moment. I've become fat as fuck over the last year. I have about 4 pieces of clothing that actually fit me. And only one pair of jeans. I can't bring myself to buy new clothes that I could only wear fat though. Just need to lose the fucking weight.

>> No.9699645

I'm 5'11 and I'm 160 lbs just eat 2100-2200 calories a day

>> No.9699663

5’ 7.5”
I hate exercise and eating salads
I used to have an active job but not anymore

>> No.9699665

Fuck you. I'll crush you with one hand.

>> No.9699676

yeah hard on the feels to go from 34" waist to 36" or even 38"

>> No.9699679


lol pudding boy

you jiggle when u walk

>> No.9699694


6'4 235ish

working out more and no longer drinking 8+ beers a day so hoping to thin out some

>> No.9699717

Think I'm doing okay, 190 and 5'6", hoping to gain a few inches with daily stretches, so I don't get to obese BMI terrortory

>> No.9699744

I know that feeling. At my worst I was 6'1" 320 lbs. My football weight was around 280. I came all the way down to 220. But since I started dating my girlfriend I've been eating like shit and haven't been playing sports or exercising at all so I went back up to like 260-270. I physically feel fatter and out of shape.

>> No.9699745

I was 305 pounds like three years ago and 250 two years ago.
I'm 180 now

>> No.9699786

Biggest was 5'11" 330. I broke both my legs and fucked up my back in a car wreck years ago and just resigned to killing myself. Either slowly with food or some night with a pistol when I was black out drunk. Now I'm getting my life back together and I'm under 300 again though not sure by how much.

>> No.9699792
File: 1.95 MB, 858x1973, fatfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presently 36" is that touch too small but 38" is too big.
Most of my clothes are 32". :|
If I try and put on my jeans aside from this baggy pair from god knows when trying to squeeze into them seems more difficult than bending spoons with my mind.
It's a sobering experience to pull out some clothes and see how much I've let myself go. Here's an example.

>> No.9699798

I weight lift like a motherfucker, but I've never broken 165. 5'9 manlet

>> No.9699808

you're not in terrible shape, if you started lifting you could get into good shape pretty quickly nohomo

>> No.9699817

congrats m8!

>> No.9699828

6'1" 165. Fucking rib city in this bitch. Arms are cannons tgo.

>> No.9699834

I've got reasonably broad shoulders so that hides it a bit. I don't look at all good naked. I've always been able to drop a gain weight very fast so if I can get my lazy ass back into a routine I'll be okay in a few months. I've just really let myself go with booze and junk food over the last year. Can't remember the last time I lifted. It would be nice to get back into most of my clothes and not look awful.

>> No.9699835

6 foot 140 pounds we bulking

>> No.9699836

5'7" 100 pounds

>> No.9699845

6'3" 195 pounds

>> No.9699850

Anon. You have cancer

>> No.9699851

God I hope so

>> No.9699872

5’4 210lbs

>> No.9699885

i can still fit imto most of my 34s but theyre tight. similar body type though, but ive been lifting a little more.

iktf about the booze. i just cant say no on the weekend

>> No.9699912

At my worst, I was almost 250. 5'6" so it looked really bad on me. Now I'm down to 175 but I need to get down to around 145.

>> No.9699920


>> No.9699924


>> No.9699945
File: 76 KB, 960x717, bigfatguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it might as well facefag. I'm the guy who went from 265 to 210. Maybe I can get some cheap mires out of posting pics.

First is the 265 pic. I'm on the left looking totally ridiculous.

>> No.9699952

Nice haircut, dick.

>> No.9699954

this is starting off strong bro

>> No.9699959
File: 957 KB, 2560x1440, 20171114_150101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here is me today.

>> No.9699965


It was windy.

>> No.9699966

holy shit you look like a ripped Brendan Fraser

>> No.9699980

It's amazing how much better people look after weight loss. You look like a totally different person.

>> No.9699994

192 pounds

How much weight should I lose?

>> No.9699996


Thanks I think. Really only been seriously lifting for a month and a half. The future is looking pretty good though I hope.

>> No.9700024

5'11" 194lb here. I cant lose any weight. Been this way for years. Im not fat, but I seem to have this evenly distributed layer of fat over my muscles. I regularly hike, lift, and do kendo. I guess I dont eat so great but I avoid french fries and sodas, Im asian so I eat lots of hearty asian dishes. Idk women say I look manly but I think itll become a problem as I cross my 30s

>> No.9700226


Damn chud to stud. congrats

>> No.9700319


None, go to the gym, get bigger. For real, your not a manlet.

>> No.9700325

Hmm... that's kind of hot

>> No.9700338

170 lb / 78 kg

>> No.9700340

This poster is a liar because I am the same weight and can barely hold a sprint for more than 3 minutes.

>> No.9700347

Anyone here in the 250kg club?

>> No.9700348

5'1" and 105 lbs.

>> No.9700352

My homies, 105 at 5'4" right here.

>> No.9700355


>> No.9700394

i'm a 5'4 female, 116 pounds :D

>> No.9700401

I bet you look good enough to eat. ahaha

>> No.9700407
File: 64 KB, 556x527, 94f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dude, why?

>> No.9700418

Would you ever let a man drink your menstrual discharge?

You sound like you have an attractive build. I’d like to freeze your period blood into popsicle molds and have period pops

>> No.9700428

i actually don't get my period, not for a good 5 years because i have the birth control implant in my arm and i haven't had a period since. but if i did have it you are welcome to it.

>> No.9700431

>every fat subhuman uses OBESSED metrics
geee wonder why

>> No.9700437

Thanks bubba but I'm married, smoke and am an alcoholic

>> No.9700455

Immediately turned off from you. Be gone

>> No.9700463
File: 74 KB, 737x758, 1446974391382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2 ~350lbs
Was ~370lbs earlier this year.
Past couple of months I've been going up and down because I'm half-assing my calorie counting.

>> No.9700467

300 here. I've been cooking from scratch a lot more than I used to. Gained a lot of weight from Seroquel.

>> No.9700474
File: 40 KB, 640x427, mgmt-little-dark-age-video-1508257515-640x427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 324
The scale makes me feel strange
Jt know that if you lie
The number doesn't go away
If you get up for bed
And go looking for
A midnight snack
Foods like crack
All the sage
My little fat age.

>> No.9700498
File: 1.98 MB, 250x187, 1442962286621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucker saying I have to eat 8 meals a day. That's fucking ridiculous. I'd be broke in 10 seconds flat. Not to mention I'd become a lardass because I only go to the gym 2-3 days a week.

>> No.9700503

6'5" 330lbs

fuck dude, i was on seroquel for a while. had to switch to abilify and then saphris because i was like a zombie and i gained a shit ton of weight

>> No.9700507

5'11 213 here. gained literally 50 lbs since quitting heroin, makes it hard not to hate myself

>> No.9700514
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20171115_002358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I weigh 130 pounds
I'm 6 foot 3

I'm a skeleton

>> No.9700527
File: 441 KB, 1226x1500, 1491286759029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was 250
got down to 135
lots of skin that made it feel not worth it even thought i worked out alot. started drinking, now alcoholic
back to 200.

>> No.9700528

I find that working from home helped me lose a shit load of weight in the last 3 or 4 years. I'm down 90 lbs from my highest weight of 275 (6'1").
I have replaced food addiction with work addiction. I doubled my workload and just work and chew gum for 13 hours a day 6 days a week.

>> No.9700533
File: 62 KB, 705x393, Johnny angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not 500 pounds
>>This is bullshit
>Im not 500 pounds
>I am not!
>Oh hi ronald.

>> No.9700536


>> No.9700538

200 is a good weight man just focus on cultivating mooscles

unless youre a manlet

>> No.9700541
File: 3.78 MB, 4032x3024, 1510734762853346401698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 5 and 235.

>> No.9700545

You're supposed to eat 8 meals a day if you want to be a bodybuilder dummy, not if you're a regular dude

>> No.9700548


>> No.9700552

I have a bad case of sonder, please tell me where you were at the exact moment of this picture so I could sit in silence and sip on a pepsi while I conten tly look around the room and hide a random boner by crossing my legs.

>> No.9700557

What the fuck bitches need body horror surgery Just So They Can Get More Dick? Kys.

>> No.9700574

Out of curiosity, did you not know about this before?

>> No.9700589

6'0" and 228. I was down to 218 last year but last winter fucking ruined me then I hurt my sciatic nerve and that put me off exercise for almost a month. I was back down to 225 at that point too. Shitsux but I'm back on the path. Target weight is 210.

>> No.9700590

For reals dog?

>> No.9700617

/fit/ ---> /fasting general/

>> No.9700620

Post feet.

>> No.9700640

Fasting is a meme unless done right. A clean fast, ie 24 hours if you're a healthy weight is fine. People that fast for days on end do nothing but hurt their body. It slows your metabolism down and breaks down any muscle you have. When you finally eat again you will most likely over eat and the cycle will repeat. If you want to lose weight, calculate your TDEE, eat 500 calories under it. Don't cheat on your calorie counting. Input every single calorie and overestimate how many you ate. 3 days of cardio 20 minutes per. Eat clean. If you're trying to lose weight and try to "treat" yourself with junk food, it will be extremely easy to go back to being a fatass. You already know you have no control, so why tempt it?

>> No.9700651

Google convert : 113,398 KG.

Nope, I'm nowhere near that.

>> No.9700652

5'11 290lbs. I stand all day for work and I have vericose veins at 23.

>> No.9700670

290 6'0

I'll probably try to lose weight soon, but I'm too lazy.

>> No.9700671

160kilos and 180cm.

It's weird though, when I see americans of this weight and height, they look twice my mass.
They all have problem walking, can't squat etc.

Is this some sort of thing? Different amounts of volume in the fat?
I'm not muscular at all.

>> No.9700673

No. Extended fasting changed my life. It is healthy, it has improved my health immeasurably. It resets your immune system, reduces inflammation, resets your appetite and palate, shrinks your stomach, builds willpower, improves insulin sensitivity, and finally induces autophagy which has a billion other benefits in its own right.

Don't talk about something you know nothing about. I have lost 35kg water fasting and intermittent fasting. It has changed my life for the better, and its so much easier than CICO.

>> No.9700679

It's just different body types and areas where people live. Some have fat in the right places because they need it because it's cold as fuck, but if you live in some consistently warm climate the fat will just be placed all willy nilly.

>> No.9700688

It also boosts your HGH by like 300% a few days into a fast - one of the autophagy benefits. It replaces all of your digestive bacteria as well iirc.The appetite/palete reset occcurs when it normalizes your ghrelin levels.

It reduces hypertension like nothing else, and it can also totally reverse diabetes in most sufferers which is incredible in itself.

>> No.9700689
File: 14 KB, 300x250, 1226257670587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


266 pounds

6 ' 2"

>>>>> down from 312 lbs.

>> No.9700691

It also brought my dog back to life and increased my income by about $8000 a year.

>> No.9700693

>he doesn't get the benefits of water fasting at least a few days a month

>> No.9700694

Got a source for all that bs? Because every study I have researched on water fasting has shown adverse effects that do long term damage to your organs. Your stomach acid also begins to eat away at the mucus wall lining your stomach which will over time produce ulcers.

>> No.9700704

/fit/ ---> fasting general has a pile of links, but I'll spoonfeed your retarded arse.



>> No.9700717

I love how what you linked lined up with what I said before about how clean short fasts are fine.>>9700640
And how I clearly said that people that fast for longer periods are damaging their bodies.

>> No.9700721

But it doesn't 'line up' with that false claim. Stay retarded.

>> No.9700724


september 30th, i was 262lb at 5'9, I'm now 204lb, recently just broke a 43 day water fast.

I intend never to get that high again

>> No.9700726

good work anon.

>> No.9700731
File: 44 KB, 960x540, 1487023815690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you're not a slave to emergency functions like that right? When you plan on fasting, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR, mine gave me omeprazole which controls my stomach acid and allows for healthy fasting.

>> No.9700736
File: 251 KB, 1024x683, 10396141996_38a32a812a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please eat more

>> No.9700737


>It slows your metabolism down and breaks down any muscle you have.

Wrong, metabolism actually increases at start of a fast and slowly decreases as the length increases.

Muscle wasting is prevented via increased HGH levels.

Overeating can happen with any diet, you just have to have self control, it's not hard.

Stop talking about fasting when you clearly haven't researched it, you only make yourself look uneducated and asinine.

>> No.9700740

171cm, 69kg

>> No.9700744

>43 day water fast
I've always wondered the most efficient way to dismantle a normal Krebs cycle.

>> No.9700745

Stay oblivious to all the studies that show prolonged fasting is extremely bad for you. But I guess you have your agenda you need to shill everywhere. Wouldn't surprise me if you're from /pol/ as well

>> No.9700750

Or you can. you know... Just eat 500 calories under your TDEE every day for a healthy weight loss. But go ahead and starve yourself for days on end for fast results if it makes you feel better. Never gonna make it.

>> No.9700755

Can you euro fags not use "," as a "." because it make it look like one hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and ninety eight. As opposed to a decimal point.

>> No.9700757

What in the hell is up with that chest?

>> No.9700758

Fasting isn't just about losing weight, it has life extending effects.

>> No.9700760

Feel free to link said studies.

You claimed 'long term fasting does nothing but hurt the body' and followed up with some retarded broscience about metabolism and muscle. You got btfo and moved goal posts after receiving source, now you're whinging about 'organ damage'.

Utterly booty blasted, wouldn't surprise me if you're a womyn, a nigger or a numale.

>> No.9700764

Or you can get all the benefits of fasting and also maintain a caloric deficit, while having healthy weight loss. I have made it.

>> No.9700766

5'11" 255 lbs

>> No.9700776

You linked 2 videos from (((youtube))) as your source. I asked for evidence. What you posted what "bro science." Like I said in my original post. Short clean fasting is fine and does provide health benefits. I used the 5-2 fast before where you eat your tdee for 5 days then 25% of it for 2 days. That is a safe fast. Water fasts for prolonged periods are not healthy. I don't mean doing short fasts for a prolonged period, which is what I am sure you think I meant. I mean fasting without breaks for long periods of time.

>> No.9700777

I'm 6'5 and weigh 215, sometimes feel average weight, sometimes feel overweight, sometimes feel underweight. Really don't know, I think I have issues, used to be the chubby big kid during school.

>> No.9700782

Can you provide any studies showing prolonged fasting (not prolonged caloric restriction, prolonged periods without eating anything except minerals or a multivitamin) is "extremely bad for you"

I'll help you out, they don't exist.

>> No.9700784

Fat manboobs compressed under a shirt 2-3 sizes too small? I dunno. How do you mean?

>> No.9700787

>People that fast for days on end do nothing but hurt their body.

Don't lie, this was your original statement that you got called out on. Now multiple day fasts are fine by you? Fucking retaaaard.

>don't fast if you have massive health problems or a pregnant
>Literally nothing

Are you trolling now that you got btfo? Neither of those contain anything to suggest that long term fasting is a health hazard for people without very specific health conditions.

One of the sources was a doctor and the other a youtuber with sources to about 10 studies in the description

>> No.9700794

im getting there
been downward spiral for a while, got weighed at like 248
just went to the gym though, and planning on trying to eat right, problem is anxiety and overeating due to anxiety so its complicated and not as simple as "just dont do it" like ill leave at 3 am to get 30$ worth of snacks from wawa every couple days and i always constantly need to be stuffing my face

>> No.9700801

250+ here
Stopped caring a long time ago, my decade long opiate habit doesn't help either

>> No.9700804

Eat some broccoli bruv

>> No.9700807


>> No.9700814

Have you tried reliable sources instead?

>> No.9700820
File: 69 KB, 487x960, 1510242397198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stopped caring a long time ago
You didn't though.

Hahaha imagine not being able to find a single study to back up your retarded claims.

Hear ye hear ye, all fats great and small (but still fat) /fit/ /fasting general/ is your friend and can safely and relatively easily help you lose fat, while providing a myriad of other health benefits.




>> No.9700822
File: 63 KB, 649x1000, 1509407788963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People that fast for days on end do nothing but hurt their body.

>> No.9700840

it's just a feefee display you have to show us today it seems. predictable and sad.

>> No.9700843

>half the sources are lunatics on youtube
>the rest is vague cherry picked articles to feel better
There's a reason /fit/ has the youngest age demo of the site, when you grow up and learn, you stop that whole cult of stupidity.

>> No.9700846
File: 1.76 MB, 400x206, 1508270069945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People that fast for days on end do nothing but hurt their body.

Its okay anon, you're anonymous here. Nobody outside this thread knows it was you.

>> No.9700850

I haven't posted any articles ITT.

One of the youtubers posts studies backing up his claims in all of his videos descriptions, and the other is a doctor who has had many examples of clinical success with treating obesity and diabetes, and has an extensive knowledge of the other benefits.

In the end retards will believe what they want to believe, and will reject without attempting to research ideas that they don't like.

>> No.9700851
File: 3.26 MB, 4032x3024, 1510743237460381162942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the break room of the factory I work at in rural new england.

>> No.9700861


i used to wish i was taller (5'8 5'9 at best) but i realised im taller than most people in my town so it's no worries. shorties dont go to europe or you'll feel like a dwarf haha

>> No.9700916

post feet

>> No.9700955

no you gay cunt

>> No.9700960

butthole then

>> No.9700961

280 at 6'2 but more built like a brick shithouse than a pudgy fat peice of shit

>> No.9700962

6'2", recently jumped up to 210
Hoping to cut back to 180 over the next little while to make up for my horrible mistakes

>> No.9700967


i cant imagine getting this assblasted about being proven wrong lmao.

>> No.9700994

i was 249lbs 2.5 years ago but i have been slowly losing weight, currently sitting at about 202. I lost is all with the 5:2 diet

>> No.9701007
File: 23 KB, 445x361, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1490660972378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>280, not fat as fuck or pudgy
Yeah, ok. Keep telling yourself that fatso. Republicans are the party that best serves the interest of the middle class too. Fucking shitbrained degenerate.

>> No.9701012

>Republicans are the party that best serves the interest of the middle class too.

But that's true

>> No.9701016


most fat people confuse their weight for muscle.

you are morbidly obese, you are not built like the rock.

>> No.9701018

>Republicans are the party that best serves the interest of the middle class too

You mean the middle class' interests in becoming mindless consuming fat bots that can't rebel? Because both parties support that wholeheartedly. Unless you think the pubs are any better at brainwashing Americans.

>> No.9701025

Everyone looks ridiculous here

>> No.9701027
File: 58 KB, 396x594, Christophe+Lemaitre+13th+IAAF+World+Athletics+UobU4987hnXl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pic related is a 6'3 runner, has very low body fat and is 165lb.

you are not built at 280.

>> No.9701029

They'll go under the knife for all sorts of pointless cosmetic surgeries. A lot of which produce comical results. And you're surprised they'll do it for some dick?

>> No.9701031

>links YouTube

I hate brainlets, post peer reviewed publications or get list.

>> No.9701039

The first vids description has all the studies sourced though anon. The second one is a doctor who has been pioneering the field for years. By all means don't watch either of them because its not good enough for your high standards.

>> No.9701040
File: 93 KB, 300x442, obesity-code-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is full of academic citations.

If you're seriously interested, pick it up or look at a digital copy somewhere. I don't have the book on me right now.

>> No.9701042

It's funny how resistant fatties are to any change. Literally any excuse.

>> No.9701046

You need a whole book to tell you consume less calories than you expend?

>> No.9701048

retard detected

>> No.9701051

No, you need a whole book to unpack the bullshit dietary advice that's been given out for the past 40 years

>> No.9701070

240, 6'1".
Been lifting plenty, but I've only gotten heavier since I fell for the cardio-is-bad meme.

>> No.9701090

6'1 190-200 pounds depending on the week
been slacking on working out though recently.. but i eat really healthy so it's all good

>> No.9701100

Around 210 here.
I walked a lot so i thought it's kinda okay, but lately my weight have taken it's toll. The soles of my feet, especially around the heel hurts a lot after walking. I suspect my knees will start to give in after this.

>> No.9701114

kek, get back to us in 15 years and you'll understand

>> No.9701118

80 here, moved out and too lazy to eat

>> No.9701124

Drink olive oil.

>> No.9701125
File: 193 KB, 500x598, IMG_1627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'11 320 here, rarely eat and don't exercise.

>> No.9701132

>5'11 320 here, rarely eat

>> No.9701138

I take adderall everyday and play vidya, I only feel hungry during dinner and even that doesn't past 1000 calories

>> No.9701139

he probably means eat a little plus ten liters of colas everyday.

>> No.9701142

Hit the head on the nail

>> No.9701147

Stop doing that.

>> No.9701150
File: 25 KB, 550x400, 1465276678473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'5" 135 lbs manlet reporting

>> No.9701157

6'4" and 240. Need to start going to the gym again it's gone down since high school.

>> No.9701162

5"11 and 200. Don't really give a shit in all honesty

>> No.9701180

>Don't really give a shit in all honesty
You do though. Start now.

>> No.9701254

I really don't

>> No.9701262

dude i'm 6'3" and never gone below 165lbs. currently 205. how did you end up this thin?

>> No.9701263

>all these "men" under 5' 10"

Holy moly. I'm out of shape but at 200 lbs 5' 11" I could still kick the shit out of this entire board.

>> No.9701270

yeah, sure thing bud.

>> No.9701274

Go look in the mirror and imagine what you might look like if you could confront your obesity

>> No.9701297


>> No.9701309

Less disgusting. There isn't a fatty alive that isn't disgusted with themselves.

>> No.9701323


>> No.9701370

>tfw chubby as fuck at 6'1 170lb
I should probably hit the gym.

>> No.9701372

Oh I'm sure there are some. Look at rich executives and stuff.

>> No.9701374



I'm a tubby bastard I know. Reaching 300 made me realize I needed to get my shit sorted so I've been (slowly, slowly) losing weight at a rate of like 1 pound every 2 weeks.

>> No.9701376

Hello gramps.

>> No.9701378

5’11’’ and 145lbs reporting in.

>> No.9701379

>I legitimately don't understand how one can get fat.

Eat until you stop feeling hungry

>But that's what I do

Well then I guess you're not as hungry as I am. I envy you.

>> No.9701390

No, even they wish they had a slim healthy body.

>> No.9701397

6' 1", 485.

>> No.9701408

Eh maybe. That said, you only have to go back a couple of hundred years when being fat meant money and power. Quite strange how it's shifted almost completely opposite now.

>> No.9701423

My TDEE is 3919. Contemplating suicide.

>> No.9701446

just fast you fat nigger jesus christ its not fucking difficult you lose your appetite, and you can eat what you want on IF anyway

>> No.9701448

> hoping to gain inches with stretches

Do you even know how bones work

>> No.9701455

stretching can improve posture - not bone length

being less of a fat cunt can do it as well

>> No.9701464

300 to 200 in the last year or so

>calculate BSM
>eat whatever you want so long as you are 500 calories below BSM for the day on Sun-Thurs
>keep Fri/Sat under BSM
>drink lots of water
>shit pure bile regularly until your gall bladder adjusts
>weigh yourself every morning and write it down for the psychological video game progress effect

>> No.9701470

Get of the computationmachine pajeet

>> No.9701498

6'1 ~140 lbs

>> No.9701519


implying height means you can beat someone up.

are you retarded?

>> No.9701522

Top notch thinspo. Show us your ribs, how many can you count?

>> No.9701634

Post bussy XDDDD

>> No.9701646

>He shops at the baby gap

>> No.9701664


>> No.9701674

I wear 38" comfortably, especially for dress slacks. I'm 6' tall and about 215lbs. I lift, have broad shoulders and legs like tree trunks. My core is solid and covered by a perfectly reasonable amount of body fat.

I weigh considerably more than most of my friends at similar heights. The only time I've been under 180lbs was when I had mono and ate practically nothing for an entire month. By the end I was complete Auschwitz mode.

>> No.9701802

I'm 5'8" and eat 3100cal. Have been 158lbs for four months.

>> No.9701830

Anyone here want to hit up the gym and make some tasty lean food after as motivation to repeat? I'm in Colorado. Pm me and I'll get you my info.

>> No.9701854
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I'm a 30 something male and I weigh 130 pounds...I have since high school. Been waiting for my metabolism to slow down for a long time and it just hasn't. I'm a cook so I eat pretty good healthy food and I run sometimes but beyond that I don't diet or do fasting or any of that shit.

I still expect it to catch up to me one day because being fat would be awesome...buy a recliner, kick back and just eat bullshit food all day; that would be great.

>> No.9702178

6' 240. thicc frame and muay thai but also neapolitan pizza and asian wings.

>> No.9702209
File: 252 KB, 1280x720, 1501447909980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'4" 125lbs here. trying to get cushiony before the holidays are over

>> No.9702227

Pushing 200 right now at 6'.
Should probably start a cut in a few months but right now I'm uh, cultivating mass.

>> No.9702250

5'11" 165lbs here. The solution is simple, but difficult. Lift heavier, eat a little more. Those last pounds of muscle of your natural potential are hard to get (without getting fat). Sorry, but it's gonna take a few years unless you cheat.

>> No.9702254

What the fuck man eat more

>> No.9702256

>Natural potential
>It'll take a few years
You're not suggesting that it takes years to get to 165lbs at 5'11" naturally are you?

>> No.9702369

330lbs, down from 385 since August and going down.

It's a new life desu senpai.

Sometimes I miss the nights of cramming down 3 burgers, fries and a shake tho just to fall asleep from self loathing.
I bet that's something you cu/ck/s can relate to.

>> No.9702439

No, I'm suggesting that to reach your theoretical potential naturally it takes years. Mine is likely between 170 and 180, and it seems to require exponentially greater effort the closer I get. I'm only trying to give insight to someone who is where I was a while ago. Yes, it's easy if you want to go above 10-12% body fat, but I don't think that guy wants that since he's trying to gain weight at the gym.

>> No.9702484



grill but not hot so don't bother

>> No.9702490


About 121lbs.

>> No.9702500

6'2" 190 and I feel fat having little muffin top love handles...

>> No.9702529

would you ever talk to a lonely friendless cu/ck/ on kik?

>> No.9702617

>285 lbs

at least I haven't ever hit 300?

>> No.9702630
File: 27 KB, 480x300, 6455882-ramsay-news_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqbRF8GMdXQ5UNQkWBrq_MOBxo7k3IcFzOpcVpLpEd-fY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9702643

52kg at 176cm

>> No.9702664

>and can barely hold a sprint for more than 3 minutes.

You cant hold a sprint for three minutes. Sprinting is running as fast as you possibly can without holding anything back. 45 seconds is about normal for a sprint.

>> No.9702698
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>tfw 6' 6" 300lbs

>> No.9702722

6.2’ and 180 lb...I have to keep my weight that way

>> No.9702729

I actually ducked under 250 this time last year. Setting at about 220 right now.

>> No.9702738

6’0” 170lbs. 26 y/o.
I can’t eat enough to gain and keep it on

>> No.9702815

I'm 60kg and same length
Just don't have the appetite to eat more. I try eating calorie dense food but do far only gained a few kgs
52 kgs must look like a holocaust survivor, since I already look really skinny.

>> No.9702844
File: 347 KB, 1224x1632, EBKxOuD5foA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6' 250 lbs

My ass is so fucking big it's uncomfortable. Actually, I was 230 lbs this summer and gained some weight recently, but since I dropped from 280 last year it isn't so bad.

>> No.9703334

I'm not hungry though
>and I can't afford it
I've always been super thin, I've been about 120-130 pounds since I was 13ish, then I was about 5 foot 10. but as I grew upward, I didn't gain weight.

Between a small stomach, a laziness when it comes to prepping food (I'm a chef, so I don't feel like making more food when I get home), and a low income....well it all adds up to this.

I eat on average about 1200 calories a day, I kept track over the course of a month and that was about the average.

If I'm standing up normally, I can only roughly see the outline of the bottom half.
But if I stand up completely straight (I slouch) then I can see them more easily and the width difference between my ribs and up, and then with my lower abdomen, well it's staggering.
The only way I can see myself eating enough is if I become rich somehow.

>> No.9703341

6'2 235 here

>> No.9703345

drink butter

>> No.9703356

I'm 310, 6' 2" and it I can do 3.11 miles in less than 30 minutes.(that's on a treadmill with a slight incline)

>> No.9703365

Wew, I'm 6'0 and 190 and feel pretty fat despite working out twice a week and having a decent build.

>> No.9703369

I'm 280 lbs but I did a 5k and beat out about half the runners.

>> No.9703377

Was under 250 two years ago, now back up to 285.

>> No.9703452

258 this morning, down from 310 start of the year. mostly from me dumping a little coconut oil on everything and getting off of soda.

>> No.9703468

>implying I am not underweight

5'8" 115lbs 8% bf here

>> No.9703572

>I'm a chef
And you can't/don't eat at work?

>> No.9703584

Damn dude. I know it's easier said than done but use your clothes as motivation to lose that weight. Just restrict your calories and you could probably fit into some clothes again in just a month or so.

>> No.9703604

Used to be 250 now I weight 100lbs less, but somethings you can't fix everything by losing weight...

>> No.9703683

5'11, 155lbs down from 240 back in April. Fuck I miss cheeseburgers

>> No.9703705
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200 6'6"

>> No.9703727
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5' 11" 170lb, want to work my way down to 150(although most of america was at like 120 during the civil war and that seems like a pretty cool thing to experience) i'm at a platue right now.

>> No.9703805

Yeah but the average height back then was like 5'8. 120 for 5'11 is underweight, not worth the risk.

>> No.9704146

5' 11'' 155

If you are fat try keto. Meme or not it works. My 300 pound friend is now 265 after 2 months and is losing even more

>> No.9704270

Do you crush everything you sit on as well?

>> No.9704359

210 here
and im small so it makes me look even more fat

>> No.9704362

140lbs 5'11'', after being 190lbs for a long time , and I still look like I'm 200lbs. fml.

>> No.9704507

>eat more
dont. drink more milk
youre almost there

>> No.9704977

Just started this
Went from 238 to 227 in 5 days

>> No.9704994
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6' 168 lbs

>> No.9705004


I used to be 310. Then I got down to 169. Right now I'm 197 or so and dropping again.

>> No.9705033
File: 10 KB, 319x316, 1467292863430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

240 lbs. 6 ft.
I'm a fatty. The workout plan I've started again should help me drop some pounds, but ultimately I need to cut out sugary treats and pizzas that I eat daily. My drinking is slowing down, too.
Have a bottomless pit of a stomach and never move. Quite easy, and horribly unhealthy.

>> No.9705038

Down from 200 two months ago to 183 last night. Steady progress. Got a new job as a server so it should start going a little faster with all the walking lifting I'll be doing. Also getting a Y membership should help.

>> No.9705040


Are you one of those fucking "I love hiking and the outdoors and doing stuff" people? Cut that shit out.

>> No.9705045

Mmm I'm a little over 250 but I'm muscular and have a broad 6'1" frame :/

yeah i'm thicc tho

>> No.9705168

6'3", 258 lbs here.

Working on lifting form with a 35lb barbell before getting into SS in earnest. Eating at 1800-2000 calories a day, supplementing the weight loss with cardio. Been at it for around a month now, not gonna be a fat faggot any longer than I have to.

>> No.9705289

Almost getting quints, and no one cares. What world is this.

>> No.9705527

5'5, currently at 198
lost 15 in the past months thanks to my new job
looking to hopefully get it around 150 by March then to my goal of 135 by July

>> No.9705566

>tfw 35lbs underweight
I wish I had enough money to be fat

>> No.9705574

thats all you did? you must have reduced your food intake in some way (aside from soda)

>> No.9705634

Fuck you anon. Watching that video I realized again what we've lost. RIP Piana, you were a legend

>> No.9705900

I was last year. Now I'm only 190.

>> No.9705926

I was 240lb when I was fat 197cm tall
Now I'm like 170lb

>> No.9705927

340 reporting in.

I'm having surgery to remove a pituitary tumor this coming May, so hopefully I can shed about 50 lbs. by the end of 2018. Currently eating a 1200 calorie deficit and doing an hour of exercise a day, but because of this 3mm asshole in my brain I've barely lost a thing.

>> No.9705929

How long? I'm 10cm shorter and I was 270 now I'm 180. Still have noticeable fat and it's bugging me how slow my progress has become. I actually have to eat less than 1300 now.

>> No.9705936

I've been dieting for 11 months but 2 months I made slight negative progress due to going abroad

>> No.9705945
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6'1" 240 down from 270 last year

>> No.9706037
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>that gif

>> No.9706126

I was until recently :)

>> No.9706141

I used to pretend the caps were spaceships and made pew pew sounds.

>> No.9706196
File: 3.41 MB, 4160x2080, 1116170500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore.

Started at 418 lbs. Currently at 237 lbs.

>> No.9706211
File: 1.19 MB, 982x625, wgwgewgwg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to be, decided to cook strictly and healthily. not that hard desu

>> No.9706219

135 lbs, but I am a 5'7 turbomanlet so normal weight.
I need to bulk to get fit though

>> No.9706230

lad i was bad enough at 262lb at 5'9.

lose the weight now you fatty, im down to 203 now.

>> No.9706242

5'10 and 190lbs
could stand to lose a bit (10 -15lbs)
I love booze tho

>> No.9706265

I am but I'm 6'7"

>> No.9706271

im 5'10 and 195

im fat but not like completely hopeless
oh wait yes i am


>> No.9706304

I'm only interested in females I can impregnate. You seem really disgusting to me all of a sudden. Also, eat a god damned sandwich twiggy.

>> No.9706576

intermediate length fasting is accepted to be either good or neutral overall in terms of its effect on energy metabolism and hormones. for that length of a fast the only very well defined detriment is of toxicological nature, because a lot of your important phase 2 metabolism conjugating agents (sulphate, glutathione, UDP-glucuronide) are mostly dietarily sourced. so really the biggest danger to intermediate length fasting is if you take too much tylenol late in the fast

>> No.9706593

5'7 and 240 lb

I used to be 140lb about 10 years ago but I was way too skinny. Took a long time to gain that 100 lbs. I know I can drop the weight I just need to spend the time doing it. Which I have been working on this year.

>> No.9706772
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5'5" 160lb, ~20% body fat. I look like an obese middle aged manlet bare-chested since it's all concentrated in my beer belly, but out of concern for the my fellow man I usually wear a shirt in public, so I normally look pretty decent. Having good strong peasant genetics helps a lot.

Slowly but surely I've been getting into shape and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Cutting down on eating out made a huge difference. Muh waifu would want the best for me.

>> No.9707158

I'm 5'9" and 155lbs. Used to be 185lbs years ago when I didn't work out and ate like shit.

>> No.9707168

You're waifu a shit tbqh

>> No.9707274
File: 24 KB, 401x372, visible_confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone here so goddamn fat?

And you cunts make fun of Americans...

>> No.9707289

used to be 350+, now under 200.

>> No.9707294

It's 2017 more than a 1/3rd of people are obese

>> No.9707301

Because mostly fat persons are posting in this thread, obviously.

>> No.9707479

>no longer drinking 8+ beers a day so hoping to thin out some
This is what kills me. I prefer hard liquor, and even if I only drink for one night or two on the weekends, the calories from the booze and the subsequent food I eat as a result of being drunk and making poor decisions has always been enough to sabotage any diet attempts. Fucking sucks.

>> No.9708191
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, skellington.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9708280

>yfw their sprint is the same as their jog

>> No.9708346

5'11" 238 lbs. I don't even look that bad until I take my shirt off. Then, dear God, the stretch marks. I look like a hairy ape who had a particularly nasty pregnancy.

>> No.9708415

i've been 170 at 6'3". yeah it sounds low but i have hardly any muscle. i definitely prefer being underweight than 'healthy'. can wear any clothes and look pretty good. no thigh chafing. and being skinny suits me in a way.

>> No.9708532

5'10 240 but dont look like it.

>> No.9708956

Kind of late in the thread, but this thought has got my goat today: How many people here with a BMI greater than 25 do not drink sweetened caloric soft drinks of some kind?

>> No.9709363

Was 206 lost 10

>> No.9709415

I don't but I drink a lot of milk which is almost as bad.

>> No.9709477

340lbs but also 7 feet tall, so I'm fat as fuck but I can run a mile at least.

>> No.9709895

I'm fat because I'm a lazy piece of shit who never goes outside, not because I willingly pour gallons of sugary poison down my throat every day. Even I get second-hand embarrassment when I see "people" with corn syrup IVs rolling down the street in their motor chairs with a honey bun in one hand and a Dr. Pepper in the other.

>> No.9710400

Was 310, now 235.

>> No.9710479

270lbs over a year and a half ago.
I hated having to catch my breath after walking a couple of steps that I lost over 80 lbs and Im 190, now.