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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9693803 No.9693803 [Reply] [Original]

What is it and how do I make it? It looks delicious!

>> No.9693814

looks like a rosti, pretty easy to make, just google it

>> No.9693819

Rösti. Delicious.

>> No.9693827

hashbrowns with a sauce?

but seriously the cake/shredded hashbrowns are insanely easy to make.

use a cheese grater to grate a big potato, add maybe half an egg, teaspoon of flower, onion/garlic powder and form into patties.

Fry on both sides in enough oil to cover the pan.

>> No.9693859

That's Waffle House you dumb cunts. Its hashbrowns scattered and smothered.

>add maybe half an egg, teaspoon of flower, onion/garlic powder and form into patties.

That isn't hashbrowns. That would be a potato pancake. Hashbrowns are simply shredded potatoes cooked on a griddle or in a pan with oil.

Also >flower

>> No.9693877


I adapted the recipe from a Jewess I dated. She showed me how to make latkas using mazza flower. I use gentile flower instead. Keeps the patty all together.

We would eat them with pork breakfast sausage. She would shred onion into it too sometimes. Not bad.

>> No.9693885

hashbrowns with mustard

>> No.9693894

hashbrowns from waffle house, with cheese.

shredded potatoes with cheese product,shred up a potato i guess, fry on a flat top, add a slice or two of craft singles basically. may need to boil the potato first idk, just get drunk and go buy it cooked

>> No.9693913

>Americans can’t understand that what rostis are so they just call them hash browns

>> No.9693928

>picture is literally of a dish from Waffle House where that is called hash brown

>> No.9693998
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>> No.9694004

Two different things that both utilize shredded potatoes.

>> No.9694016

Waffle House is fucking amazing at a good spot

>> No.9694019


>> No.9694029

Shred potato into cold water. Only rinse potato shreds once, you need some starch to remain. Squeeze out moisture with towel. Microwave potato shreds 4 minutes. Fry shreds in butter. Enjoy. Lot of work for hashbrowns

>> No.9694039

Sauté in butter*

>> No.9694043

Hashbrowns with, idk, cheese?
Whatever it is it cant be good, that entire plate looks atrocious

>> No.9694051


>> No.9694056


I know what a rosti is, I was just with your mother last night

>> No.9694103

those are covered

>> No.9694345

Diner style hash browns are the best. Take one potato (peeling is up to you, I prefer to keep mine skin on) and grate with a cheese grater and set in a collander. Run through cold water while running your fingers through it to help rinse off the starches, pour onto a kitchen town, then squeeze dry. You can repeat it again until the water through the collander runs clear, but I just do it twice.

Finally, dump onto a pan preheated at medium high (cast iron works best) that has been coated with a pat of butter. Either spreas the potato evenly in the pan for more uniformly crispy hash browns or condense somewhat using a spatula to create a rougher looking patty like OP's pic, which leads to a nice mix of soft and crunchy.give it about a minute or until the edges brown to your liking, flip, another minute, then serve.

>> No.9694354

>Lot of work for hashbrowns
Yeah they are a pain in the ass but so good.

>> No.9694402


>> No.9694409

eurocucks btfo

>> No.9694415

>looks atrocious
needs more soy and estrogen sauce?

>> No.9694417

Wow, that's like a really easy version of hash browns. Well, now I know what I'm going to make with the 15 lbs of potatoes I bought on sale yesterday.

>> No.9694485

>Its hashbrowns scattered and smothered.
Scattered and covered, m88000. Smothered == onions (which it should have too. Scattered, smothered, and covered master race here)

As others have noted, those are hashbrowns from the southern diner chain Waffle House.
I will tell you exactly how they are made.
They are actually made from dehydrated shredded potatoes that have been rehydrated.
They come in a carton like this:
They put a couple of scoops (maybe 50ml) of low-melt vegetable shortening on a griddle.
Specifically they use Kaola Gold
They fry the drained potatoes in that oil with your choice of toppings (onions, cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, jalapenos, sawmill gravy, or chilli).
Here are their full menus:

>> No.9694494

shut the fuck up, baltic cunts, that's clearly hashbrowns.

>> No.9694631

Rösti makes it sound more delicious, hashbrowns makes me think of beef hash sooner than grated potatoes.

>> No.9694646

rosti makes you sound like a pretentious asshole and hashbrowns makes you sound like a sane human being that eats normal food like the rest of us and not salame with gruyere and rostis or whatever

>> No.9694650

Hsshbrowns with cheese by the looks of it.

>> No.9694659

> implying everyone eats at or cares about Redneck Methcity Blacks Fistfight Haven.

>> No.9694665

>muh nationalist isolationism

>> No.9694669

>muh eurofag superiority complex

>> No.9694679

Rösti is how Swiss call it, you know, people whose national dish they are.

>> No.9694686

a rosti is grated or riced potatoes while pretty much any other form of fried dismembered potato is either fries, chips, homefries, or hashbrowns

>> No.9694689

I'm not a eurofag, dumbass. I'm just more educated than you.

>> No.9694698

is it because you watch rick and morty or is it that you have called yourself a foodie for a few weeks? maybe both :-)

>> No.9694702

>hashbrowns, aka fried grated potatoes
>different from fried grated potatoes
Feeling tired, anon?

>> No.9694715

hashbrowns are juliened or shredded. not grated. there is a difference

>> No.9694727

That's not what other anons and google told me.

>> No.9694737

yeah, grated is better. More surface area for browning.

>> No.9694745

> implying implications

Oh look, it's another deluded retard who thinks his own echo chamber means something. Btw, none of what you typed is true. At all. Idiot.

>> No.9694753

>shredded, not grated

You stupid, fucking moron.

>> No.9694757

Everyone, point and laugh at the idiot.

>> No.9694764

You mean you? Yes, everyone should be laughing at you.

>> No.9694771

hey fucker don't steal my angry basement dweller argument. i'll retaliate with more dumb shit when im ready i don't need you continuing the conversation for me

>> No.9694799

but you're right.

>> No.9694802


Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9694809

shh you'll anger the hive mind

>> No.9694810

that's rösti, i don't think i've ever done it though but google is your friend as always

>> No.9694843
File: 61 KB, 800x656, full_52121d6c24eb2_p1070919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>grate 3 medium potatoes
>grate 1 onion
>add 1 egg
>add 2-3 big spoons of flour
>add good amount of salt

>heat up pan with a good amount of oil
>take a big spoon
>place spoon portion into hot pan
>press it flatt till it looks like pic related
>fry till brown
>turn, other side as well
>place on paper towel

Eat with applesauce.

>> No.9694851

sounds good but it's completely different from what is in OP's photo

>> No.9694884

The only difference is that you americans add "cheese". Fried grated potatoes, are fried grated potatoes. Your "hush browns" are nothing else than something german settler introduced.

>> No.9694895

looks dry as fuck
>eat with applesauce

>> No.9694897

When you say "big spoons" do you mean tablespoons or just any spoon that's big-ish?

>> No.9694906


>> No.9694909
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Nah, how to you call your soup-eating-spoons?

>> No.9694913

>he doesn't enjoy Himmel und Erd
Oh, I am so sorry anon. Get well soon.

>> No.9694927

You know, I've never thought about that before, apparently they are called tablespoons. Not necessarily the same capacity as the dry measure, though.

>> No.9695308

please inform us gracious god as to what you eat for a drunken breakfast at 3 am? Berries and oats? A banana with a kale smoothie? Unshaven Dick?

>> No.9695321

we don't add egg into the potato either. We use the starch from the potato to hold it all together.

>> No.9695393
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>Implying american slop potatoes are the same as a rosti

>> No.9695401

Except we don't usually add cheese, and also it is made completely differently. Your potato pancakes still look pretty good though, how much does your country pay the jews for using their recipe?

>> No.9695437

grating is different from shredding

You stupid fucking moron

>> No.9695536

I thought hash browns had grated tatties and onion bound by a loose batter, where rösti was just tatties bound by a loose batter.

Besides, they're both shit compared to a fucking onion bhaji.

>> No.9695541

At the basic level hash browns are just fried shredded potatoes, no batter

>> No.9695560

This is clearly a ruse thread, people are being baited left and right. Those are hashed potatoes, prepackaged american style. Fucking Swedes can't clearly see the English written container of Welch's strawberry jelly, not even consider it's served diner breakfast style with scrambled eggs and toast.

>> No.9695571

You have to squeeze the fuck out of them to get rid of the water.

Not easy.

>> No.9695713

for anyone that hates trying to get moisture out of your shredded potatoes or loves hash browns. here's a tip. just bake some potatoes and keep them in the fridge. when you want hash browns, cut the skin off and grate the potato. or slice the potato. old bakers make the best fried potatoes

>> No.9696373

That's not rösti though, those are overly dry and deep-fried.

>> No.9697484

It's called hash browns you fucking retarded europoors

>> No.9697576

>hash browns

Why do amerifat names for food always sound like a 2 year old toddler babbling to his nursemaid?

>> No.9697595

Meanwhile you're too stupid to even know what it is.

>> No.9697622
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Sure thing, fatclap!

>> No.9697627

>It's a /ck/ gets overly technical over the name of a grated potato dish prepared in a pan

>> No.9697631

Flower and flour are very different things newfriend.

>> No.9697659

Nice traditional German meal you have there Ahmed Mohammed.

>> No.9697687

what the fuck is a rosti you dumb roastie

>> No.9697790

>muhammed eating pork sausages
>3.5 million muslims in fattystan
>4 million muslims in germany
>b-but germany is a muslim country now

Amerifat "thinking," everyone!

>> No.9697807

What's the population of Germany versus the population of the USA? How many muslims are invading Germany per year versus how many are moving to the USA? Your culture and country is gone and you let it happen. Enjoy your sausages because your descendants won't get the chance.

>> No.9697963

>whites to be minority in ameristan by the latest, 2030
>they probably already are since nogs don't fill out census forms and you couldn't pay a census taker to go residence to residence in many areas

Lol, and you're concerned about germany with 5% muslims losing their pork heritage?

>> No.9697984

Wafflehouse Hashbrowns

Skin potatos, grate with cheese grater, soak in salt water. drain water and dry with towel paper. Mi potatos with egg and some seasoning, mix. Throw in pan with enough oil to cover bottom and let cook for 10 min, flip and let cook 10 more minute.Top with shitty kraft single slice for cheese in picture.

>> No.9698031

You're a retard dude. Have fun being jihaded. I don't even feel sorry for your "people".

>> No.9698035

>Foreign name for hash browns to seem sophisticated and to annoy others.

They look like latkes that are falling apart! Oy vey! You are supposed to serve them with sour cream and apple sauce.

>> No.9698041
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>> No.9698051

>commit genocide
>get your ass kicked by civilization
>get culturally enriched
Aka karma, I'm ok with this

>> No.9698212

yuropeans don't realize how fucked they are. the burgerfats have guns and freedom of speech. the white enclaves will be fine. eurofags deserve everything they get though, they continually vote for more subhumans.