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File: 316 KB, 843x900, Keto-Food-Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9693084 No.9693084 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone tried keto? Did it change your life.

I eat like shit but still exercise and play lots of footy. I also hear keto improves athleticism. So is it legit?

>> No.9693108


>> No.9693125

No beans? Fuck off.

>> No.9693153

I couldn't afford to eat keto.
That excludes too many basic food staples.
Also why would cheese be ok but not milk?

>> No.9693161

I think you can have a little bit of beans on keto

>> No.9693166





>> No.9693182


>> No.9693248

Because milk has a lot of sugar.

>> No.9693346

Nah, it's affordable. Basically you avoid carbs. Milk is actually fine as long as it's full fat

>> No.9693371

>Anyone tried keto?
>Did it change your life.
I'm down over 100 in a year

It might not be for everybody, but I suggest you at least try if you need to really shred some lb's.

I spend about $30 a week on groceries

>> No.9693376

>I spend about $30 a week
what are your typical meals?

>> No.9693385

I'm a student, so nothing fancy
A meal consists of green vegetables + some sort of easy to prepare meat dish.

>> No.9693396

Can you write up a basic shopping list? I'd do keto if I could find decent recipes for the week.

>> No.9693420

Keto is good for losing weight, but poor overall for an athlete.

>> No.9693479


>> No.9693535

Yes, and yes it was marvelous. Just hard to comply long term.

I'd rearrange OP's pic as follows: Greens & Oils below meat, nuts below non-green veggies. Avocado counts as a green veggie btw.

>> No.9693555

Did it for 3 weeks. Was great, lost a lot of weight, felt more energetic and my thinking felt much clearer. Then I had to travel somewhere and I relapsed into my old style of chowing down on carbs and got fat again.

>> No.9693560

>I'm down over 100 in a year
what was your peak weight?

>> No.9693889

Keto cured my fatigue issue

>> No.9693974

I was 407 after I got my scale after 3 months in. I'm technically lying when I say over 100, as I don't know my start weight, but I lost tens of pounds. Currently 325.

>> No.9693981

Why the fuck are beans excluded? The whole point of this meme diet is protein and beans have protein.

>> No.9693989

I don't think this diet is specifically bad but I don't understand what it adds. All that matters for losing weight is calories in vs calories out. I'm losing 4 pounds a week by eating 800-900 calories a day. I'm not doing anything weird just eating less. I've even been eating shit like potato chips.

>> No.9694020

>14,000 caloric deficit
Jesus Christ, anon. Are you fucking OKAY?

>> No.9694023

The idea is that cutting the sugar and carbs puts you in "ketosis". That's when there's no sugar to run off of so your body runs off fat.

Fasting can also put you in ketosis since eventually you run out of sugar from food

>> No.9694025

holy shit, good luck bro

>> No.9694032

Too many carbs. Beans "have" protein but would be filed under carbs

>> No.9694033

are you a woman by any chance?

>> No.9694042

>Jesus Christ, anon. Are you fucking OKAY?
I actually don't even feel that bad, really surprising to me.

>> No.9694048

Because the point of this meme diet is to avoid carbohydrates

>> No.9694190

Your body running off fat doesn't mean that you lose weight, so the anon you responded to is more correct than you are. The allure of a ketogenic state is that there are no spikes or troughs of blood sugar, you're always at your fasting blood glucose concentration. This concentration varies from person to person, and if you've got diabetes, keto will probably put your blood sugar low enough to KO you if you took insulin.
This is why I don't understand why carrots and tomatoes and berries are allowed. Carrots I know are super high sugar, tomatoes have a decent amount as well.

>> No.9694230

thats why you gotta keto with a calorie defecit

>> No.9694280

But the point of keto is that the foods are high in fat, which take way longer to emulsify and absorb so you feel full for longer, and the veggies are to give you high nutrients density so you don't get that "true hunger" feeling. Sorry, I should have made that point in my first post but I got distracted. Keto makes it easier to eat less.

>> No.9694331

You are aging your body ballistically.

>> No.9694350

wouldn't overeating age your body a lto more?

>> No.9694356

Explain? I've seen some papers that saying that the popularity of the keto diet is troublesome because of the number of overweight diabetics putting themselves in the ICU to try to lose weight, and that the typical sources of fat have suicidal levels of sat-fats (contributing to serum LDL levels) and cholesterol, and even some that say that fasting (or at least exciting your pancreas less often) is correlated with longer life, but none that say that eating less = aging faster. They probably are aging fast if they're just eating junk food (fruit intake correlated to slowed degredation of telomeres). I'll try to find the one saying that fasting makes you live longer. They talked about how it's been largely overlooked because pre-modern humans didn't eat as much, but the lesser medical care of the time is a confounding element preventing people from making the connection.

>> No.9694379

Wait, why is cheese okay but milk isn't?

>> No.9694380

All I could find was a bunch (I mean a fuckton) of articles with links to articles on the same site talking about studies (with no direct hyperlinks) of animals being put on intermittent (2 day droughts) fasting and exhibiting weight loss (obviously), lowered blood pressure, and less incidences of tumors. A ton of nutritionists seem to swear by fasting, but those guys are often bought out and will say whatever's sensational. Moreso than other scientists.

>> No.9694381

Milk has a way higher sugar:fat ratio than cheese.

>> No.9694390

Milk has lactose, which is sugar. With cheese and yogurt the sugar is eaten by bacteria in the fermentation process.

Whole milk is actually ok, just not in large quantities. Chart is a bit outdated

>> No.9694439

keto to me was meat on a bed of greens with vinaigrettes/pan sauces.

Saute/roast chicken legs with skin on a bed of arugula with a butter/chicken stock pan sauce
make pulled pork and throw it on watercress with pan juices made into a vinaigrette.
Grill a steak and have an iceberg wedge with blue cheese.
I even had duck confit leg on arugula a few times.

Also eggs, eat a shit ton of eggs.
omelettes with fresh herbs
poached with bacon on frisee with bacon grease vinaigrette.

>> No.9695766

Did you mean 1400?

But yes, 900 is too few. You don't want to get loose skin.

>> No.9695787

It's something fat niggers do because "muh fuckin bacon and butter"

>> No.9696041

Yeah, been doing it for a few years. Definite improvement in my life, with healthier stats across the board since then. Started mid-30's 190 lbs, slow and steadily down to current 165 lbs in my late 30's. Not an athlete, but I've always had a very physical job. No issues with energy, but I eat less frequently and less by volume. As far as athletic performance in ketosis goes, the way I understand it is that you never hit the wall. You can go all fucking day exercising without fatigue. I've found this to be true since I can jog 10 miles now without really feeling tired afterwards. I think carb-eating athletes have a slight advantage in the first 1-3 hours, but burn out much sooner since they can't switch over to fat energy without a 12 downtime or a refuel. So it kinda depends what kind of performance you're looking for. Do you want to be a race car or a diesel truck? It's interesting stuff. Try it out. Expect the first few days of switching your metabolism over to feel shitty.

>> No.9696325

A pound is roughly 3,500 calories. Anon was losing 4 lbs a week. 4×3,500 = 14,000

>> No.9696344

It likely has long-term negative effects on your liver. Humans who survive on a similar diet (such as the Maasai tribe) counteract the massive fat intake with rigorous and frequent physical activity, and have adapted to the diet over centuries. I'll also point out that most humans lived off of a combination of fats and carbs.

The other group - people with severe epilepsy that will not respond to treatment, restrict carbohydrates so severely that they live under constant lab monitoring and nutrition supplements.

Keto loss is only sustainable if you eat that way for the rest of your life, as your body is never trained to slowly burn carbohydrates. It's a non-sustainable meme crash diet. If you get good weight loss - that's great. Just make sure you use something like the Atkins model to reintroduce yourself to a more regular eating pattern.

>> No.9696371

So, currently unsubstantiated claim that not eating carbs will literally kill you? Not trying to be a dick, but I would love if you could point me to any studies that prove it's unhealthy. I've been doing it for years and have had great results, but I am a pragmatist who will change his mind as new information is presented. I don't want to be right. I want to win.

>> No.9696425

You know they would actively ban you (((loud posters))), right?

>> No.9696697

I decided to go on a plant based diet, currently trying to cut out butter and decrease my intake of oils.
If you decide to keep eating meat, eggs, and dairy, please buy them from a good source, such as your local farmers market. Learn the difference between animals kept in confinement, cage free, free range, and pasture raised.
Stop supporting the companies that care more about making money than the health of their animals.

>> No.9696780

If you continue to eat a plant-based diet please buy your produce from local sources where they weren't picked by slave laborers or illegal migrant workers and weren't shipped halfway around the world with fossil fuels. Learn the difference between sustainable cropping, croplands rotated with pasturelands, and big agribusiness.

>> No.9696802

holy fuck i've been doing keto on accident this whole time
>cheese nuts berries
>tuna and chicken
>broccoli spinach

>> No.9696876

You're not necessarily in ketosis. It all depends on the amounts of fats vs protein and carbohydrates. Get some ketone test strips and find out.

>> No.9696896

The archetypical ketogenic diet has calories from fats at around 70% of total daily intake.

>> No.9696976

I thought very low carbs triggered ketosis, like under 20 grams or so per day. E.g. if you eat nothing at all and just drink water, you will go into ketosis, so I don't think the ratio of fat/protein makes a difference, just carb intake.

>> No.9697009

>So is it legit?
ANY diet claiming ANY specific health benefits is full of shit.
Excluding perfecly fine food items like beans and milk is bull crap.

Keto, as all other diets >>>/trash/

Fight me.

>> No.9697011

Yes, but you didn't specify any proportions. You could be eating giant piles of meat, nuts and vegetables. It's the ratio compared to your lean body mass. To be dead sure, you have to be very strict and weigh everything and math it out, or fast, then verify it with urine ketone test strips. I've been doing this for a long time, and about half the people I've met who are trying it are obviously not in dietary ketosis based on what and how much I've seen them eating.

>> No.9697016

>ANY diet claiming ANY specific health benefits is full of shit.

>> No.9697024

>I'm down over 100 in a year
I doubt your diet was the only thing you changed. Check back here next year to report on your relaps.

>> No.9697028

calories v calories out.
That's all there is to it, no fad diets or other bullshit.

>> No.9697033

Ok, I will. The ketogenic diet is most often used therapeutically as treatment for epilepsy, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. It is often very successful, and this is well-documented.

>> No.9697043

I challenge you to source a scientific piece of evidence that proves me wrong.

>> No.9697045

[citation needed]

>> No.9697050

Start with wikipedia, then click on all the links at the bottom to every current medical text, dingleberry.

>> No.9697241

I've used the test strips a number of times, each time to get into ketosis all I did was cut out almost all carbs for 2 or 3 days, and that worked. I didn't calculate any other shit about fats and protein rations.

>> No.9697269

Well, cool. Some people have trouble understanding which foods have what macros.

>> No.9697411
File: 162 KB, 1010x813, salad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More fucking recipes; less trying to persuade nonbelievers.
Pic related.

>> No.9697416

>Start with wikipedia,
Claims effective for epilepsy. Used as such since the 1920's. For claims of medical efficacy the Cochrane institute is where it's at. [2] You see, a study with a positive result is worth, well nothing much. You need dozens of good quality studies, put all the results in a big bag and start analyzing. That's what Cochrane does. And did for Keto studies. And the outcome? After almost a century of keto they were able to find only five (5!) studies that complied to standard quality criteria. None were blinded. A proper analyses was not possible due to methodological differences. But overall 30-40% reduction in seizures was reported. And some
gastrointestinal side effects.

Not a very strong case for keto.

>> No.9697468
File: 162 KB, 1081x876, baconneggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon and eggs on a salad
Obviously ignore the brioche croutons

>> No.9697472
File: 268 KB, 1081x876, frisee2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2

>> No.9697506


>I want to win.

Win by doing what you want and doing your own research. If that was truly your goal, then you wouldn't have undertaken an extreme diet to begin with.

What I'll tell you is that there is no conclusive evidence that points to direct harm or benefit. People lose weight, but the weight loss isn't sustainable. We still don't fully understand the correlation of cholesterol to heart disease. We don't fully understand the effects of consistent usage of glycogen in your liver (which is present for emergencies, in theory). We don't fully understand the effects of saturated fat on heart disease.

There's a lot of hokey claims and science which attempts to exaggerate the benefits of a keto diet. I'm not accusing you of perpetuating any of it, anon - you obviously haven't. I'm just saying this to make a complete point. It lowers body weight, can balance out LDL and HDL cholestrol and can lower blood gluclose. That's it. That's what we know for sure it does with the current studies. Increases in energy, improved mood and all that other shit is stuff reported in other diets that starve you.

If it works for you and you have an easy time doing it and have done your own research, I say do it. But, like I said, you should consider incorporating a few rare complex carbohydrates into your diet if you don't already.

>> No.9697528

There is no benefit to doin keto over a similar low calorie diet. Your body has complex systems to regulate fat stores and energy use. You're not magically going to burn more fat because you're in ketosis.
That being said if you can eat fewer calories doing it then go ahead. The best diet is whichever you can stick to and not eat.

>> No.9697547

Lose skin is inevitable during weight loss, you just don't notice if it takes you 3 years to lose the weight. The speed at which you lose it doesnt change how loose your skin will be after the same period of time. If you lose it quickly you will just be thinner for longer and have looser skin relevitely. If you do it slowly you will have less loose skin because youre still a fatass.

this is the worst weight loss meme.

>> No.9697550

In the process of making cheese the bacteria converts almost all the lactose into lactic acid which gives cheese the tangy flavor it has.

>> No.9698645

Full fat milk still has tons of lactose. Best to avoid it altogether.
Basic shopping list - grass fed beef, fatty fish, duck, bacon, eggs, pecans, macadamias, kerrygold, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, pork rinds, cheese, heavy cream, raspberries, strawberries
Too much protein will kick you out of ketosis. Dietary fat needs to be HIGH, carbs VERY low and protein needs to be moderate to maintain ketosis.

>> No.9698670

I could easily eat no carb but i don't understand how To keep 80% fat in my diet while keeping proteins to below 25%
Most recipes Ive found are beyond annoying to make and i love cheese but i can't eat that only, plus counting calories for them is beyond annoying

>> No.9698734

>grass fed beef
not necessary. Paleo bullshit.
Any beef is fine.

>> No.9698738

Any good recipe library?

>> No.9698839

>All that matters for losing weight is calories in vs calories out.

Yes but it has been proven that calorie restriction with no change in meal frequency reduces your metabolism

>> No.9698853

how about you eat all the beans you want because they're good for you

stop following fucking meme diets you fat idiots

>> No.9699193

not necessary for maintaining ketosis, but grass-fed is higher in omega 3's and most people's diet is lacking in that department.

>> No.9699214

for the price difference of grass fed and grass finished beef I can buy a side of salmon and eat it.

Never buy into the paleo psuedo shit.

>> No.9699221

Would you mind giving me a source on that? Not disputing it, it's just news to me, so I'd like to read up on it

>> No.9699479

>carrots and tomatoes and berries
Carrots and tomatoes aren't allowed(or only in very limited amounts under 20-30 carb/day)

>> No.9699527

>for the price difference of grass fed and grass finished beef I can buy a side of salmon and eat it.
Price difference is negligible in my area, but even in areas where it's more expensive I feel like you're exaggerating the difference unless you live near a salmon farm.
>paleo psuedo shit
It's got nothing to do with paleo. The whole idea of a proper keto diet isn't just eating tons of whatever fatty meat you can get your hands on, it's about eating quality fats and doing your best to maintain a good (low) omega 6/3 ratio.

>> No.9699567

You're wasting your money.
This has been known for years.

>> No.9699680

Just eat less food you fatasses. Your bodies don't defy the laws of physics. Calories in calories out.

>> No.9699682

it's more complicated than that, but nice try.

>> No.9699710

>beef magazine
>Texas A&M University
>article literally confirms higher Omega 3's in grass-fed
>Study lasted a mere 5 weeks, not long enough for any meaningful conclusions but definitely long enough to say that there's no clear scientific benefit.

You're either a shill for the grain-fed beef industry or you fell for their memes

Here -

>> No.9699722

>Paleofag with the pubmed search engine
Beef is Beef brainlet.

>> No.9699727
File: 19 KB, 540x960, 10552623_10154463848725296_8298750873501937119_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know if i necessarily went keto but i went low carb about 5 years ago and went from 240 down to 185 in about 5 months, altho i was working out every day i found once i got past the initial hump that i felt much better day to day. Altho it will somewhat inhibit your performance in the gym.

>> No.9699753

You're the only one mentioning paleo around here. I've said nothing about it. I've been doing keto for almost a year now and truly know nothing about paleo except their diet has an even more retarded name than keto.
I would like to understand your argument better, but all I keep hearing is that you aren't a fan of paleo and that apparently you believe that regardless of its diet, all beef has the same lipid profile.
I would say that you that you're probably right about paleo, but you're dead wrong about beef.

>> No.9699758

Nah its as simple as that fatty

>> No.9699763

No. really the minutia of difference in grassfed vs grain fed beef in both nutrition and flavor (grain fed is better in flavor) is offset by a varied diet in fatty fish.

>> No.9699778

it's a drastic oversimplification for brainlets on bb.com. (ie (you))

>> No.9699783
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Agree with you about the flavor, but


>> No.9699787

And how do you counteract that imbalance?
Eat fucking varied diet.

How hard it is it to read?

>> No.9699803

phd in physics over here, folks

>> No.9699878

Ignore the canola oil too

>> No.9699892

canola is fine; you're a fag.

>> No.9700274
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>calories in calories out

>> No.9701001

Is this a good diet to follow when you're doing cross-fit or any other intense training?

>> No.9701115

I just ate three poached eggs, two pieces of toast, some sweet potato fries, and a barbecue sausage. Am I doing keto right?

>> No.9701184

Yes 196 to 160 in 2 months also no fucking fruits

>> No.9701195

>I hate science

No wonder you look like that

>> No.9701213

>lol I burn dried matter and count steam produced surely that's how the saliva, stomach, liver and other organs eat food.
there's no science in calories. It's empirical and doesn't work with reality even in the slightest way.

>> No.9701214


>I hate science
>No wonder you look like that

>disregards hormones and metabolic effect of foods aka science

>> No.9701219

You don't even understand the subject you seem to be triggered by.

Food calories are already corrected for how the human digestive process works. That's why food calories are reported as Atwater factors rather than the raw results you'd get from burning something.

>> No.9701225

>famous professor loses 150 pounds on a twinkies-only diet for 6 months
>his diet consisted of twinkies, chard, kale, spinach, bell peppers, carrots, whole milk yogurt, whole grains, and whey protein isolate
>see guise? calories in calories out! science is SOOO kewl! PICKLE RICK!!
You people are cancer

>> No.9701232

>oh AND chard, kale, spinach, bell peppers, carrots, whole milk yogurt, whole grains, and whey protein isolate

>> No.9701240
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Exactly! He lose 150 pounds only eating twinkies! Nutrient composition is irrelevant, calories in calories out! Why can't these anti-science feminists understand meeeeeee! I'm pickle RIIIIICK!

>> No.9701253

It's a diet made originally for autistic and ADHD children, and it it very very good for that.

>> No.9701925

The test strips are basically worthless. Whether you have ketones in your urine tells you nothing about your current blood ketone levels.

>be in ketosis
>your body burns your blood ketones for energy at a fast enough rate that there's no excess ketones being secreted in urine
>get a negative test strip despite being in ketosis


>be in ketosis
>eat a bunch of carbohydrate
>stop being in ketosis
>the ketones that were in your blood don't get used up because your body is now burning sugar
>get a ton of excess ketones dumped into your urine
>get a positive test strip despite not being in ketosis

>> No.9701929

Mmm, yummers. Dill pickle chips and six candy bars. Life is good, not being on keto!

>> No.9702159


I did keto for several years, also doing intermittent fasting (time-restricted variety).


* I didn't get tired/hungry very easily, and had better endurance
* Weight stayed pretty stable
* I love m a y o
* Simple to cook
* Relatively simple to deal with when eating out (burger with lettuce instead of bun, etc)
* Very low triglycerides


* At age 22 my doctor wanted me on cholesterol medication because my LDL was sky-high
* Developed mild erectile dysfunction
* I smelled horrible according to women
* My shits were very strange
* I started experiencing delayed gastric emptying
* No beer
* If I ate rice, I shat like a faucet

Later, I switched to a vegan diet (still doing intermittent fasting, so I still hit ketosis sometimes):


* Cholesterol (LDL particularly) dropped by 2/3 while my triglycerides only increased slightly (still under 60)
* Erectile dysfunction gone and I stopped getting migraines
* Normal shits
* Pasta is good
* Forced me to get better at cooking
* Eat out less because I'm forced to
* I like eating weird mock meats from the 1970s, feels like time traveling


* Social outcast
* Have to deal with other vegans and most of them are insufferable cunts
* Less endurance/more tired after eating
* Teeth/gums are harder to take care of (vs. no plaque if you don't eat carbs)
* Harder to maintain weight because getting better at cooking means that now I know how to make desserts
* If I eat dairy, I shit like a faucet

>> No.9702269

What was your vegan diet? Think weekly. I'd definitely go vegan, but I can not think of enough variety. I'd get bored within days. Definitely need my LDL and triglycerides to go down.

>> No.9702323
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>What was your vegan diet?

Pretty standard stuff I guess.

In the summer:

* I'd eat a lot of Mediterranean food: tabbouleh (though I preferred quinoa to couscous), hummus and baba ganoush pita sandwiches, dolma, etc. I also make my own yogurt (using an electric pressure cooker with a yogurt setting), and strained the soy yogurt through cheesecloth to make greek yogurt for tzatziki.

* Another favorite was jackfruit ceviche (pic related): make a broth of white miso and wakame, simmer drained canned green jackfruit, shred with a fork, mix with finely chopped jalapeno, cilantro, cucumber, tomato, avocado, dress with lime juice, olive oil, and salt

* Cold citrusy bean salads

Otherwise stuff like:

* Spaghetti with home-made tomato sauce and instead of meatballs I'd add in a mix of spiced lentils, onion, and mushroom that I pan-fried together in some canola oil

* Roasted root vegetable soup/stew (potato, rudabaga, parsnip, carrot, etc, lots of different ways to go, and you can always puree some of it to make it thick and creamy).

* Tacos/burritos: low-fat refried beans, black beans, salsa, rice, maybe some strips of marinaded and roasted tempeh, in a whole-wheat tortilla.

* Different kinds of curry or dahls

* Ethiopian-style food

* Stir-fry

I liked buns for fast meals out-of-the-freezer or taking to work:

Steamed buns - I'd make a mix of rice and a variety of sauteed mushrooms and some minced/roasted tempeh, put it into little balls in a wrap (generally made the wrap with 2 cups flour + 1/2 cup vital wheat gluten + 2 tbsp nutritional yeast + salt and spices), steam the wraps and then fry them if I wanted to be decadent.

Kroutbierock - Made a yeast dough, fill with a mixture of cooked cabbage, spiced lentils, onion, and garlic, brush with soy milk whisked with canola oil, and bake until golden.

>> No.9702768

Can confirm it's not a meme. I feel amazing on it and do it around 9-10 months at a time but when I go through a depressive period all I do is eat pizza and drink - fucking all the progress I made up.