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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9689543 No.9689543 [Reply] [Original]

Was just discussing bad restaurant experiences irl and was wondering what your worst was. Bad food, bad service, fistfights with other customers, all stories welcome as long as they happened in a dining establishment.

>> No.9689552

Can you start by telling us which country you are from?

>> No.9689568

Oh wait, I see a couple of keywords that give away the fact you're in a 3rd world country. Eg. The United States of America.

>dining establishment

>> No.9689938

Got raped by my grandfather in the toilets.

>> No.9689985

It was an accident but it was pretty bad.
>Go out to Olive Garden with my family, probably around 10-12 people total
>Have a bunch of illegal human beans working as busboy
>We get our food, start chomping, etc.
>All of a sudden I hear this tremendous bang from directly behind me and I feel the back of my shirt and neck/hair get wet with something
>Look over at my little nephew and there's like milk dropping down his shoulders
>Entire restaurant goes dead silent
>The bean busboy had dropped one of those big black plastic things they use to mass-carry a bunch of used plates and glasses and stuff, it fell on the floor breaking most of the shit inside and splashing me and my newphew, but no one else
>He apologizes in broken English, looking like he wants to die
>Still too shocked to really do anything, one of my aunts asks for the manager
>Manager comes over
>"Oh her, I'm SO sorry about that. I hope it didn't spoil your meal here. What we're going to do is comp their meals" (referring to JUST me and my nephew, as if they took note of who got sprayed with liquid so they could cut costs instead of putting the rest of the meal on the house)
>Meanwhile I'm filthy and wet, it was an honest mistake but fuck me man
>Aunt goes "Just them two?"
>"Yes, I know, but because no one else was affected we can only comp their meals."

tl;dr: Jews

>> No.9690000

>order cheeseburger at diner
>as I go to take my first bite I see the cook at the grill struggling to hold a giant stack of cheese slices between his chin and his bare untrimmed chest while he flips burgers
>just eat my fries and leave

>> No.9690012

>cool ex-chef uncle takes me to new fine dining place to teach me about food
>orders beef tenderloin medium rare
>served anti stress ball in wine sauce
Cost $10, too. Restaurant closed a month later.

>> No.9690254

Subways served by young tourists
Ingredients are not fresh.
Never went to a subways again

>> No.9690283

I hope you left a 1 star yelp review.

>> No.9690324

your aunt is a real bitch.

>> No.9690329

Is this some weird metaphor?

>> No.9690334

>tfw live in a blue state
>every time I go out to eat im guaranteed to be seated next to screeching spic babies and their inattentive parents

>> No.9690801
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>Work at Red Robins
>Some guy comes in and orders 6 orders of large donuts to-go, 4 angus burgers, a teriyaki chicken salad, and chicken permission.
>Literally barely opened 10 minutes ago
>By myself for 20 more minutes
>Start the cooking for the burgers and chicken, then work on the donuts and salad
>Get everything out relatively quick with pride of it actually looking photogenic
>Customer receives the order
>An hour later he comes back furious
>Didn't know one of our specialty sauces came with onions
>Son had an allergic reaction
>Demands a refund because of it
>Hostess tells him that wasn't possible because, despite the unfortunate incident, wasn't really their fault anyway
>Starts yelling at her loud enough to grab other customer's attention
>Manager rushes out and tries to mediate
>Guy keeps getting angrier and angrier because he keeps getting refused
>Ends up kicking the host podium over and throwing his entire order into the dining area hitting another customer in the process and covering him in pasta
>Customer gets furious and bum rushes the guy, who tries to run
>He makes it outside where he gets tackled
>Manager frantically telling host to call the police
>Customer starts beating the shit out of the guy as he lays on the ground
>Customer's family (?) comes out and grabs him and pulls him off the guy
>mfw the entire thing
>Police come by and arrest them both
>End up losing a huge chunk of money because the manager apologized to the rest of the diners and gave them all a discount on their meal
>Regional Manager spends the next week looking down our necks because of it

>> No.9690932 [DELETED] 

Always just bad service. Food is wrong. Food takes forever. Servers are rude and don't seem to care.

[spoiler]always seems to be black people

>> No.9690943

Good story but
>ordering donuts from Red Robins
Who does this?

>> No.9690947

Always just bad service. Food is wrong. Food takes forever. Servers are rude and don't seem to care.

Always seems to be black people

>> No.9691007

>Live in NYC
>Blue as fuck
>Only decent, young, hard working people in fine dining establishments
>drive through TN, KY, and OH. Retard beetus children and human landmasses everywhere

It sucks to live in a flyover, huh?

>> No.9691016

when I read that I was expecting that someone got shoot and you were sprayed with blood

>> No.9691020

black people can be the worst customers to

>> No.9691027

To be fair, it's not like the busser did it on purpose >although your meals should have been comped or at least have a free dessert or something

When I worked in a restaurant I spilled a whole tray of food going through doors to the patio (don't eat outside it's a bitch on everyone) and management comped their whole meal and the manager yelled at me
>Implying I dropped it on purpose

>> No.9691037

>At taco Bell
>Waiting for my food
>Guy prepping my food puts his gloved hand in his pocket and hands his keys to another employee and wipes his glove on his nose/mouth
>Ask him to make my food again


>> No.9691081

went to a McDonald's. apparently was schezuan sauce day. some autist jumped up on the counter and started yelling hey look at me. I'm pickle Rick.

>> No.9691119

>go to high end place for like 3rd time ever as I'm a poorfag student
>still, dress appropriately, am with some older people as well
>take FOREVER to be served, even drink orders
>I'm talking 20 minutes before we see anyone other than the hostess that seated us
>notice a waitress talking to other staff a lot
>place is starting to get busier since we and many others are waiting so long
>finally have to waive her down mid-conversation with some guy who looks like he walked in from his shift at Walmart
>she apologies for the wait, says "we weren't expecting such a rush, I'm sorry you've been waiting"
>cunt we JUST saw you wasting time laughing and joking with people for the last half hour
>this continues throughout the 2.5hr meal (3 courses, each with at least half hour waits in between, no plates cleared or check-ins at all)
>leave no tip on $350 bill
>get dirty look from this bitch as we walk out

What the hell did she expect? That may well have been the worst ever experience.. Going somewhere with meh food but outrageous prices for said meh food and not even getting good service. I've had hundreds of worse meals, but never a worse experience.

>> No.9691134

Honestly didn't know this was a thing

>> No.9691135

What state? I use to work at Olive Garden and we gave away comps like it was candy.

>> No.9691171

holy fuck man that's gross
and, like, who would want their greasy cheesy glove in their pocket anyway? aside from the person eating not wanting pocket lint in their food

>> No.9691295


>> No.9691699

Red Robins sells a simple donut that's sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and it comes with in-house berry sauce and chocolate sauce.
They're good, but they're also expensive and small. For $5 you get the equivalent to two and a half filled-donuts. They're okay with the sauce but otherwise not really good by themselves.
The chocolate fries are way better.

>> No.9691822

The worst thing that ever happened to me was I sat down and was not acknowledged for 15 minutes. I just left

>> No.9691869

Are they like those pancake puppies at Denny's?

>> No.9691906
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No, but those are pretty good.
The donuts we sell are bigger, but also fluffy and flaky. Pretty much the worst dessert we sell there in my opinion.

>> No.9691951

The white trash chick at the McD's takeout window told me to fuck off when I asked for a few packages of ketchup. Apparently I am supposed to ask that when ordering.

>> No.9692269
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>Live in 3rd world cunt
>Hard to find decent western food for cheap
>Manhattan's Fish Market has lunch promotion, fuck it why not, decide to eat there before work
>Food comes half an hour late, is cold
>Clearly the order was finished but the servers just forgot to send it
>Grilled fish fillet was the half the size of usual
>Finish eating, complain and walk out
>One of the servers follows me and gives me a couple of complimentary coupons
>Have dinner there again after rough day
>Free fish and chips, nice big pieces
>Finishing up, peel back the batter on the remaining piece
>white colored stringy thing about 10cm long, assume its a worm
>Call waiter and be offered to replace the meal, refuse and get 10% discount instead

Not really the worst experience I've had. In hindsight could probably have gotten another free meal to take home, but I didn't want to look like a scumbag and that one coulda had some shit in it too.

>> No.9692284
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>> No.9692311
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>> No.9692351

I found a scab with a hair in on my fish. The waiter tried to argue with me that it wasn't a scab. It was a fucking scab off someone's head.

>> No.9692363
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>> No.9692384

I think it translates to the meat being over cooked and hard like a stress ball

>> No.9692418
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>Eating in an expensive and exclusive restaurant for anniversary dinner
>Romantic atmosphere, candlelight, flowers, champagne, great food
>fucking server ruins everything by talking about his stepdaughter's "lady lights"

>> No.9692423

one time i waited 45 minutes for a crunchwrap supreme and when i asked them what was taking so long they told me that nobody there knew how to make one

>> No.9692451

Guess I know what I'm watching tonight

>> No.9692469
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>> No.9692480

They're anal vibrators that flash different colors every time you sit down.

>> No.9692483

I've heard people call boobs headlights before, maybe that's what he means

>> No.9692489

No they fucking aren't.
That's not a real thing.

>> No.9692497

Lady lights?

>> No.9692498
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Shit man you got me.

>> No.9692518

Yeah, that's what he meant. Fucking creeper.

>> No.9692528

Have something similar
>on date with gf
>food takes way too long
>server cleans up the table next to us and FUCKING SITS DOWN AND STARTS CHATTING US UP
>he continues talking to us for like 20 min and won't walk away

Seriously why do people think it's okay to do this?

>> No.9692535
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>heart monitor

>> No.9692548

>waiter ignores you for entire meal
>comes with bill, makes small talk for 20 seconds

Do they really think this will make up for shoddy service?

>> No.9692557

Lol you fucking wish faggot

>> No.9692567

Cringy as fuck

>> No.9693089

how do I get chicken permission?

>> No.9693275

>It sucks to live in a flyover, huh?

Today, for me, it didn't. I walked 100 yards to my deer stand from my front door and shot one in 45 minutes. Hung it from a tree in my backyard and butchered it. I'd tell you to eat it's heart out, but my arrow blew the heart into a pool of blood. Enjoy licking the food off your vomit, cum and shit stained sidewalks.

>> No.9693292


>> No.9693358

don't eat where you shit faggot

>> No.9693362


>> No.9693646


>> No.9693674

By asking nicely

>> No.9693769


>NYC is literally attached to shitty flyover up-state New York where one can hunt and be human garbage all they want.

It is like you can have your cake and eat it too? I am Currently living in a "fly-over" its just peachy but don't try to counter act his sass with your garbage.

>> No.9693802

i got a pecan wafffle at waffle house once that had a rusty tack in it. they didn't even comp my waffle or offer me a new one.

>> No.9694443

>went to a restaurant ordered everything seems ok
>1/2 hour later waitress brought out our check before we had even gotten our food, then vanishes for another 45 minutes.
>waitress comes back 10 minutes asking why weren't we ready to pay.
>tell her we haven't even gotten out food yet
>She then insists she had brought us our food
>she finally humos us and goes back to kitchen where "surprise" she found our now cold food still sitting there waiting for her to grab it.
>we complained to manager about the service
>he's all "well she's new you gotta make some excuses for her, sorry your food was cold nothing we can do about it"
>so pissed at this point we just pay to avoid hassle and leave
best part was my friends retarded wife insisting we leave a large tip because "being a waitress is one of the hardest jobs there is" yeah fuck that we left without tipping and I've never gone back

>> No.9694495

I hope you left a bad yelp review

>> No.9694582

Fucking hell nothing pisses me off more than going to dinner with my wife and her friend who always thinks shitty service is good service. Yeah just tip em 20 bucks because they fucked up our drink order on a slow night and took 25 minutes to get it.
>omg it's such a hard job even though I've never been one

>> No.9694683

>be 14
>Grandmother flew up for her birthday to be with us
>She has no immediate family where she lives, and she stays with us because of her mourning for my grandfather and her other son
>Parents decide to take us to some Italian restaurant near the ocean
>Middle of the Australian summer, so it's fucking boiling
>Weak airconditioning inside, so everyone is sweating
>Order food
>Mum is obese, and has no table manners, so she starts doing disgusting shit while eating in front of people
>Within earshot of the waitress, Dad says to me "Look at the ass on thar bird Anon!"
>Waitress fucking hears
>I'm about to collapse into a neutron star of embarassment and loathing
>Grandma tells Dad off, forces him to apologise to waitress
>Almost causes a scene
>Mum continues to be disgusting
>Leave, restaurant was pretty good
Why the fuck does everyone in my family have to be the loudest, most disgusting fucking animals on the planet when we go out to eat. I just want to have a normal fucking family outing, not some autistic fucking hillbilly orgy.

>> No.9694700

I thought OP got shot and he was now living his afterlife on 4chan

>> No.9694728

>go to Indian restaurant with gf and sister
>order $8 calamari entree
>it's 6 of those processed "seafood rings"
>tell waiter that it isnt calamari
>he goes in back to talk to chef
>comes back and insists it is calamari
>I get into an argument with chef and waiter over what is obviously processed seafood rings
>they just keep saying "it is calamari"
>feel rage building
>sister says we should walk out
>get up to leave
>waiter insists we pay for our entrees
>laugh at him
>says he's calling the police
>we cross the street and go to a nice pizza joint
>sit at the window watching pajeet make a police report while eating my marinara pizza
>with extra calamari

>> No.9694732


>Nigger-tier service
>Lol leave a tip anyway

Only a woman would say such a thing.

>> No.9694769

>going to an Indian joint for calamari
you fucking moron

>> No.9694773

>with extra fried pig rectum

>> No.9694891

Are you part American

>> No.9694957

My grandfather isn't a registered business so no, plus being sodomised by my mother's father has ruined my adult life, I've never been close sexually with a woman, the smell of coffee on someone's breath makes me shudder and I sometimes cry myself to sleep but on a positive I don't have a Reddit tier Sence of humour.

>> No.9694960


>> No.9694965

try being mexican, they are all sodomized by their dads and uncles and grandfathers and they don't cry about it 20 years later

>> No.9695009

>>so pissed at this point we just pay to avoid hassle and leave
So, you waited over an hour for food and were given a ridiculous amount of attitude about it by the server, and they refused to apply a discount, hold the server accountable for her fuck up, or even heat up the food for you?
And you paid anyway?

Fuck you.

>> No.9695123

You did the right thing anon.

>> No.9696034
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>Cousin's 18th birthday
>We go to a japanese grill restaurant
>Just our family and another family also celebrating a birthday in the restaurant
>The chef puts on theatrics and tells funny jokes most of the night, really good host
>Chef throws food to us and we have to catch it in our bowls starting with eggs
>Some people drop them, laughing ensues
>Chef throws egg to kid and lands dead on his head and cracks all over him
>Everyone laughs
>Kid's uncle sitting next to him makes fun of him
>Kid has bright idea to slam another egg over his uncle's head
>Uncle slaps the shit out of kid
>Dead. Silence.
>Kid tries to hold back tears as the uncle says "It's about respect, he needs to learn"
>Chef tries to draw attention away from what just happened and continue
>Go outside for air with my mother, brother and cousin. Mother is pissed. Says to my cousin "I'm sorry I know it's your birthday but I have to do something." Kid's uncle walks out of restaurant just as she finishes saying that.
>Shit is about to go down.
>"How fucking dare you embarrass that kid in front of everyone, what the fuck is wrong with you?" He replies "You don't understand" arguing ensues.
>Brother has had enough. Lunges at the guy and socks him right in the mouth. Mother bullrushes him into the wall.
> Aunty joins the fight and smashes a beer bottle across his head.
>Restaurant staff come out and break up the fight. Pulls the guy into restaurant and locks the door.
>Family legs it down the road before cops show up , we're laughing about what just happened.
>I realise something is wrong and turn to my mother.
>"Where's grandma?"

>> No.9696221

What the fuck do you expect for a $10 tenderloin?

>> No.9696230

>your aunt is a real bitch.
She's a justifiable cunt, rather.

>> No.9696251

Did you and your friend then go back home to watch your wives being fucked by their black bulls?

>> No.9696265

Sounds like a pain in the ass

>> No.9696268

Why would you expect more from Waffle House?

>> No.9696305

>can is see employment registration paperwork for the bean boy here?
>"Ummm that won't be necessary, all your meals are on the house sir!"
was that so hard?

>> No.9696309

I don't go to olive garden, but if someone did this at a restaurant I was eating at, I'd take their picture and share it on social media to get them publicly shamed and drummed out of whatever shit job they have due to public outrage

>> No.9696358

Not him but I have had this several times. I don't think it's a case of the person being a tweeker rather them being talkative, friendly, don't know boundaries and really fucking bored.

>Have work early go into breakfast place as it opens
>Only person there, order.
>Girl who brings out my food proceeds to sit down to
>Just talks at me while I eat

It was rather annoying and unprofessional of her but she got a pass as she was cute.

Was in a new hipster pizza place with my gf a few months back. We had been seeing a film so late in and few customers. They guy who served us came back a few minutes later and just pulled up a chair and started talking to us. While he was friendly enough and I didn't mind too much my gf was rather pissed.

I've worked in restaurants and bars and the only way I can see someone pulling this shit is if they're the kind of person who has no filter/boundaries and/or really fucking bored but even then it's not acceptable.

>> No.9696365
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>about 5 at the time
>family and I went to a local pizza parlor
>dad ordered 2 large pizzas
>one wasn’t right but dad was too hungry to complain
>older brother ate “not right” pizza, like 6 slices
>he went and played arcade for a few minutes then returned
>brother blew chunks in the nice comfy booth next to the wall
>dad tossed napkins on top of this pile of pizza puke to thinly veil what it was
>we left

I can only imagine the horror a poor busboy felt when he plunged a hand into a pile of warm puke, thinking it was an innocuous collection of napkins.

>> No.9696385

I only like this if it's a cute young waitress, otherwise i hate that shit and just want to be on my phone

>> No.9696464

You ordered hot food. The contract was voided and you should not have paid.

>> No.9696512

>be estadounidense
>go to europe
>eat out
>they take hours to bring the bill
>every time

>> No.9696588

you're assuming this is a real story

>> No.9696637

Any Chinese restaurant with their kids running around unchecked. Had 2 experiences in 2 months from 2 places. It's fucking infuriating.

>> No.9696651

No bit Aussies and Americans are part British so lay that blame where it needs to go.

>> No.9696664

I don't get it.

>> No.9696693

That's pretty nasty, but man if your food wasn't contaminated before it sure as hell was after you asked him to re-do it.

>> No.9696770

was she kill?

>> No.9696888

I live in nyc too, so stop lying.

restaurants are either staffed by horrible dilettante american college degree-holding morons ("hipsters", "millenials", all just other names for the same thing: dumbass manchildren who can't complete basic tasks), or by scum of the earth immigrants who dont speak english, work hard, would stab you if they could.

>> No.9696912

sick larp, bruh

>> No.9696920

surely you must be jesting.

no one can be so foolish as you have described yourself.

>> No.9696935

you just ask for it, you fucking nitwit

>> No.9696951

12£ and 40 minute wait for "carabonara" that turned out to be soggy pasta screws with a quart of canned bechamel sauce, shredded ham and mushrooms on top.

>> No.9697234

I'm aware the story is fake, but,
>guy open hand slaps a teenager
>your nigger family feels justified in punching tackling and assaulting him with a deadly weapon
>if they hadn't stopped your chimpout he'd likely be dead
Don't breed, your family needs to end. Even with the fake story, you still thought that was cool.

>> No.9697255

Easy mistake to make I guess.

>> No.9697267



>> No.9697277

It was a shitty experience.

>> No.9697294


>> No.9697326

i thought i got shot and was in a coma and ops post was trying to give me a signal

>> No.9697363


the aristocrats

>> No.9697492

Fuck, this got me.
I've never worked at taco bell and I'm sure I could make one.

>> No.9697525

the fakest part of this is going to hibachi and the chef cracking an uncooked egg on someone

>> No.9697716

This one happened ages ago. In the bumfuck small town that I lived in there was one, singular, restaurant. It was typical American stuff, pretty decent. But anyway:
>be me
>~7 years old
>at the restaurant with family
>eating muh corn dog
>coloring some stuff
>boss as fuck
>hear some shouting and crashes a few tables down
>only guy at the table is being held down and restrained by two cops
>he was cooking meth in his house
>just like half of the entire town
>they leave abruptly
Good times.

>> No.9697728

Once there was a booger in my drink. I removed it and did not realize it was a booger. only looking back i realize thats what it only could have been.

I wish I had a raised a scene because it was a hoigty-toighty kind of place and a booger in my drink is inexcuseable. Would have gone full Larry David if that happended to me today..

>> No.9697830

if you have to waive a waiter in a classy place, all the staff should be fired.

>> No.9697846

The staff should be decimated so the remainders learn.

>> No.9697847

>3rd world country
>fish with worm
congratulations, you aren't allergic to anisakis worm, because you are still breathing

>> No.9697883

>asking why you aren't ready to pay
that's a big NO NO

>> No.9697905

if you ever do the "but I have that going for me, which is nice" I volunteer to headshot you

>> No.9697927

they don't rush you with the bill because we aren't money crazy jews.
Also what the other anon says, you ask for it

>> No.9697972

> was at a buffet
>enjoying my meal
>started hearing 3 people sperging out
>one picked up a chair and smashed it against the sneeze guard at the salad bar
> another kept scooping bowls of soup (dipping the bowls directly into pot) and throwing them at the ground/wall
> another was flinging items on buffet line
> the one with the chair then attacked the ice cream machine
I had to get out

>> No.9698239

hello fellow lawfag, wish me luck on the Bar

>> No.9698288
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Any time one of these loudmouth raisin-brained college dumbasses try to get complete strangers to tip or to tip more than 10%. American tipping culture is fucking retarded and I see no reason why the patrons are the ones being punished for the shitty wages the restaurant employer is bestowing upon their workers. Sometimes I wish I could just move out of this college city and go back to my hometown where this shit never happened.

>> No.9698321

arent stressballs soft?

>> No.9698331

Everytime I go into these threads there's always guys like you that have to lie out the ass. Why bother with it? Lying about your actual experiences isn't helping the thread, just because you're scared people won't think it's as interesting without the crazy unrealistic shit happening in it doesn't mean you can't post what actually happened.

>> No.9698334

You must be confused, I buy food from a store.
It comes pre-butchered. Do you have stores in Frogballs, Tennessee?

>> No.9698336

Waitress kept coming onto me and trying to flirt; like bitch, let me eat.

>> No.9698370

>I had to get out
you mean come out

>> No.9698372

Huh, says they’re funny

>> No.9698375

>go to romantic dinner with gf
>waiter hits on her the entire fucking time making us both uncomfortable


>> No.9698381

Your fucking delusional if you think all those are lies. Mine was most definitely not. Weird shit happens in restaurants all the time. I have even more bizarre stories, that was just the most recent. You must not get out much or have never worked in a restaurant.

>> No.9698398

Wow look at this guy getting hot and bothered just because somebody called them out without a single shred of actual evidence. Damn you must be insecure as hell, or you're just mad that he's right.

>> No.9698429

Should have told the guy to fuck off, or complain to the manager about it.

>> No.9698457

my worst experience was
>taking my dad out for his birthday
>he orders cranberry juice (he always orders this or grapefruit juice)
>asks for no ice (he says ice has always hurt his teeth)
>when we get our drinks he gets a piping hot glass of cranberry juice
that was probably the worst desu

>> No.9698466

>upd00ted xD

>> No.9698469
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fucking kek

>> No.9698495

this isnt really bad experience, so much as it is a bizarre one
>go to old country buffet with my brother because we go to it once a year for nostalgias sake
>half the seating is cleared
>there is a massive pile of carpets on one of the back booths
>a huge amount of samoans are doing a series of dances and rituals
>each one brought their own carpet to give
>I asked one of them and apparently it was a funeral ceremony
>stay for about 2 hours watching a samoan funeral ceremony while eating sub-par food with my bro
overall pretty fun, I knew washington had a lot of samoans, but i never would think someone would hold a funeral in old country buffet

>> No.9698684

Late reply but New York, I wanna say around this time I was living in Suffolk, not the city. Don't remember the exact town, and this was in the early 2000s.

>> No.9698753

No. just a bitch.

>> No.9699043

Alright since this is the second time someone questioned the veracity of my story I'll reply. I'm the Olive Garden/busboy crash guy. What the fuck is so hard to believe about the story? There's nothing unbelievable about it. Long Island NY early 2000s you stupid mudderfucker.

>> No.9699046
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damn dude

>> No.9699097

A date made a huge scene because I paid for our dinner when she went to the lavatory, shouting that I'm a fucking sexist pig and the like.

It was a nice restaurant and the whole affair was very embarrassing.

>> No.9699115

wow that was pretty sexist tho, i hope she recovers from the trauma someday

>> No.9699144

>be me, waiting tables
>long day, running out of patience
>lady comes in wanting to what has gluten and what doesn't, what has dairy etc.
>do archival research in the back office to get her questions answered
>she can't make up her mind. I try to indicate that I'm extremely busy and have other tables I need to get to
>"If you'd like you can have a look around the menu some more and I can come right back in a moment"
>"No, stay here. What about X? What about Y?..."
>I have tables that are trying to pay and leave. I can feel other people's eyeballs on my back
>she decides she doesn't want any of that stuff after all (even though it's gluten and dairy free) and orders a salad
>her husband orders a sandwich on regular bread
>she makes a joke about "I might have a piece of his sandwich since that's what you do when you're married."
>I don't think this is funny and I'm extremely busy with other tables. I decide not to even pretend to laugh, instead staring back at her with a blank expression
>suddenly everything is icy cold
>30 seconds go by without anyone saying anything
>their hopeful smile fades into confusion. Something is deeply broken in this human interaction. She wants to ask why I'm not laughing but can't. I wan't to explain why I'm not laughing but can't.
>"uhh... okay yeah so yeah I guess we'll have the salad and sandwich okay yeah?"
>"sure thing ma'am."
>I come back to get drink order
>"We're going to leave. Can you cancel our order"

>> No.9699167

What? Why are tourists working?

>> No.9699175

>hipster burger place in NYC
>$15 a burger, fries not included
>whatever, if the burger's a decent size and good quality, I'm sure it's worth it.
>wait literally close to an hour for four fucking BURGER orders, three other tables in the restaurant full, tops.
>waitress stops by to apologize every fifteen minutes, insisting food will be 'out soon'
>nearly walk out by the 4th instance of this but burgers finally arrive
>everyone's order is completely fucked up
>burger looks like a shriveled, dried hockey puck, supposed to stuffed with cheese, but could not discern any
>inside of all of our burgers are virtually raw despite each ordering medium well
>fries are burnt and taste like they've been cooked in oil that's been used for a week straight.
>we're so mad that we all just get up and walk out

I've had shitty experiences, but this place took the cake. Utter fucking incompetency.

>> No.9699496
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pls sauce on bunbun qt

>> No.9699532
File: 32 KB, 314x327, dank weeb destroyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made in abyss but all of the characters are/look like ten year olds and the whole thing reeks of creepy pedo overtones

>> No.9699582


>> No.9699624
File: 114 KB, 670x503, 1487800450880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to crepes restaurant
>order crepe with lardons, spinach and portobello mushrooms because why not try something out

>they barely cooked the lardons
>the spinach is clearly the same frozen chopped spinach I have in my freezer
>they didn't even unfreeze it right, it renders a ton of water that makes the crepe all soggy
>the mushrooms are all mushy, indicating they're both canned and poorly cooked
>complain to the waitress
>no sir, all our products are fresh

It's not like it was a particularly cheap or tourist-trap restaurant either, no justification to serve such terrible food to people and then deny that there's anything wrong with it.

>> No.9699685

Some customers in restaurants are bored and want to chat, I shit you not. Some people go into the food service industry for the human relations side of the job, which doesn't help. Some people have no fucking boundaries and will talk to anyone, anywhere, about fucking anything.

>> No.9699692
File: 46 KB, 510x499, SLEEP_MOTHERFUCKER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to coffee shop
>one of those places with an ipad register
>sign for my card and asks me if i'd like to tip
>instead of a percentage option, it defaults to $1 $2 or $3

do people seriously tip $1 for a $3 cup of coffee? they don't even bring it to me at a table, i have to come get it at the counter.

tipping waiters is ok with me, but tipping baristas or for take out is retarded. i'd also argue its retarded to have to be expected to tip a bartender when you're just getter beer. congrats, you pulled the correct lever to fill the glass, let me tip you for that excellent service!

>> No.9699728

It's understood that you can still order things (like drinks or coffee) until you've asked for the bill. Also it allows for someone to sneakily and gracefuly pay for everyone at the cash register without having to deal with the whole "I got it! No I got it! How about we split? But I only had a salad!" deal.

>> No.9699747

>order coke at restaurant
>"no lemon wedge"
>lemon wedge
>every time

>> No.9699766


>> No.9699767

Oh man my dad always jokes around with waitresses and cashiers. I know it's not exactly bullying but I feel so awkward when they have to pretend he's funny despite doing tired dad jokes. I do it because he's my dad, but seeing other people do it is cringe as fuck.

>> No.9699770


You're deranged. OF COURSE, next time someone acts like a freak in a restaurant, I'll just whip out my phone and ask them to repeat themselves so I can prove it later on a Tibetan Saxaphone Jingle site!!!!!

>> No.9699822
File: 142 KB, 700x420, c700x420[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was at an Ethiopian restaurant. If you're not familiar you eat with your hands- rip of the bread plate thing and use it to scoop up the various curries.

>Weekday evening, no crowd but plenty of staff
>Group of 5 shooting the shit so we're not in a rush at first
>45 minutes to take our order
>Russian chick can't do heat, orders a few curries clarifying to make it as mild as possible
>Get massive carafe of honeywine because we realize they'll be slow on drink orders
>Bring us wine, no glasses
>Wait 15 minutes for them to bring us glasses
>1.5 hours to bring the food out
>"Mild" curries are just as spicy as the other ones, Russian chick feasts on nothing but alcohol
>Check arrives with service charge included, no hand towels so we're stuck with curry hands
>Request hand towels, wait 30 minutes for them to bring us cold, wet towels
>One guy runs to an ATM across the street so we can pay cash without service charge

Only time in my life I've actually tipped 0%

>> No.9699880

>people who contribute anything longer than 3 lines of greentext are lying
Wew lad.

>> No.9699947

Yeah, tipping is pretty bullshit. I also hate when people ask if I want to donate to charity. A few weeks ago I went to White Castle at like 1:30 A.M. as a poorfag student, thought I would treat myself after a long day of projects. "Would you like to make a donation for breast cancer?" Lady, its almost 2 in the morning at a run-down, overpriced burger joint, give me a break with this shit. That shit is so awkward to say no to.

>> No.9699976

maybe thats why everyone is starving in Africa, they actually just have to wait literally forever to be served food

>> No.9700067

I only do it because I was a barista and I hope some good karma will keep on flowing.

>> No.9700153

>1.5 hours to bring the food out
In my experience that's pretty par for the course in Ethiopian restaurants.

>> No.9700242

>1 year of living in apartment with 2 roomates
>3 of us and my gf go to new brewery in town for dinner
>sit outside around a fire pit
>waiter is too friendly and sits down with us for a moment
>they don't have their own beers
>they don't have half of the shit we ordered
>poutine we ordered is tiny and probably came from a package
>everything takes forever to arrive
>portion sizes are small and food it meh to shit tier
>way overpriced
>leave hungry and disgruntled
>call in next day and talk to manager, voice my complaints
Two Tread "brewery" in Santa Rosa CA if anyone was wondering, never go there.

>> No.9700294

>accidentally told something bad to my gf the day before, she cried a lot and said some really disturbing, haunting things
>I feel bad but try to make normal date
>go to pho, her favorite
>we're sitting and eating and there's a silence so I start to feel guilty about the day before
>she asks why I'm not talking
>I say I still feel bad about yesterday
>she says whats the use and acts like I'm stupid
>I almost cry and almost yell arguing with her
>we pay and leave
>on the way home someone rear-ends another person at a red light somehow
>she speeds the rest of the way home with no regard for safety
>we have sex that very night

don't date crazy girls

>> No.9700442

but I am a cuck

>> No.9700450

you deserved it, fucking sexist.

>> No.9700510

I love when my dad does it because he's actually hysterical and charming and I'm an autismo

>> No.9700600

>nothing interesting ever happens to me so it must never happen to anyone

Some people have interesting lives woo

>> No.9700625

Thats a ventilator anon

>> No.9700698

>Be european
>Visiting America
>Eating with my family out
>Finish our meals, start chatting
>Waiter keeps looking at us and asking if he can bring the bill

??? fuck right off, we can ask for the bill when we're done.

>> No.9700756

Her husband probably talked her into leaving.
The story makes her out to be oblivious to what other people think, so her husband probably explained that the kitchen would tamper with their food or he knew they didn't have enough money to cover the tip they'd need to give for such an extravagant waste of time.

>> No.9700769

nigga i would not have paid
im a fuckin pussy that avoids confrontation at all times but holy fuck my almonds are activated like a motherfucker just reading this

>> No.9700770

>>Eating with my family out
Where did they go?

>> No.9700772

That's funny. You must've gone to a pretty low end restaurant. That's never happened to me and I've been to ~6 states, but the only times I eat out with the girlfriend is when we go to fancy restaurants. Only those have any hope of matching my food.

>> No.9700774

>Only those have any hope of matching my food.
I guarantee you don't even cook.

>> No.9700778

I own a successful restaurant you imbecile.

>> No.9700779

this is shit

>> No.9700786

I went to get a blood test and they had an ipad register thing.
Shit was awesome it put my name on the tv and had my estimated waiting time too.

>> No.9700819

One of the nicest waitresses I've met was a black woman with a strong southern accent. For me the rudest ones always seem to be asian (except for the indians)

>> No.9700854

place sounds like shit but you don't deserve good food if you order anything medium well

>> No.9700858


>> No.9700894

>chicken permission


>> No.9700903

>one time i waited 45 minutes for a crunchwrap supreme

feel like that's on you son

>> No.9700912


so when are you turning yourself in for rape?

>> No.9700920


>not wanting delicious lemon wedge

nah you're the asshole, fuck me I wish they did this where I live

>> No.9700927

>Rip for tip

>> No.9700931

I probably would like it too if it wasn't in every fucking glass of coke ever.

>> No.9700933

>leave a large tip because "being a waitress is one of the hardest jobs there is"
My brother's girlfriend is a waitress, and he is the head chef. She literally just talks to him most of the time because her job is that easy, yet she still makes more than him.

This shit pisses me the fuck off.

>> No.9700959


my sister once got dumped by a boyfriend for pulling something similar and she wouldn't stop crying about it for several weeks

>> No.9700977


>> No.9701032
File: 22 KB, 480x360, FB_IMG_1509222077554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to an unknown brand burger joint
>make your own burger bar, lots of options
>decide to get blue cheese on the burger because why not
>burger is really nice, decent service at a a reasonable price
>leave to walk to a bar
>make it about 500 yards and I need to fart
>let rip and shat myself
>stood frozen, do a 180 and burst into the nearest Frankie and Bennys
>bee-line to the bathroom for round two and clean up job.
>boxers are ruined, take them off and put them in the corner
>20 mins later I am clean and look for bin for shit soiled boxers
>nothing in bathroom but a tiny peddle bin, no bigger than a kids shin
>throw boxers in, order uber and leave

I feel bad but turns out my friends got the exact same shit runs later in the night and the following day. So fuck that burger joint. I do feel bad for the cleaner who had to open that bin though

>> No.9701056

never really had a bad restaurant experience but was dining with like 3 of my buddies at a pizza hut, some lunch special thing and a waittress with like a plate of drinks with coke/j2o and stuff got spilled over 2 of my friends, not a single bit on me or my other friend.

Our entire meal got comped and we got a free dessert and the two guys got a free pizza coupon.

not bad considering nothing happened to me lmao, i fucking kek'd so hard when it happened though.

>> No.9701073


>> No.9701081

I don't particularly trust ground beef that has not been cooked all the way through. With that said, I don't mind a little pinkness. These were raw.

>> No.9701201

There is an average food place/bar nearby which satisfies the 'worth driving to' but 'not that far to need to be special' kind of thing that is sometimes needed on a quiet saturday or sunday evening. The prices are very fair.

Whenever we go we get seated, but then nobody ever comes to serve us. I've gone to the bar a couple of times and they've gotten all pissed off at the teenaged servers and told me to go sit back down and then a manager or similar has come over to take our order, but it is clear he doesn't want to do it because it is beneath him or something and he is just following procedure. A few times we've walked out because it is just so awkward.

Last time I'm like fuck this and I go back to the front and speak to the hostess. She asks what is up and I tell her nobody is coming to serve us. She says take a seat somebody will usually be along. I say this happens pretty often and usually we just walk out after 30-45 minutes I feel she should know about it rather than just wonder why people leave. She asks what she is supposed to do about it I say come take our order she says that isn't her job and says ask for the manager at the bar I'm like no because he is always a difficult jumped up prick about it who clearly feels it isn't his job either which is why we walk out now instead of going up to the bar. She is all like oh sorry, but what do you want to happen right now? I'm like come take our order? She is like uhh ok? I guess? It really isn't my job though!

During our meal the manager keeps coming over and asking if everything is alright. Like he comes over about 5 times. He just wants to be sure that everything is finally to our satisfaction because he hates it when people aren't happy and he hates the idea that people don't love coming to his restaurant. Like dude I'm not going to apologise to you for saying you were a jumped up prick. Clearly you set the culture for your team and either empower or disempower your staff to resolve issues.

>> No.9701208

You can't just not tell us what you said

>> No.9701248
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Literally shaking at how much of a cuck you are rn.

>> No.9701264
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>Denny's with stepdad
>6ish years or so ago
>go in for lunch and decide I want to order those special fruit drinks
>server brings out the drink with a little fruit skewer hanging off the side
>notice something merged underneath skewer on the glass and lift
>it's a green loogie
>not clear spit, literal green phlegm like the kind you get when you're sick
>blurt out how there's a loogie on my drink
>stepdad stares blankly, tells me to just order another one
>server comes back
>"There's a loogie on my drink."
>doesn't apologize or act shocked, takes it back and brings another
>acts like nothing happened
>everyone acts like nothing happened
>mfw no one curr about someone tampering my drink
Tried recalling to see if I could have done something to offend someone in that restaurant. But I didn't. Methinks the server just hated making those fancy fruit drinks and had some lingering mucus from their bout with oral thrush.

>> No.9701267

where was it?

the sheer variety of food in this city is amazing, but I don't go out to eat much now cuz there are so many scam restaurants serving up garbage w/ poor service for a premium price. I feel like my ratio of good experiences to mediocre ones is like 1:5.

t. fellow jew yorker

>> No.9701272


>> No.9701293

fucking nigger kike

>> No.9701294

the back of house def jizzed in your meatloaf that night.

dont patron garbage tier restaurants and then try to fix them?!?! do you live in a town of 2000?

>> No.9701322

Whitmans in Chelsea. It has great reviews online, no fucking clue why. Maybe I went on an off night but it was unacceptable service for the city.

>> No.9701559

Talk with the manager and refuse to move from the window until the manager comes and talk with you.

>> No.9701641

Had that happen with a bartender at a hotel. Asked him to make 3 jaegerbombs and not only did he attempt to make a completely wrong drink and pass it off as a jaegerbomb, he then attempted to skimp on jaeger and the redbull while he was pouring them. Then he disappeared and 2 other bartenders started working, ignoring all attempts that I did to get their attention to get the damn bill. I wanted to leave but the other 2 with me wouldn't because they were afraid we'd get a bouncer on us or something. 20 minutes later the original bartender shows up and gives us the bill, THEN starts chatting us up. Like, fuck you dude. I saw the face you made because we're a little younger than everyone else at the bar. Self fullfilling prophesy since I didn't tip him at all.

>> No.9701757

I have "my extended family is a bunch of pussies" experience.

>We're up in Alaska on a family vacation paid for by my wealthy grandfather
>One night we go to a nice steakhouse for dinner
>Everything is fine at first until they bring out the actual steaks and the second bottle of wine
>Some of the steaks are overcooked, and the wine tastes off
>My mom (grandfather's daughter) flags down a waiter and complains about the wine and points out the overdone steaks
>Aunt and uncle (who were JUST complaining) quickly tell the waiter that it's fine, everything is delicious
>Waiter goes off to get a new bottle of wine as the family grumbles that my mother has "really embarrassed everyone"

Seriously what a bunch of pussies, they even left a larger tip behind when we refused to leave one.

>> No.9701808

Same as the other anons. I don't fuck with pink ground beef. I'm down for medium rare steaks and whole cuts though,

>> No.9701815

Why the fuck do you think grabbing anyone who works there can take your order? A hostess usually doesn't have the ability to send an order to the kitchen, take payment, produce change, or essentially be a server and a host at the same time. Someone would be a fucking cock like you about how no one is there to seat them the second they walked in the door.

If the service sucks, don't go there. Stop being such a Jew, "prices are fair" therefore I will only go here even though I fully know what it will be like. Go somewhere else, or better yet stay fucking home so others don't have to deal with your fag ass.

>> No.9701825

Jealous because he gets to go home and watch his wife get fucked by a bull?

>> No.9701826

I wouldn't tip a barista for something as simple as pouring drip coffee. Also most of those ipad systems (they're usually using Square) have the option to add a custom tip, you probably just didn't see it.

>> No.9701844

Were you expecting her to bow down and kiss you feet while apologizing? She brought you a new one without making excuses.

>> No.9701859

I've read this before. For some reason I always remembered this particular story when reading threads like these.

>> No.9701869


you just made your misstake

>> No.9701886

There was a loogie in the drink, man. A manager should've came and talked to them at the very least. I would've just straight up left the restaurant at that point and posted a yelp about it.

>> No.9701896

>I would've just straight up left the restaurant at that point and posted a yelp about it.
That would have shown them.

>> No.9701898

>I would've just straight up left the restaurant at that point
Yeah I dunno what that Anon is thinking. It's not like a piece of fruit was starting to go bad, somebody spit in the food. Why would you trust the server/cook after that and be okay with them acting like it's no big deal?

>> No.9701937

Yeah, let's not tell other people that a restaurant is not only willing to hire a guy who'll spit in your food, but apparently does this so often the waitresses aren't distressed by it.

Are you mentally deficient?

>> No.9701973

I don't care who takes my order as long as somebody takes it. I know full well that the place is run like shit, but for some reason (convenience due to location, ok price makes it worth the risk) we seem to think that it is always worth another try when we are in half a mind about going somewhere at the last minute. Maybe I enjoy giving them shit, who knows.

Here is how it goes. Somebody comes and takes my order. If you can't make that happen with 30 minutes after I've been seated and I'm forced to get up and find somebody then that persons top priority should be to make it happen instead of arguing about it with me.

Why not write it on a napkin and later on take it to a server if you have to, but in the moment be polite and professional and apologetic about it instead of trying to impress upon me how it isn't your problem and I need to go find somebody else. Fuck it send over a couple of free drinks if you really want to lather up my dick over the whole affair while you are at it. I'd even accept a condescending "you know what? It isn't my job? But for you handsome I'll make an exception" just deal with it.

The manager there is a prick because he clearly isn't on top of his staff and he clearly isn't encouraging staff to solve their own problems because I was directed to complain directly to him when I had a problem which would indicate to me that his staff hate him and he is a control freak who needs everything to come through him. He also didn't acknowledge the issue I'd had instead focusing on if the food was ok 5 times like a robot which to me is a passive aggressive way of either trying to kill me with false kindness and attention or saying you have the problem not me and if you say the food is fine then there was no problem after all.

So whatever man. I'm just trying to help improve customer service where I can.

>> No.9701992

>Are you mentally deficient?
No, I just don't have to share every little detail of my life with the interwebs. Nor, do I have to consult with the other idiots, on the interwebs, about every decision in my life.

>> No.9702153

no i wasnt giving blood just getting it tested
im a numale soyboy so they wanted me to get some levels checked before i start taking finasteride

>> No.9702298

>he posted, full of quiet, indignant rage on a korean knitting photo board.

>> No.9702373

Is this what millennial relationships are like? Both sides are emotional wrecks who start crying and yelling at the slightest provocation?

>> No.9702414

Pork steaks cost a third of that at the same restaurant. Europe btw.

>> No.9702425

It's basic psychology, the uncle would only understand a stronger physical response, not a measly lawsuit that can damage his kid's future.

>> No.9702520
File: 229 KB, 419x545, 1479143071288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me and friend are kind of drunk, so we go to Denny's
>It's only us and a Mexican family there at like 3 am
>Their little bastard kid is running around with a butter knife at full speed around the restaurant
>Parents obviously don't give a fuck
>Me and friend exchange glances at each other, wondering if we should say something or just leave
>Only waitress in the place looks terrified
>After 5 laps around the restaurant, the kid runs into the kitchen
>Hear a loud bang and a chorus of Mexican curses from the cooks
>Kid comes back without the knife and is crying, also has a huge lump on his head
>The whole family just kinda got up and left without saying a word
>Waitress comes over to take our order
>Ask her what the hell happened
>She says one of the cooks thought the kid was going to stab him so he hit the kid with a pot
>She apologizes and says if we were caused any inconvenience then we could order whatever we want for free
>Me and friend just laugh and say we'll pay for our meals since we got dinner and a show

Not really a story about bad service, but still thought it was funny

>> No.9702521

No way man, are you in SE Washington? I fuck with Samoans on occasion, my dad plays music with a big group of em

>> No.9702591

I only tip at a coffee shop if I order a coffee that took a couple minutes of effort like a french press or a pour over. Even then, it's gonna be the handful of change in my pocket. It represents my acknowledgement that an effort was made to make my coffee specifically for me. I don't ever see any of the milkshake ordering assholes tipping, but whatever. It's not expected at coffee shops anyway. Wish I could tip just the cooks at restaurants when the food is really good.

>> No.9702654

I had a black waitress once at an IHOP in NJ, she was nice to everyone and took orders from the 6-8 people at our table on memory alone, and they all came out correct.

>> No.9702685

SJW detected

>> No.9702733

what is up with families nowadays?
if i even fuckin breathed too loud in public my mom wouldve beat my ass
my grandma still talks about how quiet and calm i was as a kid
i see this in white people too when i go to work

>> No.9702875

sounds like applebees

>> No.9702891

tell me right now how you can tell it was the same spinac

>> No.9702909

You really have no idea how a bad rating online can tank a non-chain restaurant

>> No.9703034

Do you have weapons grade autism or something? You can't possibly see how proper restaurant service would entail an apology and perhaps something to rectify the situation, such as a discount off the bill or a free food item?

>> No.9703202

lol faggot you have the mentality of a Syphilis-ridden boomer nobody gives a shit so just let their restaurant fail stop giving them service lmaoing at your life right now fampai

>> No.9703271

I want to say it's the minorities but you see it everywhere, just in different ways.

>In White families I often see runners or unruly children who refuse to sit still. They're also the ones with the most picky eaters. Also, trailer trash, but that's expected in some areas.
>Blacks occupy this weird spot. Half the time the parents are slovenly niggers and have barefoot niglets acting out a scene from a nature documentary and half the time the parents are super strict and beat the child with the kid getting progressively more belligerent as if it were attempting some weird power play.
>Mexicans are either super attentive to their children and treat the dining table as they would their own kitchen table or they stopped caring and have a little jumping bean run around hoping somebody will get pissed off enough to finally call ICE on them and save them. Special mention because you can't even speak to them without getting a "no speak Eengleesh" whether or not that's true.

I could go on but that's most of what I see.

>> No.9703348
File: 81 KB, 374x327, 3048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad gets rear ended by a mejican once and they told him they dont speak english
>is actually a white skinned hispanic and starts speaking english
>mfw mexican starts pretending hes retarded and cant talk

>> No.9703359


I got a story. This happened a few months ago on a date

>Been dating this girl around 3 months, she's cool but eccentric
>We go to a decent Italian restaurant one night
>While we're waiting to be seated this waiter starts giving girl these long awkward stares
>She tells me she's never seen him before, I try to let it drop
>Said waiter is assigned to our table, guy quickly confronts girl and they start arguing right there at the table
>Turns out he was her ex-bf, she claims she had no idea he worked there
>Dinner was just horrible, if the two weren't arguing she was complaining to me the whole time
>Waiter makes the mistake of calling girl a cunt at one point
>Next table over complains to the manager after overhearing this, manager brings waiter outside for a talk
>After a long and shouting conversation we hear the slam of a car door and waiter drives away as fast as he can
>Girl gets phone call from waiter, and she steps outside to yell at him, literally screaming so loud everyone inside the restaurant can hear

I paid the bill, (thankfully we were only charged for the wine as an apology) brought her home and never called her again.

>> No.9703380


I'd say it's a strong possibility he wanted to crack on to your gf. I've had that happen to myself before as well, I used to be polite but now I just tell them to fuck off

>> No.9703387

calmari comes in rings and tentacles you dolt. the ring is the body sliced up

>> No.9703441

honestly why would any of us be on this board if we didnt cook a little?

>> No.9703548

>Do you have weapons grade autism or something?
No, I've worked at restaurants for years. People are constantly act like they are owed something for the most ridiculous things. He got a new one, didn't drink out of the first one, but expects constant apologizing and free everything for the rest of his life. Then go and leave a one star rating on yelp. After you deal with this kind of shit long term, you feel no sympathy or compassion for people who like to make scenes. The person who did that should be dealt with, but stop expecting free shit constantly.

>> No.9703603
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>be me
>I work a tgi Fridays near a ghetto
>some teenage kanguloids decide to star dancing on their table because the radio was playing their favorite song or something
>boss and I are furiously asking them to stop, and are ignored
>the fucking wall it's attached to calves off, and their table falls forward, most of them wiping out on the table and chairs in front of them
>one girl broke her jaw, a guy compound fractured his forearms, bones sticking out

>> No.9703612

>going on 4chan and yelling at strangers
pick one

>> No.9703627

>>Blacks occupy this weird spot. Half the time the parents

I believe you mean mother and/or grandmother

>> No.9703643


>thinking bartenders intentionally skimp on alcohol

why do people think this is a thing? i work in a bar in central london and the amount of times people have slyly accused me of not pouring them enough alcohol intentionally is ridiculous. it doesnt benefit me in any way to underpour you.

can someone explain? maybe some bartenders really do this intentionally but i cant see why

>> No.9703646

I'd normally be inclined to agree, but he had fucking PHLEGM in his drink, retard. I've had managers offer a percentage off the bill for longer than usual wait, even without me or my party fussing. To act like a goddamn bio hazard isn't a big deal makes you a huge fucking moron.

>> No.9703674
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Nigga sit down, this shit did not happen. Ol dude woulda pulled on your bitchess and drilled your entire family, momma and all. Fucking dumbass trying to sit here and lie. At least make it believable.

>> No.9703689

holy fucking shit you sperg

>> No.9703701

>he had fucking PHLEGM
Did he though? No one at his table seemed concerned about it. He was the only one having a conniption.

>> No.9703706

I live in flyover minnesota. Friend of mine killed a deer and made the best jerky ever (among other things). Got a whole bag of it. Good stuff. Flyover isn't bad and people who make fun of hot dish should at least try it first.

>> No.9703725

>MSP is the 16th busiest U.S. airport for passengers and 15th for aircraft operations.
MN isn't a flyover state, even if you hate it.

>> No.9703740

>Why the fuck does everyone in my family have to be the loudest, most disgusting fucking animals on the planet when we go out to eat. I just want to have a normal fucking family outing, not some autistic fuck

Because you're Australian and related to literal felons

>> No.9703755
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>MN isn't a flyover state, even if you hate it.
The "my airport is real big" is pretty tired. First of all, 16th biggest is nothing to brag about. Second, even if you had the #1 biggest, many backwards places have air hubs because it's cheap to build runway space, cheap to operate, and the local labor force is cheap to pay. Take Angeles City, for instance. It's in Southeast Asia. There is literally nothing there except some hookers, and abandoned shipping containers. And yet, 787s fly through regularly because it's cheaper than gassing up in say, Singapore.

>> No.9703772

> Go to arbys in drivethrough
> order a sandwich and a salad for maybe 7 dollars
> pay with 100 dollar bill (it's all I had at the time)
> guy gives me back 40 dollars
> tell him "this isn't enough, I gave you 100"
> he says sorry and comes back with what I think is the rest of the money.
> we start to drive away when I realize I only had about another 40 dollars in various denominations.
> I go back in and say "uh, this still isn't enough money"
> he rolls his eyes and says "fine" and goes in the back for more money.
> ends up getting the amount right (after some discussion) and I go about my way

First time was maybe a mistake. Second time I think he was lazy and ran out of money in the register. I don't even feel like it was a bad experience, just completely baffling

>> No.9703788

>one girl broke her jaw, a guy compound fractured his forearms, bones sticking out
yeah thats bullshit

>> No.9703836

they did tho.

>> No.9703837

I'm here only for the /ck/ memes tbqvh

>> No.9703852

Out of curiosity, how old are you? I find most people who complain about millenials are themselves millenials. I am millenial at 30 years old. It goes a bit further

>> No.9703867

>accidentally told something bad to my gf
"I voted for Trump"

>> No.9703882

I will be 36 next month.

>> No.9703883

Bully them out of inheritance, shouldn't be too hard seeing as they are giant pussies.

>> No.9703890

*Though I'm also Eastern European so the generational characteristics might be different. I only moved to a Western country in my mid 20s.

>> No.9703899

>>she says whats the use and acts like I'm stupid
>"I voted for Trump"

>> No.9703907

Shit man I don't hate it, I love it. It's a great place to love. I've just been told it's flyover. Of the flyover states though, this one has to be the best. Mayo clinic. Lots of arts. Etc

This is mostly true except that an airport has to also be reasonably close (compared to other airports) to somewhere people want to go. I won't defend the rest of it.

>> No.9703924

Sounds like he was trying to steal from you.

>> No.9703933

I think you are still a millenial although some might disagree. Early 80s birth date. You must have been born in 82 or 81, so it's probably contested.

>> No.9703950

Yeah might be. I like to think the best of people

>> No.9704050
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>> No.9704062

You did well Anon. Lots of red flags in that story

>> No.9704145
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10/10 fucking lol

I’d hit a beaner with a pot too if he came at me with a knife.

>> No.9704193

Sounds like Bare Burger, am I right?

>> No.9704357
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>> No.9704583

wow man, lucky number 16, the big one six, really moving up in the world good for you

>> No.9704635

>and don't seem to care.
Would you?
I never understood why people think the lowest rungs of society should be all jumping for joy at the opportunity to pour your coffee.

>> No.9704676

People are dumb and assume the world is out to get them, even though they aren't really all that important in the grand scheme of things. The fact that it revolves around alcohol, which is expensive, only exacerbates the problem.

>> No.9704747

Yeah you have to be careful with all these new brewpubs popping up all over.
Generally I'll only eat at one if they have been in business for more than 2 years and I have tasted their beer before.

>> No.9704750
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>Waiter argues with guest and calls her a cunt
>Enraged waiter drives off mid-meal
>Calls patron from car to continue arguing
>They still charge you for the wine
Whole dinner should have been comped 2bh

>> No.9704756

Low end restaurants like to hurry people up and out so they can sit more guests. If it was a busy night, you should feel like assholes. You can go chitchat in the car or at the place you are staying at in the comfort of a home. Faggots

>> No.9704762

It is because in the US typically people don't just sit around doing nothing after they have eaten.
Plus, when you are occupying a table, that is one less table to restaurant can use to sell meals. If you are finished eating, you have no reason to be there and are preventing the restaurant from seating the next customers.
Haven't you ever worked in the service industry?

>> No.9704763

>why do they do things differently in a different country??

>> No.9704777

Dude, server didn't even apologize for it.
The whole situation was weird. Clearly someone was disgruntled with their job and hence why they were so dismissive when it was brought to their attention. That's fucking gross, do you spit in people's drinks? Faggot drink spitter.

>> No.9704810

>Faggot drink spitter
Yep, I'm trying to infect them with the GAY.

>> No.9704819

What a horrible place to live this must be

>> No.9704947

To be fair, people who pay with 100s for small orders are assholes. Where I work, we tell em no unless the order is over 60.

>> No.9705029

I get how frustrating it is to break a hundred, but that doesn't justify that kind of reaction. I mean the part where the dude gave him different denominations made me giggle and view it as a made up story, but come on man

>> No.9705063

>me and gf both order steaks, with truffle butter
>food arrives
>she gets steak with a little dish with a knob of butter as expected
>i get a creamy liquid in a pouring sauce cup with handle
>what the fuck
>taste a bit of her butter, it's herb butter
>taste a bit of my "butter", it's fucking bernaise
>ask the waiter if this is bernaise
>she assures me it is
>i tell her I ordered truffle butter
>she corrects herself, tells me this is truffle butter
>i question why my gf's butter is solid but mine is a creamy liquid if we both ordered truffle butter
>she continues assuring me that I got truffle butter
>whatever, I'm hungry and bernaise is alright
>shrug it off
At least the steak was good.

>> No.9705117

It is illegal to refuse legal tender, negro

>> No.9705129

No, it is not.

>> No.9705134

just gonna post this in case

Coinage Act of 1965, specifically Section 31 U.S.C. 5103, entitled "Legal tender," which states: "United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues."

This statute means that all United States money as identified above are a valid and legal offer of payment for debts when tendered to a creditor. There is, however, no Federal statute mandating that a private business, a person or an organization must accept currency or coins as for payment for goods and/or services. Private businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether or not to accept cash unless there is a State law which says otherwise. For example, a bus line may prohibit payment of fares in pennies or dollar bills. In addition, movie theaters, convenience stores and gas stations may refuse to accept large denomination currency (usually notes above $20) as a matter of policy.

>> No.9705137

It isn't, actually

>> No.9705203

Why would the need to comp it? A tack in my food, I'm not eating more (so no point for a new one), and I'm not paying. I'm setting it down, letting them know, and leaving.

>> No.9705357

Hung out with a kid in high school who's family owned a nearby Chinese restaurant which was at least 50% full of loitering family members at all times. Was pretty comfy, got to hang out and try authentic Chinese food for free while we played dota

>> No.9705642

You're the reason everyone is going to be killing eachother in 10 years tops, you absolute shitstain

>> No.9705651

>strong southern accent
There's them key words, Southern blacks > northern pavement apes

>> No.9705883

Probably not in Burgerland. Honestly, depends on the country; in Kurwaland they may not refuse any legal Polish money by law (you can pay with a 200 zł bill for a 5 zł's worth of shopping, but that's being a gigantic asshole), in Germany the policy is that you may not use too many coins or banknotes (you cannot pay 50 € with 5000 coins, they can refuse you).

>> No.9706055

Dude, are you stupid? We were at the bar, we watched him try to split a single shot of jaeger and a single can of red bull into 3 cups. There was no thinking he was, he literally was.

>> No.9706103

They are idiota by leaving

>> No.9706110

You are a sick american

>> No.9706121

>inb4 obsessed

>> No.9706139
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>chicken permission

>> No.9706143

I would have preferred he just reject me next time

>> No.9706164

Soft, yet dense and homogenous.

>> No.9706166

you are a dumb.

enjoy all the spit in your food, you cunt.

>> No.9706185

some you win, some you lose.

>> No.9706202

The closest thing to bad was the time it took like 45 minutes - an hour to get our food at East Side Mario's, but the assistant manager came to be our server and he was so cool. Gave us discounts and free shit, I ended up tipping him like 30%. Awesome guy.

>> No.9706232

i do this all the fucking time for fun. i dont care for your jokes, i dont care for your comments, i dont care for your stories, i will put you on the spot, i will not give you the response you want. you know what i'll do? ill turn to you, stare at you, watch you start to crumble, and then SMILE. i'll smile at this event, and i'll smile at you, and i'll smile at the way you feel, until it's almost lecherous. you, sheepish, pained. then i'll rub it in. "...yeeaaahhhh....." and throw a pity chuckle. you know that laugh wasn't directed towards your request for the winning lottery numbers. you know that laugh was at you. a half-assed laugh for a half-assed person.

and i'll pick up the conversation and have fun with you like a fucking maniac, while you're off-kilter for the next 20 seconds, and then you'll come back to normalcy, and when it's time for goodbyes, you'll leave in discomfort. and i will smile, because we both experienced something great and rare.

>> No.9706256

maximum fedora

>> No.9706268

Gotta pay the staff that living wage :^)

>> No.9706286
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>> No.9706287

Management should be giving away as much free shit as possible if it is deserved, and they certainly shouldn't be yelling at you and lowering your morale. Customer retention is what pays the bills, and keeping unhappy customers happy and showing them that you will make a sacrifice for that cause will keep them coming back, or they will go to that chain always in the future. Sure some people might try to abuse the kindness but ultimately even they generate revenue for the restaurant unless they are getting free meals every week.

These places need to get brainlets out of management positions.

>> No.9706305

It was literally his fault for not telling you about the allergies.

>> No.9706310

>6 years old
>Go to some family restaurant called "Fat Terry's"
>Since I am six I assume every restaurant has a mascot like Ronald McDonald or Chuck E. Cheese
>Near the end of the meal, a giant morbidly obese woman walks into the restaurant
>Loud enough so a lot of people can hear
>Woman is mortified, leaves restaurant
>Parents are humiliated, screamed at me in the car ride home
>Still bring it up 20+ years later, only now it's a hilarious memory for them

>> No.9706316

>Sure some people might try to abuse the kindness but ultimately even they generate revenue for the restaurant unless they are getting free meals every week.
That's the problem, people do this shit constantly. They also like to try to haggle with you about price like you are at some turn of the century bazaar.

>> No.9706367

>customer comes up and starts haggling while telling me we need to come together as a country after what happened on 9/11

>> No.9706378

youve never done this to a middle-aged guy or a bitch of an annoying customer? it will make your day. you can sink your teeth into the discomfort they feel, and you know what you had to do? not laugh at their comment.

i work in a pharmacy so really its the only pleasure i get, i'm sorry.

>> No.9706391

No, you just turned his semi-funny story into a cringe laden fedora fest is all.

>> No.9706435

I'm pretty sure it's not possible to digest something fast enough to shit it out in under fifteen minutes.

>> No.9706699

By this logic, neither is Tennessee.

>> No.9706872

>ethiopian restaurant
I didn't know that country had food. I thought they just ate insects and mud

>> No.9707015

How new are you

>> No.9707362
File: 33 KB, 800x600, Largest_cargo_airports_in_the_United_States.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busiest airports in US by CARGO

>> No.9707366
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Busiest airports in US by PASSENGERS

>> No.9707382

Maybe you numbnuts can figure out what states would be considered "fly over" now. Sadly, I don't have the confidence you will be able to. However, I do expect retarded replies.

>> No.9707913

>betacuck fantasies passed off as real

>> No.9708382

fucking entitled yanks.

>> No.9708392

Flyover states are the ones that are bearable to live in. Basically everything outside the west coast and east coast north of NC.