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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9679106 No.9679106 [Reply] [Original]

>the trend for low-carb diets, concerns about gluten and an increase in alternatives – from protein pots and salad bowls to sushi and macaroni cheese – have all hit [bread] sales.

>42% of Britons eat bread on a daily basis, down from 52% two years ago... only a quarter of 16- to 24-year-olds eat bread every day compared with about half of those over 45.

>Sales of sliced bread have been coming off for maybe four years. People see it as highly calorific. It’s gone from being a real staple to being perceived as a negative food

>One supermarket told the Guardian it expected to reduce space devoted to bakery items within the next 18 months because of declining interest from its shoppers.

UK data, but I imagine there's a similar trend in other countries. Is bread dead? Do you eat less bread than you used to?

>> No.9679149

I still eat a decent amount of it but only with a considerable amount of healthy food just for it's texture. I'm not making sandwiches or toast anymore

>> No.9679157

I no longer buy bread at all. I just make it at home. it's a nice hobby, cheaper, and healthier. also tastes better

>> No.9679163

I fucking love bread and i vary the types of bread i eat a lot.

People truly can't respect good bread anymore.

>> No.9679166

I've always eaten whole-wheat and whole-rye bread from a local bakery and I intend to continue, regardless of meme diets

>> No.9679168

People will believe any diet fad.

>> No.9679171

>Wants to talk about bread
>posts a pic of a stack of kitchen sponges
really makes you think.

>> No.9679181

>kitchen sponges

>> No.9679190

What if bread was made of meat? Like ham but shaped like... a loaf of bread! Haha, can you imagine that?

>> No.9679197

I hate you

>> No.9679202

I just prefer to make my own.

>> No.9679203

>Nobody buys bread anymore
>42% of Britons eat bread on a daily basis

>> No.9679207

I eat more bread now than I did 10 years ago. Sandwiches are the easiest thing to eat while on the job.

>> No.9680007

I eat the same amount of bread I always have, but I don't eat it every day.

>> No.9680021

I love you.

>> No.9680030

I don't care about you

>> No.9680035

Doesnt brownies have bread in it?

>> No.9680036

Once I get more sandwich meat i will

>> No.9680366

same, anon. i've got some dough autolysing and a levain rising right now

>> No.9680372

I don't buy bread because I'll eat maybe 2-3 slices every once in a while and end up having to throw out the rest of the loaf cuz of mold.

Sometimes I go to the Japanese bakery and get that super soft white bread they have cuz they make for god tier pb&j sandwiches.

>> No.9680373
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already been done

>> No.9680408

I have the bread jew beat by making my own high gluten gaytisinal bread.

>> No.9680422

I eat way less bread but mostly because in the past I used to eat way too much of it. The shift is towards making healthier choices, not going with any current fads.

That said, I never buy bread. I make everything we need daily.

>> No.9680465

I stopped altogether simply because i have been eating bread every single fucking day snce i was conceived into this world and i am really bored of it.

>> No.9680473


Best reason to do anything.

>'Cause I cannot be arsed anymore.

And I genuinely mean that.

>> No.9680496
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You don't need to tell me. My family has owned a bakery for 4 generations now (I'm the 4th). In the 80's,my dad would bake over 2,500 plain loaves on a Wednesday, now I get around 500 on an average Wednesday.

It sucks. Every year I see more and more of our customers closing shop and dying of old age. Add that to supermarkets trying to screw you over at every chance they get and other """bakeries"""" who serve disgusting mush bread full of preservatives and additives for 99c. At the rate it's going,I'll have to close my doors before I reach 50.

It sucks so fucking much. I want to go back to the times when people actually cared about bread

>> No.9680504

I eat a ton of (white) bread. It's one of the few things I can eat that won't make me ill.

Making bread is cool and fun.
The problem I have with it, is that it costs less to just buy some when I'm already getting other things than it does to buy the ingredients and run my oven to bake it.

>> No.9680518

Damn that's sad :(

>> No.9680638

>it costs less to just buy some when I'm already getting other things than it does to buy the ingredients and run my oven to bake it

Wtf? Is your oven running on jet fuel? It costs @ $.30 for me to bake a loaf of bread in an electric oven and that's with an hour preheat.

>> No.9680862

The landscape is ready for a zero-carb bread alternative. I'm sure in the near future the market will be flooded by no-carb foods in the same way no-fat foods were everywhere a few years ago.

>> No.9680975

bread makes my tummy hurt :(

>> No.9681148

That sucks, man. I usually make my own, fairly basic bread, but I'd kill to have a good local bakery for breads/pastries beyond my skill level. Sadly, where I am, the choice is between 99c kitchen sponges, and overpriced hipster trash.

>> No.9681159

And years from now, the inevitable pro-carb backlash. Will fat get demonized again? Maybe protein?

>> No.9681210

Protein is the next one in line. Now they put protein in everything just the way they replaced fat with carbs.

The same way we now see pancreas/insulin resistance issues in form of diabetes from carb abuse, we will soon see kidney issues and fatty liver from protein abuse.

>> No.9681242

canuck here

bread is pretty expensive and adds very little to the meals I usually have. I'm reservist military and when i get shipped off to the coasts where bread is free, i dont even have it then. it's just filler, but it's 2017 -- things like more hash browns or baked beans are just as cheap, just as quick, and are more flavorful and have more nutritional content. bread is useful to have on hand but not as useful as other things in its price range

>Will fat get demonized again?
it already is
> Maybe protein?
I've already heard rumblings from fitter types who say excess protein just gets shit out and that going past what you're using in SICC GAINZ is a waste to process, so maybe, actually.

my sister is actually celiac and still eats pasta lmao
she says that it's worth it to eat wheat gluteny foods sometimes because they're just too goddamn delicious, and the terrible shits and stomach pains are worth it

i dont disagree, if i had to make a last meal, it'd probably be some nice thicc french toast

>> No.9681262

The little bakery in my rusted-out hometown remodeled the place to have some table space and started serving coffee and sandwiches made with the bread ("Like it? Take a loaf home, etc.") and they're thriving. Not sure how much this applies to your specific situation, but if you're willing to be the kinda-kitschy independent coffee and pastry and bread joint then white people will make an institution out of you.

>> No.9681287

just freeze it retard

I make my own bread

>> No.9681289

You've got to diversify and market better, buddy. You're in a business. You've got to find a way to compete. Make a thread on here about it and see what ideas /ck/ can offer.

>> No.9681310

make more pastry
bread was popular because of market force, not because bread is good. the market forces have changed. find what people are buying from bakeries now.

Prepared meals like containers of soup or salad are a HUGE thing in jewish bakeries, and whitey today loves to go get a shitty roll with avocato slathered on it. i suggest taking a short vacation to somewhere trendy, and instead of getting mad at hipsters, just treat it like market research.

desserts are timless, too, as is the cafe atmosphere. like >>9681242 said, the rapport of a quick coffee and toast leading to a loaf of bread is easy to build and yet invaluable, and i can personally say that every morning in my later HS years I'd actually get up early and get to school late because I'd stop in for a black n' white cookie and a cup of hot chocolate or coffee on the way to homeroom.


>> No.9681323

I enjoy bread, but since I'm chubby I have no choice but to not eat it

except for pre-sliced white bread. That shit needs to go.

>> No.9681362

I'll buy more bread at local bakeries anon

>> No.9681365


>less white people
>less bread sales

>> No.9681377

>bread isn't an integral part of literally every culture on earth

t. american

>> No.9681384

I'm Canadian but I never said it wasn't integral. My house growing up always had bread for morning toast at least. It was one of my duties to buy fresh bread for my dad

>> No.9681385
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I haven't bought bread in ages.
Not because of some dumb meme diet but simply because as a single guy living alone it's hard as fuck to go through an entire fucking loaf without the shit molding.
I don't make sandwiches and toast daily so there's no real reason to buy this shit. Same goes for milk.

>> No.9681919

the only bread i eat are tortillas or pita

>> No.9681956

Bread freezes just fine and a single slice thaws in like 15 minutes or 2 minutes if you throw it in the toaster.

>> No.9682493
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how long before we see articles saying

>> No.9682543

I meant the whole thing is ham but shaped like... a loaf of bread! Haha!

>> No.9682558

*eats my advocado toast*

>> No.9682572

I should really get into bread making.

>> No.9682652

I eat tons of bread. All home made. bread from the super market is loaded with sugar and salt.
Bread is actually extremely good for you, since it turns into glucose when digested, which is the primary energy source of the body.

>> No.9682671

You're obviously German. Believe it or not, but other countries somewhat suck at making bread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uZidkvdmNk

>> No.9682673

uncut bagels freeze the best. i bake a ton then store them in the freezer in bags.

>> No.9682687

american store-bought bread tastes like a dessert, that's why I don't buy it much anymore

>> No.9682751
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I fucking love bread.

>> No.9682758
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post bread porn baker anon, I've ditched the cheap supermarket bread for real loaves and haven't looked back

>> No.9682863
File: 234 KB, 387x250, weltmeisterbrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here a seducing picture of Weltmeisterbrot (World Master Bread). It's the winning recipe of the world bakery championship thus the name. It's very harmonious collection of different tastes coming from various seeds used. It's somewhat bitter and sweet. It's very good with sausage, tomato and onion. However it's also very delicious with something sweet like Nutella. A bread that truly earned it's name. While it's very delicious, it's not a bread you eat everyday. Something that good you eat once in a while to reward yourself. Enjoy!

>> No.9682950

>However it's also very delicious with something sweet like Nutella
m8 you don't get bread if you'd put that shit on it. I've lost all respect for you.

>> No.9682980

I try to patronize most of the local bakeries, but I have been cutting back a bit on the carbs.

>> No.9682982
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How about this? This is best described as "daily bread". It often also got the name of the region, refered to as farmers bread or doesn't have a name at all an only got weight as desciptor. The taste varies also from region to region but usually the spices used are Fennel, Coriander, Anise and Caraway.

This Breat is super delicious when fresh. It's love spreading in your mouth and joy tiggleing your nose. It's slightly sour. This bread you usually eat with something on top. The most common topping is simple butter and variatons like with a bit of Chives or jam on top.

>> No.9682988
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>not enjoying delicious bread any way you goddamn like
get fucked commie

>> No.9682994

>thinks I value "respect" from someone who hates on delicious food.

>> No.9682998
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Someone just linked me this thread randomly because they though it was interesting, I never go to /ck/ but I have a question.

If low carb isn't actually healthier and a way to lose weight, what is? How do I eat healthier? I thought bread was bad for you.

>> No.9683010

Bread makes you fat OP. And in 2017 its the 80/20 rule so no fat for me if I want to bang chicks.

>> No.9683016

depends on total macros and glycemic index, you need some carbs if you're physically active, and gluten free is a mem unless legit celiac

white sandwich bread no, whole grain farmers bread yes

>> No.9683017

Anyone got a shit-easy bread recipe that isn't a sourdough? For awhile I was making soda breads, but I got tired of the crust-interior ratio.

>> No.9683043

Bread is staple food and thus rich on energy. Because people don't burn energy like they used to, almost all classic food is hated on. They just make things up and say it's "unhealthy" but in reality they mean "It got more energy then you lazy fuck need, like basically all food but I'm not telling you that because I want to make shekels telling you to eat low value shit so you can handle you shitty lifestyle" or something like that.

>> No.9683065

Soooo, I just need to start running again and I can eat whatever?

The issue is I'm a lazy slob?

>> No.9683086
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>Do you eat less bread than you used to?
i'm restricting carbs
feels good man
i'm not doing it to lose weight, i'm not fat, i just don't like how heavy and bloated carbs make me feel, and i buy into the proposed anti-inflammatory effects of keto diets

>> No.9683106

Rougly two cups of weat flour, half a cup of slightly warm water, two teaspoons of salt, a fitting amount of yeast (a package of dry yeast or a block of fresh one). Mix it, kneat it. Let the dough rest under a pice of cloth to prevent it from drying out for an hour in room temperature and slightly warmer. Then kneat it again to let some air out, make a loaf and bake it at 480°F for around half an hour or until it's dark golden.

Viola, the most basic white bread that's still worlds more delicious than packaged white bread.

>> No.9683120

Unless you have a medical condition and your doctor told your diet, yes as long as take care of your energy input/output you can eat whatever.

>> No.9683134

too much yeast, not enough flour. a package of yeast is good for 6 cups of flour. cut the package in half for a small loaf like that and you're golden i guess. also i'd mix up the pack with a bit of sugar/water/flour and let stand for 10mins before adding the rest.

>> No.9683171
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Have you seen how much somebody like The Rock eats for his cheat meals?

Calories in Calories out, it's literally that simple

>> No.9683190

>If low carb isn't actually healthier and a way to lose weight, what is? How do I eat healthier?
avoid fat. eat bean dishes (not baked beans, too much sugar) and bread.

>> No.9683196

Dude i got a 25lb bag of flower for 8 dollars. Starters are free, and salt is cheap now. Once you get rolling with it, it's actually very cheap. If you go no knead tier, it's fast too.

>> No.9683293

thank you. much like >>9680504 I can't eat anything that isn't a white bread. Pretty fucking terrible, so I'm always looking for something plain but good to eat.

>> No.9683298

>traditioncuck getting blown the fuck out by T E C H N O LO GY

I bet you think a machine can't replicate "that human flavor" a.k.a. germs and mistakes.

>> No.9683326

It's backed. Anything related to germs dies when backed (and yes it might add to the flavor).

>> No.9683368
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>thinks there's no difference between factory foods and home cooked meals

Seriously nignog? Your parents should be slapped around and so should you.

>> No.9683437

where did you get it? I've been making more and more breads myself and paying $2 for a small bag of flour has been putting me off making all of my bread myself.

>> No.9683448

i only eat baguette now

>> No.9683510

it's white bread with butter mixed in. put in olive oil instead, then it's ciabatta. that's all there is to it.

>> No.9683727
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i've got two loaves of partial rye/whole wheat sourdough proofing in the fridge, gonna bake them tomorrow.

>> No.9683768
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Makes your house smell great too.

>> No.9683866

I eat half a loaf a week, that's down from the two loaves I used to eat myself when I was at school. And it's not like I'm cutting carbs as I still eat pasta and rice. I don't like how modern bread is mostly bubbles now, you can barely scrape butter on it now without tearing it apart.

This is incredibly sad, my village bakery also closed down last summer, old baker lady retired and son didn't see any future in continuing. It's sad that people can't support their local businesses before chain corporations, but I am no better. I used to buy a cream doughnut at my local bakery every Friday after school, but now I've only time to buy everything at once at Tesco. But I had recently discovered that a lot of my local "independent" bakeries all buy their goods from the same factory anyway, they don't make their own stuff anymore, so I don't feel so bad.

My suggestion is to look into getting your goods into shops like Spar. A lot of my local bakeries have expanded by doing this, making cakes and tarts and distributing them to local convenience stores that advertise that they sell local produce.

>> No.9684697

Wow this is depressing.
I'll admit I often just buy reduced supermarket bread and stick it in the freezer as I don't go through it that quickly.

Most of the bakeries around me in the UK seem to have latched on to the rise of the coffee shop which seems to have helped them.

>> No.9684716

Imagine being this much of a niggerfaggot that you actually post something like this

>> No.9684780

bread still used in burger

>> No.9684818

people are fickle, maybe the fake gluten allergies and no carbers will return to bread at some point down the line.

>> No.9684820

I eat bread daily. None of that white bread shut tho. At least we still have bakeries in germany.

>> No.9684896

That's pretty neat

>> No.9685107

>How do I eat healthier?
Don't eat too much or too little.

Bread isn't bad for you, only eating bread is bad for you.

>> No.9685148
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>> No.9685183

How do you make it taste so good tho

>> No.9685188


add no drugs alcohol

>> No.9685197

>How do you make it taste so good tho
I mix the whole wheat portion of my recipe into my starter and let it ferment on the counter overnight at 100% hydration.

>> No.9685769

t. hipster

>> No.9685956

>love bread
>can get artisan bread on sale
>look at it
>realize I can't eat a loaf by myself before it will go stale
>realize it's a fat load of empty calories, probably 3,000 in one loaf alone
>put it down and go buy whatever protein is on sale

>> No.9686066
File: 1.78 MB, 1200x1200, basic bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do you fucking WHORE!

i bet you wont even sleep with me :(


but seriously i do love my bread. Even bought a bread maker. Because i actually go outside during my lunch and walk for an hr. or do a light jog. Im not lazy like 98.9% of my country. My cock also was not mutilated by the jewish overlords. I also am not going to die for the JEWNITED states of Israel.

T Lover of bread and olive oil. and balsamic vinegar.

>> No.9686123

This, bread has bad nutritional value. If it dies, good riddance. Carbs are pretty bad for you and every bit you cat from your diet will benefit your health.

It's not like people will go zero carb, they will just shift a lil bit closer to what would constitute an okay diet. Fat is arguable better for you than bread.

>> No.9686126
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Damn lol

>> No.9686136
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someone give me a bread recipe so i can make it at home right now

>> No.9686143


>> No.9686156
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I'm close on that stuff but the left side is all in progress unfortunately.

>> No.9686230
File: 822 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_3204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconding >>9686143's suggestion. it's a good entry to baking bread.

just pulled the first of the loaves from >>9683727
out of the oven.

>> No.9686729

Only in America

>> No.9686738
File: 256 KB, 1280x960, Bored_Asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody reads news anymore
>the only answer is to make headlines of ridiculous concepts, like doomsday prophecies about bread consumption

>> No.9686762

I've stopped eating regular bread, only carby stuff I eat is porridge for breakfast and a couple of crackerbreads for lunch. Don't need all those calories.

>> No.9686773

Hopefully we can swing back to nicer, wholemeal tastier bread.

>> No.9686854

Have you ever seen how much pro cyclists eat on a race day?
They litteraly have to eat during the race to prevent running out of calories and require up to 10000 kcal on a single day.
And they often still run on a deficite after that...

>> No.9687008

I started eating rice instead

>> No.9687017

only bread I buy is in the form of pastries or the occasional bagel

>> No.9687039

Fuck no, you need to eat your vegetables, at least. The food pyramid is not a meme.

>> No.9687043
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I take a sandwich to work almost every day

>> No.9687085
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>0 calories

>> No.9687102

>0 kcal/slice
>3 g sugar/slice

>> No.9687426
File: 77 KB, 1473x708, orowheatorganic0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, spergs

>> No.9687444

>130 calories/slice
>advertised as 000
>Americans will justify this shit

>> No.9687451

that has more calories then the bread i normally eat, 780kj for 2 slices
murifat 'health' food at it again

>> No.9687484

That's why I like it. It's dense (doesn't get soggy) and I need the extra calories during the day

>> No.9687492

I like bread but I mainly eat it as toast.
The problem is that getting deli meats and shit to make sandwiches regularly is too fucking expensive, so I never have good cause to get bread more than once a month.

>> No.9687494

good goy, eat your Wonder Bread, infused with brainwashing "vitamins" to make you big and strong.

Makes for a great side dish to Hamburger Helper that you can wash down with an ice cold Coca Cola.

>> No.9687496

Doesn't fit my lifestyle.
It's a filler without a good macro ratio, so it's not good for exercise regime. I can get good micro nutrients from other sources.

>> No.9687499

As long as it has less than 1000 calories per serving, it can be rounded down to zero. Makes it easier for the consumer to pick up healthy foods without confusing them with too many numbers.

>> No.9687525

Isn´t that fraud?

>> No.9687562 [DELETED] 

>As long as it has less than 1000 calories per serving, it can be rounded down to zero

>> No.9687568
File: 25 KB, 604x835, looooool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a retard who fell for memes. Multi grain = WE CAN STUFF THIS BREAD WITH CHEAP SHIT AND YOU'LL STILL PAY FOR IT LOL.

Meanwhile my whole wheat loaf has less calories and more whole grain. Because it's not filled with pumpkin seeds barley cornmeal and sorghum. Retarded fucks!

>> No.9687569

>As long as it has less than 1000 calories per serving, it can be rounded down to zero
Fucking what? Since when/says who?

>> No.9687587

It's a mockup image you stupid faggot

>> No.9687626

>50 calories
You're literally eating air

>> No.9687907

>that daughter's foot though

>> No.9687934
File: 209 KB, 960x1280, 589F523B-20A1-AC3F-4E53-9674FBFBE523-23203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only eat this kind of bread for toast and sandwiches. ill occasionally get whole wheat kaiser rolls for when i make a burger

>> No.9689175

>Diet fad
Just because people are changing their diet does not always mean they are wrong and the past was right.
White bread really isn't really good for you. This is just a fucking fact. I actually have a close relative who is nearly finished with a doctorate in medicine and I could text her right now if I wanted about this and she WILL say that white bread isn't the best option.

>> No.9689189

>lose weight
>eat healthier
>I thought bread was bad for you

Check out the /fit/ sticky. It has a lot of useful info. This is definitely a /fit/ question.

>> No.9689240

Also don't fucking listen to anyone but /fit/. Listen, if you wanna lose weight there's a few things I really feel you gotta know right now.
* Your body can only either lose weight or gain weight. You can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time; You have to alternate and the time it takes your body to adjust to gaining or losing weight is apparently about a month. Exercise determines if you mostly lose muscle or fat when cutting, or mostly gain muscle or fat when bulking.
* Cut down on simple sugars. This isn't the same thing as a sugars from fruit; that stuff is okay and good for you.
* The most important thing is caloric intake and protein. Don't get all autistic and measure everything; I learned that the hard way. But counting calories is definitely a good idea.

>> No.9689252

Two slices of my whole wheat equals 24g of whole grain and it's still 30 calories under what you get with your multigrain. Stop paying for corn.

>> No.9689338

>not knowing about newb gains.
don't listen to this poster

>> No.9689456

The Rock is on massive amounts of steroids and especially pharma grade HGH, more than anyone on here can afford.

>> No.9689461

Fuck dude I would be up at your shop every week
You're making me buy more bread from small shops instead of (((supermarkets)))

>> No.9689470

Sliced bread is shit
Good evolution

>> No.9689471

you should have went to college. lmao. who would think "I'm going to make bread" would be a viable career in 2020+

fucking lol

>> No.9689472

this looks great, will have to try

>> No.9689679

No, no goy. This is simply to make it easier on your brain.
130 is basically 0. Remember that, and you won't have to do all that tiring brain work.

>> No.9689707

>newb gains
I didn't feel the need to mention that. Its more important to know that basically, just basically, you can only gain weight or lose weight.

>> No.9689710

>Sales of sliced bread have been coming off for maybe four years
>sliced bread

aka prolefeed

>> No.9689745

that bread company was btfo bigly

>> No.9689765

Fuck all that. I've got to have some crusty bread with my soup and pasta. I love grilling up some burgers. I love keeping some sandwich bread for quick snacks.

>> No.9689851

I just make my own Pita bread, can't be fucked with more effort than that.