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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9685661 No.9685661 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this hack who's only proficient in french and "british" cuisine think he has the authority to speak in literally any other kind of cuisine? Also, why the fuck is he reviewing hotels now???

>> No.9685683

Theres a video of him not being able to fit a burger in his mouth, then he makes a huge fucking burger that wouldnt fit in anyones mouth

>> No.9685692

That fucking shitty burger video makes me rage every time. How such a "famous" chef can make such a shitty burger is ridiculous. Marco didn't make him cry enough, apparently.

>> No.9685695

yeah white people literally have no taste for spices
all of their food is bland
but whatever he only goes to places other whites would go to so I’m fine with him ruining other whites

>> No.9685709

I think the concepts of flavours that match well, presentation, the food actually being cooked etc and the skills of being a good chef apply across different cuisines.

Although someone would undoubtedly be a contrarian faggot and say he doesn't have a clue on those things

>> No.9685740

>larping as a nigger on an anime website for replies

>> No.9685748

he also made a documentary on cocaine

>> No.9685760

Honestly this, life must be shit tier.

>> No.9685762

Next he will review high tech manufacturing facilities

>> No.9685768

If "British" cuisine is so bad why is he on all your television programmes then?

>> No.9685775

>Why is a person who has opened multiple successful restaurants in a position to assist failing ones?

>> No.9685781

It is complete shit, Gordon is just a famous personality.

>> No.9685814

Feels good having great products instead of cooking (decontaminating) meat for 6 hours and covering it in bad taste dissipators.

>> No.9685877

>O-Our food is just so good we don't even NEED to season or cook it ;)
The absolute state of white "cuisine" (aka raw meat).

>> No.9686061

It wasn't that he couldn't fit the burger in his mouth, it's that the bun was too small. If you actually bothered to watch the episode you would know that

>> No.9686092

>yeah, this hotel? is it frozen?
wha? no chef

>> No.9686823

So overrated

>> No.9686841

reddit loves him. thats all you need to know

>> No.9686872

>why the fuck is he reviewing hotels now???
This is a legit question

>> No.9686880

It's because a quality burger is simple.
High fat beef
Good quality bun
Slice of cheese
Lettuce/Tomato optional
Maybe one or two condiment spreads

Anybody can do it (Except binging with reddit, somehow) so for LE ULTIMATE CHEFS or "high end" eateries they have to make it some retarded monstrosity.

>> No.9686892

Because it makes him a fuckton of money.

>> No.9686923
File: 19 KB, 320x240, mizark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume in his travels to do restaurants he realized hotels fucking blow and hotel food is a fucking mess

Seriously, hotel food is the blandest of bland white people food I only see old people eat there

>> No.9686927

>This is a legit question
It is? What part of "it makes him a ton of money" don't you understand?

TV execs see that people love watching Ramsay videos, so they come up with ideas to create more Ramsay videos. It's not hard, anon.

>> No.9686939

>let's have this mechanical engineer teach sys admins how to do their jobs
If it is strictly on hotel restaurant management like what >>9686923 said then I will understand. But if he was doing the entire hotel then it makes zero sense. And this is coming from a guy who enjoys watching Ramsay.

>> No.9687072

He lost the plot with that burger.

>> No.9687091

>Says "your programmes"
>Implying you're American with that spelling


>> No.9687253
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>binging with reddit

>> No.9687278

I was the very first person to ever bring this up.

>> No.9687283

He tries to fix the entire hotel. The actual show mostly focuses on him yelling at the kitchen staff because it's the only place he can get mad and actually have any kind of credibility.
All the places get shut down or sold off anyways though because it turns out fixing massively structural problems requires a hell of a lot more than just "fixing management style"

>> No.9687284

>yeah white people literally have no taste for spices
Then why the fuck are we letting them cross the border, faggot. Go back to your cartel-filled shithole

>> No.9687344

pretty sure he made all his shows on cocaine

>> No.9687360
File: 17 KB, 350x250, a075cc369c868ca8f9a62bd1f390b796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a pop cook more pitiful than Gordon?

>> No.9687362

What are some good Hotel Hell episodes? I've only seen a bunch of KN so far

>> No.9687372


>> No.9688612


>> No.9688623

It indicates no oversight or quality control whatsoever. Word: if you can't even pay attention to a burger long enough to get it right, you're not paying attention to anything else long enough to get it right either.

>> No.9688631

Most of these were bought into by idiots who barely even give a shit about their own property even when they have millions wrapped up into it. Bro if I'm making a million dollar investment, you bet your ass I'm going to be there sniffing up everyone else's asses all fucking day ripping hearts out if there's any slacking. You see retard chefs goofing off the whole shift, methhead chefs (anyone remember the methhead chef? LOL), chefs going off on their smoke break when a huge crowd comes in, it's awful. There's no accountability because the owner couldn't give a shit less!

>> No.9688662

the overweight housewife and boomer audiences who still watch TV love him. his British accent makes Amerifats feel white and high class.

if he'd agree to it, TV execs would have him judging American Idol type shows.

>> No.9688707

>reviewing hotels


>> No.9688709

ramasy is based desu

>> No.9688723

made me have a light chuckle, mostly internal with a dash of audible giggling

>> No.9688724


>> No.9688733

t. Professor Shartinmart

>> No.9688744

>no taste for spices
>literally colonize the planet looking for them

yeah ok retard

>> No.9688751


>> No.9688752

>your programmes
>implying implications

>> No.9689030

Lel thats why white nobles payed an arm and a leg for spices in the olden days right? Basing entire empires of trade off of such things. You think black pepper is a white thing? or marinating your meat? Tea? Coffee? Curing meats? None of these were created by whites, they were given to them by other races.

>> No.9689066

Who in the actual fuck perpetuates this retarded meme?

>> No.9689073

is any of this true?

>> No.9689081

really? as per my own disposition it inspired an actual chuckle in my person, lasting at least a second to half a second, or thereabouts.

>> No.9689156

Not him, but yeah pretty much, except for the part about basing empires on trades of spices, that's a lie.

>> No.9689179

fuck off you cunt.
it was me

>> No.9689232

Not how it worked at all, and you're just showing off your ignorance.

A couple of hundred years ago, spices (and more exotic ingredients in general) were considered really desirable and really upper-class food, with anyone who could afford it really wanting them. 'White food' back then was full of spice and foreign ingredients, because it was a way for people to eat good food and to show off.

What changed it were two things: Spices becoming more commercially available, and the rise of puritanism. People connected spicy food (and colorful clothing, art and music etc) with a sinful and lavish lifestyle, and started avoiding it. And spices being available to everyone made them no longer special - the rich didn't want to eat the same food that the middle class could now afford, so upper-class food became so bland, where only having the freshest possible produce would give you a result that tasted any good since you didn't have much flavor to work with.

>> No.9689249


>> No.9689263


>> No.9689295

Bruh America was discovered when they were looking for spices. Literally empires were built on it...

>> No.9690267


>> No.9690673

Think everyone agrees with that