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9654276 No.9654276 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I want to make edibles for me and a friend, but just for a single high. I've found that recipes for cannabutter have a 7g = 1/4oz of weed to 1 stick (115) grams of butter. I've also found that the beginner dose is around 5-10mg THC pr. serving, i want to do around 10 cookies of 10mg THC each.
The strain I have is OG Kush which has around 20% THC. I would therefore only need 0.5 grams of kush, which accordingly would mean I should use only around 8-9 grams of butter. This seem like awfully little to cook with in a pot. Can i scale the recipe so i use a larger butter to weed ratio or will it affect something negatively?
Any other tips would also be helpful (I know about decarbing though)

>> No.9654296


>> No.9654301


>> No.9654306

>can i scale the recipe up
Yes, but don't expect to get all of the THC out. You're probably going to get like 15% THC instead of 20%.

>> No.9654307


>> No.9654308

>Can i scale the recipe so i use a larger butter to weed ratio
OFC you can.

I wouldn't worry much about numbers though. The problem is that unless you are doing this in a lab, are highly experieneced, and have the means to measure your THC concentration it's all one big guessing game. The measurement of the concentration in your bud is an average to begin with. And there's no way to be sure what the extraction efficiency of your cannabutter is. Make more than you think you need. You can always eat more of it if you want.

>> No.9654313


>> No.9654333

damn my dude, i have to tell you, weed truely is epic. instead of facing my problems i can just smoke a duby and forget everything :-) just chill dude and eyeball it.

>> No.9654341

Just to be clear, i smoke a few times a week. But articles state that the high is way more intense and completely different in many ways

>> No.9654361


>> No.9654368
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>> No.9654371

use coconut oil instead. taste a lot better

>> No.9654373

>But articles state that the high is way more intense and completely different in many ways
That's very misleading. The drug is the same. The difference is how quickly it goes into your body.

When you smoke it gets into your bloodstream and takes effect nearly instantly. That also means it is more short-lived.

When you eat edibles it takes much longer to kick in, and it does so gradually. It lasts a lot longer.

Which is "stronger" or "more intense" depends entirely on the dose--i.e. how much you eat or smoke.

>> No.9654381

Honest advice here, just make regular cookies and smoke your Kush. Edibles have a time and place, but it's better if you have tons of Shake and other bunk that wasn't smokable. It's like using prime rib to make nachos, you could but your turning gold into brass.

>> No.9654405

I'm going on a small cruise without the possibility to smoke, thought it would be nice way to try edibles

>> No.9654437

Very stupid idea for your first go-round with edibles. It's very easy to OD on edibles--not in any "medically dangerous" sense, but in a "I am uncomfortably high and nauseous" sense. That, combined with the motion of the ocean, is a guaranteed recipe for puking your guts out and having an awful time. It's also dumb as fuck to be high if there is a safety drill or legit safety issue.

At the very least try the SAME edibles beforehand so you have an idea how they will affect you and how strong they are.

>> No.9654444


>12 year old girl detectedc

>> No.9654447

You can honestly scale a recipe for cannabutter or tincture either way. If you use less herb in more oil it's not a big deal, just keep in mind you need to consume more of it to get the desired effect.
If you're okay with having to eat the whole pan of brownies, well, whatever works for you.

>> No.9654450
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>> No.9654453

Irresponsible drug user detected.

It's the fault of people like you that this shit is illegal.

>> No.9654501

Just mixing oil with raw herb isn't going to do jack shit except make some oil that tastes like grass from the chlorophyll that the raw herb contains. If you looked into it a bit further you'd realize that no one cooks like that anymore with herb other than people who don't know what they're doing. What you need to do is separate out the good stuff from the leaf and plant matter. You need to make an extraction. You can use everclear to dissolve the active chemicals because that's food grade. Then mix your extracted oil with your cooking oil. You won't hardly taste the shit.

>> No.9654572

Not even gonna bother unfucking your math so I'll just explain to you how I do mine. I use a half ounce per cup of coconut oil used. I decarb the weed in the oven on 200 for about an hour before I throw it in the crockpot with my oil to stew together for about 6 hours on warm. I then strain the weed out using a mesh strainer, then cheesecloth. Doing it like you said will be autistic because you can't accurately ensure a good decarb or extraction and will likely end up with bunk eatables.

>> No.9654586

Now that that's out of the way, check out the gif recipes on reddit, one of them is step by step instructions on how to make canabutter

>> No.9654661

Let me get this straight, you plan on cooking .5? That shits not gonna work

>> No.9654674

>5-10 mg
Do like 100 if you want to have a good time

>> No.9654784

>overdosing on weed
okay, D.A.R.E officer

>> No.9654802

Did you miss the part where I made clear it had nothing to do with "medical" harm and instead was simply referring to being uncomfortably high?

>> No.9654808

LMAO *looks around skittishly* WEED IS *scratches at arms* HARMLESS BRO *coughs up snot* ITS A PLANT

>> No.9654837

That's why i wanted to go 5-10mgs pr. cookie and just eat one. I have a whole day to test it out so I'm thinking eating 1 then wait 60 minutes before i decide whether I'm high enough

>> No.9654846

>spending this much time to figure out how to be high every second of your life
>dude not addicted btw
You’re a fucking loser.

>> No.9654852

I've decided to use a gram instead. The local kush here is strong though. Expecting 150mg of THC should get us more than high enough.

>> No.9654857

I am very precautious when doing drugs... Suck my left nut

>> No.9655124

It's metabolized significantly differently when ingested. The actual psychoactive chemicals affecting you are not the same.

>> No.9655737

so... not an overdose?

>> No.9655762


>> No.9655774
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>> No.9655802

>uncomfortably high
means anxiety problems irl when it comes to weed high (no matter how high). if you have such issues you better don't do drugs at all!

>i know a dude who overdosed on the marijuanas

>> No.9655840

>being uncomfortably high
eating so much that you feel bloated is a "food overdose"
drinking so much coffee you have trouble falling asleep is a "caffeine overdose"
drinking so much beer that you pee every 10 minutes is an "alcohol overdose"
doing enough cocaine to make you jittery and over-talkative is a "coke overdose"

>> No.9655933

No no that's just called "doing cocaine". A coke overdose is where you have a heart attack and die

>> No.9655953


smoking is better

>> No.9658303

shut the fuck up lmao

>> No.9658307


>> No.9658817

Take that trash somewhere else! /ck/ is a good, honest Christian board! No drugs allowed!!! Ok?!??!!

>> No.9658881

A gram is a fairly big dose to be taken, expect not to wake up tomorrow.
>18hours ago
oh boy here we go

>> No.9658897

No it's literally not.

>> No.9658910

Weed brownies taste like shit

>> No.9658931

Do yourself a favor and make it into an oil instead of a butter. The butter always keeps particulates and too much of the taste.

You can leave a crock pot on low with oil for like 6hrs and have something that works better with any foods.

>> No.9658965

Alright listen up potheads


>> No.9658993

How'd your stupid project go?

>> No.9659021

Spread the butter in toasts. You'll reach the fucking space if you eat 2.

>> No.9659065
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>> No.9659087

>I smelled the cannabis
That's all his terps cooking off. Retarded redditor strikes again

>> No.9659182

I got some 5% cannabidiol oil for depression, what's the best way to use it?

>> No.9659196

it was a parody of OP's comment that being uncomfortably high is a "weed overdose"

>> No.9659232

420chan exists for questions like these.

>> No.9659237

Anyone have any advice on dosing edibles made out of AVB?

>> No.9659243

seriously don't tell them about that

it's finally slowing down there we dont need more newfags

>> No.9659245

Same as any other edible: either have a qualified lab do an anlysis or eat a sample to guage the approximate strength.

I've made batches with AVB that ranged from "would barely get you high" to "high as fuck for 12 hours". You've got even more variables than with normal weed--not only the natural variation of the THC in the bud to start with, but also the question of exactly how much was extracted during vaping.

>> No.9659286




>> No.9659353


>> No.9659379

All that effort for weed butter. Amazing that a pothead had the ambition to do that much work. If only they could channel their love of weed into actual productive tasks.