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9649492 No.9649492 [Reply] [Original]

>favorite alcohol is white wine
>would never drink it when I'm out because people would make fun of me
>start ordering vodka tonics because I think it is manlier
>apparently it is a white girl drink

What do I order now that doesnt taste like shit and is manly?

>> No.9649517

the manliest thing to order is whatever the fuck you want to drink, dumbass

>> No.9649522

An old fashioned, a whiskey sour, a martini. Or just stop giving a fuck what other people think. If I'm on vacation on a tropical island, you're damn right I'm drinking some ridiculous fruity-ass drink with umbrellas and shit in it.

>> No.9649537

drink another mans ball sweat, the most manliest substance

>> No.9649544

>out with the boys
>"o-one pinot grigio please"

>> No.9649548

Drink it anyway. Who the fuck cares? Most of the shit those people are drinking is utter swill anyway.

What you choose to order is not going to be anywhere near the deciding factor in whether people see you as manly or not. They already know you're a beta cuck.

>> No.9649553

>>start ordering vodka tonics because I think it is manlier
Why did you possibly think this?

>> No.9649554

gin and tonic is the answer

>> No.9649555

Russians drink vodka

>> No.9649560

isopropyl alcohol or paint thinner

>> No.9649562

Yes they do. They also drink it straight, without anything else, unlike your limp-dicked ass.

>> No.9649568


>> No.9649569

So the more disgusting, the more manly it is?

>> No.9649574

yes, unironically

>> No.9649576

What is the least disgusting drink that is also manly?

>> No.9649586

Whatever you want to drink, you fucking numale cuck

>> No.9649589

High alcohol cocktails. Only works when everyone is ordering cocktails tho.

>> No.9649591


>> No.9649600

>without anything else
Except for pickles, open-faced sandwiches, cold cuts, and various finger foods.

>> No.9649602


Whisky and soda, double shot of the whisky, whatever is the cheapest well whisky they have, preferably the liquor and soda both shot of a hose

>> No.9649619

So what? Everyone and their mother's sister's dog drinks Prosecco in the UK whenever, and no one looks down their nose at anyone else. Wine is more normie than it's ever been.

If you think vodka's disgusting, you have no business near any hard alcohol, period.

>> No.9649624

Vodka is gross on its own as with most alcohol

>> No.9649638

>>9649517 is the only answer. i cant see being embarrassed for ordering any fucking thing i want.

>> No.9649644

peer pressuring assholes aren't your friends.

>> No.9649648

chardonnay is delicious anon, just fucking drink what you like.

>> No.9649649

or Riesling or Shiraz or fucking what ever the hell i feel. you need better friends.

>> No.9649652

just order a beer or don't care about what people are thinking and drink what you really like, we only live once after all so do what you like.

>> No.9649657

now i want Riesling.

>> No.9649658

>out with the boys
Normies reeeeee

>> No.9649665

Russians also allowed communism to take over their country for like 75 years, basically the least manly form of government ever conceived, so they are hardly an authority on manliness

>> No.9649678

wtf I love russia now

Seriously though that sounds like a good pairing with vodka

>> No.9649679

Whiskey ya dumb cuck

>> No.9649682

>without anything else

Spotted the alcoholic. No bottle of vodka should be opened without a good reason, good friends, and good snacks to wash down.

>> No.9649690

>favorite alcohol is white wine
>would never drink it when I'm out because people would make fun of me


>> No.9649704

Then be honest with yourself and order a cocktail. Straight liquor's not for everyone.
If vodka turns your stomach, God forbid you drink something with actual character.

>> No.9649706

OP is actually a borderline underageban&.

>> No.9649708
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The tonic is sugary and imo nasty with anything but gin. Do a vodka soda, hit it with lime or lemon and pretty gud sipping drink right there. Adding a fruit flavor like cherry would help but you're back in girl territory. Here are some manly go tos

1. Vodka, soda/seltzer, lime/lemon, (optional) salt
2. Tequila, soda/seltzer, lime/lemon,
(recommended) salt
3. Rum (recommend high proof life cruzan 151 to lower the sugar-to-alcohol ratio), diet cola, (recommended) lime/lemon
4. Whisky/bourbon, diet cola/soda/seltzer (obv will be very different based on this choice), (recommended) lime/lemon
5. Gin, soda/seltzer/diet tonic, like/lemon. Can add little bit of grapefruit juice to this if needed, will greatly reduce the off taste of cheaper gin.
6. (Borderline) Vodka, soda/seltzer/diet sprite, cranberry juice. It's a classic cocktail which means men have drunk it, but not that men typically drink it. Much more acceptable to drink in the day time or any hot weather occasion.

Essentially women like sugar and citrus to hide the alcohol bite, they understand that tasting gasoline is not really fun. Men understand that sugary things are a false economy, easier to drink up front, worse hangover and insulin sleepyhead on the backend, it's why I always recommend diet version of everything. Just don't go over board with manly stuff, I once bought a bottle of bourbon that tasted like leather set on fire. It literally scabbed my throat.

>> No.9649713

If you are a man, don't order a teenage girl liquor like vodka

>> No.9649718

Vodka and Tequila are womenly
Rum and gin are neutral
Whiskey and brandy are manly

>> No.9649728

>It literally scabbed my throat.
um, what?

>> No.9649738

Wtf? How many fucking tards are in this thread?

>> No.9649743

I feel awful for you if the only hard-drinkers you've seen in your life are women. Vodka is for everyone who gives a damn about drinking. Just don't go overboard mixing it.

>> No.9649744

I can unearth a hearty orange wine (a very mature white wine), invite anyone who mocks you for drinking white wine, laugh at them when they spit it thinking it's sissy regular white wine
stop drinking alcoholic grape juice and start drinking verdejo

>> No.9649756

>vodka is for everyone who gives a damn about drinking
I would say the exact opposite is true. People who give a damn about drinking drink better stuff

>> No.9649768
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3 fingers of whiskey/rye/scotch neat.

if you're cheap over some rocks

>> No.9649771

vodka can be good. i've even enjoyed it straight.
i concur that bourbon or scotch or even a decent rum or irish whisky is a better choice for sipping, though. i buy maybe 4 bottles of wine a month, and i enjoy them whether it bothers someone else or not. people can drink horse piss or rot gut all they want.

>> No.9649797

Drink wine faggot. Seriously. If you're going to some place that makes fun of you, go to a more mellow bar. They tend not to be as loud too.

>> No.9649842

Just drink bourbon.

>> No.9649856

>would never drink it when I'm out because people would make fun of me

Where does that happen, MS or AL?

>> No.9649873

I order amaretto sours with gingerale because it's manlier to not give a fuck. If anyone wants to challenge they can offer to do a shot of kraken with me. If they can't enjoy smooth spiced motor oil then they don't get to judge.

>> No.9649879

i mean getting wine in a late night bar scenario is a little weird unless it is specifically a wine-centric place
Wine is more of a dinner thing than a bar thing

>> No.9649949

Inb4 'obsessed', but I think this is a problem that's genuinely unique to the American drinking scene. I would be hard pressed to name anywhere in Europe, the UK or the Commonwealth that would give you funny looks for ordering wine whenever you wanted it.

>> No.9649958
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say no more bruv

>> No.9649987

>me:hey lemmie get a uhh
>me: vodka and diet coke
>the boys: yoo wtf is this pussy shit
>me: idgaf
>the boys: oh ok

>> No.9649991

what is that drink that tastes exactly like cream soda? it's rum or something plus ginger ale i think.
i cannot remember, but i know it was tasty.

>> No.9649996


I had burns from all the nasty chemicals present in that shit, I could feel the mucous membrane burned off and the skin underneath was textured and fucked up. Was a forty dollars bottle too

>> No.9649998

I think a lot of it has to do with a combination of the lingering effects of Prohibition and the former dominance of teetotalism over much of our culture, as well as our particular university traditions, amongst other things.

For Americans, drinking was one of those things that coincides with our first rite of passage of escaping our parents and freeing ourselves. We aren't usually exposed (or expected to be exposed, at least) to alcohol at younger ages, so the pendulum swings the other way really hard. Young drinking culture is a means of "proving yourself" for us a little more than it tends to be in Europe.

I'm kind of pulling a lot of this out of my ass, but it makes sense to me. For guys, at least, there's an expectation that you have to "learn how to drink like a man." Unfortunately, this begins during ages at which no one knows what the fuck they're talking about. So you hear all sorts of weird shit like "vodka is for women" or "never get any vermouth in your martini, and make sure you drown it in olives." It's pure affectation.

>> No.9651219

Stop being a fuckin pansy

Real men don't worry about "manliness" they just are

>> No.9651260

>Implying Communism didn't turn Russia into an industrial superpower on par with the US within a few decades

>> No.9651295

OP, you've gotten the right answer ITT multiple times. If you need a specific drink to define your manliness, then you are the embodiment of a fucking cuck. Tell your friends to fuck off, sodomize them (to assert your dominance - nohomo) then drink your fucking Dr mcgullicudies (sp?) like a real man.

>> No.9651309

stop worrying, if you aren't sucking back Smirnoff Ice and blue curacao filled drinks served with a garnish of huge black dildo, no one cares what you are drinking

>> No.9651310

Exactly my point. If you give two shits what people think of your drink, you're about as retarded as this mouthbreather here.

>> No.9651316

You should order a nice strawberry daiquiri, or a mudslide if it's on the menu.

>> No.9651322

Gin and tonic.
Simple, elegant, and glows pale blue under a blacklight

>> No.9651327

Gin and tonic is best drink

>> No.9651539

Just beer, but I wouldn't really know since it's the only alcoholic I drink along with sparkling wine (prosecco and spumante specifically)

I don't give a shidd about what they think, if a drink is manly or not. If I feel like drinking alcohol I will, otherwise nah

>> No.9651547

>doesnt taste like shit and is manly?
Nothing that is manly doesn't taste like shit, being able to enjoy shitty tasting alcohol is manly in of itself.
Stop getting drinks, start doing shots so it's over faster

>> No.9651549

whiskey ginger

>> No.9651582

Nah but seriously, just go with beer. A classic blonde will do

>> No.9651590

In the past couple years I discovered that I love whiskey neat and that's about the manliest drink there is so I lucked out. Honestly if you like wine then just order wine. If your buddies make fun of you then just turn it back on them and let them know you're comfortable enough with your sexuality to order what you like and that they're probably projecting their latent homosexual tendencies onto you.

If you really need something easy to drink that you won't get made fun of for drinking do a whiskey 7 or a beer.

>> No.9651597

2 parts brandy, 1 part lime juice, 1 part simple syrup

or an old fashioned

>> No.9651882

Well, two out of three is good enough I guess

>> No.9651963


We're a wino culture mate, we honestly drink fucking anything under the sun. I still see lads walking down the street with a breezer in their hands and a paki shop rum in the other.

The yanks just don't have the same way about it, shame really.

>> No.9652115


old fashioned, whiskey sour, gin and tonic, beer

>> No.9652150

>yooo you're still a manlet faggot ahahaha

>> No.9652154

Alcohol universally tastes like shit until you simply get over it. Cut sugary and sweet foods out of your diet for a while and you'll find it easier to swallow bitter drinks of all kinds.

>> No.9652231

y'know what's manly? drinking what you want and not giving a fuck what anyone thinks about it. you drink to relax and have fun, not impress people

>> No.9653747

It takes a real man to be in an open relationship

>> No.9653778

nigga i drink whatever i want from wine to whiskey and in between water when i know i'm close to crashing. i always get weird looks but in the end i last longer, without going ko and have less hangover the day afterwards.

stop giving a shit about people. your girly attitude makes you "the white girl", not your fucking drink you fucking wuss.

also wine in clubs is garbage, except if you go to high class clubs, which are terrible in their own way

>> No.9653791

Manly drinks don't taste good - well... matter of opinion I guess. They're "acquired tastes." Nobody has gin for the first time and thinks "Oh god, yes! This is the flavour my life has been missing!"

Order whatever the hell you want and take solace in your security in your sexuality. Anyone who avoids ordering white wine or a Singapore Sling for fear of what the guys will think is just weak willed.

>> No.9653853
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While I firmly believe that one should drink whatever one feels like, Pinot grigio has somehow become the default wine order for girls who don't know anything about wine and as such ,ignited be the most potentially embarrassing thing one can order at the moment.

Seriously though, how did the memo get around to every woman under 25 to start ordering Pinot Grigio?

>> No.9653934

ignore the people saying drink what you want if you want tot be a real man. it's true what they're saying but appearances matter. you wouldn't wear a tshirt and shorts on the first date no matter how much you feel like it. the caveat is that if you ooze masculinity from every pore you can get away with doing extremely girly shit and it only adds to you aura of masculinity. dollars to donuts you're not that manly. so just order an old fashioned or a whiskey soda if you want to be cheap, and learn to like it.

>> No.9653941

Pinot Grigio is an easy to drink wine - relatively simple flavour profile, just enough acidity to cut through the grease of dark meat poultry, doesn't linger.

I'm sure if Gewurtztraminer was easier to pronounce, it would be the white-girl-go-to.

>> No.9653944

i think because it seems to have a peppery kick to it. maybe it seems closer to drinking alcohol because of that? dunno just spitballing. i like pinot grigio though. i didn't even realize it had become a womeme till my sister, who's never spoken about wine before asked me to pick up a bottle of pinot.

>> No.9653949

>can't handle the bantz

You're a faggot

>> No.9653951

If you're hanging with your bros, and appearances matter, your bros are shit.

On a date or a casual business meeting, absolutely gauge the vibe or play it safe, unless you want to lead with a "statement" - it's a gambit, but it can make you memorable and start some interesting conversations.

>> No.9653957

>why don't you drink your 4% light beer chad, some of us are trying to have a good night.
>unzips dick

>> No.9653964

Always take the shot.

>> No.9653970

You're telling me!

On dates, it's hit or miss. Some girls are looking for normal, and I am not.

In terms of work nonsense, I get asked for by name because people know my name.

>> No.9653976

>If you're hanging with your bros, and appearances matter, your bros are shit.
at our last bro's birthday we got an expensive prosecco as the drinking centerpiece. the entire party was closer to a girls night in apart form the fact that it was funnier and less relationship talk.

drinking with friends hardly counts as social drinking. OPs question was obviously aimed at drinking with people you're not all that familiar with or even drinking alone. in both cases it's better to get a normal man drink.

>> No.9653984

are there brown girl drinks too?

>> No.9653993

Depends on the species of brown.

The Roti shop down the street has a $6 Kingfisher/Veg Roti combo on "date night"... used to be girls night, but they aren't really a bar.

>> No.9653996


>> No.9653998

Bro just be southern European. Very acceptable drink especially chilled in summer. Also like they said
But if you do just want to expand your drinks in general try gin tonics (another excellent summer cocktail). Sazeracs and whiskey old fashions are good to get into whiskey (my go to fall and winter cocktails especially the Sazerac cuz it's served neat)

>> No.9654000

corona with lime, cocktails if you're rich.
talking brown as in indian here.

>> No.9654011

Manliest thing to do would be to get a bottle of the cheapest wine they have, no glass. Seriously I pick up chicks doing this ahahhaaha got one givin' me a good s u c c right now shiiiii

>> No.9654029
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If you ever buy vodka, always dring in straight, in shots.
Mixed (with orange juice, for example) is for teenagers.
Straight in glasses is for hardcore alcoholics.

>> No.9654040

what if mix it with beer lul i get fuuuuuucke dup ahahahhahahaahha who's the girl? shes a cutie wanna squirt a load on her tits then lick it up

>> No.9654049
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>> No.9654063

vodka and wine are for girls unless it's that Russian vodka that's over 70% alcohol, that's for people planning on jumping off a bridge

>> No.9654073

In my experience people that drink vodka just care about getting drunk, those same people often mix it with pointless shit like coke or OJ because they can't stomach alcohol otherwise

It's a total stacy liquor

>> No.9654074

if you're ever drinking vodka neat out of college you have no self-respect.

>> No.9654075
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Then you`re in for a fun ride with the classic "yorsh" coctail.

For more fun, start with a full glass of beer and fill it up with vodka after each sip, until the drink becomes clear again. It is called "meeting the white bear".

Be sure that your friends know where to deliver the sensless body.

>> No.9654079

Seriously, what's with being insecure about your drinks? I'm not insecure about them, nor are my friends and whether I order beer, cider, wine or a drink, no one says anything, just asks what it is and maybe asks for a taste if they've not tasted it before.

>> No.9654084
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If rappers can make champagne cool, then you can drink white wine.

>> No.9654091


martinis are the official drink of 45 year old childless roasties though

>> No.9654093

70% vodka is not vodka, it`s chacha at best, moonshine at worst.
Proper vodka must be 40%.

>> No.9654096


my brother is a wine alcoholic and will have the bar put it in a plastic cup so he doesnt get clowned on by his friends

>> No.9654097

why do you hate women so much when you're going to be 45 and childless yourself?

>> No.9654107

Drink whatever the fuck you want. I regularly order a cola to take a breather when out drinking with the lads. If they give you shit, it's just banter. If they talk shit behind your back theyre not your friends.

>> No.9654109
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friendly reminder that alcohol is poison and you are killing yourselves

>> No.9654110

so once the drink becomes clear are we supposed to finish a 500 ml of vodka or is making the drink clear the goal? either would fuck you up but the latter may avoid alcohol poisoning.

>> No.9654115

Friendly reminder we all die so have a drink and relax spergie

>> No.9654116

No shit sherlock

>> No.9654124


some die sooner than others. enjoy non-existance

>> No.9654138

To all these anons saying gin and tonic is a "manly" drink compared to wine or whatever, I'm having a chuckle at your expense. I'm a flaming faggot who intentionally rejects "manly" behaviors and g&t has been my go-to drink since I started drinking. The only stereotype associated with it that I know of is of ascot-wearing yacht-club-attending closet-homosexuals. I don't put any shit in it either, because I don't like juice pulp. The main reaction I have observed from people who comment on my drink choice over the years is "what is that? Why is it just clear?"

By the way I also drink beer and vodka so those are gay drinks too. Wine as well, but you knew that one. The only stuff I avoid is brown liquor, and these days the stereotype with that is that it's for black people.

>> No.9654144

>Oh boy I really enjoyed my 90s
You won't win life by outliving all of your friends and family. Just a lonely old fuck who watches TV and has his ass wiped for him.

>> No.9654148

I always thought g&ts were pretty ungendered. The chaotic neutral of cocktails.

>> No.9654159
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>giving a shit what people think of your drink
I've got the perfect drink for a "man" like you.

>> No.9654161
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>> No.9654169

Where do bloody Mary's rank? Is there a chart for like male/female/neutral cocktails?

>> No.9654196

We drink vodka neat you pussy

>> No.9654207

I think the vast majority of drinks are neutral or ungendered, honestly. There's nothing inherent about a drink that makes it gendered, it's just about associations in popular culture. A drink like the Cosmopolitan is inevitably associated with middle aged women because of Sex and the City. Whiskey neat is associated with cigar smoking old men by countless movie and TV scenes. Apple Martinis are the typical "gay" drink I guess. But most other drinks are either totally ignored by pop culture (I've never seen anyone drink a gin and tonic in a movie even though it is one of the most popular cocktails) or are just depicted as being drunk by everyone (beer and wine, rum and coke for example).

Some people either get insecure or want to make a bit of a game out of it, so they start cherrypicking the few examples of culturally gendered drinks and then try to use their qualities to judge other drinks. Since a cosmo is pink and fruity, are all fruity, colorful drinks for women? It's a pretty arbitrary distinction unless you can point to a strong cultural influence (like sex and the city for cosmos).

>> No.9654209


>> No.9654396

Once upon a time, most wines from the Shiraz region would have been white.

These days, you don't get much wine from Shiraz, only from "Syrah" grapes grown in France, Australia/NZ and South America, which have little to do with the original grape or wine. Sherry has more in common.

>> No.9654428
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Actually, you`re supposed to start the process again, replacing vodka with beer/brandy. It`s called "meeting the brown bear".
Of course, it`s supposed to be a party game, not for a single person.

>> No.9654520

I found out I like Beefeater gin 1/1 with ginger ale and a cap of limejuice.
How much of a wuss am I?

>> No.9654532


>> No.9654548


>> No.9654556

bloody marys are neutral but you're a savage if you drink one after noon

>> No.9654604


>> No.9654618

That's what I used to drink in college because the convenience store nearby had ginger ale but not tonic water. I recommend you try New Amsterdam gin, much cheaper than Beefeater and you'll probably find you don't need the lime juice because it tastes fine on its own.

>> No.9654625

Seems like a good dinner to me

>> No.9654739

Just drink cum and admit that you are faggot who is naturally drawn to faggoty things. No need to keep up a mask in this day and age and force yourself to drink Bourbon when you are just a natural sissy boy. Accept yourself faggot.

>> No.9654855

Manhattan is the best cocktail. Classy and manly.

>> No.9654879

this, who the fuck cares what others think.

>> No.9654901

Order bleach and broken glass if you're afraid of just ordering what you want.

>> No.9654922

>>>/pol/ is that way you racist.

>> No.9654953

Tonic water is nasty. Soda water is better.

>> No.9654983

I like vodka in shots. It's my go-to get fucked up liquor because I feel like the hangovers are more bearable than sweeter liquor, but do russians sip it like Americans sip whiskey?

>> No.9655049

Any advice for getting a taste for whisky? My first options are crown royal or forty creek because imported whiskeys are 50 bucks a bottle (at least jack and maker's are).

>> No.9655143

Who /banana daiquiri/ here?

>> No.9655152

Just drink Old Crow. It is bottom shelf, but it holds its own.

>> No.9655334

Nope. Someone can drink it straight from a glass or bottle, but it`s never sipping.

>> No.9655341

the only thing that isn't manly is that you're trying to order drinks to look manly

>> No.9655347

Old Granddad is a pretty good bottom tier whisky.

>> No.9655696

Stop giving a fuck, my go-to is usually a gin and tonic, since it's hard to fuck up for the most part. If it's a classier bar where they know their shit, then I get what >>9649522 said.

>> No.9655794

>it's hard to fuck up for the most part
After ordering a gin and tonic, I have been served:
>flat ginger ale with half a lime stuffed in the glass
>a glass of mostly soap that took 45 minutes to arrive
>whiskey sour because that's what my friends were getting
>countless drinks that barely had any alcohol
Some of those were at classy places, too.

>> No.9656622

You’re supposed to drink it, not tip it into your vajayjay anon

>> No.9656631

The brain on the right may have been from a moderate drinker, but it’s also from an Alzheimer’s patient. Nice try faglord.

>> No.9656665

>implying it wouldn't have regardless of the specific exploitative system they used to

>> No.9656682



>> No.9656694

double of shitty bourbon, neat

>> No.9656695

pure ideology

>> No.9656759

I'm positive you can actually get drunk that way though.

>> No.9656760
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>tfw everyone here calls me faggot for caring what drink to order while also calling vodka and wine faggot drinks

>> No.9656779

I just took a shot of some colombian liquor that tastes just like grappa or sambuca but lighter. Lower alcohol I think, 29%. Salute.

>> No.9657717

white wine not manly? here, make an italian dinner, drink Pinot Grigio while cooking, out of an Arcoroc tumbler, and serve it with the food. with a bandana on your head, after you harvested your own vegetables in the hot sun. you will own her pussy. that stuff is super drinkable, and millions of Italian men will kick your fucking ass if you say its not cool.

>> No.9657720

Sterno: Squeeze. or Gasoline.

>> No.9657725

i saw michael palin drinking it room temperature, with a fresh garlic clove in each shot. make you want to fuck putin in the ass.

>> No.9657741

have you looked at your dick lately? i think you may have forgotten you have one. oh, forgot, your sisters balls are blocking the view below. sorry about that. continue your ministrations...

>> No.9657752

i just liked drinking it while i cooked. i had no idea its a girly meme. maybe i can rape and murder a few girls and use their meat to make some sausage i can put in a meat sauce with the wine.

>> No.9657764

Milk....In a dirty glass....

>> No.9657773

white cognac is literally as manly as it gets and that shit tastes like pussy syrup

>> No.9657798

>drinking alone
>appearances matter
Look m8 when I walk into a bar, sometimes I order a Laphroaig neat with a water back, sometimes I order a sprite.

Good God no one cares what you drink on your own dime.

>> No.9657805

im downing my sugary cuban cocktails when out with my boys i dont give a fuck. they sitting there having a hard time finishing their neat whiskey lul