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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9635414 No.9635414 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.9635419

there's nothing wrong. why are you looking for something wrong?

>> No.9635420


Um, pic unrelated?

>> No.9635424

>black hands preparing food
The restaurant for hiring him, obviously.

>> No.9636369

it's really a better video if you watch it at normal speed rather than slowing it down to half speed like this

>> No.9636375

that nigger for touching my food without gloves

>> No.9636376

You for being a faggot

>> No.9636393

the black person for making me angry by existing and breathing up all the white mans air with his big nigger nostrils

>> No.9636402

Wow, this chocolate man works incredibly fast. It was silly of him to touch the inside of the pepper, though.

>> No.9636415

>the black person for making me angry by existing and breathing up all the white mans air with his big nigger nostrils



>> No.9636427

The mushrooms

>> No.9636433


>> No.9636449
File: 63 KB, 1050x590, uncle ruckus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's it goin' Uncle Ruckus?

>> No.9636456

yeah - fuck stems. fucking animals.

and "chop chop chop" them motherfuckers reaaaal thin :)

>> No.9636584

And they STANK

>> No.9636609


They're larping newfag.

>> No.9636652


>> No.9636668
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>blacks handling food
Hey maybe he works at that new restaurant they're opening in Canada

>> No.9636684

the garlic and chili should have been the same size as the mushrooms and carrot. Keep it all the same size cunts.

>> No.9636691

It's impossible to catch aids from food unless they put a condom full of cum inside of it

>> No.9636707

I'd rather have an actual chef with AIDS handle my food than leave it to BA and Southern.

>> No.9636805
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>> No.9636883

>Implying the people too dumb to prevent catching GRIDS wouldn't cum in your food
>Taking that chance

I'm pretty sure if I go ke a walk in the good I won't get shit but I'm not going to take that chance either, you fucking retard. My self-preservation instincts are still intact.

>> No.9636892

the guy is indian you fucking racist idiots

>> No.9636915

Great, so he's handling food now after wiping his asshole with his bare hand, even better.

>> No.9636919

i've just never seen someone dice garlic like that. usually you just smash it with some salt. decent knife skills though

>> No.9636930

i wish this is just a sterotype

>> No.9636936

I was with this completely until he de-seeded the chili.

Fuck no

>> No.9636941
File: 176 KB, 360x240, CHUUUU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i came here for this post

>> No.9636979

line cook nicks himself and plates your food. That contaminated food comes into contact with the mucous membranes of your mouth, never reaching a temperature sufficient to kill a single cell. It's not HIV but full blown AIDS!

>> No.9636987

That food also needs to be at 98°C and have around .9% salt.

>> No.9636993

That's not how HIV works.
I'm honestly surprised retards like you still exist considering all the information campaigns we've had about it for something like 30 years now.
Even if that linecook fucks you in the ass there's actually only a fairly small risk of you catching the virus. A drop of blood, assuming he isn't extremely vary about getting his HIV blood in the food in the first place, in the food, even if it's something like a salad, is extremely unlikely to cause infection.
I'm quite sure there has never been a single recorded case of it happening, ever. And people with HIV are already working both in kitchens and hospitals.

>> No.9637008

Fucking pussy.

>> No.9637089

>Baked Alaska
Do you like being lied to?

>> No.9637303

Isn't that that faggot who got pepper sprayed, lied about being "almost blinded", then conveniently started a kickstarter campaign to raise money for his "hospital bills"? Why are all aut right personalities such opportunistic fucking thieves?

>> No.9637324

Yes, and then he started a new lie about dating Loomer, who's even crazier than he is.
It's almost as if these "alt-right" youtubers are doing it for money rather than ideology.

>> No.9637343


>> No.9637347


>> No.9637934

I'm surprised people with HIV still exist... but here we are, extending their lives with medication.

>> No.9638316
File: 92 KB, 2140x1605, zz3xmu6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if it's something like a salad
what if it was a tossed salad?

>> No.9638347

those hands are dirty as fuck what the hell

>> No.9639078

He is too

>> No.9639101

It was metaphor about white penis.

>> No.9639150

I don't like the size/shape of some of that stuff. Larger chunks of vegetable are more enjoyable to eat.

>> No.9639218

>HIV only transfers through semen
Great news. I can tell the junkies down the road that they don't actually have HIV from an infected needle, because that's not how it works!

>> No.9639235

some people just have dark skin bro

>> No.9639721


>> No.9640032

And scrambled eggs?

>> No.9640047

I genuinely think they believe the shit they spew

>> No.9640071

nobody gives a shit lebbit

>> No.9640073

It does if the chef accidentally cuts themselves without even noticing(it's not really a seldom thing) and the customer has a sore mouth

>> No.9640074

>spicy enough to be worth crunching the seeds

>> No.9640082

The black guy is not picking cotton in my fields

>> No.9640094

The guy who doesnt know how to cut peppers

>> No.9640102

that might be the single most retarded way to chop garlic. i mean, who wants perfect cubes of garlic. mincing in so much easier and slicing is better for when you want pieces of garlic.

>> No.9640132

HIV is the easiest disease to eradicate. All you have to do to stop it, is to abstain. Abstain from sex and sharing needles. It could be gone in a generation.

Yet, here you are, making excuses for degenerates who carry a deadly disease. The West is crumbling thanks to people like you.

>> No.9641101
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>> No.9641107

>All you have to do to stop it, is to abstain.
And you think that's "easy"? Lol. I'll be you often ask "why don't addicts just stop using?" too, right?

>> No.9641115

Abstinence is easy when you're an incel.

>> No.9641144

HIV can survive in up to 145F just fine.
A drop of blood in your food can infect you if you have a cut on your mouth, throat, tongue, or an ulcer or sore in your stomach.

>> No.9641148
File: 76 KB, 834x768, homer5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scraping the food off the cutting board with the knife blade

>> No.9642673

>catch AIDS

>> No.9642777

this is near perfect execution

>> No.9642871
File: 557 KB, 800x800, 1447482792589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be canadian
>eat at restaurant
>get aids

>> No.9642889

>Taking out the seeds of jalapenos
also, what the fuck does he think he''s doing with carrots? carrots ruin mostly everything other than salad and carrot cake.

>> No.9642912

>he still thinks there are carrots in carrot cake

>> No.9642951

Why do all gay asians look the same?

>> No.9643257

>be cooker with aids
>accidentally cut finger while prepared food
>does not notice it
>clients get aids
What went wrong?

>> No.9643705

>being autistic

if you actually sharpen your knife once a month this is completely moot

>> No.9645029

these are precisely the myths that the restaurant exists to dispel.

it cannot happen

>> No.9645054

The dude is in wrong because he takes the seeds out of the pepper.

>> No.9645108

t. aids nigger
Its alright. Only numale hipster bleeding heart retard will be eating at the all-you-can-AIDS buffet anyway. Its a win win

>> No.9645122
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>> No.9645127

>>9635414 (OP)
the carrot pieces are too big

>> No.9645158
File: 151 KB, 652x728, no please no good things 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't process a reality that conflicts with an arbitrary piece of misinfo that you are inexplicably deeply attached to

>> No.9645167

I think he meant to go back to the roots, sex with a single partner (aka marriage). It is not that difficult. But it is too bad american law highly discourages marriage.

>> No.9645173
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1492563734966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9645178


>> No.9645262

Because all asians look the same

>> No.9645758

>american law highly discourages marriage

Niggah, you get tax breaks for being married and shitting out spawn. And before you crawl up on your trojan horse theory, fundamentalist "christians," as well as other forms of the semitic religions divorce at just as high rates as the rest of 'murrica.