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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9638991 No.9638991[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9639021

Why is Ireland so much cooler than England?

>> No.9639029

Favourite greggs pasty?

>> No.9639035

Ireland is the only country on earth to ratify gay marriage by popular vote

they're a bunch of lefty faggots who'd probably turn half of dublin into a sharia zone if they could convince enough ragheads to move there

die mick scum

>> No.9639038

how do you cope with heartburn/GERD?

>> No.9639044

Does scone rhyme with bone or gone?

>> No.9639045

because the only thing you know about ireland comes from guiness commercials

>> No.9639059

Would you send me Coffee Crips?

>> No.9639345

say it with me

>> No.9639374


>> No.9639384

Why do you guys eat black pudding, and then talk shit about hot dogs?

>> No.9639524


>> No.9639563
File: 135 KB, 600x605, kilts-plaids-large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's it feel to have your "culture" co-opted and dominated by tesco's, wetherspoons etc, ya sasanach poofter.

>> No.9639572

nothing wrong with black pudding, burger

>> No.9639671

fuck off seppo faggot

>> No.9639683

You're right, there isn't.
But it seems weird to complain about one but not the other.

>> No.9639763

كيف عظيم الله؟

>> No.9639767

>"""""""""""""""""""culture""""""""""""" co opted by irn bru ,SNP and heroin

>> No.9639802

Scone should rhyme with gone

And you should always spread cream on before jam

>> No.9639812

How do you deal with not having Cheetos (not the puffy ones) in the UK? What's your favorite beer? Favorite hot sauce?

>> No.9639816

How did you feel about the winner of Bakeoff?

>> No.9639817

What meals get your ladies hot and heavy? Srs question.

>> No.9639818

google translate has betrayed you as what you've written is gibberish.
t. ay-raab

>> No.9639848
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I'm not OP but I'm also English so I'm gonna play too okay?

Steak Beak


They aren't comparable. Completely different.

>How do you deal with not having Cheetos (not the puffy ones) in the UK?
Never had them so dont miss them. Don't care. Wotsits are our alternative I guess.

>What's your favorite beer?
At the moment I like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, But Proper Job and Tribute are some good Cornish ales I like.

>Favorite hot sauce?
Hot sauce isn't a big thing here so we don't have many varieties in our stores. I have a bottle of Basic Tabasco so I guess its that.

>What meals get your ladies hot and heavy?
Most British birds love a cheeky donna Kebab. Nandos is a good way to open their legs too.

>> No.9639853

Southenglish or northern inbred?

>> No.9639863

>Southenglish or northern inbred?

Thanks for ignoring our existence yet again.

t. Midlander

>> No.9639907
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>Steak Beak
Good choice

>> No.9639914


*Steak Bake

I'm Dislecsik sorry.

>> No.9640144

Truly bongs are ruled by muslims

>> No.9640239

What do you have on your kebab mate? Proper job is good, a solid ale choice.

>> No.9640247

Big up leicestershire

>> No.9640259

>What do you have on your kebab mate?

I don't like them very much personally, but when I have had them I'd have mayo and Chilly sauce.

>> No.9640286

>Sierra Nevada
>a Briton admits that he likes American beer
Holy shit

>> No.9640296


American style beers are different to ours and can co-exist peacefully.

>> No.9640326

Loads of garlic sauce, don't care about anything else

>> No.9640335

Yucateco green

>> No.9640356

how big is your cock?

>> No.9640398

I've tried a few imported British beers. New Castle brown ale, Samuel Smith's oatmeal stout. Good shit you're making across the pond. Also I've got some of that Sierra Nevada pale ale in my fridge right now, probably gonna crack one open in a bit. Respect.

>> No.9640509
File: 106 KB, 620x360, pubs-baum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you can get a Marston's Pedigree I think that is the definitive British beer. I'm not that keen on it as I think there are much better beers here but its a good reference point. If you're in a good pub you will find as many as 20 beers on tap all brewed in the local area. Some good, some bad but usually all quite interesting.

You should also note that Its always better to drink beer from the tap rather than from a bottle. Its completely different but I cant tell you why exactly.

>> No.9640522

going to 'spoons in a bit lads, you want anything?