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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9635718 No.9635718 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Worst kitchen gadgets

>> No.9635720
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>> No.9635779

Bialetti, Bodum, Hario and every coffee appliance brand makes stupid stuff like this, repackaging their flagship product to do something slightly different like a "tea infuser", or a "milk frother", what's the point?
Who falls for this shit?
I even saw bialetti making toasters and bodum making grinders, that's not their domain, their designs don't even look good, and they cost more because of their brand name.

>> No.9635971

My parents used to have one because they liked hot chocolate in their coffee. Its was a unitasker but it was a good design. The spinny thing inside was magnetic so their were notthing difficult to clean

>> No.9635998
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>> No.9636029

they cost more because of their brand name.
That's exactly the point. Brand loyalty. They know their brand has a reputation and are betting people will buy it simply because of that.

>> No.9636035
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The single worst, bar none, is a tossup between this and a glass cutting board.

>> No.9636041
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What the fuck is the function of this tool?

>> No.9636044

only thing I can think of is something you squish potatoes with while frying to turn them into pringles shapes.

>> No.9636051

Air "fryer"

>> No.9636054

It's a taco press.
They work great.

>> No.9636062
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It's for making hard taco shells. You put a corn tortilla in it and then stick it in to a pot of hot oil (or a deep fryer).

>> No.9636071

It's for making hard shell taco shells.

>> No.9636093
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This is the only truly right answer

>> No.9636102
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>The single worst, bar none, is a tossup between this and a glass cutting board.
holy fuck yes

heres an honorable mention

>> No.9636195

This man speaks truth.

>> No.9636451

Imagine some hipster standing around the tomatoes at your grocery store poking holes in them all with his dirty cracked iPhone

>> No.9636469
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Eh, I use mine a lot but I could get by without one if I had to.

>> No.9636479
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>The harmful substances are extremly higher than norm

>> No.9636482

I'm kind of curious why. Smashing garlic with a knife is much faster and requires less cleanup.

>> No.9636489

maybe try using one instead of being a fag

>> No.9636499

I have. I've noticed many problems with:
-flimsy construction
-difficult to clean
-not very large (can only fit small portions of food)
-inferior results compared to deep frying (food is not as crisp)
-takes longer than deep frying.

I threw the fucker away.

>> No.9636517

I have no idea what the fuck this even is.

>> No.9636522

What's wrong with glass cutting boards? I've rarely used them, but don't recall them being super awful.

>> No.9636545

I've never used one but they sound fucking terrible.

>> No.9636564

The big one is that hey are harder than your knife blade. So that means every time you cut you are dulling your knife. A cutting board should be softer than your knife, not harder. That way it won't fuck up the edge.

Glass boards are also useless if you need to chop anything with any sort of force, like breaking down bones for making stock, for example. Or cutting the head off a fish, removing chicken wings, etc. Finally, they are usually very smooth and slippery. That makes them easy to clean, but it also means your food goes flying all over the place when you're trying to mince herbs or finely chop something.

>> No.9636572

Is a cast iron or carbon steel flat bottom wok an acceptable kitchen tool?

>> No.9636589

ok makes sense. How do you keep a wooden cutting board clean? It's a porous surface, so won't germs/bacteria get lodged into the surface, especially if you are cutting meat on it?

>> No.9636603

What is it "testing" for that's harmful?

>> No.9636604

You wash it. If you're really paranoid you can scrub it with bleach.

>>It's a porous surface, so won't germs/bacteria get lodged into the surface, especially if you are cutting meat on it?
They can, but not in enough quantity to matter. As long as you aren't an idiot and put something that will be served raw straight onto a puddle of meat juice you're fine. Wood also has natural antibacterial properties--google it.

There are also plastic and hard rubber cutting boards. These can go in the dishwasher so they can be sanitized by heat. OTOH, they don't have the natural antibacterial properties that wood does.

anyway, no matter what board you have just wash it before you use it for food that will be served raw. I just stick mine in the sink and use a normal scrub brush, hot water, and dish soap.

>> No.9636608

Sure. Just as long as it's not nonstick!

>> No.9636612

>natural antibacterial properties of wood
I did not know this. I've been using plastic cutting boards because I was wary of keeping wooden ones clean.

>> No.9636629

Everything that is wrong with the San Fransisco culture

>> No.9636638

According to their website it tests for nitrite and nitrate.
Remember that time you got nitrate poisoning from a tomato? Now it need never happen again.

>> No.9636645

I only consume gmo free produce so I'm safe, no gadget needed!

>> No.9636654

I believe that's the Juicero. A "juicer" that you had to feed special bags of material rather than actual fruits and it had DRM which required it to be online to function.
It somehow wasn't a success.
I think Ivanka bought one.

>> No.9636675

It was a raging success until some business reporter wrote a column saying they could just crush the juice bags with their hands, completely invalidating the need for the fantabulous drm-and-wifi-enabled $600 juice pressing contraption. Their business went kaput within a couple of weeks after that.

>> No.9636715
File: 216 KB, 1920x1280, mitte-water-purifier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you liked Juicero, maybe you'll enjoy Mitte

>mitte® is the world's first home-use water purifier and water vitalizer. Turn any tap water into healthy, enhanced water at the push of a button.

>Personalize your daily drinking water with 3 different mineral cartridges containing varying levels of natural minerals and ingredients. The result: perfectly balanced mineral water for your lifestyle.

>One cartridge should last up to 400 liters, or around 105 gallons, and they vary in price from €40 ($47) to €50 ($58)

>mitte starts at $328

>> No.9636731

Weren't the bags themselves stupidly expensive as well, though? I don't see why people would be too cheap to buy the machine but still pay for the bags. Just buy some juice.
But I guess it was made for people with more money than common sense to begin with.

>> No.9636770

only retards would continue to buy the bags without the juicero

>> No.9636840

What a horribly uninspired deisign. Looks like something a teenager would make with one of them modding tools you get with certain games, with a very limited set of tools and building blocks.

>> No.9636942

I got a carbon steel non stick wok, how did I fuck up???

>> No.9636960

the idea behind woks are that they're generally for extremely high-temperature frying, and the shape gives a level of control over the heat distribution.
nonstick coating chemicals aren't supposed to be heated over like... 450 degrees or something? I don't know the number, but past that the coating gets messed up and it leeches toxic chemicals and stuff.

Woks are for high-heat, nonstick is only for low-heat, defeats its own purpose.

>> No.9636968

This device is great if you live in an area with witches

>> No.9636976

Fuck, oh well it was 50% off so $40 down the drain it is.

Or I could just use it at very high heat, burn off the non stick coating and get a refund, lets see how lazy I am

>> No.9636994
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"Dude that thing won't even cut my fucking bagel!"

>> No.9636998
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>current yeaer
>not enhancing your water

>> No.9637010


Not a goddamn thing wrong with this. You think ANYONE has ever, ever detected that the garlic was pressed instead of cut by knife? Fuck no they haven't

>> No.9637015

horrible clacking and scraping sounds, and they destroy knives. you also can't be as rough with them as you can be with a normal wood or plastic board -- put too much weight on it in the sink, it shatters. drop it, it shatters. put something hot or cold on it, it shatters.

also as soon as it suffers any damage you have to throw it out.

the danger of a teflon pan is vastly overstated but it is true that heating it up too hot will ruin the coating.

>egg slicer
delete this

>> No.9637022
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My mom bought one of these cocoa latte machines and we used it once. A few years later I found in in a closet and found out there was a recall because they would leak lead.

>> No.9637026
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>> No.9637027

Hario makes great stuff you pleb

>> No.9637029

Pro tip: use a fine cheese grater for the same results.

>> No.9637072

also bodum makes unironically good shit, they are wizards of pyrex and the monkey is a qt

>"milk frother",
if you want a good alternative to a milk frother, pick up a cheap small booze drink shaker. just throw some milk in with some ice and shake it. it'll be frothy

>> No.9637097

stop the thread, the real story here is figuring out where this dude found an $80 msrp wok. i thought i overpaid at $14.

>> No.9637105

It was actually $99 rrp in dollerydoos


I stacked a few coupons to get it for $42.56

>> No.9637106

Fuck you I own that exact one and it's a lot quicker. Not as good but it's quicker.

>> No.9637161

I got my wok for $5 from Walmart just because I needed a bigger pan for stir fry

>> No.9637183

one time a few people were standing around in our kitchen and the glass cutting board shattered when no one was using it or touching it. little pieces of glass went everywhere and continued shattering for 5 minutes. this one didn't have a smooth surface, it was very rough. before it broke I wondered why it even existed
you can also oil it up with mineral oil too

>> No.9637216
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>> No.9637437

I can see how it works, i mean people are stupid and i know some people believe in memes of alkaline water so this is not bad. The design though, that's nasty

>> No.9638567

bread machine. the whole point of making bread is to enjoy making it. oh, and microwaves.

>> No.9638822

People call that a unitasker but I find it really useful for pressing my garlic through too

>> No.9638864

Throw in an almond activator for free and that's a hell of a deal.

>> No.9638888

lol fuck off faggot

I used my garlic press to strain soup. It ISN'T a Unitasker. It can also be used to press other veggies, mince beef, among others.

>> No.9639014

You're gonna need to pay for that sir

>> No.9639020

Nice maymay, my good sir, have your (You).

>> No.9639033
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>how many banana sliced do you want in your cereal this sunny morning my son?

>> No.9639036


It's at least marginally useful as a water distiller and there's nothing bad about adding in trace minerals naturally found in ground wat-

>it has a Bluetooth app

Into the trash it goes

>> No.9639041

Imagine your dick getting caught in that.

>> No.9639043
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>I use my garlic press to strain soup
I am confused on so many levels, quadsboy.

>> No.9639049


>> No.9639050
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>> No.9639053
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>> No.9639062
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>> No.9639068


>> No.9639074

Is that what those are for?

>> No.9639080

What I do is not deliberately add more fatty ingredient than I want.

>> No.9639084

You put it in the freezer and it congeals/thickens fat when you put it on.

It's for the type of idiot who paper towels their pizza.

>> No.9639086

Also useful for stealing comically large diamonds from museums.

>> No.9639089
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>> No.9639092
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>> No.9639097

>It's for the type of idiot who paper towels their pizza.
Thin people?

>> No.9639105
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>> No.9639158

Got a link?

>> No.9639167

Did someone draw that with a crayon?

>> No.9639260
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it's needless cleanup and loud!
taking into account people with arthritis or other ailments that prevent holding a knife well, the force you have to use to get it going would be just as painful.

>> No.9639311

Love in Europoorland, do burgers really do this? Don't know a single Yuro who does and the people I know range from thin to normal

>> No.9639319
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>> No.9639323
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Crushed garlic does taste differently from garlic cut with a knife, though. Same story with cucumber.
I don't know why. Something with releasing stuff from burst cells I imagine.

Fuck you. I love my egg slicer.
When my mother passes, hopefully many years from now, I'll inherit her all-metal one.

>> No.9639326


>> No.9639349


>> No.9639354

Former Navy airplane mechanic here. We had a bunch of those claw things just in case a nut or bolt falls in a hard to reach spot.

>> No.9639355

they're retarded, every building has a sink so just use the water from that

>> No.9639418


>> No.9639431

honestly just throw baking soda at it, that's basically what goes into a B class extinguisher anyway

the ideal way to prepare garlic is to crush it and then slice it

a garlic crusher would save you some time by making it one big step guess

>> No.9639432

Those are grate for things that a too small to hold comfortably. Nuts or the last stump of nutmeg for example.

Learn from the master https://youtu.be/H2A1qYpp4HA

Every mechanic should own one. And every doctor.

>> No.9639441

>one time a few people were standing around in our kitchen and the glass cutting board shattered when no one was using it or touching it.

i can sorta believe this, when i was a kid a cheap plastic plate shattered in the kitchen because one side of it got hotter than the other. it was next to the stove on the counter and we just heard this loud pop and crashing noises and the plate was fukken exploded.

>> No.9639446

Pizzas in Europe don't have that much grease. You don't have to pour away a pool of oil before you eat.

>> No.9639465
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>oil catches on fire
>put it out with water

>> No.9639474

the absolute STATE of american firefighting

>> No.9639482

then why are there fire hydrants everywhere

>> No.9639507

If you flood the entire fucking building it's a different story
good fucking luck with a kitchen sink

>> No.9639545


Weird, looks kind of restrained for a gay pride parade

>> No.9639567


Do not disrespect ulillillia please

>> No.9639698


>> No.9639765

believe it, I wouldn't lie to you. another strange instance of something breaking for no reason was, I get home in the middle of the night after smoking a lot of weed. I did this a lot when I was a teenager. I would get something sweet to eat and sit by the small TV we had in the kitchen. there was cake on this night so I poured a big glass of milk. just as I sat down my glass split in two vertically. and 20 oz. of milk started to spread. It was a total buzz kill! the glass wasn't warm either when I poured the cold milk.

most kitchen gadgets are pretty usefull for their intended purpose, if you use a lot of that ingredient what ever it is. the first couple are pretty dumb though

>> No.9639773

I guess there's some manner of prince Rupert drop effect going on in those glass items. And maybe some preexisting flaw or damage.
I had a 2-liter bottle of soda randomly explode when I walked past it in the supermarket once. Sticky stuff that. They gave me some nice chocolates to apologise, though.

>> No.9639777

Fuck you buddy, those are great.

>> No.9639788

Pretty close. The boards are made of tempered glass, just like a car windshield. The idea is that if it breaks then the pre-existing stresses will shatter the board into tiny little pieces which are less likely to cause injury than big knifelike shards. It's most likely there was a pre-existing flaw, or perhaps a chip or scratch from wear-and-tear that started the process.

I've had the same thing happen in my kitchen with one of the newer "pyrex" measuring cups.

>> No.9639857

why the toilet roll

>> No.9639875

It's paper towels, presumably to wipe your hands or utensils while you're grilling. Looks like a fire hazard to me though.

>> No.9640003

Pray to god you don't have a grease fire

>> No.9640012

or you could just buy hard taco shells. git gud.

>> No.9640015

Why buy them pre-made? They're usually broken in the box, and it's much cheaper to buy the tortillas instead. You don't need a silly gizmo to fry them either. And they taste a lot better when they are freshly fried.

>> No.9640019

pretty much this. in my university days the only problem we ever had with a wooden cutting board was when we let the dishes sit uncleaned for 3 weeks and the wood started to rot.

we took all our dishes out into the front yard and used a high pressure hose on them but the cutting boards were fucked, so we made our landlord buy more.

>> No.9640030

>why buy bread when you could just bake it every morning
yea nah

>> No.9640050

The difference is that frying taco shells takes zero skill and just a few seconds of time, whereas baking bread is a lot more skill and time dependent.

>> No.9640076

That appliance is fuckin thick not gonna lie

>> No.9640098

to wipe your ass after a shit

>> No.9640111

Because frying a taco she'll is a 100 times easier you idiot
Also making a forward shell is equally easy, it's just water, corn flour, and a hot cast iron, you can literally make fresh taco shells in 20 minutes, and spend like 20 cents on material

>> No.9640124

High nitrate/nitrite in vegetables comes from being grown in soils that are high in nitrogen. Some plants, like leafy green (especially amaranth genus leafy greens like lamb's quarter) can cause all manner of problems with nitrate toxicity if you eat a lot of them and they've been grown in high nitrogen soils.

>> No.9640313

it makes hard taco shells

>> No.9640354

Nitrogen is one of the most basic fertilisers.
Have you a single example of someone getting sick from high-nitrate tomatoes?

>> No.9640359

>images i downloaded 3 years ago but haven't found an opportunity to use until just now

>> No.9640368

Woks are perfectly fine if you're not a poorfag and buy the cheap shit, but that goes for any type of pan or pot in general.

>> No.9640373

You could just buy crates of bottled water for the same price too.

>> No.9640418

There's nothing wrong with a wok, anon.

But a NONSTICK wok, on the other hand, is about as useful as a perforated condom or Styrofoam fishing sinkers.

>> No.9640534


>> No.9640597

>Sorry a ghost threw soda at you, here's some chocolate

>> No.9640620

I use mine to fish shit out of my ass.

>> No.9640677

I garlic presses
They save a lot of time

>> No.9640703

How do you figure? Smashing the garlic with the side of your knife is much faster, and requires less cleanup. You're done before you've even found the garlic press, let alone had time to peel the garlic before using it.

>> No.9640715

>Not a goddamn thing wrong with this. You think ANYONE has ever, ever detected that the garlic was pressed instead of cut by knife? Fuck no they haven't

Both cutting it with a knife and using a press are stupid. Smash it with the flat of your knife instead. If you want big pieces smash it lightly. If you want it fine smash it hard. It's much faster and has less cleanup than chopping or slicing with a knife, or using the press & cleaning it when you're done.

>> No.9640781

How the hell do you mince that shit by just smashing it with the flat of the knife

Even if you press hard it's still mostly in one piece and you gotta chop it up so you can spread it out in the pan

>> No.9640787

still gotta clean the board and the knife albeit youll be using them for other things, garlic press isn't hard to clean unless you leave it for a day like a savage

fuck the garlic press is so nice just crushing that shit over the pan

>> No.9640788

>Even if you press hard it's still mostly in one piece
Smack it harder, grasshopper.

>> No.9640804

>albeit youll be using them for other things
Yes, that's the point. You're not getting anything additional dirty because you're already using the knife and board for other things.

>>garlic press isn't hard to clean
No, but it is an extra unnecessary step. It takes literally a second to smash garlic on the board. One single whack with the flat of your knife. That's faster than even finding the garlic press and getting it out of the drawer, let alone peeling the garlic first and using it.

>> No.9640985


>> No.9641253

Makes me feel better. I thought I had some psychic mad energy going.
Mom told me to dishes and they were stored in oven (off all day). Was high and mad (teen) and when I brought out this thick glass cup it exploded into 100's of little cube pieces in about a 10' radius away from my hand with a pop. No real temp change that I could think of. I do remember thinking it would be nice to destroy those dishes, channeling anger into a destructive force. I never thought it would happen and I'm sure there's some reasonable explanation. Thing just exploded in my hand and flew away all over the kitchen floor. I got blamed for throwing it but I was more confused than she was mad. Never happened again. This was back in like '94.

>> No.9641286


>> No.9641321

>Those are grate for things

>> No.9641359

JUSTiero. A Juicer that is essentially taking a caprisun and juicing it into a glass for you

>> No.9641365

>Taco shells

>> No.9641416

Worth every dollar.

>> No.9641424


The shape and placement of that cheese looks faggy

>> No.9641426

I'm glad someone got it

>> No.9641435

I have one of those somewhere and its awesome. You shut the goddamn hell up.

>> No.9641443

it's great for eating olives out of the jar

>> No.9641618

>mitte starts at $328

What a steal, the wooden knob is at least $300 alone.

>> No.9641681

Nah, this one makes sense. With a crate of glass bottles, you are at ~20ct/litre. With this thing, you only pay 10ct/litre. Sure, you have some high starting costs but it seems to be a decent option if you burn throught buttloads of water. Sadly, they pretty much destroyed thier main marketing niche with making the app mandatory for using the device.

>> No.9642097

why not use a fork?

>> No.9642111

Forks are not $9 poorfag.

>> No.9642144
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>> No.9643322

I chuckled

>> No.9643362

A pizza place near me has those, literally no one uses them.

>> No.9643381

Why though? Bananas are soft as fuck, you can take a fucking spoon and cut chunks off

>> No.9643625


Something about this creeps me out a lot. The room just looks so dirty, he looks like he has never been washed, and that carpet where he puts the greasy pizzas on. My god.

There is something about the number of items stored there that just tips me off that he lives in his parents basement. Why is he barefooted.

That clip is a mess.

>> No.9643638

A taco shell maker! For all the anons who maybe be on the spectrum

>> No.9643639


>> No.9643640

Do you remember the movie "Total Recall"?

>> No.9643655
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>> No.9643703

it reminds me of the tea maker i got,biggest waste of money ever

>> No.9643713

you can find one of those at a hardware store for way less, they are very useful to grab screws from hard to reach places

>> No.9643800
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What movie is this.

>> No.9643816

An entire generation of memes were spawned from that glorious invention!

>> No.9643824


>> No.9643831
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a machine that shits omelettes. I lost my appetite the moment my shat-out omelette emerged from this thing

>> No.9643837

That sounds like a perfect reason to talk shit about the slap chop.

>> No.9643871

i cant stop laughing at this product

id buy one just to watch it work

>> No.9643884
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>> No.9643913
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>> No.9643916


>fat is the enemy

Still living in 1960? An entire generation of Americans developed diabetes because everyone thought fat was bad for you when sugar was killing people off in droves.

>> No.9643919

Is that a rollie?

>> No.9643939


ehh could be useful if you're making a stew or something that uses sausage or otherwise accumulates more fat than you want after it's been simmering. A trick my grandma used to do would be to put it in the fridge and wait for the fat to congeal on the top and you can scoop it all out very quicky.

>> No.9643964


>> No.9643992

It's a machine that slowly creates an omelette turd that emerges from its greasy bung-hole over the course of nine minutes. My drunk uncle bought one for me on Christmas and the whole family gathered around it while it pushed the thing out from its egg sphincter but he got frustrated and just cut the turd halfway through the process and threw the machines and the turd against the wall...pretty entertaining to watch. Still it's literally a shit kitchen appliance

>> No.9644748

Wait wat? I thought juicero is not cold pressd but more like pulpy kind of juice? Wasn't it their selling point?

>> No.9644765

No the selling point is that it IS cold pressed, because heat destroys anti-oxidants or some other California meme nanonutrient.

>> No.9644774

>a machine that shits omelettes
its a teflon coated heated fleshlight

>> No.9644797

This is the thing Schwarzenegger used to remove the tracker from his brain in Total Recall.

>> No.9644813


>> No.9644856

What is this called, I have to see some footage.

>> No.9644871
File: 28 KB, 691x395, Quirky-Egg-Minder-phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You manually set the date you bought the eggs into the tray and then the tray sends your phone reminders of how old the eggs are.

>> No.9644879

The tray actually seems superfluous. Couldn't you just have an egg reminder app? Fuck it, put a meeting in your calendar

>> No.9644886

holy shit, this is a real product? what the actual fuck:


>> No.9644897

They're not super awful
It's just that other boards are better

>> No.9644901

The crates the eggs come in also already have expiry dates printed on them so this sort of thing is purely for asshats.

>> No.9644906


2:33 holy kek

>> No.9644910

Wouldn't surprise me if this was a tax scam

>> No.9644912

You can just buy a water filter that's much cheaper and can filter more water. https://www.pelicanwater.com/

180 for 10k gallons of filtration.

>> No.9644923
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>> No.9644932
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>> No.9644933

My housemate has one of these.
He a lootcrate loving soyboy.
I have never known a man be so hollow.

>> No.9644939

holy fuck this.

>> No.9644949
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>> No.9645000
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Meant to 'easily' peel potatoes

>> No.9645004

it's not for people, it's for companies too. silicon valley. it's a whackadoo cartoon world.

that is a truly bitter condemnation and I bet it's entirely deserved, too. Nerds are tragic.

>> No.9645028

That's Ulillillia. He might have moved back in with his parents, I don't know. He was living with his sister for a while in the next town over and actually had a "job" cleaning up around his apartment. He became hard to keep track of because he stopped using YouTube and was exclusively posting updates on Facebook and I don't have Facebook.

The reason he's on the floor is because he hates chairs. One day he just looked at a chair and said something like "stinky icky chair" and that's what he thinks every time he sees a chair. He's got diagnosed OCD which you can tell by the pizza degreasing but there's got to be some other traits that makes his condition unique as far as I can tell.

>> No.9645031
File: 91 KB, 600x811, IMG_1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently these mitts were recalled for catching on fire and melting and not protecting the user at all.

>> No.9645045

Did he ever release his jumping game?

>> No.9645055
File: 155 KB, 640x640, New-ABS-Stainless-Steel-Potato-Cutter-Vegetable-Slicer-Chopper-Chips-Potato-Fries-Cutter-Kitchen-Cooking-Tool.jpg_640x640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in primary school we were doing group cooking where everyone was supposed to make a salad. So this dumb kid brought pic related thinking he's going to be hot shit and turn a potato into fries. Then we watched him obliterate that potato into some sort of a mush with that thing.


>> No.9645056

Test kitchen found testable differences in the way you cut garlic

>> No.9645061

>spending money on a box of LMAO SO NERDY XD dollar store crap

serves him right

>> No.9645107
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>Personalize your water

>> No.9645114

Thanks for the link, my yt search for "omelette shitting machine" didn't give any results.

I'm sure there's a fascinating story about the 'invention' of that contraption.

>> No.9645120

>that jaw

>> No.9645126

Idle Hands was a great movie. RIP that chubby girl who got impossibly killed though.

>> No.9645133

People with kidney failure can't have foods high in certain minerals, maybe it's for that.

>> No.9645136

I checked the site but the store page is down so I can't even see how much it costs. I don't know why that irritated me so much.

>> No.9645141


>> No.9645150
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>> No.9645151

I heard Ullillillia left his parents because they wouldn't let him go swimming at night, so he's living with some friends or something.

>> No.9645165

this isn't a unitasker hate thread, the garlic press is a very good tool to use, especially if you have to mince +20 cloves for a recipe.

>> No.9645172
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Goes over the where to’s and the what for’s. Definitely not a skookum choocher


>> No.9645176
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>drinking from this unironically

>> No.9645180

My housemate has one of these as well.
This whole apartment is a shrine to mindless consumerism.

>> No.9645181

I gave a drinking horn to my brother, with a stand. He thoroughly enjoys his beer from it, unironically. Shit is just comfortable to hold.

>> No.9645193


>> No.9645208

If this take the fluoride our of my water, it better put that shit back in.
I'm not sacrificing the health of my teeth for some euro trash gadget.

>> No.9645218

any activated carbon filter won't remove fluoride, get one of those. like a brita or a pur

>> No.9645225

>It was a raging success
no it wasn't, it got a lot of hype, but it was never a 'success'
especially since it only worked through buggy wifi and had to read serial numbers on the bags to prevent bootleg juicer bags

>> No.9645227

I wouldn't drink beer from it but I'd unironically drink my homemade mead from it while dressed in my viking LARP outfit.

>> No.9645237
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>> No.9645244

those aren't shit tickets, those are paper towels

>> No.9645251

>tfw I drink from a boot unironically

>> No.9645258

They wouldn't sell you bags if you didn't have a Juicero to begin with.

>> No.9645266

36 people wanted this in their lives...

>> No.9645340

if I ever got one I could't stop myself from inserting it into myself to check if my amount of harmful substances is OK

>> No.9645345

you don't even have to use any tools, just use your fingers

>> No.9645411
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>> No.9645412
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, gabagool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please buy one and stick in gabagool

>> No.9645433

>I used my garlic press to strain soup.
This must take you all day

>> No.9645464

what's the point? don't they stack up easily by themselves without needing anything like this? if it's made to present the chips, why isn't it transparent? you can only see the chips from the sides as it is shown in the image. by having a product made for presenting the chips you would expect something fancy like an arch or an X, but all you're getting is a simple and boring stack. what a let down

>> No.9645474


>> No.9645488

Really? You would expect an object that presents chips to be fancy?

>> No.9645496


>> No.9645497

The worst part about this was that it was tied to a DRM system, so you had to scan the tube and it connected to the internet before it would work.

>> No.9645507


that goes for anything
why make something made to present something that presents it boringly?

>> No.9645515

why would it even need a DRM system? why would anyone prevent you from using a object to present chips?

>> No.9645526

If they didn't have a DRM system how could they justify the $300 price tag??

>> No.9645551

For the record, their official line on that was that it wasn't DRM, but every single bag needed a code so the system would avoid squeezing it if it was expired. Which obviously doesn't hold up to scrutiny, but anyway.

>> No.9645571

We're not talking about the juicero, I was spinning a yarn about the pringle stacker.

>> No.9645586

The same generation is dying of heart disease because those (((experts))) replaced animal fats with trans fats. Almost everything today still uses hydrogenated oil.

>> No.9645631
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>> No.9645636

They were so focused on if if they COULD, they entirely forgot to ask if they SHOULD.

>> No.9645642
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>> No.9645678

I got one of those, didn't they recall it because it didn't work and burned people?

>> No.9645695

what is it? an oven mitt?

>> No.9645712

It was supposed to be, came in a lootcrate.

>> No.9645718


>> No.9645728
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>> No.9645731

You pay a monthly fee and get sent a box of toys/trinkets. They're normnally themed.

>> No.9645733
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>> No.9645739

It's this thing where you pay $20 and once a month you get a box with a few nerdy pop culture knick knacks and doo-dads. It's not really worth it. They almost always include one of those shitty funco pop dolls.
I had it for 3 months before I canceled.

>> No.9645742

why would anyone want that?

>> No.9645744
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>> No.9645747

I could see this being useful for the elderly or people who have problems with motor skills.

>> No.9645750

More money than sense. The kind of people who spend all their time watching youtubers play games and want to surround themselves with pop culture knickknacks. The only way I can describe them is hollow. They're husks of humans.

>> No.9645754

you could simply use a napkin or a piec of paper towel instead if you wouldn't want your fingers to get greasy

>> No.9645755

I know many 80+ year olds with osteoporosis who could use this

>> No.9645756

Fuck you nigger I have one of these get the fuck outta here.

Gotta get creative with it
>Thin mint cookies
>Instant coffee
God tier

>> No.9645762

I am guessing you meant to reply to the hot wings thing and not me.

>> No.9645766

Hope they like room temperature juice.

>> No.9645779

They might be able to lift it, put it in, pour with it, take it out, and then put it back. It's having to hold it steady as it pours that is the hard part, not lifting it up and down.

>> No.9645797

Fair enough, I hadn't thought of it like that.
Don't know any old timers.

>> No.9645799
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would only work with certain sized bottles, I'd imagine
you won't be able to empty it all into a glass, unless you bring it to the edge of the table
also, at that point there's a risk the bottle could slide out of the contraption and cause a giant mess (unless it has a locking mechanism securing the bottle)

>> No.9645807

that's right


was meant for

>> No.9645808

Fair enough, most people don't know the needs of the elderly until they either work or live with them.

>> No.9645829

if you accidently let go of it it would fall back and throw some of it contents around

>> No.9645857

Same if you accidentally dropped a full 4kg jug of juice, which they are much more likely to do.

>> No.9645929


the purpose for this item was making it easier to pour the juice, right? they could have added some mechnisms for slowing the descent if letting go

>> No.9646013

I wish I could extract venture capitalist money like this.

>> No.9646287

fuck dude I thought the same thing

>> No.9646342

>my legs are ok
>my legs are ok
>you gain brozouf
>my legs are ok

>> No.9646380

the pringles chip stand doesn't have drm, you talking about the juicero

>> No.9646381

Taco shells are fake and no real authentic mexican

>> No.9646393

Be honest /ck/
You would draw a dick with this device, wouldn't you.

>> No.9646401

Because they're so nerdy xD

>> No.9646408

The napkin would absorb the precious hot wing sauce that's why you need plastic finger claws, listen and believe

>> No.9646421

who the fuck is going to put this giant industrial printer sized device on their counter for the occasional dick-shaped pancakes?

>> No.9646426

Stupid invention

>> No.9646431

yes youre right, mexico can thank us for improving their food

>> No.9646435
File: 77 KB, 355x236, cornballer-1-26668-1337190347-0_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone ever use this, always fucking burnt me

>> No.9646438

Even fuck up morr just remeber what you buy

>> No.9646448


>> No.9646649

That looks straight out of a cyberpunk movie

>> No.9646679

I use these to grate cheese.

>> No.9646684

Most home stoves can't really get hot enough for "authentic" woks anyway. At least I have never had luck with my shitty electric coil ranges.

>> No.9646807

so that you'd be eating molecules instead?

>> No.9646892

egg slicer is great

>> No.9646943

#queer opinions

>> No.9646964

Imagine masturbating with this.

>> No.9647185

as soon as I saw the video I knew I was about to hear some ukeles and xylophones

>> No.9647518

this barrage of stock music needs to END

>> No.9647530
File: 87 KB, 657x420, h,,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some yuppie fuck keeps coming to our farmer's market and stabbing all the goddamned cabbages
>last time he did it ol' jimbo took it and shoved it into his kidneys yelling "HOW MANY NITRATES DO YOU THINK YOU GOT, SONNY BOY"
>it came back "unhealthy"

>> No.9647569

I could see intricate pancakes made with this being a fairly well received gimmick in hipster-infested areas.

>> No.9647798

This thing looks so fucking gay and useless, they should have designed this abomination around a giant dildo so you could stuff the stupid fucking thing up your effete asshole.

Why does everything have to look like a fucking Iphone now?

The fuck does that mean? it sounds like something a bunch of homosexual soyboys took months to decide to call their gay product, and even then 3 or 4 of them thought it should have been called something that their target would get, like "broken asshole"

>Personalize your daily drinking water
Why? does this enhance the water somehow? if i "personalize" my daily drinking water all it does is show to the people around me that i can't be trusted with money..... or their children.

>> No.9647804
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Spiceps are the thinking man's choice.

>> No.9647621

Whats so bad about this? What should you use?

>> No.9647650
File: 23 KB, 400x280, Max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep stabbing random fruits and vegetables. I'm sure the seller won't mind you molesting those tomatoes, peaches, raspberries, etc.

>> No.9647847

What is it?

>> No.9647682

I wonder if someone has stuck in their girlfriend's vagina

>> No.9647688
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>> No.9647701

How else will I know if my non GMO organic free range shade grown cruelty free avocado is healthy enough for my gluten free vegan organic hand raised toast?

>> No.9647717
File: 103 KB, 1140x650, 13988248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unironically love this

>> No.9647720

...why not a spice rack or something, instead of just this flat plate? What the fuck?

>> No.9647971
File: 37 KB, 792x563, useless in the kitchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I right fellas

>> No.9647996

hehe but not in the bedroom ;))

>> No.9648043

Only buy pyrex still made in france the american stuff is the new recipe prone to breakage.

>> No.9648075

>designed for those who are too retarded to use a knife or are autistic

>The fuck does that mean?
One of Berlin's districts where the company is situated; it is also named after a German word for "being balanced and centered." The team includes a jew (?) and a pajeet.

>> No.9648108


It sounds like some bizarre nationalism slogan

>> No.9648232


>> No.9648318

Someone should shut them down for racism.

>> No.9648354

Now he can't eat his pizza rolls.

>> No.9648379
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>> No.9648392
File: 1.15 MB, 1152x864, IMG_1512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catches grease and shit. Seen videos of it, leaves no room to flip food and is even messier than if you didn't have this piece of shit

>> No.9648422

no way did anyone look at the designs for this and say "hmmm how are you supposed to do anything with this?"

>> No.9648461

I think these were originally designed for people with one hand

>> No.9648630

it's not hard at all just to use the side of the fork to cut off pieces of food (unless you're weak or the food's tough)

>> No.9648926

Your timer doesn't remotely keep track of how many eggs you have left.

>> No.9648946

How..the fuck did you search this image? Meat slicer kit thing?

>> No.9648999

Mitte just means middle or center

>> No.9649497

shit, I didn't even notice that

>> No.9649558


>> No.9649579


>> No.9650127

these are actually really good for juicing key limes

>> No.9650196

Holy shit its dutch! Amazing!