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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9613808 No.9613808 [Reply] [Original]

spoopy shit going on yall, but a man still gotta eat ya heard

this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along, bake-along, drink-along, sing-along, pickle-along or OC food/drink pics, post your meals or what ever if you dont want to make or use another thread

last thread >>9562801


>> No.9613822

How are you going to prepare the cat anon? Soup? Stewed? Stir fry?

>> No.9613825

I'm ready! What are we going to make tonite?

>> No.9613828

post a close-up pic of patty's asshole

>> No.9613834

finally i join one that isnt 300 replies long.....
uk fag here, drinking a pint of fairly respectable hobgoblin gold...........not too hoppy

>> No.9613849

if dubs, cook the gato

>> No.9613866
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gonna roast her for like 20 minutes, mostly fat jokes probably

gonna post some nachos i made earlier for now, got a friend coming over in a while and ill try to live post our drunken shenanigans, hes not a normie

unsubscribe immediately

welcome m80, im drinking whisky and feel like getting a little crazy today

made some tortilla chips

>> No.9613871
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chips are pretty easy just have to pay close attention to temp and timing

>> No.9613880
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shitty avocados:(

>> No.9613892
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made guac with some red habenaro, some weird peppers i found that are like a cross of jalepenos and poblanos, red onion, cilantro and a bit of lime and s&p

>> No.9613911
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>> No.9613919
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being lazy so just heating up a can of refrieds' with some lard

>> No.9613922

it's already all over his food so it's the next logical step

>> No.9613949
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for these nachos im using some leftover brisket, shit was quite dank desu

>> No.9613969
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also this just happened

>> No.9613979

It will never cease to disgust me that you let your fucking house pet on your food prep surface.

>> No.9613991
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so ya assembled the chips, beans, meat, cheese, baked at 400 for like 5 minutes or so and bam

shall i cancel your reservation?

>> No.9614004

I'd eat that but I'd be ashamed about it

post more pattis ya git

>> No.9614022 [DELETED] 

Fuck this attention whoring cat


>> No.9614044
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lol cant win em all m8, it tasted good if that counts, especially with that hot sauce

>> No.9614047

can i come over to share these and pet patti? i'll bring cookies that i made yesterday

>> No.9614050

Yes, because the majority of food poisoning cases occur through the fecal-oral route. Meaning that there's a good chance you'll make me sick because your cat's paws went straight from the litterbox to the countertop, especially if I were a child or elderly. It's one thing if you're cooking for yourself but you shouldn't be such a dingus about food safety if you're cooking for others.

>> No.9614062

this is a thread m8 not a food truck, my buddy coming over is well aware of these threads, ive also not had food poisoning since i ate expired salsa like 6 years ago, interesting

>> No.9614064

i went to a catfag apartment yesterday for dinner and it smelled like shit and the thing was walking all over the counters and tables and it grossed me out so much i just left without eating

>> No.9614138

Cringe thread.

>> No.9614179

getting dickered on dicker road

>> No.9614652
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got kfc buffet

not as many items as a vid I saw but still worth 7.22 total

>> No.9614665
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stomach was kinda hurting before so not sure if it was from all the grease or cause indian cooking

>> No.9614671
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also stomach hurting could have been from eating like 800 calories of donuts after

the crossant was soft as hell and the glaze made it very dank

>> No.9614679
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got rum at a pretty good price if I do say and my jumbo bottle pourers fit perfect

>> No.9614684
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got trader joe puff things that have peanut butter coating instead of cheese

>> No.9614701

Oy vey!

>> No.9614947

That's crazy they have liquor. I have a pair of shorts made by Kirkland signature.

>> No.9615165


>> No.9615172

your nails are really unnerving

>> No.9615186

cooking mexican food with bud instead of modelo

>> No.9615199

inb4 price change

it was good for 14.88 but Jonah's Curse is worth the extra 10 bucks if drinking straight

my bird bites triangles in them and swear it fucks up how they grow

>> No.9615203
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forgot my last pic of boston cremem

unshown donuts were 3 glazed cake and 3 powdered jelly

>> No.9615428

>inb4 price change
They knew what they were doing.

>> No.9616235
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is this good eating
packet of ramen, 1/2 onion, mushrooms, a bunch of frozen chicken nuggets, 4 eggs, butter

I enjoyed it.

>> No.9616315

>eating like 800 calories of donuts
>shows 2 huge donuts
>unshown donuts were 3 glazed cake and 3 powdered jelly
No way that's 800 calories, more like way over 2,000 for 8 proper donuts.

>> No.9616460

Don't you have pets?
I mean it is just inevitable.
When the dogs or cats roams around they collect dust. Dog sniffs other dogs assholes while cats licks their assholes.
Same goes for rabbits, etc etc. Birds cages has fecal matter-airborne infection could happen. Probably except fish nothing is safe anyway.

>> No.9616504

Sitting in your car inhaling donuts before you wash your hands and lips with a wipe from KFC and spend a few minutes chewing some gum then going into the house, and when your wife asks you what you ate today you lie and say you had a really good day, though you cheated and had a spoon of sugar in your coffee. she kisses you on the cheek and smiles, you're such a great guy, she remembers why she married you, even when her family and friends told her you were a manipulative asshole

>> No.9617066

oh the other donuts were in a box separate for other people to share

each donut ranged from high 3's to low 4 hundred calories

they have an outlier pistashio creame filled one that is 7 something but they didn't have that one today

fuckin lol that is sorta what I was doing pretending like I only got the box and not the ones in the bag I ate

>> No.9617080

I think it's time for you to fuck off.

>> No.9617306

why do you faggots defend this nasty practice so hard?

>> No.9618240
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Sorry guys got caught up with some spoopy stuff

>> No.9618257
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Ohai patti
It's been a while
I see you're still smug

Prepping some lasagna
It looks so "good" because the filling is broccoli (and chicken) based, and because of my camera and I won't be arsed to process the pic

>> No.9618263

If you live with a cat or dog who you are really attached to, you've ingested so much hair, dander and gross shit from them by proxy, that you don't give a single fuck if the pet is hanging around where food is prepared, because nothing about your pet grosses you out.

Same as when your own kid vomits all over you vs. some random kid. You don't give a fuck if your own kid does gross shit to you. You care a lot if someone else's gross kid does gross shit to you.

The only problem with a pet being in a food prep area would be if you have guests over. Then it's rude and gross, because they don't like your pet the way you do.

>> No.9618343
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Wish my lasagna good luck anons

>> No.9618368

Are you a Hispanic Texan OP?

>> No.9618646
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Turned bretty good
Next time I'll add some more tomatoes on top because they're tasty as hell
And I managed to get better at fixing the sauce by adjusting broth/flower amounts

>> No.9618660

that looks like the condensed cream soup, overcooked broccoli and saltine casserole that my grandma makes
i don't eat it because it tastes like salty vomit

>> No.9618661

brotip for next time, cook your eggs over easy or some other soft preperation so you can break the yolk and stir it in to coat the noodles

>> No.9618724

I love your snuggly angel baby so much

>> No.9618886

What's condensed cream soup anon?
You can eat my lasagna, it tastes very nice
Or don't you like broccoli?

>> No.9619031

What's in that? Looks nice

>> No.9619093
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i'm sure it's fine just bad associations

>> No.9619237
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Makin chicken fried steak nuggers for me and a buddy, 2 bigboi dinners coming up

>> No.9619243

Well I browned up some minced chicken meat, put it aside, fried some onions in the fat (6ish tbsp in my case), added thyme and other seasonings, flower, and then gradually added broth (fake one from a cube diluted in water because pleb, about 1L) until you get a a saucy paste. Not too thick but not too runny, should sort of slide off a spoon
To that you add the well-boiled broccoli, and then you puree it with a mixer. Add the chicken to the sauce and mix

After that it's just a matter of assembling the lasagna which is the same as ever. At the end you slice a couple of tomatoes and arrange them on top, and finish with the typical grated cheese

Easy peasy

>> No.9619443
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Vindaloo and some strong-ass spirits tonight

>> No.9619450
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>> No.9619465
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>> No.9620270
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good shit anon, I made some nachos last night too.

I used canned chicken breast and cooked with onions cyanne adobo and a couple other spices for the meat. Turned out alright, I enjoyed it enough for a last minute dinner.

>> No.9620274
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>> No.9620279
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good enough for a drunken meal. I would really like to make my own chips sometime soon.

>> No.9620284

looks nice, I would like to try that. Was it pretty spicy with all those peppers?

>> No.9620317

except it's more like announcing that you don't wash your hands after using the washroom, and a bunch of sad faggots on the internet defending that choice

>> No.9620319


You resist spice like baby.
Eat habanero on the every day.
It making you man. Putting hairs on chest.

>> No.9620345

Not really. I'm not sure what kind of peppers they even were because bongs can't fucking label their peppers. It was moderately spicy (for me, but I have a super high tolerance). Needed more sauce, maybe twice the amount. Good flavor though.

>> No.9620367


How do you drink so much and still keep a job?

I could never balance the two

>> No.9620375

I like the heat but I'm getting older and my asshole is getting more and more sensitive so I can't deal.

I drink more than him and yes it is a struggle but easier than stopping drinking.

>> No.9620380


Not OP, but I do about 350 mL whiskey a night for the last year and a half, and it's getting fucking tough. Unfortunately, drinking is the only thing that gets me to sleep anymore because I'm fully aware of my surroundings, circumstances, and have a keen familiarity with the bullshit your common normie--it wreaks havoc on the senses when you're fully woke. All I want to do now days is escape into the mountains alone and just live until I live no more.

>> No.9620404
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if you are really drinking to sleep anon, it does shit to your brain that makes you not sleep even when you are unconscious. You don't truly rest like you do when sober sleeping. I know this because I used to do the same. When I say used to, I still drink every night but know it isn't for sleep. I tried sleep meds but got really dangerously hooked and had to stop them.

Just a heads up because I know the feeling and didn't know that was how it worked.

>I also made this tuna melt while drunk and it was dope, would recommend if you've never tried it like me.

>> No.9620421


Been on sleep meds before--soma, remeron, etc. Dangerous stuff. I need a buzz, but I need it not to be as unhealthy as drinking is. I've been through the medical merry go round of pills from psychs, and I work in pharmacy; I know how fucked up this shit gets you.

This shit sucks.

>> No.9620439
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man, really know the struggle. I did benedryl when i was a kid and still do sometimes but it makes you tired the next day.

I'm sure working out or some other healthy shit may work but fuck that trash.

>I also made this eggslut sandwich that I shared in another thread. it was SUPER dope. I can't stop making them now because they taste so good.

>> No.9620516

Dont mind me, just ruining everyone's night


>> No.9620537

it worked. was trying to ignore you but.. ahh fuck it

>> No.9620840
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Last thing I made (that I took pics of). Pork with shredded sprouts and a side condiment of homemade mustard.

>> No.9620885


>> No.9621971

looks nice anon

>> No.9622361

Looks delicious

>> No.9622707

Later tonight I will show you all how to prepare an authentic California tri tip roast.

>> No.9622727

>says HD
>it's not HD
You didn't restore my faith in jack shit, asshole.

>> No.9622926
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Will try half broccoli on the next lag

>> No.9623131
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Decided to splurge a little and made myself a nice surf and turf for dinner. Dry-aged T-bone, some large tiger prawns and roasted brussels sprouts. Sauce is reduced shellfish stock (made from the prawn shells along with a couple of crab shells, aromatics and star anise) and cream.

It was motherfucking amazing.

>> No.9623138
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>> No.9623153
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hot damn that looks dank m8

so had a pretty busy weekend and couldnt post much, ill drop the chicken fried staeak tendies i made yesterday

>> No.9623157

Nice work lad

>> No.9623162
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hammered my meat and cut it is strips and put in some buttermilk

>> No.9623166
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dredged and chillin, preppin mash taters

>> No.9623172

Wheres the rest of the noodles?

>> No.9623177

Share that with me

>> No.9623184
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tried this contraption that came with my immersion blender, works surprisingly well

>> No.9623192
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burnt the mac n chz :(

>> No.9623200

Thanks! Also chicken-fried steak tendies sound good. Waiting to see results.

Sorry, all gone.

Doesn't that ruin the texture of the potatoes? Blenders and food processors are usually avoided when making mash because they overwork the starch and give the mash a gluey texture.

I've still got some crab meat (from two small-medium crabs, so not a whole lot) left from cooking dinner. Any idea for something nice I could make with it for lunch tomorrow?

>> No.9623206

I'm making sweet potatoes with liver and onions. i want to see if i can get this camera to upload some pics.

>> No.9623236
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i think its like a ricer thing, they came out very nice and fluffy

>> No.9623256

oh no!

>> No.9623266


>> No.9623655
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Another spoopy graveyard pic from other night

>> No.9623713

Post birb

>> No.9623952
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thinkin about making some white gravy to dip my french fries in


>> No.9623978

is that zucchini? I need to make some kind of lasagna like this

>> No.9623998
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>he hammered his meat
>he didn't beat it

>> No.9624004

fucking 10/10 m8, fuck that looks amazing

>> No.9624688

Such a cutie

>> No.9624716

I love your kitty but why don't you drink better beer?

>> No.9624994


>> No.9625293

:3 cute

>> No.9626524
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I pounded that meat out real nice son

I saw one of these somewhere on the drive to FL once, seems wild


my aunt use to have a bird just like that thing was scary as hell


dat struggle is real m8

this looks dank m8 would def try it

i want to make more curries Im very anal about it so it takes me forever

looks good, the sell some blue corn chips at sprouts like those that i like

i might not drink as much as you think cuz i really dont have a problem with it, also ive probably been unemployed about 3 months total since I was 15

hell yeah love me an eggslut, I made a version i call the mexican eggslut i while back

i cry evry time

looks good i likes me some sprouts

am waiting m80


I just use the packet stuff usually and add milk, its honestly about the same as homemade and easy, if i make it from scratch i go all the way with sausage and shit

they were out of PBR srry

some chicken flappers from yesterday

>> No.9626572

so is your body like 75% brussels sprouts by now?
i love them too but they're usually expensive as shit out of season

>> No.9627017

all i see is dollar bills staring at me from comic/newspaper

>> No.9627186

they're 1,2 Eur for 450g in Eastern Europe

>> No.9627549
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>dat tuesday special

>> No.9627728

usually four dollars a pound here
so like four times as much

>> No.9628068

how'd you make your mustard?

>> No.9628614
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My bad I fucked around and didn't make it last night. I'm doing it now commencing image dump now. Here's the bad boy raw. Picked it up for only 8 bucks at WinCo. Salt, pepper, crushed chili pepper, sage, sprinkle cumin, sprinkle ground gloves, sprinkle brown sugar.

>> No.9628621
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Heat my cast iron pan with some olive oil and butter on medium.

>> No.9628626
File: 2.89 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20171031_191457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that gorgeous fat cap. I seasoned this side with just salt and crushed red chili.

>> No.9628631
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Flip it after 5-10 min. Get that nice golden crust basically.

>> No.9628638
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Rendered that fat cap down and got a nice crust.

>> No.9628646
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Once all the sides are golden and roasted I put it in the oven at 350°f for about 20 minutes. I'll be checking it in 5.

>> No.9628702
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It's done. I like prefer mine on the rare side but honestly I love tri tip at any doneness. It truly is a remarkable cut of beef. I'll show you the inside after she's rested

>> No.9628754
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The other nice thing is that there's usually a level of doneness for everyone in a tri tip.

>> No.9629743

this looks so good, nice job

>> No.9629776

I do love these threads so much. Does the cat get some meat?

>> No.9629829

how many of you are fat

>> No.9629932


>> No.9630886

>3.23 MB of an empty pan

>> No.9630895

Yes but you can REALLY zoom in and see how empty it was. Also notice how all my butter and oil pools to the left. My whole fucking stove has a retarded slant and it pisses me off. I have no idea how to fix. Shimmy the whole thing maybe?

>> No.9630899

clean your kitchen you loser

>> No.9630920

Lol you went back and zoomed in on my stove top just to post that? Fuck me m8 get a life. Op has a cat on the counter and you're giving me shit?

>> No.9630924

your kitchen is filthy and it's easily seen in every picture. there were no posts in this thread for over 5 hours and after I replied to you you responded in a little over 2 minutes so you're clearly not busy. clean your kitchen you loser.

>> No.9630926
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leave me out of this m8 :^) i like dirty stoves

>> No.9630934

This reminds me of when I went to get fried chicken in East St Louis

>> No.9630939

Nah it's fine m8 I'm going to do the dishes and call it good
Yeah me too what exactly is the point of taking all my pans off and shit when I use em for every meal? It's an exercise in frivolity.

>> No.9630942

I mean this in a really good way btw

>> No.9630982

It's good chicken huh? Wish I woulda gone there one of the times I was in saint Louis

>> No.9630995

sending feline love to Patti

>> No.9631843

this looks dank m8, would eat like half of that with some horseradish sauce

>> No.9631953

>Shimmy the whole thing maybe?
Try it anon.

>> No.9632653


>> No.9634343

dank ass clucker

>> No.9635812

Dank ass prime rib type shit

>> No.9635839
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not that expensive to feed

I'm thinkin' about getting this 3.50 bk meal with 10 spicy nuggers if they really are back/available for first tiem whatever

the bk near me is complete shit but I drove to a differnt one while out and they were quick as hell and probly the freshst bk ive ever had

>> No.9636505
File: 3.14 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20171101_073736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes great sandwiches the day after if you slice it thin.
Maybe I will hope the apartment manager doesn't mind.

>> No.9636813

this looks fucking delicious

>> No.9636956

if you turn the feet they should screw in and out so you can just level it by turning those

>> No.9637421


I have a question about pickling,
I want to pickle some carrots, using this hot pickle brine from some store bought pickles,
Most of the places online say to never use old brine to pickle things, but my question is why not?
They say it can cause bacteria and other things,
but you boil the brine before canning, which would kill any bacteria, and I'd add some viniger and salt to it before reusing it, because some was absorbed by the original pickles.

So is it really as bad of an Idea as the internet says?

Imma do it anyways, will post results.

>> No.9637676
File: 3.83 MB, 2560x2560, 17-11-02-15-43-32-610_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My inaugural bowl of pre winter udon. Just some chopped green onion because I have been very lazy this week.

>> No.9637701

is it hard to drive without peripheral vision and a tiny dick?

>> No.9637705

What's your recipe for broth?
I've been thinking about getting into making proper ramen or udon bowls, they seem filling and comfy.

>> No.9637752

I wear contacts so I only have to deal with the last one

I buy the concentrated broth (mentsuyu) at the grocery store and dilute according to the directions. I used to use dashi+soy sauce+mirin+sugar but honestly it wasn't worth it. Not to mention I made dashi from those tea bag packets.

but ramen at home can't be beat so I do recommend having mentsuyu around. can use it for 1000 things.

>> No.9637813

how do you know? did you test with lipstick?

>> No.9639077
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 1495314593666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dawww that was cool.

I've not watched anything like it.

>> No.9640330


>> No.9641085
File: 2.74 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171103_062853468_HDR-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a quick quessadillo

>> No.9641090
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>> No.9641925
File: 97 KB, 640x640, 07c4efa35c3c4a669cb5b32c5bd3ccea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet the flavor is good but I really can't get into the texture of those fat udon nooders

>> No.9643210

This would make a good cheese steak

>> No.9643255

What a lovely Patti, can I save it? My collection is growing :)

>> No.9643296
File: 300 KB, 1000x1000, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tell you OP, one day you're gonna wake up and have Brussel sprouts growing out of you dick, legs and arms

>> No.9643302

I hope you realise making brine is easy as making koolaid

>> No.9643335


>> No.9644891
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>> No.9644941
File: 2.69 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171104_135009266_HDR-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good m8

So my PC broke and now I'm pupper watchin for the weekend, will be cooking or grilling something later since my mom has gas stove Imma need to take advantage

>> No.9644962

looks overcooked as fuck, grandma

>> No.9645038

Damn, I wish I could grow brussels sprouts like that. My regular cabbage forms great heads but my brussels sptouts will never form tight heads.

>> No.9645047

looks really delicious.
i recently saw a recipe for making udon at home but i'm not sure if it's that much of a difference to bought ones. have you tried?

i love patty but that pupper looks adorable

>> No.9645812

Jack doesn't count. He's special needs

>> No.9645826

I'm white trash and i'm in trouble

>> No.9645937

>tfw flies in the sink again

>> No.9646156
File: 569 KB, 1688x912, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but I made this
should anything...happen to you
the world must not forget
/ck/ must remember
there was once an anon
who fought
who believed
who cooked

>> No.9646183

Did the cats took a dump on your plate?

>> No.9646433

Lol I have every pic from every thread saved I've been meaning to get all the op pics together might post a collage in the future


I've just been watching guy fierri and holiday baking challenge all day like a normie I don't usually have cable

>> No.9646484

pls make a collage anon or dump them somewhere so that other anons can make something...creative with them

"Getting dickered with Patti"
"Patti and Pabst"
"Cooking, cans, and cats"


>> No.9648120
File: 2.39 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171105_021147219-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give it more thought later

Me and the doggo and me long time m80 are dickered then a somabitch, I'm gonna attempt some burgers, for doggo too don't ask

>> No.9648332
File: 501 KB, 500x323, monitoring.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>booze to food ratio on counter is 5:1
>cooking in another man's house
this will be interesting to watch

>> No.9648424

There's also a new pan and a bong.

>> No.9648434

Pattis fur is so shiny i want to pet it so hard

>> No.9648480

*dab rig

>> No.9648743

where did you get that bowl

>> No.9648957

Its looks and taste horrible. Why use faked cream?

>> No.9648966

Where did you buy that fashionist rag?

>> No.9648968

Why were you in a cementery?

>> No.9648972

Disgusting thing not properly cooked

>> No.9649104

Where's the peas homie?

>> No.9649122

Guys I need a kickass vegetarian recipe to impress a girl at work

>> No.9649134

>cat shit lowers IQ
>letting your cat near your food with it's shit incrusted paws
>owning a cat in the first place

>> No.9649142

cute birb

>> No.9649185


>kickass vegetarian recipe

Take a shit on a plate and tell her it's free range fair trade locally sourced non GMO chili. Then kys for being such a beta faggot

>> No.9649200

Thanks for that
I needed a good headshake

>> No.9649661
File: 130 KB, 500x326, 1475966386905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, we cat owners are the ones with low IQs.

>> No.9650773
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1920, 1104171226a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these new spicy nuggers are legit

I think BK is making a comeback with these and the 3.49 cheeseburger meal

>> No.9650777
File: 1.27 MB, 2560x1920, 1104171226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest of the meal

actually got this meal agin today (pics were yesterdays lunch)

>> No.9650808
File: 2.52 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171105_042417938-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry had me wobbly boots on last night and couldn't 4chan desu

>> No.9650816

Small plate was for pupper

>> No.9651338

Burger king is fucking disgusting. How could you, anon?

>> No.9652504

They look like red hot diarrhea nuggets

>> No.9653347

Looks alright

>> No.9653449

seriously, you don't season meat before you fry it.
1) you don't salt meat before because, it drains the meat of juices and it becomes dry
2) you don't add pepper/herbs before, because when you turn it, you will end up having bittern in your food, which doesn't necessarily make it taste any better.

>> No.9655144


Why does your cat always looked drugged/stoned out?

>> No.9655173

Looks really dry huh retard? Literally everyone dry rubs roasts. You suck at cooking.

>> No.9655175

>it drains the meat of juices and it becomes dry
That's a good thing. It gives you a better sear.

>you will end up having bittern in your food
That's just complete nonsense.

>> No.9655177

looks like great drunk food. What is that dip/white sauce? Sour creme or what?

>> No.9655253

probably eyes sensitive to flash from camera

>> No.9656450


>> No.9656526

I'll agree that a drier outside gives you a better sear.

But it is possible to burn things on the outside of meat. I don't put pepper on until after I'm done cooking. If there's anything learning to make curries has taught me, it's that it really does matter when you spice your food. Pepper added at the beginning of cooking will have a much different taste than pepper added at the end.

>> No.9656550

that is a beautiful dog

>> No.9656577

That is absolutely fantastic. I bet doggo was happy too

Guessing but i'm 90% sure it's french onion dip. Perfect with ridged chips

>> No.9656791
File: 1.33 MB, 2560x1920, 1105170823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking horseradish sauce but onion dip is more probable

had some drums from a roaster

>> No.9658243

Was some ranch sour cream dip

She gets really full of herself when we do a photoshoot

She's a nice dog but holy shit she is needy and makes me appreciate how much my cats don't care about me

Thx m8:)

>> No.9659361

oy vey

>> No.9661176
File: 2.70 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171107_170515820_HDR-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on struggle mode for a minute cuz some expenses came up, so did around the freezer and thawed this roast, stuffing it up with some gar'

>> No.9661197
File: 2.56 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171107_171111470-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overcoming my fears and putting a real sear on this roast

>> No.9661231

You can do it. I believe in you op

>> No.9661273
File: 3.20 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171107_171811321-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok bbl gonna give this one the ol' low and slow

>> No.9661322

All of the ingredients in this photo are making me feel pleasure

>> No.9662298

this isn't the type that you do to med? it looks like eye of the round roast but I could be totally wrong cuse I'm only used to making bottom/top round roasts

>> No.9663396
File: 2.95 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171108_020230848-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa Mama this smelling comfy as fark

>> No.9663482

So i threw a bunch of onion, tomato, red pepper, garlic and species on a pan with some ham, some leftover meat, and some blue cheese

Added two eggs to "stick it all together" and mixed up

Great taste, but is it healthy?

I used one of those healthy-spays for the pan, and there was at least a 3:1 veggie to meat/cheese ratio

>> No.9665281

Kot bump

>> No.9665360
File: 97 KB, 800x800, 1509747506356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you from 2008 /b/ or reddit?

>> No.9665400
File: 3.27 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20171108_174528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to make some chicken wants

Sauce choices are limited here so I'll be modifying the standard Frank's

>> No.9665410
File: 3.27 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20171108_180723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Separate those tips for a snack later, broil em up with a dry run and get comfy with a movie or something

Breaded in a mixture of flour and baking soda since these little guys are going in the oven

>> No.9665412
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that that good shit

it look like it

>> No.9665421
File: 3.10 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20171108_181658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put the bottle of Frank's in with a bunch of other spicy shit and a little bit of butter for smoothness. But grainy but whatever, tastes great. Added some more vinegar because fuck you I love vinegar

>> No.9665428
File: 3.31 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20171108_185459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce n'toss

>> No.9665436
File: 3.05 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20171108_185837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came out perfectly, the breading gets a bit soggy quickly since they're not friend but still so fucking satisfying to eat

>> No.9665443
File: 3.37 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20171108_191639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9665478

I don't think I approve of you having someone taking pictures of you. that's weird

>> No.9665481

wings for two people, didn't eat all those on my own

>> No.9665488

I don't care

>> No.9665504

therefore not my hands senpai

meant to say chicken wangs*

>> No.9665506

I don't care

>> No.9665561


>> No.9665573

How do you guys make tortillas? I got a press and everything but when i mix my masa with water it either gets sticky or they get too hard to bend.

Is it easier to make wheat tortillas?

>> No.9665589
File: 1.32 MB, 1843x968, 46CMPLANfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling pin and good old fashioned pic related handed down from my grandmother. I have no idea what they're called in english.

>> No.9665595

How do you mix your dough? / what do you put into it?

>> No.9665607

By hand and roughly as follows

6dl corn flour or wheat flour
1 teaspoon salt
3.5dl water (put in a little at a time until right consistency, might need less or more)

Make a sausage, cut into x pieces, roll shit out on flour. Couple of minutes on that cooking thingie per side.

>> No.9665612

Forgot, should be firm consistency. Can stick it in the fridge for a while if you have issues rolling it out.

>> No.9665620

Thanks man, i'm going to try that. Do you by any chance have a recipe for chorizo (non sausage) as well?

>> No.9665630

Nope, I'm just some Norwegian asshole with zero connection to Spain or Mexico.

>> No.9665638

http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2014/01/easy-fresh-mexican-chorizo.html something like that is probably what you're after.

>> No.9665644

Welp, thanks anyway.

YES, this is exactly it. I'm a retard, didn't even think to google it. Thanks mate.

>> No.9665651

You're welcome. You can probably cook tortillas in a frying pan as well. I just use that cooking plate because I can put several on and make them fresh as fuck for the family.

>> No.9665661
File: 21 KB, 780x497, crepe maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a crepe maker, i'm going to try that out. Probably won't work but it's worth a try.

>> No.9665670

You might need something hotter than that. That cooking plate is hardcore 2700w or something. Used for lefse and the like.

>> No.9665682

You're probably right. I'll probably try it though and if it doesn't work then i'll do the frying pan instead.

>> No.9665744

that's like being married
I knew it you're dogfuckers

>> No.9666413
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Srry got the itis and passed out

Not sure but it ended up a bit tougher than usually I normally like a fattier roast

>> No.9666782

Whats that white shit coming out of the larger piece of meat?

>> No.9666814

>cat on the counter

fucking kys

>> No.9666828

i was gonna comment that those would barely make me full, i'd probably end up hungry. And i'm a smol girl

>> No.9666837

have you ever cooked anything before

>> No.9666880

I'd call it good but I'm also poor and am used to ramen.

>> No.9666921

Can i get a (you) please?

>> No.9666940

Wow is the one below the little fella that you rescued a couple months ago? Haven't been on the chan for a while

>> No.9666966
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>> No.9666975

So this is what people cook? My family was always poor and then I became a vegetarian and don't know shit about cooking so I've never actually seen alot of home made food aside from the few meals I know. I wish I could get into cooking as much as you guys, it sucks not even knowing what types of food there are.

>> No.9666999

make a pinterest

>> No.9667019

checked, but why pinterest?

>> No.9667026

shows you a shit ton of recipes non stop and you can save the ones you want. gives you ideas and options

>> No.9667373
File: 568 KB, 2203x2937, 4NH9NbB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ended up a bit tougher than usually
hmm looks good but maybe it was one like this i dunno

I just remember mine not having such a log kinda shape

pic i found of an eye of the round roast done sous vide

>> No.9667389

sous vide always just looks so unappetizing

>> No.9667624

Thats pretty damn good OP. I will have to see if I can find some gluten free lasagna and make something like it.

>> No.9668864
File: 2.89 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171109_031912595_HDR-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna make a burger I got leftover beef that smells edible and torta buns, not a lot else so we'll see

>> No.9669122
File: 2.36 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171109_040036772_HDR-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like smash burgers and thought of this it works well

>> No.9669127
File: 2.43 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171109_041624810_HDR-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gonna be a Joe Rogan burger

>> No.9669169
File: 2.45 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171109_042820037_HDR-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blam blam

>> No.9669230

And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones who start
To mold a new reality
Closer to the heart

>> No.9669245

>That's a good thing. It gives you a better sear.
if your intention is to sear and stuff the meat into the oven, then yes. for a steak or a chicken breast, you'll just end up making it dry and disgusting.

>That's just complete nonsense.
it's not nonsense. if you burn things they lose flavor and end up tasting bitter. are you literally retarded?

>> No.9669250

no not literally everyone. you are just an uneducated pleb that doesn't understand how the concept of fire works. also see >>9669245

>> No.9669450

never post again

>> No.9669766

>Ignoring visual evidence: the post

>> No.9669905

what will you do about the fact that i just did?

>> No.9669961

>Closer to the heartache

>> No.9670470

dam brother that looks tasty

>> No.9670517

Oh her precious little face

>> No.9670521

Hello stinky birb

>> No.9670552

birby birb

>> No.9670856

>vegetarian recipe
>to impress a girl

her penis must be pretty feminine

>> No.9671330


Stones. Jesus Christ.

>> No.9671905
File: 2.66 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171109_172458768-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some wings for my work lunch, I did a simple dry rub sprankle on em and then added a bit of mad dog 357 in the ranch on the side, this way it's not messy but still has a kick

I'm phone posting like an asshole until I get new isp some time within the week so I can't reply as much right now

>> No.9672507


please trim your cuticles anon

>> No.9672651
File: 368 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_0985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a shitload of leeks, im gonna make this guy right here:


and I'm gonna make a bacon gremolata for a topping.

cat is in the other room, so no pics til he shows up when I'm making the bacon.

looking forward to your criticisms of my kitchen and cleanliness and accusations of being gay for making a mostly veg recipe!

>> No.9672660
File: 429 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_0986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in nyc, so this is my workspace lol

>> No.9672691

Remember to wash the leeks properly, grit gets inside them.

>> No.9672705

yeah, they are going in that metal bowl to be washed 2x

>> No.9672709
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>> No.9672745
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2 pieces slab bacon, 2 pieces ridiculously shitty grocery store bacon

>> No.9672760
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leeks is coming along

>> No.9672837
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bacon cooken

>> No.9672883
File: 317 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_0995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leeks fully deaded, potatoes and broth and more salt added

>> No.9672893
File: 503 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_0994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gremolata assembly:

making breadcrumbs with my hands cuz no food processor

>> No.9672900

gremolata assembly:

cooking da crumbz

>> No.9672906
File: 378 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_0997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops no pic

>> No.9672920

Le spoop meme XD eat shit Reddit fag

>> No.9672923
File: 553 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_0998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gremolata assembly:

lemon zest + parsley, everything ready

>> No.9672928
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gremolata done

>> No.9673067
File: 279 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew almost done. that had to cook forever cuz I added more potatoes than called for.

>> No.9673076

blendeded up, added heavy cream + some sour cream I had laying around

>> No.9673081
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>> No.9673096
File: 430 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_1003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plated. soup is a bit thicker than I normally like, but flavor is high. probably will thin it out with some broth next warm up. after all I am the james wood of making my soup good.

peace, eat my shit haters.

>> No.9673102
File: 470 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_1004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat only comes in after it's all done, and he only cares about boxes.

>> No.9673416

why everyone gotta post a cat

>> No.9674257
File: 3.89 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171110_024749317-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleepy time Patti, not very rare

>> No.9676046

I'd eat it

>> No.9676208

looks bretty good, but needs some spice. how about a lil cayenne

>> No.9676824
File: 1.30 MB, 2560x1920, 1109171955a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good but that bread needs toasted with garlic powder and crumbled parsley

you're not supposed to trim them

he smells like a baby


better than 5 guy imo

these turned out good, reminds me of a place I go to called sliders which makes amazing wings

>> No.9677005

Ah man Stones bitter, I haven't seen that I'm fucking ages

>> No.9677081

oh word you are right, I should have garlicked up that bread. thx

>> No.9677937
File: 2.92 MB, 7000x3937, IMG_20171110_213013882-7000x3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it does appear we are nearing the end of this wild ride, I just got groceries so I'll make a new thread soon but I want to apologise for not replying to you guys, my home internet is still down and it's really annoying to phone post

There was one guy who asked about giblet, yes it's the same giblet pic related