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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9616165 No.9616165 [Reply] [Original]

How do you eat while poor as fuck

>> No.9616169

do you have a hot plate?
rice n beans

>> No.9616171

RIP poverty ghost

>> No.9616173

Don't eat out. Don't fucking do it. Buy staples and learn how to cook.

>> No.9616199

i woudnt know
i work a lot
some say too much
but i like income
im going to work as much as i can for as long as i can

>> No.9616205

Can we just have a sticky for this topic?

>> No.9616210

You can get 40,000 calories worth of lentils for ~$30
That's the better part of a month's worth of calories on a 2,000 calories diet.
Also check if your city has a soup kitchen or a food distribution place of sorts. I volunteer at mine and we always have food left over.
Just can't show up wasted or cracked out and we'll feed you.
I have like 3 spiral cut hams in my freezer still that we would have had to just throw out.

>> No.9616215

Might be a good idea.

>> No.9616243

This. My sister and her boyfriend are always broke because they eat out a lot. You shouldn't do that as what seems cheap as a meal, for the amount of money you spent on all that shit you could buy yourself a meal for awhile.

Say you spend like $5-$10 just eating out a day. In 7 days that's $35 to $70. Do you know what you could buy in a grocery store for that much? A lot more than you got in that Subway sandwich or whatever you got. It's a money sink.

With a few staple foods and a little creativity and recipes you can have some great home cooked meals and leftovers to boot.

>> No.9616260

Rice, Pasta, Lentils or Potatoes.
Frozen veg.

It's really easy to live on basically fucking nothing.

>> No.9616267

Fuck frozen vegetables. But other than that you're on point. Some good meats are chopmeat and chicken. You can make them a ton of different ways and they're relatively cheap.

But fresh vegetables are worth it. The frozen ones are just crap.

>> No.9616268

lentils my man

>> No.9616274


>> No.9616283
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flour + baking powder = flat bread

dried beans/rice/lentils/etc = protein \

The rest of your money is spent of cheap fresh veges like cabbage for example.

then you can choose for a cheap cut of meat, something for the ktichen like vinager for example, and maybe 1 spice.

After a few months-year you will be eating well as a poor fag and cooking will become an essential skill for your new life as a poorfag.

>> No.9616304

ping and pong

>> No.9616323

Beans, rice, and fresh produce. Not organic produce, just fresh fruits and vegetables.

Watch these two videos for pretty fucking spot-on instructions on how to eat poor as advised by an actual poor person:

>> No.9616365

10 pounds of potatoes are 2 dollars.
Four ears of corn is 2 dollars.
I don't know where the fuck all the canned and fresh veggies are at my local krogers, but krogers has always blown literal ass. Go to a farmers market instead.
Anyway, I'm getting off topic. The answer is to eat eggs and bologna for protein, and lots of fruits and veggies. Also make sandwiches, buy peanut butter in bulk, and buy jelly or jam, too. Sandwiches are one of the most versatile food groups, bested only by noodles.
Buy bags of beans, boil them in water. Buy cans of beans, make baked beans. Buy onions or leeks, put them in rice or stew. Put the beans in the rice. You now have traditional poorfag diet, and you can put the beans and rice into a soft shell taco, and now you have a burrito. The mexican diet is the deliberately unhealthy poorfag diet, borrow some but not all of their cuisine ideas and put them into your life.
One bag of rice can last you for a while, as can 10 pounds of potatoes. Study the chinese diet, it's the super poorfags trying to steal nutrition from the feudal lords diet. It's bretty healthy and tastes good. The irish diet is the master of potatoes, look up some irish recipies.

Also, buy sauces, and thank me later. Worchestire sauce saved my life on more than one occassion, as has different types of mustard.

>> No.9616375

Ping pong twins

>> No.9616380

>flour + baking powder = flat bread
instead of buying baking powder why not just buy yeast and make actual bread?

>> No.9616382

goddamn I laughed harder than I should have at this

>> No.9616383

Literally any variation of rice, beans, cheap meat, and water is all you need to survive

>> No.9616384

Sleep for breakfast
Coffee for lunch

>> No.9616389
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baking powder is cheaper and less complicated than a starter.

Also no resting, just throw it in a hot oven.

>> No.9616485

By not paying internet bills or buying things I don't need like videogames or movies.

>> No.9616516
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To this day I still don't know the difference between beans and lentils. Someone give me a quick rundown?

>> No.9616524

Where do you get 10lbs of potatoes for $2? I cam never seem to find them at prices lower than $1.50/lb.

>> No.9616555

They're all just different types of legumes.

>> No.9616568

Only eat every other day. Drink lots of water on your fasting days. Your body will get used to it after a few weeks.

>> No.9616575
File: 9 KB, 300x199, potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potatoes. you can buy a whole bag for about $1

>> No.9616602
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>it's like pottery

>> No.9616641

Stop shopping at fucking hippie stores and go to a Krogers or something to get a package of them. I can get 10 lbs for $3.50

>> No.9616694

What's the best place to buy food from cheap in southern california

>> No.9616711

Make your own bread, I recommend King Arthur flour

>> No.9616722


Superior, Food 4 Less, Super A, just on the top of my head, there's also some Aldis popping up around here, also easy mode is to get costco and shop at the business costcos that have big sacks of beans, rice and flour for sale

>> No.9616729

Thanks anon

>> No.9616765

Last year I got a 50 lb bag of potatoes for $8 at Save-A-Lot. Keep your eyes open during the right season and you'll find some amazingly good deals.

>> No.9616789

Yes but which should I buy?

>> No.9616797

Your favourite colour

>> No.9616831

near expiry food with 80% discount or more.

>> No.9616860
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>> No.9616863
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You have to go back.

>> No.9616898

I use the local food banks plus I get a little bit of EBT money. They also have a really good lunch at the homeless shelter.

>> No.9616963

Im poor but not that poor

>> No.9616969

I'd be ashamed to use any of those.
Shame is really missing today.

>> No.9616999

Go to the supermarket
Go to the meat section
What's cheap? What's expensive?
Go to the vegetables
What's cheap? What's expensive?
Remember you also need flour, oil, milk, eggs, rice, pasta, salt, spices, kitchen paper, sugar, cornstarch, vinegar, stock and that's just the basic things you need to always have in your kitchen
Do you want cheese? Can you afford cheese?
Do you want bread? Can you afford bread?
Don't Google cheap recipes because they either aren't cheap, are cheap if you make 20 meals or are basically how to make ramen sandwich for college students
Do you want a meal? Pan fry a chicken tigh, eat it with rice
Do you want a more complex meal? Pan fry a chicken tigh over medium, remove the tigh, deglazed the pan with white wine, chop some onion, caramelize them in the pan, add a bit of mustard serve on top of the tigh, serve with rice
Do you want an even more complex meal? Pan fry a chicken thigh over medium, remove, lower the heat, mix in a little cream, deglaze, add a little mustard, serve with french fries
This is how cooking works you just add more steps and ingredients to the same basic thing everyone makes

>> No.9617008

The only correct answer.

>> No.9617012

I also work a lot but sometimes money runs out you smug fuck

>> No.9617013

>bulk veggies like onions and potatoes
>buy the huge tubs of oats
>the cheapest cuts of meat available, like discount drumsticks or chicken thighs
>coupons out the ass, make those extreme couponing ladies look like amateurs
>only shop at stores when they're having sales, they'll say which dates are sale days in the store magazine
It won't be pretty but it will be cheap

>> No.9617030

panfry the chicken tigh, add chopped bell pepper and onion an a cube of stock (half if its too strong)
panfry the chicken tigh, remove, add carrots and bell peppers, wait until its cooked, add garlic and ginger, add chicken back, add soy sauce, sugar, vinegar and if you have a little oyster sauce or fish sauce, serve with rice
boil one cup of water, half a cup of soy sauce, minced garlic and ginger, 1/4 cup of sugar 1/4 cup of honey, half a spoon cornstarch mixed in a bit of warm water let it simmer until its reduced to a syrup, panfry a chicken tigh, remove, add syrup (only a bit, you have enough for 5 meals) as soon as it bubbles add chicken back, mix really quick until its covered in the syrup, serve with rice

best tip for poorfags wanting o get into cooking is to stick mostly to one type of food like asian or italian because you can have a pantry full of everything you need for asian food but if you also need a pantry full of everything you need for italian it starts getting expensive, also if you need an ingridient for one meal only then either dont make that meal or figure out a way to make it without it

>> No.9617056
File: 19 KB, 300x300, palt_51808619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy potato
buy flour
make glorious palt
get butter, lingonberry jam and diced bacon if you can afford it

>> No.9617175

Rice is a meme. Flour is much cheaper and can be used for many other things. You can use flour to make flatbreads (pita, tortillas, rotis, etc.), any other kind of bread, dumplings (like wheat gnocchi and noodles and stuff like that), flour porridge, just about any kind of pastry, amongst other kinds of stuff. Whole wheat flour is much cheaper and has more fiber, protein, and vitamins than brown rice. The only reason why rice is promoted as the top poorfag food instead of flour is because most people don't know how to make dough by hand.
In most cases, flatbreads will serve as a perfectly good complement for stuff like beans and chicken.

>> No.9617188

lmao @ ur life retard

>> No.9617212

>Do you want bread? Can you afford bread?
Fucking hell. How poor do you have to be that you can't afford bread? Are there place where basic sliced bread is expensive?

Find the cheap shop.
>Hint: it's probably not the one at the end of your street.

>> No.9617216
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Fuck off back to Facebook, normie.

>> No.9617230

>most people don't know how to make dough by hand.
what the fuck

>> No.9617233 [DELETED] 

Some people post here trying to survive off potatoes so idk if you have to choose between bread and flour choose flour

>> No.9617242
File: 63 KB, 599x408, egg-fried-rice-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg fried rice.

Sack of Rice - Cheap
Eggs - Cheap
Frozen diced veg - Cheap
Butter - Cheap

I'll let you figure of the recipe. Ate this 10 times a week in University because I couldn't cook/was poor. Contains everything the body needs.

>> No.9617244

Its not about being able to afford bread, I gave him a list of 14 things he needs on top of meat and vegetables, if you can't afford everything in the list you can't afford bread because bread isn't a priority

>> No.9617260

>bread isn't a priority
But meat is?

If I had just enough left over after buying vegetables that I could afford a small amount of cheap meat I would rather spend the money on bread.

Bread with my soup every day is way better that meat one meal each week.

>> No.9617263

maybe just get a job?

>> No.9617267

Yes, meat is a priority go be a vegan faggot somewhere else

>> No.9617271

How do I get a job? I seriously never had one and I think nobody would ever hire me

>> No.9617272

>go be a vegan
I really don't think you should be in this thread.
You've clearly never been poor enough to make the tough choices.

>> No.9617304

nope i havent but i have been broke enough that i had to strech the budget of a weekend for two weeks for me and another person and i had to figure out how to cook out of necesity when i couldnt afford take out every day, then i realized i could make the same food i order better than they do for less money, have you ever ordered any chinese food with shrimp only to get 2-3 shrimp total? do you have any idea how much shrimp i can afford by not ordering any take out?

>> No.9617319
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>when i couldnt afford take out every day
Oh the hardship. It's enough to make me weep.
>do you have any idea how much shrimp i can afford by not ordering any take out?
Wow you're a fucking genius and you figured out take away is a rip off.

>> No.9617379

hey if you want to keep thinking like a poor person be my guest
buy that stupid bread wich has nothing but empty calories instead of getting protein in your diet, you could make your own bread, you cant make your own meat but who cares right? bread gives you instant gratification because you take it out, you put it in a toaster, you eat it and then you think about your life and cry, you could have made a big pot of stew wich would have fed you for a couple days but i guess some shitty bread, some beer or wathever else you indulge is a better idea, dont let anyone who knows better tell you otherwise champ

>> No.9617410

>a big pot of stew
With your one tiny chunk of meat per serving.

Oh yeah I forgot you have loads of fucking meat because you have no idea what poor as fuck means.

>> No.9617423

dont ask for advice cooking then, ask for advice hunting rats and pidgeons

>> No.9617427

Cook rice or pasta and dumb a can of any soup on it.

>> No.9617437

>hunting rats and pidgeons
When he could hunt cats and dogs?
Why is your advice so bad?

>> No.9617446

people may call the police if they see you hunting cats and dogs

>> No.9617474

Learn to bake. Flour is the cheapest and most versatile substance in the kitchen. But I'm a former professional baker, so I'm biased.

>> No.9618365

That's not very helpful

>> No.9618383
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How would people know what you're hunting, retard?

>> No.9618929
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This whole conversation is pretty funny.

He is a poor person, so one can only assume he has to make his own hunting tools...

Not far fetched to imagine he has fabricated his own bow and arrows.

Probably lives in the city or in a suburban area. This is based on no information what so ever... Literally none. Zero. Zilch.

So fully grown male anon is wandering the streets with a home made bow and arrows. Looking around for pigeons and rats to shoot at...

Don't you think this is going to arouse a little suspicion?

>> No.9618939


Soup kitchens and food pantries = eat well without spending a dime. If you're too ashamed to eat there/get food there, you're not poor, or hungry.

>> No.9618952
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It was a question of how do people know WHAT you're hunting - not that you are actually hunting. Pay attention in class or stay home for the day.

>> No.9618963

>it's like poverty

>> No.9618979

It takes about a month to get qualified for a "shopping" pass at the food pantry where I volunteer. Then again, I've only worked at this pantry and no other so I don't know what is typical. Ours is no different than a regular grocery store except you don't have to pay. If you are a resident of our city, you qualify. However, it takes a while to get a shopping trip scheduled. It is always crowded. In short, if you're suddenly hungry today, don't think you can just show up at a food pantry and get something to eat. Hit the soup kitchens.

>> No.9618987


That's where soup kitchens come in to play, they serve 3 free meals a day. No registration or ID required. Salvation Army does an okay job.

>> No.9618991

Find a Sikh temple. They usually have one free vegan meal a day for any body.

>> No.9619523

>Salvation Army does an okay job.
>forced to pray and sing hymns to a mythical jewish dream for hours in order to get a serving of shit food
>go to a shelter at midnight asking for a place to bed and they slam their window slide shut and scream, "full up."

Don't give those worthless fucks a penny.

>> No.9619544

stay safe poverty ghost

>> No.9619585

its true. people think I practice black magic
for brewing and making bread.

T. dumbass who couldn't make dough

>> No.9619604

soup kitchens are dope
if im off work i try to go whenever i can for lunch, only one of them makes you sit through a church service, but the food is usually pretty good at most kitchens and they always give out a fuckton of bread and pastries to take home
my only complaint is lack of variety, like the past 10 times ive gone, ive had baked pasta and soggy garlic bread, despite being at completely different churches

>> No.9619620

People like you have no idea what reality can be like for people. There is no shame when you are fucking starving. Not everyone gets a dream job. Not everyone has the same life handed to them. Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.9619662
