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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9602345 No.9602345 [Reply] [Original]

>see customers hand visibly shaking when they hand me the cash
I hope you don't do this.

>> No.9602364

I didn't know they noticed this.

>> No.9602382
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You weren't supposed to see that.

>> No.9602383
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>paying with cash

>> No.9602384

Were they buying alcohol?

>> No.9602393
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>have to go out to buy food

>> No.9602398

i do this on purpose sometimes to give you confidence boost for being a lowly, braindead wageslave. i always chuckle to myself thinking about that high that you'll get, born out of my own will

i literally control you

>> No.9602420

>paying with botnet

>> No.9602441

Ooooo botnet boogie man. The big bad Jews who control your life totally care about the McFat meal you ordered.

>> No.9602442

>thin pale Anon with dark circles and wide eyes quickly makes his way towards you
>his hands shake as he hands you the cash because he's manic and hallucinating
>lel, must be a basement dwelling autist with social anxiety!

>obese Anon waddles over to counter with four handles of vodka
>hands are shaking as he hands you cash because of the DTs
>lel, must be a basement dwelling autist with social anxiety!

>old, unkempt Anon slowly makes his way to the counter
>his hands shake as he slowly moves cash towards you because his Parkinson's makes it hard to do anything
>lel, must be a basement dwelling autist with social anxiety!

>slightly unkempt normal Anon walks over jerkily
>his hands jerk over towards you because he has cerebral palsy
>lel, must be a basement dwelling autist with social anxiety!

I hope you don't do this.

>> No.9602456

>such a simpleton he thinks its a matter of spying or not spying on what you buy

whats it like being able to relax and not think? Id really prefer being like that sometimes.
when we have a cashless society and its illegal to not turn in all your paper money and metals, you still wont care, will you? Im actually jealous.

>> No.9602469
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>going through drive through with friend
>he's incredibly awkard and has a shakey voice

>> No.9602477
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>drops change

>> No.9602511

You known those payment gateways are always clear that they're profiting from user data

>> No.9602515
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>>paying with cash

>> No.9602538

Had a customer with parkinsons, he pretty much spilled coins all over the counter

>> No.9602540

>likes every purchase being logged in a database
>likes NSA scum writing fanfics about your dragon dildos.

>> No.9602549

>Worried about his activity being tracked
>Thinks paying cash will prevent this in any way

Unless you're growing every thing you eat, you have no reason to be this much of a paranoid schizo.

>> No.9602558
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>credit card fails to go through

>> No.9602578


What about the exorbitant fees levied on businesses by credit card companies? (Which is actually the only thing that pushes me to use cash, that and cash discounts or cash-only establishments)

>> No.9602587

>1.6% + $0.10
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW how am I supposed to make a profit now?

>> No.9602601

>trying to pay for something when the power goes out

>> No.9602625
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I'm so glad they're replacing cashiers with robots because of this
The robot won't judge me
Fuck you

>> No.9602631

>using a credit card
>not just using debit

>> No.9602637

That's actually a pretty large amount if you're working in a sector with a lot of competition Anon, not all businesses are monopolies. What kind of margins do you think restaurants run on when you take into account theft by employees and other expenses?

>> No.9602665
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Not him but I own a business and I can accept that 1%, however Uber Eats charges a fucking THIRTY (30%) percent cut off the full price of the order. That shit is theft, I don't understand why other stores sign up to this shit unless they are literally going out of business.

>> No.9602675


thinking isn't what you're doing that makes you unable to adapt

>> No.9602679


you don't want to use cash because you don't want to admit that being current with society is the only way you can actually succeed, but you feel unable to do that in other more difficult ways, so you attempt to maintain a consistency by not conforming in trivial ways such as not paying with a card.

>> No.9602682


it's not the stores problem. it's the customers problem. it's just another order to the store.

>> No.9602684

I do it for these reasons:
>weekend was ruff
>I haven't eaten all day (I often eat in the evenings only)

>> No.9602685

Actually, we program them to judge you.
It's when the scale fucks up.

>> No.9602686

>Not using a check.
>Not waiting until the transaction is done before digging in your fanny pack for your book.

>> No.9602687

>oh no NSA jews now know that I have poor diet
if u buy something special you ofc pay with cash but otherwise no

>> No.9602691

>>thin pale Anon with dark circles and wide eyes quickly makes his way towards you
>>his hands shake as he hands you the cash because he's manic and hallucinating
this is definately me but im fat and usually only hallucinate on my mind so i dont see shit but think shit

>> No.9602698

don't they just put it over the store price, for store it's just another customer

>> No.9602702

this lel

>> No.9602708
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>When I see the look on your face when I tell you that the store will not give you instant credit on the store credit card you are signing up for because you want that fridge for 'Mah crib'

>> No.9602859

No it's not. They charge the STORE the 30% AND the customer $5.

>> No.9602932

they charge the same fees, dipshit

>> No.9603045
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>no paywave

>> No.9603057


Someone going through DTs isn't able to go to a store and buy more alcohol. At that point, they need to be in the ICU.

>> No.9603071

>customer asks for decaf coffee with sugar

( :

>> No.9603135

>customer asks for steak well done

>> No.9603142

If you have nothing to hide you'll be comfortable with NSA surveillance cameras in your home right comrade? Or do you have something to hide?

>> No.9603155

If the NSA wants to watch me jack off on my couch and I get free security cameras sign me up.

>> No.9603234

yeah but dt's and being shaky aren't the same thing
i've been so shaky i could barely pick up, carry and pay for beer
made an ass of myself
but dt's are a HNL

>> No.9603453
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>complete aspie avoiding eye contact and fail to make small talk when working behind a register
>courteous and confident normalfag whenever I'm paying for something at a register

>> No.9603473

That wouldn't happen. Whenever we phase out currencies we just collect them out of circulation over time. Forcing people to hand stuff over doesn't work because most of people will just go "fuck that im gonna stay home."

>> No.9603625
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>> No.9603633

Tick tock, roaches.

>> No.9603636

aka there's literally nothing wrong with you and you want to feel special.

>> No.9603721
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>remove last item from bagging area

>> No.9603762

>>likes NSA scum writing fanfics about your dragon dildos.
I would unironically appear on film using a dragon dildo if i were more attractive and could hide my face in an attractive way (like a fursuit head, or at least a particularly lavish and well secured paper bag)

>> No.9603774

It's g-g-g-genetic...

>> No.9603777

Keked out loud having a /sip/ in my kitchen before work, thanks mate

>> No.9603782

The cashier girls at my local supermarket are so fine.

I suck ass at small talk.

>> No.9605273
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>> No.9605449

I'm an alcoholic

>> No.9606684
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>at Subway because I forgot to bring lunch to uni
>my usual order is a 6-inch honey oat with seafood, swiss cheese, lettuce and mayo
>ask for some mayo
>she hears "some mayo" as "tomato", puts on 3 slices
>before i can parse exactly what the fuck happened she's passed my sandwich to the next preparer
>ask her "hey can i actually get no tomato on that"
>she hears "no tomato" as "mo' tomato"
>get 2 extra slices
>give up on these deaf sluts and eat my vastly oversweetened sandwich in anguish

>> No.9606691

>store removed the entire self checkout section because of too many thefts

>> No.9606743

did you consider removing the tomato?

>> No.9606781

I'll be honest, this Subway thing happened a month ago and your post is the first time I ever thought of doing that

>> No.9606785

kek I'm waiting for the kroger by me to do this. Literally everyone I know that shops there steals shit with those things.

>> No.9606804

Sometimes I think shit posting on /ck/ 14 hours a day is making my autism worse.

>> No.9606813

>at subway because I hate myself
>first question is "do you want it toasted?"
>after sandwich is finished he puts it on the toaster thing and walks toward the oven anyway
>shout "NOT TOASTED" as loud as I can in the store
>he gets startled and drops the sandwich
>people in line behind me scowling at me
>he has to remake the sandwich
>was going to eat in the store but now feel bad and walk 20 minutes home and eat the now cold sub in shame
Never again.

>> No.9606827

>eat the now cold sub
so u did get it toasted?

>> No.9606831

No it was a meatball marinara sub.

>> No.9606895
File: 175 KB, 310x392, [Asenshi] Amanchu! - 07 [B7B21267].mkv_snapshot_04.52_[2016.08.26_11.40.29].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to pay
>server mumbles something
>"what's that?"
>he mumbles incomprehensibly again
>shrugs it off and insert credit card into machine
>doesn't work
>server about to open his mouth
>I go and tap it
>machine beeped as he's about to talk
>I ask for receipt
>server looks at me like a deer in headlights
>scrambles to fiddle with the machine for 5 mins
>literally a line has formed behind me
>server is visibly panting and sweating
>"s-s-s-sorry sir I couldn't get a receipt to print out"
What the fuck?

>> No.9606954
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>actually paying 100% of the price

>> No.9606960

>likes NSA scum writing fanfics about your dragon dildos.
Nice. I wish the NSA was that cool.

>> No.9607006


I laughed.

>> No.9607018
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>tfw actually ok at smalltalk

Wtf. When did I become like this

>> No.9607065

>go on my favorite website
>lie for no reason
>about things that never happened
>feel superior

>> No.9607083

>work at a restaurant
>subtly make fun of people eating alone by asking them when the other person is gonna show up, putting two glasses at the table, drawing smiley faces on the plate with ketchup, etc.

75% of my enjoyment of that job is making fun of people eating alone with everyone in the kitchen. Once we made a heart-shaped pancake for a guy eating alone on Valentine's day, it was fucking great.

>> No.9607093

Yeah yeah. take the bait to /r9k/ you beta.

>> No.9607157
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>my dad owns a shop with an open kitchen
>gives black customers less rice
>gives asian customers more rice
>gives white people more sauce
>manlets and women get less food

I KEEP fucking telling him that this isn't legal but he says that his method of judging people is consistent and that he hates food waste. Wish I was joking.

>> No.9607166

>working as a cashier

>> No.9607233
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>Work at Publix Deli
>Old as fuck lady, almost Jurassic, comes in and gets a sandwich
>"Oh I need to go sit down I can't stand this long here you go"
>She gives me her fucking credit card and pin number and tells me to pay for her stuff for her
>I just look at her like she's retarded and hand shit off to my manager so it doesn't look like I'm trying to rob this insane woman

>> No.9607261

Sounds like a good man.

>> No.9607265

>hear nervousness in checkout girl's voice when she says to have a great day

>> No.9607275
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>Cashier tells me thanks for shopping with us
>"You too"

>> No.9607301

>spot a vintage MRE you haven't tried yet at the army surplus store
>naturally get excited about it and go to pay for it
>hands shaking. Can't wait to go home and get this out onto a tray
>cashier smirking like he thinks his opinion matters
>still act polite and civil. It's not up to you to judge the guy after all.

>> No.9607307
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>go to pay
>cashier makes this face
I feel you, we've all been there.

>> No.9607483

What anime is this from again?

>> No.9607508

Yes it is.

>> No.9607517

>giving a corporation a copy of your fingerprints and DNA

>> No.9607519
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>try to push a ten pound note into the chip and pin machine

>cashier -"calm down, son."

>> No.9607536

I hope all you non-cash faggots already have good health insurance and don't buy too much alcohol.
Because if I got your data even I could write a risk assessment algorithm. And insurance are probably doing much more already.

You can easily judge things like calorie intake or cleanliness.

>> No.9608032

That's what you get for mumbling, sweetie

>> No.9608299


>> No.9608308

Yeah, that's the point I was making. I've also been shaking really badly while buying beer or vodka, it's awful.

>> No.9608813
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>go to grocery store
>self checkouts all packed
>go to a regular checkout
>woman at register keeps making comments about shit I'm buying

>> No.9608835
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>"Are these good?"

>> No.9608903

Your dad is doing the right thing. And the customers are almost certainly happy he does.

>> No.9608907

I have hand tremors. I can't not do it.

>> No.9610471

based neet

>> No.9610476

>what is delivery

>> No.9610477
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>working in retail

I hope you don't do this.

>> No.9610526
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>working receiving, out of sight of customers

>> No.9610532
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>the whole ocean is his brain

Fucking kek, never seen that one.

>> No.9610533

>telling my family I work in a warehouse and then driving around aimlessly for 8 hours, then coming home and making up a story about how a black person robbed me and they took my entire paycheck

>> No.9610541
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>Hi! How are you doing?
mumble hi back, hearts pounding, quickly hand over items
>Do you have a membership card?
mumble no abruptly
>well that will be $15, would you like a receipt?
mumble no, quickly grab the cash that I prepared from my pockets as if I hadn't spent 3 minutes getting it all ready and dump it on the counter, whisper thankssss and then storm off as quickly as I can
I am dysfunctional.

>> No.9610554

>more susceptible to chemical and bio agents on foreign packaging as well as workplace injuries
>equally susceptible to hostage situations and workplace shootings
>still a shitty retail job

>> No.9610576
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>pretty much only go to the store for beer
>always have my cash and id in hand even when I'm like the sixth in line
>keep earbuds in even though I'm not actually listening to anything
>so paranoid that my unused voice will crack that I just nod at everything

>> No.9610648

I'm noided now, thanks

>> No.9610664
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>get id and cash in hand
>go to counter
>mfw they don't even ask to see my id

>> No.9610676

IIRC, toasting sandwiches such as the meatball and teriyaki was compulsory. Even if it is to-go.

>> No.9610686

Basically me.

I intentionally pace my grocery visits to a week and a half or so just to avoid having to talk to strangers.

>> No.9610687
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>use debit
>get ready to enter pin
>doesn't ask for it

>> No.9610747

Doing God's work, anon.