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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9607677 No.9607677 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of food should I get in order to be more estrogen than man?

>> No.9607693

inb4 meme answers like soy

>> No.9607697

Anon don't even fucking bother.
See a therapist.
You will regret falling for this stupid alt right meme that you can neutralise the poison that is testosterone through food alone, you need HRT

>> No.9607707
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I thought soy was my best bet, how is it a meme?

I don't want HRT, I just want natural estrogen from food

>> No.9607712

because it doesn't work, it's a meme

>> No.9607721
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>> No.9607738

What do you want estrogen for?
Anon if you're underaged you need to address that desire NOW

>> No.9607740

tie a noose and hang yourself with it

>> No.9607753
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I need something I can safely acquire and consume without raising suspicion

Today's my birthday and was hoping to get something full of it as my birthday meal. It's already a couple of hours past midnight so there's not much I can do right now

>> No.9607763
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Would you like it if I tied you up in my basement, force fed you estrogen and gave you a daily dose of semen?

>> No.9607764

>I just want natural estrogen from food
That’s not how biology works dumbass. If soy or other sources of estrogen from food actually made a significant difference in the hormonal balance of your body then the majority of Asian men would be submissive traps with tits.

>> No.9607768

I mean to be fair certain plants can give you gyno but op probably doesn't want just that.

>> No.9607769
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Fucking anime posters. Y'all will be the first to hang on the day of the rope.

The actual answer is BPA, phthalates, ethanol and fiber. Anything that hastens aromatization of androgens or chokes their production will demasculinize you. Soy milk has to be consumed in gallons every day to have any noticeable effect, and will drain you bank account. The bank account that will be depleted when you kill yourself and your parents have to pay for your little fuccboi funeral.

>> No.9607799
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Not really

I just want to compliment my diet with stuff that might help

I've been drinking from plastic bottles for a long while because I'm too lazy to refill a glass, I'll look into more fiber and plastic containers. Thank you

>> No.9607801

Lol, no. Plants can't give you gyno. You literally need to eat fucking tonnes of soy everyday to get tits.

>> No.9607803

prostate supplements like saw palmetto

Just go tell your doctor you're balding and get finasteride pills

>> No.9607902

Well Asian men are the most feminine and they're the easiest to make traps

>> No.9607904

Lol, just the opposite is true, that shit contains testosterone

>> No.9607927

you will not be cute, you will not be the little girl

>> No.9607967
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>> No.9608158

Estradiol hemihydrate or valerate, and either finasteride, spironolactone or cyproterone acetate (or, better if you can get it, a depot GnRH analogue injection like leuprorelin or goserelin).

>>9607697 is right, food makes barely even trace-level differences, same with BPA and all that. Besides, it's broken down by stomach acids (that's why some of the pills need to be sublingual).

Life isn't the Daily Mail, you could drink a trans woman's pee and still not have any effect. Eat normally and healthily.

>> No.9608306

>without raising suspicion
Just fucking come out and become a girl, dude. I've considered becoming an hero so many times just because I waited too long to do this.

>> No.9608707

not even memeing
the hops contaian proto-estrogens

>> No.9609878
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Then what should I attribute my girly hips and mood swings to?

I don't want to take any medication or treatments, just whatever I can get at home

I'll need to become an alcoholic for that wouldn't I? I'm already hesitant about drinking a can of Monster I have in the fridge, If I did go for alcohol I would drink a sip of wine every now and then at most

>> No.9609903

All the estrogen in the world won't make you biologically a female. Stick that in your "boipussy" and smoke it you fucking faggot. Reddit spacing scumbag, I really do hope you kill yourself and not even because you're a freak transvestite but because you're an anime posting reddit spacing piece of human garbage. Take that can of monster and shove it up your stretched out faggot asshole. Literally and unironically kill yourself, and no I'm not joking or trying to be edgy. Die, and die as soon as humanly possible.

>> No.9609941
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I never said it would. And reddit spacing would look more like:





I'm just separating each quote otherwise it would look like too jumbled up since I'm addressing different posts in each paragraph, in my opinion

>> No.9610003

This. Best time is before you turn 20. After that, you are pretty much just fucking screwed.

>> No.9610018

"Reddit spacing" existed on here before you even started lurking, anon. It existed before Reddit.

TL;DR originated here, and unless you enjoy the eyestrain of trying to read massive blocks of text I suggest just enjoying it.

>> No.9610037

>what should i attribute my faggotry to
maybe being a retard with shitty genetics and/or a poor diet? youre probably mistaking being a skinnyfat loser with girly hips anon.

>> No.9610065

If you're actually transsexual (read: your brain is screwed up to the point of the hormonal wirings being inverted), you'll want to go through HRT. But you have to be 100% sure that your brain is screwed based on your hormone expectancy being set for estrogen and progesterone rather than testosterone. Else it's just gonna fuck you up and fuck you up hard.

>> No.9610098

Opposite question: how do i raise my testosterone levels to become more Male?

>> No.9610107


I've waited years for this, /ck/ is now proven to be best board.

>> No.9610121

Cruciferous vegetables broccoflower, kale

>> No.9610125

What's the most potent?

>> No.9610126


>> No.9610139

This op, stop shitting up ck with your faggotry

>> No.9610147
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If being a skinny fat loser from poor diet will give me what I want then I'm happy, the rest is thanks to mental disorders anyway

I just want bigger hips, my only hopes of being a girl are by being reborn as anime after I die

This is my first time on /ck/ but I'm surprised I just wasn't told to fuck off right away

All I asked for was food but everyone is going on about transitioning and whatnot, if I wanted to do that I would have gone to the doctor or /sci/ instead

>> No.9610154

A diet of two Estradiol Valerate a day

>> No.9610157

best post on /ck/ right now

>> No.9610173

Biofemale is worst female I thought everyone knew this

>> No.9610289

horny goat weed

>> No.9610344

Firstly, stay completely away from all red meat. The more red the meat the more testosterone building capability your body has.

>> No.9610350

>I don't want to take any medication or treatments, just whatever I can get at home
then you'll become gross an manly, there are no alternatives

>> No.9610802
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>the poison that is testosterone

>> No.9610823

Thanks anon I was sad nobody responded to that (:

>> No.9610857

Take steroids but dont work out.
You body will ramp up prodection of estrogen.
Do steroids and fap as much as possible. Or maybe as little as possible
The prostate orgasms the better.
If you want a huge ass/thighs replace your milk/dairy with half and half and other heavy creams.

>> No.9612891

Shut the fuck up. I'm transitioning at 24. It sucks, but it's not THAT bad. Pre-20 is a meme. Genetics determine a lot of it.

>> No.9614217
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Alternatively drinking several glasses of semen a day has been scientifically proven to turn you into a grill

>> No.9614240

>pre-20 is a meme
Actually it isn't. Androgyny is a thing up until you turn 10, and then you have until 24 until your body settles.

>> No.9614309
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U hab benis

>> No.9614316
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>eat dishes made with soy beans and tofu doused in soy sauce all my life
>still became a tall, wide-shouldered, burly man

>> No.9614484

>tfw no alt right bf to forcefeed hormones and turn into a qt trap gf

>> No.9614587
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>she's not taking cyprotrone and estradiol RIGHT NOW
>she pretends to only want estrogen-promoting foods on the side instead of just fucking hrt in its entirety
just get real hrt for heck's sake you absolute dummy holy shit

t. tranny rolling on the floor laughing at ur sillyness

>> No.9614939

Back to /mtfgen/ or /femgen/ with you, fiend.

>> No.9614953

Obviously, I'm not a tranny just a guy who's interested in this and want's to help other girls.

>> No.9615103

why do you know those?

>> No.9615129
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>implying /pol/ isn't full of repressing trans girls

>> No.9615143


you will both be crucified on the side of the highway in las vegas, as a warning to others, in order to prevent this kind of feral behavior.