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File: 1.37 MB, 1800x1200, kiwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9602750 No.9602750 [Reply] [Original]

these fuzzy bastards are the best fruit, no debate

>> No.9602761
File: 1.58 MB, 3293x2848, pleb filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the king

>> No.9602775

They're pretty good.

Shame about kiwis being such a chore to eat. Even with the spoon scoop method.

>> No.9602788

I've heard some people just bite into them like they're fucking apples

>> No.9602855

I do that, I eat the whole thing skin and all minus the very ends which I cut off

>> No.9602937

do they kind of taste like soap to anyone else? or am i just getting bad kiwis

>> No.9602966

Could be your kiwis are bad, but they have a strange taste and many people I know hate them.

>> No.9602967

yip I eat the entire thing- even the ends! I imagine it is fantastic for my bowels...
good roughage, only started doing this recently tho actually

>> No.9603267

yep i love eating my beer bottle after im done.
really really great for my digestive system, nice roughage. only started doing this last week though

>> No.9603283

tomato is the best fruit

figs come second

>> No.9603299

Eat them whole, skin and all, don't be a faggot, it's the best way to eat them.

>> No.9603300

I do this yes, the yellow kiwi's aren't as fuzzy and got a really thin skin.

>> No.9603306
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Mango is the only fruit I'll leave the house to buy rather than simple get next time I'm going anyway.

There are other methods than the spoon?

>> No.9603400


>> No.9603480
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they are okay

>> No.9603557

I once ate so many my poop was green with black pokedots

>> No.9603575

>not just eating the skin
the only inedible part of a kiwi is the bottom bit

the skin has lots of fibre and vitamins

>> No.9604169
File: 158 KB, 1200x912, feijoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol kiwicux step aside make way hot stuff cummin thruu!

>> No.9604182

They're great, and I eat them whole. The skin really isn't bad, just try it.
That said, I rarely eat them because they give me canker sores in my mouth. Can't do citrus either, and have to be conscious of how much tomato sauce I eat.

>> No.9604188

I love kiwis but they make my salivary glands go into painful overdrive.

>> No.9604210

>Tfw can't discuss my favorite fruit without some newfag spouting tumblr memes at me as if they were funny for the 100th time

>> No.9604217


>> No.9604638

you must have a really sensitive mouth if something like kiwis gives you sores

>> No.9605055


>> No.9605069

Does anyone else get a kind of... tingly tongue when eating kiwis? I don't know how to describe it. Tiny needles maybe. Is that an allergic reaction?

>> No.9605094

Thats caused by an enzyme in the raw fruit. The same thing happens with pineapple. Its not an allergy, that enzyme is literally dissolving your mouth. I know the one in pineapple is called bromelian, im not sure if its the same in kiwi.

>> No.9605098

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.9605099

Ohhh! Weird, thanks.

>> No.9605119
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>> No.9605127

This. Started when I was little. Don't know exactly why. I find that the ends aren't that difficult to chew, and they don't have any horrible taste.

>> No.9605215

I do that, I sometimes eat the entire thing but the ends vary, they're easy sometimes but other times I spit them out

>> No.9605236

Don't actually eat the skin though. It's edible, but they're sprayed with pesticides, and the fuzz traps them.

>> No.9605279
File: 154 KB, 683x1024, 9AF53AB5-D311-4D81-BF19-85DA3EE945D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You’re the best fruit, OP

>> No.9605692

Anyone else think New Zealand kiwis are way better than California ones? Not sure what the difference is but they're always more flavorful and juicier.

>> No.9605730

All produce from California sucks.

>California peaches are sold here in Georgia
>publix has a deal with them so they push them more than Georgia peaches
>California peaches are $1 more a pound and are way less sweet

Whenever you buy peaches look for “Lane” peaches. That is the wide distributed Georgia brand.

>> No.9607594
File: 37 KB, 250x250, jack12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Growing up I basically never ate kiwi.
>Several years pass, never eat any, not even kiwi flavored stuff.
>Grab a few one day because i feel like switching things up

>> No.9607626

I can eat a peach for hours

>> No.9607652

sittiest taste possible

>> No.9607728
File: 1.24 MB, 3264x2448, EC0DC7F2-37CF-4F8F-85EC-5C936F19F507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried kiwi berries for the first time.
I now understand why some people eat kiwis with the peel.

>> No.9607742
File: 85 KB, 1488x744, kiwi laser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always weird seeing these called "kiwi". In NZ anything related to the country is called "kiwi", but the name "kiwifruit" is never shortened.

>> No.9607760

if you wash it good this is the best method. The fuzz isn’t all that discernible in the mouth after the initial bite, which isn’t unpleasant in itself either.

>> No.9607775
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>> No.9607785

tomato is a vegetable, want proof? I don't see you using tomatoes in a fruit salad, and I don't see you mixing burgers with actual fruits like oranges.

>> No.9607794
File: 149 KB, 736x736, 774E5DA9-0315-4E73-B74E-234E5EE843F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting grilled pineapple on your burgers
don’t do that

>> No.9607954

take magnesium daily faggot

>> No.9607966

Do you peel an apple? No. So why would you peel kiwi? Don’t be a pussy and it it with a skin.

>> No.9607993

>Do you peel an apple? No. So why would you peel an orange? Don’t be a pussy and it it with a skin.

>> No.9608016

>Do you peel a banana? No. So why would you peel a watermelon? Don't be a pussy and it it with a skin.

>> No.9608024

>>Do you peel grapes? No. So why would you peel a spaghetti? Don't be a pussy and it it with a skin.

>> No.9608028

>Do you peel strawberries? No. So why would you peel a vagina? Don't be a pussy and it it with a skin.

>> No.9609706
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it's actually pomegranate

>> No.9610591

I suppose I could try to repeat the the results

>> No.9610835

i met some of your navy people ant it fucking amazed me that they all had kiwis on their uniforms

all this time, i thought "kiwi" was a racial slur

>> No.9611341

pls elaborate

>> No.9612236

shit fucks up your tongue if you eat a lot from it

i prefer peach, pear, grape

>> No.9612343
File: 504 KB, 808x810, Uncomfortable chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9612351

I eat the entire kiwi minus the ends. The fuzzyskin is very tasty.

>> No.9612417

You probably don't live in a place where you get good tropical fruits . So it's understandable anon

>> No.9613186
File: 33 KB, 1020x765, bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate fruit coming right up, no kiwi can ever compete.

>> No.9613198
File: 434 KB, 1024x680, Snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved these shits. I've never met anyone else who has had them. Hell I haven't had them in over a decade since I can't fucking find them anywhere.

>> No.9613256

I've gotten horrible kiwis like that before and pears that taste like jizz

>> No.9613899

look up Pineapple Relish or something man this place puts something like it on their burger with a fried onion ring and they call it the 420 burger

>> No.9613910

i saw a cool guy do it and thought it was cool so now that's how i do it

>> No.9614420

It's a shame my throat closes up when eating one.