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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9596927 No.9596927 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite flavor of ramen and why is it Roast Chicken?

>> No.9596953

Oriental. Because I'm not a fag.

>> No.9596991

spicy beef, only because it's so easy to customize it

>> No.9597002
File: 344 KB, 1339x1500, Jjajang noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your shitty ramen.
Go the fuck out and buy yourself some Jjajang noodles at an asian grocery. You're welcome.

>> No.9597006

I would, but as I said, I'm not a fag.

>> No.9597007
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pic related is hella tasty, maruchan is only tasty when you customize it. otherwise its basically just salt and noodle

>> No.9597008

>soy flavor
>not a fag

>> No.9597010
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Yeah not technically ramen but still

>> No.9597012
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>> No.9597020

hello, your majesty

>> No.9597023
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Gonna try all of these

>> No.9597094

Pork, because I'm not a autist that needs to have tendie soup.

>> No.9597262
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>> No.9597269
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at least have ramen that doesn't taste like fucking chicken noodle soup

>> No.9597274
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>> No.9597279


>> No.9597304

I don't like the way the asians look at me in their stores. plus I don't have a car

>> No.9597324

Chili lime is the best instant ramen.

>> No.9597358

then suffer with shitty ramen :^)

>> No.9597366

mah niga

>> No.9597420
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Chicken ramen is pleb tier. Pork is the true patrician flavor, but beef and soy-based flavors are also acceptable.

>> No.9597436

Don't be a faggot. Walk into that chink store with your big American penis and buy all the ramen you want. Make a sexual pass at their wives to assert dominance I believe in you.

>> No.9597445

whats all that bullshit on top of the noodles? you can barely see them.

>> No.9597456

Chili is best.

>> No.9597503
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It is as good as the real thing

>> No.9597506

>Not Picante Chicken
fucking PLEBS, man

>> No.9597639
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Hands down best flavor, pork is a close second if you add black pepper and Worcestershire

>> No.9597772

When I was in jail, Shrimp flavor was the only available flavor of Ramen

I assume this is because A. the Ramen store donates it to the jails or sells it to them at a discount because they have so much of it that never sells, or B. done as a method of bullying the prisoners

So, this tells me Shrimp flavor ramen is very unpopular in the free world

>> No.9597787

Wait what, I've only seen these sold in the shitty cups

>> No.9597810

I can never bring myself to eat this shit any more. The flavor is ok initially, but then I get a burp and it tastes like plastic. Then it gives me the most watery diarrhea I've ever had and the clean up is just not worth it.

>> No.9597852

Texas beef and coke mah nigga

>> No.9597856

Those are good but really comparable, stop being a virtue signaling faggot

>> No.9597864

But not really*

>> No.9597900
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Bunch of fucking plebs up in here

>> No.9597948
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This is the good one

>> No.9597960

This is objectively the best Maruchan ramen. I like Beef a lot, but I acknowledge it is mediocre.

>> No.9598003
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I recently bought the sriracha one, I know, sriracha is a meme, but is it good?

>> No.9598008

Okay so I just made egged ramen. I whisked an egg, and poured it into the ramen and stirred it up.

Gotta say....this is the fourth time I've done this, and once again I didn't even want to finish the bowl. Ate half and flushed the rest in the toilet. I just don't think it's good. I like eggs, I like ramen, but adding one to the other just does not do any favors in a flavor way, sure it makes it have some nutritional value but honestly at that point rather just eat a fried egg

>> No.9598417

Because this >>9597007 exists

>> No.9598420

BecUse it is expensive af, and you can buy a real laksa with that kind of money

>> No.9598425

anything that isn't this maruchan garbage or a jap brand

>> No.9598427

Boil a hardboiled egg and plop it in there.
Then break the yolk so it mixes with soup.

What does maruchan taste like? I've never seen one

>> No.9599399

Eating this now. Pork is definitely the best flavor.

>> No.9599422 [DELETED] 
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Is there something that tastes like this but not spicy? I like the rich taste it has but I don't like the spicy aftertaste.

>> No.9599431

the have recently become my favorite aswell

>> No.9599451
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>> No.9599454 [DELETED] 
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What instant ramen has the most amount of toppings? I am bored of eating just noodles. I want some variety in texture. The vegetable packets in the instant ramen I tried barely contained anything. Adding anything myself defeats the point of the convenience of instant ramen for me.

>> No.9599470
File: 989 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_20171025_133924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Store by me just stared carrying these. Not bad. The noodles aren't actually thick udon noodles. They're just slightly bigger ramen noodles, but fettuccini shaped. The broth is tasty.

>> No.9599495

Just put less of the hot pepper in there when you make it. The hot pepper is in the red colored flavor packet. Just use less of that one.

>> No.9599542
File: 218 KB, 1500x1243, nongshimhotandspicy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nongshim "Hot & Spicy" flavor is pretty good. It comes with dehydated vegetables and dried narutomaki. Not a crazy amount of toppings, but it's the only widely available ramen I know of that has narutomaki in it. Besides the red and white swirly ones it also has some kind of other fish cake that's smaller and yellow, not sure what they're called. Sometimes I'll get like 2 narutomaki and other times I'll get like 10 of them.

>> No.9600298
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Pic related is GOAT

>> No.9600338


Just straight-up soy sauce flavor? That sounds a bit underwhelming

>> No.9600441


>> No.9600517
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Raoh Tantan

>> No.9600534

Add some sardines to that and it's really good

>> No.9601232

You can really taste the fish sauce

>> No.9601335

patrician choice coming through

>> No.9601386
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fuck forgot pic

>> No.9601955

Chicken flavored, but mix it with heavy cream. Good for the colder months and is filling.

>> No.9602035

I thought these were supposed to be spicy but it wasn't

>> No.9602161

>not black garlic

>> No.9602444

goddammit. cook noodles with sliced green onion. dont use flavor packet. put in bowl: toasted sesame oil, rice vinegar, miso, soy sauce, hot chili oil or hot chili powder. find your own flavor, goddammit.

>> No.9602454

No. Terrible.

>> No.9602471

I need to lose 30lbs

Would it be a good idea to just eat ramen?

>> No.9602489
File: 760 KB, 500x283, ramen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually found a Cooks Illustrated ramen recipe that calls for Maruchan noodles, you just do your own broth and such.

>> No.9602523

You're doing it wrong. Boil an egg for about 6 mins and then put it in your bowl. You want the white cooked but the yolk still runny. Otherwise you just end up with a gross glob of noodles.

>> No.9602537

You don't want hardboiled. You want a soft boiled.

>> No.9602678

you're supposed to just crack a raw eggs into your soup and stir it around so it cooks in the hot broth

why put effort into instant food?

>> No.9602833

I always just crack an egg into the bowl and let the hot water cook it

>> No.9602838

Man, I bought the black bag version of this and it changed my life

>> No.9602842


>> No.9602847

My friend drains the water, is this normal?

>> No.9602910

who doesn't, why would you drink salty water?

>> No.9602922

mi goring - drain
any other soupy noodles id keep the soup

>> No.9602935

Wait. I boil the water, cook the ramen, pour the flavor packet in, stir it, and then eat it. Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.9603219

Expensive even here in sg.

But damn is it good. The curry one too.

>> No.9603354

hate people like you

>> No.9603401

Sounds like you just learned to do this yourself and now you're up your own ass about it

>> No.9603427
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>> No.9603478

>Put Water & Seasoning packet in pot
>Bring to boil
>Drop in noodle brick, cover, then turn off heat
>Wait three minutes

>> No.9604080
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>Tfw allergic to crustaceans

Are there any instant ramen noodles I can eat without dying?

>> No.9605877


You should be able to eat about any ramen then

>> No.9606168
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For me, it's the bean-flavor ramen with two hard-boiled eggs and chicken

>> No.9606177

if you're willing to spend a little extra this is the shit to get.


I spent 2 weeks in tokyo eating a fuck load of ramen, and this stuff is as close as you can get to actual ramen shops without boiling pork bones for a day or two.

>> No.9606209

Mama shrimp tom yum and indomie chicken curry are both strong choices

>> No.9607291

I'm surprised the 'vegan' on the wrapper isn't bigger.

>> No.9607311

Does anyone have that old DIY macro of how to sexy up ramen?

>> No.9607449

onion, egg, mushroom, sesame oil, chiles
pick a couple and add to ramen
then kill yourself

>> No.9607498

So I have a bag of dried, somewhat shredded chilies which I can't identify (probably that one they always throw in Chinese food)

Would this be good in ramen?

>> No.9607503
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Once again it's pleb night on /ck/

Step back faggots

>> No.9607504
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>> No.9607507

Is there anything paldo doesn't fuck make

>> No.9607535

fucking make*

>> No.9607555
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Roast beef seasoning stir fried with tamari, sausages, and spinach leaves

>> No.9607669

Is this the thread where a Korean-American just can't resist not shitposting about things that weren't Korean in the first place? Kindly fuck off, you're embarrassing.

>> No.9607698

make your diet about 25% hard liquor for a couple months

>> No.9607708
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>> No.9607847

The one true answer

>> No.9608792

used to eat the creamy chicken maurachan as a child because it felt like a real meal

>> No.9608802 [DELETED] 

mama chicken

Add two raw eggs to boiling water

I like it once a month

>> No.9608807
File: 27 KB, 485x455, mama_2010-07-28_15-25-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mama is great
best textured noodles, and seasoning that isnt entirely salt and msg
i want to try the non-export flavors, but i havent found a way to get them without going to thailand

>> No.9608834
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what's your opinion on Sapporo Ichiban? It's the only ramen we have in my quiet little mountain town that isn't fucking Mr. Noodle.
I think it's pretty good but I haven't tried other brands.

>> No.9608884

If you're doing your own broth, you might as well just go buy no-frills noodle cakes at asian markets.

>> No.9609001

Love Ichiban, grew up on it, favorite flavors are chicken and shrimp

>> No.9609012
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>Man, I bought the black bag version of this and it changed my life
Yeah, it's way better than instant ramen has any right to be, pic related is also pretty no tasty, although not ramen

>> No.9609252


>> No.9609431

Some flavors are meant to simulate stir-fry noodles, like >>9597007 (Mi Goreng literally means Fried Noodles). The instructions will tell you to drain the water. They also come with sauce satchels not seasoning powder.

>> No.9609466

literally vile shit made for children. kys

>> No.9609491
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meh, my mom is korean and her whole side of the family loves jjajangmyeon but I don't get the appeal.
Jjamppong is the superior chinese-korean noodle dish.

>> No.9609750
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This is kino ramen.
>pour hot purified water into cup from water machine
>let noodles start to soften
>pour into pot with heat on low
>add another 16oz of water
>bring ramen to a boil
>drop in 3 raw eggs seasoned with chili powder and cayenne pepper
>gradually stir the soup as it cooks

It's fantastic.

>> No.9609859
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Has anyone ever tried Jin Ramen before? It's practically my staple ramen brand. I always get boxes of it before a semester starts.

>> No.9609899
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>> No.9610042

Smells and tastes slightly of vomit, definitely steer clear of this one.

>> No.9610052

I get the spicy noodles from regular ramyun.

JJmyeon is the king of oily, savory yourmommy flavor. There's nothing like it.

>> No.9610060

Nothing better than going to the asian grocery and picking a bunch of instant ramen I don't recognize. Found some real winners, and a few losers. One ramen/noodles spice packet was used a ton of anise and was nasty

>> No.9610063
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Mild Jin ramen is just salty and tepid. Hot is good.

The best thing about it is that it's still imported from Korea so it has healthier and spicier ingredients (while Shin ramen sold in US is made in US and has inferior quality ingredients, more salty and less spicy).

The noodles are the cleanest and the best among all other Korean ramen as it uses egg, I think.

>> No.9610072

I eat both and I still prefer hardboiled though. Softboiled egg mixes the yolk with the soup when it is raw.
Meanwhile if the yolk is hardboiled the egg will mixes more toroughly. It will taste different too.

>> No.9610080

Korean ramen sucks, the noodles are way too thick and eggy and chewy. Prefer chinese brands

>> No.9610085

>picking up cancers off the shelf
All the rumours aside I agree, it is like shopping for candy.
Do not buy the chinese ones, more likely a miss than a hit

>> No.9610087

I'd like to try Chinese brands but I'm afraid about quality and their many, many food recalls

>> No.9610091

Chinese brand sucks. Weird taste.

Countries with best ramens:

>> No.9610714


i fucking love this shit. got a case of it at the azn store and have some whenever i am craving it.

>> No.9611937


I love Korean food but how does this compare to actual bibim bop?

>> No.9611949

They literally all taste the same. It's either chicken or beef flavor. You're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.

>> No.9611957


>> No.9612057
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I found this non fried kind. Takes a bit longer to cook but tastes so much better. The noodles are nice and chewy

>> No.9612071

But thats how i gained all the weight,

>> No.9612078



Its half the price of indomie

>> No.9612085

for those who do no believe.


>> No.9612089

woolies has their own version as well for the same price.

Tastes exactly like indo mie


>> No.9612096

>not just eating 3 creamy chickens with one sunny egg (optional) on top every day to keep your monthly food costs below 25 bucks a month
I saved up almost 10k by doing this while working day and night at two jobs and some other side business and became an elite neet for a year and did the exact same thing while I wasn't making any income so I could buy a car after getting out of my room in my apartment.

>> No.9612104

Also, why don't you fuckers just learn to make noodles?
It's as easy as spending a days pay on 30lbs of cheap wheat flour, baking soda, and eggs and just reading, watching, and practicing pulling noodles. If you can't pull half decent noodles in a month and learn how to make a good broth from the cheap pork scraps at the asian market down the road you shouldn't be cooking

>> No.9612119

take your vitamins if you do this shit... there was an article in the paper the other day about a college student who got hospitalized for malnutrition for trying to live on ramen for a year. I would imagine it's a lot healthier if you take a multivitamin and then cut up some protein to add to your ramen...a couple of eggs, some hot dogs, some shredded lunch meat, some sausage, whatever. Maybe not less than $25/month, but avoiding that trip to the ER when you collapse from malnutrition will save you a lot of money, too.

>> No.9612401

Nothing can replace the taste of indomie
NOTHING, i repeat NOTHING. There's no subtitute of indomie taste.

>> No.9612705

Can confirm this one is good. Really spicy, but good.

>> No.9612887


If that's the same as the Queso one sold in Mexico, it is surprisingly good, not nearly as salty as most maruchan flavors.

>> No.9612949

These are the best Maruchan cups by far, patrician taste.