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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9600574 No.9600574 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like an old fashioned meal like this? It's sort of humble by today's standards

>> No.9600591

I've always liked that kind of roasted potatoes

>> No.9600600

See St. John, Rochelle Canteen etc.

Robust, simple food is in vogue rn

Molecular shite is passe and gimmicky

>> No.9600619

I prefer a dinner like that.

>> No.9600623

Might need some sauce but otherwise solid.

>> No.9600630
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>this triggers the hipster, the vegan, and the coastie

>> No.9600635
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>> No.9600638

wtf is the green shit? guacamole?

>> No.9600640

is that a glass of gravy with ice cubes

>> No.9600647

mushy peas

(own brand) cola

>> No.9600648

mushy peas you tard

>> No.9600652

>not having a gravy boat filled with cola

>> No.9600651

That is actually exactly what I want to eat tonight.

>> No.9600655

Of course. That's really the best kind of meal to eat on a daily basis. Comfy, healthy, delicious, unpreposessing.

>> No.9600657
File: 2.99 MB, 640x360, Eleven Madison Park.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I need my meals to be art

>> No.9600765

I'm from the west coast and this looks delicious.

>> No.9600801
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>> No.9600819

it's tea you knob

>> No.9600823

Midday meal is lunch
Evening meal is tea

LARGEST meal of the day is your dinner

>> No.9600834

I learned that in a Richard Scarry book when I was like 6

>> No.9600837

Most of my weekly meals look quite similar to these, with slightly less ascetic plating and lighting.

>> No.9600872

Gee anon why do you get 4 sausages?

>> No.9600887

Do you honestly think people on the coasts don't eat meatloaf and mashed potatoes? That's comedy gold.

>> No.9600889

holy fuck that is way too much potatoes
and this is coming from a guy who fucking loves mashed potatoes

>> No.9600893

>if breakfast is your largest meal then it is actually dinner

>> No.9600895


>> No.9600896

Because he thinks he's Trump. He always has to have twice as much as everyone else.

>> No.9600898

if they get to have stupid misconceptions and stereotypes about us then its only fair that we get to as well

>> No.9600900

What's humble and old fashioned about it?
Unless you're a faggot who eats dicks only, I don't see how those ''attributes'' fit that meal.

>> No.9600902

I love Richard Scarry books, they were a childhood staple.

>> No.9600907

You can't even see that you're contributing to that stereotype of you with your own posts.

>> No.9600912

As an oregonian, looks good to me

>> No.9601118

Majority of what I eat is like that. Meat, starch, vegetable.

>> No.9601123

I usually eat like that, though more seasoning, and I usually make some kind of sauce.

>> No.9601127

why put out 2 plates for 1 person?

>> No.9601131

I cook like that very often. Tonight is left over chicken and dumplings using my nanas recipe. I refer to meals like this as 'good, clean food.'

>> No.9601133
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I love bangers and mash but that's way too much wasabi.

>> No.9601135

>old fashioned

huh? I eat this my whole childhood and adulthood

maybe some sauce if I'm feeling EXTRA adventurous

>> No.9601165

That's not "working class" that's "white trash".
>Too much starch
>sliced bread w/"butter"
>no sauce

>> No.9601171

Nothing wrong with meatloaf but the canned veggies and parsley screams Betty Crocker.

>> No.9601173

The practi veggies could be improved but otherwise it looks solid.

>> No.9601176

This looks like my grandma's terrible cooking. Those veggies I hate, but everything else is supreme.

>> No.9601180

What are you French? That's not even the average American serving of mash.

>> No.9601181

feel free to eat some nutrition once in a while

>> No.9601182

Would eat, just cut out the pop and bread

>> No.9601187

The only thing old fashioned about that plate is the contempt given to the vegetable dish. Same thing here >>9600630 No wonder so many people back in the day hated vegetables. They really don't stand a chance when that's how they're represented.

>> No.9601191
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Not that bland, but yes. My mom will often cook traditional hearty meals when we visit.
Roast chicken with rhubarb compote and gravy comes to mind, or stuff like schnitzel.
If it's just protein+starch+greens it gets a little boring, but there's a lot of great old school side dishes/condiments out there.

>> No.9601205


Would eat all of those. I don't think that's arsey like the Vespertine at all, I think that's just a very interesting and not even very experimental fine-dining taster menu.

>> No.9601233

White trash is an irrelevant label in the UK as almost everyone is white trash. Instead our society is usually divided up by class.

Upper class: called silly names like Tarquin, includes the Queen, lords and other gentry, say yah instead of yes sometimes, includes various other really posh people who live in big houses

Middle class: comfortable standard of living, went to an independent school or a nicer state school, also includes families who have recently become rich, most rich americans would fit here

Working class: called silly names sometimes like Taylor or Britney, spells names wrong sometimes like Sofi instead of Sophie, are far smaller in number than they used to be, went to normal state school, used to do manual jobs like working in mines

Dole wallers: used to be working class when everyone had to work to get money, even more Britneys and Sofis, will rarely be seen without a tracksuit, goes on Jeremy Kyle, treats school as a big laugh, never intends to work, has many children at a young age, for examples watch Benefit street

>> No.9601251

>those frozen vegetables and boxed mashed 'tatoes though

>> No.9601258

>most rich americans would fit here
All of them fit there except those who are either titled or descend from titled folk. Let's not lower the standard now. That's by UK standards.

If you apply the UK standards and translate them to American history then it's all the old established families of the East Coast.

And if you apply the American class system then it's any rich person.

>> No.9601262
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What do the people who eat these classify as then?

>> No.9601269

Where's the gravy? At least you don't use ketchup.

>> No.9601270

Lol at you channers
>hurr I only eat old fashioned simple meals no complex flavors or interesting foods like those fucking liberal faggots

>> No.9601281

No one is saying they ONLY eat that, just that it's a perfectly normal meal that pretty much every one eats.

>> No.9601357

Yeah, Eleven Madison Park won best restaurant in the world this year. It isn't some bullshit.

>> No.9601644

>it's a perfectly normal meal that pretty much every one eats.
That really depends. We're talking common meals across much of the country, but depending on who you are and where you live these foods may be far from normal. Everyone in America likes to think they're the definition of normal, but home cooking still varies widely by region and level of affluence. Along with how long your family has been here and where they came from before they got here.

>> No.9601697

Nah fuck that, flyover anon. Meatloaf is delicious, I've loved it ever since I was little. Could do with fresh veggies but otherwise that plate looks good.

t. East coast anon

>> No.9601714

Absolutely. Meals like this are what I cook on a regular basis. A meat, a veggie, and a starch/carb/whatever. I only do something fancy or complicated once a week or so.

>> No.9601772

yeah duh, who doesn't love a nice big pile of guacamole next to their mashed potatoes and sausage

>> No.9601801

For tasting menu tweezer stuff that looks great and well thought out. You could have picked some shit overpriced place instead of one of the world's best restaurants. I get it - neither of us will be going to dinner there this year, but that doesn't make it bullshit.

>> No.9601807

old fashioned? fuck, them i`m like a fucking Cromagnon

>> No.9601815

not all shit needs sauce, thats like a bad habit, take your meal with water, degenerate.

>> No.9601842

what the fuck is that fucking piece of overpriced and overrated shit?
food for faggots and posers, thats what it is.
it should have included lipstick and a fucking dildo at the end, what a fucking faggotry shit.

>> No.9601879

>I hate things I can't afford, so they must be pretentious and gay
the post

>> No.9601956

>carrot tartare

>> No.9601994

wtf not? It's a $300 tasting menu, and if you can figure out a way to make a vegetable course interesting and novel in the midst of it why not go for it? Boiled green beans aren't gonna cut it here.

>> No.9601996

>t. fatty

>> No.9602000

what the fuck is wrong with vegetables you fattys

>> No.9602019

and for my next course, some carrots out of a meat grinder

>> No.9602023
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Yup, just made one tonight.

>> No.9602025

>tfe would eat saussage and mashed potato with guac

>> No.9602027
File: 51 KB, 450x450, 748d1425-3fbf-4ce9-8e79-a630523ea171_1.d9d84ae5fd172cd4b1e14de67f625eb7.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegetables are good, just not shit like this.

>> No.9602030

If there was a little white wine in that pan sauce that dish could have been fucking amazing.

>> No.9602037

It took years for my mother to realize this, but in her defense that was probably the best she could get as a kid.

>> No.9602039


I am representing WA and the anon is correct. We only eat Starbucks coffee for dinner.

>> No.9602049

That's the problem. If you grow up with shitty/no cooking it ruins your palate for a long time, especially if you don't make a real effort to change it.

>> No.9602059

There is a little in there, didn't have much left.

>> No.9602064
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>not being a food maximalist
>not wanting the most complex and cominglin flavors to explode at once on your palatte

>> No.9602081

That'd be $20 at a shitty "upscale" restaurant

>> No.9602112
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>high tea

>> No.9602150

Not appetizing.

>> No.9602158

>huh? I eat this my whole childhood and EXTRA childhood
is what I thought I read initially.

>> No.9602165

No we love this shit brah.

>> No.9602206

She grew up with cooking, but it was back in the day when vegetables were either canned or frozen, except for that little while when you could get good local stuff in season. She knew good tomatoes, and that you weren't gonna find them in the supermarket. Same was true for sweet corn. But for anything more advanced than a salad she just hedged her bets on bags of frozen veggies.
Some is better than none.

>> No.9602329
File: 40 KB, 450x338, mexican-food-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, I guess pic related is 'brown trash', then

>> No.9602460

Top boys

>> No.9602475
File: 89 KB, 650x345, hasselbacks-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's your opinion on Hasslebacks? I've been meaning to try them myself but I forget.

>> No.9602493

Seems like a lot of effort to make baked larva.

>> No.9602510


There really wasn't a good image to use. I like to think of them as ant eggs.

>> No.9602572

These days, it's more about chicken sandwiches, tacos, quesadillas, etc, rather than eating the chicken thusly

>> No.9603047

>Boiled green beans
Yes, boiled zucchini and carrot mush is much better.

>> No.9603050

looks perfect

>> No.9604473
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>> No.9604522

Is this why the British empire crumbled?

>> No.9604560

That and all the belgian refugees leaving after WW2

>> No.9604573

I hate the UK

>> No.9604592
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>> No.9604602

>No sauce or gravy
You aren't being humble, you're being lazy.

>> No.9604715
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>carrot tartare

>> No.9604738

literally baby food

>> No.9604760

Peter go home.

>> No.9604856

I'm a vegan and I wouldn't eat it but I would cook and serve this to friends and family no problem.

>> No.9605503
File: 140 KB, 344x207, house of aids 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midday meal is lunch
Evening meal is dinner
Late evening snack is supper

>> No.9607495

Time to time i would drop and eat roast pork.
I don't go to pub but it is healthy i think to eat traditional food

>> No.9607534



$300 isn't that bad. Looks tasty, interesting, fun to eat.

>> No.9608720

I haven't eaten them since I was 8 or 9 years old but I loved them.

>> No.9608726

>Do you like an old fashioned meal like this?
Absolutely. I consider that a normal meal.

>> It's sort of humble by today's standards
How so? Depending on the skill, budget, and care of the cook it could be anything from microwaved unseasoned slop to amazingly delicious heritage-tier ingredients with fancy seasonings, excellent sauces, etc.

>> No.9608869

that's an ideal meal for me

>> No.9609546


Either lunch or supper may be dinner -- it is the main meal of the day.

For example, I think that most of us don't eat Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner at night. I eat them at about noon, but I understand that there are many people who will make Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners a replacement for lunch and supper and serve it about 3 pm.

Sunday dinner around here is always at noon as well.

>> No.9609554



Tea is a small meal in the afternoon to tide you over until supper. Maybe a small sandwich and a cookie. And tea, of course.

>> No.9610721

my only gripe is that ground carrot inside the cutting board dish. It's gonna stain it and be impossible to scoop out completely

>> No.9611252


>> No.9612114

I saw the guy from bizarre foods eat a rice stir fry type dish with ant eggs in it and it looked fucking delicious. He said they taste like little sacs of butter

>> No.9612140
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simple dish thread?

>> No.9612266
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>> No.9612275

You don’t actually know what that word means do you?

>> No.9613638


In some cases, frozen vegetables are the second best you can get with the best being fresh picked out of the garden.

Peas are an excellent example. The freshest peas are straight from the garden. Second freshest is peas that were picked and then quickly frozen. Peas degrade very quickly if not cooked or frozen soon after being picked.

>> No.9613863
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>microwave-thawed mixed veggies
>boxed mashed potatoes without even gravy (and a mystery herb sprinkled on for obscure reasons)
>dry meatloaf, a food that has a hard cap on how good it can be even when it's prepared well
>parsley for '''''presentation''''''''''''''''''''
/ck/ always manages to make me remember the terrible shit I ate as a kid. This is mediocre on a fundamental level. It's a way to gain calories and nothing more. It objectively tastes bad unless you're one of those 'picky eaters' with a child's palate or an old person.The fact that you're flaunting this basic bitch insta-prepared shit as some paragon of Midwestern cuisine is just embarrassing to the Midwest and yourself.

>> No.9613875
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Didn't even know this sort of plating was bad. What is it supposed to look like? Artsy chef masturbation on a plate? Bacon weave pancakes with a side of sushi?

Hipster trash is not the norm.

>> No.9614879

Much like this evenings meal. Roast chicken thighs, green beans w/mushrooms, rice, and sweet potato. Simple preparation, simply served, simply the best. Well, maybe a glass or two of wine is always nice.

>> No.9615251

Would eat. I used to travel to London a lot for work and I loved mushy peas with fish and chips. They'd put mint in it which sounded shitty but it worked.