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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9591846 No.9591846 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be uni fag
>sister and i share apartment to save costs
>decide to save more costs and take up cooking instead of getting mealplan
>turns out i've got a knack for basics, can cook some pretty tasty simple meals
>start learning more challenging stuff, still tastes really good to me
>sister stops eating my food and asks me to cook only for myself and she'll just have instant or microwave stuff
kinda stings. least she could do is just tell me she hates my cooking

>> No.9591855

do you fuck her?

>> No.9591865

literally everyone asks me that
i'm not into incest so no

>> No.9591925

get off this board

>> No.9591931

You could share more money on heat and laundry if you slept together.

>> No.9591935

pls leev

>> No.9591939

sheesh that was kind of harsh of your sister, how long have you started cooking for? maybe she just got tired of your cooking

>> No.9591944

You should teach her a lesson

>> No.9591945

do you beat off listening to other guys fuck her?

>> No.9591952

one month
and no, the harshest was when she took two bites of dinner and then threw the rest away

>> No.9591955


>> No.9591957

obviously she's being bratty and is madly in love with you, give her some life advice and she where things take you

>> No.9591958

You think that was harsh, but you want her to say outright that she hates your cooking? Wouldn't that hurt your fee-fees even more? For real you should sex her tho

>> No.9591965

You can try feeding her your tasty cock instead

>> No.9591967

have soft loving intercourse with your sister and she's love your cooking

>> No.9591969

Damn, srsly though what's her problem? I mean you're being more economic aware by cooking your own meals, and she'd rather spend more on her own food, OP did you do something?

>> No.9591972

>throws away food

punch her in the babymaker

>> No.9591980
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You can fondle her feminine cock instead

>> No.9591982

What did you cook for her and yourself?

>> No.9591985
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chicken-fried steak
pic related was taken before gravy was finished

>> No.9591991

Are you, perhaps, weight challenged in any way?

>> No.9591993

Maybe she prefers chicken-fried dick

>> No.9591995

i'm underweight, actually, despite what the fried food would make you think.

>> No.9591996

that's your chicken fried steak? OP I think your sister might be correct in her choice, anymore pics?

>> No.9591998

This, we need pics of your sister

>> No.9591999

Maybe you should try cooking some real food for your poor little sister. Girls don't like to eat fried garbage.

>> No.9592003

Have you made her some salad or pasta with fresh vegetables?

>> No.9592009

She thicc?

>> No.9592012

Post sisters feet then we can help you further

>> No.9592014

Older or younger?

>> No.9592017

I wish I had a sister


>> No.9592023

>i'm not into incest so no
Then why are you here

>> No.9592024

Actually this, OP you ever tried cooking something healthy for your sister (or in this case appealing) at least?

>> No.9592033

I suggest keeping a stock of cucumbers, zucchini, chinese eggplant, and fresh fruit.

>> No.9592042

Yes yes, cucumbers and zucchini would do the job nicely

>> No.9592048

don't forget carrots, squash and other long, phallic veggies and fruit

>> No.9592081
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At least you fapped thinking about her right? RIGHT?

>chicken fried steak
Maybe she's conscious about her body image and don't like fatty greasy food. Try cook more greens and less fat/carbs.

>> No.9592086
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pics of sister?

>> No.9592091

dumb frogposter

>> No.9592687

I don't think she cares about health if she was willing to move over to instant microwave shit.

>> No.9592692

dumb 'dumb frogposter' poster

>> No.9592700

Don't worry about your faggot family, OP. Of everyone in my life my family has put me down the most in shit I've tried to succeed at. Just keep getting better. Use her rejection as a way to learn more about food and cooking, you'll amass a repertoire soon enough and will be well on your way to impressing people with your culinary skills.

>> No.9592702

What's the point of these comments anyways

>> No.9592714

>le rustle face

>> No.9592726

does it really matter as long as you're enjoying it? Maybe your sister just really likes pleb food

>> No.9592738

Have you ever thought that you just have shit taste?

>> No.9592790
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Why not ask her what she wants you to cook

>> No.9592850

people have such different tastes, are you clean? even if youre a good cook, if you gross her out she probably won't want to eat your food. also, you're probably cooking food you want to eat all the time since youre controlling the menu. she's probably not craving the same stuff as you. also you possibly suck at cooking. it could be different things

>> No.9592876

some people just prefer junk/processed food. all that sodium will bite back one day

>> No.9592887

The problem when you first learn to cook is that everything you make, you'll justify to yourself as tasting good. Looking back on my beginner years, I can't believe the shit I used to eat thinking it was awesome and I was doing some really great stuff. It wasn't until my current roommate started eating with me did I realize I had a few glaring gaps in my knowledge that needed to be hammered out before I tried cooking for anyone else. Don't fret, just keep practicing and you'll get better.

>> No.9593018
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1. Why are you in uni faggot? It's a ponzi scheme
2. Your sister is asking for repercussions. Fuck the brat out of her
3. Never strain yourself to please a woman. Women are impossible to satisfy, and why would you try anyway? Females are worthless for all but baby making.

>> No.9593087

Hot dogs and sausage should be right up her alley then, anon.

>> No.9593157

Grass is greener etc., my sister is a fat and lazy fuck, I hate her.

>> No.9593190
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This webm broke my heart, I just want to hug her

>> No.9593423



>> No.9593493
File: 3.93 MB, 1739x2114, __yakumo_ran_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_jiienu__477cb498ea63819b759efb6c313b662d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of you? I'd love to have a bf that cooks for me.

>> No.9593499

post pics of sister

>> No.9593570

>sister stops eating my food and asks me to cook only for myself and she'll just have instant or microwave stuff
she knows you didn't wash your hands after masturbating right before cooking her something.

>> No.9593579

Or the jizz. In the food.

>> No.9593592

>uni is a Ponzi scheme
I wonder what it feels like to live in a third world country like the USA

>> No.9593597

can I fuck her?

>> No.9593626

That looks like a good chicken fried steak, anon, ignore the other comments. I think it's sweet you want to cook for your sister.

>> No.9593652

Same thing happened. Except when i start cooking she always go and open all the windows because 'it stinks'. Bullshit because there's an exhaust and you cannot smell anything, so it was ml ore or less passive aggresive tactic of her. In the end i'd eat only microwave meals because i'm tired of that shit.

>> No.9593660

Serious question: why would you live with your sister if you're not banging her? Especially at uni?

>> No.9593665

My sister went to the same uni as mine, so to cut costs
Not banging her because she's a massive passive aggresive cunt.

>> No.9593689

she's a journalist not a soldier btw

>> No.9594112

Bumping for pics of OP or his sister

>> No.9594118

some people are just going to want kraft dinner every time anon, doesn't mean your cooking is shit

>> No.9595139

based 'dumb 'dumb frogposter' poster' poster

>> No.9595176

post her feet

>> No.9595189

>ponzi scheme
So making much more than a high school grad is a scam? Here, I even chose an article about millenials so you can't say it's different now.

>> No.9595242

dumb 'based 'dumb 'dumb frogposter' poster' poster' poster

>> No.9595267

It doesnt matter how great the food you cook is, some people just want boxed macaroni and cheese. I dont know why, they just do.

>> No.9595273

dumb 'dumb 'based 'dumb 'dumb frogposter' poster' poster' poster' poster

>> No.9595464
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Don't bother, if she is not willing to communicate. But try to ask her what she wants if you haven't. I know most people are too unaware of their actions to easily be dragged into a metadiscussion but sometimes it's what has to be done.

>> No.9595715

She is just butthurt about the fact that you would make a better wife than her, pretty boy <3
Do you have a boipucci?

>> No.9595788
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Gets me every time.

>> No.9595800

>I'm not into incest
don't tell ridiculous lies just because your sister rejected you OP

>> No.9595803
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>> No.9595811
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Try feeding her all the eggs

>> No.9595862

frogposting is synonymous with /pol/ and the reddit-fest it's become
I used to like Pepe but he's really indicative of retards nowadays.

>> No.9595901

>massive passive aggresive cunt
If she wasn't, would you actually have sex with your sister?

>> No.9595944

not him but do people not realize how easy it is to get sick of someone living with them for most of your life

He's probably seen his sister at her worst many times no way he'd fuck her

>> No.9595950

That's what I'd imagine. I'm an only child so I really don't know what it's like to have siblings.
But if you really find your siblings attractive they're either fucking gorgeous or you're just fucked up

>> No.9595954

idk if you know this but some people do live with the person they have sex with, even if it's not their family members

>> No.9595982

You tend to have sex with them first and THEN live with them, which is why people generally don't want to fuck siblings

>> No.9596019

>Shooter! Show clear!

>> No.9596122

My 3 year older sister abused me, would hit me so often I developed a nervous twitch where if someone raised their hand just in peripheral eyesight range I would flinch uncontrollably. Didn't go away until I hit 14 when I got more confident.

She did do this weird thing though when she hit puberty and kept wanting to sleep in my bed with me, I was too young to know any better, despite roughly at the time being caught humping my pillow cuz it felt good.

>> No.9596155
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>tfw older sis is a fit fun-loving tomboy
>tfw she takes me snowboarding and fishing and I take her to weightlifting and muay thai practices
Even though she sometimes dresses me up in girly clothes and calls me her personal babydoll I think we have a great relationship.

>> No.9596847
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>greentext story doesn't end in wincest
Fuck you, op

>> No.9596930

Jesus OP just fuck your sister and get it over with. She'll enjoy your cooking more after having her onii-san's cock.

>> No.9597422

No. See>>9595950
I hate living with her, she blows up time to time and is a weasel, i cannot trust her. Fucking bitch has how many knows layers of mask behing that one face. I'd rather pay a prostitute than fucking her, it would be safer for my reputation.
Beautiful siblings does not make really anything because you wouldn't fuck her. Most probably you want to protect her. But way man, bad siblings sucks.

>> No.9597448 [DELETED] 

You’re just describing all women in that post, not women in general. The only thing that will satiate her tastebuds is a fine testicular reduction sauce