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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 574x574, breville-custom-loaf-bread-maker-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9592152 No.9592152 [Reply] [Original]


Im trying to find a mean sourdough.

>> No.9592157

The people here who actually bake seriously are gonna tear you a new one for using that heretical device, anon.

That said, I just started making my own bread as well, sans machine, and however you end up doing it, it's very rewarding.

>> No.9592159

Bread and weed

>> No.9592164

I plan on consuming a lot of bread, Ill still make some in the oven but this is awesome because I can make amazing bread for like no effort, it can even run while Im at the office.

>> No.9592166

Got any recipies for that?

>> No.9592167

Did you get it from a thrift store? If not, KYS.

>> No.9592169

My grandmas old one! Bulletproof, got like a mxing thing built in, all sorts of stuff.

>> No.9592170

check out The Perfect Loaf for how to make your starter if you don't already have one:

i've never used a bread machine, but i figure a lot of recipes are adaptable for them.

>> No.9592172

i love the bread machine
just wish half the fucking loaf wasnt stuck in the kneading attachment

>> No.9592178

Thank you based anon!

>> No.9592183

>Bread machine.
What you don't have an oven?

>> No.9592185
File: 285 KB, 1500x1125, 20140810-workhorse-bread-vicky-wasik-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Bread

>> No.9592192

no prob. this dude knows his bread, his site is phenomenal.

also, check out the King Arthur Flour site for tons of recipes -- they probably have a whole section just for bread machine recipes.

>> No.9592197
File: 266 KB, 1500x1125, 20140930-max-bernstein-bread-baking-vicky-wasik-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting more bread porn.

>> No.9592203
File: 1.18 MB, 2448x3264, sunday sourdough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post some OC, anon

>> No.9592210
File: 161 KB, 1024x671, 875b4d34094e19922579_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would post you some great recipes OP but they are actual bread recipes and won't translate well to your pleb machine.

>> No.9592216

Recipe NOW pls

>> No.9592222
File: 244 KB, 1249x1010, 1507324072296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an oven too you jack

>> No.9592236
File: 105 KB, 768x1024, sunday sourdough 50% sonora crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autolyse 250g bread flour and 250g sonora white flour in 350g warm water for 30 minutes

>add 75g 100% hydration starter (i used 50g bread flour starter and 25g rye flour starter), 9-12g salt depending on how you like it and the quality of your flour, and additional 25g water (to dissolve the salt)

>pinch and fold until incorporated. let rest for 30 minutes, then stretch and fold every 30 minute for 3 hours. finish bulk fermentation in the fridge for 10 hours.

>remove dough from fridge and it rest out of the fridge for about 2 hours, doing 2 stretch and folds during that time.

>shape and proof on the counter for about an hour.

>bake in preheated dutch oven at 450F for 30 minutes with the lid on, 12 minutes lid off.

>> No.9592259


>> No.9592276
File: 419 KB, 960x1280, 1st sourdough crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tartine method is also very good. if you don't want to buy the book, here's a recipe from it that i used for my first sourdough bread (pic related)


>> No.9592278

Dumb Question but whats that spiral on the bread?

>> No.9592283

Using a bread making machine is the equivalent of hiring a prostitute for a no-sex girlfriend experience from which you'll never feel satisfied and you'll always know you couldn't achieve the real thing on your own. You disgust me but I suppose we all are entitled to happiness. Enjoy your whore.

>> No.9592289

not a dumb question! i used what's called a banneton or brotform basket to do the final proof (rise) of my loaves. it's basically a wicker basket that comes in different shapes (round an oval/rectangular). you dust it with flour and put your dough into it for the final rise, and it does two things:
1) helps retain the structural integrity of the shaped dough
2) wicks away a bit of the moisture from the surface of the dough, which helps to develop a nice crust when you turn the dough out and bake it

>> No.9592295

hey man, that's pretty aggressive. OP is stoked about their new cool thing, and you shouldn't shit on that! any time you bake bread at home, you're gonna end up with something infinitely better and more satisfying than a commercially produced loaf. let OP be happy. this sounds like a great entry to baking!

>> No.9592306

to clarify, >>9592203 was proofed in the same basket. but instead of leaving the spiral flour pattern, i dusted it with more flour, smoothed it out in order to create a more uniform surface, and scored. it doesnt really make a different either way, but it's fun to experiment with the aesthetic.

>> No.9592315

I dont get this AT ALL, isn't there a bakery, like fucking everywhere, in every town, of every culture and country on Earth? I dont believe for one second that you can do it faster, better, cheaper, or more efficiently.
Hobbies are nice and all, but this home baking is beyond a retarded waste of time. If you need something to do to kill time, why dont you clean, or do child care, or write code. Make art, be creative, volunteer. At least that is a real accomplishment, but instead you spend all fucking day attempting to replicate a single turd loaf that's inferior to the thousands the local bakery shits out daily, expertly made, with fresher ingredients and more variety, which is just as fresh, made with many years of professional artisan experience and superior equipment, and its just fucking $3.
You idiots have some serious explaining to do. And "muh heritage!" and "the house smells nice" is not going to fly with me.

>> No.9592324
File: 63 KB, 633x758, frustrated_wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I am alone in this... no one seems to understand the gravity of the situation. Goodbye, heretics.

>> No.9592351

or fuck your mom to kill time how about that

>> No.9592352

First of all, shut the fuck up.
Secondly: nigger hush.

You have more choices when you’re baking your own bread. You are in charge. Sure, you can get some white bread from a bakery, plus whatever basic choices the baker decides is a good seller, but you can’t get sunflower honey oat bread with a hint of garlic. Or banana wheat bread with a hard crust.

Feel free to settle for a bakery when it comes to white/ wheat bread though. The only time you should make that in a bread maker is when you’re just beginning and need some practice.

And you shut your slut mouth. I lived in Mexico for 3 years, and I love me some hookers.

>> No.9592361
File: 2.33 MB, 2448x3264, 50% red fife crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baking IS an art, anon. and it doesn't take a lot of hands-on time. there are hundreds of recipes for "no knead" bread, and most artistan baking at home is based on simple, hands-off principles like the stretch and fold. when scheduled right, you can bake an incredible loaf of bread using literally 3 ingredients (flour, water, salt.)

you get to control what goes into your bread. you know who made it. if you want to get fancy, there are plenty of mills that mail order freshly ground grains for a relatively inexpensive price per pound.

baking a loaf of bread requires experimentation in ingredients, timing, temperature, and humidity .

i find satisfaction in using chemistry and math to transform simple ingredients into a nice loaf of bread. i can then share the bread with my friends and loved ones. i think that's pretty cool.

>> No.9592380

AWesome thanks anon!

>> No.9592386

What a fucking waste of talent. If you are such scientists and artisans, then better the world with your talents, or at least make some money, instead of wasting your time on something nobody will remember after they take their morning dump.
If you love baking THAT much, you probably should be working there. But let me guess, your husband has an office job and you are bared as fuck all day with absolutely no concern in the world other than your dumb little hobby. You are just as bad as the 4chan NEETs, the classic domestic housewife.

>> No.9592388

You realize that the natural extension of your argument is "No one should ever cook anything at home because it's cheaper and easier to just buy prepared foods," right? Why are you even here on this board if you think people shouldn't cook?

>> No.9592390

You willing to put your money where your mouth is?

>> No.9592395

But I still remember their baking after taking a dump.

Also shitting is a nighttime activity

>> No.9592400

You are trying too hard Anon. Trolling is a subtle art.

>> No.9592493

Was your stepdad a NEET who baked bread for fun?
Or was your sister raped by a bread machine?

>> No.9592495

>bread machine
Oven too complicated for you?

>> No.9592511

I avoid baking bread in the larger ovens because it's too energy inefficient

>> No.9592513

You type like a reddit fag

>> No.9592523
File: 108 KB, 1200x800, Screen_Shot_2016-08-01_at_12.34.21_PM.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen faggots, Im a culinary school graduate, I can bake bread thats so tasty it would blow your fucking cocks off.
I've worked under some of the countries best James Beard award winning chefs.
So yes, I can make my own fucking bread.

>> No.9592555

Sure, you can make bread, but how’s your pasta?