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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 302x320, 8135bwemMYL._AC_UL320_SR302,320_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9591946 No.9591946 [Reply] [Original]

Guilty pleasure food.

Why do I like this shit? I hate hotdogs because they feel like gelatinous meat blob/sticks, but I'll eat these straight out of the can.

>> No.9591960

what do these taste like
what are these

>> No.9591973

Canned meat. They're like cocktail weenies, but not like sausage. The best I could describe it is shitty canned liver wurst in a hot dog form

>> No.9591984

I fell for this meme

vienna sausages are god awful
I'm sticking to spam

>> No.9592001

i like to take each vienna sausage and rub it around my lips before i eat them

>> No.9592008

Do you look at shota while you do this?

>> No.9592011
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>> No.9592627

you're probably bi-polar manic depressive.
my friend is and he eats a can of vienna sausages for breakfast.
Also do you have problems staying motivated?

>> No.9592671

spam is great, makes hotdogs seem super shit

>> No.9592675

I'm sorry, I will not appropriate Austrian culture even if its for a cheap snack.

>> No.9592756

I am bipolar and also do this. Vienna sausage binging is the #1 indicator of bipolar I and II. OP, see a doctor.

>> No.9592771
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If you like those then you might have a taste for my guilty pleasure.

>> No.9592861

The yellow ones are ok but fuck the orange ones. Taste nasty.

>> No.9593179
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>> No.9593225

I ate those a lot when I was kid. I don't like them anymore really. If I buy a can of them I usually just eat one and give the rest to my dogs. They LOVE Vienna sausages.

>> No.9593876

>Sausage with three different types of meat on it
I don't know were to start between how not ecological it is, how bad it must be for your health and the bad opinion of yourself you must have for letting yourself eat those things

>> No.9594446
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>> No.9594447
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>> No.9594453

They're much better pan seared than microwaved (or as I used to think you were supposed to do as a kid, heated solely by running hot tap water into the can)

>> No.9594467


Honestly I used to love things things right out of the can when I was a kid. I'd eat them with shitty yellow mustard. Don't know if I still like them, haven't had one in about ten years I'd guess

>> No.9594538

What exactly are the symptoms of bipolar disorder or whatever it's called? I do have problems with motivation but I always figured that was just ennui.

>> No.9594617

used to eat spam as a kid. didnt touch it for about 10 years after moving out because some poverty stigma. had it a few months ago and i can't stop now

>> No.9595040
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whats up st louis bro

>> No.9595094

They have walmart in St. Louis? Because that's where that product is sold

>> No.9595105

Because of the salt and chicken broth, probably. They ain't just regular hotdogs.

>> No.9595112
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>> No.9595677
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>> No.9595900

Eazy Cheese. I fucking love it. Its even better on Chik-n-biskit or whatever the fuck they're called, but I don't usually do that as it feels like pushing it.

>> No.9595914


>> No.9596093

Same. My dog would eat the can to get those little buggers.

>> No.9596368

My snow day routine in high school used to be pan frying and eating an entire can of spam. For some reason I love meat or fish from cans

>> No.9596384

Slim jims. Gotta get one if I go inside a gas station.

>> No.9596618

pan fried spam is beyond delicious

>> No.9596698

love these and potted meat, but i'll usually go through a phase where I eat a bunch of them for ~2 weeks and then won't touch them for ~18 months because I'm so sick of them

>> No.9596734

Gotta put mustard on it

>> No.9596754

never tried that, but i will now. also, gonna make some spam musabi this week, which is a Hawaiian spam sushi type thing.

>> No.9596777

That's funny they rebranded that piece of shit without Paula Deens fat fucking face on it.

Used to work Bakery at Walmart, those things come in frozen and have a 3 month shelf life or so.

>> No.9596808

>not eating in freshly made right out the over
Missing out bro

>> No.9596809
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>used to work bakery at walmart
>thinking anyone cares about anything you are posting about


>> No.9596839

man it looks tasty but if Paula Deens had anything to do with it, it's likely deadly as fuck

>> No.9596851

I like the Tijuana mamas the orange ones. They burn so good.

>> No.9596887

That's okay, you responded anon, so I'm less of a faggot than at least one person in this thread. Everyone's worked shit jobs before.
The amount of calories packed into that fucker is astounding, but still not the worst thing they carried. There was some cake that was even worse, but I can't remember what it was called. People used to get that shit all the time, had one lady grab 10 of them.

>> No.9597938

Musubi is godtier

>> No.9597964
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>> No.9598867

Do you eat it from the jar? Never seen it before.

>> No.9599075
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A chance discovery in the local shop.
Polish knockoff spam.
It's actually p. tasty. Not quite as good as the real thing (as far as spam can be called "real"), but it's like 1/4 of the price. And you don't have to fight the thing to get it out of the tin.

>> No.9599091
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>> No.9599095

potted beef > corned beef

>> No.9599126
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Convenience store food, specifically the beef and bean burritos sold at pic related
The beef and bean burritos are the perfect balance of salt, mild spiciness, crunchiness, and warm center. I almost always when I get one when I can.

>> No.9599148

>I almost always when I get one when I can.
*I almost always get one when I can.

>> No.9599217

Can say the same about frog posters. Ironic, innit?

>> No.9599287


No guilt here. Hot sauce and some crackers are all I need.

>> No.9599941

I do, usually people make chipped beef with it.

>> No.9599946


>> No.9600001

baby dicks that melt in your mouth, but not in your hands

>> No.9600022 [DELETED] 

Reported to the authorities