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9591787 No.9591787 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best drink to order at a restaurant and why is it water? Not $10 fou fou water, just chilled tap water.

Every other non-water drink is hazardous to your health, plus usually way over-priced.

Who else water masterrace?

>> No.9591795

>tap water.
are you crazy bro?

>> No.9591800

>inb4 300 fucking replies because this board is garbage

>> No.9591802

In the past I've been in the habit of drinking way too much diet soda, but I'm trying to change my habits by having ice water instead

>> No.9591812
File: 11 KB, 245x206, I'll_Have_The_Sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I order the Best Sauce You'll Ever Taste instead of tap water, my good friends

remember, ask for it by name

>> No.9591814

club soda with a lemon/lime, a lot of the time you don't even get charged for it

>> No.9591816

oh look an agitated soda fan

>> No.9591840

most tap water is perfectly fine

I used to drink ice water, now I prefer regular temperature or slightly chilled water, supposed to be better for digestion i think

>> No.9591842

I drink tap water on the daily and I've never been harmed by it

>> No.9591843

I'll take a diet water.

>> No.9591848

> tap water drinker masterrace reporting in

>> No.9591856
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Forgot to upload.. damn

>> No.9591864

How the fuck is Dasani God Tier or even on the level of Icelandic glacier water? Also Fiji water is pretty good

>> No.9591874
File: 1.40 MB, 1500x1024, Water Bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to hipster Water Bar
>What can I get for you, sir?
>I-I'll just have tap water...

>> No.9591882

its been tested heavily

>> No.9591888

i thought Dasani was just municipal tap water

>> No.9591923

>being a pleb

>> No.9591933

It is, it's Coca Cola brand.

>> No.9591937
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loss of essence...

>> No.9592077

Try soda water with a bit of lime. Dont touch the sugar stuff anymore and the rare time i have i feel like death afterward.

>> No.9592234

As a waiter, i'd rather you order a proper drink. It affects our tips (which are based on the size of the bill) so if you only order tap water, you are literally stealing money from your server. Be classy and order sparkling water instead of tap water.

>> No.9592244

hahahha..oh wow..water it is then

>> No.9592253

n-no! you have to order a proper real drink like coca-cola or an appletini you friggin manchild. I don't jump at the end of the bed while you're at work.

>> No.9592262

This is exactly why I get water. Im not paying $$$ for some shite drink and then tax and tip

>> No.9592263

>Every other non-water drink is hazardous to your health

Tea is what I drink and tea is superior to water in both taste and health benefits.

>> No.9592280

Many teas are full of fluoride and other chemicals from the farming process. Tea is not healthier than water. Do you think that most restaurants are gonna use special expensive tea that is chemical-free, or the cheapest good tasting brand they can find?

>> No.9592290

I've found that ice water is perfectly acceptable but I might as well look into that too.

>> No.9592301


I don't get it. I drink gallons of water daily. At the gym, at work and at home. It still tastes pretty underwhelming even with cucumber or lime. Tea & Coffee > Water.

>> No.9592309
File: 144 KB, 426x383, a0a1aa13595f5a46f2585e3e66c6c7fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all bottled water comes from some municipal district water treatment plan
enjoy your tap bottled water faggots

>> No.9592317

>It still tastes pretty underwhelming
Your not drinking it properly

Read the post. This thread is literally about drinking tap water not bottled water

>I drink gallons of water daily
impossible you'd be dead

>> No.9592331

Jokes on you friendo. I have my own system for calculating tips based on the number of services provided by the server and refuse to tip based on a percentage of the bill.

>$2 per entree plate
>$1 per appetizer/dessert plate
>$0.50 per drink order (excluding water)
>+/- $0.50 for promptness of refilling waters
>+/- $1 for general attitude of server
>+/- $2 for knowledgeability of menu
>-$1 if anything is forgotten such as a steak knife

The last one is a big one. I always ask at least one question about the menu even if I have none. I expect the wait staff to know their shit without having to go back into the kitchen to ask.

You may all call me autistic now.

>> No.9592332

>non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages
What's the fucking point

>> No.9592334

who carbon filter master race?

>triple stage nsf rated to remove really tiny shit like VOCs
>doesn't remove natural minerals like distillation or RO
>tastes fucking great
>great output
>filters cost like $40 a year of daily use
Alex Jones can get fucked

>> No.9592342

You know that there is fluoride in your tap water right? With tea you at least get many beneficial chemicals while water only has negative ones.

>> No.9592347

tastes good

>> No.9592355
File: 22 KB, 450x450, IMG_1342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink pic related instead of sewdah

>> No.9592371

>Top tier

I've never seen a more retarded image on this website

>> No.9592394

there is minimal fluoride in tap water, it sucks but its true. there is a shitload of fluoride in tea, much more than tap water

>> No.9592398

which filter bro?

>> No.9592407
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is alkaline water a meme of actually good for you?

>> No.9592479

Tea is also high in antioxidants and can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and possible even cancer. But I'm sure that none of that is worth the bit of fluoride right?

>> No.9592494
File: 8 KB, 180x240, 8e10a87dfc8b209f2b8b8fe8eac65e74--southern-belle-simply-southern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all tea is super healthy for you
literally shilling for tea

>> No.9592501

So you have no more valid arguments and resort to this?

>> No.9592512

One day water will no longer be free. It will become a scarce resource. You will look back on these days as a happier more carefree time, when you didn't have to spend 30% of your income on water and take sponge baths instead of real showers.

>> No.9592517

No Gerolsteiner?

>> No.9592521

The truth is many people drink tea with sugar and/or milk, and many teas have questionable nasty chemical content.

Tea is not better than water.

You literally need water to make tea you imbecile.

>> No.9592530

If everyone used an algorithm like that the world would be a better place.

>> No.9592539

Gerolsteiner is nasty, there are super cheap mineral waters in Europe that are 10 times better than that shit

>> No.9592542

>The truth is many people drink tea with sugar and/or milk

The truth is many people drink water with sugary drink crystals in it. Guess that means all water is bad for you too right?

>You literally need water to make tea you imbecile.

When was it ever the argument that this was not the case? If anything tea has all the benefits of water with additional ones and tastes better.

>> No.9592544

$10 fou fou water is chilled filtered TAP water. only difference is $10 fancy bottle.

>> No.9592548

people that just order water get treated worse by the wait staff this is fact

>> No.9592559

thats discrimination

>> No.9592563

>tfw live in japan and everywhere has free chilled mineral water

Sucks to be an amerifat I guess. Oh wait everyone already knew that

>> No.9592565
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not uploading the correct version

>> No.9592637

all the more reasons to not go out to eat

>> No.9592649

>kirkland that low
>despite being 1/3 the price of anything else
Cheap ass water thats fucking decent? Yes please

>> No.9593236

Best drink to order at a restaurant is monster energy zero ultra on the rocks

>> No.9593240

Alkalize or die

>> No.9593282

Idk. It tastes good. I enjoy drinking it. Common logic would agree that Alkaline is better than acidic when it comea to water. However apple cider vinegar is quite acidic, yet it has alkalizing properties when it breaks down in the digestive system.

I, personally, am stumped.

Yeah, I don't think that anon knew what he was talking about. All tea is healthy yes. A tea cocktail (adding sugar, syrup, juices, etc) not as much. Maybe they wanted an opportunity to post a picture of a McDonald's product in the healthiest thread on this board.

>> No.9593320

A glass of wine a day is pretty good though. Loads of anti oxidants without enough alcohol to kill your liver.

>> No.9593321

>move San Pel to trash tier
>add San Pel in glass bottle to God tier

>> No.9593325

>drinks coffee made from tap water

>> No.9593326

i give my dog perrier instead of tap water

>> No.9593405

Technically you should have hot drinks like tea or warm water (both of which are standard at actual chinese restaurants) because they help with digestion

>> No.9593437

ching chong ching chong

>> No.9593462

tap water or wine is the only thing you should be ordering at a restaurant. maybe an aperitif when u sit down and tea or coffee afterwards. everything else is non-u

>> No.9593466 [DELETED] 
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