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9586921 No.9586921 [Reply] [Original]

Just had my first sip of whiskey, the subtly on fire feeling is rather pleasant. Just a bit on the rocks right now, but I have a whole bottle of the stuff to go through. Any advice on future imbibing?

And alcohol general, I suppose.

>> No.9586932
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>TFW you're 25 and don't like the taste of most alcohol
>Never had whisky, scotch, vodka, etc.

Fuck stereotypical views of masculinity in the 1940's.

>> No.9586937

>Any advice on future imbibing?

Try it neat once, then with a cap full of water. See which one you prefer.

>> No.9586945

>Never had whisky, scotch, vodka, etc.

You'll never know until you try them, anon.

>> No.9586955

I'm kinda weak, one ice this is already kicking my ass. I can't imagine having more fun on neat, but skipping the melting phase of ice might have merit.

My regulars are scotch and spiced rum, and trying random microbrew beers.

>> No.9586961

Whoops my brain transposed words. Vodka, not scotch.

>> No.9586983

meant to reply to

>> No.9586989

Pour in a cap's worth of some water to your glass. Chilling tends to mute flavors in whiskey. Sip and think about every flavor that comes to mind, no matter how stupid or pretentious it sounds.

>> No.9587001

You sound like a shitlord, dude.

Meanwhile, I went to take a swig of whiskey but I somehow dropped the bottle. Before I knew it the whole thing was empty.

Same thing happened with my rum an hour prior.

All I have left is this weird dessert brandy which is like 2000 calories per bottle and tastes it belongs on pancakes as a syrup.

>> No.9587002

What are you drinking, OP?

>> No.9587021

I'll try that if I can get through my current iced batch.

>You sound like a shitlord, dude.
For other reasons, maybe,

Kirkland canadian, aged 6 years. The brand seems better than slop, but it's hardly upper crust stuff.

>> No.9587051

I fucking love bourbon and it's by far my favorite liquor, but when I'm out I usually just drink/shoot gin. My reasoning is that brown liquor tends to get my dander up, but I always know where I stand with gin. My coworkers think I'm fucking weird for it, but really it's for their personal safety. Am I fucking weird for shooting gin?

>> No.9587068

>Am I fucking weird for shooting gin?

Nah, but that combined with your violent tendencies makes me think you'll probably kill people at some point in your life.

>> No.9587076

I prefer to drink alone, especially when it's whiskey. Nobody around to spoil the moment, you know, but I'm a bit of a misanthrope.

>> No.9587086

>you'll probably kill people at some point in your life
I don't mean to disappoint, but I already have.

>> No.9587091

Drinking Glenlivet 12 right now OP, trust me, Whiskey and scotch are an acquired taste, when I was a lad of 17 years old and first started trying whiskey, I hated it, but now as a man of 21 years, I now have a favorite scotch and whiskey, I prefer drinking scotch with a splash of water and whiskey with a hint of coke or sprite

It just takes a lot of time to get used to, my grandpa used to drink a 5th of whiskey a day with only a couple ounces of water, a true man, but OP just take it slow and see what you like, the alcohol burn goes away after a while and you taste the subtle taste of fruits and different shit

Plus knowledge of scotch does help while climbing in business, like my knowledge of scotch helped me form a relationship with a higher up boss because he liked scotch too and we were able to strike up a conversation of it, pretty cool guy, he also gave me a bottle of Johnnie blue which I don' t like more than jphnnie black but still appreciated it

>> No.9587100 [DELETED] 

>man of 21 years

>> No.9587109

>whiskey with a hint of coke or sprite
OP here, if this is a good idea I've got some coke around and making this whiskey go down easier sounds like a good idea. Didn't think it'd mix well going in but hey I'm 2 sheets to the wind and looking for anything to finish me off.

>> No.9587120

On the job or otherwise?

>> No.9587130

>stll using the reddit insult
fuck off retard, Irish here and a little drunk, so go fuck your self

While in America I hung out with some rednecks and they gave me crow canadian whiskey with sprite and coke and it went down easier than apple juice, got me fucked fast too, don't know why basic whiskey and cola goes well but it does, my favorite is makers mark and sprite, makes such a smokey soft drink taste, fucking great, give it a try

>> No.9587131

Technically on the job, but a different one. I'm ex-military.

>> No.9587139

Good enough, I'm gonna go 50%/50% with the whiskey post melted ice and I'll let you know how it goes.

>> No.9587144 [DELETED] 

I figured you were american, and Americucks start drinking legally at 22.
That's why I called you a Redditfag, but I was wrong

>> No.9587149

I figured as much. Hope it doesn't stay with you too strong.

>> No.9587168

I usually go 60% cola and 40% whiskey

most Americans I met stared drinking at around 18, but I studied in the south so I don't know, I started drinking around 15 here so I guess we aren't far off from Amerifats

>> No.9587184

>start drinking legally at 22.
21. Still stupid, but now also it's an accurate stupid.

>> No.9587190

It happened a long time ago, probably before you were even alive, and I don't regret it. I don't know if it will ever bother me. Now that I know certain things about the precursors to the operation I'm a little miffed about it on the whole, but not what I did during it.

>> No.9587193

>I usually go 60% cola and 40% whiskey
After the ice I'm pretty close to this.

>> No.9587209

Glad to hear it. A lot of people are fucked up for what they do/experience, these days.

>> No.9587212

Most Americans start drinking in their mid teens, fake IDs work almost too good, as a American who started at 16, I can say that alcohol is hard to get if you are a loner, but with friends, alcohol was easy to get

>> No.9587213

American in the north west here. I started sneaking drinks amount 15, my dad started littering me have one or two on special occasions at 16, i went to parties where people were drinking around then too. Most of my friends started drinking in their teens too. 21 is just the "legal age".

>> No.9587229

Beer was easy, I didn't discover finer alcohols until far later.

>> No.9587234

Louisiana fag here and most of the people 35+ were able to drink at 18, so most parents don't give a shit, but we had the swamps to drink and smoke in at an early age

>> No.9587248

beer was super easy to get, just hey mister or try different gas stations until they didn't ID you

>> No.9587259

I never had to get my own beer, thank goodness for a casual family on these matters. Still, it was mostly a special event thing, didn't need it terribly otherwise.

>> No.9587262

Truth be told, I don't really remember much about it. I never really did. I can tell you I've been to Panama and that I have a confirmed kill, but beyond that the whole thing is a big fucking blur. One thing I do remember is having our pilot blare Panama by Van Halen for psy ops when we first invaded. That was a fucking trip.

>> No.9587287

I mostly got my beer in the hundreds of cans for parties so I can respect that, it took a couple of beggings to make some parties happen, but with fake IDs, it made drinking at 18 feel like drinking at 21

>> No.9587305

Fair enough, but I was hardly the social bug so I didn't care so much if I drank less. Dad had me sipping off his beer every now and then since I was a preteen, anyway.

>> No.9587316

Wasn't so much as a social bug as I was raised with the kids, as a small town kid in LA I didn't have many kids to hang out with, so we hung out because we had no one else, just how it was, but still fun none the less, but we just downed a lot of light cheap beer

>> No.9587323

Also love this guys reviews


>> No.9587327

Wine was the easiest drink to like for me, since they compliment a meal. Rum was the next because it's just about the only other sweet drink that I can drink and isn't considered a 'girly' drink.

>> No.9587330

This guy is great. I haven't watched his videos recently though.

>> No.9587339

yeah he hasn't reviewed some well known whiskey's in a while, but I always love drinking along with him, really hope he starts re-reviewing a lot scotches, since he is so nice to watch

>> No.9587356

Yeah, that was before I was born. All the small ops like that get forgotten these days in the face of larger fuck ups.

>> No.9587402

At least you didn’t do time.

Did 2 years in prison for self defense. Shot a guy six times in the face and they considered it “excessive” even though I was defending myself

>> No.9587460

Yeah. He’s no reviewbrah but he’s good

>> No.9587490

Ya'll ever get random hiccups while drinking? Bit of a rare thing for me, but I can't ignore it at the moment.

>> No.9587533
File: 43 KB, 1585x1527, 1421798054840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 minutes of talking about a beverage

its alcohol man its purpose is to make you feel better. How many minutes do you need to explain that "it tastes like charcoal or oak or herbs" holy shit
taking that long to explain things is what women do

>> No.9587541

Heaven forbid women drink alcohol

>> No.9587572

that has nothing to do with my point
the dude has a lot to say about the subtleties of whiskey preparation but in the end it's beyond negligible when the vast majority of whiskey consumers just drink it to forget about their stressful lives
female alcoholism is a different subject entirely

>> No.9587578

But it's gotta gown down easy enough to enjoy getting to that point. Or hard enough to feel you deserve it.

>> No.9587585

Mmm whiskey. I like to chase it with beer. Moy delicioso.

>> No.9587600

not really imo if it's 40% then its gonna be pretty harsh no matter what, no matter how much mahogany soaks into the brew after 999 years
noticing the little details in brews is great and all if that's your thing but its still alcohol for getting inebriated to

>> No.9587619

But you still gotta get it down, or we'd all be taking 200 proof corrosive liquids.

>> No.9587623

>the vast majority of whiskey consumers just drink it to forget about their stressful lives

He's reviewing single malt scotches not feckin' Buckfast

>> No.9587640

>rich people dont drink to get drunk

a huge chunk of expensive liquors still go to total plebs who chug that shit down
feel free to talk about the subtle and expensive tastes of african rosewood though

>> No.9587657

Rich people just sip longer.

>> No.9587671

Rich lushes don't watch youtube videos.

>> No.9587792

Rich people don't post on 4chan

>> No.9587798

>drink everyday
>probably fit the medical definition of alcoholic
>still gag and cringe while drinking cheap wine
how do i fuck less?

>> No.9587814

same for me with beer. something that isnt good just isnt good

>> No.9587823

Don't drink shit alcohol.
You can get cheap good shit, just know what you're looking for.

>> No.9587825

Yes they do.
There have been at least two millionaires: a doctor who shitposted in /o/ about Formula 1 while partying with hookers and cocaine, and a former poker site owner who chills in /diy/ while renovating the underground military bunkers he's bought

I think /a/ or /jp/ had their own for a while as well but I've never seen it myself

>> No.9587883
File: 307 KB, 569x651, 1508102635391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually just spend the extra money for hard cider or Guinness

>> No.9587993

>how do i fuck less?

quit being so socially skilled

>> No.9588700

Idk, guess it's the same reason people watch people play video games, just like the scottish accent, reminds me of home, and plus I want to get better at drinking it, I usually don't watch the entire thing anyway

>> No.9588737

Good stuff -> neat with hard ice (or chill glass, strain the water)
Shit stuff -> Old fasioned, manhattan or similar

>> No.9588744

>drink everyday
>prolly a cup of shit wine a day

wow, so noir alcoholic
try half a bottle of 120 proof alcohol everyday

>> No.9588751

for a rich person, being able to interact with other people anonymously is a godsend. If you use 4chan and somewhere along the way you strike it rich, you're not gonna leave.

>> No.9588784

>cold as balls last night because window open, fan on, and naked
>decide to make me a drink while playing vidya
>take sip
>10 minutes later I'm sweating balls
Whiskey is the comfiest cold weather drink.

>> No.9588788

that's how drunkards die in russia

>> No.9588794

>i taste alcohol
>oh god it's so gross
>why did i do this
>i feel like im gonna barf
>*chug and swish cola to kill taste*
Can't stand the taste of straight alcohol. Needs cola else I can't stand it.

>> No.9588799

Confirmed kill or just assumed.

>> No.9588815

I mean, the typical 40% ABV liquor is by definition 60% things which aren't alcohol.

Potential problems include:
ABV too high, stop drinking Everclear
Liquor too shit, buy something smoother
Vodka, don't bother
Inexperience, learn which parts of your tongue react immediately to "oh god alcohol" and which parts are able to ignore it to taste the other flavors

>> No.9588928

Why the fuck do people mix whisky, especially scotch with coke or other shit? If you want to mix something you get rum or vodka.

At least now i know how people that get autistic over ketchup on steak feel

>> No.9588981

>can't stand bourbon at all, makes me want to vomit every time I taste it
>like cognac
>like gin
>bipolar disorder and homicidal urges while manic
Almost strangled my boyfriend once but luckily I don't work out, so I had to let go.

Never going to join the military because it'd make even more of a monster out of me.

>> No.9588990

>bipolar disorder and homicidal urges while manic
I somehow doubt you'd make the cut. They want dutiful sociopaths, not maniacs.

>> No.9588992

Anyone know of any good hard ciders? I've had a few, so far it's my favorite alcoholic beverage, but I want to broaden my horizons on it. Also want to try rum and gin, so any suggestions on those are good too.

>> No.9589015

There are quite a few reasons I wouldn't make the cut.

> They want dutiful sociopaths, not maniacs.
I'm not a exactly a good person when I'm depressed either because I tend towards paranoia. I used to be more sociopathic, but I'm trying to get over it.

Also I don't play well with authority so that could end badly.

>> No.9589064

Is tonic a good mixer for whiskey? I can get local leaf whiskey for $16 per mickey (crown royal is cheaper, but there's so many kinds of it and I don't know what's good), so I want to experiment.

>> No.9589240
File: 152 KB, 540x720, glvob.non11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grabbed myself a bottle of this the other day as my first single malt. Got to say it's quite nice, I've only been drinking cheap blended Scotch until now. Are older Whisky's generally worth the price increase?
I'll confess with mixing it with Amaretto before, godfather's are my guilty pleasure. Coke is a waste of any alcohol though.

>> No.9589410

i know its gimmicky but what are some halloween themed beer i might find in the chicago area

>> No.9589436
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scotch is great shit. Pic related the last bottle I purchased.

>> No.9590219
File: 1.49 MB, 3541x2105, best-pumpkin-beers-e1380591569230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'tis the season

>> No.9590338


The packaging looks.....rustic?

How much was it and how did it taste?

>> No.9590718

It was $65 USD and it was pretty damn good. It's Glengyle's first aged Malt in almost a century and it's a nice delicate peated Malt with fruit, citrus, vanilla, brine and toffee. Very nice stuff!

>> No.9591070
File: 76 KB, 540x720, vermo_cam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink an entire 750ml bottle of Campari every night. I usually mix the first half of the bottle with seltzer, by the time I'm on to the second half I'm drunk enough to drink the rest straight up.

Try Campari, it's good.

>> No.9593301

That just sounds lonely.

>> No.9593421
File: 108 KB, 1300x956, two-young-girls-laughing-while-looking-and-pointing-at-something-they-EBTW64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
