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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9577012 No.9577012 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of Hawaiian pizza (or any sort of pizza with pineapple as a topping)? I personally really like it and cannot comprehend those who claim it is disgusting. To be honest, I feel like those who say they do not like it either have never actually tried it themselves or they are stuck with the taste buds of a little kid.

>> No.9577034

hahahaha le epic pineaple on pizza XDDD
""ananas"""hahaha so funny and original
the last thread didnt get any replies but this one will be different just watch

>> No.9577396

Hawaiian pizza is best pizza

>> No.9577404

anyone who hates pineapple does not have taste buds

>> No.9577406
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>> No.9577933

I really like pineapple on pizza, but there's a select few toppings it can go with. Ham, Sausage, Bacon and bell pepper are the only ones i can think of off the top of my head.

I understand not liking it on pizza, but I don't understand this meme about it being the most disgusting thing in the world.

>> No.9577951

I always order chicken, bacon and pineapple. Maybe onions as well if I want another topping.

>> No.9578749

Right you are sir

>> No.9578751

Its a bad meme. Pineapple is pretty good on pizza, people just like to shit on it.

>> No.9578760

Oh its this thread again, Pineapple is nice on pizza, Just because someone doesnt like it doesnt mean youre wrong.

>> No.9578933

My coworker orders pineapple pizza for me and his team every once in a while. At first I was skeptical, but I've taken a liking to it. Pineapple pizza is really good.

>> No.9579347

You guys have superb taste. Anyone who likes pineapple on pizza cannot be a bad person by any means.

>> No.9579367 [DELETED] 

I miss Hawaiian pizza. More than a lot of things. Probably just nostalgia from all those pizza days at elementary.

>> No.9579379

Why the fuck do people like this? Pineapple doesn't fit on pizza, it's like putting oranges on a slice of bread.

>> No.9579387

>what is marmalade

>> No.9579393


>> No.9579404

*dry heaves*
>"Ok, I think I'm done vomiting, alrig-"
>dribbles mucus and snot*
>"please, my stomach hurts, I can't retch like that again"
>looks at the disgusting food stinking in front of him
>tfw the torrent of vomit in front of him still looks more appealing that the horrendous mess meant to be this ''''''''food''''''''.

>> No.9579409

Hearty kek

>> No.9579421

I'm allergic to pineapple. My mouth bleeds. I still eat pineapple. Pineapple is My favorite food. I will eat pineapple until my mouth runs out of blood and then I will keep eating it. Ive been known to consume up to 4 whole pineapples in a day. There is nothing I would like more than pineapples.

On the other hand, pineapple pizza is disgusting.

>> No.9579501

Pineapple goes pretty well with most toppings outside pepperoni and Italian sausage. I think the issue has more to do with pineapple being a less popular topping; you could easily get pineapple that has lasted to its use by date as opposed to something like peppers or onions, which could see a complete turnover of product before the day is through.

>> No.9579867

I only like it on a BBQ pizza with Chicken and bacon.

>> No.9579926

anyone who does this should be beaten to a bloody pulp

>> No.9579977


Im down.

>> No.9580092

No I don't.

>> No.9580177

Pineapple on pizza is the same as putting ketchup on an all beef dog, or A1 sauce on a good steak.

It’s childish. If you’re eating good pizza, you don’t need pineapple.

You know how some people say that eating crab/ lobster is tasteless, and that it’s only good with butter? That’s the equivalent of what you are. You don’t like pizza. You just like the strong taste of pineapple.

>> No.9580412

You are retarded.

>> No.9580939

>Unironically eats pineapple on pizza
>Thinks he has the right to call anyone retarded

>> No.9581044

lose the non-canadian bacon

>> No.9581050

I just don't understand why you would want pineapple on a pizza when sweetcorn exists for the same purpose and is nowhere near as messy.

>> No.9581055

That’s not an allergy, pineapples are loaded with acid that weakens your gums n shit so they just bleed out

>> No.9581180

How does it feel knowing you have the taste buds of a little kid?

>> No.9581258

I like pineapple and onion pizza.

>> No.9582795

pineapple on pizza is great. of course i think pineapple is great on just about anything.

the problem is that you can pretty much only have ham with pineapple. it doesn't go well with any other toppings

>> No.9582797

best pizza


anyone who says otherwise is a brainlet

>> No.9582804

I like ham, pineapple and jalapeno pizza
hits the spot nicely

>> No.9582808
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Me too, even a bit of sliced bbq chicken breast

>> No.9583188

The pleople who hate pleople who like Hawaiian are more obnoxious than the pleople who do like it.

>> No.9583596
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Don't tell me to not tell someone not to eat something I don't like!

>> No.9583601

Like anything else, it works with the right combination. I prefer it with a thin, crispy crust, BBQ sauce, bacon, and onion. Jalapenos and chicken are also good additions. I personally don't think it goes that well with red sauce or a traditional or deep dish crust though.

>> No.9584663

Pineapple on pizza is wonderful. Someone doesn't like it? Their loss.

>> No.9584935

do people really read 4chan through their phone's browser?

>> No.9584980

I don't always have Hawaiian pizza, but when I'm in the mood it's great.

And I will say this about it:
It is the best COLD pizza there is, period.

>> No.9585338

>no meat
brainlet indeed.

>> No.9585354

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if most of them did. 4chan isn't what it used to be.

>> No.9585564

My new girlfriend told me she likes pineapple on pizza. I dont think it's going to work out.

>> No.9586007


depends on the pizza place. pizza hut, for example, put way way way too much pineapple on it the one time i got hawaiian from them.