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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9577869 No.9577869 [Reply] [Original]

Found this on /int/. How does it make you feel?

>> No.9577872
File: 151 KB, 800x1648, Texas flag bearer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9577873

glad i dont live in america LOL

>> No.9577875

i grew up in alaska and id say smoked salmon or huckleberry is more well known as our state food

>> No.9577877

California needs to be California Burritos. Although NorCal cant into good burritos so maybe split it in two

>> No.9577878

they fucked up mismatched kansas and nebraska

>> No.9577892

>Fish tacos


>> No.9577910

The regional food in America can be great, this map just does it a complete disservice for the most part.
bretty sure the person who made this map has never left their state

>> No.9577980

>not chili
I guess that's for the best though since none of them can even agree what chili is.

>> No.9578050
File: 146 KB, 352x260, huckleberry-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never had huckleberry pie in my life but if you go into any gift shop in my state you're going to find a shitload of huckleberry related products. I find them all the time when I go hiking.

>> No.9578054


Yeah, that way you can eat your lover's cock instead.

>> No.9578056

they fucking switched Kansas and Nebraska. damn autists

>> No.9578061

Yeah California is a burrito state we shove fucking everything into a tortilla and wrap it up.

>> No.9578062
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>pork roll

>> No.9578076
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>> No.9578079


I think it's weird but have you ever had apple and cheddar slices together? They actually work really well for some reason.

>> No.9578127

While not native here, I've been living in Pennsylmuhvania for over 15 years. Cheesesteak should not be representative of the state. Go any farther than an hour's drive from Philadelphia, and those sister-fucking hillbillies have no idea how to make one. Rather, I nominate either birch beer or "chicken pot pie." Not sure if birch beer is common in western PA but it sure as hell is everywhere from eastern to central. But chicken pot pie is everyfuckingwhere, though PA chicken pot pie is just the filling of the more typical sort of pot pie with the pastry made into dumplings rather than pie crust.

>> No.9578138


>> No.9578148

A lot of the regional food here is pretty good, believe it or not. I'm originally from the other side of the pond and my parents and family used to talk shit on Amerifood until they started visiting and I introduced them to the good stuff. Reason the rest of us are ignorant of good Amerifood is because Americans seldom leave the county they were born in, never mind the state or even country. As a result, the good stuff just stays put and instead, we get all the low-quality shit.
Really, come visit some time and try some of the local stuff and you might be surprised.
To be fair, there's nothing complex or fancy in American regional cuisine as of yet, but it's still very good. Except the midwest. Fuck the midwest.

>> No.9578159

that's because you're basically mexico, but you have silicon valley and pedowood to spread the cancer

>> No.9578160

fruit and cheese is not strange.

>> No.9578180

Fruit in any form but JuJu, Runt or Roll Up is strange.

>> No.9578260
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They really fucked up on Missouri.
First off they gave us "fried ravioli". What kind of garbage is that? Apparently they eat it in St.Louis, which should give you an idea why we like to pretend that shitheap with an arch doesn't exist.

2nd, they attributed Kansas City BBQ to Kansas...
While the city does overlap slightly onto the Kansas side of the river, and the name may throw some people off, everything that matters in Kansas City is on the Missouri side. The BBQ restaurants that established the style are there.

As far as Kansas City BBQ, ribs are popular but I wouldn't describe them as characteristic of the style or state, brisket would work but I see the map creator believes the meme of Texas being competent with BBQ so I guess they wouldn't want a duplicate. Burnt ends are probably the most distinctive choice then.

Could have also done steak as it was where all the major cattle yards and shipping hubs were. But 'Kansas City Strip' as a cut of meat was renamed 'New York Strip' by insecure cocksuckers who couldn't bear to acknowledge another city's existence in the 1800s.

>> No.9578309


As an Oklahoman I can confirm this map is fair and accurate, as well as delicious.

>> No.9578329
File: 22 KB, 540x495, 1507618757905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheddar cheese apple pie
Never in my life have I ever heard of an abomination like this. Ever. This simply does not exist here. Vermont produces cheese, but cheese abominations do not exist.

Maple syrup abominations however do.

Map confirmed for being created with no actual research.

>> No.9578341

I'm from europe so I never even had a typical american apple pie but my buddy from Utah swears on it.

>> No.9578352

I have had apple pie, but never in that weird combination. I looked it up and the only reference to Vermont seems to be a "law" stating a good faith effort should be made to serve apple pie with ice cream, cold milk, or cheese. But that law is probably as well enforced and serious as the whistling underwater one.

The origin seems to be England, and it seems popular around the midwest (shocker) and New England. Pretty sure the creator of the map just saw a recipe by Cabot or other people calling for Vermont cheddar.

>> No.9578384
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That map is bullshit. MS is mud pie? Dat's some fatass, matron, plantation cracker shit. It's fried catfish down here, and dat's all dere is to it!

>> No.9578412


>> No.9578417

pretty much.

>> No.9578499


Iowa is king shit of the flyover states. I wouldn't have expected anything less.

>> No.9578512

As a Texan I just had some good brisket today, can confirm for accuracy.

>> No.9578568
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>> No.9578581

The hell at Nevada?

>> No.9578601

You know it. And it's delicious too.

>> No.9578610

Shut the fuck up you SoCal bastard, burritos in NorCal are far superior. I've been to your land and eaten your Mexican food and it fucking sucks. San Diego is okay I guess but eating Mexican food in the LA area is like giving a dirty rimjob to a elderly Spanish man. Your burritos taste like they were made from a 3rd hand recipe farted through a bad telephone connection to a deaf retard with Alzheimers. Go fuck yourself. Do what you are good at and produce low quality porn and oranges.

>> No.9578616

>acting like Cali is anything other than flyover land

>> No.9578628

this, the only reason I'd go to Cali at this point is to kill you all and conquer it. bunch of sissy faggots.

>> No.9578630

t. actual flyover state gayboy who is constantly butthurt that people here have things to do.

>> No.9578634

What is the difference between fried ravioli and pot stickers?

>> No.9578638

you know you're due for a terrorist attack right, and a major earthquake, right? The entire planet hates you cucks

>> No.9578641

As a NYer I wouldn't say "buffalo wings" (good ones) are unique to our state, nor are they something people should/would come here for, even if they were actually created in Buffalo. It should be pizza or bagels for NYC area or ... maybe beef jerky (?) for the rest of the state...

>> No.9578651
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>Chicago style deep dish for Illinois
>Not the horseshoe

>> No.9578655

>The entire planet hates you cucks
Nah just the middle of the country really.
You fags are just peanut butter and jealous.
Also. Our state does more for this country in terms of economic and technological contribution than any other state by a gigantic margin.
Its almost sad how much more important we are than you.
Like, why do we even allow you to exist. We should just use your shit states as a dumping grounds, maybe then you could at least serve some sort of useful purpose.

>> No.9578687

As much as I hate to admit it, CA and NY federal taxes keep my state from looking any more like northern mexico thsn it already does sinc 48% of our state budget is funded by federal money. It's the dark secret that most red state neanderthals choose to ignore.

>> No.9578695

West Virginia's should not be "pepperoni roll." That's more of a western PA thing from the Italians and catholics that settled around Pittsburgh and north to the border near Youngstown, Ohio. West Virginia's should be dad's semen

>> No.9578718

RI is best know for the Stuffie, not frozen lemonade.

>> No.9578719

Nah, I was too harsh.
There is cool stuff in the middle, just not as publicized.
California really won the race a long time ago, by having its state borders comprise most of the Western Coast. This allows us to be the go-between for basically all imports/exports on west of the Rockies.

I just react all aggressive when conservatives say we are destroying the country, when in most real terms, we are keeping it afloat.

>> No.9578765

Wine country just burned down and its a fucking national tragedy. Good thing it happened in California because the refugees/evacuees are being provided free meals by Bay Area restaurants including Michelin star joints. After hurricane Harvey Texans got shitty red cross meals. Our wine country bros get to eat like kings. Small plate haute cuisine place down the street from me sent 600 servings of fine food for relief effort yesterday. Fuck yea CA. Even our disaster victims get top quality cuisine.

>> No.9578772

>national tragedy
>no one really gives much of a shit
Yeah sure.

>> No.9578778
File: 115 KB, 500x500, 1330801019885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of a Chili Half Smoke and Blue Crabs are just as popular in Northern Virginia and DC as Maryland, and I wouldn't say steamed crabs, but Crab Cake is the most common form you find them in

>> No.9578779
File: 295 KB, 1200x895, Harvey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cali and Texas are the most prosperous and productive states in the Union. Our culinary powers combined would be... powerful.

>> No.9578789

Apparently you aren't much of a wine drinker.

>> No.9578790

This person either has never left their state, and stole these from a buzzfeed article or something, or they have only visited the typical tourist spots in some of these.

>> No.9578796

I don't drink shitty Californian wine if that is what you are asking. What do you think I am, a Seattle socialite?

>> No.9578810

No, I think you are a person who has never tasted good food and feels the compulsion to justify their terrible taste by deriding the culinary achievements of places they have never been but secretly wish to go.

>> No.9578847

Oh shut the fuck up. I live in NorCal, and mission burritos are THE WORST. Fuck that shit, no one wants a tortilla full of rice. Fuck off.

If NorCal should be known for something, it should be Ciopinno and sourdough bread, or Crab Feeds. Or oysters. Or the "cheese trail". Definitely not the Mexican food.

>> No.9578875

Sweet baby jesus you are such a fucking tourist. Living in NorCal my fucking ass. Where are you from Turlock? Fucking Coalinga? Lodi? Go fuck yourself. NorCal begins in Monterey and ends in Chico. Everything north of that is sisterfucking rednecks and everything south is just afterbirth.

>> No.9578894

From Kansas, can confirm. This states food doesn't really have anything going for it. I'd choose maybe macoroni and cheese or something, ate a lot of that as a kid.

>> No.9578902

srry but Im from TX, you are irrelevant and lucky we haven't claimed your land yet.

>inb4 cletus etc

>> No.9578908

Apparently you don't know jack about wine...lol.

>> No.9578913
File: 129 KB, 600x687, santa-maria-tri-tip-vertical-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California should be tri tip.

>> No.9578916

>national tragedy
Half the country doesn't care, the other half is happily watching you burn, excluding Californians obviously.

>> No.9578917

>secretly wish to go
Holy shit I needed that laugh. I've been to Italy, Spain, Romania, Japan, Scotland, and Mexico. Born in England, moved to the States a couple years ago and visited about half of them including California.

The only thing California has going for it is the elitist second to none normie atmosphere. The food is subpar as fuck, the wine is just embarrassing, and the people are worse than cancer. I couldn't walk half a mile without some brodude skateboarding past with a blunt in one hand and what looked like an avocado stuffed opem ended burrito in the other.

On the topic of wine, French wine is more than overrated. Italian wine was actually kind of unique. Japanese wine has its own thing going too.

Have you ever left your county, friend?

>> No.9578921

cali should be licking the bulls cum out of your wifes cooch, bunch of cucks.

>> No.9578922

Fucking zing a roo you roasted that faggot

>> No.9578927

Hahahahaha what a succinct description of the central valley although I regret to inform you that both Lodi and Turdlock fall between Monterrey and Chico in a north/south sense

>> No.9578934

>"Cheese trail"
Hey my company is on that, neat.

>> No.9578938

kek, god i cant wait for some muslims to wipe that smirk off your face....any day now faggot

>> No.9578944

Just glancing at Texas and Alabama, both of which I've lived in for long periods of time, the food is accurate. Also briskets and fried green tomatoes are both delicious foods.

>> No.9578948

>T. Never been to California
We're only the largest economy of any state and would be top ten amongst nations if we were independent. Whatever poverty state you live in is being sustained by our gibs. Be more respectful.

>> No.9578954
File: 10 KB, 205x246, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except the midwest. Fuck the midwest.

>> No.9578955

I believe a grape is involved at some point but you are correct. I know nothing. Tell me how much I suck. Punish me. Make me your dirty little bitch.

>> No.9578956

California wine can be very good but you'll get memed by some overpriced Napa generic Pinot if you aren't careful. My favorite international wines are Portuguese and Spanish.

>> No.9578960

Shut up.

>> No.9578965


>t. fast food eating retards

>> No.9578969

I never actually got around to trying Spanish wine and I regret that.

As a side note, I was very surprised by the sheer differences between Spanish and Mexican dishes. I was always led to believe they were more or less synonymous, which I realize is kind of silly.

>> No.9578972

I've been to Cali, cycled your mountains and ate your meme food. Was ready to leave 4 days ahead of schedule. I'm from TX you aren't supporting me faggot. I pray for the day Calexit happens, Mexico can have you back which is exactly what would happen within a week, because yall are defenseless pussies.

>> No.9578973

If this is a dick measuring contest we are going to have to hire some professionals because I cannot possible move this much of my own penis by myself. Thank you for letting me know the summation of your entire life experiences. It's pretty bland. I would like to visit Romania though that sounds interesting. I've been where you have been so don't act fucking special and knowledgeable. Romania is an exception I would love to go. Aside from than that, getting culinary critique from a brit is kind a like getting blowjob advice from the office shredder. I appreciate that you tried but you really aren't what I am looking for.

>> No.9578988

pro tip: you depend on soccer moms from flyover states to keep your "winemaking" relevant, everybody else laughs at it or buys it to serve to people they don't care about.

>> No.9578989

I like roasts of the beef kind and faggots of the effeminate variety. We seem to be on the same page.

>> No.9578992

Sorry, my bad. I failed geography because I was to busy fucking your dad.

>> No.9578995

Yeah man you missed out if you went to Spain and didn't get the brick oven roasted pig and tinta wine in burgos or the txakoli and pickled anchoa pintxos in Basque country. Please tell me you at least had the Basque and asturian dry ciders.

>> No.9579001

Every time a liberal dies, another one is squiggling into an egg in your mothers womb.

>> No.9579011

Lol we probably have more guns than Texas it's just not well advertised because we aren't trying to flex nuts like immature Texas.

>> No.9579012

It's hard to take the laughter seriously while I trip over the stacks of money they have given me.

>> No.9579017

Wheres new york

>> No.9579018

The Spaniards know what they are doing.

>> No.9579021

I heard you mom is pretty fast. I wonder what I'll eat tonight.

>> No.9579024

>Rides a bicycle and calls people faggots and pussies

I'm curious, are you a Prius owner too?

>> No.9579026

either your saying you're in the vineyard industry(which is currently burning down), you're on CA wellfare, or you're just LARPing, either way I'm laffin at you m8

>> No.9579027

Not the guy you are replying to but I live right next to a basque restaurant and they have some pretty legit cuisine. Interesting stuff. Good soup.

>> No.9579029

I don't think you realize how unattractive liberalism is these days, you're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.9579031

WA best state :^)

>> No.9579032

>Shrimp Gumbo

brb googling "bump stocks"

>> No.9579033

>drinking Californian wine

>> No.9579034

>Implying Lodi gets mentioned in geography class
And this, children, is Lodi. A magical place of transient farm hands and broken dreams. And box wine vines but that's the same as broken dreams I suppose.

>> No.9579037

It was more of a statement about the economic powerhouse that is the Californian economy but if you want to project your fantasies onto me, we can do that. I'll be the maid.

>> No.9579039

>liberal gay state
>lots of guns
Pick one desu.

>> No.9579040
File: 78 KB, 617x539, txsu73t95zsz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, cant tell if you're serious, i dont think you have thought about the amount of TX gun owners/gun nuts that wouldnt dare advertise their arsenal or intent. You're way of thinking amuses me and assures me of how weak your state of faggots actually is.

>> No.9579041


>> No.9579044

And I can tell you from experience the Basque restaurants stateside are completely different from the native places. The biggest thing they have in common is the healthy portions of garlic. I love both tho.

>> No.9579046

I could use a rude awakening. I'm so exhausted from all this conservative pussy i've been getting. Sounds better than a cup of coffee. We can drink it in together and be secretly gay in truck stop bathrooms and watch Hannity together in the evening. It sounds lovely.

>> No.9579050


You work for us now fig.

>> No.9579053

What do you drink instead?

>> No.9579056

>fried fucking raviloi


Fucking what? Kansas should be corn bread and Missouri should be BBQ. All Missouri is known for is its BBQ. Gate's BBQ is our baby, not fucking Kansas'. No, Kansas' dish should be the grossest Midwestern suburbanite soccer mom's casserole.

>> No.9579059

Conservative woman aren't interested in libcuck faggots, stop LARPing.

>> No.9579063

That does seem to be an accurate assessment of Lodi tho. I hear there is a sweet breakfast burrito place in Barstow.

>> No.9579081

I noticed the garlic thing. I am pretty on board with that. Good duck, good rabbit. I feel like a lot of cuisines really mess around with those but in my experience the Basque have figured out the richness of duck me and the gamey flavor of rabbit.

>> No.9579090

>Gun laws
Lol sure I wasn't shooting an sks with a 30 round clip in middle school
You underestimate how many Californians are the exact same way. Do you realize that more counties in California voted Trump than Hillary? Do you know that Ronald Reagan was our governor before president? Or that we are literally awash in illegal firearms thanks to the cartels that trade drugs from Tijuana to Seattle right up the I 5 corridor, but yeah bro like free love man let's go hit the surf brah.

>> No.9579097

Nice to see someone else from KC who acknowledges the atrocity that is this food map.

>> No.9579100

I feel like for a moment there you forgot the fact we are on the food and cooking board. Then I realized that it is relevant to talk about the awful, tasteless, and frankly disgusting eating habits of our president. Ketchup on well done steak. Sounds like a man really interested in food to me.

>> No.9579104

You don't seem very sexually liberated to me. Would you like me to liberate you? I promise it will feel good and afterwards you can read Noam Chompsky and Slavoj Zizek with me.

>> No.9579108

>being proud of cartels, drugs, and illegal activity
Holy shit lmao

>> No.9579109

Shush. Don't let them know about our guns. Let them think we are all a bunch of dildo wielding faeries instead of the gun toting queers we are.

>> No.9579111

In Basque country if something is very ordinary or common they will say it's like water and garlic. As in it's something you just need to get by in life.

>> No.9579114

That is a saying that I can get behind. I need to go back to Spain and hit up the Basque and Catalan regions. I missed out when I went.

>> No.9579116
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Holy fucking shit I kek'd super hard

>> No.9579125

>Do you realize that more counties in California voted Trump than Hillary?
Yes I am painfully aware of how your state rigs elections with illegal beaner votes, you should be a red state. I have friends in CA, they are the gun wielding madmen you speak of, hence how i know them, they aren't on your commie faggot side fyi. I really hope you believe in the shit you spew because it's going to make the awakening much more sweet.

To make it clear I don't hate cali, just the majority of your faggot population, you should all be purged and your resources salvaged.

>> No.9579129

He's been feasting on your tears lately.

>> No.9579136

That's good, I like it when obese senile older men lick my face. Good for the skin and it gives me a stiffy.

>> No.9579142

California literally survives off of federal funds provided by the rest of us, you damned leeching parasites. If we cut off all federal aid to your people, they would all starve to death because a fucking loaf of bread costs $12. Die of AIDS already.

>> No.9579146

Who said I was proud? It's just a fact, again I'm not a impotent Texan attempting to base my state pride on my gun numbers it's just a fact that if you think California is defenseless then you don't know shit about the state. We are the most diverse state in the nation and not just ethnicity. We have political factions ranging from full on statist communists to anarcho-capitalists. We also have lots of people with strange juxtaposition politics like homosexual conservative hunting enthusiasts and pro choice liberal Catholics who go to church every Sunday.

>> No.9579149

I always wondered how thinly JELLY could be spread on toast. I find your inadequacy delicious.

>> No.9579166

What are you? 12?
>hur hur hur see how I made a joke about condiments? I'm so cool and totally not a flaming faggot that deserves to die a horrible, torturous death that leaves my body mangled and unidentifiable.

I know what is going to happen to CA and I hope to God that you're there when it happens.

>> No.9579168

Lol "my side" I've mentioned nothing of my politics, but my mention of playing with an assault rifle in middle school should have tipped you off that I'm on pretty good terms with gun enthusiasts on the conservative side of the spectrum.
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. We self subsidize the federal food stamp program meaning we actually put our own money on top of what we get from the feds. Not only that but the fact that we have more rich people than anywhere else means that we are the biggest payers of the federal income tax.

>> No.9579175

I am really into BDSM so I am very much on board with this this. Aside from that, apparently California has surplus of self-deprecating comedy and where you are from has overflowing butthurt reserves. This may be another national crisis.

>> No.9579177

>Illegal beaner votes
Not even how it happened because otherwise all the valley counties went to Hillary because of the illegal farm workers. The reality is that many Mexican men are machismo and conservative as fuck and would never vote for a woman and when Trump said grab em by the pussy he probably gained Mexican votes

>> No.9579183

lived in NJ all my life
don't like pork rolls, wish i did

>> No.9579185

I dont even live in the states but I can tell your some little jealous dweeb living in some shithole town in his mommas basement.

>> No.9579186

Not to be weird or anything and interrupt your conversation but we should probably be talking about this in terms of food and cooking since this is /ck/ so I will state that my stance of immigration is that I love Mexican food.

>> No.9579189

Lol must be why we all pay more in federal taxes, right? Gotta fund dem programs.
I honestly wish we all quit paying into feeding you illegal bastards so you could all actually starve to death.
>we have rich people!
Lol there are mansions and rich people everywhere, not just Beverly Shills. Just because your rich people are more well-known because they spread their asscheeks for some kike producers doesn't mean all of them are there. There are bigger mansions in fucking Kansas. Lmfao

>> No.9579191

I referred to them as your side because the people I speak of don't defend the current California, they despise it. If I've misjudged you I'm sorry, my beef is with the vocal majority of the Californian people, not the physical state or it's portion of citizens that feel like hostages at this point.

>> No.9579192

Anon, I am shocked that you would disparage both his shithole town and his mothers basement. You are cruel beyond measure.

>> No.9579194

I came into this thread for this.

>> No.9579196

Yea... but have you seen Kansas. It fucking sucks.

>> No.9579198

>this is what calicucks actually believe

holy shit man i feel like Im on reddit

>> No.9579206

Except I'm not. Lol
I live on my own. And I left California after being forced into that degenerate shithole for 8 long years by the United States government.
How does your roommate feel about you calling people names on the Internet? You know, because you can't afford to live on your own. Hahahaha!

>> No.9579207

Reddit has better shitposting. This is just... masturbation.

>> No.9579209
File: 103 KB, 475x475, Pinkertons-BBQ-Barbecue_112705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DESU we just like to mad shitpost about chili. I've never lived anywhere else but Texas, and yea authentic Texas chili is a real thing but it's kind of a niche food, it isn't as common as you would be led to believe and few people are actually autistic about it IRL.

Brisket is the correct Texas food.

>> No.9579212
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>> No.9579217

You seem unnecessarily proud of living on your own. It's like someone stood up and shouted I AM A BIG BOY AND I POOP BY MYSELF. Grow up and move out of your shitty apartment and buy a house freeloader.

>> No.9579220
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>> No.9579223
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>> No.9579228
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>> No.9579231
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>> No.9579235
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>> No.9579241
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>> No.9579248

Believe it was actually named that b/c the shape loosely resembles that of the island of Manhattan

>> No.9579250

I thought the filename said dessert. My bad.

>> No.9579255
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>> No.9579258
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>> No.9579260
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>> No.9579265

I honestly don't have a people politically. I'm one of those weird juxtaposition people and no ideologues will accept all my views.
>T. Never spoken to first gen immigrants
>A conversation between multiple anons is masturbating and you unironically prefer Reddit shitposting
Then how about you go the fuck back

>> No.9579270
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>> No.9579278

It's called mutual masturbation. You seem to be sexually repressed an inexperienced in these matters. I could... teach you...?

>> No.9579286
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>> No.9579293

Nah that would be two people talking to themselves holding two separate conversation. Two people holding one conversation is social intercourse, perhaps I could teach you?

>> No.9579295

Aww ywah! buckeyes.

Diabetes here i come!

>> No.9579316

sauce pls? also nice filename

>> No.9579329

>lived in ca and fl
>never had fish tacos or key lime pie in either state

>> No.9579342

It's an ice cream and soda fountain in San Francisco near the Haight neighborhood. Good beer milkshakes and great sundaes. Sodas are a bit weird.

>> No.9579396

I live in VT and I have never once seen this served.

>> No.9579402
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This. I complained earlier in the thread too.

Side note, wanna be my friend?

>> No.9579413

R u a cute anime gril irl?

>> No.9579420

Only if you live south of Rutland desu

>> No.9579459

I always pick up some huckleberry honey or jam when I'm visiting family in Helena. Stuff's delicious
Iowa should really be loose meat sandwich

>> No.9579544 [DELETED] 

kill niggers
kill kikes
kill fags
kill millennials

russia please drop nukes on CA, OR, WA, NV, NY, NJ, FL, VA, AK, and every other degenerate SJW /utg/ cuck state

>> No.9579714

I live in WA it's a pretty cool state. Can you please edit your post and take the WA out?

Kind regards,

>> No.9579742

I live north of Rutland. Why is this an issue?

>> No.9579752

Enjoy dying bitter and alone with none of your delusions fulfilled :^)

>> No.9579756

He's barneyfag but even more autistic, don't give him attention

>> No.9579799
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the is the most reddit post i've seen all day

>> No.9579804

I pity the foo who ain't never had a breaded pork tenderloin sammich in his life

>> No.9579997

>economic and technological contribution

you consume more than you produce, so no

your state has 7 TRILLION dollars in debt

it is BY FAR the biggest burden on the economy

>> No.9580009

cali and ny are responsible for nearly all national debt

>> No.9580016

your state does nothing but add debt to the nation

>> No.9580165

>spend trillions of dollars on avocados
>saving the nation

>> No.9580201

not who you're replying to, but sounds like he got you faggot, move up to your own shitty apt before tossing judgement lol

your own shitty apt > daddy's luxury basement

>> No.9580213


>swimming in homeless, hepatitis and illegals

>> No.9580235

Just imagine how prosperous your land would be if TX were to own it! (it would be more prosperous and it may happen eventually fuckboi)

>> No.9580256

>Defense department is responsible nearly all the national debt
There I fixed it for you. You're welcome.
How do you figure? Besides memes.

>> No.9580345

I am confused.

>> No.9580389

wisconsinite here, I feel like the "state dish" is probably fresh cheese curds instead. or drinking shitty beer from 10 AM all day. brats have a pretty big following too though, it's a decent map for someone who definitely isn't from here

>> No.9580395

t. assblasted city cuck

Listen, Philadelphia is not, and should not represent pennsylvania as a whole. philly cheesesteaks are drunk food. a little under an hour outside of the nigger infested city you can find some wonderful foods. pennsylvania is a steak and potatoes kind of state.

>> No.9580402

>Utah is post-WWII-suburban-housewife-tier Mormon atrocity "food"

>> No.9580426

I have family all over WI. In my experience that state consists entirely of cheese curds, brats, shitty beer, good beer, and whatever a fish fry is on fridays. Also polka, politeness, cleanliness, and cars that don't slow down for pedestrians. Also I thought I was hallucinating at a Brewers game when sausages started racing eachother. What the fuck man.

>> No.9580443

You do have to admit that Mormons are really nice people though. Creepy? yes. Confusing? yes. Fanatics? yes. Sweet? Wonderful people

>> No.9580450

....but senpai.... i like cheesesteaks...

>> No.9580454

Nah I won't admit that at all. The only people who peddle this nonsense are Mormon Internet Defense Force and people who have never actually lived around them.

>> No.9580483

These statements make me both confused and aroused. Tell me how much my state sucks. Really treat me dirty. Talk about the waste of taxpayer money and liberal policies destroying businesses. Just tie me up and let me really know about your constitutional right to own a firearm while you flagellate me with a copy of the articles of confederation. Goddamn states rights get me so fucking wet. Later on we can both smoke post-coital cigarettes in a hotel room because indoor smoking bans are for those high falutin' commies.

>> No.9580491

Avocados r real gud tho.

>> No.9580539

What mormons do you have? Mine are great. Sounds like someone lost the mormon neighbor lottery.

>> No.9580541
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And you guys realize CA has over 12% of the national population right? There are more conservatives here than there are people in most states, we're just outnumbered culturally dominated by lefties so you have to keep your head down. Also don't get me started on all the Texans that move here and won't shut the fuck up about the place.

>> No.9580547

Get your shit together Mississippi jeez.

>> No.9580587

how is a buffet a type of food?

>> No.9580590

You have very, very poor reading comprehension skills. The post says that cheesesteak shouldn't represent PA and you're getting shittershattered at the poster, screaching that cheesesteak shouldn't represent PA. wut?
Just how retarded are you? On a scale of 1 to potato?

>> No.9580592

>Also don't get me started on all the Texans that move here and won't shut the fuck up about the place.

In our defense, only the absolute worst of us move to California.

>> No.9580593

>people moving to california
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9580595

>% of the state revenue
i'm sure montana's bill is still a fraction of what california's is

>> No.9580597

It could be fine with real cheddart. Not sure 90% of the time someone eats that it's not american orange cheese blocks

>> No.9580600

steak and potatoes

>> No.9580604

to be fair, toasted ravioli from any italian place in the hill is pretty good. unfortunately, st louis isn't known for its bbq (damn shame, pappy's is godlike).

>> No.9580610


Ya and less people live in Montana than in just the city of San Diego.


Probably, they're almost all military families stationed here, and the men are deployed leaving their dependapotamus wives behind.

>> No.9580617

Maine > The rest
If that map is accurate. Lobster rolls are the perfect food. Too bad where I live they're expensive as fuck.

>> No.9580625

>thinking lobster is remotely worth having
You poor sod.
t. New Englander

>> No.9580697
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>New York
>Not a Garbage Plate

>> No.9580940

Not that anon but when every goddamn person and their fucking dog is Mormon you get all sorts.

t. Utahn

Also funeral potatoes, green (specifically) jello, and thinking we're the only state with fry sauce are not just memes.

>> No.9580949


The map labels Nebraska as Kansas and Kansas as Nebraska. Also it lists a St. Louis "food" for Missouri instead of KC BBQ. Daily reminder Kansas City is mostly in Missouri. Kansas should not be able to claim the barbecue

>> No.9580956

>NH claiming boiled dinner

Fuck off

>> No.9580969
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Why? Fresh lobster is delicious. And nutritious as hell to boot.
They're delicious just boiled, but they can be cooked a billion different ways.
You should try some of the Chinese styles, like Maggi Lobster or Lobster with egg noodles.

>> No.9580982

every other restaurant has lobster here, even pretty cheap places. and its all very fresh since the lobster boats are just a walk away, but its still super pricey.

lobster tastes fine, go eat a clam or something nigger

>> No.9580985

kill yourself, /utg/ samefag kike

>> No.9580989
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Ale > ..... > Pilsner > ... > Lager

any questions?

>> No.9581001
File: 85 KB, 712x427, 243324788395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw KY
>tfw Bourbon
>tfw Mint Julep
>tfw Modjeska
>tfw Rolled oysters
>tfw Hot Brown
>tfw Derby Pie

>> No.9581013

>west virginia
>pepperoni roll
what the fuck? there's no italians there

>> No.9581023

Thanks for bourbon, really, but please don't pretend like any of that other shit matters

>> No.9581250

Hot browns and derby pies are fucking delicious though.

>> No.9581278


the only people I've ever seen eat lefse are old people who eat it with lutefisk

>> No.9581314

down here in south dakota I can pick up some decent lefse at the grocery store but I typically stock up when the church has their autumn feast and sells loads of good quality stuff. everyone at the meal eats lefse and most people put butter and brown/cinnamon sugar on it

>> No.9581335

>not chili and cinnamon rolls
shit list 0/10

>> No.9581343

runza is a pretty good pick for nebraska though

>> No.9581358


Environmental lobbyists destroyed the timber industry in Montana and the economy never recovered.

>> No.9581359

>fried okra
>whole, not sliced
918, BAfag here, fuck off.

>> No.9581436



>> No.9581442
File: 355 KB, 396x425, mmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lobster roll
I am pleased.
Noguns detected.
>"B-but that's what it uses! Clips!"
Oh my sweet, summer child. You load a 10-round vanilla SKS with clips, but even then you're firing from an internal magazine.
>"Sh-shut up! You know what I meant!"
Of course I do. I know that you meant to say "I'm a nogunz who doesn't understand that the SKS I unlocked in BF3 is covered in cheap Tapco shit." :^)

>> No.9581453

Michigan here. Our pasties are shit.

>Shitting on the Hot Brown
Here's your (You).

>> No.9581478

>nebraska "handheld meat pies"
you mean a runza?

>> No.9581512

>Iowa is literally just corn
>Las Vegas is literally a buffet
>Colorado is literally salsa
>Rhode Island is literally sour ice
>All these "X pie" pleb states

>> No.9581741

Marionberry pie for Oregon? The fuck? How about hazlenuts, salmon and even beer? Look at all the pie they used - you know the person who made this is a fat ass whomwas molested as a child.

>> No.9581773

Can confirm.

I prefer ribeyes to brisket, but Texas would not be Texas without it. It's a total staple.

>> No.9581804

Seriously...we're so bad that our state food is a single city's ability to serve various unnamable foods?

>> No.9581916
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Just the ham, ditch the biscuit
Accurate enough
That's literally one restaurant
Keke, they don't have a state food. It's whatever trash people feel like saying represents the state.

>> No.9581946
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>not Burnt Ends

how do you fuck this up?

Good, stick to shitholes like LA. dirty queenlover.

>> No.9582310

huckleberry pie is a fucking meme

much rather have a rhubarb pie or cobbler

>> No.9582321
File: 52 KB, 300x225, 2644403A-FBC6-40BC-9CAD-CF18ED19D9B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw Illinois is always equated with fucking Chicago

>> No.9582329

you dont know shit bout WV

>> No.9582330

Nah m8 Iowa should have been the breaded pork tenderloin. I don't know why they gave it to indiana

>> No.9582366

>fresh cheese curds
There's nothing better than this. I still buy packaged Ellsworth curds at the supermarket to try and remember how good the fresh ones are.

>> No.9582466

>Not a coney dog

>> No.9582487

Seems like the only "things to do" you people have is bitching about everybody else.

>> No.9582518

>We're only the largest economy of any state
Thanks to federal military and contracting facilities, and the fact it can leech off of imports. Without the feds, you'd be north Mexico.

>> No.9582546

I aint even mad

>> No.9582555

Weird enough, I had the best Mexican food of my life at a tiny restaurant in Michigan of all places. Born and raised in SoCal, now live in NorCal.

>> No.9582560

MN born and raised, lived in ND now. God it's accurate.

>Candied Salmon
That sounds tastier than I thought.

>> No.9582576

Thank you for being reasonable. People who call California wine shitty because the only thing they've tasted is a $15 Sonoma Chardonnay really grind my gears.
Portuguese and Spanish are reliably good, as well as Chilean if you're looking for a new world wine. I personally like whites from New Zealand a lot.

>> No.9582578

Sweet and savory my dude. Either enjoy it or boogy on out.

>> No.9582594

I dont like California's government but you clearly have never left your shit hole state and /pol/ if you think they are some how subsidized by the trailer trash from your state. Meth is not good for you.

>> No.9582611

I don't know why but the concept of religiously devout animals appeals to me. I wonder if they ever explained the concept of religion to koko the gorilla with sign language. Are Hindu cows actually Hindu? Is my cat Jewish?

>> No.9582648


>> No.9582675

Anyone who thinks VA people love ham biscuits has only looked into VA enough to know Smithfield foods is based here. Nobody eats that shit more than they would anywhere else, which isn't often to begin with.

>> No.9582722

>apple pie

>> No.9582724

Chicken fried steak isn't really a thing in Wyoming. It's much more common in the South. A couple of places have it here but it doesn't really compare to what I've had in the South. I can't think of any foods unique to Wyoming, but the closest thing would probably be rocky mountain oysters.

>> No.9582726


>this much posturing and ass-hurt

The fact that Brit is calling your food shit gives weight and value to his critique. And he is correct, California cuisine and all that fusion shit is complete garbage.

>> No.9582735

Because the rest of the state literally does not matter at fucking all.

>> No.9582737
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What a sad post.

>> No.9582783

North Carolinian reporting in, this is accurate. No other state has better pulled pork. Lexington, NC is to barbecue what a strange fusion of Rome, Mecca, and Jerusalem would be to the Abrahamic faiths.

>> No.9583150

But I hate LA and my country doesn't have a queen.