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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 626x782, alck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9579530 No.9579530 [Reply] [Original]

>go away for one day
>no general

What the hell, lads?

>> No.9579627

/pol/ rendered al/ck/ unusable. The cringe makes me want to drink more.

>> No.9579647

nigger jewfaggot

>> No.9579662

Just ignore them, they get bored eventually.

>> No.9579682
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>want to watch orionids
>nobody to share the experience with
Sometimes I wonder why I don't kill myself, maybe I'll just make some homemade meatballs and then go to bed early
I can't even have a drink because I bought in on sober October

What's the point

>> No.9579697

This actually translates to:
>Reddit and other assorted newfaggotry across 4chan on all board spergs out and ruins the spirit of why this place was great in the first place and I can't go one second without recognising the trolling

Go to hell. People who mention /Pol/ are millions of times worse. /pol/ was a containment board. Let that sink it. Worst first post ever.

>> No.9579700
File: 41 KB, 500x333, lahey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it you fucking drunkard lmao

>> No.9579702

Been living off beer for 3 years. my gut is massive, my teeth are rotting but at least I can sleep in peace.

>> No.9579719

*Let that sink in

Fuck you. I am trying to remain articulate here. You cunt.

>> No.9579775



>> No.9579851

>Spend all my days rewatching shows and drinking all day

>> No.9580061

>Just took my last drink for the next 11 hours
well shit, if I hadn't just woken up I would go and try to sleep but eh

>> No.9580085
File: 355 KB, 1200x1600, 40s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to go buy two 40's and one tall boy. I'm going to opt for whatever is the cheapest / on sale. I'll drink them all within 2 hours and be sober in 4. I'll then stay up until 3-4 am while watching Lexx. I'm going to sleep until around 1pm, and then I'm going to do it again. I weigh 165lbs

How about you guys?

>> No.9580089

>rewatch the same shit all the time because I'm too drunk to remember it

Anyone know this feel?

>> No.9580110

I know this feel

>> No.9580143

Yeah all the time. My memory is shocking. Wonder how much it impacts my ability to progress generally in life. Seems to take me years to come to terms with things like grils leaving, presumably not helped by never emotionally changing; just staying stuck in the same, shitty mental state for years on end.

>> No.9580152

I would space out when im watching stuff and rewind it, sometimes I would end up doing this a few times in a row, pissed my ex off immensely.

>> No.9580172
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Mr. lahey is dead, al/ck/oholism killed him.

>> No.9580196

>acknowledging /pol/‘s existence in al/ck/
Pls stahp

>> No.9580225
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Current fridge stock. Fresh hops and bourbon stout season

>> No.9580242

I recommend you try 'heady topper' or 'dog fish head 90min'. I think you would like them.

>> No.9580243

o am i jelly

>> No.9580267


Had dog fish 90 and 120 many many many many times.

>> No.9580275

>Alcoholism General
>posts a guy drinking water
One job

>> No.9580281

Why are people complaining about /pol/ in here? Was there some kind of mass exodus? Also, makes sense that you degenerates would be liberals.

>> No.9580288

Is rubbing your skin and getting off dead skin cells and dirt a good alternative to showering?

>> No.9580290
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>> No.9580297

If you're an alc, you have no right to shit on or "cringe" about anyone, much less people who shit on liberal policies.

>> No.9580300

Sounds perfectly healthy to me. Best bit is when it ends up infected and half the skin peels off your whole body.
Alcohol dries skin like mad. I’ve had to add large doses of cod liver oil to my daily supplements in an attempt to slow the peelening

>> No.9580304

That's everclear nigga.
We go hard.

>> No.9580306

That's vodka in a water bottle

>> No.9580334

>ye olde wake up and don’t understand what day or time of day it is


>> No.9580340


I used to always finish off the night with a can of that swill. Those were dark times. Nowhere near as dark as the present, but dark nonetheless.

>> No.9580343
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Just got back from the store. I was able to pick up 4 of pic related at .99 a pop

>> No.9580344

you have $10 to get drunk from only what you can get at a local gas station & it has to be cans because you have the shakes and would break any bottles, what do you get?

>> No.9580350


>> No.9580353

that was spooky but I was trying to see if anyone else drinks Icehouse, solid choice tho

>> No.9580358

>tfw dieting and can't drink because alcohol has a fuck ton of calories

>> No.9580359

I don't have icehouse near me, but if I can get it for less than 4 cents an oz I'd go for it

>> No.9580376
File: 270 KB, 256x256, sheev.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meatballs were pretty kino considering I didn't follow a recipe
had some minced meat, garlic, fresh parsley, some dried assorted herbs named "provence", and some dried basil.
also had some salt, pepper and dried red pepper flakes in it.
mixed everything thoroughly, then shaped into balls then baked at 200 for around 20 minutes

>> No.9580393
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>no onion, no tomato, no cayenne

>> No.9580405

>want to drink but suddenly developed a weird aversion to all my favourite drinks
Blessing or curse?

>> No.9580413
File: 15 KB, 225x225, C2BA45FD-4B30-48FB-A0B4-498D28EB36D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, niggers?
Eating sardines and about to crack open a cold one.

>> No.9580424

wrong order my dude

>> No.9580428

Grandmother is preparing some BLTs for me. She insists to cook whenever I come over and I don’t refuse because it gives her something to do

>> No.9580435

it was the best I could do

first time making meatballs though, honestly surprised how well it went

>> No.9580440

warm lime a rita on ice & DVRed movies. Got a half eaten burrito and some tallboys, waiting until the tallboys get cold so I can eat and drink.

>> No.9580447

now that you have a good baseline experience, I'd up your game to Swedish meatballs.

>> No.9580451

>have coke flu
>hungover as sin
>still gonna drink tonight
Heaven help me

>> No.9580464
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am so sick of drinking

>> No.9580468

maybe eventually, cooked with some family the other day and they made something similar to swedish meatballs

>> No.9580476
File: 332 KB, 1200x1600, 20170304_015703096_iOS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get 8 cans of Earthquake and die

>> No.9580493

I need to start drinking again, this cooking thing is taking its toll on my wallet

>> No.9580498

good evening friendos
how is everybody?
4 me? its two bottles of port and pizza

>> No.9580503


>> No.9580510

doing good
what kind of pizza?
for me it's cheap beer and homemade baked bacon mac

>> No.9580517

>mom dropped by out of the blue
>saw me passed out on the floor, id pissed myself
>all the vodka bottles laying about
>woke up to see her crying
why am i doing this

>> No.9580523

I’m trying to find a way of incorporating booze into food. That way I have to eat if I want to get drunk. I was thinking clotted cream, double cream, vanilla pod, berries, honey and everclear, whipped then frozen like an alchie ice cream

>> No.9580529

>watching the prisoner of azkaban right now
>old fat abusive grandpa in the beginning breaks out an actual bottle of hennessy
>compulsively have to take a swig
al/ck/ vision at it's finest

>> No.9580530

Yup, alcoholism really will ruin yourself and all those around you. My family hates me, they just gave up.

>> No.9580540

Put them in the freezer. What you watching?

>> No.9580549

and too late, already drinking barely cool beer, don't like beer slushie so I'll take my chances with the rest of them

>> No.9580553


>> No.9580576

describe what wd feels like as accurately as you can

>> No.9580584

i dont even like ice cold beer anymore. moderately cold is preferable so i can slam em back

>> No.9580589

my roommates are out of town for the weekend so i dont need to hide the alcohol today. its a good day folks.

also kind of rediscovered how good the velvet underground really is, even their mainstream/commercial stuff is great.

>> No.9580594

I’m the same way with all beverages

>> No.9580721

>Seems to take me years to come to terms with things like grils leaving
Same here. It really sucks.

OK, that one sucks more.


>> No.9580740
File: 148 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1508624391960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this at Harris Teeter. Pretty good. One of the best brown ales in the world.

>> No.9580764

What percentage is it?
Also, what flavors do you taste?

>> No.9580779

>no egg
>no bread
>no milk
>baking your balls


>> No.9580782

It's only 5% unfortunately. Smooth with a creamy taste. Sweet up front then leaning more towards dryish nutty finish. Underlying buttery flavour. Nutty aftertaste. Maybe like hazelnut or something at the end. I like it.

>> No.9580785

I switched from hard liquor to wines
It's a steadier comfy drunk
Reduced hangovers
But that is just my opinion

>> No.9580797

Also prefer wine. It's more comfy and controlable. Eventhough I drink lots of reds, I don't really get that much of a hangover from them.

>> No.9580820

Wine makes my mind cloudy and my energy Jeb-tier. Anyone else have a similar experience?

>> No.9580830
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Had a cheeky, moderate relapse 10 days in for the last 3 days.

Had no more than six drinks a day though. Feels strangely civilised, I don't trust it at all. Probably need to hop back on before it escalates again.

>> No.9581032

reds take me to nap city quickly

>> No.9581042

Finally got the balls to get a girls number after 20 months dry spell thanks to one week sober. How do I not fuck this up please help out a fellow al/ck/y I forgot how to do this shit it's been so long due to anxiety, depression and just being drunk loser. Got her number at job drive thru.

>> No.9581075


Get a better job and don’t try to pick up women while you’re handing them their burgers through a fast food window, dumbass. You’d want to hide the fact that you make minimum wage, not emphasize it.

She probably gave it to you because A.) you awkwardly took her money with your delirium trembling hands and she felt sorry for you for being so autistic or B.) she gave you a fake number because at the time it seemed easier to her to just fake it instead of saying “no.”

Get with it man. Priorities. Sobriety, better job, then pussy.

>> No.9581099


>> No.9581105

Post pictures

>> No.9581112
File: 304 KB, 646x595, XvJD2NiV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom is coming to visit me from out of state.

I've been living alone for the last 9 years and I drink about a gallon of whisky and 30 beers a week, Also some moonshine.

How can I hide the smell of alcohol on my breath? I don't smoke

>> No.9581127


>> No.9581134

Don't drink for the time your mom is around?

>> No.9581146

She's going to be stay at my house for 4 days

>> No.9581153

Time to sober up at least for that time

>> No.9581196

I can't, I drink so much I'll have a seizure if I go longer then 12 hours

>> No.9581212
File: 159 KB, 510x600, a fucking leaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /poverty/ here?

>> No.9581235

Do your herbes de provence have lavender?
It shouldn't.

My dry spell is over 2 years.
I think I grew my virginity back, I'm expecting my V-card in the mail anytime soon.
PAWS anxiety is a bitch, I smoke pot that make me stupid and lazy, so not the best solution, but I heard meditation or CBD can help.
Or try benzo for your date, but don't over do it (it kinda makes you drunk) and don't get addicted to that shit, it's alcohol in pill form.

You can't stop ethanol from coming out your blood via your lungs. That's why cops use breathalysers, you can't cheat them.
Drink less, smoke or eat gums.

>> No.9581302

i am going to drink 16 beers today and im not even wasted. God help me.

>> No.9581308

hawaiian ma nig

>> No.9581310

>Suddenly nosebleed

>> No.9581315

>i am going to drink 16 beers today and im not even wasted

well clearly since you didn't drink them yet???

>> No.9581329

no ive already had 14

>> No.9581350

>no R&R

Pig disgusting

>> No.9581399

Kek savage but true.

>> No.9581428

does anyone elses family have no idea how much of a total drunk you are?

>> No.9581446

has no idea? chooses to ignore or not bring it up? what's the difference?

>> No.9581508

Is the dude that had a brother killed by a nigger running from the police in this thread? I was having a good conversation

>> No.9581610
File: 2.04 MB, 4032x3024, CE73BAAE-7F26-40F6-A9B6-F55A12A4F829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally settling down with a glass of this stuff. Busy day. Wife's passed out watching some shitty horror flick, babies asleep. Cheers m8's

>> No.9581627


Hey aren't you the drunk cook? Good threads

>> No.9581638

About to get into a bottle of rose, then probably some 14 yr Oban.

>> No.9581730

I bet it's r/cripplingalcoholism

they think we're pussies and they're doing a raid

>> No.9581742

Listen, nigger. The word “nigger” is part of 4chan culture. I’m sorry your twink millennial friends made you a sjw, but you need to leave this site of words hurt your feelings. You’re too emotional/soft for this site... nigger.

>> No.9581750


>> No.9581791

I hurled. had the spins for a bit. i'm eating a bloq of parm now

>> No.9581806

High life tall boys

>> No.9581809
File: 248 KB, 437x484, BeerAsylum6pack-LeftCoast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a six pack is too much at 11.8 ABV

>> No.9581810

been sober for more than a week for the first time in over a year

feels boring man

>> No.9581817

how do you feel when you wake up and eat breakfast

>> No.9581833

What were your drinking habits before?

>> No.9581844

i'm not very good about eating breakfast, i should do that more

the major benefit thus far (besides being able to hold down a job and not have to sneak in beers to kill in the bathroom) is being able to work out and not immediately piss away my progress

like 14-17 drinks a day at my worst, baseline was pretty much 7-10. babby compared to some of you folks, although i am pretty light

>> No.9581850

well, right now +/-15min it's been a week since my last drink. I had a work party last saturday and hurt my head trying to walk home after generally being an asshole. It's been embarrassing as shit having a black eye and assorted other face problems, but I made it through the work week. I'm pleasantly surprised I managed to stop drinking and didn't have any withdrawal to speak of. but fuck this, I'm going to pour a glass now. being sober is bullshit and I hate it

>> No.9581854
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Rest in peace you wonderful drunk bastard

>> No.9581862
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what do you guys do when you're drunk in the evenings?

I just watch game of thrones or some random movies on my hard drive until i start crying, that's when i know im drunk enough to stop for the night.

>> No.9581871

Were you drinking for 7 days a week? For how many years?

>> No.9581877

my feedly subscriptions are about 2 hours a day and after that i drunk post on 4chan or watch anime

>> No.9581929

>Were you drinking for 7 days a week?
For how many years?
it was an erryday thing for around two

feels weird using the past tense for that sentence. i'll be back on the wagon soon enough

>> No.9582059


How is kraken, its 60 dollars a pop in Aus and I wanna try it.

>> No.9582067

Barely worth 20 USD. Which I guess is like 5,000 kangoroos dolarios right?

>> No.9582069


About that yeah.

>> No.9582074

It's about 19USD here and it's alright, but at that price I'd rather get Myer's since it's only a couple dollars more.

Or if I can find it I'll get Whaler's Origional which is only like 10USD and is smoother than Kraken.

>> No.9582095

where my Ameribros at?

what are we up to tonight?

>> No.9582100
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On my 7th beer of the day and feeling pretty good. Been drinking a lot more beer lately instead of vodka. It's more expensive but I can't drink enough of it to get severely fucked up. Had vodka on a Sunday night a couple weeks ago and ended up drinking half a liter before I passed out; managed to wake up and get to work in time to throw up and feel the first real hangover I've had in years.

>> No.9582108

Laying here with a stomach full of chicken tenders watching king of queens. I want to keep my buzz going by drinking more beer but my stomach is too full. I’m slowly sobering up...

>> No.9582111

sounds comfy.

>> No.9582172

My dad knows because he lives right down the street from me. But everyone else lives hundreds of miles away so they don't know.

I think they know I drink because I'll occasionally call my family members when I'm drunk, My sister called me out for calling her drunk then not remembering it.

>> No.9582229

drinking vodka and vaping shatter, probably going to walk to del taco later.

>> No.9582253

My whole family drinks. Maybe not as heavily as I do, but I'm the only person in my extended family that doesn't smoke so they can't really preach to me about healthy responsibility.

>> No.9582258

How do you guys sleep sober? I could give it all up and never look back for a good night's rest

>> No.9582265

A lot of walking and wanking at first. When I’m sober for a week or so it becomes more efortless.

Weed can help with fallung asleep but truly sober sleeps are the most restful.

>> No.9582267

tire yourself out.

>> No.9582273

What's a good aged tequila?

>> No.9582276

Too bad I am cutting bud too. It's 6 months since I last got sober for my job. Now I want to do it for myself.

>> No.9582287
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the trick is to be sober for enough consecutive days 2bh. it takes me two or three near-sleepless nights before i just pass the fuck out.

exercising in the afternoon also really helps. just don't do it too close to your bedtime, and make sure you eat something afterwards so you don't go to bed hungry. of course, your capacity to work out will depend on where you're at in WDs. still, even just walking 2 miles can help a lot.

>> No.9582289

That's was a lie. I'm doing it so my dad won't be ashamed of me for becoming like my mother. If it was up to me I would dive into that bottle and never come back up. God what the fuck am I doing.

>> No.9582300

Tila Tequila

>> No.9582339

You'll have a very hard time the first couple of days if you give it up. You're going to feel some intense anxiety and feel really nervous, but that's just the withdrawal process. Tough it out and you'll exit feeling really exhausted and you'll sleep great, though you'll probably have some powerful dreams.

>> No.9582407

omg dude the first sober dreams are ridiculous

>> No.9582438

>1 hour
Good times ahead

>> No.9582482

>Keep getting nosebleeds
what the shit

>> No.9582528 [DELETED] 

i guess im fugged, lads. i used to drink abot 4 or 5 times a week in my 20's but now i drink like once every two or three weeks, and i can't black out anymore. i still love the good buzz i get from sucking down half a fifth of whiskey in an hour but i sober up almost as soon as i quit drinking. oh well who cares huh. if i did blackout i'd just spend my time talking to some btich from india on omegle or some shit. oh well at least i dont drink on sundays anymore. cheers fuckfaces.

>> No.9582623

You're so drunk you misunderstood who was being quoted. I corrected myself, nigger. I forgive you though.

The liver also forgives so let's all remember to take our milk thistle. B vitamins and eat well. Get those glutathione levels up sirs.

>> No.9582635

I just swallowed my dip spit from a beer bottle

kill me

>> No.9582638

Go away, Tila. Go fake your mental illness elsewhere. Lol Your music sucked. Your porn sucked. No one cared. Still trying to remain relevant.

>> No.9582679

Had a particularly bad one last night lads.
I'm a bartender and drink on the job a lot, I was locking up the bar at about 3am and going to head somewhere for a few wind down drinks after my shift but necked one whisky too many on my way out the door. Ended up vomitting on the street, then on the bus home I was disoriented enough to get off at the wrong stop, realise I was in the wrong place, then run after the bus yelling for him to stop, falling over in the process.
tl;dr got too drunk at work and vomitted then nearly got run over by a bus.
I know I should stop but I don't know how

>> No.9582740

got blown off by a girl who i was told liked me
>whats the drink for this feel?

currently drinking wine buts its not working fast enough

>> No.9582763

Best band ever friendo. Lou Cale and nico were all noturius drinks. Lou had to have a liver transplant and nico once apparently threatened someone with a broken wine glass in a crowded restaraunt

>> No.9582770

You live in Portland? i think I saw you last night

>> No.9582883

>feels weird using the past tense for that sentence. i'll be back on the wagon soon enough
On the wagon is sober, off the wagon is drinking.

It takes a few days of sobriety before being able to sleep.
Then, you have to teach your brain to sleep sober, kinda like a newborn, since it mostly forgot. Follow regular boring sleep hygiene tips : no screen or sport before sleep, go to bed at regular time, take melatonin and the like, do some physical activity during the day (no need to exhaust yourself, a moderately long walk or some gardening can be enough).

Either bottom shelf vodka or sobriety to stop being a piece of drunken shit that makes girls flee.

>> No.9582908

torn acl anon/ 1.75l boi checking in.
I managed to drive 6 and a half hours. I met with friends that are into bootleg dbz episodes, just playing drinking games to it.

>> No.9582912

drink more water, your nasal mucous membranes are likely dried way the fuck out

>> No.9582920

Bootleg DBZ episodes?

>> No.9582987

Does chronic alcoholism make you more resistant to cold somehow even when you're sober?
I was walking to the store in a t-shirt when it was -1C outside and it was completely fine, walking for 10 mins

>> No.9583141


>> No.9583282
File: 858 KB, 1920x1080, bliss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having some stoli elite right now, taking a break from army time, normal stoli was usually really bad and hursh but the elite is top notch boys.
tomorrow i will be back there but its worth it

>> No.9583398

nah man, Adelaide

>> No.9583474

think it's mostly rosemary, thyme, shit like that

>> No.9583520

Not al/ck/ but severely hungover and tired today with a blocked nose due to copious amounts of cocaine at a party last night

>> No.9583710
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>the trick is to be sober for enough consecutive days 2bh. it takes me two or three near-sleepless nights before i just pass the fuck out.
>that first proper sober sleep

>> No.9583968

>pass out halfway through movie
>wake up, beer opened but only a sip taken

>> No.9583974

wow so buzzed i accidentally hit post
>was supposed to get work done today
>figure fuck it and finish the beer, it wont hurt
>figure fuck it i should finish the movie, it'll just take up half my morning and i'll get my work done in the afternoon
>now cracking open my third tallboy
>oneitis ex has ghosted me for days now after so i can't think straight, sad drinking feels hitting me really hard

>> No.9584098

it's alright bro. i was seeing this girl every weekend for a month, being a good super kid and then i relapsed hard. we split a bag of wine and i guess i got wasted and yelled at her for not wanting to stay the night. she forgave me but i still feel like a shithead. if she doesn't like you move on there's lots of women and most of them act the same.

>> No.9584117

Good evening lads.
I'm new to this general, are there any things I have to respect?

Having a beer rn, later probably port and whisky.

>> No.9584142

This is basically internet AA without the bullshit God bits. Just don't be a cunt and you will do fine

>> No.9584163

Lads what would you recommend to heal the stomach every beer is like drinking fire.

>> No.9584260
File: 253 KB, 540x404, 1465103610563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good ol' high blood pressure

>> No.9584290

>high blood pressure

Oh shit, is that bad?

>> No.9584293

Why does craft beer give you such a terrible hangover

>> No.9584306

I don't think I laughed as hard about anything as I did about that

>> No.9584363

heavily peated scotch

>> No.9584433

Stop drinking?

No, hopefully it kills you quickly.

>> No.9584455

Are the nosebleeds related to this shit?

>> No.9584494

basically anything that makes drinks tasty tends to be what gives you a hangover. that's why strong flavoured drinks like red wine, scotch and craft beer kill you will clean bland crisp stuff like vodka and lager will do less damage

i think

>> No.9584577

This thread is for alcs fuck off normie

>> No.9584586

Alcohol thins the blood if you get nosebleeds easily don't be surprised

>> No.9584598

Alcohol thins the blood if you easily got nosebleeds don't be surprised

>> No.9584606

Double drunk post.

>> No.9584630

Chronic drinking also kills your livers ability to make the proteins needed for coagulatiion

>> No.9584763

Alcohol actually does the opposite
It lowers your water content because your piss it all out and the latent booze that get into your bowels draw water out of your blood.

That's why you need to drink lots of water when you drink. Because it dehydrates you.

The nose bleeds are because one of the ways your body deals with lowered blood water content is raising the pressure in the pipes so enough of it goes by not to make a difference.
Sometimes, small pipes burst.

>> No.9584825

hows smirnoffbro doing guys? i hven't been on alck in a while.

>> No.9584840
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Told myself I wasn't going to drink today last night
>getting ready to drive to liquor store for wine
>know I'm just going to sit around all day feeling bad
>know I'm going to leave all my homework for tomorrow to cram
The self hatred is so strong boys

>> No.9584845
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my jaundice finally went away yay

>> No.9584855

back on the booze and did a bit of jailtime for getting into a fight over heroin i believe

could be mistaken

>> No.9584869

least hes not dead.

>> No.9584870

s-simpson bro?

>> No.9584915

it was just in my palm for a couple days

>> No.9584972

Pretty sure he’s either sober or dead. Guess we’ll see him if he relapses.
Back on smack or in prison, bound to be. Not like that dude got sober.

>> No.9584992

who is simpson's bro?
t. new to al/ck/ here

>> No.9585029

One of the few brave enough to post a pic here. He posted from his hospital bed a few times, skin and eyes as yellow as homer, then disappeared. My guess, a desperate last ‘hello’ to the world before checking out. He was very ill.

>> No.9585045

that's a shame. any pics? my palm turned yellow only for a couple days. i am now seriously concerned about how much im drinking

>> No.9585068

Sounds comfy, man. I miss my grandma.

>> No.9585075
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grandmas are the best

>> No.9585175

How do I know if i'm dependent on alcohol? I've been drinking more than usual lately and I find myself feeling shitty when I'm not drinking

>> No.9585286

having a couple drinks and watching tpb in honor of Mr. Lahey

>> No.9585295

anyone else love mixing benzos and booze?

>> No.9585305


Those are pretty big warning signs. If you think you have a problem, you should seek some help for it.

>> No.9585311
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cant wait for winter, Maximum comfy drinking.

Nothing better then shoveling snow at 3am while drinking a beer in the driveway and inhaling the nice cool air.

Literally not 1 thing comfier.

>> No.9585316

>tfw I've been doing this for 4 years daily

When my doctor dies of old age I'm fucked

>> No.9585325

He was here a few days ago, spent a few days dry smoking weed (lots of it). Back on booze now though, I believe.
UK should legalize pot for chronic alcoholics.

He dead. Or don't post here anymore.
Simpsonbro relapsed and posted, some time after quitting it the first time. The bed was in a comfortable room, and had a curtain to separate it from the rest of the room. Not a good sign... He had said a relapse would be lethal.

>How do I know if i'm dependent on alcohol?
If you have physical or psychological withdrawals when quitting.
>I find myself feeling shitty when I'm not drinking

You're so screwed.

>> No.9585328

I've got a doctor who gives me 240 1mg klonopin and 360 30mg adderall for $650. I sell the adderall and end up with a profit

>> No.9585337

>You're so screwed.

You have no idea.

I'm really fucked.

Lucky fucker.

I don't sell any, I take them all lol.

I get 30 .5mg triazolam, and 90 30mg flurazepam a month and I take them all.

>> No.9585345

Do I walk two blocks to go buy a 40 at the seven eleven or do I go to bed

>> No.9585347

those are odd benzos. what country are you in?

>> No.9585361


What's odd about them?

When traditional benzos have not worked doctors turn to less traditional/stronger/longer acting benzos.

>> No.9585384

yeah they're second or third line treatments for insomnia in the US that's why I assumed you were in slovenia or some shit country

>> No.9585413
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do you ever indulge al/ck/?

>> No.9585585
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>> No.9585639

Define (you)

>> No.9585645
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i love winter because it gives me an excuse to turn my heater on. so fucking comfy. like a blanket of hot air

>> No.9585750

drank a whole 18 pack yesterday. what the fuck ks wrong with me.

>> No.9585792

I've had Carlsberg before
Tasted like shit
Is this the best England can offer?

>> No.9585805

It's Danish. And it's far from the best Denmark can offer.

>> No.9585816

The fuck is the one I'm thinking of?
English beer. Red with a lion on the can?

>> No.9585841


>> No.9585863

That's it

>Founded in London
>London Ontario
FUCK, I guess it isn't English
Shit beer though

>> No.9585868
File: 43 KB, 600x800, glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlfriend stole my whiskey bottle from last night when I passed out poured me this tiny glass before she left for work. All I have for myself tonight is this and Zelda. RIP me.

>> No.9585871

I wouldn't even drink that.
If I can't get fucked up, I don't like getting even buzzed.

Also, your gf has low low standards

>> No.9585881

Oh lol, No I just have severe insomnia and

>> No.9585901

I do a lot of hard bucking on the Sabbath.

>> No.9585925

>not having a backup bottle

two is one and one is none

>> No.9585942

Not having a backup backup bottle, and a few other hidden when blackout drunk a day you bought a bunch.

>> No.9585957

>not going straight edge and only needing a backup case of water and a bunch of canned food

>> No.9585970

Can a person just drink beer and still be an alcoholic?

>> No.9585971

>straight edge
I think you got lost Anon.

>> No.9585974

But they're often fat
And poor

>> No.9585979

thats me

>> No.9585981

maybe i'm found

>> No.9585986

>cat dies
>crawl into a handle of vodka
>polish off a 1.75 in 3-4 days
Yeah I know it's probably not that bad compared to the real lushes but I feel like a huge piece of shit

At least constant vodka drinking keeps my teeth clean

>> No.9585991

You really need to adopt a kitten my man

>> No.9585992

You must be a wee fuck if that amount gets you proper drunk.

Also how young are you that yer cats are still dying?

>> No.9586005

>You must be a wee fuck if that amount gets you proper drunk.
I don't allow myself to get proper drunk - if I did I'd be dead by now

>how young are you that yer cats are dying
I'm cat jesus, motherfucker, she lived almost 20 years.

>> No.9586008

I know it's hard but you should probably deal with the loss differently.
And no; vodka actually dries out your mouth and hinders the natural defenses against infection. It does not keep your mouth clean.

Eat shit

>> No.9586011

Me too

>> No.9586020

This is me. I eat maybe 600 cal of food per day. The rest is a lot of beer. I'm about 25 pounds overweight because of it.

>> No.9586034

similar situation. My shits are rough

>> No.9586037

Most blow like Old Faithful

>> No.9586043

>At least constant vodka drinking keeps my teeth clean
Won't matter when they fall because your periodontium is fucked.
I'm sorry for your cat Anon.

>> No.9586064

I'll be adopting a cat on the border of adult/senior once I get over this but I don't know how long that'll take

Kittens seriously suck, never get a kitten

>> No.9586068

havent been to doc or dentist in like a year and a half. afraid to go.

>> No.9586078

>>9585986 here
I haven't been to a dentist in about a year and a half but that's because health insurance sucks and I don't feel like spending a couple hundred bucks to be told "yep, you're getting older"

I've actually never had any braces or cavities or anything, the worst I've had done is get my wisdom teeth removed. And that's definitely not due to a proper oral hygiene regimen - just genetics and luck.

I expect them to basically all fall out at once from the vodka or weed

>> No.9586135

I'm not drunk enough to pass out and I'm running out of booze.

500ml whiskey and 6 beers down. fucking hell

>> No.9586141

I haven't drank enough to pass out in years
I only drink till browning out now

>> No.9586144

jesus christ how can you even type are you 500 pounds

just, like, lie down and don't move for 5 seconds I'm sure you'll pass out

>> No.9586159



>> No.9586167

No reason to. When I pass "The Perfect Drunkeness" I don't have much left in me.

A good night is usually around 400ish ml of rum. And that's all I need to be super comfy and then wake up with memories like a mothworn quilt

>> No.9586179

400ml of rum just gets me to turn my spotify playlist on. are you rly al/ck/?

>> No.9586185

Probably not, honestly.
I'm in the top percentile of people, but not the top percentile of drinkers.

There's still hope for me.

>> No.9586202
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I think I ruined booze by overdoing it all those years. After a few months sober just a few drinks will make me feel really bad physically.

>> No.9586204

if you're not lying and you haven't spread that alcohol over so many hours that naming it all is pointless you'd have to be well over 200 pounds to not be above .2

>> No.9586205


>> No.9586213

are you sub 6ft?

>> No.9586226

I guess it is, although I hope it's not caused by any permanent damage to whatever enables me to process toxins.

>> No.9586230

>talking about height and not weight
Are you sub 100 IQ?

>> No.9586248

manlet detected

>> No.9586252

being smart does not make up for being short. being tall does not make up for being stupid.

>> No.9586309
File: 3.11 MB, 4032x3024, 15087223446841609334872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my roommate are trying to start a whiskey collection we don't know what we should get next though

>> No.9586319

This is all shit.
Shittier than shit

If those were two bottles of Glenfiddich, it'd be shit, but only just basic shit. Not advanced shit like you have.

>> No.9586333

Organ damage or kindling?
See a gastroenterologist.

>> No.9586334

any suggestions? we are getting a new bottle tomorrow

>> No.9586343

I've been thinking of getting myself checked but the desire quickly fades when I'm on the wagon because I'm quickly feeling healthy again.

>> No.9586347

Laphroaig 10yo. Pop your peat cherry.

>> No.9586358

anything a little cheaper as we are broke college fags

>> No.9586367

You should really go, I wish I has known about my pancreas sooner.

>> No.9586375

If you can't pony up, don't try to make a collection

>> No.9586382

What were your pancreas problems symptoms?

>> No.9586384

did you have any symptoms prior? im a 25 yo beer alc and beyond nasty shits and overal weakness i havent had too many issues.

>> No.9586387

I wish we could we are sick of 12 dollar handles of shit whiskey

>> No.9586395

Lmao you're in the wrong thread, at best our collections are recyling bins.
Don't even get me started on the whiskey meme

>> No.9586400

yea just started to explore this board and thread and really enjoy it

>> No.9586402

i dont get brown liquor alcs. that sort of shit became undrinkable on a regular basis once i really started hitting it. too many tannins and nasty shit that make you feel terrible the next day.

vodka and gin for me personally.

>> No.9586407

Rum has no tanins

>> No.9586408

Drinking some johnny walker black label tonight

>> No.9586412

I am looking to add gin to mine do you have any suggestions

>> No.9586415

Is it Blade Runner 2049 Black Label?

>> No.9586416

torn acl anon/1.75l boi
I'm alive. This shit is super gay, but I'm super lucky to have friends in nearly every state. On another couch, only 2.5 hours from home.
I've been that 1337 dude who's always there with a glass of ice water for those in need, and it feels nice to have friends bringing me chaser while I'm laid up. Sipping on my vodka and ice water, I'm gonna make it, dudes. Anyone else feeling okay about things?

>> No.9586420

imo all gin taste the same to me for the most part, excluding the true dumpster tier shit. tanqueray is good. hendricks is overpriced and stupid. havent had the botanical stuff.

all that sugar though. you really gotta be a self hating person to be a rum alc. i never touch that stuff.

>> No.9586425


Great movie though.
Ghost inspired me to buy it

>> No.9586428

kinda opposite. new job that pays well but im drinking way too much each night and scared im gonna blow it.

glad things are going your way man

>> No.9586429

I'm feeling like shit because I got fired this week.
NOT because of drinking.
Something something not fast enough. And when I go to pick up my last pay, there's some skeletal brown refugee doing my job.

Feeling like shit. I was doing good for a while. But here I am again

>> No.9586433

Yeah, great fucking movie

>> No.9586442

I've heard good things about Tanqueray so I might get that then

>> No.9586445

It does if it's aged in barrels.

>> No.9586466

Was feeling progressively shittier and shittier at work today and by the time I got home I was having pretty strong tremors and threw up most of my liquids (which wasn't a lot thankfully). I lied down for a while until I calmed down but I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm drinking a beer to help me sleep but I usually bounce it with neat vodka, but I'm pretty sure that'd make me throw up again. Any advice? Besides quitting anyway.

>> No.9586480
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I had a seizure after 3 days of not drinking. ask me anything.

>> No.9586484

was in hospital for 5 days

>> No.9586486

how much do you drink?

>> No.9586488

describe what it's like to have a seizure please

>> No.9586489

What now?

>> No.9586494

Call in sick buddy, going through the same right now and it usually takes me ~2 days and nights to feel semi-normal again

>> No.9586501

What hallus did you have?

>> No.9586518

Would if I could but I have too much to do between work and school, and I've already missed class too many times (fucking 55 mile commutes man). Got a big day tomorrow going from 6am to 9pm straight through, so this is gonna suck. Ironically as soon as I posted that first post I threw up half the beer I was drinking, so yeah this is gonna be rough.

I usually feel better the next day as opposed to two, but my biggest concern is that I'll be going through tomorrow's hell day with zero sleep, or very very little sleep. Sucks man.

>> No.9586520

was drinking a fifth of whiskey every night combined with other drugs

i dont remember really... gf took me to ER after i was feeling bad.. walked in there and was like "tryin to quit drinking, going thru withdrawls plz help", had the seizure which they told me lasted about 3 minutes. last thing i remember is looking over at her and trying to say her name, i fucked my back up when i fell. i woke up in a bed with 5 or 6 doctors around me, they told me i had a seizure, i tore all the needles and shit out of me and got out of the bed, tried to fight them off (im a big dude, they said i landed a good one on a dr), they pumped me full of benzos and i was out of it.... asian nurse pulled my dick out to get a piss sample, at that point my dick was so shrivled up and small i tried to hide it but she was like.. dont be shy... so pulled down my pants and told her to have at it, in a mysterious fcked up benzo sort of dream, it was really crazy. met a cool older guy who i shared a room with for that 5 days, his wife actually gave me a hug when he left and thanked me for keeping him company.

still drinking , dunno what im doing

>> No.9586523

How many years were you drinking heavy?

>> No.9586528

32 now, been drinking on and off since i was about 21, at that point in my life i was drinking very heavily and abusing all sorts of drugs while drinking.. especially klonopin. seizure happened because i thought i'd be all cool and quit all drugs at the same time.. i have some videos of my hospital visit i'll try to post

>> No.9586531

can you get wd from beer?

>> No.9586533

seizure happened in 2013, went 31 or 32 days sober, best i've ever felt in my life but... booze feels better. probably gonna die soon though. dont care anymore

>> No.9586548

You tried to quit liquor and benzos cold turkey at the same time?

No wonder your brain nope'd.

>> No.9586558

yea no shit, thought i was just go cold turkey with it all

>> No.9586563

Sure, if you're an ambitious beer drinker.

A case of standard lager has about the same alcoholic content as a liter of vodka.

>> No.9586586

>be family drunk
>go to cousin's wedding
>drink too much the night before the wedding
>we pull up to the bride’s mother’s house for the wedding the next morning
>throw up in front of her neighbor’s house
>spend the entire wedding sitting in the back trying to keep my vomit down

I always go overboard

>> No.9586592

it could have been much worse

>> No.9586594

Wasted chance

If you stayed sober the night before, you could have drank with your family and be the least drunk of all because they'd not have any resistance

>> No.9586600

I drank once my nausea was gone

>> No.9586604

For me, the sickness never goes away if I drink

Best drunk is going from wholly ok to shitfaced
Going from sick to drunk just makes me number but still as sick

>> No.9586609
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does anyone else's entire body ache after a long night of drinking?

>> No.9586622

I'm sorry bros. I'm in a shitty situation but it's circumstantial, not that I've really fucked up my life terribly. It eats dicks that y'all lost your jobs. I hope you can financially keep up, especially considering the shakes.
I can't get home right now but I'm unemployed and financially stable so I'm not too worried.

>> No.9586623

I can top that.

>be 16
>first time drinking
>friend got a handle of watermelon Smirnoff
>drink way too much (I was pretty small at the time and had no tolerance)
>black out
>throw up Cheetos all over his carpet
>get woken up at 7 am to go to church
>throw up in the church parking lot
>sleep behind the rows of seats while church is going on

Closest I’ve been to alcohol poisoning. Still can’t smell anything watermelon flavored without getting nauseous

>> No.9586638

i can top that

>be me
>age 23
>renting college apt from friend
>throw huge party 50+ people in said apartment including underage highschool sluts
>party was great
>everyone leaves
>im still wide awake
>drink all the leftover alcohol in apt
>takes about 12 hours to finish it
>try to sleep
>still dont feel drunk but know im wasted
>go to wendys
>drive through the drive through speaker box thing
>park in wendys parking lot
>vomit all over myself
>fall out of car
>EMS/police arrive
>get DUI

>> No.9586645

forgot to mention the part where i had alcohol poisoning.

>> No.9586647

and by "drive through" i mean i literally hit the fuckin box with my car

>> No.9586658

Jesus Christ. Why would you risk killing yourself or someone else by driving shitfaced just for Wendy’s? Lol

>> No.9586664

you do a lot of stupid shit when youre drunk and hungry

>> No.9586706


part and parcel

>> No.9587128

Day 3 no booze. Feelings of the onset of permanent mental retardation are worrying me pretty bad. Had a freak out I had wet brain a while ago, don't think it's THAT bad yet, but still. My brain feels semi-permafucked..

>> No.9587171

Hungry is almost exclusively the reason I used to drive buzzed/drunk. I've actually learned to cut that shit out because I live in a super bike friendly city/ fast food places have walk up windows.

>> No.9587216

This is the fastest one of these threads has been close to post limit, goddamn.

>> No.9587252

Switch to vodka.

>> No.9587263

The one whisky, which i regretted buying.

>> No.9587267

alcoholic community is growing

>> No.9587315

Dude vodka is so based, I hated it as a kid but once I started doing the bang/buck ratio it's really not worth it to drink something else.
I wish everyone got this.

>> No.9587449

It can take weeks or months to start feeling normal. Keep at it and eat healthy.

>> No.9587457

Vodka is what got me in trouble in the first place.

>> No.9587481

cheers. i've had three drug-related seizures, although none due to alcohol and all due to a lack of sleep as well. i was never in the hospital for more than six hours.

i'm 10 days sober.

>> No.9587904

NEW >>9587715
NEW >>9587715
NEW >>9587715

>> No.9588027

Me too, Anon. This city is so small we probably know each other or have the same friends. Not the guy you are replying to btw. It's hell rare to bump into other anon's from here. Stay off the piss man. I have tapered down after relapsing for two weeks or so. Will go to AA meetings as soon as I get fully sober.

>> No.9588035

This and you know you're fucked when you scratch yourself then you bleed for 4 hours because your blood has stopped clotting.