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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9578510 No.9578510 [Reply] [Original]

llo ck, Truck Driver here.
How the fuck do I eat healthy when im living like this?
I mostly just eat dried foods and pastries since they dont have to be refrigerated but I haven't taken a dump in a week and the lack of vitamins is giving me bo.

>> No.9578539

it gets lonely out there on the road
I'm sure someone would be willing to trade a hot meal in exchange for some....company

>> No.9578564

Portable gas stove? Electric mini-oven?

>> No.9578587

Start smoking meth, it will decrease your appetite.

>> No.9578625

This guy knows what's up, and the increased efficiency of your work will make sure you can pay for the meth.

>> No.9578631

That's a challenge. Do you need stuff you can eat while driving or can you stop for a few minutes and make something on a camping stove or something? Lots of fruit (apples will keep for weeks or even months), pasteurized milk with oats, cheese and salami, bread, olives, tomatoes ... pretty much anything will remain fresh if it is taken out of the freezer and kept at room temp for just a few hours. Also, why can't you refrigerate stuff? You know there are small car fridges that are plugged into the 12.V cigarette lighter plug.

>> No.9578741

I guess i could buy mini fridge but im trying to save what little money i make

>> No.9578746

I drive for a living too. Lately I've been seeing a lot of stores sell pumpkin seeds for the fall, so I pick those up for a good fiber filled snack. As far as meals go, I learned to start stopping at farmers markets and grocery stores on the road, as opposed to fast food.
(I still eat mcdonalds breakfast a lot, but you can't beat 2 for 1 mcmuffs dog)

>> No.9578832

What do you find is the best way to dispose of the bodies of the young female hitch hikers that you rape and murder?

>> No.9578845

Eat them, of course, but honestly you can leave a hitchhiker pretty much anywhere and not be caught.

>> No.9578865

Dont worry anonymous I got that reference

>> No.9578884

Especially in the middle of nowhere in some woods off the highway.

>> No.9578887

I wasn't really making a reference but it was influenced by something. What are you thinking? Don't disappoint me now

>> No.9578903
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Thought you were referring to the Rober Rhoades(how ironic) serial killings.
He would pick uo idiot fenale hitch hikers and kill them and dump their bodies in the deep woods where no one would find them.
pic related was a woman he photographed begging for her life right before he killed her.

>> No.9578950

That's tough work. My dad used to do the same when I was a kid. From what I remember, he had a power outlet in the cargo hold of his truck. If it can support a crock pot, you can make all sorts of healthy stews on the road. It takes a while but makes multiple servings in one go. Also, keep in mind your portion sizes. Even though the drive leaves you exhausted, you're not really burning all that many calories.

>> No.9578975

That pic always gives me the heeby jeebies.

>> No.9578997

Gives me a fucking boner mate. Imagine how shit scared she was. Begging for her life whilst knowing it was already over. I can imagine that Raping her under such circumstances would bring about the most intense orgasm ever

>> No.9578999

I have seen my fair share of gore but pictures of people about to die are totally on a whole other level.

>> No.9579007

Serves her right for being such a stacie

>> No.9579008
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>> No.9579030

Drove a truck for 6 months, gained 15 pounds.

If I was at a Flying J's, Loves, Pilot or something like that, I'd just starting ordering a salad and getting a vegetable side instead of potatoes.

Eat a piece of fruit everyday too. A high quality ice-chest will come in handy too.

>> No.9579157

but truck drivers make a fuckton of money, are you not in the union lol?

>> No.9579247

I get less than 2k miles a week and my paychecks average at around 250 a week...
I was making that much working at a grocery full time but so far i like truck driving a lot more.

>> No.9579287
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Trucker here. It's sad but food and eating is mostly a chore for me. For those saying to cook on a gas stove and whatnot, we don't have time for that shit. I mostly subsist on Monster, Lunchables, and whatever fast food I can get. I eat a lot of Subway, Arby's, and pizza. Make sure to drink lots of water.

>> No.9579341

I had to stop taking sips of monster and switched to caffeine pills

>> No.9579349

have you guys considred soylent? not exactly gourmet, but probably still way healtier than shitty snacks and lunchables


>> No.9579350

stupid frog poster

>> No.9579362

Keep a small ice chest in your truck and keep milk in there and eat frosted mini wheats for a fiber boost. Order your sandwiches with whole grain bread and stop to eat at places like round table that have all you can eat salad bars. I wolfed down two full plate salads with beans bacon chicken and cheese inside of 20 minutes since it's serve yourself and I don't fuck around. Very filling

>> No.9579476
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>> No.9579489


This post reeks of Virginity

>> No.9579490
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comon man this isn't hard. if you're having problems shitting then just get in more fruits, raw vegetables like carrots, nuts, and supplement your protein/fiber intake with meal bars

>> No.9579576

I can vouch for Soylent. I've bought packs of the coffee one a few times. Never had any of the issues some people have claimed, like diarrhea or nausea. It isn't for everyone but like the other anon said, it is way better for you than fast food.

>> No.9579618

>jewish xenoestrogens designed to turn men into dickless mutants
Fuck off, Cosmo. Go back to /utg/.

>> No.9579784

>250 a week
Jesus Christ I made more money than that working as a hotel auditor, and I literally did nothing but browse 4chan and smoke weed on my shifts.

>> No.9579807

How'd he get caught?

>> No.9579989

Eat lots of almonds and you'll shit every stop and places in-between.

>> No.9581185

Pure random chance.

>In the early morning of April 1, 1990, officer Mike Miller of the Arizona Highway Patrol found a truck at the side of I-10 with its hazard lights on. When he investigated inside the cab, he discovered a nude woman, handcuffed and screaming.[6] There was also a male present who identified himself as the driver of the truck. After failing to talk his way out of the situation, Rhoades was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, sexual assault, and unlawful imprisonment. After further investigation, the arresting detective, Rick Barnhart, was able to make a connection to the Houston case and noticed a pattern stretching over the course of at least five months.
>In executing a search warrant for Rhoades' home, police found photos of a nude teenager who was later identified as Walters, whose body was found in September 1990. Also present were photos of Walsh, whose body was discovered that October.

>> No.9581200

Jesus, first your company must be cr england or some shit get out.
I average about 1000 a week and i am a rookie.
Second if you have an inverter\apu get a mini fridge with a freezer and a microwave.
If you are otr then yous should be able to get to walmart now and again

Canned soups
Tuna sandwiches
Bean burritos
Eggs and sausages
Frozen lasagna
Always have a rotissery chichen on hand

Did that truckerfag convince you this was a good lifestyle?

>> No.9581208

Eat a lot of dried fruits and you won't have the constipation problem, at least. Apple chips, craisins, prunes, stuff like that. Avoid things like Doritos and potato chips unless you want da beetus to cut your career off.

As for vitamins, take a multivitamin supplement every day or two.

>> No.9581745

Sounds like you're getting ripped off. I work in a factory, our yard drivers make like 150-200 a day

>> No.9581899
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why not mix protien powder , rolled oats , and chia seeds with almond milk.
don't be a soy boi

>> No.9582014

>keep a chest of ice to store milk for frosted wheats
>frosted miniwheats
>for a fiber boost

OP listen to this guy he knows what is healthy for u

>> No.9582027

i would

>> No.9582035

I wonder if he tried to pass it off as an April Fools joke to the officer.

>> No.9582061

I am a rookie truck driver as well.
Im know im getting shafted on miles but I only plan to be with this company for a few more months to pad my resume then im going local/union

>> No.9582092

It's win-win!

>> No.9583208

samefag here how many miles do you average a week

>> No.9583238

They're comparing it fast food. It's still an improvement.

>> No.9583489


>> No.9583731

How many years tractor experience do you have?

>> No.9583759

in the time u wait at subway you can easily cook a healthier meal.... fatass

>> No.9583795

250 a week for 2K miles is way underpaid. What company do you work for? Are you in a union?

I feel for you cross country guys. I work for UPS and thankfully can stick to working in the yard or local runs. $36 an hour for an underachieving no college slacker. Life ain't fair.

>> No.9583800

I guess I have enough to say 1year

I said less than 2K miles. Right now I have like 1300 miles this week done.