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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9575495 No.9575495 [Reply] [Original]

How dare you /ck/. How dare you ask for water with lemon.
Fucking scum.

>> No.9575527

Water with lemon is pretty refreshing and healthy too.

>> No.9575537

Servers are the worst. Prove me wrong.

>> No.9575552


They have a job. They make money. Despite what the Facebook posts of the dozens of 15 year old girls you follow say, most of them work hard.

NEETs are at the bottom of the swimming pool.

I have been server, I have been cook, and I have been NEET. Servers are not worst. NEETs are worst.

>> No.9575572

i have never seen any group of people that share a profession act like what they do is the HARDEST job in the world and also be so ungrateful/condescending to customers

>> No.9575580

Unemployment benefits are better than doing a shitty minimum wage job.

>> No.9575583

>t. Wagecuck mad they cannot afford to be a NEET
>implying all NEETs rely on parents or government

>> No.9575611

I unironically don't get it. Is ordering water with lemon annoying to servers? That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.9575616

>>implying all NEETs rely on parents or government
To pretend that the <1% of completely self-made 20-somethings that are technically NEETS are representative of NEETs as a whole is the dumbest thing I've read all day.

>> No.9575622

Lol I'm not wagecuck you poor sod.

How much money do you think servers make? Sincerely, what's your estimate on yearly income for someone who serves full time?

>> No.9575627

That's precisely why you never tip, as well as the fact that you're covering schlomo's responsibility to pay his fucking workers.

>> No.9575628

>That shitty microwaved entree will be $20, plus 40% tip for yours truly

And people wonder why restaurant chains are floundering

>> No.9575630

Just using myself as an example fampai. I am using inheritence and money I have saved over the years.

Some people worked in their teens and decided to take a break.

Others live with friends.

Others are women with sugar daddies.

>> No.9575653

>>>9575495 (OP)
>Water with lemon is pretty refreshing and healthy too.
what makes adding a lemon to water so healthy and refreshing?

>> No.9575682

I'm not gonna say they're all terrible, but I will say they're easily one of the most overpayed jobs given the experience required. When I was 19, I worked a summer as a server, and usually took over $100 for a 6 hour shift. I will never, ever respect a server that complains about bad tippers or not making enough money. If you're not making stacks of cash, then you just suck at dealing with people. And I am a man, by the way. I didn't just skirt around with my tits flapping out for bigger tips.

>> No.9575685

It makes my teeth feel like they haven't brushed them for the past 10 days. Its disgusting. In fact, I'm going to brush my teeth now just from thinking about it.

>> No.9575699

Never brush your teeth after drinking acidic food, anon. You can damage your enamel that way. Wait at least 30 minutes.

>> No.9575702

Nothing. It makes it worse. Good water is delicious. Why would stop dumping shit in it? Just get some kool-aid or something if you want flavor. You're probably gonna take your water with lemon and pour 6 packets of sugar in it anyway to make lemonaide. I see people do it all the time to save from paying $2 for an actual drink. They think we don't notice that their lemon water is unusually cloudy and half the bowl of sugar packets is gone.

>> No.9575724

Post tits

>> No.9575730

>I am using inheritence
>not relying on your parents/relatives

>> No.9575851

What the fuck? Are you going to kick them out of the restaurant for using free sugar packets?autist

>> No.9575883

Half the fucking restaurants I go to give me lemon anyway. I have to ask for water without lemon.

>> No.9575889

You're getting a flavored bevetage that doesn't count towards your bill (and thus tip).

Essentially it's waitstaff saying "fuck you, spend more money so I can get a larger tip."

>> No.9575926

What a bunch of cunts then. I hope tipping culture gets eliminated so these whiny babies get even more shittershattered.

>> No.9575971

When I get unsweet tea. I ask for lemon with it

>> No.9576136

>hot water with lemon
>get a carafe of hot water and a plate of lemon wedges

truly devilsih

>> No.9576170

>order water with lemon
>get some sugar packets.
>make lemonade at the table

>> No.9576179

kek yes you are.

>> No.9576187

Shit taste.

>> No.9576201

I tip men much more than women. Women get 15% rounded down to the nearest dollar unless the service is exceptional. Men get 20% unless the service was exceptionally bad.

>> No.9576212
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>> No.9576225

Yes, they don't deserve the money they make at all

T. Back of the house aka the reason why people are even tipping you lazy cunts

>> No.9576235

This right here dishwashers and the other guys really keep the restaurant moving. Servers can be so freaking terrible. So can cooks

>> No.9576253

that's why i never got the whole tipping based on bill thing. is a $15 on a $185 bill supposed to be worse than a $10 tip on a $50 bill? i'd much rather get the $15 for a bit more work than worry about percentages.

>> No.9576264

What an insufferable bitch, maybe she should try working a real shit job where you get paid peanuts and don't get $200 a night automatically just because you're a pretty girl.

>> No.9576275

Uhhmmmm no sweetie they ordered 4 plates of food as opposed to 2 which means I need $45 at least. I only made $300 last night and I need more money to pay for my women's studies degree.

>> No.9576291

Making sure the fucking seeds don't drop in my glass sure is a bitch, but hey free lemonade we fucking beat the system #l1f3h4ck3d

>> No.9576293


>> No.9576297

>It makes my teeth feel like they haven't brushed them for the past 10 days. Its disgusting.
What kind of shit lemon are you using for this to happen? The bitter taste of citric acid and the cool refresh from water is fucking awesome.

>> No.9576307

Thiiiiiiiiiis is why I never tip ;) (also I'm Jewish) sooooo •0• fuck u table slave shieeeet if I'm feeling real cheeky I'll tip a single penny

>> No.9576317

Because the server tips out the busser, bartender, and hostess based on their sales. If you tip 20% only 15% actually goes to the server. If you tip 10% the server only makes 5%. If you don't tip the server loses money.

>> No.9576341

you forgot to say sweetie

>> No.9576354
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>went to lunch with 10/10 classmate
>she asks for water with lemon and cucumber

>> No.9576361

>lemon and cucumber
that is truly living on the edge

>> No.9576382

Anon, I've worked in health care for five years now and am currently in nursing school. I've changed literally thousands of shitty adult diapers, I've cleaned piles of vomit, I've dressed wounds, I've emptied catheters and colostomy bags. I've been screamed at, hit, spit on and scratched and all kinds of other shit. I see people die weekly. I deal with all this usually without receiving a "thank you." All that may sound horrible, but let me tell you I want to keep helping people in that way for the foreseeable future because I love it, but there is no way in a million fucking years you could get me to work as a server. Fuck that shit.

>> No.9576389


>> No.9576393

Serving doesn’t seem too hard unless you’re at a high end place. Most servers I get are marginally competent

>> No.9576420

Is that really it? It's really petty.

I do drink like a gallon of water whenever I go out to eat though. I would guess that's probably more annoying.

>> No.9576421

so... pickle juice? i'd be cautious, the cute ones are always the craziest

>> No.9576425

Like and subscribe to my blog.

>> No.9576539
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Fucking easy mode pleb servers.

The college sows don't know what bad customers are.

Buckle up, /ck/. It's a long ride.

>Be me, 16, working at mom and pop place.
>Actually good working climate for a while.
>One of the managers died. The remaining two fight all the time. They don't pay attention to their business and only hire kids in high school/junior high.
>They wonder why their business is failing.
>But that's not what this story is about.
>It's late at night, about closing time, and I'm doing cleaning and stocking.
>All of my tables are empty, but a few remain in other sections.
>One of these tables is housing three morbidly obese "individuals". I assumed they were grandparents and a child.
>The grandparents are probably 400lbs and over. I think one of them might have a rascal. They're essentially the trailer trash stereotypes. The female has chin-length, greasy brown hair that's balding at the center of her head, coupled with thick eye glasses. She's wearing rags. Her husband is the frosty white-haired blubber ball with a striped shirt and cheeks that make him look like a bulldog with Cushing's disease.
>But they don't have diseases. They have food in their stomachs.
>The little girl was doomed before she came out of the womb.
>Her face is actually cute, bless her, because her genetic pool was probably the worst I've seen in a long time. But she was fat. She spoke like a 6 year old but weighed probably as much as a 12 year old.
>They've all eaten dinners with salad bars. And the child is full. No surprises there.
>She is so full that she's doing the thing where you lean back and exhale deeply because you've eaten too much.
>She looks like she is in PAIN. Her sweater is stretched around her stomach massively. Her mid section looks like it belongs on a 30-year-old beer drinker.
>She's literally puffing up her cheeks and exhaling through pursed lips.
>I want to remind you all that she was, in reality, probably no older than 8 years of age.


>> No.9576544

Water with lemon no ice. With a separate cup of ice.

>> No.9576549

But even if the cook is a huge count they're at least adding value by being the reason why people are even showing up and paying to eat.

>> No.9576579

pls continue

>> No.9576590
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>> No.9576601
File: 171 KB, 1600x1067, Reb Chocolate Pie piece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The grandparents ask if she would like dessert. An obligatory question grandparents ask, although it shouldn't have even been a thought at this point.
>The child expresses her discomfort. She says she can't eat anymore and furrows her brow.
>The grandparents ask the follow up 'are you sure'? ...Again, acceptable if your grandchild doesn't weigh as much as a construction worker.
>The child then expresses her discomfort again. She says, word for word, that 'she can't fit anymore' in her stomach.
>She's tilting her head down to look at her stomach and she can't because of her neck fat.

This is usually where the ride ends. Someone will say 'alright, don't get it if you don't want it', pay the bill, leave a couple bucks and go home.

But the ride didn't stop.

We're going to stop calling these people grandparents, because they don't deserve that right.

>Fatty 1 and Fatty 2 start becoming frustrated that she does not want to eat more.
>They order a piece of chocolate meringue pie.
>They do not eat it. They instead set it in front of the girl.
>The Flub Chubs demand that she eats the piece of pie.
>The child is near tears. She is shaking her head and sobbing that she can't fit anymore in her stomach. She is miserable and physically in pain.
>She's holding and pressing her stomach. I can't tell if it's to help it stop hurting or to make herself throw up.
>They're getting angrier with her.
>But they're not getting louder. No one is looking, no attention has been drawn, the only reason I even notice them is because I just happened to look over.
>Also they're fucking cows.
>The child picks up the fork and starts poking at the pie.
>The female Chumba Wumba puts her hand on the girl's arm and demands she eat the pie.
>The child groans, her face is scrunched in pain as she starts nibbling at the pie.
>The Fatty Patty Two-by-Fours that Couldn't Fit Through the Kitchen Doors are not happy that she is just nibbling.
>They want her to gobble and assimilate.


>> No.9576631

I love the way you tell a story. You should be an author
Keep going

This better not end up being a “open the door get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur” bullshit

>> No.9576635

The fact that any server would actually complain that I order a simple water with lemon when I want one makes me feel better about never tipping ever. You have to actually think about the things you bitch about if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.9576665

This better fucking end with someone calling CPS

>> No.9576670

>Because the server tips out the busser, bartender, and hostess

I've never worked anywhere, or known someone who worked anywhere, that this happened. I am pretty sure that NOT tipping out the rest of the staff is normal.

>> No.9576686
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>"Hey we need more lemon wedges up front, Chris!"
>Kitchen degenerate grabs 100% dirty knife, places lemons on 100% dirty counter/board, chops and then puts them in 35% dirty container
>"Here's those lemons, Ashlynn"
>server grabs lemons with her 150% dirty hands and throw them into your water
>You smile and drink down your refreshing and healthy beverage

>> No.9576694

if you don't trust the lemons, why would you order anything else?

>> No.9576696

Serving at a high end spot isn't that much harder. The barrier for entry is higher, because nice clothes cost money. I think I spent something like $300 on clothes when I started working at The Melting Pot. You're expected to be a upstanding person in general. Or, at least, be able to act like you have some class for the few minutes you're in the dining area.

But aside from that, it's the same shit. Everyone snorting cocaine off the hoods of their cars after work, the girls all blowing their entire night's tips at a bar across the street or on clothes/body products. The persistent cloud of smoke hanging around the rear door outside. That 1 girl that always leave with no less than 2 take-out boxes of someone else's leftovers. The guy that always seems to disappear at closing without folding his share of silverware. Etc. Same shit, different mask.

>> No.9576698
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>The child complies. Because she is a child and has no bearing over these monster Fifteen Chins and Countings. They are her only way out of what is now a terrible place.
>The onslaught continues.
>They tell her that most people don't get to eat this much. She should be grateful.
>They tell her that the pie cost $3, that's a lot of money, and she better eat it.
>I would guess they spent $50 on their food, alone.
>The child continues to eat the pie, miserable tears now beginning to roll down her red cheeks as the Semi-Truck Butt Fucks start picking up every crumb on their table and shoving it into to-go boxes.
>The child is now silently crying.

At this point... The show is over. This is abuse.

>I'm 16, and I've never seen this before. I lack the skills to know what to do, so I go looking for the managers.
>I look for like 5-10 minutes. No one is there. This is more common than you'd think.
>I go get the waitress of the table, who was a fair deal older than me, and tell her what's going on.
>Tell her to bring something to clean throw up with.
>We go out into the dining room, and I'm ready to show her this bullshit.
>But when we go out there... They're gone.
>They have taken EVERYTHING.
>Every. Last. Crumb.
>Except for one thing.

There was one thing left on that table. It wasn't a guy opening the door, and nobody walked the dinosaur. It wasn't even the Loch Ness monster wanting his tree fiddy.

>The only thing left on that table was a small dessert plate with the carcass of a chocolate meringue pie.
>It was left where the child had been sitting.

I've been stiffed, I've been yelled at because we've run out of potatoes, I've had to clean nacho cheese from the ceiling, I've even seen a line of drunk bar fly wieners pissing in the garden.

None of that matters. Nothing fucking compared to what happened that night. It was the cruelest thing I have ever seen done to a child.

I have more stories, but they're not that depressing.

>> No.9576724
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>order water
>comes with a straw
>take straw out, drink straight from glass
>gf: "omg, I've worked in a restaurant before and you really don't want to put your mouth on a glass like that"

What the fuck difference does it make?

>> No.9576741

It's all about the illusion. Like these people who think their Quarter Pounders are sterile because they're in wax paper. There's just as much chance as someone wiping cold germs along the rim of your glass as there is that they sneezed into it. But, hey, civilization and all that. I guess you could even call it good manners to use the straw. I don't know.

I DO know that as a server, at least 30% of the glasses that went out had my fingers inside them at one point or another. Usually when picking them up. You can't wrap your hands around glasses when they're packed tight side by side. It's easier and faster (the important bit) to go from the top.

>> No.9576754

I don't really care if a servers finger touched the inside of my glass. You should see the dirty shit I do in my own kitchen cooking for myself.

>> No.9576769

Most other things are cooked. And sipping on contaminated water just seems more intimate than chewing and swallowing a bite of food

>> No.9576773

Lots of things aren't cooked though. Or the cook touches it after it's cooked. Or the server touches your plate. I can't see ever going out to eat if you're worried about this

>> No.9576776

Yeah, the finger thing doesn't bother me. I assume you fuckers wash your hands, and if my immune system is so shit that I get sick that easily then I deserve it.

>> No.9576815

>There was one thing left on that table. It wasn't a guy opening the door, and nobody walked the dinosaur. It wasn't even the Loch Ness monster wanting his tree fiddy.

I died

>> No.9576820

Waiters are the biggest waste of life faggots I've ever had to deal with.

>> No.9576842


Like I said, I like my water pure as fucking possible or not at all. Other things I'm flexible on

>> No.9576845
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Pretty much statistically. Percentage of hero servers is single digit or even less. A lot of servers are OK but definitely the highest percentage of people who come in to work and never hide that they don't wanna be there. Just nut up and quit, nobody in back of house wants to deal with adult tantrums.

>> No.9576848

so you are an irrational person with a weird phobia or something. You can stop trying to explain it to the rest of us because we'd rather not be infected with your mental issues.

>> No.9576887

And? They are within their rights. I don't think they think you don't notice, I think they just know that you're not gonna do a god damn thing about it because you're a subservient bitch by trade.

>> No.9576891

it's probably because people who order water as their beverage are cheap

>> No.9576901

you fucking worthless slave. How dare you question a person's choice of beverage. Are those your personal sugar packets, or are you just a sniveling piece of shit complaining that someone wants to save 2$ all because you think you're going to score 18% of that 2$ which is a lot of money for you because you're fucking poor? I'm never tipping again because I read this.

>> No.9576964

Yeah heaven forbid people start to prefer clean water to drink

>> No.9576966

I'm not even a server and I don't think I've read anything more autistic than this.

>> No.9576981

>sugar packets

Idiots. Sugar never dissolves in ice water, you gotta use artificial sweetener packets or your ghetto lemonade stays sour and gritty.

>> No.9576983

Came to post this

>> No.9576985

water can never be %100 clean, jut like you can never get rid of the 100 million parasite living in and on your body

>> No.9577023

Jesus christ you're autistic

>> No.9577033

>everyone who isn't a germophobe is autistic

>> No.9577044

Indeed it is. Always sharpens me up and gets me ready for a bit of the old ultra violence

>> No.9577064


Found the people that make ghetto lemonaide instead of paying $1.25 for an actual beverage.

>> No.9577074

>found the impoverished tipcuck who is mad he's not getting 18% of $1.25

>> No.9577078

That's honestly cruel, I hope that girl is okay

>> No.9577106

Enough that when you faggots FINALLY get the 15 an hour you desire, but without tips, you bitch and moan that you're not paid enough.

>> No.9577211

Judging by who's raising her, she's never going to learn healthy eating habits. Eventually she'll join some sort of fat activist group like HAES, because obesity has become normalized for her thanks to her fat-ass family, and she's been taught to see people who don't eat themselves into an early grave as the enemy.

People are always making fun of fat activists, but it's really more sad than funny because a lot of them legitimately never stood a chance, just for different reasons then they think.

>> No.9577217

I'm not even a server. I just think it's hilarious how cheap people can be. How can you not be embarrassed by making ghetto lemonaide instead of paying $1.25 for some tea or something? I bet you get mad pussy after your date sees that display.

>> No.9577223

>How much money do you think servers make?

I made about $3k/month when I was serving. Tax free. Not counting the $2.13 an hour that I got as an actual paycheck.

>> No.9577225

being pregnant this is the only water that tastes good

>> No.9577234

this is true mostly i think in the south
im in FL and yeah i find this true but more and more its less

>> No.9577242

what if I just like drinking fucking water with fucking lemon in it? What if I, the man who is voluntarily entering your place of business that advertises food and beverage service, prefer to drink some motherfucking water with some motherfucking lemon in it?

Is there something wrong with water that has lemon in it?

Or are you just a worthless impoverished tipcuck who is mad that he will not get tipped 18% of the price of a 7-up?

>> No.9577255

Was it really tax free, Anon?

What was reported on your W-2?

>> No.9577294

My newest theory is that the preferred job of an SJW/LBGTQ+-*/Crazy Person is Server.

They feel the most entitled to their opinion,
they want extra hand outs,
they bitch when things go wrong,
but have no idea how to solve the problem.
>spoiler: (it involves getting rid of tipping in the USA.)

>> No.9577680
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>restaurant has a self serve free jugs of tap water
>they're filled with coriander, lemon and strawberries
It tasted alright

>> No.9577737

Waitstaff tend to be upset when a table just orders waters, gets a bunch of refills on bread baskets or other free items, and has a small order. They still spend an average amount of time checking in on them to see if they need anything, but by the time those customers leave, they make next to nothing on a tip because the bill was kept so low.

Compare that to a table that stays just as long, but each person orders two drinks, two dinners, an appetizer, and two desserts. Effectively the same amount of work for the server, and the same time input, but a far better payout in terms of tip money to take home that night.

>> No.9577846

fuck them wage slaves, tipping is for cucks

>> No.9577961

>each person orders
>two dinners
>two desserts
What the fuck?

>> No.9577969

>the server loses money

>> No.9577972

>but each person orders two drinks, two dinners, an appetizer, and two desserts
I don't think fat people tip that well.

>> No.9577982

>insists water has to be 100% pure
>sugar water gets a free pass

>> No.9578108


>> No.9578117
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Because there is a stubborn belief that you are signing a social contract that states that you will not try and save any money at the restaurant's expense and you are obligated to shell out that extra 2.50 for a drink. And if you can't do that then you shouldn't be eating out.

Never understood it myself. I always tip a little extra anyway which negates the drink price anyway. If you are that much of a Jew to get buttmad at a trivial amount of money not crossing your palm and thinking you are ENTITLED to it then go fuck yourself. Your business model fucking sucks if something like that hurts your bottom line.

>> No.9578125

But who fucking cares as long as the dude that orders the waters tips better? You are assuming somebody is going to be all anal and calculate the tip according to the price to the penny and never toss in a little extra. Some people aren't beep-boop-bop robots and are capable of being kind you know.

>> No.9578129

mental gymnastic from people who became waiters because they literally dropped out school without the basic math knowledge a 10 year old is supposed to have.

>> No.9578145

Tipping is an issue the employer imposes on the servers and customers.
You'd think places than ban tipping were more popular.

>> No.9578342

Italian servers are the worst.
American servers are top.

>> No.9578458

Dealing with shitheads every single day will only keep your spirits up for so long.
So fucking glad I got out of the game before went postal.

>> No.9578476

>The fatty patty two-by-fours that couldn't fit through the kitchen doors
Fucking hell, anon.

>> No.9578590

Holy shit my parents are like this. Passive aggresive sicks. They would treat me to something and blame me for the money they spent. Fucking hell

>> No.9578594
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Are you implying servers report their tips? LOL.

>> No.9578598

You're just an idiot. Servers have always been servers. They've only been vilified in the last 10 years by the exact type of people you're claiming that servers are. It's the other way around.

>> No.9578683

First of all

>Water with lemon
>not water with a twist

Secondly, if there's one group of people I literally couldn't care less about it's waiters. They make bank doing literally nothing while complaining about how hard it is. Wanna know why they always complain about making 1.2 bucks an hour or whatever? So you feel sorry for them, and tip them more. They don't want a normal wage, because they make far far far more in tips than any minimum wage worker earns. and they have the stomach to complain about checking in with a table 5 times in an hour because "they're not ordering expensive stuff so I get a big fat tip :(((((((("

>> No.9578703

>Good water is delicious.
And your shit tap water is not good, table slave.

>> No.9578783

It's not that I don't understand this, is just that it's loathsome. We all hate the times at work when we have to work a lot. We all wish every day was an easy day and we got paid as if it was a hard day.

But we don't all go home to tweet about how people who drink water are bad people. Because that would be stupid

>> No.9578793

then that would make me correct and not an idiot lol

>> No.9578802

Of course they don't. After emotionally blackmailing everyone to "do their part and chip in" to pay the servers, they turn right around and illegally evade paying taxes to support the roads they drive on, emergency services that protect them, etc.

Servers are the lowest of the low. Scum of the earth. Here's a tip, kys

>> No.9579704

Percentage based tips are never the answer because some meals are far more expensive, but require no extra work from the server to merit it.

>Order a hamburger for $10 at a restaurant
>Give waitress $2 tip
>Order bottle of expensive wine with your caviar and gold flake crusted wagyu beef or whatever the fuck that costs $300
>Waitress expects at least a $30 tip for essentially the exact same job of bringing 1-2 items to you

>> No.9579735


Anyone else think the joke is about welcoming people into your restaurant and after introducing yourself to them you are met with a demand for items.

I love serving and bartending, but having "Hello, how are you?" being met with "Water with lemon" is a bit rude, don't you think?

>> No.9579764

It actually makes sense in the context of the comic, since babies obviously don't have manners and just scream for anything they want.

>> No.9579780

I wish servers get to experience that before complaining about how hard they work to earn their dollar

>> No.9579796

is this something else i'm supposed to care about? you're a fucking waitress. if what bothered you mattered, you'd be something else. but you're not. you're a waitress.

>> No.9579829

if patrons didn't cut to the chase and place their orders quickly enough to turn tables over faster, servers would complain about that too

and no, it's not rude. servers give kindness, customers give money. expecting a customer to also give kindness would be like asking your bartender for a tip every time you finish a drink

>> No.9579832

taxes from literally every person in the country who makes server-level money are absolutely miniscule compared to the taxes evaded by corporations and the rich.
it's the same with climate change and lifestyle waste as well. Absolutely nothing good comes of vilifying lower-middle class and below people. It's just a scapegoat for the actual problem.

>> No.9579846

what the fuck bro. what kind of person views politeness as only a commodity to be sold? Youre not losing anything being nice to people serving you, you autistic fuck.

>> No.9579847

this story doesn't even make sense

they left without paying? and took the salt and pepper off the table? i don't see what the ending has to do with the rest of the story.

>> No.9579855

>what kind of person views politeness as only a commodity to be sold?
waiters and bartenders

>> No.9579870

I said ONLY. I understand that politeness can be sold as a part of service.
What makes me mad is somebody living their life as though being polite is an explicit loss of value, and that there's no point in being nice to people that can't or won't immediately reward you.
Thats a fucked up way to live and if everybody actually lived that way any kind of social interaction would be a fucking drag.

>> No.9579889

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm always polite to my waiters. I just think it would be retarded for a waiter to be offended or disappointed that someone isn't polite.
If you're so hard up for pleasant social interactions, make better friends. Don't put that burden and expectation on a paying customer who's there for a million reasons other than pretending to like you.

>> No.9579929

>taxes from literally every person in the country who makes server-level money are absolutely miniscule compared to the taxes evaded by corporations and the rich.
And? That doesn't give you a free pass to evade your own taxes. You're not saving the proletariat, you're fucking over people who actually work their ass off to make ends meet

>> No.9579990

Not that anon, but what is even a proletariat?

It just kind of sounds like a funny word.

>> No.9580148

So much this. I've been around a lot of different people in a lot of different kitchens and NO ONE COMES CLOSE to following food safety standards. Most people would look like ja/ck/ if filmed while they were in their own kitchens.

One of the worst things is I don't know anyone but myself who doesn't use kitchen towels to wipe up messes or dirty hands then put them back.

>> No.9580193

My hypothetical tip is also miniscule. Giving some loser $2 of my hard earned money will not help the wretched state of affairs that keeps churning out losers like them.

The point is, if they want me to chip in to support them, they should be chipping in by paying taxes like everyone else. Otherwise they're just whiney low life pieces of shit

>> No.9580325

It's not even about being stingy, I just don't want the extra calories and carbs, plus I find diet cola nasty. I just want something to help wash the food down.

>> No.9580384

And I bet you think that was a had job. You've never experienced hard, cupcake.

>> No.9580437

if this was the original comic maybe, but with the edits ive seen before, the baby is supposed to say something terrible