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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 105 KB, 1000x549, HIRES3-2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9563460 No.9563460 [Reply] [Original]

what does /ck/ think of this guy?

>> No.9563485

apparently nothing from what I can see

>> No.9563548

his voice really fucking sucks big time.

>> No.9563555

he wears a watch and has a tattoo

>> No.9563562
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>> No.9563577
File: 23 KB, 720x405, wallah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit the youtube channel

>> No.9563602

Reddit must be a nice place.

>> No.9563689

He has the nu male vibe that makes me want to punch his face

>> No.9563693

Gay reddit shit. Why can't he just cook things, why does everything have to be a shitty millennial pop culture reference? Instead of doing a carbonara episode, he does a "Master of None" carbonara. It's idiotic marketing for the netflix-addled young adult crowd.

>> No.9563708
File: 40 KB, 1000x1000, 1507424384734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly this fellow anon

anybody who actually cooks is a faggot, or women/normie

real men (us 4channers) do nothing but smoke, drink and eat out, only normies and reddit faggots enjoy somebody who cooks, or lives like a normie (nice clothes, fit, good living situation) stuff like that makes me rage so hard, nobody should have nice things, or like things I don't like, and his show is the epitome of things I HATE, FUCK HIM AND HIS NICE THINGS, FUCK HIM FOR COOKING AND FUCK REDDIT

thankyou for being honest and calling out reddit for what it it anon

>> No.9563709

oliver "please donate to my patreon goys" babish

>> No.9563718

>why does this youtuber use a gimmick??
>I know it made him popular, but why can't he just me normal

maybe he doesn't care about the opinion of some autistic cooking board on a Cambodian organ harvesting do's and do not website, and just wants to appeal to the much larger, and more successful reddit crowd, who already backed him from the get-go

>> No.9563728

So maybe OP should fuck off to reddit? What kind of faggot name is babish anyway? Fuck this thread

>> No.9563752
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Your tears of impotent rage arouse me. Please keep posting!

>> No.9563761

I use Google myself

>> No.9564777

Because that's literally the point of the fucking show. He's showing you how to cook foods from or that have been featured in popular shows and movies.

>> No.9564795

Gotta fit that contrarian hivemind mindset. No matter how good or rational something is leave it to a "seasoned" 4chan """veteran""" to strip faith in humanity

>> No.9564797

>its contrarian to not like something
you fucking retard

>> No.9564806

>deep don't hate just because he actually cooks
That's not why we think he's a fag.

>> No.9564816

You don't speak for /ck/, you vaguely humanoid burlap sack of liquid shit.

>> No.9566071

Lots of things get called reddit, but it's actually true here. He's the prototypical millennial - everything he does is tied to some millennial fad like Netflix or a "90s kid" cartoon. The very concept of "binging" is millennial in this sense. He also literally posts on reddit.

He's welcome to do whatever he wants, and I'm welcome to think it's idiotic.
>here's a video on how to make a krabby patty
>its a fucking burger

>> No.9566073


>> No.9566078

Maybe you should go there and be amongst your people

>> No.9566086

He literally boosted his profile through reddit. Credit to (((babish))), he saw a highly exploitable and stupid market and spoke to them and gave them exactly what they wanted

>> No.9566102
File: 18 KB, 241x210, Harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus christ, my sides are in orbit.

>> No.9566130

I think he should do less joke videos of food that's obviously disgusting.

>> No.9566132

But how else would he get upvotes?

>> No.9566155

I like the knife he uses, is it worth $200 provided I never need to buy another knife?

>> No.9566189

I hate the hipster nu-male vibe he has but his recipes are pretty neat, it's cool to see him recreate foods from shows I've watched and wondered what the food tastes like.

>> No.9566919

He just entered the YouTube food scene too late.
I already have enough people I watch. Good on him for the effort, it shows in the few videos i watched.
But, meh.

>> No.9566981
File: 214 KB, 1200x627, ck improvement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I am going to get some people from there and bring them here. This place could be nice, but this bunch of smelly vagrants here really need to go, before real estate value drops too much.

>> No.9567401

What's it like playing into the hands of /pol/acks and their bullshit designed to make you hate yourself and everyone else you indsufferable cuck?