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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 342x342, alck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9554326 No.9554326 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking you pissed the bed but it were just pints of sweat edition.

>> No.9554335

First for beer with whiskey chasers

>> No.9554338
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Incel edition

>> No.9554339

Old: >>9546101

>> No.9554343

stop this female alcoholic meme, It's not real.

>> No.9554346

>three months, did a week before in the hospital and a couple after i got out
>could have stayed and done some more sober living shit but fuck rules yknow
What's life like in a sobriety gulag?

>> No.9554352

Does incel just mean 'too cheap to get a hooker'?

>> No.9554357

It means some combination of ugly and mentally ill

>> No.9554360

>cracked up refrigerator to max last night after I bought 90 beers
>crack one open when I wake up

WEW lad, That is a cold ass beer.

It's the perfect temp when it burns a little bit

>> No.9554366
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false. exhibit a

>> No.9554368

Stephen king is a girl now?

>> No.9554369

Too mentally ill to get a hooker?

Hookers fuck ugly guys all the time, it's their job.

>> No.9554374

>girls don't exist
I'll have you know I am aware of at least one (1) alkie femanon.

>> No.9554379

more like choosing to believe...

>> No.9554384

>What's life like in a sobriety gulag?
its actually ok, though i've spent my fair share in the psych wards of hospitals
kind of a grass is greener thing though, like my freedom to do whatever i want, but its kinda nice in a way being around lots of other people who are in the same boat as you

>> No.9554396

I can't even be a proper alcoholic any more.
I got a job. Working 4-6 days a week.
I can't drink the night before I work, so I'm reduced to drinking 1-2 nights a week.
It fucking sucks.

I mean, I'm sleeping great. I'm shitting regularly. I don't have head aches or pains.

But... Still, I never feel like I'm happy. Not like when I reach The Zone of Perfect Inebriation

>> No.9554402

How do you pay for all that shit?

>> No.9554404


>> No.9554407
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>I can't drink the night before I work

>> No.9554411
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>first real day of university is tomorrow
>am drinking myself to sleep
Should have been aborted desu

>> No.9554412

I'm certain, the sweat smells worse.

>> No.9554413

I'm at like 22 hours since my last (most recent) drink and my last (most recent) cigarette. went to a work party, called some of them nazis because they're real racist. tried to run the 8 miles home but I only made it a little over a mile before hitting my face on a landscaping boulder. Couldn't figure out the lyft or uber apps so I called my girlfriend to take an uber out to come get me. my face is all fucked up and my neck hurts, but mostly I'm dreading going to work because I said god knows what else to my coworkers if I remember calling them nazis and I have a customer facing position so it's not great to have huge areas of face skin scraped up and one severe black eye. sorry for the blog, I'm having a hard time filling my time without smoking or drinking or wanting to leave the house

>> No.9554415

im canadian, hospital is free, treatment was only 3500 canuck bucks which i had from when i was working years ago
made ok money and didn't spend it on anything but liquor and rent

>> No.9554420

It's just irresponsible.
I can't do the "drink while you work" thing
And I can't do the hangover thing.

I'm just a half person when I'm hungover and my boss is on my case enough as it is about every little mistake and every little task that takes too much time

>> No.9554423

Try not drinking at all for a few weeks instead of that limping cycle of suffering you've got going. Things might clear up.

>> No.9554424
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I've never had 3500 bucks before
I'm not even young

>> No.9554431

how many hours a day do you work. if it's like 12 I see your point, but 8 for work 8 for sleep 8 for what we will

>> No.9554434

>It's just irresponsible.
so is driving while loaded, didn't stop me

>I'm just a half person when I'm hungover
thats when you start morning drinking

sucks lad
helps i got 20k from my mom 10 years ago, lived off that the past year basically
got a job again now though, 20 bucks an hour so i should be able to save some as long as i keep it

>> No.9554435

>drank a six pack yesterday and one today
welp i'm doomed

>> No.9554439

it's only $2803.15 real dollars

>> No.9554444
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>> No.9554446

I don't have enough money to do anything fun so if I don't drink on nights where I don't need to get up. I just end up staring at my computer for 6 hours feeling like shit.
At least nights where I work the next morning I can hop into bed early.
But if I don't work the next day and I can stay up... It's just endless boredom.

That's what gets me to drink. It always was. Even when I was drinking 3+ times a week, it was boredom.

Without my weekly binge, I have nothing to look forward to

>> No.9554450

>the absolute state of al/ck/

>> No.9554452

please don't trivialize my problem

>> No.9554461
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>8 for what we will
>household chores
>grocery shopping
>getting ready for bed
>getting up
>making breakfast
>getting ready for work

>> No.9554465

based zizekbro

>> No.9554469

Huh. Looks like there's some room in those jeans. Bet I could fit in them ...

>> No.9554473

It physically hurts me that there are women walking around that look like this

>> No.9554489

you're a little guy

>> No.9554492

And now you choose the track back to DT Town?

>> No.9554496

b-but itll be different this time anon...

>> No.9554501

In my understanding, there is detox that last a week or two (inpatient or outpatient), rehab that last a month or more (AA could be outpatient rehab in a way), and "communities" where you have a flat and live mostly by your own, but no neighbour will have a party with drinks or whatever, where you can live for years.

They want real love they "deserve" all while acting like the worse assholes society ever produced. Have a look at their subreddit if you want to feel bad.

That's bad. Sorry to hear that Anon.

>I don't have money so I buy alcohol instead of doing cheap stuff
Alcoholism isn't rational...
Also you have anhedonia. Stay sober for a few months to get rid of it.

It won't.
I mean, now you know how to taper and detox properly, but it'll still be a pain to do.

>> No.9554508
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>> No.9554512

>They want real love they "deserve" all while acting like the worse assholes society ever produced. Have a look at their subreddit if you want to feel bad.
Being an unlovable cunt is one thing but celibacy is another.

Plenty of cunty sexpats slithering across third world sidewalks with red light yellow fever desu.

>> No.9554518

some of us are too ugly to be loveable bud

>> No.9554524

>, and "communities" where you have a flat and live mostly by your own, but no neighbour will have a party with drinks or whatever, where you can live for years.
That sounds rather comfy. One of my worst fears is casual drinkers luring me back in.

>> No.9554539
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>TFW porn addiction is worse than alcohol addiction and actually perpetuates it

what the fuck should I do

>> No.9554542

Not all racists are nazis. In fact most aren't. Just because some racists from Germany were national socialists doesn't mean you have to consider all racists to be like that.

Bit prejudiced desu.

>> No.9554549
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Full Luddite.

>> No.9554557

Did you have fun before you discovered alcohol? If so, the boredom itself may be alcohol induced.

>> No.9554563

This. There is a massive difference in being a nazi and knowing that certain races are just bad to be around. Blacks make up 13% of the population in America yet commit 88% of all violent crime.

>> No.9554570

I lived in a house full of my mates then
It was always something to do.
Then they left bit by bit.
The house was just me and my best friend since childhood for a while.
And it was good.

Then he fell in love with a girl and got married all within 6 months.
That's when I started drinking for real.
That was a few years ago.

I've been living alone since and see my friends only once or twice a week.
It's never quite been like those early days

>> No.9554578

>once or twice a week
I see my friend about twice a year. But I don't mind hermitude so I guess it's not really fair to compare.

>> No.9554583

I'm the exact opposite desu. I drink to be able to stand being around other people. I can go for months without booze if I don't have to interact with people beside basic transactions, but I can't bear an hour of small talk without a few doubles.

I get bored in company and always enjoy myself alone. I guess I have it easier because you can shut people out of your life but you can't force them to come into it.

>> No.9554599
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Same desu
Maybe my therapist can help me or something

>> No.9554620

>first night below freezing

Damn I love winter, My favorite season.

Can't wait until there is a foot plus of snow on the ground

>> No.9554637

FA and incel aren't the same thing.

Or maybe it's related to poverty, not race.

>> No.9554639

I love the cold but hate the snow.
Fuck snow

Also NE canfag detected

>> No.9554647
File: 100 KB, 1024x576, 7GzxjBWT151zp7IMOyhejq8-cpUZtiZXs9pg0SA3qfM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snow is comfy af.

Nothing better then walking around at 3am hammered when there is no one one the road and that silent of snow

>> No.9554649

I'm not him nor a stormfag, but adjusted for poverty, blacks still commit more crimes per capita than any other poor people of any race.

The truth of the matter isn't some kind of inherent violence or stupidity. There's more than just genes that pass on between generations.
It's the idea that society isn't for you. That society is against you. THAT makes criminals.
Society is a game that we all play for our benefit. But if you feel like that game is benefiting others and not you, why bother playing?

>> No.9554653

Oh yeah, walking while the snow is falling is super comfy.
I used to live rural like and man, snow and I have a relationship.
It's absolutely beautiful.
But dealing with it. Such a fucking pain

I guess that's also true for women, lol

>> No.9554661

Right lol.

yeah dealing with the snow sucks, Especially the fucking slush and getting salt and shit in your house and car.

>> No.9554688


>> No.9554698

i unintentionally got nonalcoholic cider from the store just now. would some whiskey go well with it?

>> No.9554702

How about you tell us?

>> No.9554708

>Or maybe it's related to poverty, not race
Nope. The wealthiest black areas have more crime than the most poverty stricken white areas. It's a race thing. Accept it.

>> No.9554717

>Or maybe it's related to poverty, not race.
It's not. Also retarded how much this shit is spouted because it's explicitly just not true.

>> No.9554724

>The truth of the matter isn't some kind of inherent violence or stupidity.
It is though.

>> No.9554726

Did you forget the rest of what I said?
The American Negro is violent for the same reason why the Irish are violent.

>> No.9554727

Hospital for the first time because of alcohol after daily use for 6 years. Had the flu, drinking 1 L whisky in one night plus benzos. Nervous about a busy week at work. If i don't find a way to deal with anxiety I will kill myself. Scared that I will make myself unloveable.

>> No.9554728

Jesus Christ
How do people like you even function?

>> No.9554734

Hmm yes as compared to negro literally everywhere else.

>> No.9554751

>teeth wiggling loose after years of chewing tobaccoa
ah yes

>> No.9554768
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Switch over to Swedish Snus anon.

>> No.9554774

We don't have a control sample of a population Negroes in a rich environment.
Africa is shit because the continent is shit
American Negroes are shit because they don't feel apart of regular society and lash out against it.

But if the Negro was categorically incapable of ever being like another type of human, then there'd never be educated and societally responsible Negroes.
There are.

It isn't a blood thing. It's a culture thing. Post-racist America has ironically conflated the two. You can't correct people who say "ax" or "finna" without being a genetic racist.

Society is a big boulder everyone is pushing up hill.
If you don't believe pushing that boulder helps you, why bother?
That's the problem with the American Negro.
Why bother do work for something that has always hated you?
Some American blacks have found out that it still helps them so they're just like everyone else. But most don't see the point.

As for the Africans, shit's been only like 150 years since most have even known about civilization.
Western and Eastern society has thousands of years to build upon the faith of society

>> No.9554777
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>> No.9554782

>he didn't buy a 10mm


>> No.9554787

I see the point, but might it not be that everywhere the negro finds himself in civilisation that civilisation is per definition not for him? Kind of like gypsies or jews for that matter.

>> No.9554789


>> No.9554793
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fuck off

>> No.9554794

This question is always solved by adoption and again and again we see that an adopted "off race" child nearly always conforms to their adopted parents

>> No.9554796
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>implying I only own a g43

>> No.9554809

The bottle is ruining my life
And I don't know what to do

>> No.9554812
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American tobacco is fucking disgusting. I used to chew red man when I worked tree service. Visible gum damage after a few months using it. Switched to Swedish snus and have perfect gum and tooth health and I've been using it for around 4 years now

>> No.9554817

>want to snus
>want to eat snacks
>can't do both at the same time

the greatest conflict in the universe

>> No.9554820
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It took a week of sobriety before I started to crave again. Guess I was too sick for booze until now.

I only ever miss beer though. But beer always escalates to liquor.

>> No.9554824

If you use slim snus portions you can eat/drink with them in your top lip

>> No.9554825
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pouches are just so faggy dude. cant do it

>> No.9554828

I've tried but the times I've tried I end up chewing the snus portion
It's just not worth the trouble

>> No.9554837

Loose snus is actually the most popular method of using snus in Sweden. I get it sometimes but still prefer pouches because of ease of use. When I get loose snus I have to compress it into a portion

>> No.9554840

If these really are all your guns, Nice choices.

love the judge, shot so many snakes with that bitch I lose count

>> No.9554850

Nigga just put the bottle down.
ez pz gg no re

>> No.9554859

Only about 1/4 of those are actually mine. Was from a /k/ meetup a few months ago. The judge isn't one of mine

>> No.9554867

I wonder how many ATF agents were at that meetup kek.

I would never meet someone from 4chan irl, Especially /k/

>> No.9554879

/k/ and /out/ have the only good irl meetups. I go to /k/ nuggetfest every year as well as most of the smaller gatherings. The only bad /k/ meetup was when we got kicked off the land owner's property because a trap tripfag killed a goat and nailed the head to a tree

>> No.9554894

>we got kicked off the land owner's property because a trap tripfag killed a goat and nailed the head to a tree

No fucking way lol. Can you post the link of any of those threads? I would love to read that haha

An /out/ meetup would be cool, Plenty of good cooks.

I would go to a /ck/ meetup maybe for the divorced moms

>> No.9554913

I don't have the link offhand, but if you ask /arg/ they will post it all

>> No.9554918

Just because there are outliers doesn't mean that the vast majority of blacks, on any continent, are inherently violent. I may agree that it is a cultural thing to a degree, but that culture is black culture and goes hand in hand with the low IQ among negroidals.
Also 9 months sober you guys it's possible. Liver is finally back to normal and wakin up doesn't hurt every day.

>> No.9554973

Thanks man, I'll post it when i find it

>> No.9555003


>> No.9555011

Yep, that's the one!

>> No.9555020

anotehr thread


>> No.9555068

This is the guy who killed the goat



>> No.9555092
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>buy a beer with wild yeast
>it's a fucking gusher
>lose almost half the bottle

>> No.9555106

I think you missed the part where I was extremely drunk. They were saying eliminationist things, so I wasn't as off base as you seem to think
yeah, I work with some racists, I've heard.

>> No.9555120

I think I hate women

>> No.9555128

>porn addiction is worse than alcohol addiction
I can't even imagine how crazy you'd have to be to think that.

>> No.9555131

I feel ya

>> No.9555155

I was at work today
And I was chopping onions
So I turned to my female coworker and I say "I love the smell of onions"
And she's like "Nah, it makes me think of people with bad breath"

That sounds like a stupid difference, but I think it highlights the difference between the sexes. I think of what I enjoy. What I do. What I think.

She's thinking of what others do. How she relates to others and how others related to her.

That's such fucking gulf, you know?
Like I belief that a person should endeavour as hard as they can to be self-sufficient. No man is an island, but they should fucking try.
But women... It's like they don't care about being independent. Like everything they are is about how they relate to others.

>> No.9555160

>stop this female alcoholic meme, It's not real.


>CA is full of women. Don't be a fucking douche. This is your only warning.

>> No.9555167

it's a male privilege that you weren't taught to think of other people before yourself. Feminists have been bitching about that exact problem for decades but you're so ignorant you just got upset about it yesterday and didn't bother to look for a cause. go fuck yourself

>> No.9555173

You're joking, but that's not even accurate
She didn't say "Oh I don't like onions because of how MY breath smells"
She said how she didn't like onions because of how other people smell

It isn't about a self-awareness among others
It's about how the universe circles around her. It's not about what she does that affects the world. It's about how the world affects her.

>> No.9555193

Women only think of themselves. Women are inherently selfish

>> No.9555206

Not the anon you replied to, but I'd argue that porn has a much lower barrier to entry than alcohol in today's society. Which paired with its addictive nature complimented by the addictive personality of the viewer can create equal problems.

>tfw watching porn in the work bathroom after drinking during your lunch break
>Go home and slam beer and play WoW until passed out
>While crying that your gf from /vg/ is a compulsively lying whore you're 300+ miles from
>Try and visit her every few weeks
>Find yourself ignored for important texting during cuddling and generally treated like a nuisance
>All while losing $100+ worth of pay and $100 worth of gas

>> No.9555214


it was not.

>> No.9555224

I did not think so.

There's a reason why classic mixers are classic mixers.

I tried rum and Gatorade once. Disgusting
Same with rum and vegetable juice.

>> No.9555225

read your words and tell me again it's not accurate turbobinch
>That sounds like a stupid difference, but I think it highlights the difference between the sexes. I think of what I enjoy. What I do. What I think.
>She's thinking of what others do. How she relates to others and how others related to her.
>That's such fucking gulf, you know?
>Like I belief that a person should endeavour as hard as they can to be self-sufficient. No man is an island, but they should fucking try.
>But women... It's like they don't care about being independent. Like everything they are is about how they relate to others.

>> No.9555232

the fuck does porn have to do with you having an internet girlfriend who dosen't like you much? and who gives a shit if you're watching porn in the bathroom at work, if nobody catches you jacking it that's totally harmless.

>> No.9555250

Did it take the whole 9 months for your intestines to feel okay?

>> No.9555258

I also say eliminationidt things but Im not a nazi.

>> No.9555264

>who gives a shit if you're watching porn in the bathroom at work, if nobody catches you jacking it that's totally harmless.
>much lower barrier to entry

Sweet you proved that point

>the fuck does porn have to do with you having an internet girlfriend who doesn't* like you much

Yep you got a good one there. Happened at the same time in my life though. One is contextualess without the other.

>> No.9555271



What a wonderful treat tonight. Wife and k**s are out of the house, so I played this on the flatscreen TV in HD. I turned down the lights, and took off my clothes. I watched as your mouth slobbered all over that dick, as I stroked myself. I gazed onto your eyes as he came over your face, and I nutted all over myself. I'm still fucking hard.



>> No.9555279

I miss my dogs, guys
I fucking miss them

They're all dead now. It's been years
But I fucking miss them. The good ol dogs I grew up with.

>> No.9555287


>> No.9555324

audibly kek'd

>> No.9555325

whats your favorite movie /ck/?

I'm watching national lampoons christmas vacation right now

>> No.9555332

>Regular answer
The departed

>Al/ck/olism answer
Black Dynamite

>> No.9555343

how do you tell you are family you relapsed
how do you tell the poeple you were in treatmen with you relapsed??

>> No.9555344

Naked by Mike Leigh

>> No.9555349

Do you regret it and want to quit again? If so just be honest I guess.

>> No.9555359

demonstrate harm you son of a bitch. list a single bad thing that happened this week because of your porn "addiction" and not just random bad shit you think must be related because ??????

>> No.9555361

So your back to square one drinking everyday and going through withdrawals without? Or are you just having a binge?

>> No.9555363

Buy alcohol, didn't consume immediately, what kind of faggot are you.

>> No.9555365

>how do you tell you are family you relapsed

That you tell them you started drinking again. That is, if you're honest with them.

>how do you tell the people you were in treatment with you relapsed?

You don't owe them shit. Hell, there's a great percentage that they'll do the same.

>> No.9555367

The Fountain is my favourite movie
But Christmas Vacation is fucking funny

>> No.9555369

>how do you tell you are family you relapsed
no idea
> how do you tell the poeple you were in treatmen with you relapsed??
I'm pretty sure you should just stop talking to them. they'll know

>> No.9555376

Every now and again I get fucking terrible hangovers. Today is one of those times. It's 3pm and I still feel nauseated.

Any tips to get rid of hangover nausea?

>> No.9555380

drink dude

>> No.9555386

Vegetable juice nigga
Potassium and sodium

>> No.9555390

I'm thinking of moving from the suburbs to the ghetto to buy a house for nothing and have a ton of money to buy booze

>> No.9555393

The thought is repulsive at the moment. I really want to quit too.

I've got carrot juice. How's that?

>> No.9555404

weed and salty food

>> No.9555431

buy a house in the boonies preferably near water. booze is cheaper in the sticks too.

i live outside booneville kentucky. liquor is cheaper than water

>> No.9555435

This is hopefully my last night drinking. I'm gonna go beg my parents for help tomorrow. 11 years down the drain to this shit. My kidneys/liver hurt so bad I didn't want to drink tonight but fuck it, it's my last chance. Wish me luck.

>> No.9555445

No but it took a few months for my liver enzymes to normalize, along with my eating and sleeping patterns. I'm still dealing with some brain fog and shit. Got prescribed propanol which has been a godsend for the anxiety.

Once I could eat regularly and had been hydrated for a few weeks most of the physical symptoms dropped off quickly. The human body is amazing in its ability to adapt and reach homeostasis in any environment. Drinking 20+ drinks a day for years on end had just started to catch up with me and I'm pretty much (physically) unscathed.

>> No.9555447

How much is 750 of jim beam where you live? Just for comparison purposes

Where I live the more rural you get the more expensive shit gets, But if you are in the city everything is cheap as fuck. Especially in the ghetto

No water near me and I'm kind of already in the country, An this is 1800/month

>> No.9555452

My experience is that prices are going up in that area. Shipping to such remote locations is getting expensive. I love the geography around eastern KY though.

>> No.9555455

bout 15 bucks

>> No.9555456

Good luck

>> No.9555461

damn man.

Might think about moving to ky, $24 where I live

>> No.9555468

where's where you live?

>> No.9555470

I should add that these threads are about all I do to remain sober. I went through detox/rehab for a few months and then got back to life. Never liked the meetings or felt like I fit in.
Coming here and seeing the shitshow that is active alcoholism reminds me of why I quit, and so far 9 months in I don't struggle with it very much.

>> No.9555483

I don't drink Beam, but I think it's less than that in Lexington. A handle is only like 23 bucks I think.

>> No.9555488

Just drank the last of my vodka

Tomorrow is day 1

Here we go

>> No.9555489

Thanks for the elaboration, gives me hope.

>> No.9555490


>> No.9555496

nice. whereabout? fucked a girl from Colorado Springs once. she had an ass flat as a board

>> No.9555508

kek, Sterling, CO.

I like it, I love the cold and snow so It fits me like a glove.

Not a lot of qt's around here, Most are married. An I found out the hard way not to fuck around with someone elses wife

>> No.9555509

Good luck senpai

>> No.9555524


>> No.9555544

It's not a good story man.

I fucked my neighbors wife when I lived in Boulder and the guys husband found out. He beat the shit out of her and tried to strangle her.

He went to prison and she lost an eye in the beating and looks horrific.

I ruined that family, They have kids too.
much regrets.

I feel guilty weekly for that and it was 8 or 9 years ago

>> No.9555559

lol. marriage, man. aint worth the paper its printed on

>> No.9555564

My niggas
Go see Bladerunner 2049
It's fucking great

>> No.9555644

Duuuude, I've been on the fence about this. I love Bladerunner, literally one of my favorites, so I've been having second guesses about whether to see it or not. I like ryan gosling, but 'like tears in rain' Bladerunner I feel would be hard to beat.

>> No.9555646

I'm drunk, it's Blade Runner, not Bladerunner.

>> No.9555650


you Brade Runna!

>> No.9555653

holy shit i literally cant get drunk off beer

>> No.9555657

It's as good or even better
Fucking go see it, mate

I fucking love the original.
And this new one is fucking great too

>> No.9555658
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for a relaxing times... make it Suntory time!

>> No.9555663
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>> No.9555664

Who am I kidding? I was gonna go see it anyways, I can't pass up this opportunity. Defo tomorrow tho, it's 12:30 in the evening (morning?) here.

>> No.9555673
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Bring a small pot still with you into the theatre.

>> No.9555691
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...y tho

>> No.9555700


Teach a man to smuggle a beer into the theatre, he drinks for a movie. Teach a man to smuggle a distillery into a theatre he drinks popcorn for life.

>> No.9555702
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you've just changed my life anon

>> No.9555706

Does anyone have any easy to follow, definitive guide on building fractioning stills?

>> No.9555707

meant for

>> No.9555712

I've never built a still in my life and I just wrote that because I implied that you were genuinely interested in my view on the matter because I'm tipsy.

>> No.9555715

I can't tell If I have tinnitus from years of not using hearing protection or there is a low pitched drilling or humming coming from my neighbors house. I can't fuckin tell

Maybe when I'm drunk I just don't hear it

>> No.9555722
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I recommend a 3inch minimum and bokas are really easy to build.

3 inches of DWV Copper cost me $170 for 12 feet of pipe. So I have both a pot still 4 foot configuration or a fully packed fractionating 6ft column still.

>> No.9555724

From one drunk guy to another, cover your ears with your fingers. If you still hear the drilling or humming go see a doctor.

>> No.9555732


I think high BP from boozing all the time can cause that.

>> No.9555807

I've got enough willpower to deal with 2 addictions but not 3

>> No.9555810


>> No.9555826

Oh, wait, caffeine
Make that 4

>> No.9555893

This. Used to drink Evan Williams from a warmed thermos to keep it neat while I walked around Staten Island during the first snow falls.

>> No.9555915

>staying on friends couch
>3am now
>can't sleep for shit
>promised I'd drive olboy to class tomorrow at 10:00
>seven hour drive afterwards
>drinking/Netflix/chain smoking
Tomorrow is gunna be fuckin' rough.
Looking forward to morning shots after peeling myself off the floor, but this crippling insomnia is really fucking me over.

>> No.9555936

On top of that gf called me drunk as fuck having some sort of mental breakdown, I'm 250 miles away and she's preaching about "I hate myself yadah yadah yadah, don't know where I'm going in life and I have no idea what I want". I told her I was sorry/ here to help and that I'm happy with my life as is, but she kept trying to pry some sort of self loathing misery speech out of me.
I've been there, but feel good about myself right now.
>we're both early twenties
>she's fine as fuck
>been dating six years
I think she hit some wall that I've been hurdling for the last few years of my life, I've definitely cried on her shoulder.
That fit of her's took seven phone calls and about two and a half hours. I won't be home for a week. She obviously wants me to change, but I'm gucci right now, aside from insomnia I'm comfy as fuck most nights.

>> No.9555944

Just gonna eat hot wings, drink my vodka, and dread the days coming in the future. Sorry for the blog posts, I hope some NEET can enjoy my stories at least a little bit.
I'm living the dream, but fucking it up slowly but surely.
I feel okay right now, though :)

>> No.9555965

can kinda enjoy your neetposts
watching battlebots and enjoying my neetposts i made a year ago
should probbaly stop and watch in a couple hours ago

>> No.9555987

Thanks. I'm alone on a couch and these threads are the only communication I have at these wee hours.
I hope you're doing well wherever you are.

>> No.9555989

Also "stop in watch a couple hours ago"
What does this mean?

>> No.9555994

its 2am and i was watching a couple hours ago asleep now i am sleeping im awaking now im goign back to sleep ill see how sleep i am good night anon

>> No.9555997

It's 4:00 where I'm posted up. Gonna take three shots in a row, dip out front and finish up a short, and then turn the lights out and pray for sleep once my movie is over. Sleep tight big boi, thanks for the minimal interaction.

>> No.9556076

Am lonely

>> No.9556094

Watch people live lives cooler than yours ever will be, it's what I do if I want to stop thinking about things related to myself.

>> No.9556115

>internet gf
Well there's your problem.

>> No.9556121

i cant have a decent night of sleep if i dont have a fifth in my body system.

Constant nightmares, sleeping for 1-2 hours then waking up in panic. Been sober for 2 days, its enough

>> No.9556128

Men and women think differently, he's absolutely right. It'a not male privilege, it's just biology. Neither philosophy is really better or worse.

>> No.9556161

The only fair thing to do would be to castrate yourself if you feel that guilty

>> No.9556170

buffalo 66

>> No.9556171

Not him but I think he associate wanting to fuck his shitty gf, and fucking up his life for it, with porn addiction.
In other words, he's confusing Love and Porn.

I hear things when I'm withdrawing. It's part of hallucinations.
Your sound sounds like tinnitus however.

Withdrawals max out at day 3, sometime 4.
You're almost over it Anon.
Also you should taper to avoid withdrawals, nightmares, brain damage, seizure and kindling.

>> No.9556175

i have tinnitus from spending too much time in nightclubs. i don't hear it when i'm drunk either

>> No.9556186

>Watch people live lives cooler than yours ever will be
it's literally nips walking in the rain, I have vodka so who's cool here

>> No.9556188

>finished handle last night
>liquor store doesn't open for 3 hours
>pacing intensifies

>> No.9556196


I was a drummer and lived at clubs until I was 25. I can still hear 15k~ish. Ringing is a medical issue.

>> No.9556198


First step is to get your ears flushed. Simple wax can cause all that shit.

>> No.9556260

I found 600 bucks worth of cryptocurrency yest. Intrigued, I looked through all my other crypto wallets, and found another 7.4 grand. Get into daytrading altcoins, bruh. Buy XMR and hold for a year. If you don't make between 100-500% profit I'll publicly eat a dick.

>> No.9556425

24 years old and just drank myself stupid this weekend for the first time

Am I supposed to feel depressed after drinking because I have this inner sense of intense self loathing in myself and I just wanted to cry and drink more

Am I just a bitch or do I got a problem because now I feel like I want to drink every night

>> No.9556432

It's not unusual for people here to drink like that every night for years on end. You just sound incredibly sheltered and drinking isn't for you. Do yourself a favour and quit while you are ahead.

>> No.9556501

Night of the Hunter

>> No.9556518


Night of the Comet.

>> No.9556532

balcony brah?

>> No.9556550

Where did the Anon who was fixated on his alchy neighbor "girl" who was throwing bottles outside go?

>> No.9556552
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Night of the daytime

>> No.9556653

Did you get into this devils game depressed beforehand or something?

>> No.9556682

fucking wat
i like to believe i'm an alcoholic
and i never once felt the want to start drinking whilst hungover

>> No.9556685
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>i like to believe i'm an alcoholic

>> No.9556781

That's really high. In Eastern Mass it's less than that, and we have notoriously high alc prices.

>> No.9556787

oh em gee. Was she hot before losing the eye?

>> No.9556793

last time I tried this, the theater confiscated it at penis inspection. I had to sit in the designated virgin seats.

>> No.9556795

>read thread title

Does anyone have any advice on not pissing the bed? I drink 12 Natural Lights per night, over the course of ~4-5 hours and piss the bed once or twice a week, shameful, glad I live alone and have no gf.

>> No.9556801

Drink spirits, less fluid to get rid of.

>> No.9556811

Drink less.

>> No.9556830

27 virgin reporting in. I feel nothing toward women most of the time, and then if I actually think about it, just seems like a lot of effort for something that doesn't work out a lot of the time.
I don't have any problem talking with women, but I don't approach them or feel a desire to.
Just cracked my first drink of the day at 10 am.

>> No.9556835

Piss right before you fall asleep? I dunno man that sounds rough.

>> No.9556848

>just seems like a lot of effort for something that doesn't work out a lot of the time.

It definitely is. Even if you're good looking and charming, you're only going to fuck a fraction of the girls you spend time pursuing. Many are flaky and stupid.

I once read about some "pickup artist' (who seemed legit) say he calculated his "success rate" and it was 11%--he only hooked up with 1 of every 10 girls he tried to hook up with.

>> No.9556878

I know two guys who are really good friends of mine that were with chicks for like 5 and 6 years and one day it just ends and that's it. I mean I legitimately thought one or both of them might get married or at least stay together. They both got new girls really quickly, but damn I just think about all those years, what did it mean?

>> No.9556884

Actually now that I think of it it was like 8-9 years for the one guy and it just ended one day.

>> No.9556892

water eoko eom water

>> No.9556897

>what did it mean?
It might not have meant anything. Or perhaps it did mean something and then it changed. People change with time anon. Sometimes the spark gets lost.

>> No.9556912

No I know, I wasn't trying to be retarded about it. I know it happens.

>> No.9556932


The vast majority of relationships fail.

>> No.9557033

man that sounds nice
here in Oz water and alc are expensive as fuck
and if i'd go in the sticks, i wouldn't be able to afford either
or gas for that matter

>> No.9557192
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Anyone else here doing the monday morning drinking to not be hungover and "working from home" tango?

>> No.9557220


Looked exactly like the stereotypical blonde milf with nice cans when you think the word milf.

She was incredibly beautiful, Looks terrible now.

Although I haven't seen her in close to 8 years

>> No.9557223

How do you work from home

>> No.9557225

But drinking and crying feels so good to me like I need to release it all at once

Im not sure wether I was depressed before drinking I mean I wasnt exactly happy but never felt depression quite like that after drinking

>> No.9557235
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I've been a bartender for five years but a family member got me an office job a last year. "working" from home is great :V

Man I wish I wasn't a drunk though.

>> No.9557236
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Life just got a lot more better/worst.

>> No.9557244
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Make that MUCH worst

>> No.9557265

I always preferred majorska for my shit tier hobo vodka, but in that list i'd go with popov.

taaka is fucking trash and the logo looks like a dick and balls.

>> No.9557269

So lucky

>> No.9557275

Over all the hobo vodkas, Popov is objectively the best.

I can't tell the difference between that and Smirnoff

>> No.9557280

I've been wondering the same thing.

>> No.9557282

i fucking HATE SMIRNOFF literally the fucking worst and overpriced.

for that price point I prefer svedka or new amsterdam.

>> No.9557327

thinking of buying one of these and filling a plastic 55 gallon drum full of vodka for emergencies


>> No.9557336

As an alcoholic, I literally cannot stock liqour.

It will be drunk so fast it never stacks up.

>> No.9557345

I have no problem doing it.

I only have 3 gallons stored in my basement ATM, Only occasionally will I start using one of my reserve handles.

I feel comfort in knowing I have at least a couple days drunk in my basement if war broke out or some shit

>> No.9557400

I've been drinking for like 10 years now and I still do it everyday. I've made out alright because of sheer luck, but I'm telling you I started out just like you. Almost exactly like you. Stop while you can.

>> No.9557478

Dream life tbqh.

>> No.9557486


>> No.9557500

>stop drinking
>all the bad thoughts and memories come flooding back at once
This isn't healthier than just drowning them out

>> No.9557516
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Yeah cant tell you how many times I relapsed because Id decided that sobriety was even more fucking brutal than alcoholism.

>> No.9557550

"Real dollars" lmfao my sides

>> No.9557647

>what did it mean?
It means they were good together for a while, then were not anymore.
Happily ever after marriage is mostly real in Disney movies, not IRL.

50% marriages end in divorce, the remaining mostly stay married "for the kids" or for financial reasons. And there's of course all the relationships that don't make it to marriage.
People are focussed on the less than 1% that die of old age still in love as the norm, it makes no sense.

Of course it feels great, that's why we start.
It stops after a while, then it feels horrible not being drunk and just bad when drunk, so we continue, longing for the release of death.

>> No.9557657

>haven't drank for a week and a half
>dying for a drink RIGHT NOW

evens i go to the store...odds i do something productive with my evening.


>> No.9557668


>> No.9557687
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>> No.9557758
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Been drinkin since 10 am and about to put on some Dark Souls III.

>> No.9557856

Anyone else have to piss like every 15 minutes?

It makes it a pain in the fucking ass to sleep, Also because I'm pissing 24/7 my dick just drips piss into my pants.

>> No.9557904



>> No.9557962

So what made you start drinking and how miserable are you?

>> No.9557968
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>wake up to this
>mini heart attack

>> No.9557988

Stood on a bridge, drunk texting about your imminent plunge?
I’ve had two people threaten to kill me over the phone. Alcohol and communication don’t mix well.

>> No.9558006

FUCK. I’m normally scared to touch around internal organ sites because I fear that they’re wrecked and might explode, but I just felt my large intestine, liver and kidney areas, and omfg. It was like broken glass shards being rammed in me. I don’t feel confident that I’m going to bounce back from this.

>> No.9558014

It started because I enjoyed it once I tried it but then I started drinking in the early days of it for emotional reasons, which is going to get you in trouble. Never had a gf etc. Still never had one but I'm not as miserable as I used to be when it hurt more when I was younger.
Don't drink for any emotional reason if you are younger.

>> No.9558064


Patrician al/ck/ys detected

>> No.9558073

Dunno if this is the right place, but I'm kinda interested in brewing some pale ale. I'm in the UK. Any decent guides?

>> No.9558172
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Do you guys ever get really bloated and scared youve gained a ton of weight to quit drinking for a week, only to realize it was all held water and go right back to it?

Scares me everytime.

>> No.9558207

>See friends up to twice a week
There was some point we're the liquor store cashier was the only social activity I had outside the internet

>> No.9558222

The 1 thing good about my life is I can drink 3 handles a week, 30 beers, and eat whatever I want and still weigh the fucking same.

I've been 180 for 10 years, Can't explain that.

>> No.9558273
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>> No.9558295

I'm quickly reaching that point as well, and the sad thing is I'm too much of a beaten man to even give a fuck anymore.

>> No.9558304

Do you live in the ghetto?

>> No.9558320
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Pretty much. I don’t go anywhere or do anything, so a computer and a bottle in a locked room, is all I need.

>> No.9558325

What major city?

I was thinking of moving to Detroit.

Did you buy a gun?

Are you white?

Any issues thus far?

>> No.9558376

I know this is a stupid question, what would happen if I ran homemade wine though a still?

>> No.9558442


>> No.9558459

Do you make your own alcohol?

I'm thinking of making a still to save on liquor, I'm spending a ton of money on vodka. Plus my truck on E85 so I can use it to dilute my regular unleaded by 25% if I make just straight ethanol

This is the method I was considering, Do you have a still?

Any suggestions from anyone else?


>> No.9558460

England, almost none of that applies. And yeah I’ve been robbed a couple of times, but I’ve been too drunk to give a shit.

>> No.9558480

I was being sarcastic, I have a union job and work 4 ten hour days and 2 hour days a week. we lost

>> No.9558492

>stop drinking
>all the bad thoughts and memories come flooding back at once

This is the hard part. You now have to learn how to deal/cope with them.

It is a hard journey anon, but it can happen. I did it too. Don't beat yourself up if you slip a few times. Just keep chugging along and one day you'll wonder how and why the fuck you lived a life you hardly remembered.

>> No.9558555

You're forgetting something: You're not just drowning them out, you're adding to them. So every time you get sober you've had more drunk fuck ups to own up to.

>> No.9558564

I'm doing away with mine since it created alcohol post scarcity. Was scared to drink myself to death with literal buckets of vodka.

>> No.9558578

That's what I was thinking.

What kind of still did you use?

I'm hoping to have drums of liquor and fuel

>> No.9558602

I used a potstill with mixed results but if you're going for pure ethanol you're better off talking to birdwatcher boka still anon, but he will probably refer you to homedistiller


this is your guy.

be careful what you wish for though. dollar a quart top shelf vodka is scary.

>> No.9558606

lexington alckies unite
yall sippin on dat dere country boy shotgun wedding perchance

>> No.9558657

Not yet but I will be within the week. My setup is essentially the same as that but I'm not using a pressure cooker (it'd be better since it's sealed without modification). Icebucket is good enough for me for now, if I were in my house more long-term I'd definitely want to build something more automated and sustainable straight off.

Just get a big fermenting bucket and throw some turbo yeast/sugar in there according to directions, leave for a few days, then heat the mash in the cooker.

Done, clear spirit.

I'm mostly excited to do this because I won't have to sink hundreds and hundreds of dollars into different liqueurs, I'll be able to infuse my own and have 10+ different ones in no time.

>> No.9558681

are you building your own?

>> No.9558687

Yeah. I've got all the parts and did drilling/piping today

>> No.9558694

What kind of grommets are you gonig to use for the thermometer? How much overall are you spending?

I'm considering building my own as well

>> No.9558702

have some teflon tape so just gonna use that.

Cost me maybe $40 all in and should be able to produce ~6L of ~40% spirit a week (assuming regular spirit and not dark rum or something like that)

>> No.9558867

Anyone else take diphenhydramine to potentiate alcohol when they drink?

>> No.9558896

Gonna go buy different 5 types of beer tomorrow, just to try some new ones. I've only drunk regular lagers before so this should be a nice experience. So far I'm thinking:

>Wheat beer

Got any suggestions for types of beers to try? Beer brand suggestions are welcome too but unless they're very well known brands my store probably won't have it (shitty state monopoly store with seemingly random products)

>> No.9558935

since this is an alcoholism thread

>Gennesse Cream Ale

>> No.9558946

get a proper german weizen like franziskaner/erdinger/paulaner etc

>> No.9558967

Was planning on getting Weihenstephaner but they have the ones you mentioned as well

>> No.9558992

oh that's a great one

you could get one of each though, get a feel for the style.

>> No.9559003

I'd love that, I think I'll really like wheat beer, but I'd rather try a couple of different styles. Maybe I'll try only wheat beer another night though.

>> No.9559016
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Who /functioning/ here?

Just got home. Picked up some high ABV pumpkin beer and the night is all mine.

>> No.9559026

Quitting this makes you an alcoholic for months. It ups the general addiction level by so much.

>> No.9559048

deads cold the honeymoon face sweatie

>> No.9559194

How many drinks do you drink each day and when do you start drinking?

>> No.9559227

thought I was until saturday night. Varying your routine without cutting back is taking your life into your hands

>> No.9559243

Today I bought hard liquor for myself for the first time ever, I'm 28
Is this the beginning of the end?

>> No.9559273

Only if you keep doing it repeatedly

>> No.9559295

90 beers of what?

>> No.9559304

milwaukee's best

>> No.9559379

Pretty much this

I had to give up hard liquor at 20 because it started doing bad things to my life

>> No.9559380

trying to stop myself from driving to pick up hard liquor
i dont even know any more

>> No.9559392

dont drink an drive familam.

>> No.9559397

Make sure you know your limits. If you feel drunk, have a glass of water. That's my rule of thumb.

>> No.9559438

>Feel like I woke up, go take a piss
>wake up again while feeling like I pissed the bed
>bed is dry
>this happens more than once

>> No.9559560
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oh man

>> No.9559592







>> No.9560475

>dads side has a strong history of alcoholism
>girlfriend has some anejo tequila sitting out
>drinking around a shot from the bottle the past few nights
>didnt drink today
>sweating with a head and stomach ache in the car, feel like im about to melt
>feel an unexplainable desire while watching cheers reruns


>> No.9561273

My mother is an alcky