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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 800x498, img_55e172815e0e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9544621 No.9544621 [Reply] [Original]

mods, just give me a warning if this is illegal to post on this board. I'm too lazy to post in wsr, its a shit board.

>> No.9544638

inhalents are not a food

>> No.9544647

i smoked a black and mild jazz yesterday, it was good

>> No.9544653
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Spirit blacks at school and a pipe at home.

>> No.9544655

The jazzy jay is the premier cigarillo.
>You can have a cigar or you can enjoy a black and mild

>> No.9544656

started smoking Lucky Strike reds when I was 13, with a few Lucky Strike Whites here and there. Then I switched to Marlboro Red when I was 14 and I'd occasionally smoke L&M Blue if I didn't have money for marlboro.

Then at 16 I made the switch to L&M blue definitely, while smoking some Hollywood/Camel Reds for a change every now and then. I stopped smoking at 20 with Marlboro Filter Plus and Carlton (I believe it's called Dunhill now?) Red.

Went back to smoking last year for a period of 6 months and during that time I only smoked Camel Reds. I'm not smoking anymore.

>> No.9544664

Cigarettes are the plebest smoke available anon. I'd say it's the plebest tobacco but chaw exists.

>> No.9544667


>> No.9544690

I used to smoke a lot because I also used the papers to roll joints or to smoke crack cocaine.

Not proud of it, just stating a fact.
If I could I'd only buy raw turkish tobacco and smoke that, but it's far too expensive here.

Anyway, smoking is general is not good, it feels good but does too much damage to the body.

Not sure if it matters considering how much I smoked already, although I've read some articles stating that you can recover from smoking damage but only after 15 years of not smoking.....

>> No.9544706

C'mon man

Also you know they sell just papers right? And how does buying all those pre rolled brands justify? How hard are you trying to troll me right now?

>> No.9544717

not trolling at all
here in Brazil in the past, the cigarette boxes came with a lot of paper folded inside them (I wasn't talking about the actual cigarette paper).

I thought that was common but apparently not.
Anyway, I don't smoke any of that anymore, only weed or hash but very occasionally.

>> No.9544721
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is there a stronger menthol than this? shit is like smoking a blizzard

>> No.9544723
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only backwoods

>> No.9544725


smoking in general is the plebbiest addiction.

It kills you/makes you ugly and can be a expensive habit, why would you ever wanna smoke?

>> No.9544728

How Can One Man Be So Funny And Edgy

>> No.9544730

those are for single 40 y/o mothers dude, wtf ru doign

>> No.9544732

my wife smoked them when we hooked up and ive been addicted. i used to smoke camel reds so idk what the fuck happened.

>> No.9544733
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>> No.9544736

I smoke cogars sometimes, but I am a pipe smoker most of the time. Vanilla cavendish and a nice brandy go well together.

>> No.9544747

Your wife smoked menthols? Holy fuck dude, go to the store for a proverbial pack of smokes and never come back home.

I hope you realize she picked the menthol habit up from being dong-poled by Jamiraqui and his gang of heavy hitters packing cream-filled Louisville Sluggers in their drawers.

>> No.9544760

nah i broke her in, she smokes menthols because she doesn't like full flavor tobacco taste. i smoke them because its just cheaper to smoke whatever shes got at the time.

>> No.9544767

Do you guys have kids or are you trying? I can't imagine being with a woman that smoked, it's such a turnoff. Especially younger women.

I used to smoke weed and I remember, during our days of courtship, I was hitting a bong on my bed with my future wife. We were both nude. She very very rarely smoked, but did on this occasion. As I was taking a hit, she just leaned over and started blowing me. I just remembered that from your post, for some reason.

>> No.9544770

it's plant material you are warming with fire and tasting. it's cooking you dip

>> No.9544773

no we're still young and we're just tryna live it up a little before we have kids. smoking is such a normalcy coming from my family its never had an impact on how i view people in terms of attractiveness.

>> No.9544775

>Black n Mild
Nigger detected.

>> No.9544777


well you should

- smoking ages your skin and hair, the smoke full of oxidants fucking up your skin/hair as well as the thousands of chemicals you're inhaling into your body
- Yellow teeth/disgusting breath

>> No.9544806

Nothing beats that slightly sweet burned metal taste.

>> No.9544821

>burning is now cooking
next you're gonna tell me so is getting shot in the chest because you get to taste your own blood

>> No.9544842

I work inside a grocery store and my boss won't let me smoke in there. Fucking liberals.

My shift would be twice as easy if I was smoking a big fat cigar while I was working.

>> No.9544891
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used to smoke marb reds, now I just use pic related because I can't shake the nicotine jew. i've thought about getting into pipe tobacco but that shit seems so expensive

>> No.9544905
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I smoke Captain Black little cigars, cherry and dark cream flavours, and I also smoke shisha.

>$20/carton at the Duty Free on the CAN/US border

>> No.9544926

Only wee now and then.

>> No.9544948

Aside from what >>9544777 said, I just see it as a very uneducated/ignorant/peasant habit. To smoke in light of all that we now know about the practice is just crazy to me. That's mostly why I see it as unattractive. But if you grew up with a family that smokes, it probably isn't something you notice.

Do you guys smoke inside? My parents used to before the quit. I remember going to friends' houses that smelled like ashtrays; it seems like people don't smoke indoors/in their vehicles as much these days.

>> No.9544952
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There can only be one

>> No.9544954

i'm the guy you're quoting in the first place and we don't smoke indoors, i can see how some people view it as a peasant trait but i've been to a few high class parties and the only thing that changes is the brand that people smoke/size of the cig. but its just anecdotal so take it as you will.

>> No.9544960

Pipe smoking is very pleasant, and the costs aren't that bad other than those upfront. If you're just starting, you can either get an inexpensive briar pipe or two, or even a few corncobs and practice with those. Then just learn to light your pipe and keep it lit, and enjoy your smoke. Be sure to clean yoyr pipes after each use, and to rotate between pipes each time so that they have time to take a break. It will help their smoke quality and lifespan.

The tobacco is less expensive, although you will want to watch out for garbage roll-your-own cig tobacco disguised as pipe tobacco to avoid price hikes and extra taxes.

Now all of this said, it might not be the easiest replacement for someone used to smoking cigs. It's not quite as easy to form a habit from it since it takes more time and effort to get everything situated, as opposed to opening a pack, pulling one out, and lighting up. However, maybe the slower, more involved process will help break you of the more addictive habits you have already from smoking.

Lastly, I don't recommend inhaling pipe tobacco smoke. Just take it into your mouth, and let it out after you've had time to appreciate it.

>> No.9544968

As it turns out, when smoking cigars, you're not supposed to inhale. It explains so much.

>> No.9544971

Oh yeah lots of people smoke, although it is definitely more common now among lower social classes. I know what I wrote is elitist, but I mean it more about education/intelligence versus financial well-being. When I meet peers who are well-educated and smoke, it is a bit of a surprise.

When I see a good-looking young woman smoking at university it is an even bigger surprise. That said, I smoked for a year or so starting in the sixth grade and intermittently smoked until I was 18.

>> No.9544980

most smokers start at a younger age than the limit and during a time where you're still maturing, theres no doubt in my mind it stunts learning. i smoked weed all in high school but i didn't start smoking cigs until college so maybe i got a pass but i doubt it.

>> No.9544985

Same goes for pipe smoking, but I do it anyways.

>> No.9544993 [DELETED] 

Shoo shoo


>> No.9545001

>literally linking directly to 420chan
kirtaner is really getting desperate

>> No.9545009

Well he didnt ask for donations at least.

>> No.9545011

not recently

>> No.9545014

I meant in the above post, not on his faggy website.

>> No.9545030

But then how does the nicotine get into your bloodstream?

>> No.9545036

newports you fucking faggot

>> No.9545037
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The same kind same hyde smokes.

>> No.9545040
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Buddy gave me this. Pretty good stuff so far.

>> No.9545041

I don't think people smoke cigars for the nicotine. I know I don't. I like the fact that I can smoke on my balcony every few weeks and feel no desire to smoke another really soon afterwords or even to adhere to a schedule for a dependency. I just like going outside on a nice evening and looking out over the city with a cigar.

>> No.9545050

You get a good amount of nicotine through your mouth. But yeah they taste pretty good too. A Dr pepper and a nice Blanco. So good.

>> No.9545486


>> No.9545506

so is a cigarillo just a halfway point between a cigar and a cigarette? what's the tip thing for?

>> No.9545530

I smoke quads

>> No.9545556


General is the shit. Now I'm just running my last bag and all I have left is three packs of Offroad Frosted and even opening the lid fills the room with a toothpaste stench.

>> No.9545571

johnny cigar smokes*

>> No.9545609

I smoke a pipe. Generally dunhill tobacco.

Smoked cigarettes for years, quit for years, pleasantly surprised I can enjoy a pipe now and then without it becoming a necessity.

>> No.9545625
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I like Rocky Patels.

This one was one The Edge line in Maduro Torpedo

>> No.9545626

some vocalists smoke to give their voice a certain gravely quality. Not sure if they do it like someone with an addiction or just when performing, but I believe a few do this.

>> No.9545707

>eating lead isn't food

>> No.9545726

never understood the dependency
you'd have to be 14 years old and smoke 10 packs a day to develop one
it's hardmode as fuck

>> No.9545756
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Smoked Camel for 10 years, been vaping for 6. Gotta say, aside from it making you look like a huge faggot, I don't get winded or cough / hack nasty shit up in the morning, clothes / car don't smell like shit.

>> No.9545833

Used to smoke cigarillos. Mostly Macanudos or Al Capone's. Black and Milds or Swishers if I got the craving when smoke shops were closed. Now I just use nicotine pouches.

>> No.9545873
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I liked the turkish royals because they smelled like chocolate. I completely stopped buying them after they changed their recipe though. See this is food related. I'm picking up a few packs here and there of those marlboro southern cuts but they're just ok.

>> No.9545890
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Currently smoking these, really quite good and better than the Kamel Red Lights I was smoking
But I'm quitting so I've been using a Joyetech AIO with 12% Bruised Berry just blowing clouds

>> No.9545904

shooting yourself in the chest would be /ck/ related if it was done with the express purpose of tasting your own blood

>> No.9545954

started smoking Pyramid Orange 100’s when I was 4, with a few Winston menthols here and there. Then I switched to Silk Cut purple when I was 5, and I’d occasionally smoke Galois filters if I didn’t have money for Hao Maos.

Then at 7 I made the switch to Djarum Blacks definitely, while smoking some Sobranie/Belomorkanals for a change every now and then. I stopped smoking at 11 with Player’s Naval Cut and Phillip Morris (I believe it’s called Altria now?) Blue.

Went back to smoking last year for a period of 6 days and during that time I only smoked Raisons. I’m not smoking anymore.

>> No.9546043

Man, cigars taste great but for the entire rest of the day my hands smell like old cigarette Ash and my mouth tastes like an ashtray. Even if I bush and mouthwash when I'm done it still lingers over 10 hours.

I think I'll probably just stick to tea when I finish the box I have.

>> No.9546065


This is a bretty good stick. I'm jealous of this whole thread, I had to quit smoking for health reasons. Before that happened, though, I had a stand up humidor filled with about 350 cigars. It was awesome.

>> No.9546070

If you wanna quit just buy bags, make rollies and cut it 50/50 with weed or legal herbs (mugwort, yarrow etc). Then it's just a matter of cutting down the amount of tobacco

>> No.9546191

>chaw exists
Have you tried it? Do you consider yourself some sort of tobacco connoisseur? I doubt it...

Go on, faggot, get yourself a pouch of Red Man or Levi Garrett. Experience pure tobacco FLAVOR. Yeah, a good cigar is nice, but ultimately it's just smoke infused chewing tobacco.

>> No.9546192

this, AS blacks when im drinking already and a cigar when im about to drink

>> No.9546206 [DELETED] 


>> No.9546219


>> No.9546288

what did it taste like?
im a fan of the wood-tipped wines
also tried a royale, kinda sucked

>> No.9546294

I started with menthol when i was a teenager, but as I got older I moved on to bold cigs, I usually like a smoother tobacco. Since Marlboro released the Edge, those have been my go to choice

>> No.9546295

I developed it at 19 and at my worst I was a pack a day smoker. It was a pretty easy habit to pick up, the first pack took determination but in a very short time I needed to smoke.

>> No.9546502

Wood tip wines are great when you’re rocked drunk. Many good memories of them sitting on my front porch with a 12 pack and bottle of Evan Williams.

>> No.9546510

a lot sweeter than wines, it was a wood tip too. its a good cavendish-style smoke

>> No.9546542

Djarum Blacks and Peace cigarettes, sometimes the sister brand hope. Classic Japanese brands, the latter two.

>> No.9546598

I rolled Amsterdam/Norwegian Shag for the past 2 years but if I bought a pack it was Marlboro Southern Cuts, damn those things tasted good.

>> No.9546634
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Camel no filter is BY FAR my favorite cigarette.

>> No.9546659

Marlboro edge is pretty good, I just finished a pack. I don't understand why they're so unpopular.

>> No.9546695

Nat Sherman MCD
Dunhill Fine Cut
Camel Turkish Royal

>> No.9546700

Camel Signature Frost was the absolute best menthol cigarette ever made, and I tried all I could. Unfortunately they're discontinued.

>> No.9546923

can I buy these in Ontario?

>> No.9546935
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These are excellent smokes. Tried them on a whim last week cheaper than lucky strike and similar in quality.
>pic related, current pack
>softpack master race

>> No.9546970

I smoke dark shark churchills from cigars international. Good budget cigar, good website.

I've tried $1 cigars and $15 cigars and the increase in price is Def not worth it. Same deal with faggots buying expensive wine or liquor or beer

>> No.9546975

Said the pleb.

>> No.9547566

I always have a box of punch london clubs and a bottle pf redlabel on hand. They make the perfect after dinner combination

>> No.9547592

I vape pipe tobacco and it's usually Dunhill.

>> No.9547609

well then you know you can get $15 cigars for like $3 or $4 on CI. I got some cohiba red dots that way

>> No.9547657

Cigarettes: Roll my own and buy tobacco from the shop that's a 5 minute walk from my place so I just go with whatevers on sale unless I know it to be shit, doesn't hurt to try and it's cheap so fuck it.
Cigars: Like to change it up and try new things, most recent was a Romeo y Julieta 1875 Churchill. It was okay, 6.5/10. Don't know if I have a favorite yet.
Dip: Cope longcut, don't dip often but I prefer this one over any others I've tried.
Pipes: Hardly use mine but same deal as the cigs, just buy whatever's on sale or looks good that day.
Hookah: Only if I get roped into going to a hookah bar, and that only happens if I'm already pretty sauced. Don't have a flavor preference, most stuff people like is too sweet.

>> No.9547760

They don't sell the good flavours in Ontario anymore. I have also never seen the little cigars in Ontario, only the cigarillos. In college I smoked Cap black vanilla cigarillos but after the ban I've never seen them anywhere in ON. The closest thing I've found recently (~late 2016) is Black Tusk which is a Canadian offbrand, and they only come in shittier flavours like wine and rum.

If you're a regular smoker, just wait until a border trip and buy several cartons. They're literally $20 for 200 smokes, you will make up the difference spent in gas/mileage pretty fast and the duty free lets you take a (pretty much) unlimited amount back with you. I've only ever gone to the Duty Free at the Ambassador Bridge between Windsor and Detroit though, can't speak for the other crossings.

>> No.9547775

Those have nothing to do with the real Cuban Cohiba, just like RyJ, Monte, etc have nothing to do with their Cuban counterparts, the names were bought by a one of two big cigar companies to sell in the US and anywhere else Cubans are illegal.

Either way, I do like a Monte White or Platinum now and then and always smoke RyJ coronas on my birthday.

>> No.9547862


niethers alchohol yet theres always at least 3 drink related boards on here.

so long as its a taste, sense related item its all good

>> No.9547903

Holy shit I didn't realize this was a common trend. My ex was kinda trashy and she loved menthols, which I tried to overlook at the time. Well, sure enough she starts dipping shortly after. No thank you.

>> No.9547961

So? All those brands aren't in Cuba because of the embargo, their farms are in places like Honduras and DR because of the volcanic soil that mirrors what's in Cuba, it's still the same tobacco seeds from Cuba, just grown in soil not in that country

>> No.9548039

Keep telling yourself that while you drink your fake Cuban cigars, champagne-inspired sparkling wine product, ersatz Asiago, Roquefort-esque cheese etc., buddy boy.

>> No.9548071

>using ad hom
Well at least you admitted you don't know shit about the subject

>> No.9548545

How do you vape pipe tobacco? I've wanted to do that for a while

>> No.9548577
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>> No.9548601


>> No.9548656

Cuban cigars are no longer illegal to bring back to the US.


>> No.9548667

This goes on /b/ you fucking homo

>> No.9548677
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i have always been wondering how the world refers top pic related. is "little cigar" as OP suggests really a thing? central east germany referred to them as "neger" because of them being shitty and the budget version of a regular cig

>> No.9548696

While you obviously don't eat tobacco, its purpose of use is to impart many different flavors according to blend, preparation, additives, etc. Thus I feel this thread fits well here. Surely it's preferable to the myriad other meme threads popping up like McChicken, country pride bickering, and SMASHED and SLAMMED.

Several years ago the US government outlawed any flavored cigarettes as they deemed them too easy to market to children. Cigars, however, have no such restriction, and so tobacco manufacturers flavored their cigarettes as they had been previously, only labeled as "little cigars" to loophole the ban.

>> No.9548739

why inhale though?
you don't taste with your throat or lungs, so why not puff if it's flavor you're after

seems to me like its similar to medical marijuana advocates where they try to legitimize their habit "oh but I enjoy the flavor!" when the reality is you're addicted to a drug

I declined to go to a cigar bar once
>get invited
>need to wear a suit
>implying I'm going to wear a 3k dollar suit and get it ruined by smoke
its weird how people try to act classy when doing something objectively trashy

>> No.9548982

any vaporizer for weed with will work; cleaning it out is a must after, more resin than pot. Don't inhale like with a cigar.

>> No.9549011
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latest case of cigarillos I've bought. Pretty good all in all, strong and clear tobacco taste.

>> No.9549079

When I started singing in punk bands as a teenager I hated my thin, high pitched clean voice. I chain smoked newports and drank warm vodka straight during band practice and screaming...now I have an insanely low gravely voice and if I sing an octave above my range it sounds pretty much the same except with natural (and nearly perfect, somehow) harmonics and distortion...the polyps and nodules in my throat are apparently pretty gnarly shit but doc says they post no real threat...at least yet. So I keep em. I get compliments on my voice all the time by randos and few people believe I engineered it to be this way intentional...well, between the intentional abuse and practicing projection and pushing from way down low.

I don't know if other people do that on purpose, but I could see it working. It's kinda stupid because vocal coaches can teach this stuff without also destroying your throat and risking cancer.

>> No.9549088

i smoke these morning ritual tier

i went to a party last week and tried vaping (yeah i know mouth fedora). i had dinner lady lemon tart. taste like the thing

>> No.9549103

I had an infection in my throat as a teenager which caused me to be mute for a few months. my voice never fully recovered, my voice is kind of high and wispy like that guy charlie on that show everyone says is funny but is just ok

would those methods help me get a more masculine voice back?

>> No.9549259

I sometimes smoke american spirit orange. I prefer a white owl cigarillo filled with freshly ground marijuana and mixed with a little tobacco though. Then I'll have a few beers or a red bull and just chill.

>> No.9549298

I'd inquire with a vocal coach. I'm no doctor, I'm no vocal coach. I'm just an aging punk that didn't think he'd live past 30 so I didn't care what I did.

Spoiler alert: I lived past 30 and I'm kicking 40 in the ass.

The incidence is throat cancer and voice related fuckery seems more prevalent is the punk community than most...seems. Again, I have no numbers to back this up I've just known a bunch of punks with throat cancer, completely fucked voices (can barely talk, scratchy airy voices).

Definitely talk to a speech or vocal professional. I definitely believe you probably can, but I wouldn't do it that way.

>> No.9549317 [DELETED] 

This, but the perique (black) or otherwise American grown version (dark blue) so you don't get cancer from the radioactive fertilizer that's used everywhere else and is the real reason for the cigarettes / cancer link.

>> No.9549318

very interesting

>> No.9549385

I've got some transgender friends, one in each direction, that go to a speech therapist for precisely this reason.

If your voice is something that bothers you I would definitely look into this.

>> No.9549390

so you can change your voice permanently by just "practicing" ?

>> No.9549410 [DELETED] 

Not really, no. Have you ever seen a video with a tranny in it? Basically every little visual detail there is they can potentially replicate and make you think they're a regular woman with the one huge exception of voice. When you have male vocal cords it's pretty difficult to make that difference not audible. They tend to either sound like they're gay men trying to speak in a higher pitch or else just like regular men who don't even bother changing how they speak naturally.

>> No.9550945

lmao this is ck, what fucking mods

>> No.9551196

Drinking orange juice, or a similarly acidic drink can help reduce that taste. The acidity helps neutralize some of the alkaline compounds left in your mouth after smoking.

>> No.9551226

Can't control myself around cigarettes and cigarillos, so I only socially smoke cigars once or twice a year.

>> No.9551237

You must be new here sweetie

>> No.9551310

I only smoke Montecristo cigars, but I'm poor so it happens very rarely. But it's OK because a good Ron for those cigar is also expensive so I only buy one bottle every year.

>> No.9551396

usually smoke 27s, however, i've cut back a lot and haven't had a cigarette since wednesday. gonna try to stop for good but it's hard when i'm drinking. plus they're like 8-9 bucks a pack in CA now.

>> No.9551743
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I don't smoke myself so can any of you tell me what the deal is with these? Like 80% of the smokers I see smoke these

>> No.9552588

If she smokes she pokes, I hope your attitude is the same for tattoos. If not, your argument is moot and you're a fellow degenerate. Funny how you advocate marijuana which offers a host of positive measures but ultimately turns oneself into a walking vegetable but negate the pleasure of fine tobacco and the relaxing endorphins produced by a luxury item from time to time.

Still doesn't vouch for being a stoner.

They're not too bad. They're better than Stuyvesant Blues - less chemicals.... but Chesterfield lights are better. Rothmans are rough on the throat.

Get a pipe. Get your tobacco. Put in oven at 100 degrees for 2 hours. Burn the shit off, put in pipe. Smoke and enjoy with wine or gin.

>> No.9553723

regardless of what other anon says, yes you can. But it takes a shit-ton of of practice and discipline.

Speak to a professional, not 4chan...I've done changed my voice, but it wasn't through a professional and I didn't change genders. I'm a dude who was not happy with his voice who did drastic physical things that will probably kill me one day but yielded drastic results. The one thing I did do that the professional will also implore you to do is practice and discipline.

>> No.9553964

so do you smoke it like a cigar or like a cigarette

>> No.9554609


>> No.9554694
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Good shit! Glad to see at least one other cigar smoker amongst the cigarettes and pipes. Pic related a Oliva I just lit up

>> No.9554705

In the world of premium cigars a cigarillo is just a small cigar that fits in a certain size range. The term has been high jacked by shitty 'cigars' like black and mild that are all short full tobacco and essentially big terrible cigarettes

>> No.9554714

That's a great one, the shop near me just got in a shipment with a few boxes of those, awesome smoke

>> No.9554736

I disagree, I've never had a good cigar for under 5 dollars and while some cigars are overpriced the 7-15 range is worth it for a refined palate. I'd happily only smoke exspensive Cubans but I can't afford to

>> No.9554759

I've read smoking pure tobacco with a pipe doesn't actually cause cancer.

>> No.9554763

I've smoke hundreds of different cigars and many Cubans and you are an idiot if you think Honduran tobacco is comprabable to a Cuban. That being said a great Nicaraguan cigar is just as good as a low-mid Cuban but to say that all cigar tobacco is just about the same shows that you know nothing about the tobacco industry

>> No.9554769

Yes you're right you can bring them back but it is still against the law to sell them. Which means no retail store will legally be able to own or sell Cuban cigars

>> No.9554771

Usually American Spirit blacks or Turkish Royals, usually grab a pack of Lucky Strike once a month

>> No.9554785

Which montecristos and which rum? For non Cubans I love their Espada line and for the Cuban brand their no. 2 is a classic

>> No.9556049

Crispy crunchy peanut buttery backwoods

>> No.9556055

quick reminder crunchy pb is the ONLY PB

>> No.9556067

yes hello how do i smoke weed out of a pipe if I don't have a proper grinder

>> No.9556074

cut it with a knife really fine

>> No.9556088

The buds or the entire 'branch' of it?

>> No.9556693
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So is it worth it to try an Optus x? I enjoy Arturo Fuentes stuff, but 20-30 a stick is a lot.

>> No.9556759

Thinking of picking up smoking. Cigars or pipes?

>> No.9556802

Gun since you want to kill yourself so badly

>> No.9556916

Wtf the buds you mong.

>> No.9556931

Chew/dip gives you such a strong nicotine buzz though, smoking can't compare. I dipped for a little while in college but I stopped because it was too easy to just do that shit all the time and get an almost immediate, strong nicotine high. I don't smoke cigs anymore now either.

>> No.9557232
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For cigars, try looking out for sampler packs. (I use the site slickdeals) and you can get some good brand cigars for $2-3 a piece.
If you want to try pipes, get a Corn cob pipe, as they are inexpensive compared to wood pipes. then, try out some pipe tobbacco blends.
If you can, store you cigars or tobacco in a clean Tupperware container (if it seals, even better) and add some Boveda packs to keep the goods from drying out.
Here is my stash

>> No.9558214

Marlboro Red.

>> No.9559912

I just quit smoking almost 2 months ago, but the last cigarettes I was smoking besides some leftover stokkebyes rolling tobacco were these. Wish I was able to find lucky strike around me though, I think they're better. Saw them a lot more often down in north Carolina.

>> No.9559924

You all smell bad.

>> No.9559936

I bet you checked this thread 50 times to see if someone replied to your post.

>> No.9559957
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>> No.9561719


>> No.9561722

wow no reason to be rude anon

>> No.9562974

Not him, but kek

>> No.9563322
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pic related, not bad. Probably gonna take a break for a while. Haven't really been in a smoking mood. Most I've smoked is 3 in a day recently.

>> No.9563613

Good, but overrated and overpriced.

>> No.9563756

I wanna try these hopefully my local smoke shop carries them. How expensive are they? They aren't garbage like Prime Times right?

>> No.9563790

So I'll probably buy some cigarillos because I like to smoke a little bit once in a while but I don't have enough self-restraint to not smoke the whole pack of cigarettes in a few weeks.

Are there any flavorless commonly available ones you'd recommend in general for people used to smoking cigs? Do 5-packs exist for cigars? As you can see I'm a white trash dude who's completely clueless about them.

>> No.9563917
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I'm a povertyfag, so I smoke natives.

But if I'm feeling fancy I'll spring for a pack of B&H Deluxe 100's.

>> No.9563988

never said they did faggot, still good cigars

>> No.9564561
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Pyramid 100s or go home

>> No.9564611
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Fuck yeah pic related

>> No.9564824

>imolying anyone who smokes pyramids has a home

>> No.9564847

A lot of hipsters smoke menthol because of the whole "it's for blacks" thing without ever interacting with a black man.

>> No.9564888

i smoke a pack of Canadian Classics every two months

>> No.9564892

That design is vaporwave as hell

>> No.9564908

I've started to believe that smoking isn't particularly bad for you, but inhaling burning chemical additives is.
In the early 1900s every man woman and child smoked heavily. You'd think they'd all be dying of lung and mouth cancer, but their rates weren't any higher than in other times. Meanwhile now that Super IcyFresh Buzz 5000 type cigs have become the norm, health complications are on the rise.
I like menthols but only smoke American Spirits now. I'm sure they're still not great but they seem as close as you can get to "just tobacco" cigs.

It's a shame because due to government intervention it's impossible to find legitimate information that's not just YOU'LL DIE IN AGONY IF YOU STAND NEXT TO A SMOKER shit. Same with recreational drugs, I don't even do them but the misinformation out there is insane.

>> No.9564922

Read the book Smoking Is Good For You by Dr. W. T. Whitby

>> No.9564948


hold up i got the link

>> No.9564982

turkish royals pls n ty

>> No.9564997
File: 2.31 MB, 3088x4160, IMG_20170911_003415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step up your game faggot
Enjoy your shit tier smokes
For just starting out get airtight Tupperware and a boveda 65% pack. Go to a tobacconist and get a recommendation at a cigar store. It's not cheap but you don't have to anxiously wait 2 weeks after buying an online cigar (they need rest and rehumidification after their truck journey).
ihavanas/cigarsofhabanos are your friends. small batch cigar has high quality samplers. Pretty much every other site is about bundling a bunch of cheap sticks together and selling them below what the manufacturer allows. This creates plausible deniability
>no we didn't mark down your smoke that much, we marked the other guy's down
Avoid Gurkha at all fucking costs. Shit sticks intentionally priced high at MSRP so they can be sold "86% off!!!!" at a price that is actually about what they're worth.
Save the opus x for a special occasion. There's a huge drop in quality per dollar after about the $12 a stick mark. It's not that the opus x is bad, it's just rare because the tobaccos are hard to produce. Buy a couple of them now and keep them until marriage/first child/divorce, whatever. They need years of age to be truly good.

>> No.9565004
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Alcohol has digestible calories , baka

>> No.9565008


>> No.9565499
File: 37 KB, 450x389, 1496380843898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually smoke these and other LFDs, Alec Bradley Black Markets and Prensados, most anything by Pete Johnson. My favorite thus far was a Padron 1926 corona. On the whole, I prefer smaller ring guages, though sometimes I get the urge to grab something stupidly big like a Brickhouse Mighty Mighty maduro and just sit outside for a few hours.

There's a lotta good shit in there. Enjoy, anon.

That is a great fucking stick.

>> No.9565503

I started around the same age, but I could never do a pack a day. At worst, I went through two packs a week.

>> No.9565595
File: 3.59 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20171018_141648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those worth trying? My buddy says they are full of flavor.

>> No.9565640

Yeah I completely quit smoking with vaping. Smoked for 17 years. I just tapered the nicotine in the vape juice and then stopped vaping altogether. Works pretty well.

>> No.9565667

> dont smoke cigars
> receive a package from an old friend
> box of a special edition montecristos
> look up price
> +€150/cigar

now what

>> No.9565689

You put together a bootleg humidor as in >>9557232 and leave them alone for a month. Then, you visit your old friend and smoke them together while shooting the shit.

>> No.9565699

>at school

Are you a high school student that unironically smokes pipe?

>> No.9565787

smoke reds you pussy

>> No.9565960

They changed the recipe very recently. Not nearly as good now.

>> No.9565991

The nicotine gets absorbed through the skin inside your mouth, also it will disolve in your saliva and get in when you swallow.
However most people will not feel any nicotine unless you are really sucking on it. (Most cigars are supposed to be smoked over a hour)

>> No.9566207

Are you me? I've been smoking for 17 years and like a week and a half ago I said fuck this, so first pack lasted 4 days, second one 5 days and I just bought one and going for a week this time

>> No.9566209

More like the membranes where your saliva is produced and your sinus, and tongue

>> No.9566244

I've been meaning to try a pack since I've never smoked and am curious
Think I want to get American Spirits, what's the best kind? I have no idea what "smooth"/"dark"/"bold" means

>> No.9566477

• Blue - Full-bodied Original Flavor

• Turquoise - Organic full-bodied flavor

• Yellow - Mellow original flavor

• Gold - Organic mellow flavor

• Orange - Ultra-mellow original flavor

• Dark Green - Organic full-bodied menthol

• Light Green - Organic mellow menthol

• Black - Full-bodied Perique blend

• Grey - Mellow Perique blend

• Brown - Unfiltered

• Caledon (smoky green) - Balanced blend

• Hunter (camo) - Same as Caledon, except one has a charcoal filter and the other doesn't.

>> No.9566724

The TLDR is to just buy blue/turquoise for originals, or dark green if you want menthol. I've never enjoyed a light cigarette. Flavor is muted and they smoke faster.

>> No.9567215

What is Perique like? Haven't heard of it and I seem to see a lot of people smoking black ones

>> No.9567240

I just picked up a fresh pouch of Perique today. I think it's cured in old bourbon barrels or some shit like that.

It's a very flavorful but potent smoke. Very bold. Some people love them, some people can't stand them. I can't smoke two pouches in a row of Perique. I need to take a break with the light blue or turquoise for a pouch or two.

>> No.9567361

The most feminine thing about my girlfriend is her voice. I don't know how she did it. It's obvious to me when she's trying, but other people don't really notice. When she's not pushing it, it is an incredibly natural feminine voice, if a bit deep. But hey, I'm a woman with a deep voice before I ever started smoking. My frame of reference might be off.

Anyway, I went on some geology field camps this past month and brought a handful of java cigars. Those boys are tasty. People kept telling me how good they smelled. All according to plan. Nothing like working hard physically and mentally all day, then sipping some eagle rare out of your flask and puffing a java. expensive though.

>> No.9567396

Man, I'm a real slow smoker. I'll make a Churchill last two hours or more, yet I get a real relaxing buzz every time. I vape 3mg all the time to keep me buzzed while studying. I just don't understand where you're coming from.

>> No.9567411

I have only ever bought them at the border where they're cheaper than normal, they don't sell them in my province at all

Like a cigar, without inhaling.

>> No.9567415

Spirits Light Blues.
Not a hipster.
Just what I started smoking.
Tried the others, they all suck in comparison.

>> No.9567416

Good expensive sticks

>> No.9567491

During my bid in the loonie bin we were allowed to have cigarettes if a family member brought in a pack.. thing is my family was 3 hours away so I had no smokes until my roomate in the bin's daughter fucked up and brought him 5 packs of camel menthols instead of camel filters and Iinherited them. (I smoke camel filters) and they aren't bad from someone who doesn't like menthol

>> No.9567503

I smoke a cigarette brand called Signal. I get them from the reservation for 35 a carton.

>> No.9567524

Meant to add that they are like American Spirit just cheaper.

>> No.9567540

Smoke reds special blend because it's a less heavier than regular Marlboro reds. It started getting harder to get up a flight of stairs without wheezing

>> No.9568867

only pure cuban Cohiba or Romeo Y Julieta Siglos

>> No.9570038

I'm asthmatic but i wanna smoke cigars with my buddy.
Since you dont inhale will i be okay?
My asthma has been much better this past year but i still dont wanna fuck myself up.

>> No.9570043


>> No.9570066

Thank you for your input

>> No.9570085

Smoke Du Maurier king sized originals, have since I was fifteen.

>> No.9570256

What about vaping?

>> No.9570732

Vaping is two things, either it is a tool or it is used by them

>> No.9571022

yeah, you'll be fine unless you can't get out of the way of the second hand smoke

>> No.9571040
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Kent white
I only use it for mixing spliffs though, it's got the least amount of tar and nicotine as far as I know.
Smoking tobacco without weed is like drinking mixers without booze if you ask me.

>> No.9571044

Red 83s. No store is ever out of them because no one smokes them.

>> No.9571055

I got a pack of five cigar variaties last christmas because I was curious and tried them all over 3 weeks or so. I ended up really liking the smooth ones but isn't it really actually and essentially the wrapper itself that gives a cigar its very own flavor and less so the packed tobacco?

I feel like I could enjoy a cigar more regulary if it was more efficient to smoke.

>> No.9571060

Only faggots vape

>> No.9571069
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>> No.9571077

Been smoking weeds all day everyday for the last 6 months because I got lesions in my brain and my spine.

Cannabis is nothing special and it's not treating any of my MS symptoms in any way it's being advertised by activists.

That being said, it does help me sleep at night.

>> No.9571186

Well at least it helps you sleep, that's something. Hope you get some relief from your symptoms anon, I'll say a quick prayer for you

>> No.9571318

Slickdeals does have shit most the time, however Ive been lucky with packs of olivia and rocky patel cigars recently. Just gotta keep an eye out.

>> No.9571456

I used to smoke a pack a day of camel because my counsins made joint with it and I associated it I guess.
Switched to cheaper brands after then stopped all together, because of the stench on clothes and autism about it.
I miss smoking weed tho and the gf isn't too fond of it to say the least.

>> No.9571552

>it's not treating any of my MS symptoms in any way it's being advertised by activists.
Avid pot smoker here. It seems to be one of those "it works for me :^)" fucking things. The issue is the lack of legitimate research.

>> No.9571688

>I can't imagine being with a woman that smoked, it's such a turnoff

turn on**