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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 360x480, West_Country_Farmhouse_Cheddar_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9541626 No.9541626 [Reply] [Original]

PSA: Cheddar Cheese is a Bongistan invention. Whenever the yankfags say bongistan has shit food as they're chomping on their cheddar cheeseburgers, may they remember where the worlds most relevant cheese comes from!

>> No.9541659

Cheddar is nice enough but I think Stilton is the better British cheese.

>> No.9541662

Seconded. Gloucester is pretty great too.

>> No.9541668

>Another eurocuck masturbating himself into superiority

I agree, luckily I'm one of the people who can get odd dreams if eating some before bed.

>> No.9541680
File: 1.52 MB, 4088x2868, munchy box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only belittle Brit food for the bants.

Your breakfast foods look dank af and I'm legit jealous of munchy boxes.

And of course I love cheddar cheese.

>> No.9541683

Cheese dreams are fucked up, sometimes they are too real.

>> No.9541687

Just because your country is mostly bad food doesn't mean every single thing associated with it is bad
Plus most of the best cheddar comes from America anyways

>> No.9541693

Half-Assed Trivia Fact: Something something high quality cheddar cheese cultures caused the cheese to turn from white to orange, and unscrupulous dealers started adding [can't remember the name of ingredient] to make cheaper cheeses orange, and now it's just done by natural coloring because of a holdover tradition

>> No.9541694

Are there any others that screw with em? Stilton's the only one I've found randomly as I like my blue cheese.
>Cambonzola is fucking amazing

>> No.9541759

OP here, I find the US vs UK food thing here hilarious.

>> No.9541770
File: 38 KB, 645x729, 1507087163914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any cheese from america

>> No.9541773

>worlds most relevant cheese

>> No.9541894
File: 145 KB, 946x1100, 1108-1-bayblue-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my face offline and see what happens.

>> No.9541942
File: 1.84 MB, 300x240, 1430027314567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"According to a United States Department of Agriculture researcher, Cheddar cheese is the world's most popular variety of cheese, and the most studied type of cheese in scientific publications."

Sauce: Wikipedia

>> No.9542026

>""""""""""""edible"""""""""""" plastic with blue coloured plastic speckles


>> No.9542077

Do Americans slag off British food? I thought it was mostly a French thing.

If not for France, I don't think hating on British food would be very prevalent at all.

>mac n heese
>shepherd's pie
>fish and chips
>beef wellington
>mashed potatoes
>meat pies
>bubble and squeak

It's not flashy or glamorous, but it seems pretty solid to me.

>> No.9542104 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 280x418, 1b36d06f6023b545f38a610459aa8cd4--goodbye-goodbye-georgeous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a full on psychedelic experience in my sleep if I eat Stilton before bed. I only do it once every week or so, no way I could do it nightly. It's up there with LSD in terms of intensity.

>> No.9542271


British food can be decent unlike french food which may as well be diarrhoea with a fancy name

>> No.9542277

The English are good at making cheeses and jams. That's it. That being said they make some great cheese and jam.
The Scots and Irish have some good stuff though.

>> No.9542279

People judge with their eyes and not their tongue which is a real shame, you can also add fried chicken to your list.

>> No.9542721

>baiting this poorly

>> No.9543251

I don't mind beating you up

>> No.9543253

You'd lose. Badly. And not because I'm some kind of bad ass, but because I actually know how to fight.

>> No.9543254

>Cheddar Cheese is a Bongistan
No shit anon, where do you think the town of Cheddar is?

>> No.9543266
File: 365 KB, 499x493, Heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9543277

Not even a bit, but if that somehow makes you feel better about you're pissant attitude, ok. Let's put it this way, you're no threat to anyone. No one cares.

>> No.9543290

What's your point? Does being memed on for being English get you so rustled you spout facts everyone already knew?

>> No.9543304

Oh I see
I've been bamboozled

>> No.9543314

I love it when the marbling hs those nice fat blue lines where it was aerated.

>> No.9543336

>I dont mind beating you up
Lol says the lobsterback whose forefathers got beat by a bunch of drunken barnfighters and niggers

>> No.9543359

When did I say I was from the UK? I was clearly just fucking around anyway, no need to get your panties in a twist miguel

>> No.9543363

Bamboozled? Perhaps by your own imagination, you fucking pussy limp moron.

>> No.9543387


>> No.9543394

Cheddar is garbage

>> No.9543404


>> No.9543409

>most of the best cheddar comes from America anyways

If it's not from fucking Somerset, it's not fucking cheddar cheese, get it through your head or get out of fucktown

>> No.9543420
File: 81 KB, 800x576, 0A1C4A18-6D3D-4A6F-9192-E90C5F089218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s made with pasteurized milk you pleb.
Not even a real cheese.

>> No.9543461

One night I drank a lot and ate 6 total slices of cheddar and provolone cheese and proceeded to dream about befriending death in an abandoned railway station of lost souls and death was also the asian boy I was friends with in kindergarden as well as my mother and then a sentient viscious and highly acidic liquid appeared and dissolved everyone in the station while the villains from the first Home Alone movie tried to flee it