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9534898 No.9534898 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best light beer and why is it Busch?

Also no eurofags, Americans don't have access to good beer so fuck off.

>> No.9534910

Miller lite is a lot better

>> No.9534921

Amstel is the only one who makes a drinkable light beer.

But honestly light beer is just a lager or pilsner with water added.

>> No.9534942

>Also no eurofags, Americans don't have access to good beer so fuck off.
Do you live in 1974?

>> No.9534975

No craft beer sucks dick and cost $12 for a 6 pack, Busch is 6 for a 6 pack of 24 oz

Both get me drunk, but busch just tastes the best

>> No.9534990

have you tried perhaps not being poor?

>> No.9535000

In college and don't have daddy's money to help, like beer but have to work

>> No.9535006

Busch is a light beer?!?

>> No.9535008

> No, I have not tried not being poor and feel being poor is superior.

Ok champ.

>> No.9535020
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>Try not being poor when you pay $6k+ for tuition every semester and $750/month rent
>My daddy pays for all my things so I can have money and feel superior to people on the internet

OK buddy

>> No.9535025

If that's your logic, there are cheaper beers than Busch that taste similar.

>work at beer distributor
>the place sold 12,000 cases of Busch in a year
>8,000 of Busch light

>> No.9535051

Haven't found a beer that tastes like Busch yet, probably because technically Busch isn't a light beer, but it still pretty much is

Busch light is okay, just doesn't taste the same

>> No.9535081

If you're looking for light beers, Coors is best. It's about as close to drinking water as it gets. Keystone is the off brand if going cheaper from the same company. Didn't make the taste cut more or less.

>> No.9535107

>$6k+ for tuition every semester and $750/month rent

why do you choose to do this?

>> No.9536329

>you can simply wish for riches and it will happen
Is that what highschoolers believe?

>> No.9536336

Nigger your overpaying for rent and underpaying for beer. Bad life choices

>> No.9536534

Cheap taste doesn't mean you are poor. Plus Bush is way more drinkable for most than craft beers. Craft beer is the equivalent to a tongue fedora.

>> No.9536578 [DELETED] 

Ha! i got a twelve pack for 6.99 you got ripped off.

>> No.9536583

>overpaying for rent
[laughs in Californian]

>> No.9536807

Coors light is perfectly acceptable if it is cold

>> No.9537009
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Step aside OP, best white trash beer coming through

>> No.9537018
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I honestly may never drink another beer again unless I have to in a social situation.
Take a look at THIS.

>> No.9537043

Nobody cares. Stop shilling your sparkling fag water.

>> No.9537075

>Americans don't have access to good beer so fuck off

speak for yourself, I can get any type of belgium/german/craft beer I want, it's overpriced so I just buy malt liquor 90% of the time.

>> No.9537239

Ya'll niggas don't even drink Old Style

My grandpa's shit
my dad's shit
my shit

>> No.9537378

Keystone Light is better

>> No.9537481

Keystone is a trap for 18 year old college freshman who never partied in high school. Its only appeal is its price. I think bottled water costs more

>> No.9538451

when is it socially acceptable to drink this? women arent on 4chan

>> No.9538470

>"""light""" beer
Might as well be drinking water.

>> No.9538492

Water doesn't get you drunk. A few dollars of cheap shitty beer will.

>> No.9538563
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>> No.9538584
File: 17 KB, 168x300, minhas-brewery-boxer-lager-beer-wisconsin-usa-10439050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody else had boxer? its $14 for a 30 rack and tastes like Labatt.

>> No.9538597

you're definitely an F word if you've never had a Premium Ice Cold Boxer Lager

>> No.9538614

>drinking 12 beers just to get a buzz
I'd rather get some bottom shelf swill and go to town on that. Less miserable.

>> No.9538644

>be me
>be poor
>be in college
>father is not necessarily wealthy

Still have the self respect to splurge 10 fucking dollars on a good sixer of craft beers from local places, most of which are 7-8% IPAs so I get pretty drunk

>> No.9538681

>I choose to live in one of the shittiest states in the union, and feel superior because of it

Dude, even as a Duuudeee weeeed lmao smoker California is fucking retarded. Live somewhere nice.

>> No.9538687
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>Drinking light beer, period

>> No.9538956
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Kinda have to, go to state college and all apartments below $750 are terrible, just kinda is how things are

>best white trash beer
>rolling rock
Bud light is ultimate white trash beer, have you ever been around any?

No you don't, it is technically German and Belgian beer, but it is horse piss compared to the actually shit, anyone who has tried beer in europe knows that it is superior

don't live in midwest

fuck off retard, read my first post, I know it isn't as good as other beers, but i'm in college, it isn't practical to pay a shit ton for beer, so it's easier to just accustom my taste buds, and i'm not a pussy so it wasn't hard

>drinking 12 beers to get a buzz
What the fuck, I drink almost every day but I am drunk on 12 beers, you are too you alcoholic fuck, unless you weigh 500 lbs which is possible

Also getting drunk on cheap liquor is even shittier and feminine than drinking light beer

>not having friends in college

>> No.9538986

>buy a 30 pack of busch lite for a small kick back
>me and friend start drinking them since no one seemed to like it
>we go through the whole 30 without feeling remotely drunk

Worst beer

>> No.9538989

Seconding this

>> No.9539110

"bush" is bad

like that president

like that shit outside

like that shit your girlfriend might have

and especially like that shitty beer you posted

>> No.9540477

>killing 15 beers and not feeling drunk
I don't know why you feel the need to gloat about that, if you can drink 15 beers and all you get is a buzz(which you fucking can't, it's impossible you are drunk) you are either such a piece of shit that all you do is drink or you are retarded and don't know what being drunk feels like

Even if you drank 15, your BAC would still rise fucking idiot

Stop trying to impress a bunch of other guys on a japanese image sharing website

Its busch, learn to read faggot, it was the last name of one of the german guys who founded anheuser busch

Also a little busch ain't nothing to be afraid of, but i'm not like you, all of the women who you have fucked(0) have been clean shaven like 12 year olds

>> No.9540485

You're a goddamned moron. Busch is WAY more expensive than Hamm's Special Light, and with cheap beer you're definitely not buying it for the fucking taste because all cheap beer is like canoe sex, fucking close to water.

>craft beer sucks dick
Bad opinion
>costs $12 for a 6 pack
That's so fucking wrong it hurts

Stop posting and start committing suicide, senpai.

>> No.9540500

*Didn't see you were talking about Busch not Busch Light. Hamm's Heavy is still better than Busch simply because it's like 12.99 for a 30 rack whereas Busch is like 16.99 for a 30 rack.

>> No.9540510

michelob ultra
stella artois

if you're going to drink piss, at least drink decent piss

>> No.9540512

>hamm's special light
I don't live where you live faggot, I have no idea what that is

And it's technically $10/sixer, but alc tax is insane where I live

Go try real beer anad then you'll realize how gay and shit craft beer is, there are so many restrictions stopping it from being great

>> No.9540516

Miller Lite is objectively the best light beer
Guinness is up there too

>> No.9540518

>I don't live where you live faggot, I have no idea what that is
You have no idea what Hamm's is you cunt? Where do you live, Mars? Fuckin hell

>And it's technically $10/sixer, but alc tax is insane where I live
Technically? HAHAHA you're getting raped through the wallet to buy some shitty Busch. Damn dude I feel bad for you.

>Go try real beer anad then you'll realize how gay and shit craft beer is, there are so many restrictions stopping it from being great
"Real beer" like what? Have I been drinking fake beer my entire life?

>> No.9540519

I'm not a college sorority chick
honestly don't know why I don't get it more, prolly because it carries such a bad name with it
This is not light beer buddy
>new castle
This is not light beer buddy

>> No.9540521


>> No.9540527
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Have you been to Europe? Visit the Czech republic, Germany, Belgium, and the UK and you'll realize what you've been missing out on

Also I live in New Orleans, but go to the state college in BR, never heard of Hamms

And yes I'm getting the same tax on 30 that you are for 6 retard

>> No.9540533

>light beer
What? Have you even seen guinness?

>> No.9540542

>Have you been to Europe?
I sure have. You complain about restrictions, but then mention Germany? I was there two years ago. You don't know anything dude. German beer is so heavily regulated that brewers can barely experiment at all. It's good beer, don't get me wrong, but there's very little to find outside of "normal beer".

>And yes I'm getting the same tax on 30 that you are for 6 retard
That doesn't mean you're still not getting raped through the wallet, cuck

>> No.9540561

>125 cals
>12g carb
>not light

>> No.9540579

>4.2% alcohol

>> No.9540618

This desu

>> No.9540636
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>Also getting drunk on cheap liquor is even shittier and feminine than drinking light beer

>> No.9540680

The only people I know who get drunk of cheap liquor are stoners and chicks

Still, light beer is generally not anything dark or thick

Why the fuck would you want them to experiment with it? That's fucking stupid, "Hey let's make a coffee beer! Or a strawberry beer!"

I drink beer so I don't have to drink that queer shit, and Germany knows what's up, if it ain't broke don't fix it, no one seems to have a problem with it over there

And with the tax how can I not pay it? have you found some method besides the five finger method to allow you to not pay heavy tax on alcohol?

>> No.9540708

>Why the fuck would you want them to experiment with it? That's fucking stupid, "Hey let's make a coffee beer! Or a strawberry beer!"
Nobody said anything about coffee or strawberry beer
>I drink beer so I don't have to drink that queer shit, and Germany knows what's up, if it ain't broke don't fix it, no one seems to have a problem with it over there
God you're a blithering idiot, but that's to be expected from a nigger from New Orleans
>And with the tax how can I not pay it? have you found some method besides the five finger method to allow you to not pay heavy tax on alcohol?
Move to a non shitty place

>> No.9540716
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Yep. Drink a few tens of thousands of beers and realize that people defending '''''''''craft''''''''''' beer are fucking children.
>I'm going to drink my fine craft beer with an avocado toast, cilantro-infused toenail oil, coffee beans shat out the arse of a rabbit and szechuan sauce.
neck yourself

>> No.9540718


>> No.9540724

nice strawman

>> No.9540725

>Why the fuck would you want them to experiment with it?
Because experimenting creates the chance of discovering something new and delicious. Not experimenting is guaranteed failure. I agree that most "experimental" beers are shit, but it just seems silly to not even try.

>> No.9540730
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All us kids loved the Hamm's commercials.
Playing during cartoons before the Saturday football game.
When the game came on us kids would dip outside for a quick beer and smoke.
comfy times

>> No.9540741

>implying a nigger would ever defend busch

Still, I'd rather have fucking good beer and not be able to experiment that have okay beer and be able to make beer with too much hops and shit

I'm 21, still don't know what hamms is

>> No.9540746

Being able to experiment doesn't take away the traditional beer anon. The two are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.9540849
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That's all I'm saying. There are a great many very good craft brews.
Saying you must drink craft brews and all light beers are shit is a neckable offense. Just shutup with it.
Most craft brews suck shitwater, as a mater of fact.
>coffee and cranberries in my stout

>> No.9540929


What light beer has the perfect ratio?

>> No.9540938

Anyone else Lionshead Lager here?
For when I'm too broke for Yuengling.

>> No.9540974

I'm a hillbilly and I love me some rocks on occasion during the hot months

>> No.9540987

He'll yeah dawg. I'm from Schuylkill County and we'd get that whenever we were too broke for lager

>> No.9540992

What is a job

>> No.9540995

Where the fuck are you living that costs $750 a month?

>> No.9541000

Not the anon you're replying too, but can you read?

>> No.9541001

As someone in state college too, you’ve been swindled mate, get friends and live out of downtown

>> No.9541086 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9541098
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Name 1 (one) beer better than Stag

>> No.9541109

literally nothing wrong with a coffee stout, kys pleb

>> No.9541843

Nice, i like the look of the can

Don't live in Texas

Well I don't want to live in a fucking dorm or with 3 other people, been there and I hated it, I live with one other guy and it's better that way also live in the middle of campus, barely have to drive anywhere

Nice apartments in the middle of the campus, pretty nice imo

What is a full time student

I do what I can for money, like working as a for plumbers and electricians, they make good money, but it's absolute shit conditions

I don't care about experimenting or not, I just like the traditional shit and wish America would allow us to make our beer just as good as in Europe

>> No.9541916

Other than the fact that it taste like fucking garbage? If I wanted a buzz from coffee, i'd pour a little jameson in it

>> No.9541936
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lol ikr
I came into this thread expecting people to like things I hate, but you did a great job setting them straight

whenever I see people liking things I hate it makes my blood boil, like who the fuck do you think you are enjoy things that arent good, fuck you for having objectivly wrong opinions

but you came in and set them straight, thankyou for this nice post telling faggots to stop liking things we dont like

>> No.9541956





>> No.9541961

>Americans don't have access to good beer
We have root beer, literally the only good drink with beer in its name.

>> No.9541962


macro brews are better and made by people who know more about beer than all the 'craft' beer makers put together.

nobody likes craft beer. they just pretend to.

>> No.9541964
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>michelob ultra

excuse me, just comin through with Americas best beer Yuengling
>inb4 its not light
lol stop being a pussy

>> No.9541967

you have to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.9541969

yeah but whiskey in a cup of coffee tastes infinitely worse than a good coffee stout

>> No.9541971

Holy shit another skook anon yo bot

>> No.9541975

Oh fuck I love a pint of Yuengling out of a frosty glass

>> No.9542124

Yuengling is good, no one is denying that, but it is darker, this thread is about shit you can see through, same how guiness technically is a light beer, but you can't see through it and it doesn't taste close to water

Lmao fuck no, coffee stout is fucking awful while an irish coffee tastes sweet

>> No.9542125

Would Bud ice be considered light or piss?

>> No.9542173

>nobody likes craft beer. they just pretend to.

This x100. It's all stupid hipsters trying to contrarian.

>> No.9542230

never understood this

>I like beer
>I don't care how beer tastes as long as it gets me drunk
don't you just like getting drunk? there are even cheaper ways to do that.

>> No.9542440

Is it not possible to have both? I like having a beer after a hot day and i like beer when I can kill a lot to get me drunk

>> No.9542445

Beer is also better for getting fucked because I usually don’t overdrink, after beer 11 or 12 i start to slow down and stop feeling the urge to drink, and I usually wake up without a hangover, liquor I usually always overdrink because it doesn’t hit me until it’s too late, also it doesn’t fill you up

>> No.9542453

You and him are both wrong as fuck mate.
If people didn't like the taste of craft beer it wouldn't be one of the fastest growing markets.

>> No.9542532
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i unironically prefer busch and rolling rock over any light beer

>> No.9542593
File: 12 KB, 284x219, th[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why no Miller High Life.

shit is 5.0%

name a better bottom shelf domestic.

oh yeah, its the only bottom shelf domestic that comes in a bottle.

how can other poor people beers compete???

>> No.9542855

Nothing to be ashamed of, I also unironically think busch and most light beers don’t taste that bad

High life has 5% alcohol, we aren’t inculding it for the same reason we aren’t including natural ice and bud ice

>> No.9542869
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Move aside, plebs.

>> No.9542880
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>t. never heard of Coors
Ya gotta try harder little fella

>> No.9544031

11 beers is like 3k cals

Why not use logic and stop after 6oz of liqour