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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 194 KB, 954x1300, rich-breakfast-buffet-table-assortment-food-spread-out-35943516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9533946 No.9533946 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone here actually cook? All I see is fucking fast food and alcoholism related threads.

Show me your best, /ck/

>> No.9533959

I came here a couple days ago looking for a slow, fun board and that's all I've been thinking. Stinky NEETs eating absolute garbage. Why even post here? Thought there would at least be some otaku faggots cooking authentic ramen in kimonos.

>> No.9533965

>Challenges /ck/ to show their best
>With a stock photo
Delete this thread OP, and don't start another until you think about what you have done.

>> No.9533980

I don't feel the need to document it because it's nothing to be proud of. Any uneducated peasant can do it.

>> No.9533981

Essential /ck/ threads:
>meme food ('cha, 'za, guac) b8 threads
>wifey threads
>fast food threads
>mcchicken™ threads
If you can't handle this you need to go elsewhere

>> No.9533992

We literally have one every week shut up and lurk more and you/ll eventually get bored of those ramen threads

>> No.9534007

We have home cooked food threads all the time, but they're usually drown out by the faggots posting their fast food before they even reach a hundred posts. Don't blame us.

>> No.9534054
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Fuck off. I posted an OC a few days ago where I made weevil risotto (pic related) and that thread got @ 70 posts.

>> No.9534129

I lurk for the occasional baking thread. Still perfecting my homemade pizza after 10 years. It is very close, I'm going for that NY/NJ style thin crust and I am by far my own worst critic. I'll have to take some pictures. Pizza pushed me into bread making. I make an amazing white truffle and herb focaccia bread and I bring at least a dozen loaves of bread for every family holiday. I did it once and now its always expected of me.

I'll share with you all some tips:
Pizza needs to be made on steel, 1/2" thick, at 550, under a broiler. Its not right if it doesn't cook in 4 minutes or less. If the cheese burns keep it really cold until you are ready to put the pizza in the oven. Ignore this for deepdish or really hot brick oven style pizzas. Don't cook the sauce first or it gets way too sweet. Keep it simple, its not pasta.

Pro bread bakers have amazing steam ovens to control humidity. Its hard to make proper humidity at home. High hydration loaves come out great if you cook them in a dutch oven with the lid on for half the time. Otherwise get 40 pounds of stones and steel chain and keep them in a sheet pan in the oven. Preheat to 550 for an hour. Boil a cup and a half of water. Put the bread in the oven and immediately pour the boiling water on the hot stones/chain. Steam in the start is hugely important for nice big holes in the bread and a good crust.

>> No.9534206

Yes, I can cook pretty well, I'm regularly told I should open a restaurant. I only came here for the first time yesterday. I think I'll starting posting stuff.

>> No.9534231

Yes. I can, and have as a career, but I've been wrestling crippling depression for the past couple years and so now I don't give a fuck anymore and browse this place. When I can muster up enough energy to cook a nice meal for my family, they heap praise on me like madmen, thinking it will somehow help my depression.

>> No.9534234

oh god I didn't need to be reminded of that

>> No.9534281

Last thing I made was a type of Tom Yum inspired wrap. Smoked haddock fried skinside down in a delicate chilli marinade, taken off stove and left skin side up to crispen. King prawns cooked in lemon grass paste, touch of tom yum paste, sliced garlic, olive oil and shaoxine wine, with some pickled ginger thrown on just before taking it off heat. Get seeded tortilla, thin layer of olive oil mayo, put on selected salad leaves, pickled jalapeno, squeezed lime juice over it, placed over the fish with juices, light sprinkle of coriander and slices of green onion.

Fresh, yummy and healthy! ^.^

>> No.9534298

When you can actually cook you don't feel the need to take pictures and post about it online.

>> No.9534300

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.9534306
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>> No.9534319

Wow. Sliced tomatoes and boiled eggs as your image, you thick sot

>> No.9534420
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>> No.9534436
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>> No.9534439

I cook for millionaires every day

>> No.9534447
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>> No.9534451

I make my own bread from scratch (well I buy the yeast) because I can't get proper whole grain bread in the store. It is surprisingly easy once you have figured the baking times out. Does that count?

>> No.9534452

>I cook for millionaires every day
It's nice to help out your local supermarkets, isn't it?

>> No.9534531
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I made yakisoba for myself and some friends.

>> No.9534533

It used to be like that but now anytime you make any thread of your food the only responses are "Looks like shit OP, I could do better at mcdonalds, speaking of which, time to make another fast food thread"

>> No.9534537


personal dinners at a high end resort

>> No.9534541
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Grilled asparagus with pancetta, fried garlic infused torn baguette and poached egg

>> No.9534546
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Grilled Cheese w/ pilsener

>> No.9534552
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Local dry aged steak cooked mid-rare with arugula/walnut/parm salad and smashed roasted potatoes

>> No.9534556
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>> No.9534575
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Cuban sandwich with home marinated mojo pork and home brined pickled cukes

>> No.9534578
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Homemade tacos al pastor

>> No.9534585
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Ribeye sandwich with chimichurri and chopped cornichons

>> No.9534591
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Hangover breakfast

>> No.9534592

I can slice tomatoes and put them on a plate, yes.

>> No.9534596

fuck im making this exactly in the morning.

thank you for reminding me

>> No.9534599
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I cook almost every day. My specialty is offal. I don't know what it is but I just love the offcuts, they taste much better than just your average piece of meat. This weekend I made lengua tacos.

Here's a couple pics of me making headcheese.

>> No.9534604
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Final product...

>> No.9534611

That yolk my nigger, A+

>> No.9534615


Looks pretty offal, dude.

>> No.9534618

None of these existed until a year or two ago. I miss when /ck/ was slower and less filled with retarded /sp/ tier memes.

>> No.9534619
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Tastes like delicious delicious swine.

Here's a pic of the brains I fried up...

>> No.9534620

taco lenguas is the best taco. once I had that I couldn't go back to anything else.

>> No.9534621

Pls be my waifu.
I'd literally suck your cock for a slice of that

>> No.9534622


>> No.9534626

Only counts if you put that skin on your face first and hid in your kids closet and jumped out when they fell asleep banging on a saucepot with a wooden spoon

>> No.9534630

Pls ram your cock in my boipussy.

>> No.9534634

Why not just wear it in front of a mosque?

You guys can fuck eachother...

>> No.9534642

But Anon, I don't want him to fuck me, I want you to fuck me.

And then let me feast on ur headcheese.

I have a job and I can cook, so it's not like I'd be mooching..

>> No.9534665

This nigga has never seen a dinotendies thread.

>> No.9534677
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I don't take many pictures nor am I an expert but heres some stuff that isn't wendys or mcdonalds

Bangers and mash

>> No.9534682

shepards pie

lasted 3 days lunch and dinner

>> No.9534686
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forgot pic somehow

>> No.9534693
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Back bacon and belly bacon and egg and cheese and HP sauce stuffed IN a bun

>> No.9534697
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Last and least, shit-tier steak with provolone cheese melted on top with peppercorn gravy splashed all over

>> No.9534709
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Bolognese sauce.
Tagliatelle and lasagna al bolognese.
All made from scratch.

I do the occasional cookalong thread, but /ck/ doesn't give a fuck about cooking and they go largely ignored, so why waste the time?

>> No.9534720
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Collards and cornbread.

>> No.9534730
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Wala faggot

>> No.9534734

>Essential newfag /ck/ threads:
Fixed that for you. And no, anon. There's no need to thank me.

>> No.9534752

You should have just stayed in /pol/ or /b/ where you belong, reddo

>> No.9534754

Nice! From the thumbnail, reminded me of a softboiled egg I pickled in a balsamic/soy mix, then made into a Scotch egg.

Still looks good baby! Question for fellow britbongistanis here, how the fuck does one get hold of provolone, and why is it so easy for the yanks?

>> No.9534755
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Here's where those little bastards started swelling up and discoloring my risotto, but I have to say it ended up tasting good.

>> No.9534760

Thank you

>> No.9534772

Hey, that looks great, anon

>> No.9534780
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>Question for fellow britbongistanis here, how the fuck does one get hold of provolone, and why is it so easy for the yanks?

Is it that hard to get a hold of in bongland? I made that provolone steak and I'm in Canada. Theres like 5 different types in the grocery store near me. Comes in slices and whole.

Did you try looking in foreign cheese sections or deli if you have one nearby Because here it's not with the cheddar's and mozzarella's in most stores, it's with the bacon and pepperoni etc.

Could also just be a regional preference, what the fuck do I know?

>> No.9534788

That's a cheese ghostie.

>> No.9534789
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I made gumbo from scratch the other day.

>> No.9534792

Looks good anon

>> No.9534799

>not getting the picante provolone from Boars Head

>> No.9534808
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>not getting saputo cheese, the best provolone

>> No.9534809

We have cooking threads every day. The problem is that they're usually drowned out by generals, fast food convos, and people making low-effort bait threads and or otherwise trying to derail productive conversations into /pol/-tier slapfights about things completely unrelated to cooking. But the cooking conversations here can be great if they manage to stay on topic.

>> No.9534812
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>Pic related
>How we get provolone

>> No.9534827

I really don't understand it, cos it's Italian Heck, easy to get unorthodox cheeses from France, Italy, New Zealand, I've had Canadian cheddar a few times, Mexico, India. For some reason provolone is just not found around here. I keep hearing is used in Canada and US though, so I wanna try it.
Brexit conspiracy I swear dude.

>> No.9534828

It was. I ate half the shrimp that were supposed to go in while i was peeling them and throwing the heads in the stock pot. Fresh same day caught gulf shrimp are just too delicious.

>> No.9534836

>Fresh same day caught gulf shrimp are just too delicious.

Fuck I envy you.

I love visiting my family in florida for this exact reason.

>> No.9534839
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>> No.9534840

It's just mozzarella with a bit of a sourish taste and slightly salitier.

It is based on burgers and sandwiches though.

>> No.9534851

16/20 @ 3.59/lb. It's nice living on the gulf coast except for the hurricanes and mosquitos.

>> No.9534855

>and mosquitos

Anywhere with water and you got those fuckers

>> No.9534875

This is why /ck/ is pure cancer.

All of those reddit-tier meme suck.

>> No.9534886
File: 1.98 MB, 4032x3024, 216C844D-6835-4B82-AE23-BB52A788ABD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamb shank braised in pimmegranet juice with duck fat potatoes from last night

>> No.9534892
File: 654 KB, 1824x1424, Home made gnocchi al pesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9534893

that looks amazing

>> No.9534897
File: 137 KB, 750x1334, 97F7B15C-DDC4-4C6C-A0B9-17BEC6D2F8D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnocchi made from Ramen put through a food processor and fish from last week

>> No.9534906
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>> No.9534913
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And here’s some apple cider chicken I made a few days ago

>> No.9534945
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>> No.9534947

Whats the alternative then?

>> No.9534966

They really, really were. Made them for my GF with a few fresh margaritas and an array of homemade salsas.They took all day to make and it was almost surreal how quickly they went when I finally served them up, but god damn was it worth it.

>> No.9535207
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, 170C0409-B3B1-48DC-8626-91354D04D50D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not amazing but I made some pretty tasty breakfast tacos last week. Leftover grilled chicken thighs from the night before, sliced sauteed red jalapenos, a piece of kale sliced up, and a couple eggs. Got just the right amount of color on the tortillas which was one of the best parts c:

>> No.9535215

A stock photo with no cooked food nonetheless.

>> No.9535216

Nice comfy post bro. Makes me wanna put that Le Cruezet Dutch oven to work. A neighbor left it on the "free stuff" lobby bookcase when they moved out years ago. I love it but never baked in it

>> No.9535231
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Last weekend I made pic related. I think this was one of by best meals when factoring in presentation.

>> No.9535260

This, I wish /r9k/ or whatever the new crossboarders we have would fuck off and people like heartsonfire and progun would come back, that we'd go back to having homebrewman and homegrowman threads. I miss the regular cooking threads, the threads bitching about picky eaters and vegans, even people like angie. The style of shitposting and trolling we have now is so low effort and obnoxious, everything feels as cheap and prepackaged as the food that gets posted. The copypastas we used to have were better, being called co/ck/s instead of cu/ck/s was better. I've pretty much stopped coming to this board altogether.

>> No.9535268
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Looks delicious
seriously amateur but been cooking more and more since moving to my own apt. Chicken with mushrooms, spinach, grated parm, cream, garlic,

>> No.9535274
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Finished result with roasted veggies. Plating is bachelor

>> No.9535296

Nobody asked for this shitty blogpost fuck off.

>> No.9535314


>> No.9535319

fukken 'stayans

>> No.9535327

Use Molino Antimo Caputo 00 flour from Italy. I use your techniques but the Italian flour is what creates perfection in a crust. Amazon sells it. San Marzano crushed tomatoes to make the sauce.

>> No.9535804

So less than 10 threads out of 150?

why don't you visit /int/ and their 50 generals before you complain again

>> No.9535916
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This is my home made cast iron nyc pizza

>> No.9535920
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>> No.9535922

Not bad at all. How did you get the crust to get so crispy on the bottom?

Every time I try pizza in cast iron, the crust on the bottom comes out really anemic and floppy.

>> No.9535923
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>> No.9535931

I cook it on the stovetop in the oiled cast iorn, then brush with olive oil and sprinkle salt and pepper until it starts to bubble, then I load up the sauce and toppings, into max temp your oven goes.

>> No.9535935

Also you could just cook it on the stove top after baking too if it's still not crispy enough.

>> No.9535937

I thought there was a older than 18 rule here.

>> No.9535970
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i put sardines on toast for breakfast

>> No.9536103

nice. gotta love the tasty simplicity of those sorts of tacos

>> No.9536109
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I'll post some shit later, but one thing I have on me is a super simple fucking veggie bowl. Tastes delicious with just three ingredients and nothing added.

I am not claiming to be a good cook, I just know how to not die.

>> No.9536113

Which ingredients?

>> No.9536116

Freaking Australians and their pics

>> No.9536118

Carrots, bean sprouts, and kale. Bonus points for supporting healthy and efficient digestion.

>> No.9536123

Any seasoning?

>> No.9536144
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I sometimes never use them. Natural flavours are good enough.

When I do add some though, it's usually pepper flakes, garlic, ginger, and/or some form of citrus juice.

>> No.9536203

Swapped out kale with spinach. That's another variety. Good for if you don't care about looks. Tastes delicious.

>> No.9536221

Do you live in Canada?
That looks like a PC pan.

>> No.9536224
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I made a ham.

>> No.9536232
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>> No.9536235
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>> No.9536238

damn, that is some eggy french toast.

>> No.9536239
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>> No.9536243
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Jalapeno sourdough French toast, we don't eat it sweet in Australia.


>> No.9536248
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>> No.9536251
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>> No.9536255
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>> No.9536256

No toppings??? Plain french toast is boring

>> No.9536267

Uh, did I mention jalapeño sourdough bread?
Throw some 'megachef' teak smoked oyster sauce in the eggs and you have a pretty good breakfast.

>> No.9536285
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I actually cook pretty well and I like this board, but OP has a point. It's mostly for people LARPing as cooks, shit-tier trolls, pseudo tripfags and fuckwits trying to force memes.

>> No.9536309

Well, this board used to be filled with people passionate about cooking... then the flyovers came over, then they brought their cousins, then they had sex with their cousins... now their children from /pol/ post here about fast food and meth labs.

>> No.9536312

>we don't eat it sweet in Australia

Where the fuck do you live? That isn't true in the slightest.

>> No.9536330


>> No.9536333

don't forget ro/ck/stars
also I miss the one schizophrenic poster
this place fuckin sucks now

>> No.9536380

Stfu reddit

>> No.9536531
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>> No.9536724

What's fucking funny about that post? Or are you just a gaping asshole?

>> No.9536740

So much this, I too miss heartsonfire, progun, pyewacket, ro/ck/stars, real cooking discussions, recipe dumps, actual OC.......i guess it's true, you can't go home again.....

>> No.9537295

nz, scanpan

>> No.9537309

>the better my cooking tastes, the worse my plating gets

I mean I'm just cooking for myself, but damn

>> No.9537464

Tassie. And I don't know about you but I've never eaten sweetened French toast, ymmv.

>> No.9537474

>that feel when you can only cook eggs, soups, chilis, and stews because they are almost impossible to fuck up

>> No.9537491

Aw fuck yeah I need to get some more HP sauce

>> No.9537515
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Sure I can cook though I honestly don't do anything fancy for food. Mostly simple meat/chicken/fish, throw some spices on top and serve with potatoes/rice/pasta.

I like to put more effort into baking since I can create some very tasty cakes/pies pretty easily and they're way cheaper than shop bought items. I mean it's just some eggs/flour/sugar/butter and a bit of time and effort..

>> No.9537524
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>> No.9537528
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>> No.9537530

For me™

>> No.9537537
File: 2.60 MB, 3264x2448, 20171008_210204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some bulgogi with some of the ends of a tenderloin the other day. it turned out really good, I should've garnished with some scallion and sesame to make it look better though

>> No.9537559

This^2. I always liked the threads about work in the kitchen. People knew their shit and I felt like I could learn from everyone. Anyone posting a dumb meme or "checked" or other crap immediately got shit for it. Now I look around and I don't see much difference with /b/, /r9k/, /pol/ or any of those other garbage boards. It's just a bit more food oriented. And I'm sure I know more about cooking than two thirds of the people in here, and that says more about them than me.
At least it was better during the elections, because all the trash was busy on /pol/, but now it's worse than before. /g/ is a better board than this now while I remember coming here when I got tired of their shit.

>> No.9537609
File: 458 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20170107_223913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can cook
>can't take photos
Eggs Benedict.

>> No.9537620

>tfw no more /ck/ gardening threads

>> No.9537644


nice! a bit less aspargus and work a bit on your poached egg.
doens't need more. well cooked steak
didnt you make this a couple of months ago? :)
still if it is you, well done.
whezn youre putting effort in your lamb shank, add a better -warm- veggie.

great, now some sauce :)

cooked well but I cant the imagine the combination worked well.

clean dish, looks appetizing

(fyi, just picked random picks to comment on :) )

>> No.9537961

Fuckflour too. The baking threads were so informative and always fun to lurk. And I miss moot casually posting on our board whenever he made stuff.

Why can't we go back?

>> No.9537993
File: 3.23 MB, 1479x1473, mujaddara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely Haram
>Pork chop marinated in cumin, cinnamon, pepper, and olive oil with a dash of vinegar.
>Mujaddarah: Lentils and rice cooked in cumin, garlic, pepper, salt.
>Carmelized onions: 10 onions, chopped, heated in butter and olive oil for 1 hour.
>Homemade Mint Yogurt: Inoculate pasteurized milk and add very coarse chopped fresh mint leaves, make sure they float on top. 24 hours later, scrape off mint leaves. Drain whey for further 24 hours.
>Fresh tomato, cucumber always go good with Med themes.

>> No.9538448
File: 107 KB, 1080x1920, received_1546449868775534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made arepas the other day and filled them with tinga.
Pic related

>> No.9538462

>stock photo

>> No.9538641
File: 2.19 MB, 1520x2688, IMG_20170613_204808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seared fallow deer backstrap I shot with roast parsnips and potatoes; and sauteéd onions, parsley and mushrooms. Shit was SO cash.

>> No.9538650

u need to heat tortillas on the pan before u eat them

>> No.9539321

Nice... like the idea of using delicious porky pork with mideastern flavouring

>> No.9539328

This meat is severely undercooked.

>> No.9539332

I made turkey meatballs tonight for mom. No pic though. We at them all.

>> No.9539403

>nobody even mentions pink Himalayan rock salt anymore
feels bad

>> No.9539412

dude I still have FF's baking tutorial which got me really interested in baking on my youtube favorites
I used to lurk baking threads just waiting for him to post because I was so jealous of his bread

>> No.9539455
File: 15 KB, 500x546, 1292622220593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss heartsonfire :-(
And it's not just nostalgia, there were objectively higher quality and more on-topic threads back then
Oh well, times is weird

>> No.9539457

>no provolone in the UK
what the hell it's like the 5th most popular cheese here

>> No.9539466
File: 905 KB, 2560x1440, 20171004_203658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak, taters, veggies

>> No.9539469

I only left England 4 years ago, and I swear to god I was able to get provolone just as easily as any other cheese.

>> No.9539563
File: 2.94 MB, 4032x3024, 15077909191441590530143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never think to document my cooking on /ck/ until I'm already eating.

>> No.9539608

Is that a barracks or a caravan park

>> No.9539610

It's a factory in the north eastern us.

>> No.9539643

What are you serving up

>> No.9539649
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, 20171008_182201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some bomb potato soup I made the other day

>> No.9539669
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, IMG_7652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brined hamachi, coconut milk, cilantro ginger oil, ichimi oil, yuzu tobiko, shiso, toasted coconut.

>> No.9539765

Why do you wear shoes in your home? Like getting dirt everywhere?

>> No.9539784

looks good anon, I like my potato chunks to be way smaller though

>> No.9539785

bullshit, who would waste white truffel for baking, unless you use some white shroom thats mislabeled

>> No.9539884

Do you exercise? It usually helps me a little with mine.

>> No.9540116

that poached egg has seen some shit

>> No.9540235

You made a ham, so you had a pig and turned it into meat.

>> No.9540248
File: 65 KB, 800x450, james-valentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your autistic in-law brings too much bread again.

>> No.9540908

We need to start posting more. /ck/ used to be great and full of content, but some of the best posters are gone and the new threads put off anyone new who would have liked those. If all of us start posting and making threads like it was back then we can help change the board. It'll never go back to its glory days, but we can get some better threads going. I remember heartsonfire posting on /q/ once talking about how we all needed to change to keep /ck/ on topic and full of content, she was completely right.

>> No.9540945
File: 153 KB, 711x686, Real Deal Gumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9540954

>We need to start posting more.
/ck/ is a shill board for paying fast food and junk food advertisers, that's why you can't filter out some of the shit, why the mods don't delete it, and why it keeps getting posted all the fucking time.

>> No.9541278

i have a specialty that I cook on special occassions i call it hamburger helper n mac it's really good and we always eat it on good days so first i get the hamburger helper lasagna one --you know the one the 4 cheese one it's really cheesy and really good well anyways i always cook up some kraft mac'n'cheese and i combine the 2 but after i do this i also grate some cheese and add it in it's really good and they are always saying hey mr. chef make your gourmet hamburger helper n' mac and I'm thinking i could be chef too because they always says it good

>> No.9541331
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Smoked chicken curry with bell pepper.

>> No.9541332
File: 177 KB, 415x325, 1488827063423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that pîg face

>> No.9541416

You're right. No one here can actually cook.

>> No.9541968

I wish someone would teach me how to cook

>> No.9541973

you have the internet and can read I assume

>> No.9541976

library of babel

>> No.9541986

Not having a cooking and food/drink boards separate was a mistake

>> No.9541997

you're on the food section of an anime message board, what do you expect?

>> No.9542000
File: 90 KB, 1080x825, IMG_20171008_141443_668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cook thai food

>> No.9542013
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Just picked up some assorted beans, lime juice, sriracha, leafy greens, sprouts, mushrooms, and ground beef.

it is all going in my ass.

>> No.9542019

I like the fast food threads. 4chan is not about being the absolute best in the world, it's about being real.

/sci/ is full of stupid questions about basic math, /adv/ is full of people asking how to deal with their basic bitch gf, /biz/ is full of posts from impoverished NEETs about how to invest their allowance, and for /ck/ it's the mcchicken. This is what real life is.

>> No.9542029

hey guys
just starting out cooking so i know already that this is a retarded question but am i supposed to take the pan off of the burner once the food is done cooking?
or do i leave it there so that it keeps warm or something

>> No.9542052
File: 568 KB, 1920x3413, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piggy looked like this in the beginning

>> No.9542074 [DELETED] 

I used to be a good cook when I had too much free time. Now I have a real job and mostly /alck/ /sip/ and /Mcchicken/ because cooking takes a long time and I have other interests outside of cooking and work

>> No.9542133

just download a PDF of some old French textbook or something

>> No.9542171

Take it off the heat.
Let it rest for a couple minutes, then serve.

>> No.9542242

well what if i'm in a situation where i'm using more than two burners
there won't be enough space to take anything off the heat lol
i just don't want to cook for the first time and end up burning something

>> No.9542290

Figure it out.

>> No.9542413 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 728x485, aid217984-v4-728px-Make-Sauteed-Chicken-Step-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi im new to cooking
does anyone know what's the time and temperature to cook sauteed chicken breast (in frying pan)