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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 123 KB, 1050x797, Kaffeetasse_Milchkaffee_Cafe-au-Lait_Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9527557 No.9527557 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your coffee, /ck/?

>> No.9527566

Just a bit of cream or milk for me. I also like to pour a shot of espresso into a glass, then fill it with milk. I don't really know the names of coffee styles, I don't care enough, I just know ingredients and measurements.

>> No.9527573

Black, medium or dark roast, brewed strong with three packets of stevia.

>> No.9527578

I like a dark roast with a tiny splash of milk or creamer and some sugar.

>> No.9527581
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Fast. I gulp a couple shots of espresso right before walking out my front door

>> No.9527587

Like my women. Black.

>> No.9527591


I still don't get why people use stevia over regular sugar to sweeten their coffee.

Well, doesn't matter much to me anyway, i'm a milk-only guy

>> No.9527596

like my women
asian and obedient

>> No.9527599

i use greek yoghurt or sour cream, lower carb good protein and actually counterbalances the sweetness of the espresso in a good way

>> No.9527604

Because stevia has no calories...

>> No.9527614

Black like I like my cocks

>> No.9527628

strong flat white, no sugar.

Or occasionally,

strong tall black, 2 sugars.

>> No.9527656


>> No.9527658

I like my men white and my coffee black.

>> No.9527665

>strong flat white, no sugar
yeee m8

>> No.9528005

with black tea and whatever creamer is available

>> No.9528028

"Solo", black coffee, 100% arabic.

>> No.9528035

Like your wifes son mocca brown

>> No.9528038

like my women. without some other cunt's dick in it

>> No.9528041

Made from real American beans.

>> No.9528042

black unless it's something shitty like folgers or maxwell house then plenty of cream and sugar.

>> No.9528284


Bitter, black and THICCC

like my women

>> No.9528418
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Varies between black and a bit creamy
Unrelated question, but why do we even drink stuff like this? Don't get me wrong, I like coffee as much as the next guy, but it doesn't taste "good", just bitter

>> No.9528449

Freedom and Liberty beans?

>> No.9528453

>bitter and good are mutually exclusive

>> No.9528458

There are different kinds of bitterness. The "bad" kind makes your stomach feel like there's something bitter in it and is an unpleasant feeling, but the "good" kind has the bitterness only stay in your mouth while it's still enjoyable to drink.

>> No.9528460

I feel the same way but with all cooking. I just have a good sense of what spices go on and into what things. Anything that's not baking I can do without a recipe 90% of the time. Maybe in reality I'm just not a very picky eater, but I always like my own food.

>> No.9528462

Like my men

Black and ethiopian

>> No.9528494

I hate Swedish people but the country itself is gorgeous.

>> No.9530096

Only nu-males drink coffee

>> No.9531213
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I like a cappuccino in a nice café

>> No.9531223

Like my men, forced down my throat.

>> No.9531250

Large, black and bitter, just like my ex wife.

>> No.9531504
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>> No.9531514
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Near starbucks-level creamed

I have no idea how to drink it any way else without making a face like pic related in my car

>> No.9531517

Irish Mocha

>> No.9531518

Black, with a bit of cold tap water so I can quickly chug it down.

>> No.9531685
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espresso and some milk, no sugar

does the job for me

>> No.9531691
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>> No.9531693

A little bit of cream or black. Never added sugar.

>> No.9531734


>> No.9531826

I like strong coffee, like espresso or a moka pot, with equal amount of milk. No sugar.
I've tried pourovers/drip but they're just too watery/acidic for me.

>> No.9532023

I don't like coffee

>> No.9532096

Like Beyonce hot and black

>> No.9532108

>cucks saying they like their coffee black, like their women
>in fact the negresses they like consist at least of 50% milk
Really activates my almonds.

>> No.9532430

Good taste, friend.

>> No.9532433

Cold, carbonated, and with a full dose of monster energy blend

>> No.9532437

Like I like my women. White.

>> No.9532445

I'll drink any coffee. Strong black, no sugar, to coffees that amount to a dessert in a cup.

>> No.9532467

Like my men, gay.

>> No.9532472

I love me a black siphon coffee.

>> No.9532480

Stop drinking shitty drip brew coffee.

>> No.9532490
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Depends. I like third wave stuff, but my favorite is always flat white.

>> No.9532494

How I like my women, hot and liquified

>> No.9532546

my sip brother from another trailer park

>> No.9532596

Half latte with sugar and at a temperature where I can pretty much chug it down. I make coffee at work and make myself the odd one, but not to sit down and sip for 20 minutes. So I make it short and strong, in a glass.

>> No.9532964

Black. Either the coffee and roaster will stand on their own or not.

>> No.9532992

Dark roast, with 50/50 coffee/milk.

>> No.9533032

Why not get espressos?

>> No.9533069

I like my sugar with coffee and cream.

>> No.9533117


>> No.9533374

What else should I drink? Not much of a coffee connoisseur

>> No.9533392

I don't like coffee. I don't intake any appreciable amount of caffeine regularly and I am alert and attentive all day without it. I'm better than everyone who drinks coffee because I do not.

>> No.9533431

Depends on how it tastes

If it's American cigarette butt diner coffee, I'll have it with milk or cream, maybe some sugar.

If it's brewed properly, I'll take it black.

>> No.9533433
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Instant garbage black with no suga

>> No.9533499

I just drink it black.

I'm not a big fan of sweet drinks.

>> No.9533506

How the fuck can coffee be "obedient" you stupid cunt?

>> No.9533534
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I used to work as a barista and EVERY SINGLE person I came across who ordered a flat white was a stupid fucking twatty hipster who thought they were SO FUCKING SOPHISTICATED for knowing what a flat white was

I will only let you off if you're Australian

Otherwise you need to go and fuck yourselves, pronto

>> No.9533546

Just like I like my memes---dank, fresh, and synthesized.

>> No.9533577
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What does liking a certain type of coffee has to do with prejudice, m8? I worked and occasionally work as a barista nowadays. Actually, pretty much everyone who orders coffee at my place looks like a fucking hipster.

>> No.9533605

Drip brew tastes great if you use good beans, grind them freshly, and *regularly* clean every part of your drip machine.

>> No.9533617

Isn't coffee with sugar still black?

>> No.9533628

Like I said, everybody who ever ordered a flat white was a hipster. Stupid fucking stuck up East London cunts.

>Actually, pretty much everyone who orders coffee at my place looks like a fucking hipster.
Well maybe that's where you work. Where I worked, normal people came in, and they'd order normal coffees.

You must admit, even if you like the way flat whites taste (which I don't really), that they have become a total fucking meme, and that 90%+ of people who order them are only doing so because they think it makes them special. It's like avocado. It's become a millennial meme thing.

But like I say, the taste is just fucking overrated. They're too fatty. And two shots of espresso for such a short cup is too much.

Give me an espresso, or a filter coffee, or a white americano. Flat whites are fucking meme-tier shit and I despise anybody who orders one because the only reason they are doing so is because it's a fucking meme. They will claim they like the taste but they are lying. They are ordering it because they think it's cool and sophisticated, pure and simple.

>> No.9533793
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For me, it's filter coffee. The best type of coffee.

>> No.9533950

>flat white coffee

You brittards have been adding milk to your tea since the East India Company started importing it and I doubt those faggot, dry crotched pinky crookers were hipsters. If you could culturally originate that abomination, why did your panties get so twisted over milk in coffee?

>> No.9533961

Black, medium roast. Dark roast has less caffeine and tastes slightly more bitter. Not a good trade off IMO.

If it's too hot outside I'll drink it lukewarm with some NA Bailey's creamer.

>> No.9533975


>> No.9533994
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>> No.9533996

Black, like my women, but I also like yellow and white women, so I dunno

>> No.9534014

Exactly how I like my women, in a styrofoam cup.

>> No.9534017

There's nothing wrong with milk in coffee, but flat whites use full fat milk, so it's very fatty.

And actually I rarely have lattes because again, it's a lot of milk.

When Brits make tea with milk, we're only adding a bit of milk, so it's basically like having filter coffee with a bit of milk. Whereas lattes and flat whites have tons of milk.

>> No.9534021

Ah, just like women

>> No.9534047

either black or with a shit ton of sugar and milk, just depends on my mood

>> No.9534064

I like a mocha. medium amount of cream, no sugar.

>> No.9534088

I like ur anger anon

>> No.9534171

It doesn't run away after you stick it in.

>> No.9534192

Usually some kind of black, sometimes some kind of unsweetened plant milk thing.

>> No.9534929

Sometimes I will but I usually have a bit of extra hot milk there already

Flat white is the most normal coffee in australia/nz where they originated. No fuss, no fancy shit.

Funny to think it's a meme overseas now. It's just a latte with less foam?

Try macchiato or a half latte if you don't want to drink a ton of milk but still want a creamy 50-50 mix rather than just a dash of milk added to a black coffee.

>> No.9534940

simple, 2 teaspoons of sugar

>> No.9534946

Black as night, sweet as sin

>> No.9534964

Black and Kenyan going in my throat.

>> No.9534971

I've been drinking flat white for the last 20 years, I never knew it was a meme. I just don't like the amount of foam you get with a latte or cappacino

>> No.9536327

like my women. Ground up and in the freezer.

>> No.9536505


>> No.9536591

I drink coffee not to stay up or energetic but because I like it. Don't try to make your baby palate seem like le I'm better le no need caffeine meme, it's cringy.

>> No.9536674

Black, strong, no sugar. Two teaspoons of coffee for a 300 ml cup. Roughly half bowling water and half cold water.
Don't get me wrong, I like milk but I like the bitterness of coffee on its own.

>> No.9536826

>Stupid fucking stuck up East London cunts.

>> No.9537189
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Hey, fuck you I like stringer coffee

>> No.9537352

Vietnamese phin, couple spoons of sugar, cinnamon, hot frothed milk

>> No.9537364

With chocolate milk of course, you aren't putting chocolate milk in your coffee why?

>> No.9537369
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3 table spoons worth of instant coffee with no milk or sugar
>Did this all the time when I was younger
>Tasted like dirt
>Liked the buzz and the jittering that followed

>> No.9537531

with 4 drops of vanilla stevia and milk

>> No.9537902


>> No.9538036

Flat white, no sugar.

>> No.9538147

Black. Unless I’m at a Dunkin’, which is pretty often in New England. Then it’s “toasted almond, light and sweet”, hot or iced depending on weather

>> No.9538158

In a sense. Sugar alone probably won’t change the color of your coffee, but when using the term “black”, it refers to coffee with no sugar, cream, or other additives