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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 259x194, fatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9526816 No.9526816 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9526838

>when ants use imageboards

>> No.9526863


More on the retail clerk side, but, I get pissed off when people ask why a fruit isn't super fresh when that fruit is not in season. Like seriously, you're not gonna fine super great strawberries in the middle of November, middle aged lady.

>> No.9526869

I live in Bumfukt, Nevada and the nearest grocery store from my house is a Wal-Mart thats 40 minutes away.
Every time i shop there, no matter what time of day or night, theres always only 2 registers open, other than self checkout, and about 100 people waiting in line.
No matter which line you go in, the cashier is always slow as fuck.
To go grocery shopping, takes about 4 hours to do.

>> No.9526903

This is what self-checkout is really for. One employee = 6 tills open.

>> No.9526906
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>people who park their carts in the middle of narrow aisles
>people who let their kids run around the store touching everything and screaming like banshees
>that one guy who tries to pay with a bag of fucking pennies

>> No.9526917
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>> No.9526944
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tfw a soccer mom lets a cart roll into my shitbox

>> No.9527018

Cashier side:
>Indian customers
>More than a few coupons
>Clothes and anything that doesn't easily fit in a bag.
>Do you price match?
>Not pushing forward item's on the speedy checkouts where we don't have a belt.
>Hiding stuff you didn't want in the candy instead of just handing the shit to me.
>people who don't put their bags in the cart until the carousel is full.
>People who move the carousel while I'm bagging.
>Mixing produce in a single bag.

Customer side:
>People who shop in groups.
>People who open the freezer to browse and fog every window.
>People who walk side by side.
>People getting more than 1-2 things at the deli counter.
>Coupons and people who hold up a line over less than a dollar or two.

>> No.9527115

I work in a deli and the only thing that bothers me are customers who try ordering things while I'm literally in the middle of taking someone else's order, and get all butthurt that I don't drop the other persons order and serve them first. It happens surprisingly frequently

>> No.9527168
File: 76 KB, 800x600, Kill+all+americans+_146b78339aec335bbe6e3e82caf06815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lotteryfags at the customer service check out

>> No.9527197

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.9527220 [DELETED] 

Only niggers

>> No.9527221

I see at least 1 stray cart every time I go shopping. Walmart is usually the worst.

Fucking lazy shitbags

>> No.9527244

Yeah, there's no coin locks or anything like that on American carts at all so there's zero incentive to return them if someone's feeling lazy.

>> No.9527256


This. I was grocery shopping for the week a few days ago, and was about to grab some apples (massively discounted this time of year). That was, until I notice an unruly crotch maggot, leaned completely over the side of the bin, head first, rooting through them like a basset hound, fingering all the fruit, rubbing pieces on its face, nose, and mouth and throwing them back in. While soccer mom ignored it, trying to suck the deli counter attendant's dick.

>> No.9527300

It's such a problem I considered writing a scholarship essay on it

>> No.9527308

I want one specific thing in an aisle. The aisle is completely empty.

>except for one person or people standing right in front of what I want to get

Or conversely

>I'm trying to pick out what brand of thing I want
>some schmuck comes and stands right next to me to examine the shelves

>> No.9527313

people being around me

>> No.9527320

The lines for self checkout are twice as long. Plus i do all my shopping 1 time a week so my cart is full. I dont want to scan and bag my own groceries either, as i am not a wal mart employee.

>> No.9527321
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As someone who lives in New York City where most groceries only have room to stock upward and not outward, the constant fear shit is gonna fall on me. Most grocery stores are small but have a high roof so they stock upward to compensate storage not going down in the basement. Shit's fucking terrifying, and when you want something that is happened to be stored above the shelves you always have to get a guy and they're some dude who's annoyed as shit at you for bothering him.

>> No.9527332

>cart full of shopping once a week
fattie detected

>> No.9527336

Similar experience. Was gonna grab some nectarines once and some snot nosed little faggot was sitting there tossing them around bruising up the fruit.
And of course the mom was completely oblivious.

>> No.9527348

Myself, wife, 3 kids, and sister + kid live in my home.

>> No.9527350

White and black ones, sometimes brown depending on the place

>> No.9527354

>has kids
>browses 4chan

>> No.9527366
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Lots of people who browse 4chan have kids, Anon. Not all of us are forever alone khv's.

>> No.9527369

yeah, those are normies and they should stick to facebook

>> No.9527391

>hey I forgot my wallet in the car can I run and get it real quick?
>are you sure this coupons no good? Can I see a manager?
>can you have somebody bring something to me? I don't want to walk.
>anyone over 70 in general.

I have to work almost exclusively outside helping people load heavy shit/shit they're too lazy to load and it's the most sisyphean hell in the world. Being able to go on register is the biggest relief compared to that.

>> No.9527406

i cant say for walmart but I do my shopping at a target supercenter and there's literally NEVER an abandoned cart out in the lot.

>> No.9527416


>> No.9527419

I can't stand when fuckers are next in line and are like oh shit i forgot something and sends their kid to go find it or some shit. either pay for you stuff and go back or take all your shit off the belt and go back

>> No.9527449

Yeah, fuck grocery stores. Luckily, the Safeway in my town delivers, so I don’t have to deal with narrow aisles, slow cashiers, and shitty patrons.

The best part? Safeway is literally across the street. And it’s not even a real street. It’s more of an alleyway.

Sometimes, paying a little more money for convenience is worth it.

>> No.9527466

so why did you choose to live so far from civilization? are you scared of people?

it seems like the easy solution is to move to an area that actually has more than one grocery store within walking distance of your home. Easy peasy.

>> No.9527482

Not him, but living away from large cities and civilization is great.
The only thing he fucked up on is by shopping at Walmart. I guarantee you that there is somewhere closer for him to shop. He’s just being a lazy, poverty stricken cunt.

Worse case scenario, you got amazon.

>> No.9527485

My closest grocery store's aisles are all like a yard and a half wide and the place is always way too crowded for the space they have.

>> No.9527529

my grandpa did, but he quite literally was almost unable to walk. To push the cart up hill back to the cart area and then walk back down to the car would be quite an undertaking

>> No.9527540

Because big beautiful luxury home on ridiculously cheap land. I bought 375 acres back in 98. Sold 125 acres in 07 and was able to pay off my loan so basically got a house and 250 acres of land for free.

And the next closest grocery store is a Raleys thats 28 minutes further away than the wal mart

>> No.9527595
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Buying produce that goes by several different names and the cashier knows none of them.

>> No.9527670

Those cunts who buy scratch cards, then stand at the till and scratch them on the counter. Fucking disgusting

>> No.9527765

ITT: bunch of whiney faggots.

Cry more bitch bois

>> No.9527830

>fat people taking up an entire aisle
>fat people coming down the aisle, waddling way too closely next to me and my shopping cart
>fat people not having any concept of personal space.

>> No.9527841

Good biz strategy. Very inspiring thanks anon.

>> No.9527848

They really should use Aldi as an example. This shit drove me crazy when I visited the US. Make them pay a quarter to use the cart and they get it back when they are done shopping. But muh freedom can't handle that.

>> No.9527850

Is this what a food desert looks like?

>> No.9527861

>lives in New York City
For what purpose?

>> No.9527874

Alsi is quite literally the only grocery chain in America that does the coin thing. I was absolutely fascinated when I saw one for the first time. Never even thought of something like using a coin to ensure cart return.

>> No.9527875

Is America even real

>> No.9527877

>Coin locks
I haven't seen one of these in Australia for a long time, I remember when they introduced them people would still ditch the cart with the coin in them and some people even found a way to pull the coin back out

Although our car parks aren't as bad as >>9526917 but we still have dumped carts in our parking spots

>> No.9527879

Forgot to mention that when people ditched the cart with the coin and poor people would still smash the lock to get the coin out

>> No.9527882


>people who use carts to haul kids that are big enough to walk
>people cant keep to one side of the aisle
^and these fucks are always middle aged, like is this their first fucking time in a supermarket?
>people who use a cart and they only buy 3 small items and then proceed to ditch the cart next to their parking spot
>people who feel they have to roll their carts right up to the product they want to buy
^dairy section at my local store is a bit cramped so this is annoying as fuck
>people who ditch their coffee cups on the shelves
>people who cut you off with their own carts and then proceed to walk as slow as possible in the middle of a narrow aisle
>people who let their 6 year olds push their cart
>couples and families that have to block the entire fucking aisle while they contemplate what they want to buy

TLDR a bunch of stupid niggers lose their spatial awareness when they grocery shop, not sure how they managed to drive to the store without causing an accident or not get killed or fired from whatever jobs they have.

>> No.9527888

It's so simple but works. You never see this shit in europe. You can even use some fake coins if you don't want to use real money. My jaw dropped when I went to a target and the parking space was littered with shopping carts as if there had been a zombie breakout. Lazy Ass americans.

>> No.9527890

Shoprite here in east coast used to do it but then they stopped

>> No.9527898

>some people even found a way to pull the coin back out
>some people

>> No.9528299
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>people who eat/drink something off the shelf to see if they like it
>people who eat bags of chips or bottles of pop and then wander the store begging people to pay for it or try to hide it in someones cart
>gambling addicts blowing $500 on scratchoffs, going crazy about winning $600, blowing that 600 on scratchoffs, getting 300, blowing it, 450, blowing it, 0 all while taking up the customer service counter while they play the games and being obnoxious about how much they won and how much theyll give away if they hit it big
>children asking for money from the stockers and cashiers
>people who walk past 4 signs saying "the cashier is required to ID everyone for beer/cigs" and get angry that I ask them for ID
>that one guy who comes in everyday/week and buys the same things. everyone hates that guy. fuck that guy.
>parents trying to use their children to guilt workers into free food
>hamplanets spending their entire snap on diet pepsi
>hamplanets with hamplanet children
>hamplanets with skin and bones children
>people asking for loosies
>hamplanets in general

>> No.9528330

>>people asking for loosies
what is this?

>> No.9528347
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>>that one guy who comes in everyday/week and buys the same things. everyone hates that guy.
>tfw people hate me because I use their service
Explain this to me.

>> No.9528349

Apparently there are loose cigarettes in the packaging sometimes and some people expect to get them for free if they see them. management was very specific on breaking them apart and throwing them out because it caused problems when one of our customers would get a chip on his shoulder about not receiving free smokes.

>> No.9528350

cigarettes not in a pack

>> No.9528353

>>>people asking for loosies
>what is this?
a single fag.

>> No.9528381

Those Shart Carts are a fucking nuisance.

>> No.9528383

>have bag clip tags and a near infinite supply of pencils all around the produce section for customer to write down what the fuck vegetables they're buying and what their product numbers are when they're buying them loose
>no one ever fucking uses them like they expect the cashiers to have hundreds of produce items and their codes memorized
>50% of the time it's customers being lazy fucks and 50% of time it's customers thinking they'll be able to trick the cashier into ringing out some expensive shit as string beans or something
>100% of the time the cashier has to call a produce clerk to come identify whatever the fuck this customer is trying to buy or ask them what the product numbers are and suddenly the check out line grinds to a complete goddamn halt for like 5 minutes

>> No.9528392

Its single moms.
They are ruining the planet.
Global warming is nothing compared to single mothers.

>> No.9528554
File: 71 KB, 300x250, 1199[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I go to a wally world in the evening and the slaves are already restocking as early as even 8 or 9 pm, blocking entire fucking aisles and forcing me to acknowledge their existence

>> No.9528589

>people who wait until the cashier as finished scanning all their items before looking for their checkbook (usually takes them 5 min to find it too).
>people who start bagging all their shit as the cashier is scanning their items, and keep doing so long after the cashier is finished and needs them to pay for their shit.
>a combo of the above two.
>people who 'graze' while shopping.

I saw an extreme example of the last one a couple of months ago. I often stop by my local store before work to pick up something from their hot bar for dinner (I work til 11pm and sometimes don't feel like cooking when I get home). The hot bar is priced by the pound with the weight determined at the register. Well one lady loaded up her to go container and immediately started shoveling the food into her mouth while standing in line at the register. By the time I'd gotten my food she was at the register, her container was completely empty, and she was having an argument with the cashier due to the fact that there was noting in her container to weigh (holding up the 5 customers behind her). The cashier started calling for the customer service manager on duty and I decided 'fuck it' and went to the front registers. Waited in line a few minutes, paid for my food and heard the other cashier call for the CSM a second time. Walked out of the store feeling sorry of all those other customers being held up because of that self centered cunt.

>> No.9528590

Are you SERIOUSLY making another poltard thread asshole? There is NOTHING wrong with fat people. Being fat is not something to be ashamed, I am classed as overweight but I am fit and healthy and my friend says I actually look underweight. I only use my scootercart because its easier on my knees so fuck off.

I'm so sick of you bringing your various phobias over here, keep to your containment board virgins.

>> No.9528594
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>there is a dog in the store
I don't mind trained service dogs, which are literally robots, but this """"therapy pet"""" shit needs to stop

>> No.9528662

Depends on the store. ALDI and Kroger stores in my flyover state have coin locks, but most other stores don't. You never see abandoned carts at the coinlock stores.

>> No.9528776
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When I'm just trying to grab a snack and the grocery store jester replaces my milky way with a pay day

He said, "orange you glad it wasn't snickers?"

I went into anaphylactic shock and I didn't get the joke

>> No.9528779

>grocery store jester

>> No.9528786

Or, you know, walmart could hire more than 2 cashiers.

Or the front end managers could get off their lazy asses and do something besides standing around looking at the giant lines.

>> No.9528790
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>he lives in a 3rd world country

>> No.9528795

>need flax because it's an everyday food for me
>nearest supermarket charges way too much
>order same brand on Amazon and have shipped to Amazon locker at supermaket

>> No.9528796
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Implying that you dont do your grocery shopping so your mom has to. You deserve to be hit on the head

>> No.9528801

can u not quotechain you tourist

>> No.9528809

Customer comes up to me to ask a question.
>"excuse me I was here first >:["
And it's almost always a black woman

>> No.9528815

there always seems to be some nigga loitering in front of the shit i want to buy. like move on buddy.

>> No.9528828

Maybe don't have a fucking stupid system and just have a reference sheet at the cashier

>> No.9528829

in all the retail experience I've had it's been on the cashier to memorize their produce codes or just keep a list for reference near. not really that many codes to memorize anon.

>> No.9528831

>those people who need to consider every single brands, read all the ingredients and the daily values table
Have they not bough food before? And it's always something stupid too, like chocolate-caramel granola bars or packets of powdered sauce.

>> No.9528834

>pays with a bag of pennies
it's the stores own fault for not having a coinstar

>> No.9528836

I can't even tell if you're serious or not
>anime poster
And I don't even care at this point

>> No.9528839

>need flax
There are better ways to level Crafting

>> No.9528840

Calm down there fatty, you're gonna have a heart attack.

Personally I dislike slow walkers and noisy children. The fatties also take too much space and smell bad.

>> No.9528842

like i want some tripple fudge toffe can you move on.

>> No.9528844

>want to cook traditional white people food
>white american supermarkets don't have the ingredients because white estadounidenses stopped cooking
>go to Asian one to buy traditional Caucasian ingredients

>> No.9528846

What is this?

>> No.9528849

Pathetic desu

>> No.9528851

gay dink is a superior lifestyle

>> No.9528858

>even caring that I'm an anime poster

Go back to your ooga booga hut

>> No.9528910

Whenever I see a really nice dog sitting in a cart, or being held throughout, well that just makes me real happy

>> No.9528928

>parents who don't discipline their kids
>dickheads with foodstamps buying junkfood and mtn dew.

>> No.9528946

>using coinstar
Fuck that I'm not giving them 10%. Just go the the bank.

>> No.9528984

Fellow nevadan here, do you live near Stead or something because I know they have a Raley's and a Walmart nearby

>> No.9529010
File: 160 KB, 864x480, Anxiety & Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who obviously haven't showered for more than a week.
>Having to stand in line behind that.

>> No.9529023

People the walk aside of their cards, now they are taking up the entire aisle...

>> No.9529029

I work in grocery at Walmart, don't get me started.

>> No.9529030

Niggers that get a pound of prawns and eat them and puts shells and empty container on shelf.

>> No.9529044

How would the welfare recipients take the carts to their section 8 housing then?

>> No.9529055
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>If it doesn't have a price, that means it's free right?
>people who buy food with EBT but don't bring change to pay for bags or their own reusable bags
>people who leaves their empty carts right near the till
>people who obviously try to hide things in the bottom rack of the cart
>people who use 100$ bill to pay for a 3 dollar item
>people who use you like a cash back machine
>people who use debit cards for items less than $5
>Old people buying alcohol, "Not going to ask for my ID? I don't look that old, do I?"
>parents who let their kids sit in the basket part of carts and stand while they are moving them
>people who leave their baskets at the end of the convener belt
>people who leave the shit they don't want all over the fucking candy section
>grandmas that take a year to find exact change

Being a cashier is an incredibly easy job, but dealing with people really makes you realize how shitty the average person is.

>> No.9529077

>>people who feel they have to roll their carts right up to the product they want to buy
>people who let their 6 year olds push their cart
me desu, and there's nothing you can do that will ever stop me bitchboi

>> No.9529081
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>in one of the express lanes
>it doesn't have a conveyor belt, it's just like a metal table before the scanner
>there's a gap on the table for some reason
>make sure to put the groceries closer to the cashier so she doesn't have to keep reaching and lifting everything closer
>she sounds sad and says nobody ever really does that for her, and thanks me for being considerate
>sounds genuine
>she's pretty and has a nice voice
>look for her the next time i'm there
>she's not there
>haven't seen her since
i hope she's happy

>> No.9529120

you would think that by middle age they would have figured seasonal produce out
I'd buy that because it was so ugly. Makes me wonder why they can't into headlights
this is a retarded system
half of this seems really petty

>> No.9529130


>> No.9529173
File: 383 KB, 1916x1079, WalMart_Supercenter_Albany-e1397590194220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four years of retail, going on five between two stores and three departments. You find a lot of things. I'm surprised I still manage to have a good attitude going there. (College anon)

>Screaming kids that parents won't take outside or physically reprimand.
>Kids climbing on my cart when I'm trying to stock shelves, giving me the PG version of the "Do something, pussy" look.
>The store policy, and the law refraining me from reprimanding them myself.
>Horde of college kids that walk around the store being loud and moving shit because in a college town they can't manage to find anything else to do on a Saturday night.
>The anti-corporate 60-something that claims she's only in here because she can't find it anywhere else or at a farmer's market.
>Thinking every store carries every product on the website.
>Thinking "I'm from out of town/I have other things to do" is going to expedite a service in any way.
>"The battery's dead on this cart. Get me a new one." I've walked away from one that said "chop chop" to me. Left that fat cunt to hopefully starve to death in Pharmacy.
>Language barrier in which the pajeet with slurred English gets upset with me for asking them to repeat themselves.
>Working one side of the store, get a question about something on the other side of the store
>When we genuinely don't carry something (Amazon Gift Cards) and the customer just stands there and stares, waiting for me to essentially say "Well alright sir have a good day, sorry about that." and walk off.
Worst of all, which is coworker to coworker.
>Bringing a customer to me "Hey they have a question" and then leaving instead of learning the answer to it for the next fucking time.

>> No.9529175

You should drop by Veljekset Keskinen in Finland some day. Dozens of fucking carts all over.

>> No.9529176

At my store we keep 1 person to an aisle to avoid that. It's usually antisocial manchildren that get mad because they have to say "excuse me" to get through.

>> No.9529197
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i'm not trying to be antisocial or rude. i just have issues. if i feel stuck in the aisle, especially if it starts getting crowded and i can't easily leave, i start to feel like i'm in extreme danger. i always feel bad when that happens because i know i might come across as rude.

>> No.9529240

>blocking entire fucking aisles and forcing me to acknowledge their existence
>not trying to be antisocial or rude

>> No.9529276

Grocery night stocker here. When you god damn baggers who do go-backs can't find where an item goes so you hide it behind random items on the shelf.

>> No.9529403

>people who park their carts in the middle of narrow aisles

This will never not make me mad. Niggers love doing this and then being completely ambivalent to everyone around them

>> No.9529480

Am Cashier.

We don't have automatic change machines so I have to dig out coins from the register which is annoying.
People who remember they have change or try and modify how much they are giving you after I already have the till open.
Our bag holders are narrower than a cereal box which is fucking retarded.

All change should somehow be handled automatically. Both accepting and dealing is a hassle.
Also fuck pennies.

>> No.9529554

>>that one guy who tries to pay with a bag of fucking pennies
i saved up spare change for years and started using it to buy beer. paying with quarters was simple enough, but i felt real bad when i handed the cashier a bag of 100 nickels

>> No.9529609

>being completely ambivalent to everyone around them

Beg pardon? Are you, per chance from the south?

>> No.9529629

Last time I went to the bank they told me I had to count the coins myself using those shitty plastic trays. It was over $100 in coins I'm not going to spend two hours counting that shit by hand.

>> No.9529641

What shitty bank doesn't have a kiosk in the lobby?

>> No.9529761

It was a Wells Fargo if that gives you a clue.

>> No.9529802

The one I go to has a coin machine. I guess they vary a bit. There was a branch in the shittier suburbs where my dad lives where the guy refused to set up basic shit because he had less than a million dollars with them. We went to my regular branch and it was like night and day.

>> No.9529897


>today there are thousands of abandoned trolleys out there in need of your help
>please, adopt a trolley and give it a good home

>> No.9529947

Runescape joke, not sure why I've seen sobmuch of thier ilk on /ck/ recently.

>> No.9529953

that guy is just a cunt m8

>> No.9529955

Do any of you return the cart and leave the quarter in it?

>> No.9529982

I work at the deli counter too.

>Hey what's the least amount I can buy??

>> No.9529996

dumbest shit I've ever heard, cashiers learn the shorthand numbers in like 3 days for 80% of the items, the rest are easily found on a sheet or in the register.

I dunno, as a customer there aren't really many pet peeves. I find shopping to be quite easy and I don't understand why so many people have difficulties with it. I guess my biggest pet peeve is that my local store seems to specificallyy stop selling products that I use frequently, so I have to do another shopping run in the "wellstocked" store that's 30 minutes away once or twice a week.

Oh, I also really dislike it when companies have expos in the store where they give away tasting samples. They always attract mouthbreathers and boomers, and the sales personnel keep shouting after me to try their stupid wieners on a stick or whatever. It just seems so desperate to eat samples somehow.

>> No.9529998
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>tfw my local grocery store is basically just made up of narrow aisles

>> No.9530019

>want to get some regular fucking bacon
>go the meat aisle
>spend like 2 minutes looking for bacon
>can only find salt pork
>give up and ask a worker bee
>points me to the cheese aisle on the other side of the "refrigeration section"
>they in a little corner right by the floor tucked in so tightly you can barely get them out
Who the fuck puts such a common item in such a random hidden area?

>> No.9530036
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>work as a cashier
>in an area where 90% of all customers are boomers and immigrants
its not fun

>> No.9530061

I bought an English Cucumber and the young female cashier looked at me and said “what are these even used for”. I said “I think we both know the answer to that question” she looked disgusted and didn’t ask anything else.

>> No.9530095

>go to walmart in the south for some basic staples (no meat so don't even start)
>cashier lines are 4 deep and they had to close the self checks because niggers and whitetrash theft rates are so high
>one line has a single nigger with @ 12 items in the cart
>great! They must have just opened a new lane
>she has four separate fucking transactions: a carton of newports, a 6 pack of colt 45, and a bottle of louisiana hot sauce for her third cousin's daughter's bf, Tyrone; a box of maxipads, another carton of newports, a box of pampers, and a case of grape drank for her great granddaughter; a few frilly party dresses for her cousin's daughter's 10 year olds 1st menstruation party; and a carton of KOOLS because she's 40 yo and newports are for the young bucks.
>fucking takes forever, multiple declined credit cards, cash is counted at the speed of a snails crawl
>every fucking time

I fucking hate the south.

>> No.9530117

When i get to the self checkout and the attendant takes the scanner i was about to reach for and scans a large item for me. I'm not an idiot i know how to use the scanner

>> No.9530169

>people who use debit cards for items less than $5
I literally can't think of anyone involved this would be an inconvenience to.

>> No.9530193

I shop at Aldi and the aisles are pretty narrow. I hate when people stop in front of me to talk on the phone and I can't get around them.

>> No.9530227

>what vegetable is this

or my favorite

>item price not in system
>do you remember how much it is
>*tells them the price*
>still has to ask for help plugging it in
>doesn't believe the price is accurate, has to physically check
>price was accurate

every fucking time i go there.

>> No.9530234

If you think that's narrow, try Asian groceries. I avoid shopping at Aldi when school is not in session because poor people kids are the worst. They play hide and seek in front of my foot.

>> No.9530274

Did he tell you this? Otherwise you were there and could of taken it for him.

>> No.9530292

better profit on salt pork obviously
Stores do not operate on actually being helpful to customers

>> No.9530307

Just as customers assume people who work retail are certifiably retarded, workers assume every customer is retarded as well. It's simply easier for everyone to assume the worst and act accordingly. Basically, all the mouthbreathers of the world ruins it for everybody.

>> No.9530314

Mexican women and their swarm of offspring.

>> No.9530315

The fact that there are so few lanes open when the store is packed.

Especially at Wal Mart after midnight.
Nevermind the fact that people would bring their children. (working class area) I never really minded that.

But on a payday, people from my work would do their shopping, and there's be two lanes open. Of course this was before i went to first shift at my job. But the lack of open lanes is still a problem

>> No.9530348

In my experience subset /race / ethnicity has its fair share of people who shit up everything. Hispanic / white are pretty equal in being cunts. Especially when they're over 40. Unless they're old, American, and women black people are the best. Absolutely no fucking around. Jamaican people are genuinely the nicest people to deal with. And dudes from Africa are a little annoying cause they all have bluetooths. Indian people are fucking dead set on wasting time in any way possible. Apart from normal white trash the only group that is pure shit are old people from poland/russia. The most fucking confrontational people in the world and they refuse to understand anything that isn't what they want to hear

>> No.9530366


>> No.9530376

I work in one.
>Seafood department
>every person only wants the centercut salmon
>every person only wants the cod loin
>they get belligerent, not even exaggerating, when I reach for the tail
>they come up with strange euphemisms to circumlocute asking for a non-tail piece
>"I don't like traingles, I like squares"
>"I'm allergic to the tail pieces"
>"Fish poop from the tail"
>"I want a piece that's even, not thin" (despite the fact the tail is the most even, symmetrical piece)

>customer asks for a half pound piece of salmon
>reach for a tail piece
>uh uh uhhhhhhhhhh uh ummmm uh that's too heavy
>reach for a center cut

>"Good morning!"
>doesn't even acknowledge my existence
>guess I'll go fuck myself then
>stands there staring at the fish in the case for 5 minutes
>not allowed to leave the counter while there's a customer
>have to stand around awkwardly while 89 year old Mr. Footingrave ignores me
>walks away
>stands there staring at the fish in the case for 5 minutes
>Are you going to help me or not?/I don't have all day"

>not in direct view of case
>no one at case
>someone walks up to case
>I walk up to the counter
>"I've been waiting here for five minutes! Where's your manager?"

I could go on
I love my job

>> No.9530377

>When we genuinely don't carry something (Amazon Gift Cards) and the customer just stands there and stares, waiting for me to essentially say "Well alright sir have a good day, sorry about that." and walk off.

better yet is when you tell them flat out that we don't carry it, and they ask if you can check in the back for it

my coworker issue is all the people who say shit like "Where do you think we are/I don't get paid enough for this" every time someone has a small complaint about something. Like, I've heard those lines at every place I've worked in and I'm still confused by how anyone can maintain that mindset. Yes, Overnight will leave unopened cases on the shelves on occassion and plug ALL THE FUCKING TIME, but that doesn't make you some perfect snowflake you cunt our shift has its own issues to work out as well before we have any room to criticize the other shifts

cap 1. I know your pain

>> No.9530383
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>When we genuinely don't carry something (Amazon Gift Cards) and the customer just stands there and stares, waiting for me to essentially say "Well alright sir have a good day, sorry about that." and walk off.

better yet is when you tell them flat out that we don't carry it, and they ask if you can check in the back for it

my coworker issue is all the people who say shit like "Where do you think we are/I don't get paid enough for this" every time someone has a small complaint about something. Like, I've heard those lines at every place I've worked in and I'm still confused by how anyone can maintain that mindset. Yes, Overnight will leave unopened cases on the shelves on occassion and plug ALL THE FUCKING TIME, but that doesn't make you some perfect snowflake you cunt our shift has its own issues to work out as well before we have any room to criticize the other shifts

cap 1. I know your pain

>> No.9530393

I forgot my favorite:
>where do the Florida Gulf Pink Shrimp come from?

>> No.9530395

My first job was working for a summer at lowes running carts back from the parking lot

>> No.9530411

that wouldn't be so bad if it was just the one slave standing there, but they also have those huge pallet carriages and boxes strewn all over the floor making it literally impossible to pass if you're using a shopping cart

>> No.9530415

>go to the deli to buy sandwich meat
> ask for 4 ounces of roast beef, get nice normal cuts
> ask for 8 ounces, get thick as fuck cuts that will still last about the same as the 4 ounces of thin
>it's not even a busy store

why? Is it that much trouble slicing the meat?

>> No.9530420

>"Good morning!"
>doesn't even acknowledge my existence
>guess I'll go fuck myself then
>stands there staring at the fish in the case for 5 minutes

I'm probably that guy because I'm shopping at a decently upscale market and shop at whole foods and kroger and gaze in awe at the rotten, shit fish you're attempting to sell to flyover troglodytes who lap it up while I just want fucking decent fish, you low paid tard. Learn to care for your fish and I might acknowledge you as a human, you utter piece of whitetrash.

>> No.9530423

Boomers are pretty fucking annoying. They complain about the price of things even though the price is right there in front of them.
>Well I could get this cheaper at Walmart!
Then go to fucking Walmart? No one is stopping you.

>> No.9530427

You sound like you have autism

>> No.9530436
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My managers love me because I make the case look like the training manual. Pic related.

You're right about flyover troglodytes though, they're the ones who pull the shit I complained about the most

Especially """""people""""" from Ohio. Fuck Ohio.

>> No.9530439

>people who use 100$ bill to pay for a 3 dollar item
As someone who gets paid in cash with mostly $100's it annoys me to no end when every time I try to pay for something with a 100 every single time the cashier gets all worked up and either tells me they can't accept it or they get all pissy and roll their eyes and go through a whole proccess like it's some huge inconvenience for them.
It's fucking legal US currency. You have to accept it. Deal with it.

>> No.9530451

ive noticed white people take forever to pick something

blacks take up a whole isle and dont acknowledge you when you are shopping

and mexicans tend to get out of the way

+1 mexicans

>> No.9530454

>not allowed to leave the counter while there's a customer

This always bothers me, what a dumb rule. There should be a bell to ring for service. There's no list of items off to the side, there's nothing available online.

I have to stand there and waste everyone's time if I don't know exactly what I want, and sometimes I'm even just browsing. Terrible system.

>> No.9530464

i work with a fat woman who refuses to clean herself and she is a pig

she clips her hair at her desk

kill yourself already fat cunt

>> No.9530498

that's why produce have those little stickers with a number on them
the cashier looks at the stickers number and looks in a binder with the produce numbers
usually they are new and haven't memorised all the produce numbers

hate having old cashiers, ive lost a couple bucks because the stupid bitch didnt scan/notice the product with a discount price(rare possibility that the scanner wasnt uptodate with the listed price, but highly unlikely)

now i have to be even more observant when i have the old lady to point out shit

>> No.9530515

Yeah, it's pretty annoying at my job when I have to work the deli counter and within 2 seconds of someone walking up to a case I have to ask if they want anything. Obviously people need a moment, but if I don't instantly shove my enthusiasm down their throat I get lectured by my supervisors.

>> No.9530516

Where the fuck in America do you live dude

>> No.9530522

Some places only carry ~50 in the till, so you are actually inconveniencing them (they physically cannot make change for it, so have to call over a manager, the inconvenience of which they presume you'll complain at.)

>> No.9530555

Lmao faget nobody has to accept your big bills they can just refuse to sell you anything at all.

You think you have a right to buy that beef? Think again nigger

>> No.9530563

>As someone who gets paid in cash with mostly $100's
So you're a drug dealer or an illegal immigrant, then?

>> No.9530587

It's better when they send a kid, no? At least they can ring their stuff up while the kid grabs whatever they forgot, rather than just leaving their shit on the belt and going themselves.

>> No.9530597

>Buy Italian parsley
>Cashier thinks it's cilantro

>> No.9530601

Then why do $100s exist in the first place if nobody wants to accept them?

If you must know I'm a bartender at an upscale cocktail bar.

>> No.9530641

>>Working one side of the store, get a question about something on the other side of the store
working at a supermassive retail store is suffering for this thing alone

>> No.9530653

The nicest customers are always black cajuns, and I dont know why,
I'm not even in the south, im in Washington state

>> No.9530654

Tits or gtfo

>> No.9530668

>It's fucking legal US currency. You have to accept it. Deal with it.
Then you'll have no problem when I hand you $40 in loose change.

>> No.9530693

>People who can't speak English ALWAYS pay in cash, usually hundred dollar bills.
>Roughly half of everyone using self check doesn't read the instructions, or simply cannot read at all.
>Soldiers always have several small transactions that take god damn forever to get through. They are always polite and patient though, I'll give them that.
>Old senile people who mumble and move at a snail's pace.
>People who leave cash on the belt or counter and expect you to pick it up, it's common courtesy to hand the money to the cashier you cunt.
>People who hand you crumpled up bills.
>People who don't count their money before handing it to you and have no idea how much they gave you.
>People who get mad when they can't buy alcohol because someone in the group doesn't have an id.
>People who can't follow very basic instructions.
>College kids playing marco polo.
>People who clearly don't need electric carts using them.
>People who leave carts where they aren't supposed to be.
>People who ask you about your personal life and family history, that's none of your fucking business.

Wal-mart is the worst place in the world.

>> No.9530734

This, legitimatley when you're there sometime ask if you can speak to management and voice your concerns to them. They might not be aware of how obnoxious the situation is or they might be in denial of it.

Chances are the Walmart can afford to have three cashiers on hand.

>> No.9530743

>Dad and brother go to store
>Dad decides to buy booze along with his groceries since he was going to run a game of D&D later on
>Dad starts unloading groceries onto the belt from his cart
>Brother starts helping as well
>Cashier just watches them
>Dad stops to start conversing with the cashier and to pay
>Brother keeps placing groceries on the conveyor belt
>As soon as he touches the booze the cashier stops him
>"How old is he?"
>Dad asks why it matters
>Cashier refuses to sell my dad the booze since my brother touched it
>Dad leaves all the shit on the conveyor belt without paying and goes to another store
I get why you might """want""" to card everyone in the group but its such a fucking retarded idea just for this sole reason.

>> No.9530747

>tfw you're one of those people who always picks up stray carts and returns them if they're not far out of my way when I'm returning mine

>> No.9530791
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Being white and tall with a shaved head in a majority Hispanic liberal area. Go shopping and get stared at by the staff and customers like I have a swastika on my forehead.

Constantly being approached by scammers and beggars in the parking lots. Kids and adults trying to sell candy bars for 3 bucks each when I know they just bought them at Costco.

Watch people take an item off the shelf and then put it in some random place. I will put it back in the right place in front of them while I stare at them.

Be polite to the cashiers and they act like zombies or like I didn't say good day or evening.

Put items together in a sensible way to be bagged. Cold items, canned goods, produce all gets segregated and put in order. Cashier just puts shit into bags at random.

Groups of people that decide to walk side by side, block whole aisle and walk at a snails pace. People that walk slowly in general.

Old people with next to no awareness just coasting along at about a quarter mile an hour. Those same old people that then pull out a check book and take 10 minutes at the register. Those same old people that can go shopping at any time of the day but decide to go during the rush with everyone else.

Ham planets that meld into the electric scooters so it looks like an extension of their mass. Smelling the acrid stench of week old sweat and piss from those same ham planets 40 feet away.

People that eat food in the store and put the wrappers or package on the shelves. People that "sample" without asking.

Employees having personal or inappropriate conversations everywhere. Employees carrying on with each other instead of bagging my shit and getting me out of there.

Lazy lards who can't walk a cart back. Lazy lards who will block up the lot and wait 5 minutes to park 10-50 feet closer to the store.

People who pay zero attention in the lot and nearly run people down backing out of there spot. Double parking fuck mongrels.

EBT abusers with $300 dollar cart loads.

>> No.9530830
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>old fucks paying with checks

>> No.9530840

Because there isn't only person who could be bothered is owner of the business who pays the fees for the transaction.

>> No.9530851

>muh niggers

Which eye did Tyrone's spunk land in?

>> No.9530884

I just hate the dumb assholes who dig to the bottom of their pockets/wallets/purses for the literal 2 cents in change because otherwise they'll get a shit ton back but it doesn't even matter, you're going to get that change eventually. Either anticipate an uneven number and have some change ready or just give me your fucking 20. dipshit.

>> No.9530892

>The most fucking confrontational people in the world and they refuse to understand anything that isn't what they want to hear

>work in a pharmacy in a grocery store
>Russian man approaches the counter
>wants to pick up some medication
>tell him he doesn't have any refills on that prescription
>by law (US) pharmacists can't authorize refills so I have to contact his doctor to get approval
>explain it may take a day or so to get approved
>"So just tell me, do you have it or not? Do not jump around answer."
>"No, not today."
>"Okay that is all" and he leaves
>few days later
>Russian man comes back
>his refill is ready
>he smiles

>> No.9530894


Walmart always schedules based on their numbers on that day the year before. That is why it always seems like there is never enough registers open.

>> No.9530911

get your feels out of here :_;

>> No.9530921

Jesus Christ, that blows my mind. I'm sorry dude. Only one I could see myself doing is looking at the case for a while, but if you asked me if I need help or whatever I'd just say I'm looking around.

>> No.9530943

Aldi's does it. Helps keep their prices down because everyone returns carts and they don't need to pay staff to bring them back. And if someone leaves it, someone else will gladly take the quarter.

>> No.9530949

>Nu York City

>> No.9530969

I love reading comments people leave, they get accumulated and one of the comments left was
>price is higher then [sic] what it would be then [sic] if I where [sic] to get it from another store

>> No.9530970
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>Go to seafood counter with Asian gf
>Gets oysters, lobster and crab legs
>Guys pulls it out of the bag, cluster with claw
>Guy gets a little nervous grin
>Look, all the big ones are at the bottom, he's keeping them for himself
>I tell her to calm down, she keeps giving him shit
>Go to pay
>She says she'll pay
>Guess that's why she was so worked up
>Breaks out EBT

>> No.9530977

>>people who leave their baskets at the end of the convener belt
Wait, are we not supposed to do this? What the heck am I supposed to do with the basket then?

>> No.9530984

Your dad is a goddamn hero

>> No.9530987
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>this """"therapy pet"""" shit needs to stop
I hope it does too.
>work in a retail chain store
>one of the cashiers bought a $900 "therapy dog" puppy
>asks if they can bring the dog in to work with them because depression
>they are suddenly so sad and anxiety ridden that they cannot function normally without a dog next to them
>literally every other employee makes that pepe face whenever she brings up the topic or whines about her dog being stuck at home

>> No.9530990

what’s wrong with indians

>> No.9530997

i feel your pain
when i was a cashier it was at a store that all the local old people were shuttled to, so every day it was almost entirely incompetent 70 year olds slowly walking around the store and writing checks
most of the other customers were russians and chinese people who do not speak english and have very little understanding of how stores work
my favorite thing is people who use the express lanes like a normal lane and buy like 40 things because you technically can't ask them to stop. also people who only have 12 items or less but make like ten separate transactions

>> No.9531001

Only if I find it like that, which happens pretty frequently actually. I think it might be a midwest nice thing?

>> No.9531004

They are dot indians.

>> No.9531006

Actually, emotional service dogs are not legally protected by the ADA. You can kick them out, but most stores wouldn't want the backlash.

>> No.9531012


This people bringing their pets everywhere shit needs to stop. Therapy pets included.

>go to establishment
>every front door says no pets allowed
>dogs in carts, dogs on leashes, dogs barking, dogs trying to approach you everywhere
>birds on peoples shoulders shitting everywhere

I have a secret hope that someones dog attacks me some day so I can sue them and the store. Then this shit will finally stop.

>> No.9531017

>tfw I've started doing this
I'm sorry, but this neighborhood is just SO shitty and the more time I spend in the parking lot the more likely it is some fucking beggar will come up to me to "axe" me a question.

>> No.9531020

fuckin cart gold mine right there

>> No.9531025
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okay bubbles

>> No.9531027

so niggers and bumpkins?

i want to gas all these fuckers. i hate grocery stores so much. they are tolerable during the day but im stuck at work.

i have no issues with dogs in the store but you know a lot of them are just some rich cunts fur baby and when they shit or piss in the store the owner is not going to clean it up.

>> No.9531038

Where in midwest? Maybe we could have a foursome? :3

>> No.9531040

>work as main cashier at a walgreens for a few years
>they always try to give you a bunch of shit to do away from the register like checking dates on stuff or stocking products
>manager gets pissed if you're not at the register in half a second if a customer comes up
either let me stand at the fucking register all day or let me stock bullshit all day for fucks sake

>> No.9531041

This thread makes me wish there was a grocery store run by the soup nazi.

>> No.9531043

I hope you die miserable and alone.

>> No.9531045

Yeah, we checked our state's laws about it and we're not even supposed to ask customers if their dogs are service animals. Most of the dogs that come in with their owners are small and very well trained so it's usually not an issue anyway, but we really don't want a boxer puppy whining and defecating in a crate next to our cash registers.

>> No.9531050
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do what I do: bring chocolates to drop for the dogs to eat. I started doing this in the park when assholes refused to keep their dogs on leashes, despite all the laws in place compelling them to do so. If I see an un-leashed dog in the park now, and it's not in the designated, fenced in off-leash exercise area, I just drop a piece of chocolate for it to find.

>> No.9531056

I work nightshift so I get to go shopping during the day when no-one else is around.

Sometimes though there is a ham planet causing a total eclipse of the grocery aisle.

>> No.9531057

Is it store policy or an actual state law? Federal laws says the two questions you can ask are if it's a service dog and what tasks it does. Anything else is illegal, including asking about the owner's medical condition.

>> No.9531064

You know chocolate's not like cyanide or anything, right? Even a small dog is not going to die from a single piece of chocolate, the most is that you're giving it an upset stomach.

>> No.9531070

yeah if you want to actually fuck them up you need to stick thumb tacks in small soft dog treats

>> No.9531074

The federal laws.

>> No.9531087

I wonder if you can sell these. I remember sometimes my mom would buy 2 or 3 cigs not the whole pack. Maybe it’s because she was cool with the owner though

>> No.9531088

>People getting more than 1-2 things at the deli counter.
I work deli and it's fucking ridiculous how much shit people will order while they have a line of people behind them. It's always awful white bitches too.

>> No.9531093

Back when I worked at Mcdonald's, one time I heard some asian guy say "You have to pay attention to me, I'm the customer"
I just stared at him and walked away. How are some people in their mid 40's so fucking dense?

>> No.9531095

No, federal law says you can ask if it's a service animal, that's like one of the only okay things. Unless we're not talking USA, in that case, sorry for assuming.

>> No.9531100

>You know chocolate's not like cyanide or anything, right?

Yes, I'm aware that chocolate is not cyanide, R-tard.

The point isn't to kill the dog, since I'm not a sociopath (although if they did die, I wouldn't feel bad about it since it would be the owner's fault for letting their dog roam loose). The point is to hopefully give them a rumbly tumbly so their owner has to deal with doggy diarrhea and/or vomit, because fuck irresponsible dog owners.

>> No.9531108

But you're not really sending a message though. They just think their dog got sick randomly and that would only happen from a single chocolate with a tiny dog.

>> No.9531111

>Federal laws says the two questions you can ask are if it's a service dog and what tasks it does.
this is correct

>Anything else is illegal, including asking about the owner's medical condition.
This is technically false. It's okay to ask what disability a person has, since that could help determine what accommodations are needed for them. However, it's not okay to ask if an animal is a "therapy dog" or whatever.

>> No.9531117

I don't even get why people are like that. There's a cart rack like every 12 feet.

>> No.9531123

Have you tried Asian stores? Most obnoxious white people are afraid of them because they don't have the same brands of (((value-added))) products.

>> No.9531129

No, you cannot ask about someone's disability in regards to the service dog. That is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
>Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.

It's also kind of invasive apart from whether it's illegal or not. Either the person will tell you without you asking or they can ask for the individual accommodations they need without disclosing what condition they have.

>> No.9531131

>only one person in aisle
>they're blocking the thing you want with their cart

>> No.9531134

It would 100% be your fault if the dog died. You gave it the chocolate that killed it. You purposefully gave it chocolate knowing it could kill it. Because your such a sociopath you would rather harm something that slightly inconveniences you than deal with it like a functional human. And the argument that it isn't your fault is also bullshit. If someone leaves their car unlocked and you steal it it's not their fault for leaving it unlocked. It's your fault for being a cunt and stealing it

>> No.9531141

>But you're not really sending a message though.
So you think I should lace the chocolate with poison? What if I start dropping Petchow brand rat poison?

>> No.9531142


>Implying I'm going to do the job of a minimum wage employee for them

>> No.9531144

>only one person in the aisle
>they stand right in the middle of it

not a huge fan. used to live across the street from a 247 place and it was great cause i could go there at 2am after an evening shift several times a week and shop in peace.

i moved and the nearest place is like the only discount grocer in the area and they draw in the most pleb crowds possible.

>> No.9531154

driving to the store and picking out groceries is also a wage slave job

>> No.9531157
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>sale stickers with "end dates" that are the first day the sale is no longer active
>DNO products, or any products that aren't extremely heavy, being shelved by the exit and past the checkouts
>baked goods being put out on the end-of-day discount rack but they don't put the discount stickers on for another hour
>yogurt selection increasingly ruined by the non-sugar sweetener and low fat health memes
>asians walking left-side drive all the time and never moving to the other side when they're on a collision course with a normal person
>fat people
>random cold items left on regular shelves by lazy indecisive people
>people at checkout putting their groceries on the conveyor as far away from the cashier as possible
>people who buy $50 worth of salad kits and brand-name pre-sliced meats and pre-shredded cheeses
>people who leave their empty carts at the end of the checkout
>"Please place the item in the bag. Please place the item in the bag. Please place the item in the bag."
>cart pushers who put empty carts aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way in the back of the cart lot on busy days
>cashiers who can't do grade 2 math in their heads
>cashiers who bag your stuff right after you tell them you have a backpack and/or will bag them yourself

>> No.9531158
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>It would 100% be your fault if the dog died. You gave it the chocolate that killed it.

Wrong on both counts, kiddo. All I did was drop a piece of chocolate on the ground. The proximate cause of the dog's illness or death would be the owner stupidly letting their dog roam around unsupervised.

By your own logic, if I leave my chocolate on the ground, it's the dog owner's fault if their dog "steals" it.

>Because your such a sociopath

Also, did you not read where I said:
>The point isn't to kill the dog, since I'm not a sociopath


>> No.9531163

As a group they are by far the most likely to argue over price and waste peoples time. I scan the item or punch in the UPC and the register tells me the price.
If it's a dollar or 2 I can adjust it but anything else I'm going to need to call someone over to approve.

They tend to buy A LOT of uncommon produce and mix produce within bags.

They buy up a lot of clearance and manager special type products that don't appear in the system.

They use the most coupons behind old people but are more likely to argue over the ones that don't work.

>Put items together in a sensible way to be bagged. Cold items, canned goods, produce all gets segregated and put in order. Cashier just puts shit into bags at random.

All employees start out wanting to bag your stuff well but the behavior is beaten out of us by customers who just put shit anywhere.
We don't have the time or energy to hunt and peck through your stuff so we bag it as it comes.

Only rules I really follow is ice cream together, no chemicals with un-canned food, eggs alone, don't crush bread/chips, raw meat alone.

>> No.9531170

>Either the person will tell you without you asking or they can ask for the individual accommodations they need

bullshit. I do not have to give every snowflake with a mental disorder of their own invention every accommodation they ask for. I only have to make a "reasonable effort" to accommodate people with actual disabilities.

You also seem to be confounding what is legal to ask about someone's companion animal with what is legal to ask about a human being. I can ask a human being any goddamn question I want, as long as I'm not deciding whether or not to do business with them based on their answer. The person is not required to answer, but if they want special treatment then they should provide justification for it.

>> No.9531176

What's wrong with spending $300 of EBT in one trip? Poor folks often need to ration their mileage.

>> No.9531178

>although if it did die I wouldn't feel bad cause it's not my fault.

I'm not saying you're actively doing it to kill dogs I'm pointing out you're a selfish cunt.

By your logic I could put a bear trap in your lawn and when you kid walks into it I could just fucking say it's your fault for not watching. I didn't throw your kid in a trap I just laid it In proximity I knew it would go in. But that logic is fucking dumb.

>> No.9531181

as someone who used to live in Bumfukt, Nevada I am so sorry.

>> No.9531182

This. If they're on food stamps, they might not even have a car of their own.

>> No.9531194


Every time I have witnessed this the cart has been full of soda and assorted junk food and trash. In most of those cases the cart is being manned by a well dressed Mexican with a bunch of sprog in tow tearing the place up while they are buried face first in an iphone.

The kind of people that do this aren't poor, they are opportunist and abusers.

>> No.9531197
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>By your logic I could put a bear trap in your lawn

You don't seem to be comprehending the situation, and you're presenting a false equivalence to support your argument. Hence, I have the proverbial high ground here. You know damn well that putting a trap on my private property is not the same as dropping tasty treats on public land, but let's explore this anyway.

Firstable, I take measures to protect my lawn from your ilk. So, to some degree, if you did manage to leave my lawn alive, then I would be partially culpable for not better protecting my private property from savages such as yourself. Secondly, there is no expectation that my children should be leashed or under constant supervision when they are within the sovereign bounds of my land. When we venture beyond the property line, my minor children are always under close supervision by myself or another qualified guardian, because we are responsible child owners.

I don't even need to bother with another point because I have already obliterated your fallacious nonsense. And now you lie there, shattered and sobbing at the mental hands of my superior logical pugilism.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9531198

Having an iphone doesn't mean they aren't poor, mate. Contracts and such let even the poorest of poorfags get whatever phones they want. As long as the monthly payments are low enough, they're not smart enough to see it's a shit ton of money in the long run.

>> No.9531216

You do not have high ground giving chocolate to dogs.
>"Oh but im not giving the chocolate to the dog, I'm putting the chocolate in front of the dog , knowing and hoping it eats it"
Dogs are food dumb you cunt. You're reaction as a human shouldn't be "I'm going to lightly poison this dog" your reaction should be to ask the owner to put a leash on or look closer. But I'm sorry, I didn't stop and think you might be to autistic to say anything to a person. Stick to your level and ask the dog to leave you be.

>> No.9531218

whoops, shoulda said oblivious

>> No.9531219

>need item
>someone is blocking item (probably eggs), but ok. Broken eggshell carton check isn't unreasonable.
>Patiently, but obviously wait right behind person for my turn to get item
>first person moves, I take a step forward when a rude woman (it is always a woman) comes out of nowhere and cuts in front of me from the side.

>> No.9531228

Smartphones aren't a luxury anymore. They're a necessity for many jobs. He could have been doing employment-related stuff, or managing grocery lists and prices. Being a 4ailchanner, you are in no position to judge anyone.

>> No.9531232


>> No.9531238
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>go to a fast food place
>there's always that one fucker taking up one booth in the middle of the lunch rush
>i'm there with four other people on break and there's nowhere else to sit

>> No.9531245

Why would you want to eat inside a fast food place, or at all?

>> No.9531248

>Groups of people that decide to walk side by side, block whole aisle and walk at a snails pace. People that walk slowly in general.

This is a constant issue at the Westfield mall in Annapolis. And they keep adding kiosks and other obstacles so that you can't overtake slowpokes

>> No.9531251

we managed to find the one mcdonalds that actually gives a fuck about customer service and food quality

>> No.9531257

I haven't been to one of those since the 90s. Isn't their best worse than the ready-to-eat stuff at a grocery store?

>> No.9531259
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When I accidentally get stuck next to some fucking NEETS using like 4 different kinds of food stamps that take forever to check out

>> No.9531260

Just take it to a fucking bank, jeez.

>> No.9531270
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I wish the cops would just shoot any bum they see walking around with a stolen cart

>> No.9531272


The FoodMaxx that I used to work at had the quarter slot lock machine back 8n 2004. That store doesn't use it anymore and I have never been to another store tlhas.

Many people do want to get their quarter's back, but some couldn't be bothered. Most days when I was on cart retrieval I get antwhere from $1 to $4 in quarters.

>> No.9531294
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>be a selfcheckout god
>faggot cashier cuck keeps looking at me
what the fuck do you want?

>> No.9531311

>Don't shower for a week
>Put on shirt I just mowed the lawn in and haven't washed for 2 weeks
>Sit in car with windows rolled up and smoke a cigar
>Go grocery shopping at 6pm and choose longest checkout line

>> No.9531330

You look sketchy, like you're going to steal stuff. Do you have a Bobby Hill haircut? Those amplify your visible autism.

>> No.9531334

reposting a reddit post:

I have a sex life and I don't even shower weekly. Skin chills out when it's not constantly stripped. I usually only shower when my ass hair gets long and becomes a ticklish distraction that needs shaving. I've shampooed my hair once this year, after a few nights in a cabin made it smell like cabin and dust mites. Otherwise the extent of my hygiene is cleaning (actually cleaning) my ass immediately after shitting, washing my musky grapefruit-smelling pits and applying deodorant before I head out, and using a foil shaver on my face every five days.

>> No.9531335

Just kidding. I don't actually choose the longest line. I like to get in line behind the most special looking snowflake, be it a hipster, stuck up chick or awesome dudebro in an expensive suit.

>> No.9531339
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>cart pulls left or right, has a flat spot in a wheel
>all out of coconut la croix

>> No.9531341

Why do you like to get behind me?

>> No.9531348

When I used to work at Walmart it was

>People with literally 100 coupons and splitting transactions. Good job getting 500 hot dogs for 4.30, hope you can eat them all.
>People with price matches that: used old flyers, flyers that are literally computer screenshots, "flyers" literally made with fucking meme font and stock photos
>Asswipes with nothing but price match items and taking 45 minutes to ring up
>Greasy, homeless looking customers
>People pulling up to your register at 11:09 PM asking if you can ring them up as you're counting the till. 11PM is late enough for you to buy your shit, moron.
>Cocksuckers ditching carts in the lot
>People who don't know English and expect I'll know whatever pig Latin they're speaking
>Old farts that smoked a big bowl of Alzheimer's before coming in. I had an old lady buy shampoo and I asked if that would be all and she gave me a terrified look and said "I don't know"
>Someone with literally 200 boxes of crackers coming in the express lane
>Soccer moms demanding managers
>People constantly almost hitting me when I was pushing carts
>Assholes leaving ice cream in non-refrigerated areas
>Trashy, hoop earringed, gum chewing skanks asking why we don't sell lighters in more than packs of 5
>People demanding free items because it rang up as 5 cents more expensive than ticket price

I had to devise some stealthy trolling methods

>> No.9531353

>work in a grocery deli
>basically serve a bunch of different food items we make
>we have a single cash register to deal with our stuff so customers that just want something from the deli don't have to go all the way up front
>people with carts full of general grocery shit
Literally the worst. The counter is tiny, we have no conveyor and no baggers. For the longest time we didn't even have reference sheets for produce.

>> No.9531355

I regularly go days without showering if I don't have to leave the house but I'll always shower if I need to run down to the grocery store because I'm paranoid I will see someone I know.

>> No.9531358

These people walk among us

>> No.9531362

Does anyone else go to that store that sells bananas by the each and buy $20 worth just to make the cashier count them, even though you could get them cheaper by the pound elsewhere?

>> No.9531366

And you'd never notice. Most straight guys around here use only dry paper on their never-shaved butts and then leave the residue until their next shower where they only shampoo their hair and pretend that causes everything else to wash itself. One of them fresh out of the shower is filthier than me several days after,

>> No.9531367

Said trolling methodologies included

>Pressing the produce scale when the cunt wasn't looking
>Actually charging for bags
>Putting a case of pop on top of bread
>Shaking carbonated drinks
>"Accidentally" double ringing things so they'd need to go to the customer service line for refunds
>Popping open lids on berry containers
>Having the cart pushing machine stall (turning it off) behind repeat offenders' cars, "going to get an extra battery" (having a smoke) and coming back to turn it back on
>Making small rips in bags that cave when you pick them up

>> No.9531369

Trust me, we notice.

>> No.9531370

The stench that fatbodies leave behind

>> No.9531372

A WARRIOR DOES NOT BATHE R̴̢̢̘̹͔͕͎̯̙͔̥͇͗͗̽̒͊͛ͤͪͫ͗ͦͨ̽̑ͬͦ́R̡̛̜̠͇̳͎̥̘̬̯̦̞̗͓̠̭̍ͨ͊ͤͫ̐̉͐̊ͪͧ̒͟͝Ř̴̜͖̟̪̮̞̩̞͒̌̈̀͑̓̈́̇ͩͦ̾̍ͬ͛̏Ŗ̵̭͎̳͍̦̤͉͋ͧ͊ͣ͑͡ͅṞ̶̵̜̹͈̘͕̻̜̃̓͗ͦ͆̍͗͛̓ͪ͐ͩ͛̏́ͩ́͡Ȩ͔̳̣̘̼̐͆̄̾͊̈̍ͪͤ̍̿́̔͑̿͋̿͝E̷̷̢̟͍̖̭̺̮̘̮̹͕̖͆̒ͪ͋̀̂͢ͅḘ̷̷̩̼͚̯̪̱̜̮͕̠̖͐ͩ̂̊ͣ̓̾͆̚͟͟͞ͅͅE̳̬̱͇ͨ̈ͩ̉ͮ͆̊ͪ̉̀̕E̷̡̜͔͍̝̫̟̩͙̮͙ͬ̐̓͋̿͗̋̓ͬ͛ͤ̈́Ḛ̷̢̡̢͍̳̻͍͍̮͚̙̬͈͇̠͓̥̻͎͗ͫ͋̾ͭ̍͋ͦ̇ͬ̌͂͆̕E̢̛̩͎̮͉̖͚̞̥̍͗̓ͭͯ͌͗͊͝E͇͈̩̱̙̼͍͂͂̍̽̑̾ͦ̌̓͂̀͟ͅE͕͖̞̘̬̱͚̪ͨ͊ͤ̆ͫͭͬ̓̀͂ͮ͂ͦ̈̀̚̕͘̕

>> No.9531377

My squeamish boyfriends don't seem to mind. I've asked them and they're too autistic to tell white lies.

>> No.9531387

As a retailfag, Indians. Dot, not feather. I actively avoid asking them if they need help because they will fucking interrogate you about every product and even then may not even buy something. Fuck em.

The rest of the Asians are nice. Niggers are trashy. Middle aged white women are bitches. Hot chicks WILL be ogled.

>> No.9531388
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>> No.9531391
File: 7 KB, 320x180, videoblocks-house-wife-is-pulling-shopping-cart-super-fast-in-supermarket-speeding-up-fast-forward_bpfa8qhg_thumbnail-small01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carts have handles in the back for you to push them
>let's pull the cart from the front corner instead
to block the entire aisle
Fuck these assholes.

>> No.9531397

I'd rather save two years of my life not doing that. Shampoo makes me look like a junkie so I get carded for $10 purchases.

>> No.9531403

>Shampoo makes me look like a junkie


>> No.9531405

Use conditioner. Feeling clean feels better than feeling not.

>> No.9531409

>Most straight guys around here use only dry paper on their never-shaved butts and then leave the residue until their next shower where they only shampoo their hair and pretend that causes everything else to wash itself. One of them fresh out of the shower is filthier than me several days after,
Are you stupid?

>> No.9531416

They don't let parents buy alcohol in front of their own kids? Your state is cucked.

>> No.9531418

this reminds me of a guy I worked with. he was fat as hell, had a scraggly neckbeard, his teeth were always yellow and coated in plaque, and his hair was just one big pile of grease.
me and my other co-workers theorized that he literally never washes his hair or brushes his teeth. it was weird because he didn't have an awful body odor or anything, he just never brushed his teeth or washed his hair in the shower and it made him look like a disgusting slob.

>> No.9531429

>reddit spacing

you are the one who have to go back

>> No.9531430

People also steal them and use them to live out of.

>> No.9531433

Intentional litering solely in the presence of animals, for the intent that the dog would eat it and could potentially die.

It's really not difficult to explain that you're an arse. -_-

>> No.9531448

Jeez. I thought my wal mart trips were shit.

>> No.9531453

>asking why we don't sell lighters in more than packs of 5
why don't you though? They're so useful. My gas station sells them in packs of 20.

>> No.9531477

>buying carton of expensive eggs
>realises at home that some fucker swapped an egg with one of the shitty cartons

>people who walk backwards with trolleys without looking

>people who pop out of aisles as you're walking past and walk into you, failing the unwritten shopping aisle "right of way" law.

>> No.9531490

>old person at self checkout
>has about 200 items despite the signs saying "please 12 items or less"
>scans and bags their shit at a snail's pace
>can't figure out where to put the money in the machine
>keeps trying to jam bills into the little coupon slot, then the receipt slot
>all despite the big cash inserting slot is FLASHING A BRIGHT GREEN LIGHT AT THEM and the screen shows you where to insert the money
>waits until the entire transaction is finished before they even think about loading up their bags into the cart
>but wait, I need to put my change into my wallet/purse first which takes 2 minutes for some reason
>oh wait, let me look at my receipt first too
>this is another minute of time
>ooohhh look some coupons printed out! better look at each one individually while thinking about if I should take them all or just leave them at the register for someone else to deal with
>finally loads their grocerys up and leaves
Old people at self checkouts are a fucking nightmare. The sooner we round them up and gas them all, the better.

>> No.9531501

>mexicans get out of the way.
I'm mexican and i feel like i'm the only person that tries to be courteous and aware of my surroundings when shopping.
Wtf is wrong with people?

>> No.9531510

>tfw cucked by banks and I.R.S.

>> No.9531515

You should always check eggs, man. Basic sense.

>> No.9531535
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>> No.9531547

Honestly, I'm just going to the store after my non-office job and try to pick a random short-looking line like everyone else. I usually even try to keep as far back from people as possible on particularly hot days. I feel a mixture of amusement and embarrassment when I happen to be in line behind a snowflake who can't handle reality.

>> No.9531555

Nignog families who let their kids run around the entire store like idiots and get in every ones way. I'm never surprised when I see it, but I still hate it. Also blacks are loud and annoying and they just get on my nerves. Especially the ones who walk into the store, laze around, and don't actually ever buy anything.

People who touch fresh produce with their dirty hands then put it back.

People who take pastries from the pastry section then walk around the store to eat it without paying for it.

People who just leave their god damn carts sitting randomly int he parking lot and not just pushing them 5 feet into the designated cart holding sections (this one pisses me off the most because some dumb whore actually decided to toss hers to the side when she was done and it hit my car)

This next one isn't strictly grocery store related (worked at a best buy at the time) but customers that complain about discounts. Some fat lady was in the fit-bit section looking at things to buy and pulled me over to ask me about why the bigger fit bit was cheaper than the smaller one (it was one sale). I told her and she just couldn't wrap her mind around it and gave me the bitchiest attitude over it then asked for a manager. a manager showed up and just told her the same thing and she left with the cheapest fit bit then told the people int he check out lane that no one helped her when she was asked if she had any trouble finding anything.

>> No.9531557

>fat fucks in the motorized carts
>two faggots in the motorized carts side by side, blocking the entire aisle
I just want to fucking kill them when I see this shit. I used to see these two white trash as fuck people, presumably married, that would do the side by side thing. Neither one was disabled, old, or fat even. They would just use the motorized carts for no reason at all.

>> No.9531563

>People who touch fresh produce with their dirty hands then put it back
unironically kill yourself. if you're that worried about people's "dirty hands" then wash all the produce that you use.

>> No.9531569

showering regularly (daily) is a modern, first world convention (soap companies want to make money too). We don't actually need to shower so much. Our bodies become adjusted to being stripped of oils, so oil production goes into overdrive, thus making us have to shower more regularly. I guarantee that if one were to gradually space out their showers that they would be able to retrain their bodies into not overproducing oils.

while reddit is absolutely deplorable I agree with the contents of this post.

>> No.9531574

our opinions of others is a reflection of our opinion of ourself.

>> No.9531575

Fuck off and go wash your hands faggot.

>> No.9531577

Anon, do you really not always open the eggs to inspect for cracks before purchasing?

>> No.9531584

You don't have to completely lather yourself in soap everyday if you aren't getting dirty but you still start to stink from your underarms, butthole, genitals, feet, etc. if you don't at least rinse them daily. Should still use soap on your butthole though.

>> No.9531589

Just take cold showers you smelly faggot.

>> No.9531595

>grab and go heated station never has premade mac'n'cheese
>pre-sliced deli meats are always 1/2lb turkey or colby cheese, and too thick
>niggers walking right down the middle of the aisles because they're fucking oblivious to everything around them just like sidewalks
>scan too fast and trigger the 'attendant has been notified' flag
>the bright yellow price tags that makes you think an item is on sale but its just a 'low price' regular item which means nothing
>ground beef and ground pork has cartilage in it
>that one fucking person that just stands in front of the product you want and you can see where it is and they wont move for like 2 minutes and it's just long enough to annoy you and just short enough to not tell them 'excuse me' or you're feeling like a piece of shit that day and don't want to be rude
>the parents that bring their kids by the bakery so their kids see all the donut and cookies and start liberal style temper-tantrums because they can't get anything
>when you want to order a shitload of delimeat and cheese and have like, 4+ requests and you can tell the server is getting annoyed but you know you're gonna make bitchin' sandwiches later
>items that are marked down and wont scan because someone wrote on the barcode
>the dollar microwave dinners that always seem like a good deal but remember they have so little food content it's not worth it, yet you keep buying them
>being in a state that has 3.2% beer
>having to turn the volume off on the self checkouts because you are constantly being told to place the item in the bagging area
>buy a head of lettuce and only use about 30% of it, buy celery for soups and only use 20% of it

>> No.9531600

projection much

consider therapy

>> No.9531608

>ground beef and ground pork has cartilage in it
If you're at a store that has a butcher you can pick out a whole piece of meat and ask them to grind it for you. It's a little more expensive but you don't get the gristle this way.

>> No.9531616

This triggered me. I used to be a “courtesy clerk” at my local grocery store. I would bag groceries push carts, and do shop backs. The 3 jobs nobody wants to do. If I could give 3 tips on how to be nice to the person working as a courtesy clerk, it would be as follows.
>put your cart in the cart corral when you are done shopping
>don’t go to checkout with things you don’t want or can’t afford
>don’t micromanage how the bagger bags your groceries. Odds are, they know how to do it correctly. If you are going to be a dick, politely insist that you would rather do this job yourself, and they will gladly help someone else

>> No.9531621

Used to work in the seafood/meat section of a grocery store and have had this exact experience. Black people ordering crab legs were some of the biggest cunts I've ever met. Unless it wasn't on sale, then they were almost always pleasant.
>work at a small restaurant inside a larger store now
>old people
There needs to be some kind of government agent in every grocery store that just puts the old people taking too long to do anything out of everyone's misery. And/or anyone using a check. And the people using obesity scooters. Every time I go to walmart I hate these people even more.
>Asian/Indian families of 10+ people
>getting kid scum all over everything, parents always ignore it while simultaneously being cunty to the staff
>once had the mother of a very stereotypical black family ask me if she could use my employee discount
>on 2.29 USD worth of cookies
>didn't even ask if I got a discount for working there first

>> No.9531634

I hope you scrub and sanitize every inch of your house daily, otherwise you are literally living in a germ infested hell hole far worse than anyone's hands

>> No.9531636

You ever run into a recent middle-eastern immigrant? They don't bathe regularly, and their bodies haven't "adjusted to being stripped of oils." Take a fucking daily shower, you disgusting slob.

>> No.9531640

>>items that are marked down and wont scan because someone wrote on the barcode
If they do this it's because their system isn't set up to be able to scan individual markdowns. They black out the barcode so that you don't scan it and end up charged full price.

I don't know how it is where you are, but in my state there are scanner laws. If you get charged more for an item than is marked or advertised they have to refund you the difference and additionally a bonus of ten times the difference, minimum of $1.00 and maximum of $5.00.

>> No.9531647

I dont shower everyday but i "handwash" my butthole after i take a shit specifically to avoid this stink.
'Murica needs to hurry the fuck up and adopt the bidet.
For me, its the Bidet. The best butt cleaning system.

>> No.9531655

Most groceries have bulk otions for celery and carrots so you only buy what you need. Also, many places if you ask the produce guy he'll cut your lettuce/cabbage/bok choy/su choy in half for you so you don;tt have to buy what you're not going to use.

>> No.9531668


they have produce guys now? i know butchers, fishmongers and delibros but the produce aisle is just big racks and islands of apples/potatoes

>> No.9531679


God tier and I love you.

>> No.9531687

>Shop at Sam's Club
>Wide aisles so never a traffic jam
>Awesome free samples including sushi from the cute sushi girl
>Good prices
>Use the app to scan shit as I go
>Check out through the app, never have to wait in line or interact with anyone
I love grocery shopping now.

>> No.9531697

>stupidly busy
>all tills and express lanes open
>working self checkouts and customer service at the same time
>dude walks over to customer service
>"Hello, what can I help you with today?"
>"Do you sell cigarettes?"
>"Yes, we do. What would you like?"
>"What's popular?"
>"Belmont king size"
>"What else do you have?"
>ask him if he's looking for something light, regular, menthol, etc
>he's not too sure
>go through the different brands and noting which one's are popular
>still can't decide
>"Can you show me?"
>Canada, so I have to pull each one out of their respective drawers
>fucking stares at each cigarette package like he can glean something out of it
>meanwhile, self-scan fucking implodes and all six tills need assistance
>call for supervisor to help
>no one shows up
>call for trained cashier
>no one shows up
>people are waving, coming to customer service, and even yelling at me from 20ft away.
>go over to help as he's making up his mind
>come back couple minutes later and he's decided
>"ok, can I see some ID?"
>pulls out his student card

>> No.9531703

>my favorite thing is people who use the express lanes like a normal lane and buy like 40 things because you technically can't ask them to stop.

I feel bad doing this, but what can I do when it's 11:00pm and there's only the one lane open?

>> No.9531727

>It's okay to ask what disability a person has, since that could help determine what accommodations are needed for them.

I work in a hospital and have to ask patients about this almost every day. Someone in a wheelchair could be completely paralyzed, or they could be perfectly capable of standing and walking a short distance, and the difference is potentially huge in how we do their exam.

But yeah, the ADA can be pretty ridiculous. When our dept got remodelled they made all the work counters ridiculously low, because we have to potentially accommodate wheelchair-bound employees. And all the signs in the dept have braille subtext. You know, in case we ever hire a blind or wheelchair-bound xray tech (in case it's not obvious, you cannot physically perform that job from a wheelchair or if visually impaired).

>> No.9531729

I shop at a place called Albertsons, and its pretty comfy.
More upscale atmosphere, better quality ingredients, higher but not outrageous prices that keep Basketball Americans away from shopping there. Store manager only hires cute girls to operate registers and customer service/returns. Pharmacy inside always has my oxy.

Overall 9/10 experience shopping there. My only complaint is they got rid of the redbox machine for some reason.

>> No.9531732

bro wtf? im in southwest us and nobody here flavors your food and gives it to you to take home and bag thats fucking nice.

what do you guys flavor with? ingredients?

>> No.9531749

she killed herself

>> No.9531752

>letting the government know how much you earn
Getting paid in cash is the greatest thing ever

>> No.9531759

>It's fucking legal US currency. You have to accept it. Deal with it.
Incorrect Mr. Sovereign Citizen. Cash must be accepted for all debts owed but as you have not acquired the merchandise and there is no sale at that point there is no debt owed and thus no one has to accept it. Please learn to law if you want to spout shit on the internet.
Also get with the times old man.

>> No.9531764

to be fair they look very similar when in one of those cloudy bags

>> No.9531792

Nah, way too retarded for that. At least a couple times I've gone days without toilet paper cos I keep forgetting to buy more. Buying tinned food after forgetting to replace tin opener, then having to hack it open like a coconut etc.

I'm pretty good at being stupid.

>> No.9531797

>replace tin opener
I don't understand. I've had the same can opener for like 20 years and I use it several times a week.

>> No.9531813

Shit tin opener. I've bought a garlic crusher that broke half way through its first clove, literally... half a clove broke it. Tought me to spend more on my shit.

>> No.9531831

ahaha god this image made me bust out laughing

someone must have been having a real bad day. I can almost feel their thought process, all patrick bateman I want my pain to be inflicted on others. CHOKING on their rage, OK TIME TO SHARE THIS FEELING WITH THE REST OF YOU

god lol, what an asshole move. hilarious tho

>> No.9531837

excellent response on your dad's part, I am proud to have witnessed it 3rd hand like this

>> No.9531944

>reposting a reddit post:
Stopped reading there.

>> No.9531968

just specify how you want it cut. They should show you the slice and ask if it's okay.

>> No.9531998

>$100 bill guy tears open a small corner of every food package he wants to buy, thus rendering it unsalable to other customers and incurring the debt of the purchase price of these items.

Now the vendor must accept his cash or take a loss on the product. Problem solved.

>> No.9532014

In other words, the only reasonable excuse for refusing a sale with a large denomination bill is that the vendor literally cannot make change for it. Grocery stores can always make change for a hundred.

>> No.9532101

Sorry for the late reply

You get to choose your own fish/seafood, and then there's four primary seafood kits with varietals depending on the season.

Each kit is designed with a specific fish in mind but you can mix and match as you choose

>Caribbean Mango, designed for Grouper
With mango, a smokey bacon sauce, bell peppers, and Orzo

>Mediterranean, for Tilapia
It's almost like a mix between a vinaigrette and a marinara, it's pretty good, along with couscous, olives, pimientos, and capers.
this one's my favorite because I like acidic stuff.

>Sweet Chili Sauce, for Shrimp/Scallops
This one's pretty cool. It's got a real thick sweet chili sauce (barely spicy though because we have to cater to the bottom denominator), snow peas, water chestnuts, a mixture of chopped cabbage, carrots, and bok choy, and rice

>Dijon Cream, for Salmon
this one's the best seller. It's got a real thick dijon cream sauce, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, artichokes, and bell peppers. It's supposed to be the best of them all but I haven't tried it yet.


I totally fucking forgot about people freaking out over crab, god DAMN it it's one of my biggest ones
the worst is when they make me get more from the back and try and get me to tare a pound off because they're frozen. It's .10 worth of ice at most.

Then there's the Miami Vacationers. They never, ever want just one pound of fish. They want your entire backstock and the fucking boat it came in on too. It's ridiculous. I learned rudimentary spanish just because they don't know English half the time, and then half of them are incredibly rude too

>> No.9532182

>>people who use debit cards for items less than $5
Fuck off and die. I use my credit or debit card for every single transaction I make because using cash is such a pain in the ass. Inevitably you end up with a pocket full of change, which you have to throw in a jar or something and eventually cash, or inconvenience everyone by digging for it to make exact change. Fuck anyone who uses cash ever anymore.

>> No.9532317
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>People who touch fresh produce with their dirty hands then put it back.
I used to work in the cherries,apples,and peaches. they used to shit in the field,then wipe their asses,and not wash their hands.

>> No.9532630

>tfw I used to be the kid running around and screaming throughout the store

>> No.9532633

Those kinds of people should stick to lurking, or better, going back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.9532753

Then buy 4 packs, you think a cashier really has any say in what shit we sell?

>> No.9532803

Hey, I also used to work a meat/seafood counter. People were incredibly finicky and difficult about the fish
>"is that frozen?"
>No sir, it all comes in fresh, except what's in this separate frozen case over here
>"Yeah, right, it's probably all frozen when you get it, right?"

then you get people at the frozen case
>"I want x pounds of y crab legs"
>I weigh it up
>"UHHHHH, wait. is that FROZEN?"
Keep in mind the tag for everything frozen literally says "FROZEN" in capital letters. Also there's a sign that says "frozen seafood" right above the case.

And the people who just walked up and said "I want that" without specifying which product they're even talking about drove me up the fucking wall.
And for whatever reason, no one EVER wanted king crab claws. We ended up with such a huge claw surplus that we ended up bagging it up 5-8lbs at a time and marking it $2/lb.
Which reminds me of another thing, whenever we did crazy limited time only sales like that, we always put "while supplies last" on the sign, but you still get retards(read: boomers) that will come in 2 days later and be like "uhbuhwuh where's all your $2/lb crab legs?!?!".

>> No.9532887

ive been to that walmart and watched a single mom not remove her kids from the cart and just pushed them in the cart escalator

made me mad as fuck how lazy do you have to fucking be

>> No.9532913

Seafood counter
>Do you have any SALL-MUN?
>A what?
>Nope, fresh out.
There's fucking sockeye in the display, fuck flyovers.

>> No.9532917

>ribby steak
I don't know why so many people have trouble pronouncing "tilapia".

>> No.9532929
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>ribby steak

>> No.9533234

there's also the people from ohio/flyovers who pronounce it SEEEEEamin

and when they say "shrimps" it infuriates me, it's shrimp

>> No.9533276

Those are from a gas station in one of the lesser cities in NY. It was a few years ago now but its almost exclusively nogs. Only white people had gambling addictions that bothered me, black gambling addicts played numbers every week. Yes we had a counter just for lotto players

Just being a cunt

>> No.9533798


>> No.9533952
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>An old woman in the express lane with 3 things takes longer than some guy in a regular lane buying a weeks worth of groceries.