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9529612 No.9529612 [Reply] [Original]

Texting when you shouldn't edition

>> No.9529627
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For me it's Pumping spice beer

>> No.9529642

>wew lads only 2 and half more hours to go
until what, lad?

>> No.9529644
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That's my favoriteee

>> No.9529649

>18 hours since last drink

going to make it lads

>> No.9529654

about the same here.

slept like shit and had weird dreams, but now im just jittery. gonna see if a quick run helps

>> No.9529656

Based Stephen Paddock

>> No.9529658

>quick run

well depending on if these beer shits reside. my farts are not trustworthy rn

>> No.9529671

hangover has lifted
back to my normal indifferent self

>> No.9529674

Until quittin hour, then I can go home and self medicate. Thinking I should probably quit before I get worse but I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better.

>> No.9529679

4 me it's Pumping spice whiskey

>> No.9529685

>slept like shit and had weird dreams

Several months ago I took a nap around noon. This was unusual, I don't take naps. I was experiencing minor withdrawals, of course, like every morning. The dream I was having was a scene repeating over and over. I'd never had a dream like this. When I woke up nothing felt real. This feeling lasted for a few hours. Has anyone else experienced this?

>> No.9529692
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what's up lads? I'm off tomorrow, so I had my ceremonial litre of whiskey, how's everyone else doing?

>> No.9529696

3 pumps with extra whipped cream for me, m8

>> No.9529733

I'm good. might try and save a 200cl bottle for the morning hangover but who knows

>> No.9529738

>tfw avoiding calls from work because I'm too drunk/high to speak
I hate my job though, so I don't really care

>> No.9529762
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enjoy it anon
>tfw have nothing left for the morning
>tfw it's against the law to sell alcohol after 10:00pm
>tfw It's illegal to sell alcohol til after 10:30am

>> No.9529778

I've been there. I used to cruise in to work after spending 3 hours at the pub drinking and smoking joints, then spent the whole time avoiding making eye contact with the manager. Hated that fucking place

>> No.9529788

3 pumps in ur mum and filling her up with extra whipped man cream for me m8

>> No.9529792

>what's up lads?
greasy loose shits.

this dysfunctional bowel thing may be one of the worst parts other than the fear

>> No.9529809

I'm the opposite, I've been eating nothing but protein, so I haven't had a satisfying dump in days. Thought the liquor would've helped with that, but no luck so far

>> No.9529817


>> No.9529837

Why don’t normies get the fear

>> No.9529848

What's a normie?

>> No.9529875

buy some metamucil dude

>> No.9529880

are you on some unholy keto and liquor diet or something?

>> No.9529886

whiskey and beer are the only carbs I consume desu, otherwise it's steak or eggs

>> No.9529929

Fuck my hands are sweaty, also I'm ruining the life of the only person I ever truly loved.
Also mom's spaghetti.

>> No.9529936
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nevar forghetti, getting help is an option

>> No.9529948

I think my neighbors know I'm an alcohol.

Over the last 5 years of living here I've only spoken to the neighbors three times, An I was hammered drunk each time.

Last night they saw me drop a fucking fifth of rum in my driveway while I was smoking outside then fall trying to clean it up.

>> No.9529961

My neighbor called the cops on me because I Masturbating with the window open.

>> No.9529972
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I caught my neighbours watching me from their window while I was loading my car with bottles to bring to the bottle bank. 4 giant bags, filled with like, 120 beer bottles all from one month, never mind the 6 whiskey bottles that spilled out

>> No.9529974
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>> No.9529977

What happened?

>> No.9529983

Cop talked to me, and said I scared the neighbors little girl.
Told me if I do it again, he will arrest me.
I told him to get off my property, I still do it.

>> No.9529987

shit man, could've been worse

>> No.9530000

Yah, might be time to find me an old jewish lady that i can pay to listen to my shit.
I dropped my last one like a sack of potatoes when she suggested that I quit buying drugs and alcohol and instead give my money to her.

>> No.9530012

Don't give money to Jewish therapists

>> No.9530014
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RIP in piece liver

>> No.9530017

don't get a psychiatrist man,they have a vested interest in keeping you sick , get a counsellor, my guy was ex military, and ex alcky himself, Psychiatry is about introspection, a good counsellor will help you set goals for yourself. It helped take me from getting blackout drunk everyday to binging on my days off. It's not much but at least it's some sort of progress, and not a head fuck that costs a fortune for no results

>> No.9530021


Would you ever hook up with a crazy ex again that once threatened to kill you?

She's just so fucking hot, But also so fucking crazy. It's so tempting after not getting laid for years

>> No.9530027

you can get a back page prostitute who you won't have to interact with afterward, and she'll be less grief in the long run

>> No.9530032

I was considering that but I want a woman to come to me. I don't want to drive drunk

An if you get an outcall hooker don't they have like pimps or something that sit in a car in your driveway?

I live in a nice neighborhood, A black dude sitting in a Escalade would stand out.

>> No.9530034

Your last fuck is a bit like your last cigarette, the memory is way better than the experience of trying it again would be after a while without.

>> No.9530042

well, if you think hooking up with your ex again is a good idea, that's up to you, but you might want to think about two things. How much have I had to drink and how pissed will I be at myself the next day? wish you luck either way

>> No.9530079

Not any-more of this shit.

>> No.9530094

i can live with the hangovers and hair loss but fuck me dead, chewing tobacoo is ruining my life lmao

>> No.9530127

>hair loss

i keep learning new downsides to drinking with you lads

>> No.9530134

>Texting when you shouldn't
Even worse, facebooking when you shouldn't.
>get home last night piss drunk
>super depressed
>get on facebook and post a long blog about how much life sucks
>wake up this morning and remember I posted something on facebook while drunk last night
>log on to facebook and immediately delete the post
Didn't even get any likes or comments. People probably think I'm suicidal now. I really just need to delete my facebook.

>> No.9530144

ok go delete it right now

>> No.9530147

They must have glossed over that in med school because I've never heard of that shit. I call BS

>> No.9530151

Quitting tomorrow, do or die. Literally, have no choice. Anyone have good tips for starting a cold turkey liquor purge?

I did it twice before and it stuck for a number of years between, but I gave myself a last hoorah the day before stopping. Went like:

>get trashed, liquor on an empty stomach
>order all the shit food I can, like a man on death row
>eat the food while watching and playing shit from the past or shit I never admitted to wanting to see/play, happy shit
>polish bottle while repeating food and TV/Internet/Games, til bottle is gone or juuuust before I know I'm gonna get the spins
>hit the bathroom, throw up if I have to, take a hot shower
>brush teeth
>faucet on full blast, chug all the cold water I can til I feel like I'm gonna give birth to Poseidon's octuplets
>sleep naked with the AC cranked up
>wake up, immediately chug water again and take a hot shower for more sweats

Sound good? Any suggestions to add? I'm doing this tonight, I wanna smooth transition tomorrow! Cheers to all

>> No.9530170

heavy lifting (deadlifts in particular) and hard cardio.

tire yourself out so bad that all you want to do is sleep

>> No.9530176

when you get cravings: remaind yourself that it is only psychological and not physical

>> No.9530177

>Quitting tomorrow, do or die. Literally, have no choice
why not laddo?

>> No.9530183

Good luck man, doing the same thing here. Gotta get sober and stay that way because of a job I got lined up. It's gonna fucking suck but hopefully I can keep with it.

>> No.9530189
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just bought all the equipment to make a still

Any suggestions for turbo yeast? UK-based

>> No.9530192

Been lifting and running, good advice but I can't possibly do any more without actually passing out before I even get to feel the alcohol, or dehydrate myself to the point of feeling sick

Good point, thanks. Just trying to find the perfect final day routine to not wake up feeling like I need to grab another bottle

I'm moving somewhere with no liquor, the trip will take 5 days and I have no money. When I get there, I will have my waifu and her family waiting for me. They know my situation, they won't let me drink, and I'd have to steal to get liquor in their shithole town. It's a good opportunity to quit.

>> No.9530203

Who /responsible drinker/ here?

>> No.9530207

2 year binge, cant think of anything else to help with the anxiety.
>inb4 going to a shrink
jews not gonna feed me their sedation pills

uni almost done, /out/ will cure me soon

>> No.9530226

>No likes or comments
Facebook didn't show it on anyone's feed, or only on feeds of people who don't care.

I think it's relater to ageing, something that is often overlooked when being an alcoholic for years.

Wrong thread.

CBD, THC (or not if it gives you anxiety), meditation.

>> No.9530229

>I'm moving somewhere with no liquor, the trip will take 5 days and I have no money.
are you driving on withdrawals? that sounds spooky to me

>When I get there, I will have my waifu and her family waiting for me. They know my situation, they won't let me drink, and I'd have to steal to get liquor in their shithole town. It's a good opportunity to quit.
sounds like good people and a good situation desu

>> No.9530235

I'm either sober or a trainwreck.

>> No.9530250

>relater to ageing,
sounds good

>> No.9530261

I'm driving, but honestly I've never felt anything like what people describe when they talk about withdrawals. I've been at least 2-3 pints of vodka a day for the last few years, and any days on which I stopped I didnt feel anything besides how much I missed the way liquor let me enjoy the things I used to enjoy. I'm completely functional worker/driver/what-have-you when I'm not drunk - - no shakes, no physical shit. I just can't resist taking it to forget my regrets and/or enjoy vidya/movies/tv again.

The girl I'm gonna live with though, she helps. Her family is great too, real outdoorsy and they'll keep me busy to where I won't need liquor. I love working, ya know?

>> No.9530270

>I've been at least 2-3 pints of vodka a day for the last few years, and any days on which I stopped I didnt feel anything besides how much I missed the way liquor let me enjoy the things I used to enjoy.
did you just take single days of or also three days or more? i find that the latter is much harder.

good luck though, sounds like you're at least somewhat genetically blessed not to become a shaking mess paralysed with fear when you quit boozing.

>> No.9530278

I've been single days, I've been multiple, but never for long. The key either way I think was to drink more water and Diet Dr. P, to the point where my piss never turned yellow. I'd feel empty for a minute, but once my piss turned clear I was pretty much condition green

>> No.9530295

i just went a month sober before a weeklong relapse.

honestly looking forward to being sober again, you never get that feeling of real heath until you're a couple weeks into it. even after a month i still felt like i was improving. once you get through that first week things will start getting better and better.

>> No.9530305
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>had to leave shared apt over a drunken text
>am now staying at hostel in indian/ecuadorian/tibetan/pakistani/chinese neighborhood with cheap cuisine from those countries
it all works out

>> No.9530310

Not sure I agree with the heavy lifting right after quitting, but cardio definitely gets me through withdrawals. Especially when you've got that shakyness and anxiety from shot nerves, getting my heart rate up and sweating a bit from cardio instantly makes me feel a lot better. It's just forcing myself to go do it when I feel like shit that's the hard part

>> No.9530330

I was hungover off 14 beers this morning and did a few exercises and pr'd on a couple exercises

8 Dips w/a total body + plates weight of 250 lbs

>> No.9530335

>8 Dips w/a total body + plates weight of 250 lbs

so...body weight dips?

>> No.9530338

You're 250?

>> No.9530354

I got a girlfriend by doing this, i don't even like her but it's kind of late now

>> No.9530356

i just spam youtube/spotify links to my m8s

>> No.9530381

hehe here we go again, night 2 sober if I can resist the liquor store.

>> No.9530426

72 hours is where you get to calm open seas and relief in my experience.

When I make it that far I feel like I'm safe for a good stretch.

>> No.9530430

i've started drinking alcohol recently for the first time, is 2 liters of 95% alcohol a week excessive or is it nothing at all?

>> No.9530434

that's badically 4l of 47.5%, no?

that's nothing over the course of a week bud.

basically half of what the bigger drunks itt drink

>> No.9530465

yeah, 3 days is the hump

>> No.9530466

that's 4.75 liters of 40% a week, so 6.78 bottles of 700ml vodka. Almost a bottle a day.

That would be hardcore alcoholism by normie standards and is certainly sufficient to wreck your body.

>> No.9530488

do any of you remember when you were younger, and saw your older friends' friends passing at a tragically young age? do you remember wondering when it would happen to you, and how you would feel? do you remember how it felt?

for me, today is that day. aaron, you were 22, too kind, too talented, and too young. you bought me my and my prom date's liquor for the afterparty with your fake. you were one of my favorite players on the team. i'll never forget you. if there is an afterlife, i'll regret the life i lived, because i'll never see you in hell. i poured one out for you. rest easy.

>> No.9530508
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>my cringiest drunk text during my long career of pathetic drunk texts
Literally considering jumping

>> No.9530519


>2.1% ABV

why even drink this? does it taste any different than water?

>> No.9530546

Can't you read? It's bitter.

Test her:
your* Also no that was a drunken dare.

>> No.9530548

damn, dude. if it makes you feel any better, i embarrassed myself in front of the girl i love(/d) drunk IN PERSON, after two years of not seeing each other, and then had to apologize via text. just try to move forward.

>> No.9530558

God I have class with her for the next year and I see her on Wednesday. I'll just say
What this guy said and try to laugh it off, putting *your would have been funny but I already did a rambling hungover apology

>> No.9530582

>I already did a rambling hungover apology
Ask her if she'd help alleviate the hangover with a bj then.

>> No.9530592

Alcoholic pumpkin spice sounds amazing but not in beer.

>> No.9530700

700 ml daily is not that much, cuckboy

>> No.9530721

how do you go to sleep without passing out?

>> No.9530724

not to your average al/ck/ but to normal people it is.

it's also objectively enough to cause all kinds of organ damage and cancer and to lead to serious withdrawal.

>> No.9530726

Exercise, reefer, masturbation.

>> No.9530729

no, it's not imo.

>> No.9530736


hoboken nipples, filibuster, dog tracking 4x4.

>> No.9530745

denial won't help in the long run, m8

at least be honest with yourself about destroying yourself.

>> No.9530750

have tried to have pumpkin beer, and in fact was even invited to a festival for pumpkin beer. i love a variety of beers, but could not tolerate it in the least.

>> No.9530765

Anybody here have no problem quitting other drugs, but always come back to booze? Like I have 0 problems quitting tobacco, but drinking is always on my mind. Does this vary person to person or is alcohol just more addictive?

>> No.9530799

you don't know that you're talking about. i'm a straight alcoholic, have been drinking heavily every day for well over a year. it can depend on bodyweight, and in that sense i profess i'm somewhat of a lightweight (165 lbs/~74 kg), but the guy (>>9530430) is averaging over 15 drinks a day. that is alcoholism by any measure and probably serious alcoholism if he is not overweight. i assume you are some combination of very alcoholic, very large, and very overweight to not think 15+ drinks a day is not in the realm of damaging alcoholism. your "opinion" is irrelevant, and frankly incorrect.

yup. quit tobacco cold turkey, can stop weed without problem, quit adderall without bodily or mental protest after it gave me a seizure, quit benzos without much trouble at all... alcohol, for me, is the most addictive drug i've encountered. it does indeed vary person to person. some people (myself included) are genetically predisposed to alcohol addiction. fun fact, this is especially rampant in native american communities. i recall stories of feds having to remove hand sanitizer from reservations because the alchies were putting it up their ass.

>> No.9530824

stfu dude ur a fag.

1l a night is the beginning

>> No.9530834

I can just start or stop smoking whenever I want as well, but every time I have a few drinks in quickly turns into a bender.

>> No.9530838

only cringy if you don’t actually mean it
in vino veritas

>> No.9530864

obviously it’s more addictive than cigs because it changes your mental state

compared to illegal drugs, it’s cheaper and more socially acceptable

>> No.9530873

Quads of truth. Find a provider that supports what you believe in, but also pushes you to be a better you. They're out there, just gotta shop for the right one.

>> No.9530883

yeah, everyone knows natives are drunks

it’s pretty common in any territorially dispossessed community
ireland, poland, etc.

>> No.9530901

I fucking love the Jews.
Someone is gonna take advantage of weak gullible whites, it could have been anyone.

>> No.9530909

Welp, after nightly drinking whiskey for the past 14 months I think I'm finally burned out.

Getting dizzy and shaky all the time.

Time to hang it up, boys. I'm coming back Depression... my dear old friend.

>> No.9530920

There's much better treatments for depression than a literal depressant my dude

>> No.9530948

Eat fiber

>> No.9530968

depressant does not mean 'makes you depressed', it means 'central nervous system depressant'.

that's not so say being a drunk doesn't contribute to depression though.

>> No.9530995

Words of wisdom right here

>> No.9531031

24 hours since my last drink.

if i can sleep now i'm probably in the clear, wew

>> No.9531044

Grats my dude. Sleep well!

>> No.9531051

how bad is 8-15 beers a day?

only been on this current ride for a month or two. Put together almost a week but then binged on the weekend.

>> No.9531061

You're alright, just slow the fuck down while you still can.

>> No.9531079

Thanks senpai

>> No.9531080

stick to beer.
when i switched to liquor I couldn't even drink beer anymore b/c I wouldn't get drunk enough

>> No.9531082

How bad is 5oz of wine every few days? Should I be concerned?

>> No.9531127

just watch out for the freshman 15

>> No.9531336

Day 5 without spirits. Haven't been drinking that much beer because it's already filling enough at the speed I drink and then I have an absolutely enormous dinner which fills me to the point where I can't drink anymore.
I wake up tired every day though. I must be sleeping awfully.

>> No.9531406


>> No.9531457

>Passed out drunk on my moms couch at 9pm
>woke up at 1am and went home
>drinking now

>> No.9531458
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psychiatrist has ordered a blood test that is going to basically find out if I have damage or not : S I've always lied and said I don't drink much (I've had issues in the past where psychiatrists are really unhelpful about drinking, for example not allowing me into group therapy, or not treating me altogether until I stop all drinking)


>> No.9531469

(bilirubin, alk pho, ALT)

How long does it take for this shit to normalize?

>> No.9531476

why was your parenthetical citation longer than your sentence

>> No.9531479

you'll be fine anon, get some melatonin to help with the sleep and try to get some exercise

>> No.9531492

im dfw

>> No.9531541

kek'd, Show us the rest of the convo

I've said much worst btw, I just deleted it out of shame.

>> No.9531552

If it makes you feel better I routinely text my ex how much I want to kill myself and what a worthless piece of shit I am.
I'm surprised she hasn't blocked me.

>> No.9531599

I rawdogged a escort last night, Feels bad man.

>> No.9531604

Hey guys I drink every single day from the time I get home to the time I go to bed, usually as many beers as it takes to keep me full and enough shots of whiskey to keep me drunk. I don't eat a whole heck of a lot and when I'm at work I always feel sweaty, shaky, and uneasy.
Life is pretty good.

>> No.9531609

I don't know if pussy will ever be important enough to me to want to pay for it.
How was it? Tell me she was at least cute and thicc.

>> No.9531641

>still texting my ex
When will manlets learn?

>> No.9531644

Another shot or another beer?

>> No.9531667

Choke on a dick and die.

>> No.9531698

It was pretty good, Spent an hour with her. $300 bucks

She was a qt, Short, Thick, late 20's, Didn't appear to be on drugs so I made the executive decision to rawdog her.

Came fucking buckets, Overall it was worth it. I hadn't had sex in a year

>> No.9531704

>I can't get hard when I'm with hookers.
>Hookers are the only women who will have sex with me
Mcfucking kill me

>> No.9531707

You can't get hard because of anxiety, Have a few drinks prior but not so many you can't cum.

>> No.9531710

There are drugs for that.
I mean you probably already put a bunch of poison in your body, what's a couple of boner pills?

>> No.9531715

>what's a couple of boner pills?
I have heart problems from years of cocaine abuse, kek.
I'm gonna give them a try any how

>> No.9531717

>binge drank friday and saturday
>have reocurring headaches ever since
How do I stop this?

>> No.9531718

I usually have at least a couple drinks in me already, I think I'm messed up from years of pornography

>> No.9531723

binge drink Saturday though Thursday

>> No.9531747

Turbo pure (not pure turbo, you want a goldish bag with red text) 48 hour. That shit is super resilient and munches through 8kg of sugar in 25 liters of wash no problem. There are others, newer, like prestige... But it's usually more trouble than it's worth to push abv past 18%. 8 kg sugar per 25 l run is just right. Remember that letting your wash clear (shake the bubbles out when fermentation is finished, you can also use gelatin and/or cold crash) does wonders for the end product. What kind of still are you building? LM? VM? Amazing still? I have a rather nice 60 liter VM, but I'm thinking about building a potstill head for it, with a gin basket. That way I'd have a stripper, bombay gin and whiskey still all in one and of course the VM reflux for pure vodka. Shame that I'm so lazy.

>> No.9531778

You think I should get myself a drink?

>> No.9531781


>> No.9531811
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Oh the humanity

Nm dude. You know how to fix this. Get drunk and do it again.

>> No.9531814

Holy fudge how am I still alive?

>> No.9531820

I once came home stinking drunk and puked down the back of my ex's radiator. When she turned on the heating the next day it started to cook and the whole house got permeated with the stench of my vomit that wouldn't go away for three days

>> No.9531825

Yeah done this. You've got hours to buy PEP meds, they only work for up to 24hrs after exposure iirc. Enjoy spending 2 grand to shit yourself for a month. Then another 5 months to see whether it worked.

Anyone else he intense kidney pain at night? It's so bad I can't turn over in bed, and it sometimes makes me literally writhe around screaming in pain. Even inhaling hurts, I have to take half-breaths.

>> No.9531838

Welp, liquor store opens in half an hour. I have some 150 beer cans to recycle which will partly provide the money for 24 new ones. I do have enough beer already to get buzzed, but today I'm blessedly all by myself for once, so the plan is to drink all day and cook a nice dinner before I get too drunk, then play some not too challenging vidya. Might pick up Ni no kuni again, never did finish it.

>> No.9531852

Bought an oz of weed after not using for over a year. Consequently I've only been drunk twice in 11 days. Oh my fucking god I feel so much better. I haven't felt this healthy since I was like 5

>> No.9531854

the thing about escorts is that they seem to be more concerned with their sexual health than your average one nighter

SOURCE ME who has rawdogged many a hookerino and had no ill effects

I did get chlymadiadia however the fuck you spell it from a one nighter once though, so the results are clear :
average girls/one night stands - +1 to disease count
hookerinos - a healthy zero

the writing is on the brothel wall

>> No.9531863

>the writing is on the brothel wall


Also I agree

>> No.9531888

If she'll let you rustle her reproductive regions without a rubber, she's letting other punters pummel that prozzie pudding with their pathogen-strewn porking portions. Would not risk even if brutally befuddled by booze blackout.
It is tempting while rekt and feeling suicidal. Seems in recent times that loads of grils are getting into marketing their minge to make ends meet. The selection available nowadays invariably contains some infuriatingly good-looking 18yo qt3.14, and my dick puts its foot down and bans my normal brain from decision-making until it has thoroughly exchanged every molecule of available fluid inside dem youthful fornication stations.

I wonder how much cages cost? Any zookeepers/serial killers in? If I timelock myself inside one while drunk, my dick might not fall off.

>> No.9531975

that's over 20 drinks a night. if you think that's "the beginning", well, i'd say you need help, but you already know that. how much are you drinking man?

>> No.9531983

man, i wish i had access to weed right now. just moved to florida for a few months, i have no connections and no idea how to make them. i mean, i could go to the local small college campus and ask around, but it just seems uncomfortable. for me, enough weed = significantly less drinking. i genuinely think i enjoy the removal from sobriety as much as anything, even if i go through withdrawals.

with that said, my high school friend died the other day, and i only learned tonight. i've been straight drinking to cope with that. i had one drink yesterday (impressively), but upon learning, i've probably had 13 or so. shit really fucking fucking sucks.

>> No.9531985

how much do you weigh? be honest

>> No.9531994
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Bought some slags outside the Spar a bottle of cider last night when i was picking up my bevvy, One of them gave me a kiss a lips for it. What have i become?

>> No.9532003

psychiatrists are honestly generally the fucking worst when it comes to alcoholism. it's like you're a subaddict, unworthy of their full help and time, but bad enough to be deplorable and treated as a lesser. i sincerely think willing general practitioners and possibly even neurologists are preferable. i suggest looking into DBT and gabapentin (effective for alcoholism at the right dosage and non-habit forming, also good for anxiety).

>> No.9532006

what's a bevvy, eurobreh? just beverage? i assume spar is a standard retail store?

>> No.9532008

Bong here, bevvy is beverage, and spar is a corner shop. usually a paki shop

>> No.9532011

beer drinking fellas, i know it's a meme, but la croix is as good as anything when it comes to satisfying the need to just put some fucking carbonated beverage in your mouth. it has its own non-alcoholic kick and is 0 calories. i was about to kill a sixer before bed, but i think i might do alright with this. get lime.

>> No.9532016
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Yeah a bevvy is an alcoholic beverage. Spar is one of the chains which bought all the small local shops which sell drink.

>> No.9532017

Tonic water is good for that as well, I used to get smashed off G&Ts every night, now I just drink tonic water with ice and lime. feels good man

>> No.9532027

i see, i see. buying someone a cider out of kindness on your way to the corner store is admirable, if she gave you a kiss for it she's most certainly a slag, but it's no harm to your sensibilities, carry on.

man, i'm so fucking glad i incidentally can no longer drink gin. i had my first really bad alcohol experience with seagram's and can no longer even look at the brand's ginger ale without gagging.

on another note, it's 5:30 AM here and i'm still not asleep. another drink would do me in, but i can't decide if i should save it for tomorrow or not. maybe i'll give it the 20 minute sleep test or something

>> No.9532031

>tfw brutal case of the shakes

>> No.9532034

I used to drink over 75cl/day. It is a fucking lot.
I also have a 50 feet long penis, you lost the dick contest, go over /r9k/ to brag about your alcoholism.

What happened?

There are cages on amazon for large dogs, sometime featured in BDSM porn.

Are you the guy who regularly take pics of a pile of bottles next to the bottle shop and dream it belong to a cutie?

>> No.9532042

srs question: would you guys rather have an alchie gf or a gf who tries to lead you away from the alcohol

no wrong answers, i can't even decide for myself personally. i'd pick the latter, but only if she had enough redeeming qualities to make sobriety seem worth it afterwards, which seems like a tall order

>> No.9532054

>Are you the guy who regularly take pics of a pile of bottles next to the bottle shop and dream it belong to a cutie?

no mate thats not me

>> No.9532055

gf who leads me away probably. I need a reason to stay sober, and i am really struggling to find one. I know this shit is bad for me, but I haven't had any health issues, no withdrawals, no financial problems, not much of a social life anyway, nothing, so in my mind everything is fine and I don't need to change anything

>> No.9532056

As someone who worked at a liqour store definitely the latter. Those trainwrecks took a lot of dick and have serious emotional problems.

>> No.9532076

i've had both and believe me you want the latter

>> No.9532127


easily someone to lead me away from alcohol, but she would anyway fuck me over sooner or later so back to alcohol then

>> No.9532149

>drunk dial chick I was at college with
>splurt a lot of drunken nonsense
>wake up next day with 'the fear'
>turns out I arranged a date for the following day
>celebrated our 2 year anniversary last month
6 months drink free. God bless her.

>> No.9532153

Think thats normal. I was on withdrawal for a few weeks and i has the strangest dream ever. I felt so weird too afterwards. Maybe its your sober self trying to get through

>> No.9532164

>>turns out I arranged a date for the following day

>> No.9532171

I'd dump someone trying to get me to stop drinking so fast. Not that it's great having 2 alcoholics in the household, but it's not like I can judge.

>> No.9532177
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>> No.9532179

Feelin good boys. 75cl and a big 8% beer last night.

Slept 7 hrs and only a bit hungover. Might reward myself with a bit of vodka in my oj

>> No.9532205
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What is it like to be able to enjoy hard liquor or anything stronger than beer? I desperately wish I could enjoy it but for whatever reason anytime I have even a tiny dip of hard alcohol I feel like I want to puke. I can drink beer all night long with no issues but the moment my younger touches liquor or wine of any sort I want to fucking gag.

>> No.9532236

i felt mentally like total shit today so

went through the fucking storm to the shop and got 0,5 L 60% vodka. That warm feeling in the stomach..

cheers everyone

>> No.9532239

gone to the pub at lunch as usual but had slightly too much this time. feel like I'll be very visibly drunk. gonna just sit here for a while I guess, even if it means I'm late back. better to be late back from lunch than drunk

>> No.9532244

If you can't get buzzed / drunk fast enough on strong beer you're pretty far gone already, my man. And would probably drink harder stuff even if it did make you puke. Drink something 6-8 ABV and enjoy yourself. Something tasty, like APA or ESB. Or even hard apple cider.

The real answer to your question is, take small shots (2-4 cl) of jägermeister or other spiced drink of your choice (fireball, Captain Morgan and salmiakki shots come to mind) and chase it with beer. A bland lager like heineken is best for this purpose. Some mixed drinks like white russian or G&T should go down smooth too.

>> No.9532250

my dad's angry and won't talk to me. i blacked out again so no idea what he's pissed about

>> No.9532291


Depending on your history and level of drinking
You regularly drink a lot then don't expect a 24 hour cleanse

>> No.9532378

>get drunk on vodka
>shitpost and start multiple arguments on several different boards
>wake up the next morning nervous
>find out out I made solid points, and nothing I said was wrong.

>> No.9532426

Last night I concously made the decision to not get entirely shithoused because I'm trying to lay off
>half sleep for six hours
>wake up shaking and sweating
>morning shot when I go to piss
It's all better now.
Fucc this.

>> No.9532428

gf who tries to lead you away from the alcohol

I'm constantly trying to do it myself, I could do with an extra helping hand.

>> No.9532431

Woke up this morning with no memory of last night, but there was a big "GO FUCK YOURSELF" scrawled on my hallway wall in sharpie, and it looks like someone tried to find my wallet in my side drawers.

>> No.9532432

Is anyone concerned about how this is affecting those around you? I stay with friends in town and notice that they try to keep up drinking with me and will frequently miss classes and sometimes work. They're just lightweights but it still feelsbadman.jpg.
I'm sitting on one's couch now, I really hope he made it to his test earlier today.

>> No.9532439

Do you still have your wallet? And does it look like somone wrote it with an entire closed hand around the sharpie like a toddler, or that they wrote it like a normal person?

>> No.9532443

I still have my wallet. It was in my pants pocket under the bed.
Looks like normal handwriting.

>> No.9532527

I understand that one of the defining traits of being full on al/ck/ is not caring about anyone but yourself but I still find myself thinking about stuff like this.

>> No.9532528

I don't remember, I'm not even sure if I was the one who posted that.

>> No.9532532

>tfw i might actually have a solid shit today

>> No.9532538

what about a week lol?

>> No.9532540

also interested in this

>> No.9532552


>> No.9532575

Let's go with no shakies today mmk?

>> No.9532597

I know this feel
>get drunk
>sudden clarity
>new insights
>detached logic
seems to make formulating an argument much easier, it just takes a lot longer than sober so I'm never going to be able to use this in a one on one conversation

>> No.9532642

>out walking my dog
>theres a girl who walks her own that i pass by often
>our dogs always get really excited to see each other and play
>pass by today and she asks if i want to take our dogs up a hiking trail on saturday
>manage to contain my spaghetti and agree
>will need to drink enough that morning to be able to talk to a girl for a couple of hours
>but not too much that i stink of alcohol and cant do the hike

its a delicate balance, not sure if ill be able to pull it off desu

>> No.9532653

Mix beer and lemonade, say it's a "Radler" and part of your "German heritage", and a common drink on hikes (which is sort of true). Problem solved.

>> No.9532662

I had 2 days with my gf sober. We went to a corn maze, picked out pumpkins, i even put up halloween decor outside. She left for work this morning, and I drank 750ml the second I came back inside from walking her out. Lads, I saw the light. Then doused it in vodka. It's literal days 'till I'm sleeping in my car again.

>> No.9532665

I know this feel

>text several relatives and a previous employer
>tell them all what I really think of them and how they did X wrong and are narcissists
>wake up and realize what I did
>oh god I'm an idiot
>check texts
>actually more coherent then if I were sober
>made very solid arguments and definitely won the arguments

>> No.9532673

Take some xanax, But not too much or you'll be slurring or blackout.

Or this


>> No.9532696

Does it look like your drunken handwriting? Do you live alone?

So you woke up after blacking out not only still drunk, but still blacked out.

Congrats Anon. Good luck finding the balance between drunkenness and spaghetti.
Or do benzo, it's basically alcohol in pill. Just don't over-do it and don't mix with booze.

>> No.9532701

Just a basic pot still. Looked at the amazing still but wasn't too impressed with the design. May convert the setup to a reflux at some later date, probably LM. I've only done beer so far so I'm just testing the waters. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.9532739

> definitely won the arguments

you're a baby
you won nothing at all

>> No.9532749

says the guy who lost the argument

>> No.9532781

>slept for solid10 hours sober finally after a night of pacing and fear

The gods have smiled on me lads. That first real sleep is so good.

>> No.9532808

I've never been able to sleep during WD, I always have to take prescription sedatives with a small mix of alcohol to sleep. Even then I wake up in a terrible mood

Good for you man, Proud of you. Keep it up

>> No.9532825

Be careful of feeling too good. I always celebrate by getting drunk. 'I've been through a rough time - this is the best I've felt in months. I think I'll enjoy a few drinks to celebrate, to improve this rare good feel' Then relapse for years.
Feeling too bad has the same effect. Hence my cyclic acute WD. I find that I need to stay in a state of some kind of lethargic depression. No terrible feels but no good ones either. Too much of either emotion and I'm guaranteed to relapse.

>> No.9532834

Well to be honest it was just a weeklong bender relapse thing and I barely slept the night before after nursing my last few drinks.

But I’m actually looking forward to not drinking this time so I feel like I have a fighting chance.

>> No.9532844

Yeah, it’s amazing how some part of your brain can go from muttering about never drinking again between dry heaves to feeling like a celebratory drink a few days later.

I feel like I can see it coming now though, but thanks for the reminder.

I’m still a bit scared to throw out my last ‘safety bottle’ but I guess I can do that after three or four full days without excuses.

>> No.9532925

Anyone listen to Howard Stern

>> No.9532955

Feels, the worse enemy of a recovered alcoholic. Both good and bad feels.

After 3 days, you don't have a safety bottle, you have a high risk of relapsing.

>> No.9532966

It does look like my handwriting. Further developments, there was a bag from Uber Eats left at my front door.

>> No.9532974

You were probably trying to find your wallet when Uber Eats was there and got pissed off at yourself.
Case closed.

>> No.9532998

But seriously no, not since I was like 13 which was quite a while ago.

>> No.9533001
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>> No.9533003

I'm just gonna have a nap and get a hooker.
Today is gone.

>> No.9533119

Does anyone here play runescape?

>> No.9533229

i don't play runescape

>> No.9533252

I did when I was 13.

>> No.9533282

how do you all deal with hangovers ?
threw up like 5 times still feel like shit

>> No.9533285

Chug a glass of cold water before you go to sleep.
Alternatively try drinking less.

>> No.9533287

I decided to just turn it in yesterday when I took a day off the day before to drink. Last time that happened I went on a week binge and lost my job, my brain was telling me to chill out and it's not a big deal but I somehow mustered up the will to say no and pour my drinks down the sink. I was angry as fuck for about an hour with myself, i ended up cleaning my place up because I was so fucking bored, then at the end of it I sat on my bed with my laptop and suddenly felt at peace. I ended up ordering an assortment of different teas and a nice mug, should be coming in a few days so I'll be drinking that instead. Honestly I just feel so free it's really nice. I'm at work now and even a co worker told me how more chilled I look and feel. Sweats and slight shaking are all I get with withdrawals so I'm lucky in that regard.

>> No.9533359
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i went to WhiskyFest in san francisco on friday and i got pretty smashed
i was there for less than two hours and i had about 12+ shots in that time - you get about a 1/4 shot to sample and i noticed i marked-off 50 different things in my programme
i woke up at around 8:00 the next morning, feeling not really buzzed still, but pretty out of it.
i started to get a hangover at around 9:00
i tried and liked a few things i'd never had before -- Teeling, anCnoc, Tyroconnell, Jura and some other things i can't remember

i tried taking some pics, but they all came out as bad as these

>> No.9533395
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He did not. He woke up and ran downstairs and announced "I'm not okay" around 11 and laid on the couch, got him a bucket and some ice water just in time for him to start wretching up bile.
I've been drinking and running various errands (food, cigarettes, more booze), and playing nurse out of genuine pity/ guilt.

>> No.9533413

I don't get them anymore, because morning drinking. When I did, I used to throw up a lot/ nap/ and then try and eat something fatty/carb-y and then nap again.
It's funny, some of the worst days of my life were during the best years of it, oh to be young again.

>> No.9533418

My friends do and I have no idea why. I did when I was 8.

>> No.9533458

not an /alc/, but I went overboard on the rum last night and have a moderate hangover, so I'll hang with you boys today.

>8 yo Barbancourt
oh man it's good stuff. I just had to have another half drink, and another, and...hungover on Tuesday. Oh well, I have cheeky hangover medicine anyway.

>> No.9533463

o&a all the way nigga

>> No.9533466

Just gotta ride it out. It's easier to prevent one than it is to deal with one that you already have.

Pedialyte/Gatorade is the best for hangovers. You lose a lot of electrolytes from booze.

>> No.9533472

I've never listened to O&A, I like Artie on the HS show. I tried to watch his podcast but I just couldn't get interested.

I'll give O&A a chance though.

The only reason I'm still listening to HS is because of Richard and Sal slowly pushing the gay envelope until one of them has cum in the other.

>> No.9533498

I know this feel. Thankfully I got a serious gf, now fiance, and stay off Facebook after 10 so I can drink while she thinks I'm sleeping.

>> No.9533519

Opiates will kill your hangover. Kratom will get you back to 40-60%, or near 100% if it's not a bad hangover. Benzos/hair of the dog help too.

Otherwise, take vitamins, try to eat a little bit of healthy food, lots of water/gatorade/pedialyte.

>> No.9533521

Howard stern sucka ass compared to ona. Look up 'Jim Norton laugh compilation' thank me later.

>> No.9533574


>> No.9533579

you're lucky

>> No.9533592

Are you counting on doing that for all your lives ?

>> No.9533595

yeah my friend and i drink together pretty often and its not uncommon for one of us to miss work the next day since we have shit schedules with no real weekends
silver lining is that the job is such shit that neither of us care and theyre not gonna fire us for a no call no show, so fuck it son lets get drunk

>> No.9533634

Thank you.

This is gold

>> No.9533636

look up patrice oneal on o&a as well, might change your life

>> No.9533641

Maybe, kind of playing by ear.

>> No.9533730

lol thanks

>> No.9533760

What happened to him?

>> No.9533774

This is the worst, when you have no decent rota to setup drinking and you cpukd have anything from 1 to zero days off, and if you do have 2 they're usually not consecutive.

>> No.9533785

drinking heavily the night before a test is just stupid, and his responsibility alone

>> No.9533802

Lonely alcoholics

How does it feel to know you'll never be with the one woman in the world you desire?

Fuck I hate these feels, Come up every time I start getting reallly hammered

>> No.9533830

It's not too late to get back on track. I've found alcoholism is all about hitting rock bottom, clawing your way back up and understanding the steps which got you there and putting a stop to it before it happens again.

One of mine was not tidying up my bottles after myself. It got to a point I couldn't look at my place and always had lights off/curtains closed. When I got back on my feet after losing my job, I noticed I began doing it again but nipped it in the bud and cleaned up. Another was drinking when I have work the next day...this one made me miss days, my drunken, selfish brain thought it's not a big deal, but when you start doing it every other week, then start taking multiple days off, it's a problem.

It's all about nipping the problems you see in the bud, I hate the phrase but it's true. You're always going to have set backs, but the small victory is you realising you messed up and doing your best to rectify it. That's a small success, and if you keep doing that with every small failure, you'll be on your way.

>> No.9533833

4-6 beers a day and i will keep it that way

No booze because i know that would destroy me

>> No.9533836

looool, zach?

>> No.9533840

Yes. But I can't do it sober. I play osrs and only pure clan tho. Quit for a month or so yesterday to reset. Been playing the game off and on for 15 years.

>> No.9533843
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Feels bad man. I think back and realise what was so fucking obviously in front of me when I was younger and hate myself for not perusing it because I was a fucking faggot kid. Doesn't bother me most of the time, but when I am alone with my thoughts and feeling miserable I think about her and what could have been. She is married now, and she looked beautiful on her wedding day.

>tfw that could have been me

>> No.9533857

Me too man....Me too...

I look back on all the mistakes I made and how I majorly fucked up the relationship of the 1 woman I ever truly loved and that was in love with me and I fucking cringe.

She is also married (got married this year) and she's living a happy suburban life (the American dream) now. Meanwhile I work a meaningless job for my fathers company just so I have enough money to buy alcohol, pills, and marijuana to keep me catatonic throughout the day.

Really hits me in the feels extra hard every once in awhile (like today).

God that woman was amazing....She would do anything for me. There isn't one thing I could ask her that she would say no to.

>> No.9533862

>Literal goddess gf way above my league
>Decent enough friends
>2 places to stay (my ffs or my mothers)
>In college
>Whole life ahead of me
>Drink until I become a drunken, bloated mess within a year
>Can hardly remember any of it
>Goddess gf cheated on me (don't blame her now)
>She's now happy as fuck with her life
>I work minimum wage shit job and reclused from everyone for 4 years

It actually makes me sick.

>> No.9533896

>the 1 woman I ever truly loved and that was in love with me
That hits really hard man. It is awful. It was fine when she had a boyfriend even though it still hurt, but when she got married that was the sobering moment that she was gone and she was never coming back.

I do the same, every now and then I sit down with a bottle and imagine what could have been. She was literally my perfect girl - cute in her own way, really nice, same music taste, same interests, got on extremely well. We used to go on summer camp together and we would go to the dance together on the last night. It was so damn obvious, and teenage me missed it all. I could have been with her, but I didn't for some reason. I do ok for myself now, but it is meaningless as I have no one to share anything with. Think it is gong to be a long night.

Tell us about your girl anon

The recluse thing hits home. Sorry she cheated on you though, that is really shit

>> No.9533958

>Tell us about your girl anon

I met her though my brother's girlfriend when I was 23.

The first time I saw this woman I was like speechless about how beautiful she was. I was at my brothers house drinking beer with him and changing his oil in his car and all of a sudden this woman walks into the garage with my brothers girlfriend and says hello... and I think I awkwardly stared at her for like 10 solid seconds before I introduced myself.

Later in the night we were all drinking together and playing card games and talking and she kept smiling at me and looking away when I would catch her staring at me. Then when we were playing pool and a bit drunker she kept swatting me with the pool stick while I was trying to take my shot.

We talked a lot and hung out until about 5am when everyone started going to sleep. I went to sleep and woke up about 10 hours later and she was gone.

On the drive home I was really regretting not asking for her phone number but figured she was just drunk and not really into me.

My brothers girlfriend text me later that day and said "holly wanted you to have this ______" and her phone number.

Long story short we started dating after a couple weeks of talking and were together for 3 years, Those were the best 3 years of my entire life.

I eventually started drinking more and more over time, She seemed cool with it and didn't tell me not to do it or bitch about it. Then both her parents died in a car accident and she needed space.

After I gave her some space I figured we were not together so I started sleeping with this woman who lived a couple apartments down just as a hookup. Holly found out and went apeshit, She was fucking pissed.

She literally smacked the shit out of me then threw my house key at me and left.

I tried to get her to talk to me multiple times, No luck.

Then I found out she got married this year

Feels fucking bad man

>> No.9533970

thats pretty gay dude, sorry

>> No.9533971

>spent whole day manically cleaning and organizing house while gf is at work
>swap to depressive mode and get drunk as fuck and break down crying as soon as she gets home
fuck my life just kill me

>> No.9533974

What is gay about that

>> No.9533978

idk why that was funny but it was lol

>> No.9533983

Know whatchu mean, I've made a Reddit account when I' was drunk

>> No.9533988

While we are all talking about ex gfs, who wants a good miserable cry to themselves


>> No.9534025

Man that sounded like such a good beginning, then it all went to shit. Not your fault what happened to her parents, I would have probably done the same in my al/ck/ state.

It is when you turn round and look at it and think "I really fucked up" that it really hits. Sorry man.

How are you doing now?

>> No.9534029
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>> No.9534038
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>mfw I literally just tried to post that exact image and got a duplicate image error

>> No.9534052

if you want to be depressed and have an emotional moment to yourself I recommend it. Takes a while to get though, but if I am drunk by myself who cares

otherwise fair play

>> No.9534101

it's the opposite for me. When ever I drink more that 5 beers, it is impossible to swollow another sip. I do enjoy the burn of liqour however

>> No.9534144


>> No.9534148

could it be the Popov's addling your melon?

>> No.9534196

>How are you doing now?

Pretty fucking terrible.

Chronic pain, drink a gallon and a half of vodka a week + 18 beers, tfw no gf, only work from home for my fathers company now because I'm always drunk and can't drive to work (taxi's were raping me, No uber where I live), Also rarely speak to anyone that isn't a cashier.

I leave my house about 2x a month to buy alcohol and food, Besides cutting the grass and shit.

I've been drinking heavily for 10 years, I'm just waiting for it to kill me. My only wish is that I die drunk and in my sleep

>> No.9534207

Might as well swirch to heroin if you;'ve got chronic pain and are waiting to die, shit's almost as cheap as liquor

>> No.9534217

>those first two drinks the day of a hangover
feels good. not a real /alc/, but thought I'd share.

>> No.9534225

>Not alchy
>Drinks when hangover


>> No.9534245

Nah...I don't like opiates. I'm prescribed opioids and opiates but I don't ever pick them up, I don't enjoy It's effects.

Alcohol and weed work.

>> No.9534271
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>tfw no late 1980's gf

>> No.9534274

hey friends. i just moved out and i'm celebrating by drinking a shitload of beer in the dark. i don't know much about cooking so i'll be hanging out here now. cheers!

>> No.9534275

everyone's got such a fucking boner to be an alcohol FUCK OFF

>> No.9534342

Organ failure is very painful, and takes weeks of suffering. You don't want to die of alcoholism.
I'm sorry Anon.

If alcohol helps your hangover, it's not hangover, it's withdrawals.
But if you want to be in denial and only call physical withdrawals "real alcoholism", be my guest. Just know if you don't take care, you'll have them inadvertently. And then it'll be life threatening and ridiculously hard to moderate and/or quit.

Alcohol-ISM thread, not alcohol.
Go cook a bowl of eggs, they help with the ladies I heard.

>> No.9534351

hey dude. i've been on 4chan for 10 years. i'm not telling you to go away for being a fucking newfag. so chill

>> No.9534434

>willingly hanging out with the most miserable shitlords this site has to offer
Your life I guess but there are actual alcohol threads that aren't focused on everyone wishing they were dead. But I suppose if you've been here's for 10 years you already knew that Andrew are choosing to be here.
You know what that makes you?

>> No.9534479

Sobriety feels bretty gud.

I bet in a few weeks my brain will trick me into ‘a beer’ though

>> No.9534505

I'm happy drunk for the first time in a long time
I'm sure it's temporary though and I'll swing back to major depression soon enough

>> No.9534508

work a night job at a warehouse,,, uni fag, thinking about drinking a few 40oz before...

>> No.9534530

You know very well that decision will not bring you closer to possible future lives worth living, anon.

>> No.9534551

I swear recovering from a binge has become a science for me at this point
>decide i've had enough
>do nothing but lay in bed the next day resting and catching up on shows I missed while drunk
>next day drink water
>puke it up
>drink more water
>finally get something small on my stomach
>work my way up to a bowl of soup or half sammich or something
>T-minus 2-3 hours after that until wicked liquid shits for some reason
>finally start to feel normal the day after, start to be able to eat freely again, shits go back to solids
I am so done with shit, done, i'm tired of hating myself and disappointing people
I did 6 months before I can do a year no problem
I really need to before I cause irreparable harm to my body with this evil liquid

>> No.9534631

finally, I can get drunk.

>> No.9534660

>Feeling incredibly shit again

>> No.9534741

If you can stop without a taper it would be a great time to stop before you emter the next circle of hell.

>> No.9534785

"Just one won't hurt! You've done so well, reward yourself!"

>> No.9534802

tapering would probably help the whole process but I know myself and i'd just end up never ending the taper so I always go cold turkey
its always kind of scary going cold turkey though because I know the risks, usually can't sleep for a couple of nights because i'm afraid I wont wake up or have a seizure or something

>> No.9534832

I have drunkenly unfriended people that I cared about and now I have lost them forever. I wish I can go back in time.

>> No.9534862


before this starts autosaging and I lose it
don't lose it lads


>> No.9534919

>people who make a new thread before the bump limit is hit
This triggers the autism

>> No.9534937
File: 25 KB, 310x310, 1323817805982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost my job
>been drinking almost every night since
I think the job was the only thing keeping me from downing a shitload of beer every night

>> No.9535539
