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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9522195 No.9522195 [Reply] [Original]

Do you trust you local farmers?


>> No.9522237

i trust my local meat farmers

>> No.9522253

I trust my barber.

>> No.9522263

I trust my local town whore

>> No.9522269

i dont trust cbc

>> No.9522274

i go to farmer's markets to buy from the cheaters selling perfectly good 25¢ materials cost a head lettuce for a fair 50¢, and wish the autistic hippies selling 50¢ a head lettuce for $4 would be purged.
in other words i treat it like an extension of my local chinese supermarket.
it's worked so far.

>> No.9522291

Yes, because I visit them. If you're an idiot who goes to a "farmer's market" then you're going to get ripped off. It's bullshit for stupid hippies and yuppies. I know the local one gets half of their produce from the supermarket because I see them buying it there. Just a buy a share of that year's crops if you want fresh produce grown by a local farmer. They might even have delivery.

>> No.9522295

shares are also good advice
farmer's markets are a split between yuppie bait and clever chinks/not-lead-poisoned hicks, endeavor to be in the second grouping and you'll be rewarded by farmers who are trying to not get gouged by a processor

>> No.9522391

I lived in Peterborough like a decade ago and this was common knowledge, so someone must have tweeted it and one of their reporters saw it and ran with it as breaking news

>> No.9522429

I've had some seriously shitty tomatoes from vendors this season that are exactly like the ones at my local grocer so I totally believe it

>> No.9522499

Adding to yours, a lot of local farmers don't set up booths at the markets because the price to reserve a spot is so fucking cut-throat. All the scammers snatch them up quickly so they have to keep raising the price to rent a spot every year.

I used to visit an elderly couple near my parents' house for watermelons, tomatoes, and squash. They didn't particularly care to get involved with customers, so they just had a bucket that you left your money in to pay for the product. Must've been really trusting, but then again this was out in the country; on the off chance they were watching you from the window and you stole something you would more than likely be shot.

Those folks passed away a few years back, though. Their kids are rich cunts with no green thumb so they immediately sold the property.

>> No.9522513

that makes sense, my local market (troy ny in the middle of farm country you'd never believe was central to a top-five subnational division) is like... one dude with reasonable lettuce, five dudes with expensive but reasonable specialty crops like euro 'shrooms, 40 dudes with $5 lettuce, 60 dudes with "artisan" liquor that's 99% raw ethanol solution from a major b2b distillery and 1% extracts

>> No.9523409

>go to farmer's market
>buy from farmer
>tastes the same as supermarket food
>go to farmer market
>buy from a different farmer

>> No.9523446
File: 198 KB, 400x300, clint421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking through parking lot at farmers market
>see mennonite from produce stand carrying trays of raspberries in driscoll's containers into market.

>> No.9523485

I live in an area with lots of Menos and Amish. The groups work side-by-side running produce stands in many of the area's farmer's markets. I'm not sure how true this is for the Amish, but I know for a fact the Menos buy their shit /retail/ (not even wholesale) from Save A Lot, Aldi and other area supermarkets then repackage them in woven baskets to sell at you.
I have personally witnessed, at 7am (when the store first opens) a Meno woman fill a cart full of bagged apples at Save a Lot then, later that morning (9am, when the farmers market opens), seeing the same Meno woman selling what I would guess are the same apples in little woven baskets for $3 per. The 5lb bags are $2.99 each.
Each basket typically holds four apples. As there are about 11 apples in each 5lb bag Save A Lot sells, the Menos are selling discount apples at 2.75x higher than what they're worth.
I doubt removing stickers from each individual apple by hand is worth the 175% mark up.

>> No.9523499

>creating a larceny bait so you can have an excuse to take a life and be called a hero

>> No.9523579


Gas chambers were right

>> No.9523634

at least they make little baskets for them I guess

>> No.9523648

your jealousy is nauseating.

>> No.9523702

IF they make the baskets (and that's a really big kif' here), it doesn't much matter because you don't get to keep it. They tip the produce out into a plastic grocery sack and keep the basket.
I think they buy the baskets at a craft store, like AC Moore or somewhere. I've seen similar, if not identical, ones sold there when I went to buy dowels to use as curtain rods because fuck paying $18 for a fucking curtain rod from Home Depot or wherever when a $5 dowel will do the same thing.

>> No.9523703

I’m jealous that I’m not a homicidal maniac? Get a grip, cleetus

>> No.9523723

ohh... I see, yeah I guess being insular protestants leads to defrauding outsiders while almost certainly not even feeling a little shame about it

>> No.9523743

Good thing I have my own greenhouse to grow my own things

>> No.9523762

My farmers market in a small town county seat in the south is tightly controlled to prevent scammers. Only produce or products grown within 50 miles can be sold and the farms are inspected before they are allowed space. Any farmers market without tight controls will probably have a fair amount of scammers. In which case you'll have to use detective skills to determine which guys are real. This is why regulations and controls on industries are absolutely required - people will get fucked over without them.

>> No.9523791

Fucking socialist pussy. If i want to scam people, i should have the right to do it. If they find out i scammed them then they can just not buy from me and force me out of business. Unless im too big and there isnt enough competition so they have no choice but buy from me either way in which case, tough titty. Its my right as a business to fuck you in the ass as hard as i want so long as you let me and your right to choose not to take it and buy from someone else instead who might fuck you a little more gently. Anything else is socialism.

>> No.9523799

they see us as subhumans and act accordingly.

>> No.9523826
File: 34 KB, 800x563, 800px-Pirate_Flag_of_Blackbeard_(Edward_Teach).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of "thinking" that happens when you put pirates in control of a country.

>> No.9523870

farmers are the ultimate welfare queens.

>> No.9523874

at least they produce something of value, unlike niggers

>> No.9523884

>corporate welfare subsidized HFCS
>something of value

It's of value to the for profit medico-pharma industrial complex, but no one else.

>> No.9523887

Yeah but at a farmers market a scammer ruins everybody else's rep and could scare away customers. Therefore, the other businesses, who also have rights, group together to create rules about how the market should behave. It's like when a Safeway decides they don't want to carry a product involved with a food quality scandal.

>> No.9523894

Fattens up niggers real nice

>> No.9523907

Tell me where tyrone hurt you

>> No.9523915

It's just a joke calm down. The dark parrt

>> No.9523920

Of it is that black people suffer from obesity at much higher rates than other races mostly based on their higher consumption of hfcs

>> No.9523926

I don't think you know what socialism is, but I admire your use of ass imagery

>> No.9523967


so this is the power of anarcho capitalism

>> No.9523980
File: 593 KB, 1273x1600, b1d218b89c4ed5bae56bafabb259fb5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw white US obesity is still 34%, higher than any other countries other a handful of pacific islands and a few middle eastern.

Sho' nuff, Cletus, us whites is fit 'n trim! We's sho' don't eats no HFCS!

>> No.9523985

I think you mean anarcho-syndicalism.

>> No.9524075
File: 258 KB, 540x403, 1501110490749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yfw you make an off topic comparison and then purposefully misrepresented what I said using a terrible rendering of southern patois

>> No.9524427

If you don't buy from a supermarket in the first place, you're a retard

Paying more for the same thing cause hurr muh local goods is just stupid

>> No.9525047

You pay more because it's ten times riper and fresher since it's picked like the day of the market.

>> No.9525054

So shouldn't it be cheaper then since a whole lot less work went into it then?

>> No.9525060

There are multiple factors that decide the price of something.

>> No.9525062

It's a whole lot more work to pick by hand at 2 o'clock in the morning b4 market. Also when you pick very ripe fruits and vegetables you lose more crop to rot, bugs, and birds than commercial operations that pick before the fruit is ripe.

>> No.9525098

i bought eggs and cheese from a farmer market one. it costed a fortune but that stuff was so cash. eggs tasted like actual chicken and the cheese was like wow. too bad i am too fucking poor to afford it now and I am stuck buying sand tasting food from a big chain supermarket.

>> No.9525113

The eggs honestly do taste better. I soft boiled some side-by-side one day and the farmer's market eggs I bought tasted a lot fresher. If you can't afford veggies, at least get your eggs and cheese from a farmer's market. My toe is sprained so I couldn't go this weekend, but normally I'm there every weekend and I'm a relatively poor NEET.

>> No.9525124

That's how elderly country people are. They're never going to change, but they are dying off slowly but surely.

>> No.9525135

I actually didn't know this.

>> No.9525156

They don't do it at mine, I'm pretty sure. The crops look different from what you get in the supermarket for the most part. I think this must be some low-end markets, also Canada. Chefs use the market here so if they were reselling wholesale goods it would be a proper scandal.

>> No.9525359

>his only thought is how to steal from the elderly and not be rightfully punished
city nigger

>> No.9525387

Oh damn, anon. My family gets eggs straight from a person who keeps them free roaming, and the taste is so damn strong, compared to cage produced eggs. A different (dark) variety of chicken with greenish tinted eggshells, the taste is even a bit gamey, even if they're as fresh as possible.

How do you deal with the strong flavour of eggs? If you fry them, they're great. Omelets are delish, but boiled eggs have this gamey taste to them.

>> No.9525390

Hmm I've bought the green eggs too but never noticed a gamey taste. Anyone else?

>> No.9525395

I think it depends on the variety of chicken laying the eggs and what they're eating. Will make more omelets, just because it's delish. Or fried with a runny yellow.

>> No.9525407

Fried rice too.

>> No.9525414

poach them?

>> No.9525434

Could try it. Any tips? It's not traditional in eastern yurope, but damn if I can't appreciate a good omelette.

>> No.9525444

City asian actually. I’ve had a bike stolen from me and it was worth about $800. They broke the lock. Was I mad? Of course. Would I commit muder for revenge? No, because I’m not a mentally deranged hillbilly. I filed a police report and moved on. What I did next was get a folding bike so it wouldn’t happen again. You’d probably get a weaker lock and spend the next week crouched in the bushes wearing a ghillie suit and holding a rifle so you could get “revenge” on “the criminal element”

You people are fucked in the head. No wonder you’re all addicted to opioids. No sense of the bigger picture, just childish attempts at living life through an Old Testament mentality.

When all you’ve got is a hammer everything looks like a nail, I guess.

>> No.9525454

lel, ok soy boy

>> No.9525495
File: 634 KB, 1233x574, Screen Shot 2017-10-08 at 6.17.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure you have some vinegar or lemon juice in the poaching water.

you can add eggs directly to the water or you can get one of many contraptions to assist you (and some of them yield a firmer cooked product compared to adding eggs directly to the water).

>> No.9525500

>/r/asianmasculinity toughguy detected

>> No.9525509
File: 1.16 MB, 250x250, kill them with your mind.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to farmers market
>see decent looking fruit pies
>$17 a pie what the fuck
>buy one
>for $17 this better be a good fucking pie
>go to lift out first slice
>filling is watery and bottom pie crust is all soggy as fuck
>goddamnit.......maybe it tastes good though.....
>needs more sugar
>filling is full of hard seeds

>> No.9525512

>city nigger
>chinky city nigger, the worst kind
>more than likely can*dian
>angry that it can't even repress its urge for theft and rape for long enough to pay for vegetables
>so obsessed with murder and death it never even stopped to consider rubber bullets or rocksalt shotgun rounds
>would stalk you and eat your dog if left unattended

>> No.9525517

>we wuz slave owners and sheeit
Remember when whites were better than this? Yeah me neither

>> No.9525518

Niggers aren't human, so how could it possibly be considered murder? Animal abuse, maybe, but murder's a stretch for doing your civic duty to rid your neighborhood of pest animals!

>> No.9525525

>won't defend his god given property with deadly force
Go back to whatever pseudo-communist insect country you came from

>> No.9525528

>Hmm I've bought the green eggs too but never noticed a gamey taste. Anyone else?

Eggs and taste are greatly affected by what the chickens eat. If somebody feeds their chickens garbage the eggs are going to taste like garbage.

>> No.9525536

>asian in the west
>influenced by crybaby liberal culture
>gets feminized and weak
>women have the highest rate of interracial dating and marriage in the west

>> No.9525539

If you really need to kill people to feel whole, why not join the military? Did they reject you? Are you defective, anon-kun?

>> No.9525568

That's happened before. It will happen again. It happens less than people imagine. The best part about a farmer's market is meeting new connections. Although, it seems most people ITT are a bit retarded about their negative opinions on farmer's markets. Almost like they are shilling something.

>> No.9525596

Damn, I want that Red Sun food.

>> No.9526271

yes, people are shilling for grocery stores and aren't just savvy enough to know when some hayseed fuck is attempting to defraud them

>> No.9526575
File: 235 KB, 514x486, 49ernotsmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>farmer's market is full of Mexicans
I get broccoli and it tastes different than store broccoli,much more sweeter

>> No.9526603
File: 47 KB, 832x1199, Monsanto_Shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, some of the people ITT are simply lying. They are paid by big agro to defame small farmers. They even go so far as to hire people to pose as farmers or pay money to actual farmers to sell store crops and get caught doing it to further defame small farmers. This is a legit tactic.

>> No.9526622

whites BTFO

>> No.9526677

>just let them take your shit
Can I have your sister?

>> No.9526690

You are dumb and should seriously consider killing yourself, I hear nightshade is a good natural way to go about it.

>> No.9526693

Bigger picture is, you got your property stolen and you couldn't do jack shit. You're just mad those old fucks could do something over what was probably twenty dollars while you're off jerking your chinese dick to whatever god awful k-pop star you love to watch while you play DotA 2 with a two subscriber twitch account, one of the subs an alternate account.

How can asians be this fucked when for centuries japanese have killed other japanese over a shitty, resource-less country then proceed to rape korea and china while korea has fucking fought wars where most of their population is in one way or the other fucked and the chinese have killed each other for generations because their emperor was too big of a pussy to bitch slap his harem and men without balls back in their place. Holy shit, not even southeast asians were this fucking whipped. how can asians who have fought wars larger than contemporary people could have fathomed be this fucking whipped.

get your fucking ashigaru and go stab the nigger who took your fucking bike. be the fucking deranged rice farming peasant who has to go fight for some guy who wants to be emperor.

holy fucking shit get off your fucking opium. the british and french fucked asians up.

>> No.9526708

i trust my town rapist

>> No.9526765
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The gas chamber was made for your kind.

>> No.9526773

The hayseed fucks and 'dumb' hicks have been made a good living off hipsters and yuppies with this shtick since time began.

>> No.9526803

By your argument, it's our right to fuck you in the ass as hard as possible by supporting regulations and reporting you when you do scam to ruin your life for the fun of it despite not even buying anything from you. Force goes both ways, kid.

>> No.9526807

>not supporting local businesses

>> No.9528166
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Good riddance.

>> No.9528191

>buying produce straight from the farm.
Great way to get food poisoning. Farms are filthy, produce needs to be cleaned before distribution and consumption.
>But Muh Local!
Your local farmer will get a better deal from a wholesale distributor and will be held to a higher sanitary standard.

>> No.9528235

I like that Marketplace show. It's pretty good.


>> No.9528256

Didn’t do shit? What was I going to do, shoot up a crowd of random people? I’m not white, you seem confused.

>> No.9528260

14:21 rule 42 pls

>> No.9528302
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>all dis farmer's market hate ITT

seems suspicious to me, i mean damn

>> No.9528304
File: 331 KB, 1300x866, 18981201-Ripe-red-tomatoes-on-the-vine--Stock-Photo-tomato-field-garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nightshades are delicious though!

>> No.9528308

Slit their throat next time and hang their corpse up near your bike. No one will touch your stuff ever again.

>When all you’ve got is a hammer everything looks like a nail, I guess.

In a world filled with nails, you need a hammer, kid. You lack of worldly knowledge is what makes you a victim. You deserved it.

>> No.9528341


>> No.9528472

Probably the most sensible post in the thread.

Don't let the mad flyover /pol/tards get you down as you most likely got them so triggered they threw their plate of tendies at the wall.

>> No.9529190

Lol do NOT trust food distribution companies to clean your food. Always wash your own vegetables and follow food safety practices at home.

>> No.9529194


i'd crouch in the weeds for a week in a ghillie suit for the opportunity to kill someone who'd steal my bike.

>> No.9529195

>Gets triggered his pie isn't jelly filling
Your taste buds are wrecked kid.

>> No.9529212

It doesn't have to be sugary jelly to not be watery. Don't be an obtuse.

>> No.9529396

He literally said it needs more sugar.

>> No.9529409

if they're honest about it, I don't see a problem with resellers. they found a market for the produce the grocery stores don't want

>> No.9529695


>> No.9529746

A nightshade is a particular type of toxic berry, which I think is what the anon was referring to. Tomatoes are simply in the same family.

>> No.9530442

Nightshade is the common name for a family of plants. The proper term for the family is, "Solanaceae". This includes pototoes, tomatoes, tomatillos, black nightshade, poison nightshade, even trees. There are many plants in that family which also have the name "nightshade". Some are poisonous and some are not. They are cultivated the world over under various common names from Eastern Black Nightshade to Garden Huckleberry to Wonderberry.