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9507822 No.9507822 [Reply] [Original]

IPAs are garbage and anyone who pretends to enjoy drinking them is running the weakest bluff possible. Who the fuck thinks fermented lawnmower clippings makes for good brew? Just blenderize some grass and you'd get the same taste.

Anyone worth his salt drinks stouts, porters, Belgian ales, lambics, hefeweizen or rauchbier

>> No.9507827

Anyone secure in their masculinity doesn't drink beer at all. They all taste the same. The taste of curdled piss. You aren't manly or cool for pretending. The same goes for wine and fancyfags.

Just drink liquor.

>> No.9507829

Macha tastes like grass. IPA's taste like grapefruit after brushing your teeth. Get your abitrary complaints straight.

>> No.9507841

bitter is an acquired taste
and IPAs don't taste like chlorophyll they are full of aromatic oils
you either have a child's pallete or you are a super taster with an untrained one

>> No.9507847

i'm not a fan of IPAs, either.

new belgian makes one with citrus...cuts down on the bitterness. it's actually a very drinkable IPA

>> No.9507874

IPAs are an entry level beer. Sierra Nevada was my first beer and was very drinkable. Now I can't stand them and mostly drink stouts, porters, and bocks.

>> No.9507930

Do we really need 50 threads a day from a child whining about people liking things he doesn't. Also the fuck is smoke beer

>> No.9507968

Apparently it involves pumping smoke into it while it's being brewed. It sounds interesting, but I've never had it. I like smoked [everything else], though, so I probably should.

>> No.9507999

>pumping smoke into it while it's brewing

No, it's done by cold smoking a portion of the malt before it's ground for the mash. They're called rauchbiers. I made one once and it was decent but not something you'd want all the time.

>> No.9508012

>stop liking what i don't like

reinheitsgebot is good and will always be superior ton some garbage craftbeer that has been artificially tampered with so people can actually drink it.

>> No.9508085

>retarded amerimutts who believe they have "german ancestry" and have begun to drink beer 1 day ago

haha, nice.

>> No.9508151
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The Chad on the right has obviously never been to Köln if he thinks a pint is the only glass size

>> No.9508169

where my /stoutboys/ at?

>> No.9508199


But I'm literally from London. Don't be so O B S E S S E D it's unsightly.

>> No.9508251
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Beer rankings thread?

>Oatmeal stouts
>German lagers
>Czech pils
>Hefeweizen that doesn't taste like banana

>Oktoberfest beers
>Pale ales
>other stouts

>Belgian wheat ales
>Mild IPAs
>banana hefeweizen
>import Euro lagers

>American "pilsners"
>tripple hop bomb IPAs
>meme fruit beers and shandys

>> No.9508256

>this thing tastes like curdled piss
>instead, drink this thing that tastes like curdled piss
Liquor tastes like shit. I drink beer because I enjoy the flavor. Hate to burst your bubble, but some people like things that you don't like.

>> No.9508258
File: 3.11 MB, 559x314, wait this isnt right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Oktoberfest beers

>> No.9508265

>posting a child being picky
great argument m8

>> No.9508280

I feel like some IPAs and APAs can be good, just don't prioritize bitter as the main flavour. Using something like orange blossom honey as the priming sugar for carbonation plays well with the floral notes of certain hops and makes it much more refreshing.

Also what do you all think of Gueuze? I want to make one but the three year minimum time frame and need for oak barrels keeps me from going through with it.

>> No.9508437

You didn't even list sours. Those are starting to roll pretty hard at craft breweries. And what about belgian trippels? Also, the banana flavored wheat bears should be listed at the bottom along with the fruits.

>> No.9508449

I assumed he was folding that under fruit beers, like a pleb

>> No.9508466

bretty gud

>> No.9508473

He's a faggot then because sours are completely different from the silly fruit beers.

>> No.9508478

>no Belgian dark ales
>no double bocks
Better than craft beer virgin/10, but that's it.

>> No.9508520

There's more than one kind of liquor. There's whiskey, rum, gin, vodka, brandy, bourbon, tequila, soon and so forth. None of which remotly resemble curdled piss unlike most beer I have tried (which amounts to the entire selections available at the stores around me).

Nice try though.

>> No.9508913


This is our season boys

>> No.9508938

>posting about IPAs when we're well into pumpkin beer season

>> No.9508953

caring means you're focused outside of your personal bubble, which means you're insecure because you feel the need to compare yourself to others. real men do what they want and only concern themselves with things that affect them.

>> No.9509058

Do you realize that trappist beers violates the reinheitsgebot? If it were truly enforced we would never have godlike beers like Westvleteren, Trappist Rochefort and Orval.

>> No.9510982

>not wanting to destroy everything you don't agree with so your view becomes everyone's view
virgin pleb tier

>> No.9510985

IPA's are legit shit tho

>> No.9511043

weizen is supposed to taste like banana retard
opinion discarded

>> No.9511049

retards dont even know the real reason behind the Reinheitsgebot. they make good pilsner yes, but that's it.
the Reinheitsgebot has nothing to do with good beer or quality. maybe they should once educate themselves, then again they would have to catch up with a lot of things.

>> No.9511053

>drinking any alcohol but French wine
Do the rest of Western society really do this?

>> No.9511319

>weizen is supposed to taste like banana
Can still be shit and taste like it's supposed to though

>> No.9511365

I drink IPAs because I can become drunk more quickly. Couldn't give a fuck about the taste of any drink.

>> No.9511376

No, they're the best. I don't like the burnt malt taste of stouts or the over the top sweetness of porters. A well balanced IPA has just the right amount of bitterness and enough citrus fruitiness to balance it out. Just because you don't like anything that's more bitter than Coca Cola doesn't mean that other people are "pretending".

>> No.9511391

>expanding your horizons and trying new things means you're insecure
ok cleetus

>> No.9511475

I don't know about what you recommend, but I definitely hate >95% of IPAs.

There's a few that are tolerable, but those are usually ones that don't rely on hops to carry the flavour.

>> No.9511529

Why would I want to destroy something I'm ultimately not going to interact with? Sounds like wasted effort. Same argument goes for forcing your ideology on others, why do you even care? If you need to dominate others to be happy then clearly you're not a self-possessed, you're just a brat who thinks life is anything other than chaos.

what retard logic is this? expanding your horizons and trying new things is exactly what a self assured person does, putting effort towards hating outside groups that don't affect you is not.

>> No.9511532

Then you should just drink everclear, kid

>> No.9511543


>> No.9511574

I fucking hate ipas. I hate that every brewer has like 6 ipas all year but like 1 or 2 other beers that you can only get once or twice a year. I have a friend who acts like ipas are the second coming of Christ and thinks he some sort of expert because he's been drinking them for like 6 months.

>> No.9511601

Try anything Aecht Schlenkerla makes. They specialize in rauchbier. Kind of set the standard.

>> No.9511615

>Hefeweizen that doesn't taste like banana

I thought they were supposed to

>> No.9511657

Supporting that "Fuck IPAs" claim with your stupid chad/virgin meme just makes you look like a retards, because you can brew fucking IPAs while adhering to the Reinheitsgebot.
You can even get IPAs from German breweries.

So please, OP, the next time you make your shitty thread, please use a better image.

>> No.9511872
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Who needs hops at all: only the cheapest and strongest malt liquor for me.

>> No.9511924
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Am I cool yet?

>> No.9511931

I don't understand how anyone can drink any variety of pumpkin ale. It's nauseating.

>> No.9511936

I wanted to try something different, I'm enjoying it.

>> No.9512112

I was thinking of Hacker-Pschorr which has a nice wheat taste without being overpoweringly banana like Hofbrau's hefeweizen

Yeah sorry I forgot to rank every single type of beer ever

>> No.9512127

There's more than one kind of beer. There's pilsner, bock, märzen, schwarzbeir, IPA, Kölsch, soon and so fourth. None ove which remotly resemble curdled piss unlike most liquors I have tried (which amounts to the entire selections available at the stores around me).

Nice try though.

>> No.9513132

IPAs taste like soap to me

>> No.9513169

>I like smoked
Smoke makes everything good.

>> No.9513176
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Why do people here get so triggered by IPAs? Some people like their beer bitter, grow up!

>> No.9513207

I like bitter beer, which is why I drink stouts and dark ales
IPAs taste like pine sap

>> No.9513212
File: 101 KB, 560x431, 1462404504401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just your opinion anon, lots of people really like the taste of IPAs! Maybe that explains why they're so common nowadays?

>> No.9513222

And then when you thought it couldn't get any faggier then le craftbeer along comes this faggot.

>> No.9513231

>going to fag central where they serve little faggy "beers"