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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9505975 No.9505975 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/. There's always a lot of poorfag threads about how to cook food for healthy and cheap.

I've already started a dumb website (poorfagck.neocities.org/) to compile some information so we can make a sticky or something.

1. Please criticize the content of the website or write up some stuff to add. It helps if you directly insult my character.
2. If there's a better place to put this info, please tell me and I'll copy-paste it there.
3. Think about what may have helped you as a poorfag to cook for cheap, then post it here and I'll put it on the site.

>> No.9505979


>> No.9505985

Good call, I've seen those for very cheap. Do you have a favorite way to cook them beyond scrambled?

>> No.9505993

hard boiled
or mix them with your pasta or ramen to give them that rich carbonara-like coating

>> No.9506024

Learn to dress up cheap ramen. What I'd do when I was poor was take oriental ramen, add an egg, a big scoop of crunchy peanut butter, sweet chili sauce, and hot sauce, then soy sauce instead of the seasoning packet. If I had some leftover bits of chicken I would throw that in.
This may be a dense meal or a lot of people, but I was working a physically demanding job at the time.

>> No.9506031
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>> No.9506034

Could you explain?

>> No.9506052



>> No.9506215

Does $6/day average count as poor? Some people are surprised I spend less than $10.

>> No.9506233


what do you eat on an average day?

>> No.9506255

Why is ramen such a poor meme? Spaghetti is infinitely cheaper and healthier. Rice is cheap as fuck too.

>> No.9506290

its literally way harder than it should be to have a healthy functioning diet in the U.S.

Not even memeing.

>> No.9506312

whole plant ingredients, nothing (((value-added))), from at least four stores + farmer's markets, dad's garden, amazon (sometimes I have it shipped to the locker at the shitty grocery store).

How so?

>> No.9506411

and walmart ofcourse. Beans and oats are good for keeping you full and being dirt cheap with some nutritional value.

>> No.9506436
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Infographic time

>> No.9506442

I don't like being in those stores because they're full of poor whites buying poor white "food", the most unpleasant poors to be around.

>> No.9506449
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For me, it's beansprouts!

>> No.9506459

6/day for one person? That's nearly 200 per month, not poor at all unless you live in some shit place with high priced food.

>> No.9506466

>Be self proclaimed poor
>Act superior to people in the same boat and who most likely don't live alone or have the luxury to have free produce and spend a further $200/m on food

No offense but I don't understand Americans at all. You consider other countries snobby yet can't even shop with your own kind without triggering your superiority complex.

>> No.9506472

Poached or fuck you

>> No.9506481

m8, you're going into a store for 10m max to buy something, not to live there, you have some major insecurities to deal with

>> No.9506504

Because I can spend $5 a day on fast food or equally shit food from a grocery store instead of my food budget consuming 40-60% of my income.
Albeit I'm kind of in a shit place in life rn, just kicked a nasty heroin habbit and moved in with my buddy in a small town. Now I'm working at mazzios for $9/hr because I can't find work as a chef out here. Or even construction work, as that's the family trade I grew up in.

>> No.9506538
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>$6 oatmeal box
>like 15,000 calories worth of packs

add banana for flavor

>> No.9506554

For meat,buy whole chickens. Chicken breasts are way more expensive. Potatoes,carrots,onions are also dirt cheap

>> No.9506596
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Beans. They are cheap and relatively healthy (I'm not a poorfag, but I lift and beans are among gods of gains). If they are canned you can eat them cold or warm them up and add sausages or fried eggs.

Dry beans that you can buy at market can be a base of some cheap stuffy soup - tomato soup, but it takes time to soak them in water.

So far site is okay.

>> No.9506640

Always have some chickpeas or white beans cooked and some soaking in the fridge, and get a pressure cooker. Use pot-in-pot method for everything. Some beans that can kill you, like kidneys, need to be cooked in water because they're kinda hydrophobic and dry out otherwise.

>> No.9506687

>$5 a day on fast food
bullshit, even McDonalds is too pricy for that nowadays

>> No.9506702

I moved into hamburger and broughtworst. don't really like the broughtworst.

>> No.9506705

the only other thing i could do was eat steak n lobster. kinda pricey.

>> No.9506710

but if you want poor there is tons of cheap stuff. tuna,beans,corn,eggs,banquet tv dinners,rice,potatos...ect.

>> No.9506712


>> No.9508192
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Going to bump this so it's still alive when I get home

>> No.9508203

Chicken of The Sea vs Bumblebee vs Starkist

>> No.9508209
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You fucking idiot, you didn't even mention lentils.

Throw lentils in a pot, add water, add heat, wait 40mins. Add frozen veggies, wait 5 minutes. Done.

Put on plate, add generous amount of olive oil, salt, pepper, add some vinegar.

Eat as it is or with bread or rice.

Depending on the amount of vegs you add, this has all your body needs.

This stuff is also great for freezing and taking to work.

You didn't even mention lentils, mang.

>> No.9508311

I'll mention it, especially if you could write up something I could copy-paste into the site.

>> No.9508362
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Sorry m8, i'm sitting in the tub, shitposting on my phone, not writing a bestseller here.

Just bring it up to your standards and upload as one possible alternative.

>> No.9508372

I mix em with bread crumbs, a bit of salt. I add cheese and make an omelette out of them.

>> No.9508375

This, pasta is the poor man's best friend. You can get concentrated tomato tubes for very cheap as well for the sauce.

>> No.9508386

1 ramen pack is 400 calories. I've seen 6packs/$1 so 2400 calories for $1. Best I've seen for 1 lb (1600 cal) of spaghetti is $1. I can get 1 lb (1600 cal) of brown rice for 50 cents though. Ramen takes less effort to cook and comes with seasoning so it's the ultimate poorfag microwave pleb food

>> No.9508391

>several cups of cruciferous veggies are literally $1
>1 lb of frozen veg is a little over a dollar
>waaah it's so hard

>> No.9508444

OP I like the idea and have wanted something like this to be developed for a while, even if we'll never get a sticky. Can you drop an email so I could keep in contact/send documents to really develop this? I'm willing to put in a good amount of effort to make a comprehensive guide, spellcheck, etc.

I think some general ideas that could be added:

>Name brand vs store brand
>Buying what's on sale in bulk so it lasts for weeks, rotating your diet based on what's cheapest
>Meal prepping for the week
>More recipes in general

>> No.9508458

Thanks a lot for the enthusiasm! Email me anytime and we can figure something out. I'm a busy student but I can find a couple hours a week to do this.

>> No.9508514
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a wiki, my love, a wiki

>> No.9508526

That would be better but I don't know where it would be hosted. I don't plan on paying any money for something that would be self-hosted.

>> No.9508536
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maybe the dudes in /g/ can help ... btw, bathwater is cold, i'm off, dreaming about lentils ...

>> No.9508565

>so we can make a sticky or something.
fuck off

>> No.9508571

Why are people so opposed to trying to improve the quality of posts on here?

>> No.9508573

cheap recipes are idiotic, cheap is something thats going to depend in where you live
you want cheap? potatoes and eggs are universally cheap, anything else you have to go to the store and find out what is cheap and the how to cook it

>> No.9508610

Guys, I'm basically a hobo, but I have a job. I just don't really have a source of heat to cook with. What are the best vegetables for me to eat raw? Really needs to keep me at even energy levels, so most fruit is out.

>> No.9508624

You can't scavenge wood and make a small fire? You are aware humans cooked with wood fires for @ 99.9999% of our existence, right?

>> No.9508628

Nah, fuck that noise, I'll just buy shit from the store instead.

>> No.9508630


I think we're on the same page. It's not about cheap recipes as much as the methodology of cheap cooking. But you can't go too abstract and you have to mention specific foods that might not match your region. Also if you look on the current website there's a link to find food that's in season for your location.

However since we're a english-speaking site, we can assume certain foods like potatoes and eggs as you mentioned. But your average joe isn't going to know how to cook them too well, and that should be a component of this site/blog/wiki.

Carrots and broccoli are pretty good, but try to find a way to at least get a pot of boiling water, or a pan with some fat on it to fry something up. What's your living situation?

>> No.9508665

its not about the country you live in
just living in the middle of a big city vs living in some town will change things for you, hell people living in the same city but near different stores will have access to entirely different things
your diet has to somewhat adapt to where you live, otherwise you wont be able to eat for cheap ever

>> No.9508675

Let's just pretend I live in a cuckshed and everyone pisses me off so much I rather hang out in my car. That describes it well enough.

Is spinach pretty good as well?

>> No.9508753

Fruit doesnt keep you at even energy? Most fruits have relatively low glycemic indexes

>> No.9508769

bro I literally spend like 60 bucks a day on food and booze in the summer

>> No.9508888
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Look summerchild, this is not Facebook or Instructables, this is the deep end of the net. If you can't deal with it, piss off.

Get a camping stove, fagduke. Time to level up.

>> No.9508911

>this is the deep end of the net
Is this a joke

>> No.9508924

are you?

>> No.9508942

Yeah, but when you live with your mom and don't pay rent, you can do that

>> No.9508946

Just call the mods, they will help you.

You dickless doublenigger.

>> No.9508949
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Carrots, potatoes, pasta, rice, lentils and beans are cheap everywhere. As are frozen vegs.

>> No.9508955
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Nah m8, food in the developed world is pretty uniform.

>> No.9509376

>Email me anytime

Am I missing something..? I don't see an email posted anywhere. I'm also a busy stuudent be we will do our best I hope.

>> No.9509427

Sleep tight, pupper.

>> No.9509432

A cabbage is one dollar, whole chicken is like 7. That's food for 3 days. Rice and beans are 1 dollar per pack. I get it, i'm a lazy cunt too, but cooking for yourself is cheap.

>> No.9509510

Let's play spot the ironic poor nigger.

>> No.9509574

McD is not cheap. There are plenty of fast food that do cheaper meals than McD.
Carl's / Hardee's - 5 dollar boxes
Taco Bell - 5 dollar boxes
Jack - $6 midnight muchchie, $5 jumbo jack
Wendee's - 4 for 5
Popeye's - $4 popcorn chicken & fries
KFC - $5 fillup
Burger King - 2 cheeseburgers combo for $3.5

I honestly don't know how McD is competing.

>> No.9509609

Ironically, the number of whitetrash using ebt and foodstamps is double the number of nignogs.

Really makes the ol' fidget spinner whirl!

>inb4 b-b-but muh nignogs and spics are the reason I can't find muh job

>> No.9509626

Make sure you ignore per capita statistics, we wouldn't want to accurately represent data or anything :^)

>> No.9509653

>peanut butter in ramen

>> No.9509749

You underestimate hood culture

>> No.9509764

i think you are cherry picking at this point, 2 mcdoubles which has the most protein per dollar of any fast food item is only 3-4 dollars depending on your area, its also 600-700 cals

>> No.9509765

Don't eat for 3 days. At some point your body will want food and you'll find certain things appetizing.

As long as you still to less-processed, raw, healthy ingredients without much artificial sugar you'll be fine.

>> No.9509772

My bad.

>> No.9509775

I have no reason to, but if that makes you feel better, all right.

>> No.9509812


Small: $2.19 (490cal/11g protein)
Medium: $2.59 (600cal/14g protein)
Large: $2.99 (800cal/19g protein)


McDouble: $1.39 (380cal/23g protein)

>> No.9509839

>y-you mean to say that the most populous ones have numerically more people on EBT???
That's right, my possessively owned nigger. Yet, when you take ratios of actual racial populations, white people come out above. Interesting, isn't it? As always, stay hungry, nog. Gotta sell those food stamps cuz that Cadillac won't pay for itself unless you think you can steal it undetected.

>> No.9509870

Oats and peanut butter. Cheap and keeps you full forever.

>> No.9510127

As a poor fucking spic, I live off of bean tostadas and eggs. If my check don't bounce, I get me a rotessire chicken when its on clearance for $2.55. The bird can feed a family of 4 or last near a week.

>> No.9510931

Not bait. Peanut butter pasta is a classic poorfriend dish and I often added some to my instant ramen when I used to eat that shit.

>> No.9511358

>i have 11 dollars to last until monday

>> No.9511471

Depends where you live, and how expensive food in your country is. I set the upper bar for dinner at 10 kurwabux (circa 3-4 dollars) a day and have no problems with that

>> No.9511795

>bean tostadas
How do you make these?

>> No.9511821

>until monday
>have 13 cents until next two weeks
Good thing I horded rice and oats when it was on sale

>> No.9511827

Add more (quality) links and I think we may just have our overdue sticky.
Good job.

>> No.9511875

Pretty much this. If you don't want to live off ramen/rice/noodles just roast cheap meat with root veggies like carrots onyuns and taters it's too fucking easy
Chicken thighs are good, way cheaper and far better taste than breasts

>> No.9512151

Important point on beans is to buy them dried, not canned. It's cheaper. Only extra thing to do is plan ahead and soak them overnight

>> No.9512170

>taking a bath

>> No.9512204

Step 1: obtain a tostada by any means necessary

Step 2: obtain beans, I prefer pinto beans

Step 3: spread beans on tostada

Can be topped with cheese or cream or whatever you desire

>> No.9512212

>taking a bath

Cosplaying as soup

>> No.9512752
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Ah you avin a giggle at mi expense? I fucken drop ya, tosser. I'll hook you in the gabber.

>> No.9512772

Healthy food is cheaper than fast food, it just takes up more of your time to prepare.

>> No.9512888

You can put an egg or two (either over-easy or hard-boiled) on top of pretty much anything and it will improve it. Potatoes, chili, beans, rice, salads, sandwiches, soups, you name it. Fried eggs and chili is a really cheap but decent meal.

>> No.9512912

I already looked at most of these options, and they aren't going to offer a day's worth of sustenance for 5 dollars (as I originally argued). Not that things like the Wendy's 4 for 4 or the KFC fill-up are bad deals, you just can't live for 5 dollars a day on those options

The closest you can get is either:

>McPick 2 (McDouble, McDouble)
>McPick 2 (McDouble, McDouble)
>A cookie

Taco Bell
>Bean Burrito
>Bean Burrito
>Bean Burrito
>Bean Burrito
>Bean Burrito

>> No.9513946

some methodology, some recipes
(also bump)

>> No.9513961
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>> No.9514822

I have it on metaphoric authority that I'm ironically a meme