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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9506523 No.9506523 [Reply] [Original]

post fridges

>hard mode

no cleaning

>> No.9506663
File: 3.40 MB, 5376x3024, IMAG1556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Olive Garden's Italian dressing on the top door shelf thing? I like the light one a lot.

>> No.9507068
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Just put in a few days ago

>> No.9507102
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>not dedicating your kitchen to 4chins
absolutely casual

>> No.9507174

except, why

>> No.9507266

Answer the question

>> No.9507335


>> No.9507447 [DELETED] 
File: 2.12 MB, 4032x3024, 27551D7C-756D-4663-8641-B7BF059BC72C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fridge is shared between three people

>> No.9507453
File: 156 KB, 750x983, 3841C24C-C67C-4988-B74B-D4829A28069B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is split between three people

>> No.9507463

>tfw I forgot Branston existed
I should go back to the store to get some.

>> No.9507933
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>> No.9507947
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Send help

>> No.9507970

nice fridge man how did you do that?
high quality autism

>> No.9508177
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>> No.9508211


> hey man, wanna do some shots?

>> No.9508227

that's a fine idea if you don't actually power it, but the cold air will make moisture condense on the gunz when you open it/take them out
like, welding rods are kept in unpowered fridges sometimes because it's good at keeping moisture out but if the thing's turned on it's just gonna wreck your stuff

>> No.9508236

>no cleaning
don't think you have to worry about that on ck my friend

>> No.9508661

>hard mode

>no cleaning
But then I won't be able to open it.

>> No.9508674

Jesus christ why is everyone so poor in this thread? I spend on average 200 a week.

>> No.9508728
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I'm impressed how much you spend on said subject.

Might I also compliment your above extra phallic lenghth that is sure to satisfy every women on this seemingly small globe we call Earth.

I can only dream of having an average income on which I might schoose to spend a slightly more than average amount of money into something that really only have use to me in these two cases;
1)feeding myself
2)More imprtantly,showing off on an anonymous Italian bicycle frame welding website.

Bravo to you,I tip my silver(sterling silver ofc[OFC not standing for "oxygen free copper,but for """of course""")hat to you!

>> No.9508777

I make $200 a month.

>> No.9509919

>the champagne of beers

>> No.9510027
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pls no bully

Enjoy it while it lasts, I cleaned mine 3 or 4 months ago

>> No.9510046

What flavor are those jams my sip brethren?

>> No.9510058
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Cherry, and raspberry. I have srawberry in the pantry.

>> No.9510063
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>> No.9510111

Are you Japanese or just a navyfag? Also, is that aloe drink on the middle shelf?

>> No.9510639

Why would you keep peanut butter in the fridge? Doesn't it get too hard? Nice beer, though. 18 year old me salutes you.

I like the digital temp display. V nice.

Shared fridge? The more I look at the picture, the more hidden items I find.

Neither, actually. I'm doing a semester of study abroad. I posted my dorm room's "kitchen" area a while back. The drink is iced coffee. Actually pretty good for the price.

>> No.9511280

Not ad for cheapshit desu

>> No.9511290

Needs more Mexican prayer candles

>> No.9511466
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Don't make fun of my milk bags /ck/

>> No.9513177

Are you a leaf?

>> No.9513203

why are those tomatoes in the fridge and not the cupboard

>> No.9513226

Is it bagged homo milk?

>> No.9513234
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>> No.9514178

gonna post mine soon

>> No.9514257
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>> No.9514383

>A literal bag of milk
Fucking leaf...
>Homo milk
Sounds about right.

>> No.9514390
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I am literally dying of starvation

>> No.9514403

Gross! What's wrong with you?

>> No.9514407

What he fuck are you keeping the the cans in there for? Is that mold growing?

>> No.9514418

what the fuck anon

>> No.9514450

>bread in the fridge

Fucking Americans..

>> No.9514463

Post modern as fuck

>> No.9514501

let me guess, you smoke a lot of pot

>> No.9514516

It's not starvation you're dying of. It's molds. Clean your fridge!

>> No.9514543

I was gonna say that. pot heads disgust me.

>> No.9514567

*facepalm* dude next time buy it in the carton you lazy fuck

>> No.9514623

mr chi city's fridge video fuck yeah

nigga made a pizza!

>> No.9514665
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>> No.9514785

What's in the jars? C-can I play with your milk bags? I would never laugh at them.

At first I was like huh that's a lot of dip, then I scrolled down and you're fucking gross and deserve to starve. Clean your fucking fridge.

Is this your only fridge or an extra mini fridge?

>> No.9514801

imagine having a friend like mr chi
with a fridge like that

>> No.9514915

It is my main and only fridge.

But I usually do all my grocery shopping on monday morning. So it is nearing the end of its natural lifecycle.

Mostly candy and chocolate, ingredients for one dinner. (gyros with brown button shroom cream sauce) And a bucket of pickled herrings.

Enough to tide me over until Saturday, and Sunday I can order delivery.

>> No.9515496
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>> No.9515608

muh freedumz

>> No.9515630

Stephen Paddock pls go

>> No.9516018

How come you guys don't have any actual food in your fridges? It's just beer and condiments. This thread makes me sad.

>> No.9516062

we are alcoholics

>> No.9516091
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Made a big pot pot beef stew last night, regret buying that wheel of brie cheese, not sure how I am going to finish it.

>> No.9516096
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>refrigerating sriracha

did you even watch the movie?


>> No.9516109

A lot of us buy raw meat and fresh ingredients to actually fucking cook. Most people have a little self awareness, and don't post their fridge full of hot pockets because that shit doesn't belong on this board.

>> No.9516134
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I'm out of jelly.

>> No.9516142

i was a real penny pincher, but i've been spending more on groceries, i got tons of stuff to eat.

>> No.9516148
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>A1 sauce


>> No.9517237
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>> No.9517288

Eat those cans to get energy, use said energy to throw everything else in the trash and clean your damn fridge.

>> No.9518893

dry erase crayons and whiskey

you're in the wrong neighborhood normie

>> No.9518929



>> No.9518943

i see you're a man of /sip/ as well

>> No.9519206
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>> No.9519239
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heres the innards

>> No.9519240
File: 1.15 MB, 2254x4007, IMG_20171007_035849215_HDR-2254x4007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

condiment game son

>> No.9519355

>tupperware with red lids
>pabst blue ribbon
>walmart brands

>> No.9519368

go get my belt

>> No.9519483

Anon is not your friend. /ck/ is not your home. Revering your containment board in bubble letters on your fridge is gradeschool af and on the same level as some basic bitch taking pictures of her pumpkin spice mocha latte for likes. You're still a faggot. I bet you tell people you know the hacker called 'Anonymous'.

>> No.9519485

>beer drinking grandma

>> No.9519503

>basic bitch
holy shit i thought i was suppose to be the cringey spectacle ITT, pls go back

>> No.9519534
File: 98 KB, 667x1000, bLJBGd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eggs, beer, milk, olive spread, butter, mineral water.

i'm a poor student

>> No.9519542

>Wah, I'm poor
>Buys $100 in alcohol and bottled water

>> No.9519554 [DELETED] 

That looks more like $14 worth of alcohol to me

>> No.9519564

I live in Turkey. My income is 900TL/month. Beer is 8TL and i rarely drink it (My friends bought these).
70cl bottle of vodka is 70TL.
mineral water 25cl is 0.33TL.
1liter of milk is 2 TL.
5liter water is 1.7 TL

you can ask anything

>> No.9519565

You're honestly too retarded to see the correlation.

>> No.9519570
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>> No.9519576

Fucking reddit

>> No.9519585
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>> No.9519599

>bread in the fridge.

>> No.9519614

Canada pls

>> No.9519618


>> No.9519622
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>> No.9519635

that fridge scares me. what is in that huge jar?
>ordering Papa Johns that much
>not using the garlic sauce
>putting a sealed pack in the fridge

>> No.9519638

howd you lose the cap to the habenero hot sauce?

>> No.9519640

i dropped the bottle and the lid shattered:(

>> No.9519650

Does no one eat?

It's just beer, mayo, and ketchup

>> No.9519656

I'm American. Posted above, but I'm doing a semester abroad. I'm not sure if it's actual A1 or a clever knock off, but I found it at a local supermarket and it tastes close enough to me. Vegetables honestly aren't that expensive, especially if you go with what's in season and what's common. Fruit can be a little steep, but I honestly just buy apples here and there, and the ones I get are about the same price as at home.

English, so our brethren can read the inane details of my response.

That's a full-ass fridge, gotdamn.

Why do you have cereal in your fridge? That seems excessive, and I keep bread in mine so.

>> No.9519669

Hey fuck off I smoke weed and my fridge is immaculate.
Don't blame a plant for people making shitty choices like never cleaning out their fridge.

>> No.9519677

It kind of bothers me how you non french fags dont have a single product or brand in common with us except for heinz & coke..

>> No.9519689
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New place, so next to nothing currently

>> No.9519690

It kind of bothers me that you fags even have that much in common with us.

>> No.9520200


>> No.9520205

i could buy a whole shit load of stuff, but it would all go bad.

>> No.9520249
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For me, it's Bonne Maman, the best store bought jam.

>> No.9520259

A true alcohol has a nearly empty fifth bottle of vodka, and fruit juice.

>> No.9520262
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Favorite chef on the right

>> No.9520273

Whats in the pot?

>> No.9520283

another pot

>> No.9520286


>> No.9520290
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Fuck is that, a pint of milk?

>> No.9520293

A true alcohol doesn't buy fifths, He buys handles

>> No.9520294

cage free eggs, how cosmopolitan of you.

>> No.9520306

A true alcoholic doesn't even post here because he's dead already.
t. posting from nirvana

>> No.9520307

>being poor

>> No.9520310

Put me in the screencap!

>> No.9520316

they don't even offer those around here, it's bird slaves our nothing.

>> No.9520321

Jesus that sucks. I feel uncomfortable using regular industrial eggs for uncooked or semi-cooked applications. Fried eggs or baking I don't care either way though.

>> No.9520716
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>> No.9520735
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anon why is there a pony in your fridge

>> No.9520746
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>> No.9520765
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I just realised how obvious it is that the only place I shop is costco... 15 different kirkland products in there.

>> No.9520777
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>> No.9520811
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single livin

basic fridge

>> No.9520976

Just went shopping. Should have cleaned first.

>> No.9520992
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based Mr Chi City