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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9494754 No.9494754 [Reply] [Original]

What ingredients do I need to recreate this Dish?

>> No.9494757

a ticket to heathrow and an oyster card

>> No.9494776

okay but what are the things in the bottom left

>> No.9494939

Please tell me those squares in the top left aren't frozen waffles.

>> No.9494940

why do bongs just throw a random assortment of crap onto a plate?

>> No.9494945

wtf... do americans really eat this?

>> No.9495038

They're english waffle fries, which, yes, are far worse than american waffle fries.

Bacon rashers you fucking quirt

>> No.9495047

>Waffles with a fry up
Fucking what? I've literally never seen that.

The quintessential fry up is bacon (proper rashers not streaky), sausages, fried egg, tomato, mushrooms, black (blood) pudding and beans (they're Haricot beans in a sweet tomato sauce).
You also only have one now and then as more of a brunch and as your main meal of the day to get through to a small supper.

>> No.9495065

Yum, I want one. There is a great Irish pub I know of that does a whole fry up add in a pint of Guinness and you just know the rest of the day will be great.

>> No.9495073

The irish version varies a bit, they often have potatoes and cornbread with it instead of just toast.

>> No.9495079

Back bacon.

>> No.9495082

It needs buttered toast and/or hash browns

>> No.9495094

I can't remember the bread they did off the top of my head. No potatoes, fried tomatoes and mushrooms such a perfect compliment to runny yokes.

>> No.9495127
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Just another example of food that AngloAmericans appropriated and made better. Get with the times achmed

>> No.9495153

To truly create food from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

>> No.9495163

>proper rashers not streaky
Are these back bacon? I'm not British.

>> No.9495170
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Yeah, looks like this raw

>> No.9495173

>waffle fries
No they aren't, they're nothing like waffle fries. Waffle fries are nicer though

>> No.9495174

It's just very thinly sliced deboned pork chops that have been salted

>> No.9495197

It's called back bacon, and it's the way we usually eat it. Streaky bacon like you eat in the US is usually harder to find.

>> No.9495198

And whats the black thing in the middle?

>> No.9495202

I'm a britbong mate, just making it easy for americans to understand

>> No.9495204

black pudding, very yummy

>> No.9495206

Black pudding. Basically pigs blood and oats cooked together.

>> No.9495210

Uh. Doesnt sound tasty, but it looks good

>> No.9495213

it's a lot better than it sounds

>> No.9495216

Those ones.

>> No.9495221
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What >>9495213 said. It's an unusual taste at first but it is great.

Also I have to add marmite on your toast to this thread.

>> No.9495232

I-I love you too, anon.

>> No.9495380

I was saying more for amerifriends who are reading the thread. I know you're a fellow bong

>> No.9495436

That is an abundance of Marmite sonny Jim. Usually the practice is to put a very thin layer on

>> No.9495451

I enjoy it

>> No.9495462


Enough butter to thin it and you can ice cream scoop that shit on

>> No.9495463

I wish we had bacon like this in the States, streaky bacon isn't as good.

>> No.9495476

You can easily get back bacon and pemeal bacon in the states. You're just doing a poor job of looking for it.

>>streaky bacon isn't as good.
different ingredients for different jobs. Back bacon is useless for barding a roast, for example. And it won't render out much fat if you need to use that for cooking other ingredients in your dish.

>> No.9495601

It's easy to make yourself. If you can mix together ingredients for a brine and are capable of hot smoking, I feel confident even you can do it.


>> No.9495612

TWO (2) Tomatoe's

>> No.9495631

actually that's one tomato sliced in half

>> No.9495648

>rasher bacon
>sun-dried turds
nice try amerifag

>> No.9495650

Do you really expect someone who is so brain-dead that they stick random apostrophes where they don't belong to be able to differentiate two tomatoes from one that has been cut in half?

>> No.9495659

>>brined bacon
>>not dry cured
Sure is low standards in here.

That's a great book though, most of the recipes are fantastic.

>> No.9495669

Your wife's son

>> No.9495673

Forgot the fried bread m8

>> No.9495675


do not open yourself up to some cunt coming in and telling you tomatoes are a fruit. never leave that door open.

>> No.9495679

They sell streaky bacon in every major supermarket in the UK

>> No.9495686

Ok. I made a universe, now what?

>> No.9495690


it is harder to find smoked streaky tho

>> No.9495700

but tomatoes ARE a fruit and i hate that they're in my breakfast

>> No.9495713

British food is fucking trash.

>> No.9495727

Burgers - Germany
Pizza - Italy
Pies - England

What is your cuisine Amerifat ?

>> No.9495732

We take the best of everything and ignore the shit like blood pudding and haggis.

>> No.9495736

>be 19
>work at a small cafe
>they serve english breakfasts
>all the usual shit: rashers, eggs, sausages, mushroom, tomato, black pudding, beans, bread & butter etc
>and "fried" bread
>>>>>actually deep-fried
>soaked up the oil like a sponge but dried up and became hard & brittle once you removed it from the fryer
>almost every table i cleared ate everything but the fried bread

it was months until i mentioned it to the manager and they realised how dumb this was

>> No.9495739

so are a million other vegetables

>> No.9495740

that's just a fancy way of saying you lack originality and creativity

>> No.9495745


avocado toast

>> No.9495749

name seven household vegetables that are actually fruit

>> No.9495771
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>> No.9495785

Just because you have an incorrect idea of what constitutes a fruit and stubbornly refuse to change your views doesn't mean that it isn't a fruit. For example, let me use it in context:

"Hey anon, your a fukcin fruit"

>> No.9495804

it is a fruit. i've just been told that by redundant purple helmets since i was fucking 5 years old. and if you know how many veg are fruit you know it's not a remotely noteworthy piece of information. fucking ratatouille is basically a fruit jam

>> No.9495876

I know? I wasn't the anon that thought it wasn't one.

>> No.9495893

you inferred that i thought it was not a fruit. i was clarifying that i know it is a fruit, but that the people who point it out to be pedantic are cunts.

>> No.9495918


>> No.9496019

you take your new buddy and go back to r/cuckold

>> No.9496394

troll'd ;)

>> No.9497242

Yeah nah, those are potato waffles. The hash browns simple cousin.

>> No.9498971

>fried eggs
>baked beans
>bacon rashers
>sautéed mushrooms
>Irish black pudding
>grilled tomatoes
>potato waffles

I used to buy all the ingredients and just throw them in the oven when I'd make this. If you end up with left overs, you can put them in a baguette with some butter and brown sauce for hands down the best hangover food you'll ever have.

>> No.9499125

Beady eyes and a burning hatred for civilization

>> No.9499159

Because it's fucking delicious.

>> No.9499165

where is the white pudding

>> No.9499166

name 6 more

>> No.9499172

It's really amazingly tasty. Very rich. You can practically taste the vitamins and shit.

>> No.9499178

>shit like blood pudding and haggis
It's frankly embarrassing being a British American when 99% of my fellow Amerilards don't like organ meats and other delicious treats. That is a glaring flaw in American cuisine.

>> No.9499216
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>pig's blood and oats

>> No.9499219
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>organ meats
>delicious treats

>> No.9499220



>> No.9499221

samefaggot with no tastebuds

>> No.9499225

>never actually tried haggis
>pretends to know it tastes bad
literally every squeamish fuck who tries haggis loves it

>> No.9499233

I honest to God cannot imagine a better breakfast than this.

>> No.9499243

>That is a glaring flaw in millenial American cuisine.

American food, traditionally, used organ meats just like everyone else does. If you look at older American cookbooks like Joy of Cooking (not the current edited version) then there are tons of offal recipes in them. Even today there are many examples: Tex-mex uses a lot of Chorizo, which is an organ-meat sausage. Cajun food is famous for "dirty rice" (made from chicken livers, gizzards, and hearts). Boudin sausage is another Cajun specialty that is made with pork liver. Deep fried chicken offal is popular all over the US South. You can stop into a gas station and get freshly fried chicken livers. Headcheese, or some variation thereof, is found all over the country. Pig's feet (trotters) are big in "soul food". I hunt a lot and venison heart (grilled) and rabbit liver (pan-fried) are always fought over in hunting camp.

It's the McDonalds-and-video-games-generation that is scared of organ meats.

>> No.9499244

you're disgusting and everybody knows it

>> No.9499247
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>> No.9499251

i know you haven't tried haggis dude. stop being an obstreperous little fag

>> No.9499267

nobody likes this

>> No.9499268

Isn't it partly a black/white divide too?

>> No.9499282

Honestly I've never seen a sweet waffle on an English breakfast. Usually it's toast, bread, or fried toast

>> No.9499389

I'm amerilard and I like blood sausage and most organ meets but I have to say the blood soup in korea made me gag. It may have been the fact that there was a spongy mass of coagulated blood sitting in it that turned me off, I don't know. It was literally the only korean dish I couldn't eat.

>> No.9499416

2 gallons.

>> No.9499451

Jesus christ, that legit looks like absolute trash. It's so sad that this is considered a """"""great"""""" English breakfast

>> No.9499571

Bad taste

>> No.9501047

tomato sauce for fucking what?

>> No.9501058

how the fuck do you get fried eggs this white and perfect?
its an art I have yet to perfect, and I fucking love a nice fried egg

>> No.9501068
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>not putting ketchup on your tomatoes


>> No.9501072

>>not putting ketchup on your tomatoes
yo, dawg

>> No.9501073

Back bacon
Colman's English Mustard (TM)
Blood pudding
Tomato sauce

>> No.9501438

a second heart

>> No.9502519
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I prefer this stuff

>> No.9502524

Any potato based food, but especially fucking Waffles, are an abomination on a full English.

>> No.9502607

Low heat

>> No.9502623

those are potato waffles mate

>> No.9502750

What you need to do is get nice white bread, and a pan with a knob of butter and cook it in that.

>> No.9502752

>Irish black pudding
>not Stornoway

>> No.9502754

>deep frying it

>> No.9502762
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Fried bread's good.

>> No.9502766

I make it in a frying pan with a little bit of oil

>> No.9502780

more like a north-south-west divide

>> No.9502781

Try half oil, half butter

>> No.9502806

It's a lot harder to find good streaky bacon in the UK than it is to find good back bacon.

>> No.9502938

What's wrong with the own brand streaky bacon they all sell?

>> No.9502955

I'm not that same anon, but here in the US we have "streaky bacon" everywhere. However, nearly all of it is crap.

These days most bacon (and ham, for that matter) is made by injecting the meat with a liquid curing solution. The resulting product is then packed "wet" in a plastic pouch. This is a shitty modern shortcut. Proper bacon is dry-cured instead of being injected with liquid.

The difference is huge. The wet-cured bacon tends to splatter when you cook it. It also shrinks a lot & curls when you cook it. Dry-cured bacon does not splatter because it doesn't contain all that added water. It also shrinks very little during cooking because it's not all "pumped up" with water. The biggest difference is in the flavor. Wet-cured bacon isn't all that flavorful because the brine dilutes the flavor of the meat. Dry-cured bacon shrinks as it cures. That concentrates the flavor rather than diluting it. You end up with a lot of water weight and less meat with the wet-pack bacon, whereas the dry-cured stuff is more flavorful because you're getting more meat and less water for your money.

Good bacon is sold "dry". It won't be sealed in a plastic bag with moisture inside. It will be sold at a deli or butcher counter. I imagine it would be very hard to find in the UK given how hard it is to find in the US where "streaky bacon" is the norm. You can easily mail-order it here, but that wouldn't help for someone in the UK.

>> No.9502987
File: 28 KB, 400x400, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, the budget brand stuff here is all wet cured as far as I've seen, but in Waitrose at least their next step up is pointed out as dry cured, and the non-own brand fancy stuff usually is too. I can't remember seeing it sliced dry at the deli counter though.

>> No.9503007

If what they say on the package is honest then that looks like it would be good stuff then!

Here in the US you can sometimes find dry-cured bacon in a package like that but it's most commonly sold sliced dry at a butcher counter.

>> No.9503232

Waitrose is an upmarket shop in the UK, it's better quality but also more expensive.

>> No.9503266

Sounds like it would likely be good then.

I am always wary of "store brands" here in the US. Even the upscale ones can be hit-and-miss. But I do have family in the UK and they speak highly of Waitrose so it's probably good! I wouldn't hesitate to try it.

>> No.9504494

why anyone would use frozen waffles on a breakfast I don't know. Use potato cakes or hash browns instead.

>> No.9504506

they're potato waffles.

look at threads before you post

>> No.9504537

>why anyone would use frozen waffles on a breakfast
...as opposed to lunch or dinner?

>> No.9505265
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haha nice meme!

>> No.9505269


>> No.9505423

Hot dogs
Chicken shit
Blood clumps
Old mushroom
Pig skin
Black ones
Squared holies