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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 750x607, Mike-Cheng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9477304 No.9477304 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this guy's food videos so enjoyable? Is it because he looks like Jackie Chan?

>> No.9477309
File: 82 KB, 583x577, GL48hal_is_busy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Pie Face? Chum of Hal Jordan?

>> No.9477332

Literally who

>> No.9477335

>asian people eating disgusting amounts of food

Kind of bored of this meme, desu.

>> No.9477367

Having him reee-ing at broccoli is so ridiculous. It's food and delicious, just fucking eat it!

>> No.9477526

He's almost as annoying as Mark Wiens.

>> No.9477624

Are you a gook?

>> No.9477763


you should include a link if your gonna shill for some nobody dumb cunt

>> No.9477795

Wait, that's not Jackie Chan?

>> No.9477880

Because he eat real food instead of wh*te """"""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""food""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.9477884

Yes. It's because he looks exactly like Jackie Chan.

>> No.9477890

I wish Jackie Chan had a channel where he went around eating food. It would be so much more interesting than this guy.

>> No.9477891
File: 18 KB, 300x293, Mark-Wiens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/'s TOP food vlogger rankings:

1. Mark Wiens
2. Seongkyoung Longest
3. Mike Chen
4. Trevor James
5. Luke Martin's girlfriend (Sabrina)

>> No.9477972
File: 129 KB, 1272x679, mark wiens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9478002

This is the guy that abuses his wife, right?

>> No.9478066


>> No.9478075

they aren't he has a plebeian palate.

>> No.9478121

hes kinda annoying. he tries way too hard to seem cool.

mark wiens and foodranger are better

>> No.9478348

Why does he look like a serial killer?

>> No.9478375

This. Dude hates most vegetables and is a banana. Dan was much better, but got cucked by that Austrasian.

>> No.9478382

Most sex tourists share many traits with serial killers.

>> No.9478389
File: 158 KB, 800x969, 1502650547182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the appeal in watching people eat food?

I can understand why you'd watch vlogs about cooking, if it allows you to replicate the recipe

But why would you give ad money to some retard just to see him eat?

Are americans really this stupid?

>> No.9478414

I see some sort of surrealist humor in it. Eating is such a debasing activity.

>> No.9478423

i find eating on my own lonely...so i watch youtubers eat whilst I eat.

>> No.9478431
File: 1.36 MB, 280x182, shadman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mark Wiens

>> No.9478471

Literally the worst

>> No.9478983

Jackie Chan died in the Finno-Korean hyperwar dummy

>> No.9480487

Jackie chan?

>> No.9480674

i miss old off the great wall

>> No.9480709

He's a pseud and Falun Gong shill.

>> No.9481094
File: 73 KB, 750x484, Best-Ever-Food-Review-Show-Youhackers-Interview-YT-750x484[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark Wiens is generally the better food vlogger because he eats a lot of great food but i fucking hate his eating mannerisms where he does that gay ass head tilt.
and you know this is just a fucking act because when he guest stars in other food vlogs, he doesnt do that.

Best Ever Food Review Show is also pretty entertaining. The channel name is shit though and just sounds so pretentious.
the host has a great personality though.

>> No.9482677

>no ja/ck/

>> No.9483575

this guy tries too hard imo. mark weins is just annoying.

trevor james is the best so far but he is very limited in terms of description and reactions.

>> No.9483713
File: 334 KB, 1000x750, were-going-to-indonesia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know

>> No.9483737

I like to imagine ChuChu bullies the Food Ranger's wife

>When they first meet Chuchu is sweet and cute to ying, chatting with her while Trevor fiddles with the camera and sorts out the shots.
>Chuchu takes Ying out on trips with her
>Posts lots of photos of the two of them together on instagram, always calling Ying her 'beautiful girlfriend'
>Ying feels so happy to have a friend like Chuchu
>Ying falls asleep happily while she listens to Chuchu's breathy moans build into screams of ecstasy as TREVOR JAMES HERE goes food ranging DEEP into her tight milky white pussy, filling Chuchu up with cum
>Ying always enjoys trips where she can spend time with Chuchu
>Ying knows Chuchu is the best friend she could ever aspire to have

>> No.9483760
File: 1.23 MB, 1440x1797, Screenshot_20170928-150838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's time to whip out the old penis.

>> No.9483770

I have spent literally hours creating elaborate fantasies about how Chuchu turns Ying into a cuckqueen (willingly or unwillingly)

>> No.9483837

Your a monster
Post more

>> No.9483854

mark and food ranger post great content, but i can't help but cringe when they're eating sometimes. they're both very loud and all of food rangers interactions with the locals feel really awkward.

I like mikes videos the most because they're usually a lot shorter and he just seems like a very chill guy.

>> No.9484494


>> No.9484502


>> No.9484760

>head tilt
It's not an act, he mentioned that he does that on reflex. He even does that with other vloggers. It's an indication of how good the food is.

Here, have a Mark and Mike in the same video.

>> No.9485078
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 35871928374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude chuchu is like 13

>> No.9485108

13/10 you mean

>> No.9485441

post more chuchu

>> No.9485465

I like to watch obese people doing mukbang, it is strangely satisfying to see.

>> No.9485486

They all look like jackie chan

>> No.9485774

This man knows

>> No.9485875

It's because you have no friends and he's your surrogate. Fuck off with the e-celeb trash.

>> No.9486562

>as TREVOR JAMES HERE goes food ranging DEEP into her tight milky white pussy
My fucking sides. Chuchu does seem like the typical conniving Chinese bitch I see around Asia.

>> No.9486740

You should write more

>> No.9486746

can /ck/ name 5 people that AREN'T jackie chan?

>> No.9487110

Jet Li
That one guy in a lot of Kurosawa's movies

>> No.9487234

I hate how he puts spicy shit on everything.

Also, became a massive Korea shill after his DNA test despite the fact 23andMe is not very accurate for Asian customers since they do not work with other genome projects based in Asia and their database of Asians to pull from is very limited.

>> No.9487238

Yeah, Trevor James could learn how to use more adjectives.

Also, massive retard that doesn't think about the future.

In that Chef Video, he said he gave up a full ride scholarship to some MBA program in order to be some Chinese chef.

He's also planning to marry a Commie.

Also, I think he is being a naive daredevil by going deeper and deeper into Chinese rural territory. It's not like China is completely safe, you know.

>> No.9487471

>Why does he look like a serial killer?
he has yang senpaku, a trait common with psychotic killers

>> No.9487711

There is nothing wrong with 23andme. Asians are just really similar. Their tests can't differentiate French and Germans, Balkanites, and Slavs. The most they can do is put you into regions

>> No.9487735

Then it's like that Anon said, basically useless. Asians are so similar that looks are really the only way to tell what you are, if that. Your ancestors are all Chinese or Mongolian anyway anywhere in Asia you go, unless you're a jungle Asian

>> No.9488066

I'd watch his videos more if he didn't do that extremely disingenuous O face every time he takes a bite to eat.

>> No.9488068

I don't like this guy, but I'd like to see some sort of proof

>> No.9488111

>There is nothing wrong with 23andme
Fuckers retain the rights to your genetic code.

>> No.9488163
File: 124 KB, 713x780, Don_Knotts_Jim_Nabors_Andy_Griffith_Show_1964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw asians btfo of white nationalist end all be all IQ tests compared to whites. Sure blacks are lower than whites, but asians btfo of whites. Even the white nationalist wimp ass coward Richard Spencer, who ran and hid bedhind the skirts of a female black security guard when confronted by an SJW jewish diminutive female, admits that.


Fucking toughboi alt-right /pol/fags.

>> No.9488794

are you me?

>> No.9489220

I used to hate mark but he did my country justice and now I watch him almost religiously

>> No.9489833

>No Yuka.

>> No.9489949

I didn't even know this was a thing I wanted to exist so badly until just now and now I have to live the rest of my days knowing it never will. Fuck you, senpai.

>> No.9490195

I've watched a bit of his "beyondscience" channel and he's honestly such a gullible little cherub. The dude buys into the idea of their being dragons and elves and shit based on bad quality youtube videos.

>> No.9490284

my mom
my friend becky
my ex
my coworker chad
i could keep going