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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9468662 No.9468662 [Reply] [Original]

Where is the new Food Challenge thread wtf.

>pic unrelated

>> No.9468684

I've been wondering the same. Is Numbaz kill? RIP in peas, Numbaz.

>> No.9468695

he said he was going to be making a sub reddit for it to avoid all the unnecessary criticisms and insults

>> No.9468706

wow i was about to participate for my first time but now I want absolutely no part of this faggotry.

>> No.9468723

Where? Cuz Numbaz certainly ain't say that shit in the old thread anywhere.
Also, I'm not sure I know how reddit even works having never been there, but as you've clearly some intimate knowledge of its machinations, would you mind explaining it to us luddites, please? Thanks.

>> No.9468734

Are you seriously asking, or is this a "LOL UR A REDDITOR" shitpost? Because it's not a complicated website.

>> No.9468777

Genuine question. I've never been there so I have no idea how it works or how/why it differs from the various *chans. With all the flack it gets here, I guess I should see what all the fuss is about but, AFAI understand, you have to sign up or something to use it and I don't sign up for things because reasons.

>> No.9468783

Oops. Left name and trip on. I try to remember to not have it on when who I am isn't pertinent to nor adds anything to discussion. Sorry about that.

>> No.9468986

I've been there for video games and computers, and I don't know if it's the same for other hobbies, but both in games and in classic computers, the most common posts by far were either 1) news postings from other sites, or 2) people showing off their stuff.

I personally found 1) to be informative, but not always necessary, as I generally go to the sites themselves rather than aggregators. What really turned me off was 2). There were way too many people making posts just to show pictures of some new rare or expensive item they got for their collection, and the threads rarely had any real discussion, more just circlejerking over what they got or what others got. It just came off way too much like an event for showing off and not for actually talking about the product.

As a solid example, I made a thread on r/wonderswan, a board dedicated to the bandai wonderswan game system, about whether or not I was playing a certain game correctly. After several months, the only reply I got was someone asking the same, and also wondering out loud why the Collecting Price Guide thread on the same board was more active than a thread about actually playing the games, particularly since the one I asked about was rather English-friendly and thus likely to have been played a lot (this is significant as the wonderswan was only released in japan and many games are text-heavy and have no translation from japanese, so the body of games that can be played if you don't speak it are pretty slim).

I can also comment on another subreddit dedicated to a pocket computer, where the most common posts were either information on the device or people talking about their devices. That spot was better IMO, because since it was just a new device there wasn't much room for showing off, and so posts were generally more constructive.

>> No.9468991


My overall feeling of reddit (from my admittedly limited experience) is that it's sometimes a good place to get information on something collected in one place, but it is not a place worth spending time as a community, because they do not give the impression to me of being a place where discussion and sharing is meant to occur, but rather a place where people show off about whatever cool new thing they bought recently.

>> No.9469147

Numbaz posted a lot about drinking. Possible legal trouble or accidental overdose? Maybe he just plum forgot?

>> No.9470158

I'm kinda curious what's going to happen desu

>> No.9470165

Time to kill yourself you obnoxious, disgusting little newfag

>> No.9470208

Did your wonderswan question gain no traction in /vr/?
I find most questions are answered there with minimal trolling... usually.