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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9465241 No.9465241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Crisp and refreshing.

>> No.9465244

is MN flyover? we have these in every store - including the liquor store I work in

>> No.9465247


they're good as fuck btw - Love the blood orange one

>> No.9465248

It's a soda distributed by Nestle, dude. You didn't think this entire thing out, did you?

>> No.9465260
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>be drinking this
>enjoying it
>spit in the sink because a gnat or something flew into my mouth
WOW! Blood orange turns your spit red
>brush my teeth
>mfw it was a coincidence and turns out i just cut my tongue after drinking blood orange flavored water somehow and it was real blood

>> No.9465262

>has foil lid cover for top hygiene
how can a drink be so based?

>> No.9465266

That flavor's fuckin' nice, that and prickly pear n' orange.

Shit's just as bad as soda unfortunately, but tastes 100X better

>> No.9465286

What's the point of this story?

>> No.9465288

>implying flyovers can't get san pellegrino

fuck off, op

>> No.9465344

Fuck.. I need to stop drinking soda and people have recommended me to try drinking lacroix. it seems like a better alternative but how does it taste?

>> No.9465360

Arkansas here. We have that at walmart. Its pretty good

>> No.9465382

Illionis, 10/10 product.

>> No.9465388

These are way too sweet, I prefer la croix

>> No.9465392


Hi pup

>> No.9465393

lol nick go to bed what the fuck
Love you btw

>> No.9465398

bit gay

>> No.9465404
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Drink la croix

>> No.9465438

is that... a wet burrito?

>> No.9465439

Amy's cheese enchilada

>> No.9465445

How much was that? Like 10 fucking dollars I bet.
I spent like $4 on a fan of Amy's lentil soup and it was subpar. I much prefer Wolfgang Puck's organic soups.

>> No.9465451

3.50 and they are great, I've never tried the soups

>> No.9465453

What makes you think I would trust the opinion of someone who eats shitty TV dinners? If anything I now have a lesser opinion of La Croix and I have never even heard of it until this thread.

>> No.9465482

Sick reflection of yourself

>> No.9465502

I don't really care, la croix is massively popular regardless of if I drink it or not, suit yourself loser lol

>> No.9465517

That guy works for Amy's burritos. He's a shill

>> No.9465547
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I'm not a shill, they just make good frozen meals

>> No.9465603

Clean your fucking freezer, there is a bunch of shit in the corner.

>> No.9465613

why are you even on this board?

>> No.9465616

>you can't post on /ck/ unless you make ALL your meals from scratch

>> No.9465620

I feel like sparkling water and mineral water etc is kind of an acquired taste but they're good. If you're addicted to sugar like most people it won't be good. I like the slight bitterness and light flavoring

>> No.9465624


Yeah! See guys? He's not a shill.

Just sad and alone.

>> No.9465629

Not a shill tho :3

>> No.9465633

are you projecting?
sometimes shit like these go on sales so people buy a bunch, it's handy having shit on standby in the freezer when you're in a bind for time. Do you even live a normal life with work and responsibilities?
Also anything from Amy's is delicious.

>> No.9465636

it's better than light beer

>> No.9465641

Sprouts near me had a sale on them, 2 dollars each.

>> No.9465643


>> No.9465644

>coconut la croix

kys looser

>> No.9465648
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I like lime too but bobonut is a clasic

>> No.9465696


Amy's vegetarian/vegan overpriced, garbage, crap...

>> No.9465759

ah i see. well, it looks whatever but is probably tasty

>> No.9465762

I like the grapefrouit

>> No.9466605

>americans using italian products to make themselves feel superior over their "flyover" countrymen
lol desu

>> No.9466607

I can literally find these is Walmart in South Carolina.

>> No.9466617
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Coastalfags are like the yuropoors of the US, always obsessed about the superior places ("flyover land"). Well we might not have shitty soda here, but pic related is 2 things we have that yall dont

>> No.9466810

How could anyone "enjoy" this bilge? It's one of the worst sodas on the market today, far too sweet to mask the shitty acidic flavor

>> No.9466815

We have these in a lot of places where I live (Scotland)

>> No.9466818

These are the patrician coastals choice. Only plebs get fat drinking their kcals

>> No.9467240

Call me a traditionalist but I like the lemon the best

>> No.9467271

>La Croix
>Being black

Sort your life out, man.

>> No.9467306

this shit is all over germany and i can tell you just by the looks of it that it is shit. also tasted some and, well, what a surprise it was a "no, never again" experience

>> No.9467324
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>implying we europeans see the difference between you uncultured americans

>> No.9467364

What's the turbo for? Miata?

>> No.9467369
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>> No.9467372

>implying you matter
>at all

>> No.9467395
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we do on a cooking board

amerifats are unsurprisingly good at eating, but not at cooking

>> No.9467506

what's up local friend
I guess we are flyover but OP is just retarded

>> No.9467848


Howdy neighbor! Mpls fag here looking for someone to go to the grocery store with.

>> No.9467853

San Pellegrino's chinotto is just flavoured soft drink now, the last real chinotto is negri and they don't sell in my country.

>> No.9467858

>not recycling

>> No.9467911

LOL widely available at grocery stores, restaurants, and food trucks all over Michigan.

Also, low quality bait try harder m8.

>> No.9467916
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Godbless Minnesomalia

>> No.9467925

4 me it's Le Criox Pamplemousse

>> No.9467971

>Commiefornias think they have class because they have san pellegrino
O Im lauffin

>> No.9467976


They sell those things everywhere.

They're also ridiculously high in sugar content, so eugh.

>> No.9467985
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I'll take our lack of culture over sodomizing goats or whatever it is they do in your garbage pile.

>> No.9468268

I can get these at the fucking Speedway and I live in bumfuck Kentucky.

Try again moron

>> No.9468459

Nice alternator.

>> No.9469098

I'm not black lol
LS swapped Volvo 240
Who cares

>> No.9470780

Hi Terry

>> No.9470787

>black guy
>drinking la croix

you see something new everyday

>> No.9470826

How many times a week does uncle Cletus fuck you in the ass?

>> No.9471775
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water is crisp and refreshing

>> No.9472090

>tfw flyover and just drank a lemon one

dumb costalcuck...

>> No.9472426


>pic related is 2 things we have that yall dont

the east coast has some of the best drinking water in the world

>> No.9472926

The blood orange one tastes like berocca. The chinoto one is the better flavour

>> No.9472934

what's a flyover, pardon

>> No.9472938

Only if you meet me at the Farmington hyvee

>> No.9472955
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>I'm not black lol
No one likes a liar Jerome

>> No.9473355
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Is this shit as good as people say it is? I haven't been able to find any in the stores they list.

>> No.9473373

You can buy it by the case at Walmart, fancy boy. It's in the "ethnic" aisle

>> No.9473573

could be south pajeet

>> No.9473627
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>> No.9473649

Kansas, the ultimate flyover state checking in
I bought some of this a few weeks ago.
Pretty good OP

>> No.9473694

I live in Ohio and I used to do contract work for the company that makes those. I was able to get a six pack for $2.50 in the company store.

>> No.9473702

Oi, fellow MN liquor store faggot here. SP Blood Orange is indeed good shit. I'm out in the St Paul suburbs.

>> No.9473782

I buy this and La Croix by the case at Sam's Club, both are alright, the carbonation is nice since I quit drinking cokes early this year

>> No.9473787

>Flyovers cant enjoy mass packaged and nationally distributed crap
Flyovers can't enjoy fresh seafood 99% of the time, that's literally all you have to dangle over our heads.

>> No.9473796
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fuck i only checked the real drinks aisle

>> No.9473917
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I'm not black tho?

>> No.9473938


>> No.9473971
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>> No.9473973

Do you have a favorite lesser-known store? I like Double Dragon in St. Paul.

>> No.9473986

>favorite lesser known store
This is cringe. What are you trying to accomplish exactly? Does this store only sell lesser known items to lesser known individuals? i hate using this word, but it's very hipster-like.

Or maybe you're trying to make a secret club inside somebody's place of business.

>> No.9473995

nice fivehead

>> No.9473996
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>> No.9473997

And you decide to respond to a Wolfgang Pick shill.

>> No.9474026
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>2 things we have that yall dont
I get it

>> No.9474426

You know a lot about being fucked in the ass by men, right coastie?
Yeah, east coast is alright. West coast worst coast.

>> No.9476522

What the fuck is Joel doing on /ck/. Let alone 4chins.

>> No.9476552

Shitting up /o/ and /ck/ furr sure