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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9465949 No.9465949 [Reply] [Original]

What are your secret to making the perfect grilled cheese sandwich?

>> No.9465951

Inb4 ... you know

>> No.9465952

a fuckload of butter, mature cheddar, medium low heat

>> No.9465953

I'll add more butter. Thanks. How do i keep the butter from burning? Is it enough to go down to medium low heat?

>> No.9465955

get a jaffle iron.

>> No.9465981

>How do i keep the butter from burning?
Squirt your griddle with oil first. Then swirl your bread through the butter and oil like a DJ.

>> No.9465995

K, tried that and i might need even more. But it was delicious.

>> No.9466006
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Grill them don't fry them.
Use quality olive oil and decent cheese.

>> No.9466007

Grate your cheese. Don't use anything more than medium-low heat. Apply the butter (softened) to the bread, not the pan.

>> No.9466008

As in, on a grill instead of in a pan?
I used tilsiter and gruyere since those are my fav cheeses.
Why olive oil and not butter (assuming i don't burn the butter...).

>> No.9466010

Grating sounds like a good idea! Thanks!
Also applying it directly to the bread. Will try

>> No.9466015

>Apply the butter (softened) to the bread, not the pan.
This is the ultimate redpill.

>> No.9466016

Trying that out atm.

>> No.9466029

whadayaknow, not even..

>> No.9466031

Very yummy indeed. Will keep doing.

>> No.9466033

Well the classic American way is just cheese product singles, white bread and margarine that's fried but I like to think we're a little better than that.
If you have access to quality ingredients may as well use them.

>> No.9466034

coat bread in miracle whip instead of butter then fry

>> No.9466148
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Always just Kraft Single American Cheese. It taste like the better version of the cheese inside the Kraft Mac N Cheese but in a buttery sandwhich. The real trick is using butter on the pan and rubbing a little mayo on the bread. Doing this creates the ultimate flavor experience. Now get that meme sriracha sauce because it's tomato sauce and garlic with sugar and smother it on your fucking siqqq cunt sandwich.

>> No.9466160

grilling the cheese AND the sandwich seperately and then putting them together at the end

>> No.9466195

That sounds fucking retarded.

>> No.9466221

put flour on it


>> No.9466228

Using actual good cheese instead of some fucking cheddar horse shit.

>> No.9466247

How is he alive what motivates this fucked up man.

>> No.9466250

Kraft American Singles are the only good cheese

>> No.9466263

Hit a local deli counter and try out a few different cheeses. I am partial to Muenster and Havarti for it.

>> No.9466275
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Like other anons said butter the bread. If you like garlic chop a clove in half and rub the garlic on the bread before buttering. If you want decadence spread a very this schmear of mascarpone on the insides of the bread before adding grated cheese and cook slowly until cheese is melted, flipping more than once is suggested. If using a white cheese I would add a sprinkling of basic herbs like parsley onto the inside before cooking. If yellow or orange cheese a couple drops of good hot sauce.

>> No.9466282


>> No.9466307
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>What are your secret to making the perfect grilled cheese sandwich?
Less butter is actually best.
1) pan that is just the right size of the bread, nonstick is fine
2) medium heat, with knife or fork, swirl butter in pan about the size of the square of bread, place sandwich _there_
3) leave it alone
4) peek if browned, if so, yes, lift up with spatula, hold in air, do another butter swirl in square shape of bread. Flip onto that.
5) Turn burner down to low.
6) Wait until browned. Okay to flip back and forth to even up browning, and to recrisp both sides from steam that might have softened it. It's absolutely fine to let cheese ooze out and get crusty, which is why nonstick is preferred.

Fancy grilled cheese extras
a) hit both sides with a grind of sea salt as you flip them
b) cut your own bread, slightly thicker or crustier, like sourdough boule
c) use more than one cheese, like a melty one, a sharp or aged cheese, etc. I love gouda most of all.
d) you can make cheese crust! Simply give both sides of the bread the softened butter first, then a thin layer of mayo (very thin), and use that sticky mayo to crust on an even layer of finely grated parm. Griddle normally and you'll get that even sheet of parm cracker on both sides. The mayo actually adds a nice tanginess that you would notice but guests wouldn't figure out.
e)sliced, salted and peppered ripe tomato slices. Or, pickled green tomato, or howard's pepper chutney "piccalilli" goes nicely in a grilled cheese
f) southernize it with pimento cheese in the middle, especially a batch that has cream cheese in it and lots of very sharp aged cheddar.

>> No.9466308

Mayo before you grill it

>> No.9466311

>microwave an egg in canola soaked reused TV dinner tray
>microwave a single sad piece of bacon
>transfer everything to a pan
What?! I'm looking at the close up of these liver-spotted claws figuring he didn't have a stove. Why not cook a piece of bacon in the pan, crack the egg in the grease, and drop that bread in the whole mess after if you're flouring it up and cooking it until black anyways?
>gets on a tiny soapbox at the end and says this is what people did before fast food somehow forgetting he microwaved most of it in a frozen food container.
You're a nutty one Grandbruh

>> No.9466313

Once you have your technique down (Low and slow, it should take at least two minutes to cook!), it all comes down to ingredients. I like Muenster and sourdough personally.

>> No.9466344

Keep running away from the truth

>> No.9466410

haha I got that joke xD

>> No.9466739
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By using a sandwich maker.

>> No.9466876

This. Put meat in grilled cheeses too

>> No.9466882

>Put meat in grilled cheeses too
That's not a grilled cheese you idiot. That's a melt.

>> No.9466884

So why olive oil over butter?

>> No.9466910

No butter or mayo, but a small spread of tomatoe paste is absolutely delicious

>> No.9466921

I didn't actually (re)watch it I just remembered that's the video where I first heard to put flour on it

>> No.9466953

>spread mayo on outside of bread
>melt butter in pan on medium heat
>put bread in mayo side down
>immediately add thinly sliced or grated cheese to one side
>wait a couple minutes for bread to start toasting
>flip cheeseless bread onto cheese bread
>let cook until golden brown on each side
The mayo gives it a very nice golden crust on the outside, and the butter gives it the delicious buttery flavor.
Also use decent cheese and bread like others have said.

>> No.9466977


That's a verb not a noun, kid.

>> No.9467019

>That's a melt
That's a reddit

>> No.9467032
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>> No.9467039

I don't think Ebonics counts for use in language definitions.

>> No.9467041

BTFO get rekt faglord

>> No.9467043
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>> No.9467049

Place a thin vail of mustard on the inside of one slice of bread only. (Cheese and mustard, ya'll).

Garlic powder on the buttered outside.

>> No.9467050

American + gouda + goat cheese crumbles

fite me

>> No.9467057

And there is is...

>> No.9467099

Does it say Ebonics you fucking retard? No, it doesn't. It says American. The only language that matters.

>> No.9467140
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Is this not common knowledge?

>> No.9468518

mayo instead of butter. pepperjack, sourdough.

>> No.9468628

>it took this long for someone to post it
Really faggots

>> No.9468631

>mature cheddar
A million times this. Save your immature cheddar for pizza.

>> No.9468633

Dude, you're on /ck/.

Most of the posters here don't even know how to scramble eggs.

>> No.9468682

jesus christ favreau

>> No.9468685

Softened butter mixed with some dijon mustard spread on the bread before placing on pan.

>> No.9468687

mayonnaise on the outside as your grease

a small amount of mustard in with the cheese

>> No.9468738

how about coupling the standard grill cheese sandwich with a beef patty in the sandwich. It goes by a variety of different names depending on locality. Any thoughts about this hybrid type sandwich.

>> No.9468810

It's a patty melt, not a grilled cheese.

>> No.9468817

Be drunk beforehand.

>> No.9468822

Americans getting autistic about melting shit cheese on sugar loaf bread.