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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9459441 No.9459441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you guys down there eating today? Mayonnaise and jello salad? Deep fried butter?

>> No.9459448
File: 376 KB, 1629x1654, 20170625_184300-1629x1654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some Long Johns for me

>> No.9459515


>> No.9459547
File: 62 KB, 450x450, IMG_2574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move to Vancouver to finally be a coastie
>see this downtown

>> No.9459557

Ranch flavored chewing tobacco for breakfast. Meth and instant coffee for lunch. Oxys for dinner.

>> No.9459602

>current year
We fentanyl now

>> No.9459659
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Beans on toast with rice, potatoes, and a side of plain buttered noodles.

>> No.9459690

For me it's kratom, the king of psuedo-opioids.

>> No.9459700

enjoy living with droves of chinks

>> No.9459709
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Mein neger
My life has improved drastically since taking kratom every day. More focus and productivity at work, I feel great with lots of energy and my insomnia ceased.

>> No.9459711

>thinking this is a bad thing

>> No.9459718

Watch your supply though. The withdrawal symptoms are somewhere between caffeine and alcohol. For me, coming off taking kratom every day meant spending 10 hours in bed with chills, hot flashes, shakes, and a pouding migraine. After that I was fine though. 100% worth it imo, jusr ordered some more so I can get back on the horse.

>> No.9459719

hongcouver here
It is.

>> No.9459731
File: 10 KB, 260x166, 260px-I'se_so_happy_-_postcard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried chicken and mashed potatoes with cream gravy, sweet corn, green beans blanched and stir fried in garlic infused butter and tomatoes sliced with salt and pepper all picked today from my garden and watermelon from the garden for desert. Eat your pollution filled lungs out you sadass beehive dwellers.

>> No.9459734

I've been there, I get really nauseous and irritable so it's been a ritual to take it first thing in the morning.
I've moved recently though and there is a store two blocks from me that sells it thankfully, so I've stockpiled.

>> No.9459735

do flyovers really put tarter sauce in their soda

>> No.9459741
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yeah but only if the place doesn't sell ranch soda

>> No.9459751
File: 281 KB, 331x436, >when your wife's son eats a 'go 'za unironically.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flyovers? ugh i literally can't even. literally drumpfuckistan. ugh

>> No.9459767
File: 111 KB, 500x406, 'Merica! Fuck Yeah!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mayonnaise and jello salad? Deep fried butter?

Uuuuuuhhhhh racist much?

>> No.9459770
File: 65 KB, 720x960, bbq chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

southern home cooking checking in

>> No.9459777


That looks like a sad, lonely white boy's meal.

>> No.9459783
File: 92 KB, 960x720, Greenbeans ,fried tators , Greens ,Mac&Cheese,Ranch Pork chops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad? no
lonely? no
white? yes

>> No.9459808
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I have arrived in your capital

Where do I rent a motorized wheelchair?

>> No.9459823

those are some peppery taters

>> No.9459828

A sad lonely black boy's meal is prison food?

>> No.9459829
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it might be cheaper to get someone to rickshaw you around.

>> No.9459835



Try not to get shot OP.

t. NYfag.

>> No.9459837

Welcome. Take my advice and if you have an accent betraying coastal living or god forbid a "furriner," hide it as best you can to avoid becoming another murder statistic of the alt-right.

>renting shopping scooters

Good news for you, all shopping areas offer them free of charge with huge availability! Try not to go during peak hours, though, as there won't be any available. Enjoy your introduction to every food being made with HFCS! Good luck, and remember body armor can be purchased at most stores.

>> No.9459995

Have you had a prior opiate dependency?

>> No.9460017

there is no flightpath that travels over scandinavia

>> No.9460156

Is it socially acceptable to interact with strangers without being heavily armed? I don't want to offend the locals.

>> No.9460234

Don't interact at all
No possible way it could end well
I grew up in KS, trust me, it's shit

>> No.9460256

>dry chicken breasts with Frank's
>canned peas
>grey potatoes
You're doing a disservice to real southern food.

>> No.9460271


>> No.9460286
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A nice bottle of chewing tobacco spit (not my spit) served chilled with a side of cut up hot dogs and off brand ketchup

>> No.9460304
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It's permissable but anything you say will be disregarded as coming fom a liberal, leftist, BLM and Obama/Shillary supporting, numale, jewish cuck who will be suspected of "gasp" being against rightwing corporate fascism.

>> No.9461188

didn't they ban that stuff?

>> No.9461492

It's canned peas, premade mashed potatoes and something awful. It's definitely sad.

>> No.9461502

Remember to clap and tip everyone you interact with

>> No.9461513

Wait, you were actually going TO a flyover state, not just flying over? Why?

>> No.9461521

Pretty dishonest not mentioning you were flying over illinois, even neighboring states notice how jarringly flat and boring it is.

>> No.9461529

Lol, this is what liberals actually believe.

>> No.9462044

That was Michigan, I think

>> No.9462069


The only reason the Toupee Clown isn't a fascist is because our nation is barely old enough to have anything but /pol/-tier nationalism. Fascism relies on a formerly imperial history.

Otherwise, what policy initiatives he actually remembers to support are fairly in line with the right-leaning fascism of the late 1940's.

>> No.9462080

I know right? Who actually believes in borders anymore? It's like people don't remember that respect for national borders was the central pillar of Nazi ideology.

>> No.9462123


Hitler isn't a good example, anon. You would have been better off sarcastically including Mussolini.

Try harder.

>> No.9462129

Mussolini? Never heard of him. But I just can't believe that 21st century America literally elected a fascist dictator. Some of his policies are actually to the right of presidents from the 80s, it's unimaginable!

>> No.9462153

what's it like living among nonwhites who hate you coastal cucks?

although i guess most of you here are self-hating whites anyway

>> No.9462158

Not self-hating enough to refrain from gentrifying the fuck out of wherever they go.

>> No.9462214

Uh, as much as I love hating on the mongoloid Orange, you can't really call him fascist while never having heard of Mussolini.

>> No.9462229

There is literally nothing wrong with fascism.

>> No.9462253
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Traditional breakfast of HFCS and a pitcher of HFCS on the side

>> No.9462285

What's it like being such a failure that you think "self hating whites" are why you lost your job to a short brown man with an actual work ethic?

>> No.9462299

You lefties were somewhat tolerable when you still pretended to care about labor. How is being a useful idiot for the Chamber of Commerce going?

>> No.9462327

But I still care about labor. I also care about the country as a whole, and entitled poor whites are dragging us all down. The handouts need to stop. You're not entitled to a guaranteed cushy job for life just because your skin color happens to resemble that of the first wave of economic migrants. You're expected to educate yourself and work hard.

t. ethnic Asian coastie who pays for your welfare checks

>> No.9462335
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>for thee but not for me