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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 710x710, zojirushi-rice-cooker-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9455569 No.9455569 [Reply] [Original]

How much for a decent rice cooker?

>> No.9455575

>tasteless carb mush
no rice cooker for me.

>> No.9455584

Get a better palette you manchild

>> No.9455604

A good way of remembering how to spell this is a simple rhyme such as "my pal ate food that pleased his palate".
Learning rhymes is fun and educational!

>> No.9455608


>> No.9455720


>> No.9455734

I bought a pallet full of palettes at the art supply store. I have a problem spilling paint.

>> No.9455740

Under $30
Don't bother with one that has a fancy ass interface

>> No.9455748

20 bucks. No need to spend a ridiculous amount if you just want to cook rice.

>> No.9455750

Buy a pot

>> No.9455751
File: 25 KB, 600x600, RiceCooker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10-$15 should be enough for a fully functional rice cooker.

>> No.9455754

mine, that I use multiple times a week for both cooking rice and steaming veggies, was $20 down from $30 on sale. It makes perfect rice every time and I can't imagine getting more utility out of one multiple times more expensive

>> No.9455763

That brand is good, anyway that rice cooker is multi purpose rise cooker. you can make congee, sushi rice, gluttony rice, normal rice, soup. You can also buy from the same brand a simple 1 button rice cooker. Which is ok pricewise.

>> No.9455771

I had one of the black and decker ones (http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/black-decker-non-stick-rice-cooker-6-cup-0431372p.html#srp)) but it wasn't great, and broke after like ~9 months. Bought this tiger brand one (http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/tiger-electric-rice-cooker-5-5-cup-0432657p.html#srp)) and it's lasted me 3 years and I love it.

You can probably get a solid one for cheaper than $99 but all I can tell you about is my experience. Also before you buy anything I'd really think about how much rice you want to make at one time (remember that you don't need to make a bunch at once since it's now so easy!). My friend bought a 12 cup one, and it takes up a bunch of space in his cupboard while he only ever makes 3 or 4 cups of rice max.

>> No.9455786

$150-200 at least.

>> No.9455793
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>Get a better palette you manchild
no, you

>> No.9455834

i'm using mine almost daily for 6 years and is still godlike
Its just a fucking pot and a cover in a electrical heater you don't need to buy a time machine

>> No.9455865

$20-30 for an Aroma multi-function unit. I bought mine at costco for $25. Works great desu.

>> No.9456120

Don't trust random white bachelors to tell you what good rice is. They can't tell the difference. If that's you, then I guess it doesn't really matter.

>> No.9456343

A fucking pot, why do you need something fancy to cook rice?

>> No.9456368

laugh at this guy

>> No.9456384

>being this salty...

>> No.9456385

I have a Zojirushi and it kicks ass. I had a ton of friends commit suicide out of jealousy because they were too poor to afford one even though my rice was better than their pan rice. I laughed at every single one of their funerals.

>> No.9457072

That doesn't rhyme but it still helped so thanks

>> No.9457080

Is this a meme?

>> No.9457090

Thats not fully functional
You need to buy a stove or chocolate for it to work.

>> No.9457148

so this is the power of /ck/

>> No.9457287

Just buy a Tiger

>> No.9457290


>> No.9457298

My parents have had one for 25 years. I just bought one last year and the technology hasn't changed one bit. Who knows how long they last before breaking down.

>> No.9457302

$1500 if you want to cook really good rice.

>> No.9457304


t. typical empty carb eating retard

>> No.9457310

honestly price doesn't matter that much (but get a japanese/korean brand)

>> No.9457317
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>>9457310 is right.

>> No.9457330

>muh carbs

fat earther ketonigger detected

>> No.9457338

Use a pot.

>> No.9457351

>he doesn't have a chocolate or a stove

lets all point and laugh

>> No.9457355

why would you even buy one? it's super easy to cook rice in any sort of saucepan.
if you are set on throwing money away, you could just donate it to some worthy cause

>> No.9457811

This, a lower-end Zojirushi or korean brand will do a better job than basically any european or american model.

To save time, you can set a ricecooker to be done cooking at 6pm, so it is ready and waiting when you get home from work

>> No.9458080

as opposed to doing to rice while you're doing other things for your dinner and saving the same time anyways?

>inb4 some fag saying he only eats rice
>inb4 something equally retarded

>> No.9458106

Rice aren't just carbs, and even then, most working healthy people should eat carbs. Rice is very nutritious, even if it can't stand on its own.
Bonus: it's an amazing buffer that goes with almost everything and immensely cuts cost.

>> No.9458111

Get one with two pouring spouts on either side. Can make pasta without needing a strainer?

>> No.9458254

I dislike rice, but love rice noodles

>> No.9458264

You can get a Zojirushi "used" on Amazon for like $70. That's how I got mine. It's fulfilled by Amazon Warehouse and comes shrink wrapped and everything. The next best brand would be to get a Tiger.

>> No.9458269

Or maybe adding something else you already cooked.

>> No.9458275

Can make sentence without needing a subject?

>> No.9458305

what is the appeal of rice cookers
I make rice once a week while my steak is resting/spuds are frying in under 15 minutes, which is still faster than any rice cooker I've seen or used. Are people really so stupid they don't know how to cook one of the most basic foods humanity has consumed for nearly all time?

>> No.9458311
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>I ruin rice once a week
>why do people need these devices?
tee hee XD

>> No.9458320

>I make rice once a week
I make rice everyday for my kids, my parents, and myself.
Maybe you will learn about what it's like to have a loving family some time before you die

>> No.9458321

convenience? you don't have to pay attention and you don't have to make extensive calculations for a pot if your typical rice pot isn't clean or occupied. It really isn't worth if you don't eat a lot of rice though.

>> No.9458338
File: 443 KB, 960x948, 1482870347287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy a short and miserable life, you obese carb munching cuckold.

>> No.9458341

>what is the appeal of rice cookers
For me:
1) It frees up a burner on the range. I often run out of burners, but I have a fuckload of counter space.
2) It lets you cook the rice without having to worry about adjusting or turning off the heat. You can concentrate on other parts of your meal.
3) The rice cookers with a hinged locking lid and a sealing gasket inside do an objectively better job of cooking rice compared to a normal pot with a lift-off lid.

>> No.9458349

Japanese people live the longest
Japanese people eat the most rice
Makes you think.

>> No.9458359

>tiny, insignifcant, mass produced rice munching gooks live long, boring and meaningless lives because of "M-MUH RICE"
>makes you think

>> No.9458371

so not only did I disprove a correlation between rice and shortlivedness, you went out of your way to disprove the part about obesity yourself. good job

>> No.9458382

found the autistic /fit/izen
don't you have a chicken breast to grill?

>> No.9458394
File: 460 KB, 736x1233, 87c37b606a89eeb4ae8f144cbff969e9--china-times-authentic-chinese-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a greencard.

>> No.9458403
File: 231 KB, 1058x716, Screen Shot 2013-10-25 at 13.04.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao le roastey belong in kitchen DAE?

>> No.9458407

wtf is this? :-DD

>> No.9458416

>this mad that someone wants a ricecooker
Kek how sad

>> No.9458465

1) I don't have much counter space plus
2) One of my burners is specifically for simmering, meaning my rice goes there and stays there while I fuck off
3) Objectively how? That just sounds like someone's pot has a shitty lid that doesn't fit properly in the first place.

>> No.9458474


Describes perfectly those who eat white rice frequently

>> No.9458477

>Objectively how?
Raising the pressure the rice is cooked at creates chemical changes inside the rice which contribute both flavor and texture.

>>That just sounds like someone's pot has a shitty lid that doesn't fit properly in the first place.
A properly fitting lid doesn't help. The device needs to seal and lock in order to build pressure. This can be done with most good brands of rice cooker, or a full-on pressure cooker.

Here's some info:

There are several additional papers linked off of Zojirushi's website but you'd have to be able to read Japanese.

>> No.9458516

you know that the cuckoo got related to cuckholding because of its practice of replacing other birds eggs with his in order to have some other chum raise his offspring for free?
cuckoos are actually the active alpha on that practice, you ignorant whiny retard

>> No.9459181

he's not /fit/ he's just a keto shill