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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 1020x765, Garlic2-1020x765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9445863 No.9445863 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the greatest ingredient of all time?

>> No.9445865
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>> No.9445876
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>> No.9445880

>Fatty rolls in

What's it like having heart disease ?

>> No.9445882

No. It's in the top-5 flavor enhancers, behind salt and pepper. Ingredient in general? Not by a long shot, not when you have eggs, chicken, flour, butter, cream, etc etc etc.

>> No.9445887

>garlic behind pepper
Opinion composted

>> No.9445898

>greatest ingredient of all time


>> No.9445940
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What's it like ignoring the culinary traditions of every major civilization throughout history?

I will, however, admit that eggs are also a very strong contender

>> No.9445968
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>not using pepper in nearly every dish you use salt in, which is all of them
Opinion disavowed like Ethan Hunt.

>> No.9445975


>> No.9446009

Garlic is a good addition. However it's not simply overused. Not in the sense that we should never use it but how many restaurants or people fuck up a dish by adding TOO MUCH garlic, not even properly chopped, cooked or whatever. Countless. Too many dishes now taste like garlic infused in oil.
Yes it adds taste, but too many people are not able to find something other than garlic to make something tasty, so they just add a shitton of garlic so everything "magically" tastes different from its original main ingredient. Idiots.

>> No.9446040
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These things are like the chameleons of food.

>> No.9446046
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Nigga are you even trying? What are you going to do with a whole head of garlic; scare the vampires away?
>goes with anything: sweets, meats, breads, fruits, sauces, dairy, tea, ANYTHING
>calorie dense, but also flavor pack so can be used modestly just fine
>beautiful color
>a healthly hive makes more than enough
>enzymes used by bees to make honey have strange and amazing health benifits
>before raw sugar was commonplace, people would squabble and even war over honey

I'd say garlic due to it's overpowering nature is a good number 4, after ginger and humble but pleasant fresh vanilla bean. Maybe.

>> No.9446096


>> No.9446106

t b h I use garlic in 95% of my dishes, no homo

>> No.9446110

good goy

>> No.9446118

What can I make that uses a lot of garlic? My mom just bought like 5 pounds of it I have no idea why.

>> No.9446129

Just fry in olive oil and garnish all your dishes with it. Or drench french baguettes in it. Garlic doesn't really go bad quickly tho so I wouldn't worry too much

>> No.9446136

I wouldn't say so. Maybe second. Onion is obviously the most versatile and important ingredient. Garlic is up there though

>> No.9446150

Big,if true

>> No.9446152

i only have a problem with too much garlic when its garlic powder or salt. a cook is just fucking up if he used real garlic and somehow made it unappetizing as a result.

>> No.9446243

I've literally never experienced this in a restaurant. Maybe it's an American thing, I've also never used garlic powder and you guys seem to like it.

>> No.9446265

Does anyone else hate cutting garlic? I love it as an ingredient and use it in vast majority of my cooking, but that stupid sticky juice which gets on your fingers when you cut it pisses me off a lot more than, for example, crying when cutting an onion. Also they can be a bitch to peel, even crushed, when older.

>> No.9446266

I eat outside almost every lunch and it's really getting annoying. Also I live in Europe.

>> No.9446272


they found out that honey is unhealthy as fuck, just saying.

>> No.9446313

I fucking love it honestly, I love that my fingers smell like garlic after that
Nothing better than making salsa and your fingers smelling like lime and garlic after you are done

>> No.9446352

I don't like people like you

>> No.9446397

>that stupid sticky juice which gets on your fingers when you cut it pisses me off
I fucking love chopping garlic.
Oil that mf. cut it roughly, wipe the blade, add a bit of olive or whatever oil you use in the dish anyway (rapeseed is pretty much blank to taste) and chop it finely. the oil helps to chop garlic into the tiniest pieces that literally (and I mean literally) melt into the dish.
also, if you don't like the smell on your fingers afterwards, rub them all over your stainless steel sink (assuming its clean), stainless steel removes garlic smell. or buy one of those 30bucks SS "soap" bars
pickle some. garlic naan, garlic bread, curries/chilies, pasta sauces, pesto, or this:
cut up a fuckton of garlic and add it to a cup of oil. add a fuckton of chopped parsley (and coriander if you like it). add chilies, make it hot.
now, bake some eggplant, tomatoes, mushrooms and bell peppers (just cut them into bite sized chunks and bake them on medium heat till they start to get mushy)
add the hot veggies to the garlic oil, salt that mf (takes a lot of salt, veggies eat it up), black pepper to taste, fill it in jars and let it cool down. eggplant's soft, so careful not to mush it too much, you want it in pieces, not ragu.
let it sit in the fridge overnight, enjoy on bread for breakfast or as a side to a nice steak&potatoes

>> No.9446407

Sounds like the problem is garlic powder, that shit is fucking strong. You had to use tons of fresh garlic to overpower a dish.

>> No.9446463

>recipe says add one garlic clove
>add four
>tastes fucking amazing

>> No.9446491
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Go tell that to all of Asia.

>> No.9446494

i cook with disposable gloves because of this and onion smell

>> No.9446495
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>> No.9446501

I don't care anymore what they find out about food. There's always something. Everything is dangerous, yet people live so damn long these days that the surplus of elderly are becoming too much of a burden.

>> No.9446504

Garlic fingers my my GF wet. Get you a traditional italian gf

>> No.9446505

I'd say either eggs or tomatoes
Eggs are crazy versatile. Omelettes, scrambled, meringue and even hollandaise. They're important in baking and are used for burgers. Tomatoes are just great, don't need to say any more.

>> No.9446628

>tfw you cry like a bitch while cutting onions
They really do sting the eyes, huh?

At least they work well with most dishes.

>> No.9446647

Have never once cried whilst chopping an onion.

>> No.9446648

you export them? I prefer mine russian, not oily

>> No.9446658

A helpful tip for you. Control your breathing and take as shallow of breath as possible while cutting onions as the tears are mostly brought on through the sinuses.

>> No.9446663

>TOO MUCH garlic
Never experienced this in a restaurant. Ever.

You just have the palate of a small child.

>> No.9446675

>i cook with disposable gloves because [i'm a giant faggot.]

>> No.9446700

I have kinda tried this before and it did work fairly well.
Might keep doing it if that's the case.

>> No.9446764
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t. suit

>> No.9447042
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>Asians are known for having small penises and being small and low test
Whoa thanks for proving his point,

>> No.9447050

How's that his point? I don't speak /pol/ can you explain?

>> No.9447074
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Studies show estrogen activators or some shit in soy cucks men therefore all soy is bad and part of Jewish agenda. There is some merit to it.

>> No.9447091

Onion powder
Garlic powder

>> No.9447099

Then why don't asian women have huge tits

>> No.9447254

Beer contains estrogen too. I'd love to see /pol/ mentally twist themselves into a knot explaining how that is also somehow a jewish plot to make men more effeminate than them.

>> No.9447307

I eat garlic raw.

>> No.9447337

Salt is only bad for you IF you have a heart disease.

For us healthy anons, it just causes us to drink more water and pee more.

>> No.9447469

>samurai were the greatest warriors of their time and ate buttloads of soy products and vegetables
>even china wouldn't fuck with them
>in the vietnam war the vietcong would go miles out of their way an face a battalion of pussified americans instead of a company of koreans
>koreans ate buttloads of soy

Get fucked /pol/ fag and learn some history instead of being a cuckboi.

>> No.9447492

Yes...yes it is, and I put it in everything I eat.
Wife left me years ago though...

>> No.9447510

Do you also think garlic is stinky and pinch your nose whenever you're near it?

>> No.9447710

Then go to /pol/ and read all about it lmao.

>> No.9447721


>> No.9447754

water is the best ingredient. try cooking without water

>> No.9447817


I fucking hate garlic so fucking much. When I was 10 years old my mother remarried. My step dad was a cruel and torturous fuck who tormented me on a daily basis when my mom wasn't around. When I told my mum that he was physically (only when my mom was away so she wouldn't notice) and psychologically tormenting me, she refused to believe me because he was always such a sweet guy to her and made her think that I was just mad at him because she left my real dad. Fast forward 28 fucking years later I am a 38 year old overweight, nervous wreck. I work at Subway as a sandwich artist and on the shifts that I am the only person working, I do unspeakable disgusting things to the roasted garlic bread as retribution for my unhappy adolescence.

>> No.9447826

To an extent.

>> No.9447832


sorry anon. I am curious though...please be honest. How much do you weigh? Have you tried therapy?

>> No.9447837

I just have a small portable fan i used when cutting onions. blows the onion fumes away.

>> No.9447839


I am 5'7 and 302lbs. I'll be honest when I hit the 180ish mark I began to get depressed about my weight and tried to get it back down to 140lbs. But because of my family and girlfriend (who cheated on me with a guy named Chad ironically) I just fucking gave up and basically embraced being a fatty. I gain about 5 or 6lbs a month I'd say. The fatter I get the more I embrace it but the more I secretly hate myself and become angrier at my mom and step dad.

>> No.9447841



I don't see the link between fucking with people's garlic bread and having a shitty step father you fucking weirdo.

>> No.9447844

what does that have to do with garlic?

>> No.9447845

If true just kill yourself you fat piece of shit. If you won't do that, stop fucking with the bread.

>> No.9447854


Back when I was a kid, garlic was one of the things my stepdad loved the most. When my mom was away he would often cook for me and he would put garlic in everything imaginable that he cooked for me, partially because he liked it himself but partly because he knew how much I hated it. He would often cut up like 3 or 4 cloves and wouldn't let me leave the table unless I ate it. A few times when I would get into verbal fights with him as punishment he would beat me, but also give me my favorite dessert (rocky road ice cream) with garlic on top. So yeah fuck garlic and all people who like it.

>> No.9447858




>> No.9447861

His favorite ingredient is salt

>> No.9447889


No and no. Fuck off.

>> No.9447913
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>> No.9447960

And they're all under 5'8", have tiny dicks, can't grow facial hair, and live in subservient, ant-colony societies.

The fuck is your point?

>> No.9448162


You landed some (You)'s though....

>> No.9448164


>> No.9450104
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>> No.9450305

Do they change color depending on what mood they're in?

>> No.9450322

The pussified americans were poorly trained 20 year olds. The koreans were not.

>> No.9450326


>> No.9450328

They also were also known to not take prisoners and we're talking about Viet Cong, NVA took everyone on.

>> No.9450597

That's funny as fuck, Anon
There is something about the mental image of Rocky Road topped with garlic and being force fed to a child that just gives me a giggle

>> No.9450620

I made some kind of honey garlic sauce last night that came out pretty well. I just put it on baked chicken but I imagine it'd be pretty versatile.

Equal parts soy sauce and honey
Garlic to taste - used four big cloves in like 1/2 cup of sauce
Optional sriracha

>> No.9450742

I always use Onion with Garlic.

>> No.9451644

>The pussified americans [had a media, government, and population that actually cared about following the rules of war and not torturing the shit out of the slopes. The koreans did not.]