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9442310 No.9442310 [Reply] [Original]

Sup co/ck/s? Post your favorite fall cocktail recipes or ideas here.

>> No.9442641

Horse's Neck.
The perfect fall beverage, as well as a great daytime-sipper.

>> No.9442683

hot cider + butterscotch schnapps

>> No.9442684

diet coke
malibu dark rum

>> No.9442706

>fall cocktail
only cocktail i really life are rusty nails. i usually cant order them. i was only able to find a rooftop bar in japan that served them.

>> No.9442712

Damn, there's just too many to mention. I literally have a list of cocktails I need to try making. There's 16 on that list right now, and that's only the recipes I have most of the ingredients for.
There's a lot of scotch cocktails I have yet to try, mainly because I have trouble deciding what price range is appropriate, and many call for a peaty Islay as a top float. The Penicillin comes to mind. Recently got into Tiki cocktails as I finally got a nice dark rum, in fact I think I'll go make a Mai Tai right now (second attempt, added to much Orgeat last time).
Getting ice is a pain, because I live in student housing where I share a fridge with four other people, so making clear ice is out of the question, and I can't get any less than two kilos of ice at the supermarket, so that's kind of dickish too.
Finally, where do you people source your glassware?I ended up checking the thrift stores periodically for 2-3 non-printed, simple glasses. Finally found some coupes last week.

>> No.9442719
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>> No.9442817

My idea
>The basic Irish bitch
>High ball glass filled with ice
> One shot of Irish whiskey
>One shot of fireball
>One dollop of pumpkin spice whipped cream
>Fill with coffee
>Garnish with another dollop of spiced whip cream sprinkle with raw sugar.

>> No.9442822

It's just whiskey and drambuie, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.9442824

Post recipe pls, curious

>> No.9442850

have you tried a godfather? I prefer rusty nails, but Drambuie isn't nearly as ubiquitous as disaronno

>> No.9442881

pure grapefruit juice, lime wedge, gin, ice, water is my favorite.
mostly i drink rum and coke though. lots of ice and a little water on top. i do mostly equal part rum and coke. Can't stand spiced rums or white rum though, lucky i live in a rum heavy area and can get black colored rum that doesn't taste like artificial vanilla extract the way sailor jerry and kraken does

>> No.9442912

Hot apple cider (preferably unpasteurized) with aniseed flavoured liquor.

>> No.9442924

Fernet and cocaine

>> No.9442925

Wisconsin old fashioned

>> No.9442933

White Russians
Whiskey-sprite with a splash of orange juice

>> No.9442959


>> No.9442984

Bull shot

>fill glass with ice
>top up with canned consomme
>add worcestershire, hot sauce, and bitters to taste

>> No.9443078

There's two versions of it:
>old school version : brandy, ginger beer, and lime. This is perfect as a morning cocktail or hangover remedy.
>modern version: whiskey, ginger syrup, seltzer, and lime. If you want something a little stronger than brandy.

I like both. Depends on what ingredients i have around. Should be served in a highball glass, on the rocks, of course.

>> No.9443092
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rum manhattan with picrel and dolin rouge and plenty of angostura bitters

>> No.9443102

I'm submitting this cocktail recipe for 'Hangman's Blood' from Anthony Burgess.

>Into a pint glass [568 mL], doubles [i.e., 50 mL measures] of the following are poured: gin, whisky, rum, port and brandy. A small bottle of stout is added and the whole topped up with champagne... It tastes very smooth, induces a somewhat metaphysical elation, and rarely leaves a hangover.

>> No.9443108

Sazeracs are god-tier.

>> No.9443224

Made myself a little cocktail tonight.
Dash of bitters
Tiny bit of lemon peel
Stirred with ice and strained.
Pretty good.

>> No.9443230

white russian, every season

>> No.9443251

Call it a "Gold Fashioned" for the colour of the honey

>> No.9443310

I've got a cocktail I've been working on, more of a summer drink though.
4 parts bourbon
2 parts peach schnapps
1 part white vermouth
bitters of your preferred brand/flavor(I've been using fee brothers black walnut)

Don't really have a name for it, but it's reminiscent of a Manhattan so I was thinking of doing a play on that.

>> No.9443384


>> No.9443386

How about 'James' Giant Peach'? The recipe reminds me of that novel by Roald Dahl, which ends in Manhattan.

>> No.9443441
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Marcia's Lament
1/2 Oz Maraschino Liqueur
1/2 Oz Creme De Violette
1/2 Oz Lemon Juice
1/2 Oz Blood Orange Juice
1 Oz Mezcal
1 Oz Gran Marnier
1 Oz Campari
1 Oz Sweet Vermouth
Garnish with Rosemary

objectively the comfiest fall drink

>> No.9443463

It was my first purchased cocktail

>> No.9443476

Good choice, anon.

>> No.9443495

Don't know what to call this one:
Absinthe rinse
1 1/2 oz reposado tequila
3/4 oz tamarind syrup
1/2 oz Frangelico (scant)
Barspoon Ancho Reyes

>> No.9443504

El Chapo

>> No.9443521

Moscow(or Harvest) Mule
>2 Parts (American, organic if you're tryhard) Vodka
>1/2 Part Lime juice
>4-6 parts Ginger Beer/Ale
>Serve with ice and garnish with a roasted slice of lime right on top of the ice
best drink I ever had and I discovered it by watching it be made

>> No.9443527

Not original enough. I'm pretty sure every bartender and their dog has named a tequila cocktail after a drug lord

>> No.9443587

>Tiki cocktails
This faggot knows what's up. Blue Hawaii is my favorite tiki drink

>> No.9443607

Cold weather is perfect Tiki time. I'm partial to a good Test Pilot or Scorpion Bowl myself

>> No.9443611

Have you guys tried Lucky Falernum yet? I'm loving it on ice with a squeeze of lime.

>> No.9443620

There's no falernum available near me except Velvet, so I normally make my own. It's fun to experiment with, make it with different kinds of rum or different amounts of spices

>> No.9443627

>diet coke
No. If you must use diet, use coke zero.

>> No.9443689

This sounds pretty good actually.

>> No.9443720

Sazerac, Old Fashioned, or Rob Roy

>> No.9443731

White Russian, Manhattan, Negroni, Boulvardier
I like campari

>> No.9443734

rum punch or sherry cobbler. cocktails are nasty.

>> No.9443755
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>tfw diabetic so can't ever enjoy the good cocktails and am stuck with shit like gin & soda or boring mix drinks with diet pop


>> No.9443758

>he's an insulinlet

>> No.9443762


>> No.9443769

>he still doesn't know how to adjust his insulin dose

>> No.9443780

Trust me anon I know how, but it's way too much work to constantly be adjusting when drinking, plus it barely works if I want the sugary shit like the fun fruity drinks or cocktails with simply syrup in them. Also there's a really high chance of me fucking up & killing myself if I were to constantly be taking insulin while wasted tbhwyf

>> No.9443786

honestly? gin and tonic. it's not a fall drink i guess, but i love them.

>> No.9443869

>Juice of a half lime or lemon
>1-3 tsp of brown sugar
>however much rum and water you want (I usually do it 1:3 or 1:2, rum:water)
>seltzer instead of just water is somtimes used

I like it because I don't want to spend too much money on bitters or other ingredients that a lot of other cocktails need.

>> No.9443927

Grog had no sugar in it. That's punch.

>> No.9444309

Bernie Sanders' Fifth House
>Candied orange wheel
>Vermont dark maple syrup
>Angostura bitters

Stirred, with no refunds.

>> No.9444332

Hurricane Harvey
>Tito's vodka
>Dark rum
>Prickly pear syrup
>Orange juice
>Lime juice

Shake, then pour into a glass until it overflows.

>> No.9444351

Gentrification Libation
>cold brew coffee w/chicory root
>pumpkin spice syrup
>Bailey's cream
>pecan bitters

Stirred, then sold at a 300% markup.

>> No.9444588

if your cocktail has more than two ingredients, ur probably gay

>> No.9444597

I've been drinking a lot of sours recently. It's a lot like just lemonade which is great because it's still pretty warm out.

Whiskey, vodka, amaretto if I'm into something sweet.

Some people like adding the egg whites into it. Not crazy about it but that's just me.

>> No.9444628

I love them too. I prefer it with lime, but lemon is so much cheaper.

Been trying gin rickeys lately instead. I figure it's worth it to cut out the sugar in the tonic water (I'm not in the US, so no HFCS at least).

>> No.9445906

Cocktails are for poofs

>> No.9445924

1 part vodka, 1 part amaretto over crushed ice. Add a cherry.

>> No.9445996

Remy Martin Mint Julep.

>> No.9446052

so a maple old fashioned basically? I could get behind this

>> No.9446069


>> No.9446202

Call me a faggot but I've been digging whiskey sours lately
>2 parts whiskey
>2 parts lemon juice
>1 part simple syrup
>slice of lemon if you really wanna gay it up

>> No.9446220

Why would anyone call you a faggot?
Oh there we go that's a good reason.

>> No.9446239

That's fair

>> No.9446283
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How do you guys drink Campari?

>> No.9446291

With gin and cocaine

>> No.9446293

Negroni / Boulevardier.

Campari soda is good. I like Campari with San Pellegrino blood orange sparkling water and some lime.

>> No.9446302

Only the pumpkin spice desu

>> No.9446305

I'm doing Campari soda 60 ml Campari 60 ml soda. But i think it's too bitter.

>> No.9446356

I'd go 1:2 or even 1:3 on the campari to soda ratio. Campari has a very concentrated flavor.

>> No.9446361

And coffee and basic drink theory overall

>> No.9446580
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Thank you mate.

>> No.9446713
File: 115 KB, 800x1000, Mellow-Corn-100-Proof-Corn-Whiskey.jpg?fit=800%2C1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good cocktail to make using corn whiskey?

>> No.9446790

I like to make a Brooklyn when using corn whiskey.
>2 oz corn whiskey.
>1 oz dry vermouth
>1/2 oz Ramazotti amaro (or Amer Picon if you can find it)
>1/2 oz maraschino liqueur
>3 dashes orange bitters

Stir with ice and pour into a chilled glass.

>> No.9446804

If it's really gross and low quality, you can soak a cup of candied ginger with the bottle of corn whiskey, strain in 2 weeks, and then make a Kentucky mule with your now ginger infued whiskey, ginger beer (or ginger ale if the whiskey becomes spicy enough), and lime juice. Shake with ice, pour into glass with ice.

>> No.9447062

Mellow Corn is delicious on the rocks or with soda.

>> No.9447635

What can I use a bottle of vodka for. Not really much of vodka fan but I have a bottle I need to get through.

>> No.9447919

get you some kahlua and half and half, make white russians. or cranvodkas. vodka versatile as fuck so dont be afraid to just try shit

>> No.9448001

100 gram shots like mother russia intended

>> No.9448367

I like simple drinks. A Hot Toddy is my favorite for fall/winter.

Cup of black tea
Shot of whiskey
Squeeze of lemon
Honey to taste

>> No.9448517

What that anon said
>rocks glass
>half lime quartered
>2-3 sugar cubes (demerara)
>fill glass with crushed ice
>top with campari

>> No.9448586

Fall is hot toddy season. Bourbon, lemon juice, hot water, honey, then more bourbon because you made it too weak, you idiot.

>> No.9449567
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Will try it thank you :)

>> No.9450274

Tried this with Brandy today.

>> No.9450304

2 oz Homemade "Pumpkin spice" rye whiskey,
1 barspoon of dark maple syrup,
Dash of orange bitters

Old Fallshioned

>> No.9450345

Amaretto Sour
>lemon juice
>sugar sirup
pour that on some ice and it is perfect.
>ginger beer
>some lemon juice (not too much)

Love that shit.

>> No.9450369

What's the ideal cocktail to tell people around me that I have a feminine penis?

>> No.9450722


>> No.9450733

Isn't the modern version just a modified kentucky mule?

>> No.9450786

I thought grog was rum mixed with beer and lime to extend the life of the beer

>> No.9450803

Welcome to the gentleman's club, anon, you have good taste.

>> No.9450896

It could be, in America.

My grandparents were British who spent my dad's childhood floating around the British colonies in the Caribbean. Even up until they died, they always served Horse's Necks off a cocktail tray on their veranda, starting at 10:00 in the morning, and continuing through to the "evening cocktail hour", where they'd offer harder stuff. I'm not saying they drank them all day, but they were always there if someone wanted one. Apparently in the mid 20th century it was a whole thing, and a tradition they kept their whole lives, along with "pink gins". My dad introduced me to them, and now I carry on the tradition (although I'm pretty sure I drink a lot more than they did, unfortunately). I always have Horse's Necks at the ready on my bar.

>> No.9450939

bourbon mule. like a moscow mule but full of bourbon instead vodka
like >>9442641 except with lime instead of lemon

>a nice dark rum
what is it?

>> No.9450955
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I'm quite partial to a French Martini

>Pineapple juice

There used to be a cocktail that I loved years ( we're talking 15+ years) ago that they used to serve in TGI Fridays here in Bongland. It was called a Comfort-a-bull. Never managed to track down the recipe. Southern Comfort and Red Bull are obvious but then I'm stuck.

>> No.9450963

>what is it?

>> No.9450971

have seen it but never tried it, guess I'll pick some up next restock

>> No.9450973

I prefer meyers

>> No.9450981

I'm a Malibu man myself

>> No.9450987

Captain Morgan is best

>> No.9451015

any yea or nay on gosling's black?

>> No.9451070

Kraken's all the way.

>> No.9451126

Anything. No really, vodka can work with anything because it's almost tasteless, so it blends invisibly into the background while raising the alcohol content of your drink. You can even infuse it with different fruits or spices to turn it into a liqueur.

>> No.9451140


Sure thing buddy. Post boi pucci now.

>> No.9451208

Simple as fuck;
>1 part Kraken rum
>1 part local cider

Like Autumn in a fucking glass, lads...

>> No.9451650

Vodka, ice and grapefruit juice and a little splash of lemon juice

The bitterness of the grapefruit goes great with alcohol